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Elk (Cervus elaphus manitobensis) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP) region of southwestern Manitoba have been identified as a likely wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine mycobacteriosis in livestock. The feasibility of using coyotes (Canis latrans) collected from trappers as a sentinel species was investigated. Retropharyngeal, mesenteric, and colonic lymph nodes and tonsils collected at necropsy from 82 coyotes were examined by bacterial culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and acid-fast histopathology. Mycobacterium bovis was not identified in any animal by culture or PCR although Mycobacterium avium species were isolated. A single acid-fast organism was identified on histopathologic examination of one animal. Based on the methods used in this study, trapper-caught coyotes do not appear to be a sensitive sentinel species of M. bovis infection in cervids in and around RMNP.  相似文献   

The effects of human-caused fragmentation require further study in landscapes where physical dispersal barriers and natural ecological transitions can be discounted as causes for population genetic structure. We predict that fragmentation can reduce dispersal across such barrier-free landscapes because dispersal also is limited by a perception of risk. Considerable fragmentation has occurred in the Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP) region in Manitoba, Canada, during the past 60 years. We examine data from 13 autosomal microsatellites to determine whether fragmentation is correlated with genetic population structure in wolves (Canis lupus). Moderate and significant differentiation between RMNP and a genetic cluster identified 30 km farther north (F ST = 0.053, 95% CI [0.031–0.073]) is consistent with predicted effects of fragmentation. The RMNP population cluster represents at least seven wolf packs followed weekly by radio tracking during 2003–2006. Distinct mtDNA haplotypes have been identified in the Park and no successful wolf dispersal from RMNP has been documented in several multi-year tracking studies since 1974. Tracking data also indicate that some wolves might be reluctant to leave RMNP. Although the influence of behaviour and local adaptation require investigation, human-caused fragmentation appears to have caused cryptic genetic structure on fine spatiotemporal scales in a vagile species that is: (1) not influenced by physical movement barriers or historical ecological discontinuities in our study area, and; (2) able to live relatively close to humans. The Great Plains is now an intensely human-managed landscape. Detection of cryptic genetic structure could therefore function as an important indicator in conservation management.  相似文献   

The hydrology of shallow lakes (and ponds) located in the western Hudson Bay Lowlands (HBL) is sensitive to climate warming and associated permafrost thaw. However, their biological characteristics are poorly known, which hampers effective aquatic ecosystem monitoring. Located in northern Manitoba along the southwestern coast of Hudson Bay, Wapusk National Park (WNP) encompasses numerous shallow lakes representative of the subarctic zone. We analyzed the distribution and diversity of diatom (microscopic algae; class Bacillariophyceae) assemblages in surficial sediments of 33 lakes located in three different ecozones spanning a vegetation gradient, from NE to SW: the Coastal Fen (CF), the Interior Peat Plateau (IPP), and the Boreal Spruce Forest (BSF). We found significant differences (P < 0.05) in diatom community composition between CF and IPP lakes, and CF and BSF lakes, but not between IPP and BSF lakes. These results are consistent with water chemistry measurements, which indicated distinct limnological conditions for CF lakes. Diatom communities in CF lakes were generally dominated by alkaliphilous taxa typical of waters with medium to high conductivity, such as Nitzschia denticula. In contrast, several IPP and BSF lakes were dominated by acidophilous and circumneutral diatom taxa with preference for low conductivity (e.g., Tabellaria flocculosa, Eunotia mucophila, E. necompacta var. vixcompacta). This exploratory survey provides a first detailed inventory of the diatom assemblages in the WNP region needed for monitoring programs to detect changes in shallow lake ecosystems and ecozonal shifts in response to climate variations.  相似文献   

Seven species of helminths were recovered during a survey of 162 fisher (Martes pennanti) from four areas of Manitoba: Baylisascaris devosi in 52 fisher; Taenia sibirica in 25; Physaloptera sp. in nine; Alaria mustelae in two; Metorchis conjunctus in one; Trichinella spiralis in one of 81; Molineus sp. in one. B. devosi was the most prevalent parasite and differences in its geographical distribution were possibly related to population density of fisher. The prevalence of other parasites did not appear to be related to density of fisher.  相似文献   

