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Generating developmental gradients by temperature gradients established within a developing organism is an easy, non-invasive technique to study physiological interdependencies between locally separated subsystems. A linear temperature gradient of about 10° C/mm was maintained up to 5 h in either direction along the long axis of a long-germ-type hymenopteran egg, which was simultaneously filmed by the 16 mm timelapse technique. The result was a dramatic desynchronization of development, which between the egg poles could reach up to 9.3 h relative to normal development. Within the same egg, up to seven mitotic waves (i.e. eight different nuclear generations) were observed at the same time, and the subsequent cellularization process was extremely asynchronous. The initial regions of the mitotic waves, the fountain flow of the ooplasm, and the gastrulation process were shifted towards the egg pole kept at higher temperatures. Developmental processes occurring successively in normal development now took place simultaneously, with either direction of the temperature gradient. For instance, while gastrulation had started in the warm region, midblastula transition and cellularization were in progress in the middle of the egg, and intravitelline nuclear multiplication occurred at the cold pole, by rapid and still biphasic cell cycles. In some respects, development resembled that of a short-germ-type insect egg. Nevertheless, the developmental processes were resynchronized after the temperature gradient was switched off. Surprisingly, the extreme desynchronization during early development did not affect the segment pattern of the resulting embryos. The technique of inducing well-defined developmental asynchronies might be applied in Drosophila to analyse the subtle interplay between maternal and zygotic gene activities described in this species.  相似文献   

Oocytes explanted from adult ovaries of the arrhenotokous Hymenopteron Pimpla turionellae remain in an inactive state, because development has not been initiated by mechanical deformation during natural oviposition. However, they could be induced to enter development by injecting cleavage energids into the posterior pole. After lag phases of up to 32 h, the implanted nuclei initiated a normal cleavage process, except that the polarity of its progress was reversed. In other oocytes, the injected energids congregated in a ring-shaped region at the egg surface to form a superficial nuclear front, which slowly advanced towards the anterior egg pole, thereby successively stimulating portions of the quiescent ooplasm to take part in development. Up to 41 rapid cell cycles started from that front, each of them with an anaphase wave running backwards into the region already peripherally occupied by nuclei. Thus, the blastoderm was formed extremely metachronously and by rapid obviously biphasic cell cycles, which never occur at the egg surface during normal cleavage. A germ band, however, was only formed under the following conditions: (1) that cleavage did not follow the nuclear front mode, and (2) that ooplasm from the donor's posterior pole was co-injected with the graft nuclei. We conclude that embryonic differentiation requires some of the events which had been omitted in eggs where development failed, especially the exponential increase of the cell cycle length, and the activity of some posterior factor(s) during egg activation.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of transverse fragmentation on the segment pattern of the short germ embryo of the locust Schistocerca gregaria has been investigated at two stages subsequent to the formation of the germ anlage. Following fragmentation both anterior and posterior partial embryos were observed, although rarely in a single egg. Anterior partial patterns usually terminated with a segment visible at the time of fragmentation or with the next segment due to appear. Posterior partial patterns began with a wide range of segments depending on the level of fragmentation.Anterior and posterior partial patterns developing in a single egg were usually not complementary and the segments missing sometimes included some segments visible when the embryo was fragmented. Non-complementary patterns resulted following fragmentation in all regions, while complementary patterns only occurred after fragmentation in the visibly-segmented region.The results suggest that following fragmentation isolated posterior portions of the embryo continue to form segments, while isolated anterior regions usually do not. This effect could result from variable damage to an existing pattern of unequally-sized segment primordia, or from the disruption of a process of sequential segmentation in the elongating posterior region of the embryo. The results are broadly compatible with the progress zone model proposed by Summerbell et al. (1973).  相似文献   

Summary The egg of the leafhopperEuscelis plebejus was deformed by involuting both egg poles in longitudinal direction until the egg poles touched inside the egg. Even under those conditions a complete germ band with normal sequence of segments may be formed.  相似文献   

