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We evaluated the effects of interspecific competition on ant bait performance with two urban pest ants, the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), and the little black ant, Monomorium minimum (Buckley). In a laboratory study, the impact of a solid sulfluramid bait on M. minimum was diminished when L. humile were present, whereas the presence of M. minimum reduced the performance of a liquid fipronil bait against L. humile. Argentine ants were not adversely affected by sulfluramid bait at any time, whereas M. minimum was unaffected by fipronil bait until 14 d of exposure. In field studies measuring diel foraging activity, M. minimum seemed to delay L. humile foraging to food stations by approximately 30 min during summer 2001. However, L. humile subsequently recruited to food stations in very high numbers, thereby displacing M. minimum. L. humile visited food stations over an entire 24-h period, whereas M. minimum was only observed visiting food stations during daylight hours. Adjusting the timing of bait placement in the field may minimize any negative effects of interspecific competition between these two species on toxic bait performance.  相似文献   

Invasive ants are notorious for directly displacing native ant species. Although such impacts are associated with Argentine ant invasions (Linepithema humile) worldwide, impacts within natural habitat are less widely reported, particularly those affecting arboreal ant communities. Argentine ants were detected in North Carolina mixed pine-hardwood forest for the first time but were localized on and around loblolly pines (Pinus taeda), probably because of association with honeydew-producing Hemiptera. We explored the potential impacts of L. humile on arboreal and ground-foraging native ant species by comparing interspersed loblolly pines invaded and uninvaded by Argentine ants. Impacts on native ants were assessed monthly over 1 yr by counting ants in foraging trails on pine trunks and in surrounding plots using a concentric arrangement of pitfall traps at 1, 2, and 3 m from the base of each tree. Of floristics and habitat variables, higher soil moisture in invaded plots was the only difference between plot types, increasing confidence that any ant community differences were caused by Argentine ants. Overall patterns of impact were weak. Composition differed significantly between Argentine ant invaded and uninvaded trunks and pitfalls but was driven only by the presence of Argentine ants rather than any resulting compositional change in native ant species. Native ant abundance and richness were similarly unaffected by L. humile. However, the abundance of individual ant species was more variable. Although numbers of the arboreal Crematogaster ashmeadi (Myrmicinae) declined on and around invaded pines, epigeic Aphaenogaster rudis (Myrmicinae) remained the most abundant species in all plots. Argentine ant densities peaked in late summer and fall, therefore overlapping with most native ants. Unexpected was their continued presence during even the coldest months. We provide evidence that Argentine ants can invade and persist in native North Carolina forests, probably mediated by pine-associated resources. However, their localized distribution and minimal impact on the native ant fauna relative to previously described invasions requires further resolution.  相似文献   

The invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is established worldwide and displaces native ant species. In northern California, however, the native winter ant (Prenolepis imparis) persists in invaded areas. We found that in aggressive interactions between the two species, P. imparis employs a potent defensive secretion. Field observations were conducted at P. imparis nest sites both in the presence and absence of L. humile. These observations suggested and laboratory assays confirmed that P. imparis workers are more likely to secrete when outnumbered by L. humile. Workers of P. imparis were also more likely to secrete near their nest entrances than when foraging on trees. One-on-one laboratory trials showed that the P. imparis secretion is highly lethal to L. humile, causing 79% mortality. The nonpolar fraction of the secretion was chemically analyzed with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and found to be composed of long-chain and cyclic hydrocarbons. Chemical analysis of dissected P. imparis workers showed that the nonpolar fraction is derived from the Dufour's gland. Based on these conclusions, we hypothesize that this chemical defense may help P. imparis to resist displacement by L. humile.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species that disrupts the balance of natural ecosystems by displacing indigenous ant species throughout its introduced range. The mechanisms by which Argentine ants effectively compete against native ant species have been previously addressed in field studies that centered on interference and exploitation competition at baits and mainly examined the colony-level performance of Argentine ants. Detailed behavioral observations explaining the basis for the strong competitive ability of L. humile are comparatively rare. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by which Argentine ants displace native ants we examined the aggressive interactions between the Argentine ants and the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile in four different aggression assays: (1) worker dyad interactions, (2) symmetrical group interactions, (3) intruder introductions into an established resident colony, and (4) a resource competition assay which focused on competition for food and nesting space. Our results demonstrate a clear disparity between worker-level and colony-level fighting ability of Argentine ants and provide behavioral evidence to explain the superior interference ability of Argentine ants in group assays. Argentine ants experienced mixed success in fighting against odorous house ants in dyad interactions, but gradually gained a numerical advantage in symmetrical group interactions by active cooperation among nestmates. Results of the resource competition assay indicate that Argentine ants recruit rapidly, numerically dominate food and nesting sites, and aggressively displace T. sessile from baits. Taken together, the results of these assays allow us to pinpoint the behavioral mechanisms responsible for the remarkable competitive ability of Argentine ants.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species that disrupts the balance of natural ecosystems by displacing indigenous ant species throughout its introduced range. Previous studies that examined the mechanisms by which Argentine ants attain ecological dominance showed that superior interference and exploitation competition are key to the successful displacement of native ant species. The objective of this research was to test the hypothesis that effective interference competition by Argentine ants may also be detrimental to the survival of Argentine ant colonies where Argentine ants and native ants compete at toxic baits used to slow the spread of Argentine ants. To study this hypothesis, we examined the competitive interactions between Argentine ants and native odorous house ants, Tapinoma sessile, in the presence and absence of toxic baits. Results showed that Argentine ants aggressively outcompete T. sessile from toxic baits through efficient interference competition and monopolize bait resources. This has severe negative consequences for the survival of Argentine ants as colonies succumb to the toxic effects of the bait. In turn, T. sessile avoid areas occupied by Argentine ants, give up baits, and consequently suffer minimal mortality. Our results provide experimental evidence that highly efficient interference competition may have negative consequences for Argentine ants in areas where toxic baits are used and may provide a basis for designing innovative management programs for Argentine ants. Such programs would have the double benefit of selectively eliminating the invasive species while simultaneously protecting native ants from the toxic effects of baits.  相似文献   

Interactions between the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and native ant species were studied in a 450-ha biological reserve in northern California. Along the edges of the invasion, the presence of Argentine ants significantly reduced the foraging success of native ant species, and vice versa. Argentine ants were consistently better than native ants at exploiting food sources: Argentine ants found and recruited to bait more consistently and in higher numbers than native ant species, and they foraged for longer periods throughout the day. Native ants and Argentine ants frequently fought when they recruited to the same bait, and native ant species were displaced from bait during 60% of these encounters. In introduction experiments, Argentine ants interfered with the foraging of native ant species, and prevented the establishment of new colonies of native ant species by preying upon winged native ant queens. The Argentine ants' range within the preserve expanded by 12 ha between May 1993 and May 1994, and 13 between September 1993 and September 1994, with a corresponding reduction of the range of native ant species. Although some native ants persist locally at the edges of the invasion of Argentine ants, most eventually disappear from invaded areas. Both interference and exploitation competition appear to be important in the displacement of native ant species from areas invaded by Argentine ants.  相似文献   

