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Progress on the evolutionary origin and diversification of feathers has been hampered by conceptual problems and by the lack of plesiomorphic feather fossils. Recently, both of these limitations have been overcome by the proposal of the developmental theory of the origin of feathers, and the discovery of primitive feather fossils on nonavian theropod dinosaurs. The conceptual problems of previous theories of the origin of feathers are reviewed, and the alternative developmental theory is presented and discussed. The developmental theory proposes that feathers evolved through a series of evolutionary novelties in developmental mechanisms of the follicle and feather germ. The discovery of primitive and derived fossil feathers on a diversity of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaurs documents that feathers evolved and diversified in nonavian theropods before the origin of birds and before the origin of flight. The morphologies of these primitive feathers are congruent with the predictions of the developmental theory. Alternatives to the theropod origin of feathers are critique and rejected. Hypotheses for the initial function of feathers are reviewed. The aerodynamic theory of feather origins is falsified, but many other functions remain developmentally and phylogenetically plausible. Whatever their function, feathers evolved by selection for a follicle that would grow an emergent tubular appendage. Feathers are inherently tubular structures. The homology of feathers and scales is weakly supported. Feathers are composed of a suite of evolutionary novelties that evolved by the duplication, hierarchical organization, interaction, dissociation, and differentiation of morphological modules. The unique capacity for modular subdivision of the tubular feather follicle and germ has fostered the evolution of numerous innovations that characterize feathers. The evolution of feather keratin and the molecular basis of feather development are also discussed.  相似文献   

Avian feathers are a complex evolutionary novelty characterized by structural diversity and hierarchical development. Here, I propose a functionally neutral model of the origin and evolutionary diversification of bird feathers based on the hierarchical details of feather development. I propose that feathers originated with the evolution of the first feather follicle-a cylindrical epidermal invagination around the base of a dermal papilla. A transition series of follicle and feather morphologies is hypothesized to have evolved through a series of stages of increasing complexity in follicle structure and follicular developmental mechanisms. Follicular evolution proceeded with the origin of the undifferentiated collar (stage I), barb ridges (stage II), helical displacement of barb ridges, barbule plates, and the new barb locus (stage III), differentiation of pennulae of distal and proximal barbules (stage IV), and diversification of barbule structure and the new barb locus position (stage V). The model predicts that the first feather was an undifferentiated cylinder (stage I), which was followed by a tuft of unbranched barbs (stage II). Subsequently, with the origin of the rachis and barbules, the bipinnate feather evolved (stage III), followed then by the pennaceous feather with a closed vane (stage IV) and other structural diversity (stages Va-f). The model is used to evaluate the developmental plausibility of proposed functional theories of the origin of feathers. Early feathers (stages I, II) could have functioned in communication, defense, thermal insulation, or water repellency. Feathers could not have had an aerodynamic function until after bipinnate, closed pennaceous feathers (stage IV) had evolved. The morphology of the integumental structures of the coelurisaurian theropod dinosaurs Sinosauropteryx and Beipiaosaurus are congruent with the model's predictions of the form of early feathers (stage I or II). Additional research is required to examine whether these fossil integumental structures developed from follicles and are homologous with avian feathers. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 285:291-306, 1999.Copyright 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

On homology of arthropod compound eyes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eyes serve as models to understand the evolution of complextraits, with broad implications for the origins of evolutionarynovelty. Discussions of eye evolution are relevant at many taxonomiclevels, especially within arthropods where compound eye distributionis perplexing. Either compound eyes were lost numerous timesor very similar eyes evolved separately in multiple lineages.Arthropod compound eye homology is possible, especially betweencrustaceans and hexapods, which have very similar eye facetsand may be sister taxa. However, judging homology only on similarityrequires subjective decisions. Regardless of whether compoundeyes were present in a common ancestor of arthropods or crustaceans+ hexapods, recent phylogenetic evidence suggests that the compoundeyes, today present in myodocopid ostracods (Crustacea), mayhave been absent in ostracod ancestors. This pattern is inconsistentwith phylogenetic homology. Multiple losses of ostracod eyesare an alternative hypothesis that is statistically improbableand without clear cause. One possible evolutionary process toexplain the lack of phylogenetic homology of ostracod compoundeyes is that eyes may evolve by switchback evolution, wheregenes for lost structures remain dormant and are re-expressedmuch later in evolution.  相似文献   