Metazoan parasites of pike Esox lucius from Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba were studied to reveal species composition, differences with host age, sex, and location and season of capture. Pike hosted 18 species of metazoan parasites, two of which, Tetraonchus monenteron and Proteocephalus pinguis , made up over 84% of metazoan parasite numbers. Some parasite species exhibited definite patterns of abundance with host age and season which resulted from changes in host diet and behaviour. No differences in parasite abundance existed between the host sexes. Ranking of parasite abundances was significantly different between two sampling sites only 2 km apart as a result of intermediate host distribution. Impoundment could greatly change pike parasite levels. An initial decrease in parasite numbers could be followed by a rapid increase.  相似文献   

Although understanding of food habits of wolves in human-modified landscapes is critical to inform conservation and conflict management, no such studies have ever been conducted in the southern Apennines, Italy, where wolves long coexisted with humans. By means of scat analysis (n?=?1743) and log-linear modelling, we investigated diet composition in five wolf packs in the relatively simple prey system of the Pollino National Park (PNP), southern Italy (1999?2003). Overall, although wild boar was the most frequently consumed prey (mean frequency ± SD, 63.1?±?23%), both wild boar and cattle predominated the diet in terms of biomass (45.3?±?24 and 48.1?±?21%, respectively). We revealed, however, a zonal (i.e. area, pack) followed by annual and seasonal effects on the wolf diet. Cattle consumption by wolf packs in the northern portion of PNP (Pollino subrange) was highest, especially during summer when cattle predominated the diet in terms of biomass (68.3?±?20%). Instead, wild boar consumption was highest in the Orsomarso packs (biomass, 62.1?±?13%), with increasing trends throughout the study period but no relevant seasonal variation. Wild boar piglets and cattle calves were the most frequently consumed age classes, revealing their availability year-round and higher profitability compared to other prey. Cattle consumption by wolves reflected prevailing husbandry techniques (free-ranging herds with unattended births) and determined a permanent state of conflict, often spurring retaliatory killing of wolves. Compatible cattle husbandry practices, along with the restoration of multi-prey communities, are needed to reduce wolf-livestock conflicts and possibly enhance the ecological role of wolves in human-altered ecosystems.  相似文献   

1.?For large predators living in seasonal environments, patterns of predation are likely to vary among seasons because of related changes in prey vulnerability. Variation in prey vulnerability underlies the influence of predators on prey populations and the response of predators to seasonal variation in rates of biomass acquisition. Despite its importance, seasonal variation in predation is poorly understood. 2.?We assessed seasonal variation in prey composition and kill rate for wolves Canis lupus living on the Northern Range (NR) of Yellowstone National Park. Our assessment was based on data collected over 14 winters (1995-2009) and five spring-summers between 2004 and 2009. 3.?The species composition of wolf-killed prey and the age and sex composition of wolf-killed elk Cervus elaphus (the primary prey for NR wolves) varied among seasons. 4.?One's understanding of predation depends critically on the metric used to quantify kill rate. For example, kill rate was greatest in summer when quantified as the number of ungulates acquired per wolf per day, and least during summer when kill rate was quantified as the biomass acquired per wolf per day. This finding contradicts previous research that suggests that rates of biomass acquisition for large terrestrial carnivores tend not to vary among seasons. 5.?Kill rates were not well correlated among seasons. For example, knowing that early-winter kill rate is higher than average (compared with other early winters) provides little basis for anticipating whether kill rates a few months later during late winter will be higher or lower than average (compared with other late winters). This observation indicates how observing, for example, higher-than-average kill rates throughout any particular season is an unreliable basis for inferring that the year-round average kill rate would be higher than average. 6.?Our work shows how a large carnivore living in a seasonal environment displays marked seasonal variation in predation because of changes in prey vulnerability. Patterns of wolf predation were influenced by the nutritional condition of adult elk and the availability of smaller prey (i.e. elk calves, deer). We discuss how these patterns affect our overall understanding of predator and prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

为了解娘娘山国家湿地公园苔藓植物区系特点,对苔藓植物的物种组成和中国特有种的迁移特点进行了研究.结果表明,湿地公园共有苔藓植物51科106属266种(含12变种),易危苔藓植物2种.苔藓植物区系可划分为17种类型,以北温带分布(17.37%)占优势,其次是热带亚洲分布(14.83%).属于热带(73种.R)区系类型的物...  相似文献   