Determining the geographical range of invasive species is an important component of formulating effective management strategies. In the absence of detailed distributional data, species distribution models can provide estimates of an invasion range and increase our understanding of the ecological processes acting at various spatial scales. We used two complementary approaches to evaluate the influence of historical and environmental factors in shaping the distribution of the Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile ), a widespread, highly invasive species native to South America. Occurrence data were combined with environmental data at incremental spatial scales (extent and resolution) to predict the suitable range of the ant invasion using ecological niche models. In addition, we also used a spread model that simulated the jump dispersal of the species to identify the most plausible scenarios of arrival of L. humile in the NE Iberian Peninsula at local scales. Based on the results of both modelling practices, we suggest that L. humile might have reached its maximum geographic range at regional scales in the NE Iberian Peninsula. However, the species does not appear in equilibrium with the environment at small spatial scales, and further expansions are expected along coastal and inland localities of the Costa Brava. Long-distance jumps are ultimately responsible for the spread of the Argentine ant in the area. Overall, our study shows the utility of combining niche based models with spread models to understand the dynamics of species' invasions.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is a damaging invasive species that has become established in many Mediterranean-type ecosystems worldwide. To identify likely sources of introduced populations we examined the relationships among native Linepithema populations from Argentina and Brazil and introduced populations of L. humile using mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence data and nuclear microsatellite allele frequencies. The mitochondrial phylogeny revealed that the populations in Brazil were only distantly related to both the introduced populations and the native populations in Argentina, and confirmed that populations in Brazil, previously identified as L. humile, are likely a different species. The microsatellite-based analysis provided resolution among native and introduced populations of L. humile that could not be resolved using the mitochondrial sequences. In the native range, colonies that were geographically close to one another tended to be genetically similar, whereas more distant colonies were genetically different. Most samples from the introduced range were genetically similar, although some exceptions were noted. Most introduced populations were similar to native populations from the southern Rio Parana and were particularly similar to a population from Rosario, Argentina. These findings implicate populations from the southern Rio Parana as the most likely source of introduced populations. Moreover, these data suggest that current efforts to identify natural enemies of the Argentine ant for biological control should focus on native populations in the southern Rio Parana watershed.  相似文献   

Mutualisms and facilitations can fundamentally change the relationship between an organism's realized and fundamental niche. Invasive species may prove particularly suitable models for investigating this relationship as many are dependent on finding new partners for successful establishment. We conducted field-based experiments testing whether a native tree facilitates the successful survival of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), through unfavorable winter conditions in the southeastern United States. We found Argentine ant nests aggregated around the native loblolly pine, Pinus taeda L., during the winter months. The bark of this tree absorbed enough radiant solar energy to reach temperatures suitable for Argentine ant foraging even when ambient temperatures should have curtailed all foraging. Conversely, foraging ceased when the trunk was shaded. The sun-warmed bark of this tree gave the Argentine ant access to a stable honeydew resource. Argentine ants were not found on or near deciduous trees even though bark temperatures were warm enough to permit Argentine ant foraging on cold winter days. Augmenting deciduous trees with sucrose water through the winter months lead to Argentine ant nests remaining at their base and Argentine ants foraging on the tree. The Argentine ant requires both foraging opportunity and a reliable winter food source to survive through unfavorable winter conditions in the southeastern United States. The loblolly pine provided both of these requirements extending the realized niche of Argentine ants beyond its fundamental niche.  相似文献   