Morphological similarities between organisms may be due to either homology or homoplasy. Homologous structures arise by common descent from an ancestral form, whereas homoplasious structures are independently derived in the respective lineages. The finding that similar ontogenetic mechanisms underlie the production of the similar structures in both lineages is not sufficient evidence of homology, as such similarities may also be due to parallel evolution. Parallelisms are a class of homoplasy in which the two lineages have come up with the same solution independently using the same ontogenetic mechanism. The other main class of homoplasy, convergence, is superficial similarity in morphological structures in which the underlying ontogenetic mechanisms are distinct. I argue that instances of convergence and parallelism are more common than is generally realized. Convergence suggests flexibility in underlying ontogenetic mechanisms and may be indicative of developmental processes subject to phenotypic plasticity. Parallelisms, on the other hand, may characterize developmental processes subject to constraints. Distinguishing between homology, parallelisms and convergence may clarify broader taxonomic patterns in morphological evolution.  相似文献   

Feathers of today's birds are constructed of beta (β)-keratins, structural proteins of the epidermis that are found solely in reptiles and birds. Discoveries of "feathered dinosaurs" continue to stimulate interest in the evolutionary origin of feathers, but few studies have attempted to link the molecular evolution of their major structural proteins (β-keratins) to the appearance of feathers in the fossil record. Using molecular dating methods, we show that before the appearance of Anchiornis (~155 Million years ago (Ma)) the basal β-keratins of birds began diverging from their archosaurian ancestor ~216?Ma. However, the subfamily of feather β-keratins, as found in living birds, did not begin diverging until ~143?Ma. Thus, the pennaceous feathers on Anchiornis, while being constructed of avian β-keratins, most likely did not contain the feather β-keratins found in the feathers of modern birds. Our results demonstrate that the evolutionary origin of feathers does not coincide with the molecular evolution of the feather β-keratins found in modern birds. More likely, during the Late Jurassic, the epidermal structures that appeared on organisms in the lineage leading to birds, including early forms of feathers, were constructed of avian β-keratins other than those found in the feathers of modern birds. Recent biophysical studies of the β-keratins in feathers support the view that the appearance of the subfamily of feather β-keratins altered the biophysical nature of the feather establishing its role in powered flight.  相似文献   

An evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) approach to understanding the evolution, homology, and development of structures has proved important for unraveling complex integrated skeletal systems through the use of modules, or modularity. An ocular skeleton, which consists of cartilage and sometimes bone, is present in many vertebrates; however, the origin of these two components remains elusive. Using both paleontological and developmental data, I propose that the vertebrate ocular skeleton is neural crest derived and that a single cranial neural crest module divided early in vertebrate evolution, possibly during the Ordovician, to give rise to an endoskeletal component and an exoskeletal component within the eye. These two components subsequently became uncoupled with respect to timing, placement within the sclera and inductive epithelia, enabling them to evolve independently and to diversify. In some extant groups, these two modules have become reassociated with one another. Furthermore, the data suggest that the endoskeletal component of the ocular skeleton was likely established and therefore evolved before the exoskeletal component. This study provides important insights into the evolution of the ocular skeleton, a region with a long evolutionary history among vertebrates.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the interphyletic comparison of gene expression patterns. By means of the hypothesis of the inversion of the dorsoventral axis during the evolution of the Bilateria, it is demonstrated, that evolutionary developmental biologists use similarities in spatial and temporal gene expression patterns as evidence for the formulation of hypotheses of homology concerning either developing structures or body regions. The molecular genetic and morphogenetic evidence used is discussed within the framework of a cladistic-phylogenetic analysis based on the phylogenetic tree of the Bilateria. I argue that similarity of spatial and temporal gene expression patterns is not a sufficient criterion for homology inference. Therefore, gene expression patterns should be coded as characters. Their homology should be tested in concert with other characters.