The release of any species into a novel environment can evoke transmission of parasites that do not normally parasitize the host as well as potentially introducing new parasites into the environment. Species introductions potentially incur such risks, yet little is currently known about the parasite fauna of introduced primate species over the long term. We describe the results of long‐term monitoring of the intestinal parasite fauna of an unprovisioned, reproducing population of chimpanzees introduced 40 years earlier (1966–1969) onto Rubondo Island in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, a non‐native habitat for chimpanzees. Two parasitological surveys (March 1997–October 1998 and October 2002–December 2005) identified Entamoeba spp. including E. coli, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Troglodytella abrassarti, Chilomastix mesnili, Trichuris sp., Anatrichosoma sp., Strongyloides spp., Strongylida fam. gen. sp., Enterobius anthropopitheci, Subulura sp., Ascarididae gen. sp., and Protospirura muricola. The parasite fauna of the Rubondo chimpanzees is similar to wild chimpanzees living in their natural habitats, but Rubondo chimpanzees have a lower prevalence of strongylids (9%, 3.8%) and a higher prevalence of E. anthropopitheci (8.6%, 17.9%) than reported elsewhere. Species prevalence was similar between our two surveys, with the exception of Strongyloides spp. being higher in the first survey. None of these species are considered to pose a serious health risk to chimpanzees, but continued monitoring of the population and surveys of the parasitic fauna of the two coinhabitant primate species and other animals, natural reservoir hosts of some of the same parasites, is important to better understand the dynamics of host–parasite ecology and potential long‐term implications for chimpanzees introduced into a new habitat. Am. J. Primatol. 72:307–316, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Data on intraspecific dietary variability has important implications for understanding flexibility in foraging behavior, habitat utilization, population dynamics, and social behavior and may also assist in conservation efforts. We compared food availability and diet of a group of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) at a high altitude site and 2 groups at a low altitude site in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, from September 2001 to August 2002. Plant species diversity was greater at the low altitude site than at the high altitude site. The two groups at the low elevation consumed more plant species (140 species vs. 62 species), and a greater number of fruit species per mo (7 vs. 3 species) and per yr (36 vs. 11 species) than the high altitude group did. Furthermore, each group shared <51% of important fibrous food items in their diet with the 2 other groups. There is no significant difference in the proportion of days fruit remains were found in the dung among groups. Finally, according to Ivlev's electivity index, all groups positively selected the majority of food items in their diets. We attribute a large proportion of dietary variation between locations to differences in fruit availability and plant species composition between sites. Differences between groups at the low altitude site may be due to variation in food profitability—more profitable foods available to choose in the same area—within their overlapping home range, or group traditions. A comparison of our results with the diets of gorillas of the Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda and Kahuzi-Biega, DRC shows that eastern gorilla populations have highly variable dietary patterns with limited overlap in species consumed among groups and populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: We compared historic (1985–1992) and contemporary (2003–2006) black bear (Ursus americanus) den locations in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP), Colorado, USA, for habitat and physiographic attributes of den sites and used maximum entropy modeling to determine which factors were most influential in predicting den-site locations. We observed variability in the relationship between den locations and distance to trails and elevation over time. Locations of historic den sites were most associated with slope, elevation, and covertype, whereas contemporary sites were associated with slope, distance to roads, aspect, and canopy height. Although relationships to covariates differed between historic and contemporary periods, preferred den-site characteristics consistently included steep slopes and factors associated with greater snow depth. Distribution of den locations shifted toward areas closer to human developments, indicating little negative influence of this factor on den-site selection by black bears in RMNP.  相似文献   