In laboratory studies, the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), and the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile (Say), avoided aromatic cedar mulch as a nesting substrate. Both ant species were killed when confined with fresh aromatic cedar mulch in sealed containers. However, when confined with cedar mulch that had been aged outdoors for up to 140 d, mortality of L. humile was complete regardless of mulch age, whereas T. sessile mortality declined significantly over the mulch-aging period. Argentine ant susceptibility to aromatic cedar mulch was also greater than that of the odorous house ant when colonies were restricted to mulch in open trays. In addition, commercial aromatic cedar oil was lethal to both ant species. Our results suggest that aromatic cedar mulch may serve as an effective component of a comprehensive urban ant management program.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), and the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, are natural agonists in their country of origin. Since the first report of L. humile in California in 1907 its range expanded statewide, displacing native ant species wherever it spread. Since the discovery of established populations of S. invicta in southern California in 1998, it has been restricted to discrete areas of southern California. However, as these discrete populations expand, they are encountering large populations of L. humile, which are effective competitors for available resources and are particularly aggressive in their encounters with other ant species such as S. invicta. Most Dolichoderine ants such as L. humile do not prefer to forage on baits made with defatted corn grit and soybean oil typically used in red imported fire ant control programs. Applications of these baits in areas where distributions of these species overlap might selectively affect populations of S. invicta and give L. humile a competitive advantage. Three laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the competitive outcomes between S. invicta pitted against L. humile: 1) agonistic behavior of workers in small arenas, 2) colony interactions with different population ratios, and 3) the effects of pyriproxyfen on the competitiveness of S. invicta against L. humile. Populations of S. invicta consisting of major workers killed more L. humile than did minors or a mixture of majors and minors. When paired against L. humile colonies consisting of 1,100 workers, colonies consisting of 38 S. invicta workers were easily defeated by L. humile. Colonies consisting of 450 S. invicta workers plugged their nest entrances, but they were ultimately defeated by L. humile after 13 d. The S. invicta colonies consisting of 1,100 workers took control of the bridge connecting the colonies, invaded the L. humile colony, killed the Argentine ant queens, and removed their brood. Pyriproxyfen-treated fire ant workers took significantly longer to chase the Argentine ants from a connecting bridge than did untreated fire ants. Thus, fire ant baits may have long-term effects on intercolonial aggression between S. invicta and L. humile, especially when Argentine ant populations are high in the summer.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Little attention has been given to the effect of physiological limitations on the ability of introduced species to invade ecological communities. In the present study, the water balance of the invasive Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile ) is compared with five common ant species native to southern California. Total and critical water contents are measured, as well as rates of water loss and survival times. The results show that the body size of ant species has a strong effect on water balance, explaining between 99% of total and 90% of critical water content (i.e. the amount of water remaining when the ant becomes moribund). The measured survival times at 40 °C and approximately 0% relative humidity are shorter for L. humile than for the other five native ant species. The area-independent water-loss rate is higher for L. humile than for the other native ant species studied. This finding is corroborated by independent data using two different methods (i.e. gravimetric measurement and open-flow respirometry). Somewhat surprisingly, significant differences in the water-loss rates of different sizes of Solenopsis xyloni workers are found, even after adjusting for surface area. The area-independent water-loss rate is significantly lower for larger than for smaller workers. Consistent with circumstantial evidence from the field, the results suggest that the physiological constraints of invasive species, such as water-loss rates and critical water content, can limit their distribution and abundance not only at regional scales, but also at fine scales.  相似文献   

Is the assembly of ant communities mediated by parasitoids?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Donald H. Feener  Jr. 《Oikos》2000,90(1):79-88
Studies of species interactions in ant communities have been a major source of evidence for the importance of interspecific competition in natural communities. One consequence of the overwhelming evidence for competition in ant communities is that the role of such "top-down" processes as predation and parasitism has been ignored. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the composition and dynamics of ant communities are influenced by highly specialized parasitoids that mediate the outcome of competition among ant species. Here I review this evidence and develop a general framework for integrating the roles of competition and parasitism in the assembly of ant communities. I then use invasions by the red imported fire ant ( Solenopsis wagneri ) and the Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile ) to show how this new framework can be used to develop testable hypotheses regarding the ecological success (or failure) of invasive ant species.  相似文献   

