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Cys(2)-His(2)-type zinc finger proteins have a tandemly repeated array structure consisting of independent finger modules. They are expected to elevate the DNA binding affinity and specificity by increasing the number of finger modules. To investigate the relation between the number and the DNA binding affinity of the zinc finger, we have designed the two- to four-finger peptides by connecting the central zinc finger (finger 2) of Sp1 with the canonical linker sequence, Thr-Gly-Glu-Lys-Pro. Gel mobility shift assays reveal that the cognate three- and four-finger peptides, Sp1(zf222) and Sp1(zf2222), strongly bind to the predicted target sequences, but the two-finger peptide, Sp1(zf22), does not. Of special interest is the fact that the dissociation constant for Sp1(zf2222) binding to the target DNA is comparable to that for Sp1(zf222). The methylation interference, DNase I and hydroxyl radical footprintings, and circular permutation analyses demonstrate that Sp1(zf2222) binds to its target site with three successive zinc fingers and the binding of the fourth zinc finger is inhibited by DNA bending induced by the binding of the three-finger domain. The present results strongly indicate that the zinc finger protein binds to DNA by the three-finger domain as one binding unit. In addition, this information provides the basis for the design of a novel multifinger protein with high affinity and specificity for long DNA sequences, such as chromosomal DNAs.  相似文献   

The discoidin domain receptors, DDR1 and DDR2, are receptor tyrosine kinases that are activated by native triple-helical collagen. Here we have located three specific DDR2 binding sites by screening the entire triple-helical domain of collagen II, using the Collagen II Toolkit, a set of overlapping triple-helical peptides. The peptide sequence that bound DDR2 with highest affinity interestingly contained the sequence for the high affinity binding site for von Willebrand factor in collagen III. Focusing on this sequence, we used a set of truncated and alanine-substituted peptides to characterize the sequence GVMGFO (O is hydroxyproline) as the minimal collagen sequence required for DDR2 binding. Based on a recent NMR analysis of the DDR2 collagen binding domain, we generated a model of the DDR2-collagen interaction that explains why a triple-helical conformation is required for binding. Triple-helical peptides comprising the DDR2 binding motif not only inhibited DDR2 binding to collagen II but also activated DDR2 transmembrane signaling. Thus, DDR2 activation may be effected by single triple-helices rather than fibrillar collagen.  相似文献   

It has been reported recently that Sb(III) competes with Zn(II) for its binding to the CCHC zinc finger domain of the HIV-1 NCp7 protein, suggesting that zinc finger proteins may be molecular targets for antimony-based drugs. Here, the interaction of Sb(III) with a CCCH zinc finger domain, which is considered to play a crucial role in the biology of kinetoplastid protozoa, has been characterized for the first time. The binding characteristics of Sb(III) were compared between a CCCH-type peptide derived from a kinetoplastid protein and two different CCHC-type zinc finger peptides. The formation of 1 : 1 Zn-peptide and Sb-peptide complexes from the different peptides was demonstrated using circular dichroism, UV absorption, fluorescence spectroscopies and ESI-MS. Titration of the Zn-peptide complexes with SbCl(3) was performed at pH 6 and 7, exploiting the intrinsic fluorescence of the peptides. The differential spectral characteristics of the peptides allowed for competition experiments between the different peptides for binding of Zn(II). The present study establishes that Sb(III) more effectively displaces Zn(II) from the CCCH peptide than CCHC ones, as a result of both the greater stability of the Sb-CCCH complex (compared to Sb-CCHC complexes) and the lower stability of the Zn-CCCH complex (compared to Zn-CCHC complexes). Comparison of the binding characteristics of Sb(III) or Zn(II) between the CCHC-type peptides with different amino acid sequences supports the model that not only the conserved zinc finger motif, but also the sequence of non-conserved amino acids determines the binding affinity of Sb(III) and Zn(II). These data suggest that the interaction of Sb(III) with CCCH-type zinc finger proteins may modulate, or even mediate, the pharmacological action of antimonial drugs.  相似文献   