Furthermore, it is demonstrated, that spatial and temporal similar gene expression patterns, indicating similar molecular genetic mechanisms, were interpreted as an analytical criterion of homology, offering the possibility to identify similar structures. In contrast to this, the evolutionary developmental biolgists have not developed a causal-analytically extended concept of shape, from which a causal-analytical concept of homology could be deduced. Instead, the homology concept from evolutionary morphology is used.  相似文献   

To examine the role of development in the origin of evolutionary novelties, we investigated the developmental mechanisms involved in the formation of a complex morphological novelty-branched feathers. We demonstrate that the anterior-posterior expression polarity of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (Bmp2) in the primordia of feathers, avian scales, and alligator scales is conserved and phylogenetically primitive to archosaurian integumentary appendages. In feather development, derived patterns of Shh-Bmp2 signaling are associated with the development of evolutionarily novel feather structures. Longitudinal Shh-Bmp2 expression domains in the marginal plate epithelium between barb ridges provide a prepattern of the barbs and rachis. Thus, control of Shh-Bmp2 signaling is a fundamental component of the mechanism determining feather form (i.e., plumulaceous vs. pennaceous structure). We show that Shh signaling is necessary for the formation and proper differentiation of a barb ridge and that it is mediated by Bmp signaling. BMP signaling is necessary and sufficient to negatively regulate Shh expression within forming feather germs and this epistatic relationship is conserved in scale morphogenesis. Ectopic SHH and BMP2 signaling leads to opposing effects on proliferation and differentiation within the feather germ, suggesting that the integrative signaling between Shh and Bmp2 is a means to regulate controlled growth and differentiation of forming skin appendages. We conclude that Shh and Bmp signaling is necessary for the formation of barb ridges in feathers and that Shh and Bmp2 signaling constitutes a functionally conserved developmental signaling module in archosaur epidermal appendage development. We propose a model in which branched feather form evolved by repeated, evolutionary re-utilization of a Shh-Bmp2 signaling module in new developmental contexts. Feather animation Quicktime movies can be viewed at http://fallon.anatomy.wisc.edu/feather.html.  相似文献   

近年来关于羽毛和羽状皮肤衍生物的研究极大促进了我们对羽毛起源与早期演化的理解。结合最新的古生物学与今生物学资料,对一些保存了皮肤衍生物的非鸟恐龙标本进行观察研究,为这个重要的进化问题提供了新见解。推测羽毛的演化在鸟类起源之前就以下列顺序完成了5个主要的形态发生事件:1)丝状和管状结构的出现;2)羽囊及羽枝脊形成;3)羽轴的发生;4)羽平面的形成;5)羽状羽小支的产生。这些演化事件形成了多种曾存在于各类非鸟初龙类中的羽毛形态,但这些形态在鸟类演化过程中可能退化或丢失了;这些演化事件也产生了一些近似现代羽毛或者与现代羽毛完全相同的羽毛形态。非鸟恐龙身上的羽毛有一些现代羽毛具有的独特特征,但也有一些现生鸟羽没有的特征。尽管一些基于发育学资料建立的有关鸟类羽毛起源和早期演化的模型推测羽毛的起源是一个全新的演化事件,与爬行动物的鳞片无关,我们认为用来定义现代鸟羽的特征应该是逐步演化产生的,而不是突然出现。因此,对于羽毛演化而言,一个兼具逐步变化与完全创新的模型较为合理。从目前的证据推断,最早的羽毛既不是用来飞行也不是用来保暖,各种其他假说皆有可能,其中包括展示或者散热假说。展开整合性的研究有望为羽毛的起源问题提供更多思路。  相似文献   

