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Many of the mammals undergoing drastic declines in tropical forests worldwide are important seed dispersers and seed predators, and thus changes in mammal communities due to hunting will affect plant recruitment. It has been hypothesized that larger-seeded species will suffer greater reductions in seed removal and thus greater increases in predispersal seed predation than smaller-seeded species. We compared primary and secondary seed removal and predispersal seed predation of two tree species between hunted and nonhunted sites in Central Panama. Seeds of Oenocarpus mapora (Arecaceae) are 16-times greater in size than those of Cordia bicolor (Boraginaceae). We quantified primary seed removal and predispersal seed predation using seed traps, and we assessed secondary seed removal using seed removal plots. Primary removal of C. bicolor was 43 percent lower in the hunted sites, while primary removal of O. mapora was not significantly different. Secondary removal of unprotected O. mapora seeds on the ground was 59 percent lower in hunted sites, while secondary removal of C. bicolor was not significantly different. Predispersal seed predation of O. mapora by mammals was significantly lower in hunted sites, while predispersal seed predation by insects was not significantly different in either species. In combination with other studies, our results suggest that seed size is not a reliable predictor of the impacts of hunting. Mammal defaunation differentially affects stages and modes of seed dispersal and seed predation of different plant species, suggesting that these influences are complex and related to multiple plant traits.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of local hunting on plant recruitment at the community level in the Ngotto Forest, Central African Republic. It is the first study of this kind in the afrotropics. To compare our results with previous studies conducted in the neotropics, we used the protocol proposed byNuñez-Iturri and Howe. We compared animal relative abundances and seed length, density and diversity of seedlings at two sites with contrasting anthropogenic pressures: one with low hunting pressure (LH) and one with high hunting pressure (HH). Furthermore, we investigated how density and diversity of recruitment vary with seed length in the two sites. Both sites exhibit similar soil, climate and tree species composition, and have never been logged. Large mammals (frugivores and herbivores) were extirpated from HH and relative abundance of medium-sized frugivores drastically decreased in HH compared with LH. In HH, diversity of seedlings was reduced compared with LH, especially for large-seeded plant species dispersed by large game mammals. The approach used in this study shows promising perspectives to investigate the effects of human disturbances on the regeneration of tropical forests. Furthermore, in the afrotropical context of a lack of data on plant–animal ecological relationships, seed length appears to be a good predictor of the strength of the deficit of plant recruitment due to large mammal extirpation because of hunting. Thus, more efforts are needed to study the ecological roles of large-seeded plants in order to better understand the effects of their disappearance on tropical forest resilience.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of seed rain impact plant fitness, genetic and demographic structure of plant populations, and species' interactions. Because plants are sessile, they rely on biotic and abiotic dispersal agents to move their seeds. The relative importance of these dispersal agents may shift throughout the year. In tropical forests, seed dispersal of epiphytes constitutes a major but hitherto unknown portion of seed rain ecology. For the first time, we report on patterns of seed rain for both epiphytic and terrestrial plants across an entire year in a Neotropical montane forest. To examine seed rain, we placed traps in the canopy and on the ground. We analyzed seed dispersal syndrome (bird, mammal, wind) and plant habit (epiphyte, liana, shrub, small tree, large tree) across all seasons of the year (dry, misty, wet). We found that the community of species collected in canopy traps was significantly different from the community in ground traps. Epiphytes were the most common plant habit found in canopy traps, while large trees were most common in ground traps. Species with bird‐dispersed seeds dominated all traps. Species richness was significantly higher during the dry season in ground traps, but did not vary across seasons in canopy traps. Our results highlight the distinct seed rain found in the canopy and on the ground and underscore the importance of frugivores for dispersing both arboreal and terrestrial plants in tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate that by focusing on traits linked to fundamental plant life‐history trade‐offs, ecologists can begin to predict plant community structure at global scales. Yet, consumers can strongly affect plant communities, and means for linking consumer effects to key plant traits and community assembly processes are lacking. We conducted a global literature review and meta‐analysis to evaluate whether seed size, a trait representing fundamental life‐history trade‐offs in plant offspring investment, could predict post‐dispersal seed predator effects on seed removal and plant recruitment. Seed size predicted small mammal seed removal rates and their impacts on plant recruitment consistent with optimal foraging theory, with intermediate seed sizes most strongly impacted globally – for both native and exotic plants. However, differences in seed size distributions among ecosystems conditioned seed predation patterns, with relatively large‐seeded species most strongly affected in grasslands (smallest seeds), and relatively small‐seeded species most strongly affected in tropical forests (largest seeds). Such size‐dependent seed predation has profound implications for coexistence among plants because it may enhance or weaken opposing life‐history trade‐offs in an ecosystem‐specific manner. Our results suggest that seed size may serve as a key life‐history trait that can integrate consumer effects to improve understandings of plant coexistence.  相似文献   