Summary In dipteran flies the adult abdominal epidermis is formed from small nests of diploid histoblast cells which spread out and replace the larval epidermis during metamorphosis. The pattern of nest outgrowth and fusion in Sarcophaga shows that the large dorsal hemitergite is normally formed by the two dorsal nests, the spiracle nest and part of the ventral nest (which also forms the hemisternite). By rotating the dorsal histoblast nests, we demonstrate that the adult segment border lies between the flexible intersegmental membrane (ISM) and the naked anterior strip of tergite, the acrotergite. Deletion of histoblast nests often results in a corresponding deletion of adult structures, accompanied by enlargement of adjacent structures within the segment and in neighbouring segments. Pattern formation is not strictly coupled to cell division (as in imaginal discs), since the nests remaining after an ablation, in spreading to fill vacant areas, generate more cells and larger structures than normal. Nest deletions can also result in regeneration, with remaining nests forming additional structures in the dorsal-ventral or anterior-posterior axis of the segment. The deletion of strips of anterior and intersegmental larval epidermis without histoblasts results in the formation of double-posterior duplications of the adult hemitergite. Although these operations damage adjacent histoblast nests, several features of the results suggest that the duplications arise from the interaction (after healing) of histoblasts with larval cells which they would not normally encounter, leading to the intercalation of histoblast cells bearing intervening anterior-posterior positional values. A similar process of intercalation may occur in normal development, as the histoblasts spread from their local origins across the larval epidermal sheet, replacing the larval cells to form the entire epidermis of the adult segment. Offprint requests to: V. French  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes (CMs) fuse with various cells including endothelial cells, cardiac fibroblasts (CFs). In addition, recent studies have shown that stem cells fuse spontaneously with cells remaining in the damaged tissues, and restore tissue functions after myocardial infarction. In this study, we investigated whether cultured cardiomyocytes fused with proliferative cardiac fibroblasts maintained the phenotype of functional myocytes by analyzing the spontaneous contraction rhythm after fusion with CFs lacking a beating capability. CMs and CFs cultured for 4 days in vitro were used in this study. The fusion of cultured CMs and CFs was achieved with polyethylene glycol (PEG) and hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ). Analyses of CMs fused with CFs by using either PEG or HVJ to imitate spontaneous fusion in vivo demonstrated that CMs and CFs actually fused together and fused cells expressed lineage marker proteins of both CMs and CFs. In addition, fused cells reentered the G2-M phase of the cell cycle. Furthermore, fused cells retained the spontaneous contraction activity. The present study demonstrated that CMs fused with proliferative CFs showed the phenotype of both CMs and CFs and spontaneous rhythmic contraction.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-zeta (PLCzeta), a strong candidate of the egg-activating sperm factor, causes intracellular Ca2+ oscillations and egg activation, and is subsequently accumulated into the pronucleus (PN), when expressed in mouse eggs by injection of RNA encoding PLCzeta. Changes in the localization of expressed PLCzeta were investigated by tagging with a fluorescent protein. PLCzeta began to translocate into the PN formed at 5-6 h after RNA injection and increased there. Observation in the same embryo revealed that PLCzeta in the PN dispersed to the cytoplasm upon nuclear envelope breakdown and translocated again into the nucleus after cleavage. The dynamics was found in the second mitosis as well. When RNA was injected into fertilization-originated 1-cell embryos or blastomere(s) of 2-8-cell embryos, the nuclear localization of expressed PLCzeta was recognized in every embryo up to blastocyst. Thus, PLCzeta exhibited alternative cytoplasm/nucleus localization during development. This supports the view that the sperm factor could control cell cycle-dependent generation of Ca2+ oscillations in early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary A monoclonal antibody (MAb) that binds to a cell surface antigen selectively localized to epithelial cells undergoing morphogenesis was used to study the segmentation of the growing embryonic leg of the cockroachPeriplaneta americana. The MAb labels circumferential stripes of cells at locations where invagination will occur to form the leg segments. The formation of these stripes precedes any morphological change in the epithelial layer or in individual cells. The temporal and spatial distribution of the antigen indicates the existence of a prepattern for leg segmentation, examination of which can give information about pattern generating mechanisms. Although highly stereotyped, the sequence in which the stripes appear does not follow a simple pattern proceeding in one direction along the proximal-distal axis. It is proposed that each stripe is a boundary in a positional field. Stripe formation leads to the division of the leg into a repeating series of identical positional fields. Three different mechanisms for the formation of stripes of MAb labeled cells have been observed and the role of each in the evolution of the insect leg is discussed. Measurements of leg and leg segment lengths when the various stripes appear has demonstrated considerable variation, particularly at the early stages of segmentation. Rules or mechanisms generating pattern at early stages of development are not rigid. Variations arising are compensated for by later occurring events so that stereotyped structures are formed.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Pimpla turionellae L. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) was fed either with Cd, Pb, and Cd+Pb —contaminated food or water. Body concentrations of heavy metal and effects on lifetime and respiration were studied. Cadmium at a concentration of 33 g per gram food or per ml water reduced life expectancy; whereas lead did such at 82 g per ml water only. Differences were found between sexes and modes of contamination concerning body concentrations of Cd and Pb. Lead affected respiration only via water contamination; whereas cadmium did such also via food contamination. Ecological consequences of the observations are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Pimpla turionellae L. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) wurde mit Blei (82 g/g) und Cadmium (33 g/g) bzw. deren Kombination über Futter oder Wasser belastet. Schwermetallgehalte sowie Auswirkungen auf Lebensdauer und Sauerstoffverbrauch wurden untersucht. Der Einfluß der Schwermetalle war nach Geschlecht bzw. nach Art der Kontamination verschieden. Cadmium wirkt schon bei geringen Konzentrationen verkürzend auf die Lebensdauer, Blei erst bei relativ hohen Konzentrationen. Bei Blei ergab sich eine Abnahme des Sauerstoffverbrauches nur bei Belastung über das Wasser, bei Cadmium hingegen bei beiden Kontaminationsarten. Überlegungen ökologischer Konsequenzen werden angestellt.