An evolutionary developmental (evo-devo) approach to understanding the evolution, homology and development of structures has proved important for unraveling complex integrated skeletal systems through the use of modules, or modularity. An ocular skeleton, which consists of cartilage and sometimes bone, is present in many vertebrates; however the origin of these two components remains elusive. Using both palaeontological and developmental data, I propose that the vertebrate ocular skeleton is neural crest derived and that a single cranial neural crest module divided early in vertebrate evolution, possibly during the Ordovician, to give rise to an endoskeletal component and an exoskeletal component within the eye. These two components subsequently became uncoupled with respect to timing, placement within the sclera and inductive epithelia, enabling them to evolve independently and to diversify. In some extant groups, these two modules have become reassociated with one another. Furthermore, the data suggests that the endoskeletal component of the ocular skeleton was likely established and therefore evolved before the exoskeletal component. This study provides important insights into the evolution of the ocular skeleton, a region with a long evolutionary history amongst vertebrates. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 9999B: 1-9, 2012. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding how animal signals are produced is critical for understanding their evolution because complexity and modularity in the underlying morphology can affect evolutionary patterns. Hummingbird feathers show some of the brightest and most iridescent colors in nature. These are produced by optically complex stacks of hollow, platelet-shaped organelles called melanosomes. Neither how these morphologies produce colors nor their evolution has been systematically studied. We first used nanoscale morphological measurements and optical modeling to identify the physical basis of color production in 34 hummingbird species. We found that, in general, the melanosome stacks function as multilayer reflectors, with platelet thickness and air space size explaining variation in hue (color) and saturation (color purity). Additionally, light rays reflected from the outer keratin surface interact with those reflected by small, superficial melanosomes to cause secondary reflectance peaks, primarily in short (blue) wavelengths. We then compared variation of both the morphological components and the colors they produce. The outer keratin cortex evolves independently and is more variable than other morphological traits, possibly due to functional constraints on melanosome packing. Intriguingly, shorter wavelength colors evolve faster than longer wavelength colors, perhaps due to developmental processes that enables greater lability of the shapes of small melanosomes. Together, these data indicate that increased structural complexity of feather tissues is associated with greater variation in morphology and iridescent coloration.  相似文献   

The ability of feathers to perform many functions either simultaneously or at different times throughout the year or life of a bird is integral to the evolutionary history of birds. Many studies focus on single functions of feathers, but any given feather performs many functions over its lifetime. These functions necessarily interact with each other throughout the evolution and development of birds, so our knowledge of avian evolution is incomplete without understanding the multifunctionality of feathers, and how different functions may act synergistically or antagonistically during natural selection. Here, we review how feather functions interact with avian evolution, with a focus on recent technological and discovery-based advances. By synthesising research into feather functions over hierarchical scales (pattern, arrangement, macrostructure, microstructure, nanostructure, molecules), we aim to provide a broad context for how the adaptability and multifunctionality of feathers have allowed birds to diversify into an astounding array of environments and life-history strategies. We suggest that future research into avian evolution involving feather function should consider multiple aspects of a feather, including multiple functions, seasonal wear and renewal, and ecological or mechanical interactions. With this more holistic view, processes such as the evolution of avian coloration and flight can be understood in a broader and more nuanced context.  相似文献   

Variation in avian coloration is produced by coordinated pigmentation of thousands of growing feathers that vary in shape and size. Although the functional consequences of avian coloration are frequently studied, little is known about its developmental basis, and, specifically, the rules that link feather growth to pigment uptake and synthesis. Here, we combine biochemical, modeling, and morphometric techniques to examine the developmental basis of feather pigmentation in house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus)--a species with extensive variation in both growth dynamics of ornamental feathers and their carotenoid pigmentation. We found that the rate of carotenoid uptake was constant across a wide range of feather sizes and shapes, and the relative pigmented area of feathers was independent of the total amount of deposited carotenoids. Analysis of the developmental linkage of feather growth and pigment uptake showed that the mechanisms behind partitioning the feather into pigmented and nonpigmented parts and the mechanisms regulating carotenoid uptake into growing feathers are partially independent. Carotenoid uptake strongly covaried with early elements of feather differentiation (the barb addition rate and diameter), whereas the pigmented area was most closely associated with the rate of feather growth. We suggest that strong effects of carotenoid uptake on genetically integrated mechanisms of feather growth and differentiation provide a likely route for genetic assimilation of diet-dependent coloration.  相似文献   