Using transient absorption spectroscopy and photoacoustic calorimetry (PAC), we have characterized carbon monoxide photodissociation and rebinding to two forms of the heme domain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum FixL. Transient absorption results for the complete heme domain (FixL residues 140-270) and a truncated heme domain (missing 11 residues on the N-teminal end and 14 amino acid residues on the C-terminal end of the full length heme domain) show similar rates for ligand rebinding to the five-coordinate heme domain and the absence of any transient intermediate on a microsecond time scale. Results from PAC studies show that both the truncated and complete heme domains undergo a contraction upon ligand photolysis. In addition, CO photolysis from the complete heme domain gives rise to an intermediate with a lifetime of approximately 150 ns which is absent in the truncated heme domain. We attribute the 150 ns phase to ligand release to the solvent which may be accelerated in the case of the truncated domain. The initial contraction is attributed to changes in the charge distribution due to reorganization of the surface salt bridge formed between Glu182 and Arg227 or possibly to reorientation of Arg206. Changes in the charge distribution may play an important role in communication between the sensor domain and the regulatory domain and thus may be part of the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Spanggord RJ  Beal PA 《Biochemistry》2001,40(14):4272-4280
The RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is regulated by the binding of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or single-stranded RNAs with extensive duplex secondary structure. PKR has an RNA binding domain (RBD) composed of two copies of the dsRNA binding motif (dsRBM). The dsRBM is an alpha-beta-beta-beta-alpha structure present in a number of proteins that bind RNA, and the selectivity demonstrated by these proteins is currently not well understood. We have used affinity cleavage to study the binding of PKR's RBD to RNA. In this study, we site-specifically modified the first dsRBM of PKR's RBD at two different amino acid positions with the hydroxyl radical generator EDTA.Fe. Cleavage by these proteins of a synthetic stem-loop ligand of PKR indicates that PKR's dsRBMI binds the RNA in a preferred orientation, placing the loop between strands beta1 and beta2 near the single-stranded RNA loop. Additional cleavage experiments demonstrated that defects in the RNA stem, such as an A bulge and two GA mismatches, do not dictate dsRBMI's binding orientation preference. Cleavage of VA(I) RNA, an adenoviral RNA inhibitor of PKR, indicates that dsRBMI is bound near the loop of the apical stem of this RNA in the same orientation as observed with the synthetic stem-loop RNA ligands. This work, along with an NMR study of the binding of a dsRBM derived from the Drosophila protein Staufen, indicates that dsRBMs can bind stem-loop RNAs in distinct ways. In addition, the successful application of the affinity cleavage technique to localizing dsRBMI of PKR on stem-loop RNAs and defining its orientation suggests this approach could be applied to dsRBMs found in other proteins.  相似文献   

Three types of editosomes, each with an identical core containing six related KREPA proteins, catalyze the U insertion and deletion RNA editing of mitochondrial mRNAs in trypanosomes. Repression of expression of one of these, KREPA3 (also known as TbMP42), shows that it is essential for growth and in vivo editing in both procyclic (PF) and bloodstream (BF) life cycle stages of Trypanosoma brucei. RNA interference knockdown results in editosome disruption and altered in vitro editing in PFs, while repression by regulatable double knockout results in almost complete loss of editosomes in BFs. Mutational analysis shows that the KREPA3 zinc fingers and OB-fold domain are each essential for growth and in vivo editing. Nevertheless, KREPA3 with mutated zinc fingers incorporates into editosomes that catalyze in vitro editing and thus is not essential for editosome integrity, although stability is affected. In contrast, the OB-fold domain is essential for editosome integrity. Overall, KREPA3, especially its OB-fold, functions in editosome integrity, and its zinc fingers are essential for editing in vivo but not for the central catalytic steps. KREPA3 may function in editosome organization and/or RNA positioning.  相似文献   

Zinc is required for folding and binding of a single zinc finger to DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A synthetic peptide corresponding to zinc finger 31 of the Xenopus protein Xfin adopts a folded conformation in the presence of zinc. The same peptide in the absence of zinc is not folded in a stable tertiary conformation, as determined by NMR. Binding experiments have shown that the peptide binds non-specifically to DNA only in the presence of zinc. Moreover, competitive DNA binding experiments indicate interaction with 3.9 +/- 0.4 base pairs.  相似文献   

Residues 89-100 of troponin C (C89-100) and 96-116 of troponin I (I96-116) interact with each other in the troponin complex (Dalgarno, D.C., Grand, R.J.A., Levine, B.A. Moir, A., J.G., Scott, G.M.M., and Perry, S.V. (1982) FEBS Lett. 150, 54-58) and are necessary for the Ca2+ sensitivity of actomyosin ATPase (Syska, H., Wilkinson, J.M., Grand, R.J.A., and Perry, S.V. (1976) Biochem. J. 153, 375-387 and Grabarek, Z., Drabikowski, W., Leavis, P.C., Rosenfeld, S.S., and Gergely, J. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 13121-13127). We have studied Ca2+-induced changes in the region C89-100 by monitoring the fluorescence of troponin C (TnC) labeled at Cys-98 with 5-(iodoacetamidoethyl)aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid. Equilibrium titration of the labeled TnC with Ca2+ indicates that the probe is sensitive to binding to both classes of sites in free TnC as well as in its complex with TnI. When Mg2 X TnC is mixed with Ca2+ in a stopped flow apparatus, there is a rapid fluorescence increase related to Ca2+ binding to the unoccupied sites I and II followed by a slower increase (k = 9.9 s-1) that represents Mg2+-Ca2+ exchange at sites III and IV. In the TnC X TnI complex, the fast phase is much larger and the Mg2+-Ca2+ exchange at sites III and IV results in a small decrease rather than an increase in the fluorescence of the probe. The possibility is discussed that the fast change in the environment of Cys-98 upon Ca2+ binding to sites I and II may be instrumental in triggering activation of the thin filament by facilitating a contact between C89-100 and I96-116.  相似文献   