In parasitoid species devoid of polydnaviruses and virus‐like particles, venom appears to play a major role in suppression of host immunity. Venom from the pupal endoparasitoid Pimpla turionellae L. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) has previously been shown to contain a mixture of biologically active components, which display potent paralytic, cytotoxic, and cytolytic effects toward lepidopteran and dipteran hosts. The current study was undertaken to investigate if parasitism and/or envenomation by P. turionellae affects the frequency of apoptotic and necrotic hemocytes, hemocyte viability and mitotic indices in Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) pupae and larvae. Our study indicates that parasitism and experimental envenomation of G. mellonella by P. turionellae resulted in markedly different effects on the ratio of apoptotic hemocytes circulating in hemolymph depending on the host developmental stages. The ratio of early and late apoptotic hemocytes increased in G. mellonella pupae and larvae upon parasitization and at high doses of venom when compared to untreated, null and Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) injected controls. In contrast, an increase in necrotic hemocytes was only observed in parasitized pupae at 24 h and no difference was observed in larvae. The lowest hemocyte viability values were observed with pupae as 69.87%, 69.80%, and 72.47% at 4, 8, and 24 h post‐parasitism. The ratio of mitotic hemocytes also decreased in pupae and larvae upon parasitization and at high doses of venom. Staining of hemocytes with annexin V‐FITC revealed green fluorescent ‘halos’ along the plasma membranes of venom treated cells within 15 min following exposure to venom. By 1 h post‐venom – treatment, the majority of hemocytes displayed binding of this probe, indicative of early stage apoptosis. These same hemocytes also displayed a loss of plasma membrane integrity at the same time points as evidenced by accumulation of propidium iodide in nuclei.  相似文献   

Nodulation is the quantitatively predominant insect cellular immune function activated in response to bacterial, fungal and some viral infections. We posed the hypothesis that parasitoid insects express melanotic nodulation reactions to viral challenge and that eicosanoids mediate these reactions. Treating fifth-instar larvae of the ichneumonid endoparasitoid Pimpla turionellae with Bovine Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (BHSV-1) induced nodulation reactions in a challenge dose-dependent manner. Experimental larvae treated with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin, the lipoxygenase inhibitor, esculetin, and the phospholipase A2 inhibitor, dexamethasone, resulted in severely impaired nodulation reactions to our standard BHSV-1 challenge dose. The immunoinhibitory influence of dexamethasone was reversed in larvae reared on culture medium amended with arachidonic acid, the fatty acid precursor of eicosanoid biosynthesis. Larvae that had been reared on media amended with indomethacin, esculetin, or dexamethasone were also compromised in their nodulation reactions to viral challenge. The influence of the orally administered pharmaceutical was expressed in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, wasp larvae reared in the presence of indomethacin and dexamethasone expressed significantly decreased levels of phenoloxidase activity in response to viral challenge. These findings draw attention to the idea that endoparasitoid insects express cellular immune reactions to viral challenge; they also support our hypothesis that eicosanoids mediate nodulation reactions to viral challenge in these highly specialized insects.  相似文献   

