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Abstract Bacterial sulfate reduction and transformations of thiosulfate were studied with radiotracers in a Microcoleus chthonoplastes -dominated microbial mat growing in a hypersaline pond at the Red Sea. The study showed how a diel cycle of oxygen evolution affected respiration by sulfate-reducing bacteria and the metabolism of thiosulfate through oxidative and reductive pathways. Sulfate reduction occurred in both oxic and anoxic layers of the mat and varied diurnally, apparently according to temperature rather than to oxygen. Time course experiments showed that the radiotracer method underestimated sulfate reduction in the oxic zone due to rapid reoxidation of the produced sulfide. Extremely high reduction rates of up to 10 μmol cm−3 d−1 were measured just below the euphotic zone. Although thiosulfate was simultaneously oxidized, reduced and disproportionated by bacteria in all layers of the mat, there was a shift from predominant oxidation in the oxic zone to predominant reduction below. Concurrent disproportionation of thiosulfate to sulfate and sulfide occurred in all zones and was an important pathway of the sulfur cycle in the mat.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope fractionation during reduction of thiosulfate was investigated with growing batch cultures of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans CSN (DSM 9104) at 30 °C. The sulfide produced was depleted in 34S by 10‰ as compared to total thiosulfate sulfur. The depletion was equal to that during sulfate reduction under similar conditions. The two sulfur atoms of the thiosulfate molecule were affected differently by fractionation. Sulfide produced from sulfonate sulfur was depleted by 15.4‰, sulfide produced from sulfane sulfur by 5.0‰. Received: 29 October 1997 / Accepted: 18 December 1997  相似文献   

Abstract Sulfate uptake was investigated with four species of phototrophic sulfur bacteria. Rhodobacter sulfidophilus and Chromatium vinosum took up 35S-labeled sulfate added in micromolar concentrations. Sulfate uptake by C. vinosum was expressed only under sulfate starvation. R. sulfidophilus took up 10 μM sulfate almost completely and accumulated it up to 5300-fold, also when grown with excess sulfate. Sulfite (1 mM) as an intermediate of sulfate assimilation inhibited sulfate uptake completely within 1 min. Moderate inhibition was observed with cysteine (1 mM) and none with sulfide (1 mM). Transport was not dependent on the cations K+, Na+, Li+ or protons, but was sensitive to uncouplers and to the ATPase inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). The accumulation of sulfate correlated with the ATP concentration in the cells, indicating an ATP-dependent uptake mechanism.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (CaSO4), a primary by-product of phosphoric acid production, is accumulated in large stockpiles and occupies vast areas of land. It poses a severe threat to the quality of water and land in countries producing phosphoric acid. In this study, the potential of sulfate-reducing bacteria for biodegradation of this sulfur-rich industrial solid waste was assessed. The effect of phosphogypsum concentration, carbon and nitrogen sources, temperature, pH and stirring on the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated. Growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria was monitored by measuring sulfide production. Phosphogypsum was shown to be a good source of sulfate, albeit that the addition of organic carbon was necessary for bacterial growth. Biogenic sulfide production occurred with phosphogypsum up to a concentration of 40 g L−1, above which no growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria was observed. Optimal growth was obtained at 10 g L−1 phosphogypsum. Both the gas mixture H2/CO2 and lactate supported high amounts of H2S formation (19 and 11 mM, respectively). The best source of nitrogen for sulfate-reducing bacteria was yeast extract, followed by ammonium chloride. The presence of nitrate had an inhibitory effect on the process of sulfate reduction. Stirring the culture at 150 rpm slightly stimulated H2S formation, probably by improving sulfate solubility.  相似文献   

Structure and development of a benthic marine microbial mat   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract Vertically stratified microbial communities of phototrophic bacteria in the upper intertidal zones of the North Sea island of Mellum were investigated. Growth and population dynamics of the cyanobacterial mat were followed over three successive years. It was concluded that the initial colonization of the sandy sediments was by the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria . In well-established mats, however, the dominant organism was Microcoleus chthonoplastes . The observed succession of cyanobacteria during mat development is correlated with nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen fixation is necessary in this low-nutrient environment to ensure colonization by mat-constructing cyanobacteria. Under certain conditions, a red layer of purple sulfur bacteria developed underneath the cyanobacterial mat in which Chromatium and Thiocapsa spp. dominated, but Thiopedia and Ectothiorhodospira spp. have also been observed. Measurements of light penetrating the cyanobacterial mat indicated that sufficient light is available for the photosynthetic growth of purple sulfur bacteria. Profiles of oxygen, sulfide and redox potential within the microbial mat were measured using microelectrodes. Maximum oxygen concentrations, measured at a depth of 0.7 mm, reached levels more than twice the normal air saturation. Dissolved sulfide was not detected by the microelectrodes. Determination of acid-distilled sulfide, however, revealed appreciable amounts of bound sulfide in the mat. Redox profiles measured in the mat led to the conclusion that the upper 10 mm of the sedimentary sequence is in a relatively oxidized state.  相似文献   