Overhunting in tropical forests reduces populations of vertebrate seed dispersers. If reduced seed dispersal has a negative impact on tree population viability, overhunting could lead to altered forest structure and dynamics, including decreased biodiversity. However, empirical data showing decreased animal-dispersed tree abundance in overhunted forests contradict demographic models which predict minimal sensitivity of tree population growth rate to early life stages. One resolution to this discrepancy is that seed dispersal determines spatial aggregation, which could have demographic consequences for all life stages. We tested the impact of dispersal loss on population viability of a tropical tree species, Miliusa horsfieldii, currently dispersed by an intact community of large mammals in a Thai forest. We evaluated the effect of spatial aggregation for all tree life stages, from seeds to adult trees, and constructed simulation models to compare population viability with and without animal-mediated seed dispersal. In simulated populations, disperser loss increased spatial aggregation by fourfold, leading to increased negative density dependence across the life cycle and a 10-fold increase in the probability of extinction. Given that the majority of tree species in tropical forests are animal-dispersed, overhunting will potentially result in forests that are fundamentally different from those existing now.  相似文献   

Many species of tropical moist forests have large seeds compared to those found in temperate floras. This could be attributed to a prevalence of woody growth forms, or adaptation to dispersal by vertebrates, or the dense shade of a closed canopy, rather than to an intrinsic tropical v. temperate difference. We compared tropical v. temperate seed mass data at two geographic scales; firstly within Australia between tropical, subtropical and temperate open woodlands, then between six tropical and temperate datasets from five continents. Within Australia we found that seed mass increased with decreasing latitude in ten out of eleven growth form-dispersal mode combinations: only wind-dispersed graminoids showed no significant effect. While the pattern of generally larger seeds in the tropical flora was associated with tropical families tending to have larger seeds than temperate families, we also found that tropical species had larger seeds than temperate cofamilials. As a preliminary test of the generality of these findings we included a further four tropical and temperate data sets in a second analysis. Average tropical seed masses were larger than temperate seed masses in all testable growth form-dispersal mode combinations, and statistically larger in five out of seven cases: unassisted, vertebrate- and wind-dispersed woody species, and unassisted and vertebrate-dispersed forbs. No difference was found for wind-dispersed forbs or for graminoids lacking dispersal structures. That an effect was found in these combinations rules out explanations based solely on characteristics of tropical v. temperate dispersers, although this may be a contributing factor. Instead we suggest that some aspect of tropical systems, for example higher metabolic costs of seedling production, has selected for a general increase in seed mass among tropical taxa.  相似文献   

Biotic seed dispersal is a key process maintaining biodiversity in tropical forests where most trees produce vertebrate‐dispersed seeds. Existing meta‐analyses suggest an overall positive effect of vertebrate gut passage on seed germination, but no significant effects for non‐flying mammals. However, previous meta‐analyses combined rodents (seed predators) and primates (seed dispersers) into the non‐flying mammals category, which may confound specific effects of each group on seed germination. However positive effects of monkeys on germination had previously been found in some studies. Here we disentangle the role of Neotropical primates as contributors to seed dispersal in tropical forests by running a meta‐analysis to determine the overall magnitude of gut passage effects on seed germination percentage and mean time to germination. We also compare effect sizes as a function of different feeding guilds, gut complexities, and seed size. Our results show a strong, positive effect of primates on seed germination percentage and on the number of days to first germination. Strictly frugivorous monkeys, the group most threatened by extinction, showed the highest dispersal quality, increasing germination percentage by 75%. Primates that include insects in their diets had no average effect on germination percentage or time. Gut passage had different outcomes on seeds with different sizes; both large and small seeds showed similar increases in germination percentages after gut passage, but only large seeds germinated faster than control seeds after gut passage. Our results show a relevant role for primates in providing high seed dispersal quality and as drivers of forest regeneration. The combined effects of defaunation and forest fragmentation may result in decreased regeneration of trees, which has the potential to affect negatively both forest structure and ecosystem processes. Finally, we provide general guidelines for standardizing research on seed dispersal by primates. Synthesis Consuming fleshy fruits and dispersing seeds is the main ecological service provided by vertebrates to plants. Vertebrate increases seed germination due to treatment given during digestive system passage. Previous meta‐analyses suggest an overall positive effect of vertebrate gut passage on germination, but no insights are available on its variation among different functional groups of mammals. Our analyses indicated that gut passage by Neotropical primates increased seed germination. Strict frugivores, the ones most threatened by extinction, were the most efficient. Our results show a relevant role for primates in providing high seed dispersal quality and as drivers of forest regeneration, which can be meaningful for conservation in a community scale.  相似文献   

