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卫星搭载向日葵种子SP2代花部变异株的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用卫星搭载向日葵种子后获得的花部变异株,SP2正常株与对照株比较,结果表明:突变株筒状花的花瓣变大、增长,花药变小,而子房和花柱的变化不大。在同一个花盘中,外周花的花瓣长大,而中心部花的花瓣短小。变异株的小孢子增大。精核分化早,呈线状,是观察小孢子精核形态的好材料。  相似文献   

对卫星搭载处理的鸡冠花SP2代种子萌发、植株生长、开花以及主要性状在群体中的变异进行了观察.与对照比较,SP2种子发芽势提高,发芽率有所下降,萌发延迟.群体茎粗与对照相比显著增加;选择系在株幅、茎粗间出现了较大差异.在SP2株系间开花时间和花期出现了明显分离,株系群体中有花期明显提前和延迟的单株出现.20个株系中有16个株系的单株种子量比对照显著减少.在SP2株系中株高、株幅呈非正态分布,茎粗和花期呈偏正态分布.在处理的株系群体中有植株显著高大、多分枝、叶色、叶型、冠型、冠色及花期等显著性状变异出现,产生性状变异的单株频率为0.07%-1.26%,表明空间诱变所产生的变异性状开始在SP2代出现.  相似文献   

目的:从航天诱变向日葵种子中提取高质量的总RNA.方法:采用改进的SDS法,提取缓冲液与氯仿同时作用液氮研磨材料后,用酸酚-氯仿抽提一次,经LiCl过夜沉淀、DNase I处理、1/2体积的无水乙醇沉淀多糖,最后加入1/10体积的醋酸钠和2倍体积的无水乙醇沉淀总RNA,用琼脂糖凝胶电泳与紫外分光光度法测定产量与纯度,用...  相似文献   

航天诱变凤仙花SP2代形态变异的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
对经“神舟4号”卫星搭载后的SP2代凤仙花的形态变异进行了研究。结果表明:子叶数目除有了两片的外,尚有三片和四片的。子叶形态上出现连生子叶、杯状子叶和大小不等子叶。真叶的形态上出现线状披针形,其小孢子母细胞减数分裂不正常,小孢子不育。花的结构上出现花瓣增多和花的叶化现象。茎的分枝上,有的不分枝,仅具主茎,有的分枝多达40枝以上。这些变化对研究和认识航天诱变育种有一定的理论和实际的意义。  相似文献   

首次报道了华福花属华福花 Sinadoxa corydalifolia和东方五福花 Adoxa orientalis花部维管结构,并对五福花科3属4种植物的花部维管系统进行了比较研究。3属4种的花部维管系统表现出不同的对称性和不同的复化、减化以及不同的融合程度。基于花部维管系统的证据,本工作支持四福花属四福花 Tetradoxa omeiensis为科内原始类群代表的看法。  相似文献   

首次报道了华福花属华福花Sinadoxacorydalifolia和东方五福花Adoxaorientalis花部维管结构,并对五福花科3属4种植物的花部维管系统进行了比较研究。3属4种的花部维管系统表现出不同的对称性和不同的复化、减化以及不同的融合程度。基于花部维管系统的证据,本工作支持四福花属四福花Tetradoxaomeiensis为科内原始类群代表的看法。  相似文献   

摘要:为了明确大豆航天搭载早期世代农艺性状选择的依据,提高航天搭载育种早期世代选择效果。对6个大豆品种经过航天搭载后的SP2代变异率和SP4代选择效果进行了分析,结果表明遗传力高的SP2代的单株荚数和单株粒数2个农艺性状的变异率与SP4代入选单株数相关达到极显著水平;SP2代遗传力较高底荚高度和节间长度的变异率与SP4代入选单株相关达到显著水平,SP2代遗传力不高的植株高度和主茎节数变异率与SP4代入选单株相关不显著;SP2代对单株荚数、单株粒数、底荚高度、节间长度进行选择有效,而对植株高度和主茎节数选择效果不明显。  相似文献   

为了明确大豆空间诱变早期世代农艺性状选择的依据,提高空间诱变育种早期世代选择效果,对6个大豆品种经过航天搭载后的SP2代变异率和SP4代选择效果进行了分析,结果表明遗传力高的SP2代的单株荚数和单株粒数2个农艺性状的变异率与SP4代入选单株数相关性达到极显著水平;SP2代遗传力较高的底荚高度和节间长度的变异率与SP4代入选单株相关性达到显著水平,SP2代遗传力不高的植株高度和主茎节数变异率与SP4代入选单株相关不显著;SP2代对单株荚数、单株粒数、底荚高度、节间长度进行选择有效,而对植株高度和主茎节数选择效果不明显。  相似文献   