Uptake of 35S-labelled sulfate and thiosulfate was studied in twenty sulfate-reducing bacteria. Micromolar additions of these substrates were highly accumulated by washed cells of freshwater and marine strains. In marine strains accumulation required Na+. Generally, the uptake capacity was increased after sulfate limitation during growth. With two marine species, Desulfovibrio salexigens and Desulfobacterium autotrophicum, the effects of various ionophores and inhibitors affecting the transmembrane pH or Na+ gradient or the membrane potential were studied. In both strains transport was reversible. There was no discrimination between sulfate and thiosulfate. With increasing additions the amount taken up increased, while the accumulation factor (Cin/Cout) decreased. Uptake was not directly correlated with the ATP level inside the cells. From these results and the action patterns of the inhibitors tested it is concluded that marine sulfate-reducing bacteria accumulate sulfate and thiosulfate electrogenically in symport with Na+ ions, while in freshwater strains protons are symported. The high-accumulating systems are induced only at low sulfate concentration, while low-accumulating systems are active at sulfate-sufficient conditions.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - ETH 157 N, N-dibenzyl-N,N-diphenyl-1,2-diphenylendioxydiacetamide - TCS 3,3,4,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide  相似文献   

The electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of the complex formed by the addition of thiosulfate to ferric porphyrins were examined. The NMR spectrum of the thiosulfate-ferric porphyrin complex was consistent with a high-spin ferric complex, while the EPR spectrum at liquid nitrogen temperatures indicated that the complex under these conditions was low-spin. Such behavior has been previously observed for other ferric porphyrin complexes. The visible spectra were characterized by a shift in the Soret band to higher energies, with smaller changes in the longer wavelength region. The complex was reasonably stable in DMF, but slowly reduced over several hours to FeII(TPP) and S4O6 2−. The voltammetric behavior of the thiosulfate complex in DMF consists of two waves, the first of which was irreversible. The ferric/ferrous reduction in the presence of thiosulfate was shifted negatively about 400 mV, compared to the Fe(TPP)(Cl) reduction. The visible, NMR and EPR spectra were most consistent with a Fe-S bonded ferric porphyrin-thiosulfate complex, Fe(P)(SSO3). The kinetics of the reduction of ferric porphyrin by thiosulfate in DMSO indicated an autocatalytic mechanism, where the first step is the formation of the catalyst. The identity of the catalyst could not be determined because it must be present at low concentrations, but it is formed from the reaction of the ferric complex with thiosulfate. Coordination of thiosulfate to the porphyrin was not necessary for the reduction to occur, and the reduction of Fe(TPP)(Cl) by thiosulfate was accelerated by the addition of sulfate. Under these conditions, sulfate had replaced thiosulfate as the axial ligand for the ferric porphyrin. In the presence of sulfate, the reduction occurred in a single kinetic pseudo-first order step.  相似文献   

The rates and pathways of anaerobic carbon mineralization processes were investigated at seven stations, ranging from 10 to 56 m water depth, in the Kattegat and Belt Sea, Denmark. Organic carbon mineralization coupled to microbial Mn and Fe reduction was quantified using anaerobic sediment incubation at two stations that were widely separated geographically within the study area. Fe reduction accounted for 75% of the anaerobic carbon oxidation at the station in the northern Kattegat, which is the highest percentage so far reported from subtidal marine sediment. By contrast, sulfate reduction was the dominant anaerobic respiration pathway (95%) at the station in the Great Belt. Dominance of Fe reduction was related to a relatively high sediment Fe content in combination with active reworking of the sediment by infauna. The relative contribution of Fe reduction to anaerobic carbon oxidation at both stations correlated with the concentration of poorly crystalline Fe(III), confirming that the concentration of poorly crystalline Fe(III) exerts a strong control on rates of Fe reduction in marine sediments. The dependence of microbial Fe reduction on concentrations of poorly crystalline Fe(III) was used to quantify the importance of Fe reduction at sites where anaerobic incubations were not applied. This study showed that Fe reduction is an important process in anaerobic carbon oxidation in a wider area of the seafloor in the northern and eastern Kattegat (contribution 60 – 75%). By contrast, Fe reduction is of little significance (6 – 25%) in the more coarse-grained sediments of the shallower western and southern Kattegat, where a low Fe content was an important limiting factor, and in fine-grained sediments of the Belt Sea (4 – 28%), where seasonal oxygen depletion limits the intensity of bioturbation and thereby the availability of Fe(III). A large fraction of the total deposition of organic matter in the Kattegat and Belt Sea occurs in the northern Kattegat, and we estimate 33% of benthic carbon oxidation in the whole area is conveyed by Fe reduction.  相似文献   