Venom from the endoparasitic wasp Pimpla turionellae L. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) was found to contain a complex mixture of biogenic amines, noradrenalin, phospholipase B, and several proteins and peptides. The amount of noradrenalin and serotonin was found to be highest in venom from newly emerged wasps and decreased with age. Histamine was detected in minute amounts in comparison to the other venom components, and declined with increasing age of the parasitoids. Total peptides and proteins detected by reversed-phase HPLC increased with host age. Old-aged (30-33 days after emergence) wasps contained 2-fold more phospholipase B than young (<10 days [d] old) or medium-aged (10-22-d-old) females. Increases in phospholipase B alone, however, did not account for all changes in total venom protein because by 40 days after emergence, the levels of this enzyme began to decline while the amount of total protein was higher than in younger wasps. For all venom components detected, the amount present in the venom sharply decreased following host exposure. This was presumed to be the result of venom depletion associated with envenomation. Consistent with this view were the modest increases in venom components in wasps displaying a decreased rate of parasitization. When adult females were offered honey alone or in combination with feeding on hosts, no significant changes in venom composition were observed, with the exception of noradrenalin, which was found to be 5 times higher in concentration in wasps fed honey only. These results suggest that wasp age and incidence of parasitism are more important features influencing the composition of venom than the diet of adult females.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Pimpla turionellae L. (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) was fed on Cd, Pb and Cd+Pb-contaminated food (33g Cd, 82g Pb and 33g Cd+82g Pb per gram food fresh weight, respectively). Significant decrease in the total lipid and protein content was found along with an increase in the water content particularly in Cd-contaminated parasitoids.  相似文献   

Summary In some strains of mice, eggs when X irradiated during the pronuclear stage, undergo a mitotic block in the G2 phase of the first cell cycle and cleave when the second division takes place in controls. The importance of this effect varies considerably with the strain and depends exclusively on the maternal genotype. In previous work, two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that eggs blocked at the one-cell stage after irradiation, undergo the same modifications in polypeptide synthesis as two-cell controls of the same age, except at the time of normal first mitosis, where three polypeptide sets of 30, 35 and 45 kDa appear only in cleaving controls. In the present study, we have found phosphorylations in dividing controls, on polypeptides of 30, 35 and 45 kDa. These phosphorylations are not seen in blocked irradiated eggs.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the number, shape, volume, orientation and vacuolization of cells involved in the budding of hydra were measured in histological sections. Before evagination, a group of about 800 epithelial cells are visibly recruited for the bud to be produced and this number increases to about 5,000 within a day. Thereafter, bud size increases mainly by proliferation of the cells within the bud. Upon recruitment for budding, the epithelial cells assume a columnar shape, with a smaller contact area facing the mesoglea, accompanied by a decrease in volume which is mostly accounted for by devacuolization. In later stages, cells progressively resume the form typical for non-budding areas of hydra. Evagination proceeds without reorientation of epithelio-muscular fibers, whereas elongation of the bud is accompanied by fiber reorientation.The process of sorting out and regeneration in aggregates of previously dissociated hydra cells was followed using various ratios of endodermal to ectodermal epithelial cells. From different initial compositions, the ratio in the regenerate rapidly approaches 11, the ratio found in normal hydra tissue.The experimental findings are discussed in the context of theoretical notions on pattern formation, evagination, elongation and stability of layered structures.  相似文献   

 Cytoplasmic determinants that specify the fate of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells are known to be localized in specific areas of fertilized eggs of ascidians. The presence of such cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs was demonstrated in previous studies, but no information has yet been proved about their distribution. To investigate the distribution of cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs, we devised a method for distinguishing the polarity of unfertilized eggs using vital staining and we performed cytoplasmic-transfer experiments by fusing blastomeres and cytoplasmic fragments from various identified regions of unfertilized eggs. Cytoplasmic fragments, that contained cortical and subcortical material, from five different positions along the animal-vegetal axis were prepared, and they were fused with a4.2 (presumptive-epidermis) or A4.1 (non-epidermis) blastomeres. The ectopic development of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells that was promoted by the transplanted cytoplasm was assessed by examining the expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), myosin and epidermis-specific antigen, respectively. Differentiation of endoderm and muscle was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the vegetal pole were transplanted. Conversely, formation of epidermis was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the animal pole were transplanted. The results suggest that, in cortical and subcortical regions of unfertilized ascidian eggs, endoderm and muscle determinants are widely distributed along a gradient, with maximum activity at the vegetal pole, whilst epidermis determinants are also distributed along a gradient but with maximum activity at the animal pole. Recieved: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 12 September 1996  相似文献   