入侵植物花部性状的表型变异及其与繁殖适合度的关系是入侵生态学研究中的基本问题之一.为明确入侵植物刺萼龙葵(Solanum rostratum)种群间和种群内花部性状的表型变异程度和变异规律,并探讨刺萼龙葵花部表型变异对繁殖适合度的影响,采用巢式方差分析、变异系数分析、相关分析、主成分分析及多元线性回归等分析方法,对中国京冀地区的6个刺萼龙葵自然种群的10个花部表型性状和果实种子数量进行了研究.结果表明,(ⅰ)刺萼龙葵花部表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在极显著的变异,种群间的变异(27.26%)大于种群内的变异(3.55%),种群间平均表型分化系数为82.31%,种群间变异是刺萼龙葵表型变异的主要来源,表明刺萼龙葵具有较强的环境适应能力;(ⅱ)各花部表型性状的平均变异系数(coefficient of variation, CV)为13.13%,变异幅度为7.45%~29.79%,柱头与最近喂食雄蕊顶端的距离(distance between the stigma and the closest feeding stamen, DSF)的变异系数最大,传粉雄蕊长(length of the...  相似文献   

以青藏高原东北缘的12个弯齿风毛菊居群为对象,分析花部器官随海拔的变异机制及其与种子质量和数目的关系.结果表明:当海拔在3500~4500 m时,花丝长、花药长、花柱长和花柱分支长分别为0.52~1.01、0.23~0.63、0.74~1.58和0.11~0.22 cm,且均随海拔的升高而显著增长,而花粉数量(26.5×10^4~73.5×10^4)显著下降;花粉数量与花丝长、花柱长及花柱分支长均呈显著负相关,花柱长与花丝长呈显著正相关;种子数目与花丝长、花柱长及花柱分支长均呈显著负相关,与花粉数量呈显著正相关;百粒重与花丝长、花柱长及花柱分支长均呈显著正相关,与花粉数量呈显著负相关.随着海拔的升高,弯齿风毛菊在花期选择延长花部器官的长度来增大昆虫对花粉的携带量和输入量,到果期生产出具有更强竞争优势和生存能力的大种子(质量大、数量少)来提高适合度.  相似文献   

向日葵籽苗下胚轴原生质体,培养在含有BA0.5mg/L,2,4-D0.5mg/L,NAA0.1mg/L和葡萄糖0.55mg/L的改良Kao培养基中,24~28h后,原生质体开始分裂。包埋在琼脂糖0.6%中的原生质体,培养5d后,分裂频率达95%以上。生长旺盛的小愈伤组织转移到含有2ip0.1mg/L,IAA0.01mg/L,腺嘌呤40mg/L和GA30.01mg/L的Thompson液体培养基上13d后,原生质体诱导的少数愈伤组织发生根分化。  相似文献   

The study of phytoremediation potential of Helianthus annuus L was conducted in the sewage-irrigated Indo-Gangetic alluvial soils, India. Calcium @ 1.0% and Zn @ 40 ppm enhanced the yield of H. annuus L and minimized the toxicity of Cr in the investigated soils. The study indicated that H. annuus L is highly sensitive to Cr and Zn in terms of metallic pollution; and may be used as indicator plant. For Cr-phytoremediation, humic acid treatment @ 500 mL/acre induced the Cr-accumulation in roots (p < 0.007) and in shoots (p < 0.015), which was recorded 3.21 and 3.16 mg/kg in root and shoot of H. annuus L, respectively. We suggest that H. annuus L fulfils the necessary condition for efficiently increasing species bioaccumulation after soil treatment with humic acid in Cr-polluted sewage-irrigated soils through soil- plant rhizospheric processes.  相似文献   

化感植物向日葵根提取液的抑菌活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用生长速率法研究了向日葵根乙醇提取物的3种不同溶剂可溶部分对6种植物病原菌的抑制作用。试验结果表明,3种萃取物对6种植物病原菌均有不同程度的抑制作用。化学成分预试表明,向日葵根中含有黄酮类、萜类、内酯类、蒽醌类、有机酸等代谢产物。  相似文献   

The accumulation of compatible solutes is one of the strategies that plants have developed to tolerate salt stress. Proline and betaine are the main metabolites that accumulate in various species of higher plants in response to salt stress. In Helianthus annuus L., pre-treatment of seeds with ethanolamine led to enhanced seedling tolerance to conditions of saline stress during germination, as evidenced by the greater growth of pretreated seedlings (EAS group) versus untreated seedlings (S group), evaluated through such parameters as length, water and chlorophyll content. During the germination period, a considerable increase was observed in proline levels (up to 300%) in seedlings subjected to saline stress, whereas in the EAS group, the proline increment was much smaller (20%). Starting from the fourth day of germination, betaine levels in seedlings pretreated with ethanolamine and then with water (EAW group) and in EAS showed a significant increase versus C (control) and S seedlings, possibly because such a precursor promotes betaine biosynthesis. This could be responsible for the enhanced growth observed in EAS versus S seedlings, as well as for preventing the decrease in chlorophyll content in the EAS group. The accumulation of betaine seems to correlate with the greater tolerance of these seedlings against stress induced by sodium chloride.  相似文献   