Carney SE  Byerley MB  Holway DA 《Oecologia》2003,135(4):576-582
We investigated the indirect effects of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) invasions on patterns of seed dispersal and predation in the myrmecochorous tree poppy Dendromecon rigida in coastal San Diego County, California. Significantly more seeds were removed from ant-accessible seed stations at sites numerically dominated by a common harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex subnitidus), a native disperser of these seeds and a species sensitive to displacement by L. humile, than from those stations at sites where L. humile was in the majority. Predation of seeds was high, but variable, across sites, suggesting that reduced dispersal could result in increased seed predation in some habitats. Removal of elaiosomes did not affect the frequency with which predators removed seeds, but ants removed significantly more seeds with elaiosomes than without. In behavior trials, only P. subnitidus was able to carry seeds of Dendromecon rigida effectively. L. humile and a small native ant species, Dorymyrmex insanus, while displaying interest in the diaspores, were seldom able to carry whole seeds and, when they did, only carried them a few centimeters. Displacement of native harvester ants by L. humile appears to decrease the dispersal of Dendromecon rigida seeds and may be increasing loss of seeds due to predation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the dependant relationship between the Argentine ant Linepithema humile Mayr, plant coverage, and human settlements. A method was designed in order to sample the presence of the Argentine ant and other ant species that may had influenced L. humile distribution, under different types of vegetation and percentages of plant coverage, taking in consideration the distance from human settlements. Eight sample stations were established. Four of these stations were found on a dwelling home and the other four were found on similar areas, but far from human settlements. Three transects were established from the center of each sampling station (Tt1, shrublike vegetation, Tt2, herblike vegetation and Tt3, no vegetation). Transects were compound by 10 m side quadrants. A negative correlation was found between nest number of L. humile and human settlement distance, therefore nests were not found at distances higher than 80 m, in all studied areas. There was a positive and significant correlation between nest number of L. humile and plant coverage percentage, regardless the type of vegetation found. The same trend was found for other ant species studied in the area. Finally, it was proved that the distribution of L. humile nests is not influenced by other ant species.  相似文献   

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) usually actively displace native ants through a combination of rapid recruitment, high numerical dominance and intense aggressive fights. However, in some cases, native ants can offer a strong resistance. In Corsica, a French Mediterranean island, local resistance by the dominant Tapinoma nigerrimum has been proposed as a factor limiting Argentine ant invasion. With the aim of evaluating the abilities of T. nigerrimum in interference and exploitative competition, this study tested in the laboratory the aggressive interactions between this native dominant ant and the invasive Argentine ant. We used four different assays between L. humile and T. nigerrimum: (1) worker dyadic interactions, (2) symmetrical group interactions, (3) intruder introductions into an established resident colony, and (4) a competition for space and food. This study confirms the ability of Argentine ants to compete with native species, by initiating more fights, using cooperation and simultaneously deploying physical and chemical defenses. However, despite Argentine ant fighting capabilities, T. nigerrimum was more efficient in both interference and exploitative competition. Its superiority was obvious in the space and food competition assays, where T. nigerrimum dominated food in 100% of the replicates after 1 h and invaded Argentine ant nests while the reverse was never observed. The death feigning behavior exhibited by Argentine ant workers also suggests the native ant’s superiority. Our study thus demonstrates that T. nigerrimum can offer strong competition and so may be able to limit the spread of Argentine ants in Corsica. This confirms that interspecific competition from ecologically dominant native species can affect the invasion success of invaders, notably by decreasing the likelihood of incipient colony establishment and survival.  相似文献   

When populations of native predators are subsidized by numerically dominant introduced species, the structure of food webs can be greatly altered. Surprisingly little is known, however, about the general factors that influence whether or not native predators consume introduced species. To learn more about this issue, we examined how native pit-building ant lions (Myrmeleon) are affected by Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) invasions in coastal southern California. Compared to areas without L. humile, invaded areas contained few native ant species and were deficient in medium-sized and large bodied native ants. Based on these differences, we predicted that Argentine ants would negatively affect ant lion larvae. Contrary to this expectation, observational surveys and laboratory growth rate experiments revealed that Myrmeleon were heavier, had longer mandibles, and grew more quickly when their main ant prey were Argentine ants rather than native ants. Moreover, a field transplant experiment indicated that growth rates and pupal weights were not statistically different for larval ant lions reared in invaded areas compared to those reared in uninvaded areas. Argentine ants were also highly susceptible to capture by larval Myrmeleon. The species-level traits that presumably make Argentine ant workers susceptible to capture by larval ant lions—small size and high activity levels—appear to be the same characteristics that make them unsuitable prey for vertebrate predators, such as horned lizards. These results underscore the difficulties in predicting whether or not numerically dominant introduced species serve as prey for native predators.  相似文献   