Seasonal tropical forests show rhythms in reproductive activities due to water stress during dry seasons. If both seed dispersal and seed germination occur in the best environmental conditions, mortality will be minimised and forest regeneration will occur. To evaluate whether non-seasonal forests also show rhythms, for 2 years we studied the seed rain and seedling emergence in two sandy coastal forests (flooded and unflooded) in southern Brazil. In each forest, one 100 x 30-m grid was marked and inside it 30 stations comprising two seed traps (0.5 x 0.5 m each) and one plot (2 x 2 m) were established for monthly monitoring of seed rain and a seedling emergence study, respectively. Despite differences in soil moisture and incident light on the understorey, flooded and unflooded forests had similar dispersal and germination patterns. Seed rain was seasonal and bimodal (peaks at the end of the wetter season and in the less wet season) and seedling emergence was seasonal and unimodal (peaking in the wetter season). Approximately 57% of the total species number had seedling emergence 4 or more months after dispersal. Therefore, both seed dormancy and the timing of seed dispersal drive the rhythm of seedling emergence in these forests. The peak in germination occurs in the wetter season, when soil fertility is higher and other phenological events also occur. The strong seasonality in these plant communities, even in this weakly seasonal climate, suggests that factors such as daylength, plant sensitivity to small changes in the environment (e.g. water and nutrient availability) or phylogenetic constraints cause seasonal rhythms in the plants.  相似文献   

Endozoochory, the dispersal of seeds by animal ingestion, is the most dominant mode of seed dispersal in tropical forests and is a key process shaping current and future forest dynamics. However, it remains largely unknown how endozoochory is associated with environmental conditions at regional and local scales. Here, we investigated the effects of elevation, climate, and microhabitat conditions on the proportion of endozoochorous plant species in the seed rain of the tropical Andes of southern Ecuador. Over 1 year, we measured seed rain in 162 seed traps on nine 1-ha forest plots located at 1000, 2000, and 3000 m a.s.l. We recorded climatic conditions (mean annual temperature and rainfall) in each plot and microhabitat conditions (leaf area index and soil moisture) adjacent to each seed trap. In total, we recorded 331,838 seeds belonging to 323 morphospecies. Overall, the proportion of endozoochorous species in the seed rain decreased with elevation. The relative biomass of endozoochorous species decreased with increasing rainfall, whereas the relative seed richness of endozoochorous species increased with increasing temperature and leaf area index. These findings suggest an interplay between climate factors and microhabitat conditions in shaping the importance of endozoochorous plant species in the seed rain of tropical montane forests. We conclude that changing climatic and microhabitat conditions are likely to cause changes in the dominant dispersal modes of plant communities which may trigger changes in the current and future dynamics of tropical forests.  相似文献   

Hunting in tropical forests decimates large mammals, and this may have direct and indirect effects on other trophic levels and lead to trophic cascades. We compared replicated sites of hunted and protected forests in southeastern Nigeria, with respect to community composition of primates, other mammals, birds, plant seedlings, and mature trees. We make predictions regarding the community composition at the different trophic levels. In forests where large primates are rare, we hypothesize that their ecological role will not be fully compensated for by small frugivores. We apply multivariate methods to assess changes in community composition of mammals, birds, and seedlings, controlling for any differences between sites in the other groups, including mature trees. Medium and large (4–180 kg) primates were much rarer in hunted sites, while porcupine and rock hyrax increased in abundance with hunting. In contrast, the community composition of birds was similar in both types of forests. Seedling communities were significantly related to the community composition of mammals, and thus strongly affected by hunting. In protected forests primate dispersed plant seedling species dominated, whereas in hunted forests the seedling community was shifted towards one dominated by abiotically dispersed species. This was probably both a consequence of reduced seed dispersal by primates, and increased seed predation by rodents and hyrax. Hence we found no evidence for buffering effects on tree regeneration through functional compensation by non‐hunted animals (such as birds). Our results highlight how seedling communities are changed by the complex plant–animal intera ctions, triggered by the loss of seed dispersers. The results predict a rarity of primate‐dispersed trees in future tropical forest canopies; a forest less diverse in timber and non‐timber resources.  相似文献   