Sulfate reduction (SR) and trichloroethylene (TCE) biodegradation at two different temperatures (37 and 70 °C) were investigated in enrichment cultures prepared with two different samples of sediments collected from hydrothermal vents. The unadapted sediments were incubated with sulfate (4 g L−1) as the electron acceptor before TCE addition to enrich them in biomass and to establish a constant sulfate reduction (SR, 87% sulfate conversion and specific H2S concentration of 90.81 ± 8.19 mg H2S g VSS−1), afterwards TCE was added at an initial concentration of 300 ??mol L−1. The best results for TCE biodegradation were obtained at 37 °C. At this temperature, SR was up to 92%, whereas TCE biodegradation reached 75% and ethane was detected as the main degradation product. Under thermophilic conditions (70 °C) TCE biodegradation reached up to approximately 60% and the SR was 30% in 30 days of incubation with the chlorinated solvent. Along with these results, the 16S rDNA analysis from samples at 37 °C showed the presence of bacteria belonging to the genera: Clostridium, Bacillus and Desulfuromonas. The overall results on TCE degradation and SR suggest that cometabolic TCE degradation is carried out by sulfate or sulfur reducers and fermentative bacteria at mesophilic conditions.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in anaerobic respiration pathways were investigated at three saltmarsh sites using chemical data, sulfate reduction rate measurements, enumerations of culturable populations of anaerobic iron-reducing bacteria (FeRB), and quantification of in situ 16S rRNA hybridization signals targeted for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Bacterial sulfate reduction in the sediments followed seasonal changes in temperature and primary production of the saltmarsh, with activity levels lowest in winter and highest in summer. In contrast, a dramatic decrease in the FeRB population size was observed during summer at all sites. The collapse of FeRB populations during summer was ascribed to high rates of sulfide production by SRB, resulting in abiotic reduction of bioavailable Fe(III) (hydr)oxides. To test this hypothesis, sediment slurry incubations at 10, 20 and 30 °C were carried out. Increases in temperature and labile organic carbon availability (acetate or lactate additions) increased rates of sulfate reduction while decreasing the abundance of culturable anaerobic FeRB. These trends were not reversed by the addition of amorphous Fe(III) (hydr)oxides to the slurries. However, when sulfate reduction was inhibited by molybdate, no decline in FeRB growth was observed with increasing temperature. Addition of dissolved sulfide adversely impacted propagation of FeRB whether molybdate was added or not. Both field and laboratory data therefore support a sulfide-mediated limitation of microbial iron respiration by SRB. When total sediment respiration rates reach their highest levels during summer, SRB force a decline in the FeRB populations. As sulfate reduction activity slows down after the summer, the FeRB are able to recover.  相似文献   

Summary Hydrogenase and nitrogenase activities of sulfate-reducing bacteria allow their adaptation to different nutritional habits even under adverse conditions. These exceptional capabilities of adaptation are important factors in the understanding of their predominant role in problems related to anaerobic metal corrosion. Although the D2–H+ exchange reaction indicated thatDesulfovibrio desulfuricans strain Berre-Sol andDesulfovibrio gigas hydrogenases were reversible, the predominant activity in vivo was hydrogen uptake. Hydrogen production was restricted to some particular conditions such as sulfate or nitrogen starvation. Under diazotrophic conditions, a transient hydrogen evolution was followed by uptake when dinitrogen was effectively fixed. In contrast, hydrogen evolution proceeded when acetylene was substituted as the nitrogenase substrate. Hydrogen can thus serve as an electron donor in sulfate reduction and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract Effects on sulfate respiration of association of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) with solid particles (anion exchange resin and FeS-precipitate) were examined using Desulfovibrio desulfuricans . The rates of sulfide production by resin- and FeS-associated cells were 2–3% and 19–56% of that by free-living ones, respectively, under sulfate- and lactate-rich conditions. On the other hand, under sulfate-poor (less than 50 μM) and lactate-rich conditions the rate by FeS-associated cells was higher than that by free-living ones. The values of K m (μM), half saturation constant of the Michaelis-Menten model, for sulfate were 244 for free-living cells, 8.96 for resin-associated ones and 8.42 for FeS-associated ones. Under lactate-poor and sulfate-rich conditions the rate by FeS-associated cells was similar to that by free-living ones. These results suggest that FeS-associated SRB are more advantageous than free-living ones under sulfate-poor environments such as freshwater sediments.  相似文献   