J. Zee  D. Holway 《Insectes Sociaux》2006,53(2):161-167
Invasive ants often displace native ants, and published studies that focus on these interactions usually emphasize interspecific competition for food resources as a key mechanism responsible for the demise of native ants. Although less well documented, nest raiding by invasive ants may also contribute to the extirpation of native ants. In coastal southern California, for example, invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) commonly raid colonies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex subnitidus. On a seasonal basis the frequency and intensity of raids vary, but raids occur only when abiotic conditions are suitable for both species. In the short term these organized attacks cause harvester ants to cease foraging and to plug their nest entrances. In unstaged, one-on-one interactions between P. subnitidus and L. humile workers, Argentine ants behaved aggressively in over two thirds of all pair-wise interactions, despite the much larger size of P. subnitidus. The short-term introduction of experimental Argentine ant colonies outside of P. subnitidus nest entrances stimulated behaviors similar to those observed in raids: P. subnitidus decreased its foraging activity and increased the number of nest entrance workers (many of which labored to plug their nest entrances). Raids are not likely to be the result of competition for food. As expected, P. subnitidus foraged primarily on plant material (85% of food items obtained from returning foragers), but also collected some dead insects (7% of food items). In buffet-style choice tests in which we offered Argentine ants food items obtained from P. subnitidus, L. humile only showed interest in dead insects. In other feeding trials L. humile consistently moved harvester ant brood into their nests (where they were presumably consumed) but showed little interest in freshly dead workers. The raiding behavior described here obscures the distinction between interspecific competition and predation, and may well play an important role in the displacement of native ants, especially those that are ecologically dissimilar to L. humile with respect to diet. Received 15 July 2005; revised 19 October 2005; accepted 26 October 2005.  相似文献   

Human  K. G.  Gordon  D. M. 《Insectes Sociaux》1999,46(2):159-163
Summary: The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, has invaded many areas of the world, displacing native ants. Its behavior may contribute to its competitive success. Staged and natural encounters were observed at food resources in the field, between Argentine ants and eight ant species native to northern California. There was no relation between the frequency of aggression by any ant species and the outcome of encounters, though Argentine ants were more likely than ants of native species to behave aggressively. When an ant of one species initiated an encounter of any kind with an ant of another species, the ant that did not initiate was likely to retreat. This was true of all species studied. Most encounters between ants were initiated by Argentine ants. Thus the native species tended to retreat more frequently than Argentine ants. Interactions between Argentine ants and native species at food resources, causing ants of native species to retreat, may help Argentine ants to displace native species from invaded areas.  相似文献   

For the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, bioclimatic models often predict narrower optimal temperature ranges than those suggested by behavioural and physiological studies. Although water balance characteristics of workers of this species have been thoroughly studied, gaps exist in current understanding of its thermal limits. We investigated critical thermal minima and maxima and upper and lower lethal limits following acclimation to four temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 degrees C; 12L:12D photoperiod) in adult workers of the Argentine ant, L. humile, collected from Stellenbosch, South Africa. At an ecologically relevant rate of temperature change of 0.05 degrees Cmin(-1), CTMax varied between 38 and 40 degrees C, and CTMin varied between 0 and 0.8 degrees C. In both cases the response to acclimation was weak. A significant time by exposure temperature interaction was found for upper and lower lethal limits, with a more pronounced effect of acclimation at longer exposure durations. Upper lethal limits varied between 37 and 44 degrees C, whilst lower lethal limits varied between -4 and -10.5 degrees C, with an acclimation effect more pronounced for upper than lower lethal limits. A thermal envelope for workers of the Argentine ant is provided, demonstrating that upper thermal limits do likely contribute to distributional limits, but that lower lethal limits and limits to activity likely do not, or at least for workers who are not exposed simultaneously to the demands of load carriage and successful foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

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