Climate change is resulting in shifts in species’ ranges as species inhabit new climatically suitable areas. A key factor affecting range‐shifts is the interaction with predators. Small mammals, being primary seed predators and dispersers in forest ecosystems, may play a major role in determining which plant species will successfully expand and the rate at which range‐shifts will occur. Plants dispersing seeds beyond the species’ current range limits will encounter seed predators to which these seeds are novel; however, empirical studies of seed predator–novel seed interactions are lacking. The aims of our study were to: 1) quantify seed selection by small mammals presented with ‘novel’ seeds; 2) quantify the post‐selection fate of ‘novel’ seeds; and 3) identify seed traits that affect seed selection and post‐selection seed fate. We designed a field experiment exposing small mammal communities to novel seeds produced by plants expected to shift their ranges in response to climate change. We matched novel seeds with reference ‘familiar’ seeds and studied key steps defining interactions between small mammals and novel seeds. We found that the probability of selection of a novel seed varied among species and was, at times, higher than the selection probability of familiar seeds. Key traits that affected seed selection and the distance a seed was dispersed for caching were shell hardness and seed mass. We also found that 33% of dispersed seeds were cached in optimal germination sites (e.g. within fallen logs and buried under the leaf litter mat). Through seed emergence trials we found that emergence was higher for larger seeds, suggesting that the role of small mammals may be modulated by emergence rates. Our results suggest that the interaction between small mammals and novel seeds may have cascading effects on climate‐induced plant range shifts and community composition.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the geographical variation in the relative importance of vertebrates, and more specifically of birds and mammals, as seed dispersal agents in forest communities, and to evaluate the influence of geographical and climatic factors on the observed trends. Location One hundred and thirty‐five forest communities in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Methods We collected data on dispersal modes for 2292 woody species. By combining species × site with species × trait matrices, we obtained the percentages of endozoochory, ornithochory, mastozoochory and the mean fruit diameter for the local forest communities. We used Spearman's correlation to assess bivariate relationships between variables. Subsequently, we performed paired t‐tests to verify if variations in frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter were influenced by altitude or temperature. Then, we applied multiple linear regressions to evaluate the effect of geographical and climatic variables on variation in the relative frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter across communities. Results We found no consistent latitudinal or longitudinal trend in the percentage of vertebrate‐dispersed species, neither bird‐ nor mammal‐dispersed species along the Atlantic forest. Endozoochory was affected chiefly by annual mean rainfall, increasing towards moister sites. Forest communities located at higher altitudes had a higher percentage of bird‐dispersed species. Even when sites with identical values of annual mean temperature were compared, altitude had a positive effect on ornithochory. Conversely, we found a higher percentage of mammal‐dispersed species in warmer forests, even when locations at the same altitudinal belts were contrasted. Fruit diameter was clearly related to altitude, decreasing towards higher elevations. Main conclusions This is the first analysis of a large data set on dispersal syndromes in tropical forest communities. Our findings support the hypotheses that: (1) geographical variation in the relative number of fleshy fruit species is mainly driven by moisture conditions and is relatively independent of geographical location, and (2) broad‐scale trends in fruit size correspond to geographical variation in the relative importance of mammals and birds as seed dispersal agents at the community level.  相似文献   