Tristetraprolin (TTP) is the prototype of a family of CCCH tandem zinc finger proteins that can bind to AU-rich elements in mRNAs and promote their decay. TTP binds to mRNA through its central tandem zinc finger domain; it then promotes mRNA deadenylation, considered to be the rate-limiting step in eukaryotic mRNA decay. We found that TTP and its related family members could bind to certain isoforms of another AU-rich element-binding protein, HNRNPD/AUF1, as well as a related protein, laAUF1. The interaction domain within AUF1p45 appeared to be a C-terminal "GY" region, and the interaction domain within TTP was the tandem zinc finger domain. Surprisingly, binding of AUF1p45 to TTP occurred even with TTP mutants that lacked RNA binding activity. In cell extracts, binding of AUF1p45 to TTP potentiated TTP binding to ARE-containing RNA probes, as determined by RNA gel shift assays; AUF1p45 did not bind to the RNA probes under these conditions. Using purified, recombinant proteins and a synthetic RNA target in FRET assays, we demonstrated that AUF1p45, but not AUF1p37, increased TTP binding affinity for RNA ~5-fold. These data suggest that certain isoforms of AUF1 can serve as "co-activators" of TTP family protein binding to RNA. The results raise interesting questions about the ability of AUF1 isoforms to regulate the mRNA binding and decay-promoting activities of TTP and its family members as well as the ability of AUF1 proteins to serve as possible physical links between TTP and other mRNA decay proteins and structures.  相似文献   

TIS11d is a member of the CCCH-type family of tandem zinc finger (TZF) proteins; the TZF domain of TIS11d (residues 151–220) is sufficient to bind and destabilize its target mRNAs with high specificity. In this study, the TZF domain of TIS11d is simulated in an aqueous environment in both the free and RNA-bound states. Multiple nanosecond timescale molecular dynamics trajectories of TIS11d wild-type and E157R/E195K mutant with different RNA sequences were performed to investigate the molecular basis for RNA binding specificities of this TZF domain. A variety of measures of the protein structure, fluctuations, and dynamics were used to analyze the trajectories. The results of this study support the following conclusions: (1) the structure of the two fingers is maintained in the free state but a global reorientation occurs to yield a more compact structure; (2) mutation of the glutamate residues at positions 157 and 195 to arginine and lysine, respectively, affects the RNA recognition by this TIS11d mutant in agreement with the findings of Pagano et al. (J Biol Chem 2007; 282:8883–8894); and (3) we predict that the E157R/E195K mutant will present a more relaxed RNA binding specificity relative to wild-type TIS11d based on the more favorable nonsequence-specific Coulomb interaction of the two positively charged residues at positions 157 and 195 with the RNA backbone, which compensates for a partial loss of the stacking interaction of aromatic side chains with the RNA bases.  相似文献   

The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, a family of six conserved polypeptides found in all eukaryotes, are essential for DNA replication. The archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Delta H contains a single homologue of MCM with biochemical properties similar to those of the eukaryotic enzyme. The amino acid sequence of the archaeal protein contains a putative zinc-binding domain of the CX(2)CX(n)CX(2)C (C(4)) type. In this study, the roles of the zinc finger domain in MCM function were examined using recombinant wild-type and mutant proteins expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. The protein with a mutation in the zinc motif forms a dodecameric complex similar to the wild-type enzyme. The mutant enzyme, however, is impaired in DNA-dependent ATPase activity and single-stranded DNA binding, and it does not possess helicase activity. These results illustrate the importance of the zinc-binding domain for archaeal MCM function and suggest a role for zinc binding in the eukaryotic MCM complex as well, since four out of the six eukaryotic MCM proteins contain a similar zinc-binding motif.  相似文献   

