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Summary Male rats were fed a diet containing chlorocyclizine in high concentrations for about 3 weeks. They lost weight and showed respiratory distress. The lungs contained clusters of foam cells in the alveoli. Acid esterase staining revealed reduction of activity in alveolar cells presumed to be granular pneumocytes and absence of activity in the foam cells. The lipid showed in the foam cells could not be stained with Sudan dyes, except at high temperature, and was not stained by phospholipid and cholesterol procedures. This indicated that the stored lipids are probably solid at room temperature, consisting of saturated triglycerides and/or phospholipids. It is suggested that the lipid originated in the granular pneumocytes. The drug might have deranged the esterase-phospholipase activity in these cells and in the macrophages.With technical assistance of Nitza Deitsch  相似文献   

Myelin-associated carbohydrates were studied by means of histochemical techniques in the central nervous system of birds and mammals. Polianions in the surface of myelin and in interfascicular oligodendroglia were detected using histochemical techniques. Glycoproteins were studied by means of concanavalin A. The Con-A-PO-DAB sequence was used. Concanavalin-A-binding sites were detected in oligodendroglia and on the myelin surface. Similar results were observed in both birds and mammals. The processes of the interfascicular oligodendroglia also contain carbohydrates. A close association between the carbohydrates of these glial processes and the myelin surface carbohydrates was demonstrated, and their probable identity is assumed.  相似文献   

R S Purwar 《Acta anatomica》1977,99(2):201-203
Ganglia, rich in cholinesterase substance, were recorded at a little distance to the islets of Langerhans, connected with the fibres of the peri-insular plexus which were referred as neuro-insular complex. The peri-insular complex was made up of a large number of non-myelinated and partially by myelinated nerve fibres, and it was found in association with the post-ganglionic nerve fibres.  相似文献   

We show that mice lacking the ATP-binding cassette transmembrane transporter ABCG1 show progressive and age-dependent severe pulmonary lipidosis that recapitulates the phenotypes of different respiratory syndromes in both humans and mice. The lungs of chow-fed Abcg1(-/-) mice, >6-months old, exhibit extensive subpleural cellular accumulation, macrophage, and pneumocyte type 2 hypertrophy, massive lipid deposition in both macrophages and pneumocytes and increased levels of surfactant. No such abnormalities are observed at 3 months of age. However, gene expression profiling reveals significant changes in the levels of mRNAs encoding key genes involved in lipid metabolism in both 3- and 8-month-old Abcg1(-/-) mice. These data suggest that the lungs of young Abcg1(-/-) mice maintain normal lipid levels by repressing lipid biosynthetic pathways and that such compensation is inadequate as the mice mature. Studies with A-549 cells, a model for pneumocytes type 2, demonstrate that overexpression of ABCG1 specifically stimulates the efflux of cellular cholesterol by a process that is dependent upon phospholipid secretion. In addition, we demonstrate that Abcg1(-/-), but not wild-type macrophages, accumulate cholesterol ester droplets when incubated with surfactant. Together, these data provide a mechanism to explain the lipid accumulation in the lungs of Abcg1(-/-)mice. In summary, our results demonstrate that ABCG1 plays essential roles in pulmonary lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   

R Mathur  R B Gupta  A Mathur 《Acta anatomica》1979,103(3):313-318
Histochemical study of the innervation of the heart of the Indian flying fox Pteropus giganteus has been made using Coupland and Holmes' technique for cholinesterase. Distribution of nerve plexuses in the heart wall has been described. Nerve cells, nerve endings and various types of synapses have been reported. Specialized muscle fibres are found to contain less nerve fibres and conduction of the impulse of contraction is reported to take place through muscle fibres.  相似文献   