Rebecca J. Cole 《Biotropica》2009,41(3):319-327
Variation in postdispersal seed fate is an important factor driving patterns of forest regeneration. Because most previous studies have not tracked final seed fate and have commonly equated seed removal with predation without considering the possibility of secondary dispersal, little is known about individual seed mortality factors in successional and degraded habitats. This study tracked the postdispersal fate of large-seeded tropical montane trees in abandoned pasture, young secondary forests, and small forest fragments during two consecutive years in an agricultural landscape in southern Costa Rica. The incidence of secondary dispersal by animals, scatterhoarding in particular, and the effects of seed burial on germination were measured. Overall, seeds survived through germination more often in secondary forests with high levels of mortality occurring in abandoned pastures and forest fragments. The majority of seed mortality was caused by rodent predation in forest fragments, insects and fungal pathogens in secondary forests, and a combination of desiccation, insects, and fungal pathogens in pastures. Seeds were frequently secondarily dispersed in larger forest fragments, whereas they were only rarely moved in pastures and secondary forests. Burial tended to improve germination in pastures and was important for an often scatterhoarded species, Otoba novogranatensis, in all habitats. The results of this study suggest that: (1) seed mortality factors differ in response to the type of habitat degradation; (2) large-seeded species have high potential for survival when dispersed to young secondary forests; and (3) seed removal is not a reliable proxy for seed predation, particularly in less degraded forest fragments.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy is considered to be an adaptive strategy in seasonal and/or unpredictable environments because it prevents germination during climatically favorable periods that are too short for seedling establishment. Tropical dry forests are seasonal environments where seed dormancy may play an important role in plant resilience and resistance to changing precipitation patterns. We studied the germination behavior of seeds from six populations of the Neotropical vine Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) originating from environments of contrasting rainfall seasonality. Seeds produced by second greenhouse‐generation plants were measured and exposed to a favorable wet environment at different time intervals after capsule dehiscence and seed dispersal. We recorded the success and the timing of germination. All populations produced at least some dormant seeds, but seeds of populations originating from more seasonal environments required longer periods of after‐ripening before germinating. Within populations, larger seeds tended to require longer after‐ripening periods than did smaller seeds. These results indicate among‐population genetic differences in germination behavior and suggest that these populations are adapted to local environmental conditions. They also suggest that seed size may influence germination timing within populations. Ongoing changes in seasonality patterns in tropical dry forests may impose strong selection on these traits.  相似文献   

Dung beetles relocate vertebrate feces under the soil surface, and this behavior has many ecological consequences. In tropical forests, for example, seeds defecated by mammals that are subsequently buried by dung beetles are less likely to suffer predation. While the effects of dung beetles on the fate of defecated seeds have been relatively well studied, their effect on seeds already buried in the soil has not. To contribute to fill this gap, we designed a study with three objectives: (a) Describe the vertical re‐distribution of soil seeds that occurs due to dung beetle activity; (b) Determine if beetle activity favors establishment of seedlings from the soil seed bank; and (c) Determine if the effect of dung beetles is stronger in sites of recurrent mammal defecation. We carried out three complementary field experiments, one with artificial seeds (plastic beads) of three sizes buried at known depths, one with two species of seeds buried at those same depths, and one with the natural soil seed bank in sites of single vs. recurrent defecation. Buried beads were moved by dung beetles along the vertical axis, both upwards (9.5%) and downwards (11.5%); smaller beads were more frequently moved downwards while the contrary occurred for larger beads. Dung beetle activity caused an increase in seedling establishment, both from experimentally buried seeds and from the natural seed bank. Defecation recurrence had no effect on seedling establishment. We conclude that dung beetle activity affects seed bank dynamics with important consequences for seedling establishment in tropical forests.Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Many plants rely on animals for seed dispersal, but are all individuals equally effective at dispersing seeds? If not, then the loss of certain individual dispersers from populations could have cascade effects on ecosystems. Despite the importance of seed dispersal for forest ecosystems, variation among individual dispersers and whether land‐use change interferes with this process remains untested. Through a large‐scale field experiment conducted on small mammal seed dispersers, we show that an individual's personality affects its choice of seeds, as well as how distant and where seeds are cached. We also show that anthropogenic habitat modifications shift the distribution of personalities within a population, by increasing the proportion of bold, active, and anxious individuals and in‐turn affecting the potential survival and dispersal of seeds. We demonstrate that preserving diverse personality types within a population is critical for maintaining the key ecosystem function of seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms controlling secondary succession in tropical dry forests is important for the conservation and restoration of this highly threatened biome. Canopy‐forming trees in tropical forests strongly influence later stages of succession through their effect on woody plant regeneration. In dry forests, this may be complex given the seasonal interplay of water and light limitations. We reviewed observational and experimental studies to assess (1) the relative importance of positive and negative effects of established trees on regeneration; (2) the mechanisms underlying these effects; and (3) to test the ‘stress gradient hypothesis’ in successional tropical dry forests. The effects of established trees on seed dispersal, seed survival, and seed germination—either through direct changes to moisture and temperature regimes or mediated by seed dispersers and predators—are mainly positive. The balance between positive and negative effects on seedling establishment is more complex and depends on the season and leaf phenology of both trees and seedlings. Seedling survival is generally enhanced by established trees mitigating dry conditions. Established trees have counteracting effects on water and light availability that influence seedling growth. The probability of a positive effect of established trees on seedling survival decreases with increased rainfall, which supports the stress gradient hypothesis. Priorities for future research are experiments to test for facilitation and competition and their underlying mechanisms, long‐term studies evaluating how these effects change with ontogeny, and studies focusing on the species‐specificity of interactions.  相似文献   