Whether sexual or viability selection drives the evolution of ornamental traits is often unclear because current function does not clarify evolutionary history, particularly when the ornamentation is a modified version of the functional traits. Here, using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we studied how deeply forked tails—a classic example of sexually selected traits that might also be a mechanical device for enhancing aerodynamic ability—evolved in two groups of aerial foragers, swallows (family: Hirundinidae) and swifts (family: Apodidae). Although apparent fork depth, the target of sexual selection, increases with increasing outermost tail feather length, fork depth can also increase with decreasing central tail feather length, which impairs the lift generated by the tail. Thus, we predicted that sexual selection, but not viability selection, should favour the evolution of short central tail feathers in species with deeply forked tails, particularly in swifts, which are less reliant on the lift generated by their tail than in swallows. We found support for these predictions because central tail feather length decreased with increasing tail fork depth, particularly in swifts. Instead, the increase in outermost tail feather length per unit tail fork depth was higher in swallows than in swifts, indicating that a similar sexual ornamentation (i.e. forked tails) differently evolved in these two aerial insectivores perhaps due to the differential cost of ornamentation. We also found support for an optical illusion that changes the relative importance of central and outermost tail feather length in sexual selection.  相似文献   

Darwin's theory describes the principles that are responsible for evolutionary change of organisms and their attributes. The actual mechanisms, however, need to be studied for each species and each organ separately. Here we have investigated the mechanisms underlying these principles in the avian feather. Feathers comprise one of the most complex and diverse epidermal organs as demonstrated by their shape, size, patterned arrangement and pigmentation. Variations can occur at several steps along each level of organization, leading to highly diverse forms and functions. Feathers develop gradually during ontogeny through a series of steps that may correspond to the evolutionary steps that were taken during the phylogeny from a reptilian ancestor to birds. These developmental steps include 1) the formation of feather tract fields on the skin surfaces; 2) periodic patterning of the individual feather primordia within the feather tract fields; 3) feather bud morphogenesis establishing anterio-posterior (along the cranio-caudal axis) and proximo-distal axes; 4) branching morphogenesis to create the rachis, barbs and barbules within a feather bud; and 5) gradual modulations of these basic morphological parameters within a single feather or across a feather tract. Thus, possibilities for variation in form and function of feathers occur at every developmental step. In this paper, principles guiding feather tract formation, distributions of individual feathers within the tracts and variations in feather forms are discussed at a cellular and molecular level.  相似文献   

The integumentary musculature of birds consists of three distinct components. The smooth musculature comprises feather and apterial muscles, which form a continuous musculo-elastic layer within the dermis. The feather muscles, which consistently include at least erectors and depressors, interconnect contour feathers within pterylae (i.e., feather tracts) along gridlines that are oriented diagonally to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the body. The apterial muscles interconnect pterylae by attaching to the contour feathers along their peripheries. The striated musculature is composed of individual subcutaneous muscles, most of which attach to contour feathers along the caudal periphery of pterylae A new integrative functional analysis of the integumentary musculature proposes how apterial muscles stabilize the pterylae and modulate the tension of the musculo-elastic layer, and how subcutaneous muscles provide the initial stimulus for erector muscles being able to ruffle the contour feathers within pterylae. It also shows how the arrangement of the contour feathers and integumentary muscles reflects the stresses and strains that act on the avian skin. These mechanical forces are in effect not only in the adult, especially during flight, but may also be active during feather morphogenesis. The avian integument with its complex structural organization may, therefore, represent an excellent model for analyzing the nature of interactions between the environment and genetic material. The predictions of our model are testable, and our study demonstrates the relevance of integrated analyses of complex organs as mechanically coherent systems for evolutionary and developmental biology.  相似文献   