The biological activity of venom from Pimpla turionellae L. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) was examined in vivo toward larvae and pupae of Galleriae mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and in vitro toward bacterial and fungal cultures, as well as cultured insect cells. Pupae of G. mellonella were far more susceptible to the venom than larvae. At low doses of venom [0.1 venom reservoir equivalents (VRE)], pupal abdominal mobility was inhibited within 30 min, and by 24 h, all pupae injected with venom concentrations >0.5 VRE were completely paralyzed. These same doses of venom resulted in an inhibition of adult emergence. Host larvae were far less sensitive to wasp venom as evidenced by all venom injected larvae remaining responsive to mechanical stimulation by 1 h post injection, even at concentrations equivalent to 1 venom reservoir. Eventually (>2 h at 25 degrees C), venom-injected larvae became immobile, then flaccid, and all died within 24 h post-injection. At lower concentrations of wasp venom, the onset of paralysis was delayed by comparison to that evoked by 1 VRE, and few host larvae were able to pupate. Development of host larvae to adult emergence was also reduced in a dose-dependent manner, with eclosion completely prevented at high concentrations (>0.5 VRE) of venom. Venom doses <0.5 VRE did not appear to induce paralysis or alter larval development. When venom was incubated with bacterial or fungal cultures, no antimicrobial activity was detected. However, wasp venom was found to be cytotoxic and cytolytic to cultured cells derived from the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culcidae). Though both cell types displayed similar susceptibility in terms of LC50s, the lepidopteran cells responded much more rapidly with regard to the onset of morphological changes and the timing of cell death. A possible mode of action for the venom is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a simple continuous model to describe cell invasion, incorporating the effects of both cell-cell adhesion and cell-matrix adhesion, along with cell growth and proteolysis by cells of the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). We demonstrate that the model is capable of supporting both noninvasive and invasive tumour growth according to the relative strength of cell-cell to cell-matrix adhesion. Specifically, for sufficiently strong cell-matrix adhesion and/or sufficiently weak cell-cell adhesion, degradation of the surrounding ECM accompanied by cell-matrix adhesion pulls the cells into the surrounding ECM. We investigate the criticality of matrix heterogeneity on shaping invasion, demonstrating that a highly heterogeneous ECM can result in a “fingering” of the invasive front, echoing observations in real-life invasion processes ranging from malignant tumour growth to neural crest migration during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Three analogues of the peptidyl pheromone, pheromone of Saccharomyces kluyveri, synthesized based on the amino acid sequence proposed by Sato et al. (Agric Biol Chem 45:1531–1533, 1981) were tested for both shmoo-inducing and agglutinability-inducing actions. Purified natural pheromone of the yeast showed the highest activity among the peptides tested. When methionine in the peptides was oxidized, the activity decreased significatly. Pheromone of S. kluyveri induced sexual agglutinability in a cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and shmoo in a cells of S. cerevisiae and S. kluyveri. a Pheromone of S. kluyveri had no agglutinability-inducing action on cells of S. cerevisiae. a Cells of S. kluyveri inactivated only pheromone of the same species, but a cells of S. cerevisiae inactivated pheromones of both S. cerevisiae and S. kluyveri.  相似文献   

Summary The double abdomen type of embryonic segment pattern can develop in posterior fragments ofCallosobruchus eggs. In this type of pattern, a series of posterior segments is joined in reversed polarity to an equal set from the original pattern persisting in normal polarity. Reversed and non-reversed sets are fused in a plane of mirror symmetry, which shows in the larval cuticle as a symmetry line. This line may be located anywhere in the posterior thorax or the anterior abdomen. The reversed abdomen may be incomplete caudally due to secondary causes. Polarity reversal and concomitant double abdomen formation occurred only when temporary constriction was terminated before cellularization of the blastoderm, and only when the anterior fragment was degenerating. Maximum reversal frequency was 94% of analyzable posterior partial larvae when the constriction was applied slightly anterior to the middle of the egg when the egg contained 4–32 nuclei. Reversal was often restricted to longitudinal strips of the larval cuticle. The longitudinal borderlines between the reversed and the non-reversed strips ran predominantly along the larval midlines. Such borderlines probably existed in the blastoderm anywhere around its circumference, but borderlines in the future mesoderm and serosa would be internalized during gastrulation and dorsal closure, respectively, and the embryonic midlines would then become secondary borderlines visible in the larval cuticle. If a morphogen is involved in segment pattern formation, its transport in the egg must be polarized longitudinally in order to account for reversals restricted to longitudinal cuticular strips.  相似文献   

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