Species phenotypic traits affect the interaction patterns and the organization of seed‐dispersal interaction networks. Understanding the relationship between species characteristics and network structure help us understand the assembly of natural communities and how communities function. Here, we examine how species traits may affect the rules leading to patterns of interaction among plants and fruit‐eating vertebrates. We study a species‐rich seed‐dispersal system using a model selection approach to examine whether the rules underlying network structure are driven by constraints in fruit resource exploitation, by preferential consumption of fruits by the frugivores, or by a combination of both. We performed analyses for the whole system and for bird and mammal assemblages separately, and identified the animal and plant characteristics shaping interaction rules. The structure of the analyzed interaction network was better explained by constraints in resource exploitation in the case of birds and by preferential consumption of fruits with specific traits for mammals. These contrasting results when looking at bird–plant and mammal–plant interactions suggest that the same type of interaction is organized by different processes depending on the assemblage we focus on. Size‐related restrictions of the interacting species (both for mammals and birds) were the most important factors driving the interaction rules. Our results suggest that the structure of seed‐dispersal interaction networks can be explained using species traits and interaction rules related to simple ecological mechanisms.  相似文献   

The contribution of vertebrate animals to nutrient cycling has proven to be important in various ecosystems. However, the role of large bodied primates in nutrient transport in neotropical forests is not well documented. Here, we assess the role of a population of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha lugens) as vectors of nutrient movement through seed dispersal. We estimated total seed biomass transported by the population within and between two habitats (terra firme and flooded forests) at Tinigua Park, Colombia, and quantified potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) content in seeds of 20 plant species from both forests. Overall, the population transported an estimated minimum of 11.5 (±1.2 SD) g of potassium, 13.2 (±0.7) g of phosphorus and 34.3 (±0.1) g nitrogen, within 22.4 (±2.0) kg of seeds ha?1 y?1. Approximately 84% of all nutrients were deposited in the terra firme forest mostly through recycling processes, and also through translocation from the flooded forest. This type of translocation represents an important and high‐quality route of transport since abiotic mechanisms do not usually move nutrients upwards, and since chemical tests show that seeds from flooded forests have comparatively higher nutrient contents. The overall contribution to nutrient movement by the population of woolly monkeys is significant because of the large amount of biomass transported, and the high phosphorus content of seeds. As a result, the phosphorus input generated by these monkeys is of the same order of magnitude as other abiotic mechanisms of nutrient transport such as atmospheric deposition and some weathering processes. Our results suggest that via seed dispersal processes, woolly monkey populations can contribute to nutrient movement in tropical forests, and may act as important nutrient input vectors in terra firme forests. Am. J. Primatol. 72:992–1003, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Susana P. Bravo 《Biotropica》2009,41(6):751-758
The most generalized mechanism of seed dispersal in tropical and subtropical forests is dispersal by vertebrates. The pattern of seed dispersal and germination capacity of dispersed seeds can determine the seed disperser quality because both affect the postdispersal fate of dispersed seeds. Animals' behavior is an important determinant of seed deposition pattern. One of most abundant frugivores of Neotropical forests are howler monkeys Alouatta spp., so my aim was to evaluate the potential quality of Alouatta caraya as a seed disperser, obtaining details of: (1) seed deposition pattern, (2) behavioral context of defecations, and (3) germination capacity of dispersed seeds. During 2 years the seed shadow created by howlers and the behavioral context of depositions was examined in the Paraná flooded forest, and germination tests were conducted in the laboratory. Black and gold howler monkeys consumed fruits of five canopy trees, three understory trees, one shrub, and two vines. Howlers dispersed seeds in a complex pattern: 35 percent (337 scats) of scats were deposited individually, and 65 percent were deposited in big latrines associated with the main sleeping trees and in small latrines associated with secondary sleeping trees and confrontations at territory edges. From 261 dispersal distances recorded, 20 and 40 m were the mode, but 57 percent of distances were >50 m and 31 percent were >100 m. Germination speed increased significantly in ingested seeds of Banara arguta, Ocotea diospyrifolia and Eugenia punicifolia . The seed deposition pattern generated by A. caraya may produce a diversification of environmental conditions for dispersed seeds that should be considered in future evaluations.  相似文献   

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