The discovery of several dinosaurs with filamentous integumentary appendages of different morphologies has stimulated models for the evolutionary origin of feathers. In order to understand these models, knowledge of the development of the avian integument must be put into an evolutionary context. Thus, we present a review of avian scale and feather development, which summarizes the morphogenetic events involved, as well as the expression of the beta (beta) keratin multigene family that characterizes the epidermal appendages of reptiles and birds. First we review information on the evolution of the ectodermal epidermis and its beta (beta) keratins. Then we examine the morphogenesis of scutate scales and feathers including studies in which the extraembryonic ectoderm of the chorion is used to examine dermal induction. We also present studies on the scaleless (sc) mutant, and, because of the recent discovery of "four-winged" dinosaurs, we review earlier studies of a chicken strain, Silkie, that expresses ptilopody (pti), "feathered feet." We conclude that the ability of the ectodermal epidermis to generate discrete cell populations capable of forming functional structural elements consisting of specific members of the beta keratin multigene family was a plesiomorphic feature of the archosaurian ancestor of crocodilians and birds. Evidence suggests that the discrete epidermal lineages that make up the embryonic feather filament of extant birds are homologous with similar embryonic lineages of the developing scutate scales of birds and the scales of alligators. We believe that the early expression of conserved signaling modules in the embryonic skin of the avian ancestor led to the early morphogenesis of the embryonic feather filament, with its periderm, sheath, and barb ridge lineages forming the first protofeather. Invagination of the epidermis of the protofeather led to formation of the follicle providing for feather renewal and diversification. The observations that scale formation in birds involves an inhibition of feather formation coupled with observations on the feathered feet of the scaleless (High-line) and Silkie strains support the view that the ancestor of modern birds may have had feathered hind limbs similar to those recently discovered in nonavian dromaeosaurids. And finally, our recent observation on the bristles of the wild turkey beard raises the possibility that similar integumentary appendages may have adorned nonavian dinosaurs, and thus all filamentous integumentary appendages may not be homologous to modern feathers.  相似文献   

Variation among adults reflects variation in basic developmental processes, such as cell division rate. Partitioning the variation into its developmental components would be a major step in understanding evolutionary constraints, but is far from being achieved for any character. In this paper, we examine population variation in the feather tip, a useful structure to study because the history of development is recorded in the adult form. Our goal is to document the variability, and provide a developmentally based explanation for the level of variation observed. Using feathers collected from chicks of a small warbler, we partition population variation into variation attributed to accidents of development (through a consideration of fluctuating asymmetry), and among- and within-family components. Population variation in the earliest formed part of the feather is high (the coefficient of variation is c. 30%); population variation in later formed parts of the feather is lower. The among-individual and developmental noise components are both reduced in later formed parts, but there are differences in the way the two components are associated among the feather parts. The early and later formed parts are highly integrated at the among-individual level (correlations ≈ 1.0) but not at the developmental noise level (correlations ≈ 0.5). This suggests that at least two basic developmental processes are involved in determining the length of the various feather parts. We review feather development and pattern formation models to demonstrate that at least two developmental processes are indeed involved in feather growth. We show how these processes could interact to achieve the relative invariance in the later formed parts of the feather.  相似文献   

The visual organs of insects are known for their impressive evolutionary conservation. Compound eyes built from ommatidia with four cone cells are now accepted to date back to the last common ancestor of insects and crustaceans. In species as different as fruit flies and tadpole shrimps, the stepwise cellular patterning steps of the early compound eye exhibit detailed similarities implying 500 million years of developmental conservation. Strikingly, there is also a cryptic diversity of insect visual organs, which gives proof to evolution’s versatility in molding even the most tenacious structures into something new. We explore this fascinating aspect in regard to the structure and function of a variety of different insect eyes. This includes work on the unique compound–single-chamber combination eye of twisted-winged insects and the bizarre evolutionary trajectories of specialized larval eyes in endopterygote insects.  相似文献   

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