A microcytofluorometrical DNA measurement was basically studied and was applied to single megakaryocytes previously identified on a Wright-Giemsa stained smear. The smear was first photographed and the location of each megakaryocyte was recorded on a cell map. The smear was then bleached with 50% acid ethanol and absolute methanol, and re-stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) reagent (pH 7.4) at 4 degrees C. Nuclear blue fluorescence was observed and the intensity of this fluorescence was proportional to the amount of DNA with the coefficient of variation (CV) of 3.6% when stained for 30 min. After 30 min DAPI staining, the DNA measurement was microcytofluorometrically performed in single megakaryocytes which had been morphologically classified into 4 groups on the basis of cytoplasmic maturation, Bessis' classification, assessed on Wright-Giemsa-stained bone-marrow smears from normal human beings. The histograms of the cells did not show any difference in DNA ploidy distribution among the classes: that is, the DNA histograms disclosed ploidy distribution from 4 N to 64 N with the largest population of 16 N. These findings suggest that nuclear DNA synthesis is completed before platelet production starts. This method is useful for comparing the morphological features and DNA content of single megakaryocytes.  相似文献   

Chronic granulomatous pneumonitis was induced in rats with beryllium to study the pathogenesis of that disease, by identifying and localizing the beryllium in histological sections of the pulmonary tissues. This was done with scanning secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Thus, our observations suggest that the route of the Be from the site of injection into the lung, passes first by the blood, through the vascular wall and into the surrounding pulmonary tissues where Be was phagocytized by macrophages. There resulted in acute vasculitis throughout the lung. It was noted that the granuloma were focal inflammatory sites, solely observed within the vascular wall, distributed along the course of the affected vessel. These findings raise the question as to whether pulmonary granulomatous lesions of other origins are also localized within the vascular wall.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of polyanionic glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the developing mouse vitreous was studied histologically by P.A.S. reaction, metachromatic staining by toluidin blue at various pH's alcian blue at pH 0.5 and alcian blue C.E.C. stainings, modified Hale's method with colloidal iron, and enzymatically with bovine testicular hyaluronidase.A subdivision of the vitreous developmental period into four phases and an early distinction between, the posterior and equatorial vitreous portions are suggested on basis of the results.The early vitreous, during the first developmental phase, exhibits a high content in GAGs.This property gradually vanishes in the posterior part during the second phase of development, while acid GAGs including possibly hyaluronate are present in the equatorial zone. During this second phase, the lens capsule present a strong P.A.S.-reactivity, especially positive in it's posteriors part.During the third phase, sulphated GAGs reappear in the posterior vitreous while non-sulphated material remains present in the equatorial zone.During the first two postnatal weeks (fourth developmental phase), acid GAG's disappear in the equatorial part of the vitreous but the maturing zonular fibres display the properties of sulphated GAGs. It is suggested that the histochemical maturation of the secondary vitreous starts around the 16th or 17th fetal day, i.e. much earlier than its morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

F M Bremer 《Histochemistry》1987,87(6):579-583
The distribution of polyanionic glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the developing mouse vitreous was studied histologically by P.A.S. reaction, metachromatic staining by toluidin blue at various pH's, alcian blue at pH 0.5 and alcian blue at various pH's, alcian blue at pH 0.5 and alcian blue C.E.C. stainings, modified Hale's method with colloidal iron, and enzymatically with bovine testicular hyaluronidase. A subdivision of the vitreous developmental period into four phases and an early distinction between, the posterior and equatorial vitreous portions are suggested on basis of the results. The early vitreous, during the first developmental phase, exhibits a high content in GAGs. This property gradually vanishes in the posterior part during the second phase of development, while acid GAGs including possibly hyaluronate are present in the equatorial zone. During this second phase, the lens capsule present a strong P.A.S.-reactivity, especially positive in it's posterior part. During the third phase, sulphated GAGs reappear in the posterior vitreous while non-sulphated material remains present in the equatorial zone. During the first two postnatal weeks (fourth developmental phase), acid GAG's disappear in the equatorial part of the vitreous but the maturing zonular fibres display the properties of sulphated GAGs. It is suggested that the histochemical maturation of the secondary vitreous starts around the 16th or 17th fetal day, i.e. much earlier than its morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

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