A newly discovered arsenate-reducing bacterium, strain OREX-4, differed significantly from strains MIT-13 and SES-3, the previously described arsenate-reducing isolates, which grew on nitrate but not on sulfate. In contrast, strain OREX-4 did not respire nitrate but grew on lactate, with either arsenate or sulfate serving as the electron acceptor, and even preferred arsenate. Both arsenate and sulfate reduction were inhibited by molybdate. Strain OREX-4, a gram-positive bacterium with a hexagonal S-layer on its cell wall, metabolized compounds commonly used by sulfate reducers. Scorodite (FeAsO42· H2O) an arsenate-containing mineral, provided micromolar concentrations of arsenate that supported cell growth. Physiologically and phylogenetically, strain OREX-4 was far-removed from strains MIT-13 and SES-3: strain OREX-4 grew on different electron donors and electron acceptors, and fell within the gram-positive group of the Bacteria, whereas MIT-13 and SES-3 fell together in the ɛ-subdivision of the Proteobacteria. Together, these results suggest that organisms spread among diverse bacterial phyla can use arsenate as a terminal electron acceptor, and that dissimilatory arsenate reduction might occur in the sulfidogenic zone at arsenate concentrations of environmental interest. 16S rRNA sequence analysis indicated that strain OREX-4 is a new species of the genus Desulfotomaculum, and accordingly, the name Desulfotomaculum auripigmentum is proposed. Received: 22 October 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

Most Trichloroethylene (TCE) biodegradation reports refer to methanogenic conditions, however, in this work, enhanced sulfidogenesis and TCE biodegradation were achieved in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor in which a completely sulfidogenic sludge, from hydrothermal vents sediments, was developed. The work was divided in three stages, (i) sludge development and sulfate reducing activity (SRA) evaluation, (ii) TCE biodegradation and (iii) SRA evaluation after TCE biodegradation. For (i) SR was 98 ± 0.1%, 84% as sulfide (H2S, 1200 ± 28 mg/L), sulfate reducing activity (SRA) was 188 ± 50 mg COD H2S/g VSS*d. For (ii) The reactor reached 74% of TCE removal, concentrations of vinyl chloride of 16 ± 0.3 μM (5% of the TCE added) and ethene 202 ± 81 μM (67% of the TCE added), SRA of 161 ± 7 mg COD H2S/g VSS*d, 68% of sulfide (H2S) production and 93% of COD removal. For (iii) SRA was of 248 ± 22 mg COD H2S/g VSS*d demonstrating no adverse effects due to TCE.Among the genera of the microorganisms identified in the sludge during TCE biodegradation were: Dehalobacter, Desulfotomaculum, Sulfospirillum, Desulfitobacterium, Desulfovibrio and Clostridium. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report using a sulfidogenic UASB reactor to biodegrade TCE. The overall conclusions of this work are that the reactor is efficient on both, sulfate and TCE biodegradation and it could be used to decontaminate wastewater containing organic solvents and relatively high concentrations of sulfate.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(7):1176-1181
An activated sludge reactor fed with thiocyanate and/or thiosulfate was operated to examine the characteristics of its microbial community. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses were conducted to detect shifts in the microbial community structure corresponding to influent conditions. Then, clone library analyses and RNA-based stable-isotope probing were conducted to identify sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) responsible for the degradation of each substrate. The results suggested that there were two types of SOB: thiocyanate-degrading bacteria (that can utilize both thocyanate and thiosulfate) and thiosulfate-specific bacteria (that cannot utilize thiocyanate). Thiocyanate-degrading SOB, however, were outcompeted by thiosulfate-specific SOB when the influent contained only thiosulfate. Of the sequenced clones, Marinicella-related (with 98.7% identity) and Methylobacter-related (with 91.3% identity) bacteria were identified as thiocyanate-degrading SOB, whereas Thiomicrospira thermophila-related (with 100% identity over 903 bp) bacteria were identified as thiosulfate-specific SOB.  相似文献   