The HTLV-I integrase N-terminal domain [50-residue peptide (IN50)], and a 35-residue truncated peptide formed by residues 9-43 (IN35) have been synthesized by solid-phase peptide synthesis. Formation of the 50-residue zinc finger type structure through a HHCC motif has been proved by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Its stability was demonstrated by an original method using RP-HPLC. Similar experiments performed on the 35-residue peptide showed that the truncation does not prevent zinc complex formation but rather that it significantly influences its stability. As evidenced by CD spectroscopy, the 50-residue zinc finger is unordered in aqueous solution but adopts a partially helical conformation when trifluoroethanol is added. These results are in agreement with our secondary structure predictions and demonstrate that the HTLV-I integrase N-terminal domain is likely to be composed of an helical region (residues 28-42) and a beta-strand (residues 20-23), associated with a HHCC zinc-binding motif. Size-exclusion chromatography showed that the structured zinc finger dimerizes through the helical region.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I is thought to undergo a conformational change during lipid association that results in the transition of random coil to alpha-helix. Using a series of deletion mutants lacking different regions along the molecule, we examined the contribution of alpha-helix formation in apoA-I to the binding to egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) small unilamellar vesicles (SUV). Binding isotherms determined by gel filtration showed that apoA-I binds to SUV with high affinity and deletions in the C-terminal region markedly decrease the affinity. Circular dichroism measurements demonstrated that binding to SUV led to an increase in alpha-helix content, but the helix content was somewhat less than in reconstituted discoidal PC.apoA-I complexes for all apoA-I variants, suggesting that the helical structure of apoA-I on SUV is different from that in discs. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that the binding of apoA-I to SUV is accompanied by a large exothermic heat and deletions in the C-terminal regions greatly decrease the heat. Analysis of the rate of release of heat on binding, as well as the kinetics of quenching of tryptophan fluorescence by brominated PC, indicated that the opening of the N-terminal helix bundle is a rate-limiting step in apoA-I binding to the SUV surface. Significantly, the correlation of thermodynamic parameters of binding with the increase in the number of helical residues revealed that the contribution of alpha-helix formation upon lipid binding to the enthalpy and the free energy of the binding of apoA-I is -1.1 and -0.04 kcal/mol per residue, respectively. These results indicate that alpha-helix formation, especially in the C-terminal regions, provides the energetic source for high affinity binding of apoA-I to lipids.  相似文献   

Adhesion of pathogenic Leptospira spp. to mammalian cells is mediated by their adhesins interacting with host cell receptors. In a previous study, we have identified two potential fibronectin (Fn) binding sites in central variable region (LigBCen) and C-terminal variable region (LigBCtv) of LigB, an adhesin of pathogenic Leptospira spp. In this study, we have further localized the Fn-binding site on LigBCen and found a domain of LigB (LigBCen2) (amino acids 1014-1165) strongly bound to Fn. LigBCen2 bound to a 70kDa domain of Fn including N-terminal domain (NTD) and gelatin binding domain (GBD), but with a higher binding affinity to NTD (K(d)=272nM) than to GBD (K(d)=1200nM). Except Fn, LigBCen2 also bound laminin and fibrinogen. LigBCen2 could bind MDCK cells, and blocked the binding of Leptospira on MDCK cells by 45%. These results suggest that LigBCen2 contributed to high affinity binding on NTD or GBD of Fn, laminin, and fibrinogen and mediated Leptospira binding on host cells.  相似文献   

Viral incorporation of cyclophilin A (CyPA) during the assembly of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) is crucial for efficient viral replication. CyPA binds to the previously identified Gly-Pro90 site of the capsid protein p24, but its role remained unclear. Here we report two new interaction sites between cyclophilins and p24. Both are located in the C-terminal domain of p24 around Gly-Pro157 and Gly-Pro224. Peptides corresponding to these regions showed higher affinities (Kd approximately 0.3 microM) for both CyPA and cyclophilin B than the best peptide derived from the Gly-Pro90 site ( approximately 8 microM) and thus revealed new sequence motifs flanking Gly-Pro that are important for tight interaction of peptide ligands with cyclophilins. Between CyPA and an immature (unprocessed) form of p24, a Kd of approximately 8 microM was measured, which corresponded with the Kd of the best of the Gly-Pro90 peptides, indicating an association via this site. Processing of immature p24 by the viral protease, yielding mature p24, elicited a conformational change in its C-terminal domain that was signaled by the covalently attached fluorescence label acrylodan. Consequently, CyPA and cyclophilin B bound with much higher affinities ( approximately 0.6 and 0.25 microM) to the new, i.e. maturation-generated sites. Since this domain is essential for p24 oligomerization and capsid cone formation, CyPA bound to the new sites might impair the regularity of the capsid cone and thus facilitate in vivo core disassembly after host infection.  相似文献   

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