本实验研究了3个向日葵品种在生长周期内茎、叶及茎叶混合样的水分、蛋白质和总黄酮含量的动态变化.结果表明:向日葵不同品种、不同生长期以及同一品种的不同部位的水分、蛋白质、总黄酮含量均存在差异.水分含量整体呈现下降趋势,且茎>茎叶混合>叶;蛋白质含量为叶>茎叶混合样>茎,其中高秆食用葵叶片中蛋白质含量为8.10g/100g...  相似文献   

海水胁迫对向日葵苗期生长及矿质营养吸收特性的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用砂培法,研究了海水胁迫对向日葵幼苗生长及矿质营养吸收特性的影响。结果表明,海水胁迫下,向日葵幼苗株高、茎粗、干物重明显降低。幼苗根茎叶中Cl-,茎和叶中Mg2 、叶中Na 和Ca2 含量随海水浓度的增加而增加,根茎叶中K 、全氮和全磷含量随海水浓度升高而降低,但在10%和20%海水胁迫下,向日葵体内Na 、Cl-主要集中于根和茎中,叶中较少。海水胁迫下,向日葵幼苗各部位K /Na 始终是叶部最高,根部最低,且根茎叶中SK,Na值均大于1。因此,低浓度海水胁迫下向日葵幼苗对Na 和Cl-的截流作用、海水胁迫下幼苗根部对K 强的选择性吸收以及K 向地上部的选择性运输是向日葵具有一定耐盐性的主要原因。  相似文献   

In order to obtain male-sterile asymmetric somatic hybrids between chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) male-sterile cytoplasmic line, mesophyll chicory protoplasts inactivated with iodoacetic acid and hypocotyl sunflower protoplasts irradiated with γ-rays have been fused, using PEG and applying two different procedures. Thirty three plants were regenerated from putative hybrid calli. A cytological analysis of their root-tip cells indicated that most of them had 18 chromosomes, the same number as chicory. Through Southern hybridisation on total DNA using the maize mitochondrial specific gene probes Cox I, Cox II and Cob, three plants were identified as cytoplasmic asymmetric hybrids, as shown by hybridisation bands specific for both chicory and sunflower. One of the regenerated plants produced a novel pattern of hybridisation that was not detected in either parent. When hybridisation of total DNA was carried out with an atpA mitochondrial gene probe the same three cybrids presented both the fertile chicory fragment and the male-sterile sunflower fragment. Finally, Southern hybridisation with an ORF 522 probe, which in sunflower is co-transcribed with the atpA gene, confirmed the hybrid nature of the three plants. The morphology of the cybrids resembled the parental chicory phenotype, and at anthesis their anthers produced fewer pollen grains which could not germinate either ”in vitro” or ”in situ.” Cybrid plants grown in the field produced seeds when free-pollination occurred. Received: 26 April 2000 / Accepted: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts from three week old leaves of Helianthus annuus L. and from four week old leaves of Vicia faba L. were incubated with polyclonal, monospecific antibodies, raised against either cx 32 or cx 26 mouse liver connexin. Crossreactions were visualized by FITC-labeled anti-rabbit antibodies. Incubations with the cx 26 antibody resulted in fluorescing spots on protoplast surfaces of both plant species, indicating the presence of a polypeptide, immunologically related to the animal cx 26. A plant protein, exhibiting similarities to cx 26, would present a new member of connexin-like plant proteins. Controls, performed with preimmune serum or with the FITC-conjugate alone, were negative. Immunofluorescing spots were not obtained after incubations with the cx 32 antibody. Since the existence of a cx 32-like plant protein, associated with ultrastructures of plasmodesmata and the plasma membrane, is meanwhile established, several explanations for the failed attempt to demonstrate a cx 32 antibody labeling at protoplast surfaces are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The diurnal cycling of leaf water potential (Ψleaf) in field-grown sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) was used to investigate the cause of water deficitinduced limitation of net photosynthesis. Daily midafternoon decreases in Ψleaf of up to 1.5 MPa and in net photosynthesis of up to 50% were typical for irrigated sunflower during seed filling. These midafternoon values were lowered an additional 0.6 to 0.8 MPa by prolonged drought treatment. There was a nearly linear relationship between the decline in net photosynthesis and reductions in leaf conductance over the course of the day. Thus, it was unexpected to find that the low, midafternoon rates of photosynthesis were associated with the highest intercellular CO2 concentrations. These and other observations suggest that the daily decline in photosynthesis represents a 'down regulation' of the biochemical demand for CO2 that is coordinated with the diurnally developing need to conserve water, thus establishing a balanced limitation of photosynthesis involving both stomatal and non-stomatal factors. There were no indications that either short term (i.e. diurnal declines in Ψleaf) or long term (i.e. drought treatment) water deficits caused any damage or malfunctioning of photosynthesis. Rather, both the daily declines in photosynthesis and the nearly 25% decrease in leaf area induced by prolonged drought appeared to be well-controlled adaptive responses by field-grown sunflower plants to limited water availability.  相似文献   

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