pH changes and sulfide production upon addition of sulfate, sulfite or thiosulfate to non-buffered H2-saturated cell suspensions of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were studied by means of electrodes. The addition of these electron acceptors resulted in a rapid alkalinization of the suspension which was accompanied by sulfide production. At-2° C, alkalinization without immediate sulfide production could be obtained. After addition of 35S-labelled sulfate at-2° C, the label was found to be concentrated 7,500-fold in the cells, while 2 protons per sulfate molecule had disappeared from the outer bulk phase. Alkalinization and sulfide production from micromolar electron acceptor additions depended on the transmembraneous proton gradient ( pH), and were reversibly inhibited in alkaline solution (pH>8.0) or by the protonophore carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Protonophore-inhibited sulfide production from sulfite or thiosulfate could be restored if the cell membranes were permeabilized by the detergent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), or if downhill transport was made possible by the addition of electron acceptors at millimolar concentrations. Sulfate was not reduced under these conditions, presumably because the cells did not contain ATP for its activation. K+-and Na+-ionophores such as nigericin, valinomycin or monensin appeared to be of limited efficiency in D. desulfuricans. In most experiments, sulfate reduction was inhibited by the K+–H+ antiporter nigericin in the presence of K+, but not by the thiocyanate anion or the K+-transporter valinomycin. The results indicate that sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate are taken up by proton-anion symport, presumably as undissociated acids with an electroneutral mechanism, driven by the transmembraneous pH gradient ( pH) or by a solute gradient. Kinetics of alkalinization and sulfide production in cells grown with different electron acceptors revealed that D. desulfuricans has different specific uptake systems for sulfate and thiosulfate, and obviously also for sulfite. It is proposed that the electron acceptor transport finally will not consume net energy during growth in buffered medium: The protons taken up during active electron acceptor transport leave the cell with the reduced end-product by simple passive diffusion of H2S.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - FCCP carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone - CTAB cethyltrimethylammonium bromide  相似文献   

Abstract A new isocratic ion chromatographic technique is described for the sensitive measurement of tetrathionate, trithionate and thiosulfate. The sulfur oxyanions were separated on a polymer-coated, silica-based anion exchange column and directly detected by UV absorption at 216 nm. Aqueous saline acetonitrile/methanol mixtures were used as eluent. The three anions could be quantified in less than 10 min with detection limits of about 0.6 pmol for tetrathionate and of 40 and 10 pmol for trithionate and thiosulfate, respectively. The retention times of tetrathionate responded to changes of the solvent concentration, whereas the elution of thiosulfate depended predominatly on the ionic strenght of the eluent. Starting at the lowest detectable concentrations, calibration curves for all three compounds were linear over a concentration range of three orders of magnitude. The analysis of freshwater and saline samples worked equally well. Since contact of the eluent with metallic components caused shifts in retention times during operation, the solvent delivery system had to consist of plastic material. Examples of applicaton are given for determination of tetrathionate and thiosulfate in natural samples and for the turnover of these two compounds in sediment slurries and anaerobic enrichment cultures.  相似文献   

Microbial sulfate reduction in a brackish meromictic steppe lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patterns of sulfate reduction were studied in water and sediments of Lake Shira, South Siberia, Russia. The lake was characterized by a high level of sulfate (91-116 mM). The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the anoxic waters of the lake reached 0.6 mM. In summer the sulfate reduction rate in the water column, measured by radiometric technique, varied from 0.25 to 9.81 mol sulfate l-1 d-1. There were two peaks of sulfate reduction activity: just below the chemocline and near the sediment surface. Sulfate reduction rate in the profundal silts ranged from 4.1 to 90.6 mol l-1 d-1. The zone of the most active sulfate reduction was restricted to the surface sediment layers. The acceleration of sulfate reduction rate (up to 236 mol l-1 d-1) and the increase of density of viable sulfate reducers (up to 2 x 105 cells ml-1) were recorded in the littoral sediments adjacent to the mouth of the Son River and sewage discharge. It was apparently caused by the input of allochthonous organic substrates and also by a high environmental temperature. On an areal basis, sulfate reduction rate in the water was approximately 8 times higher than that in the profundal sediments. Sulfate reduction was the most important process of anaerobic oxidation of organic carbon in Lake Shira. In summer in the profundal zone of the lake, sulfate reducers were able to mineralize about 67% of the daily integrated primary production of phototrophic and chemotrophic organisms.  相似文献   

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