Microfloral and other changes which occurred in farm-stored grains at, below and above the maximum water level were documented after the Red River Valley flood of spring 1979 in southern Manitoba, Canada. Results of flood-damage simulation studies carried out in the laboratory on wheat, rapeseed and flax generally confirmed those from the field. In laboratory simulation studies with flooded grains in tanks a 2.5–10.0 cm thick crust of sprouted seeds developed just above the maximum water level. Migration of moisture occurred upwards from the base of the crust and maximum temperatures just beneath the crust. Beneath the crust was a horizon of putrid seeds of zero germination, and above the crust a horizon of visible post-harvest molds, e.g.Aspergillus flavus andPenicillium spp. and harvest molds, e.g.Trichothecium roseum. Penicillium verrucosum var.cyclopium occurred throughout the profile, whereasAlternaria alternata, Wallemia sebi andAspergillus glaucus group species were confined to upper horizons because of low seed moisture andA. flavus and A. versicolor to lower horizons of high moisture. Aflatoxins B1 at 426 ppb and B2 at 34 ppb were the only mycotoxins detected in either study, and occurred in a partially filled granary of flax which had been affected by flood waters. Pressure effects produced by the expanding seeds such as increase in height of grain mass and splitting of seams of granaries were evident in both studies. Rounded or slippery seeds, e.g. peas, flax, were associated usually with vertical pressure effects whereas irregularly-shaped seeds, e.g. wheat with lateral pressure effects. It is hoped that this work will provide a better understanding of the processes involved when grain is damaged by flood waters and assist in the development of improved salvage procedures.Contribution No. 942, Agriculture Canada Research Station, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2M9.  相似文献   

本研究采用样地调查法研究了祁连山国家公园青海片区的蚂蚁物种多样性.在祁连山国家公园青海片区记录蚂蚁2亚科、6属、13种,发现1个中国新记录种:沃尔切胸蚁Temnthorax volgensis(Ruzsky),发现7个青海新记录种.光亮黑蚁 Formica candida Smith、满凹头蚁 Formica manc...  相似文献   

The helminth parasites of the greater kudu from the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, and the Etosha National Park (ENP), Namibia, were examined to determine the major patterns of spatial and demographic variation in community structure and to evaluate nonrandomness in parasite community assembly. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination procedures were used to test for differences in parasite community composition between hosts of the 2 parks and between hosts of different demographic groups within KNP. Infracommunities within KNP were also examined for patterns of nonrandomness using 2 null models, i.e., nestedness and species co-occurrence. Infracommunities of KNP and ENP were significantly different from each other, as were infracommunities of different host demographic groups within KNP. Parasite species in the greater kudu from KNP displayed significant levels of nestedness and were found to co-occur less frequently than expected by chance; however, this lack of co-occurrence was significant only when all demographic groups were considered. When restricted to any particular age class, co-occurrence patterns could not be distinguished from random. Overall, these data suggest that biogeography and host demographics are important factors in determining community organization of helminth parasites in the greater kudu.  相似文献   

A study of the prevalence and identity of Giardia spp. in small mammals of Grand Teton National Park was undertaken. All 90 montane voles examined were positive for Giardia, as were 4 pocket gophers, 1 water shrew, 4 water voles, and 2 meadow voles. How and why these findings contrast with the findings of others are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied phytoplankton population dynamics during the month preceding formation of ice cover in three small subalpine lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, U.S.A. The outflow from Emerald Lake, which is surrounded by talus, flows into Dream Lake, which is surrounded by sub-alpine forest. Nymph Lake is a lower seepage lake with abundant macrophytes in summer. The major ion concentrations in the three lakes were similar during the study, although Emerald and Dream Lakes had higher concentrations of nitrate and silica than Nymph Lake. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the phytoplankton in Emerald and Dream Lakes were distinct from the phytoplankton in Nymph Lake. The species composition changed in each lake during the late fall. The patterns of change in Emerald and Dream Lakes were similar on the PCA diagram despite the greater abundance of diatoms in Dream Lake and the decreasing flow from Emerald Lake into Dream Lake during the fall. In Nymph Lake, a progressive shift in species distribution occurred with a decrease in the most abundant chlorophyte, Chlamydomonas sp., and increases in several species, including two chrysophytes and the diatom Eunotia sp. The marked change in species composition in all three lakes suggests that phytoplankton populations are influenced by changes in water temperatures and incident solar radiation that occur during the late fall. We also compared these data with phytoplankton data for two fall periods from two other hydrologically connected Rocky Mountain lakes. PCA analysis showed that the difference between years was greater than the change during the fall and that the fall species composition in these two lakes was distinct from that in Emerald and Dream Lakes or in Nymph Lake. Studying phytoplankton dynamics in alpine and sub-alpine lakes may offer clues as to how these ecosystems may respond to projected climate changes in the Rocky Mountain region, such as warmer temperatures and later formation of ice-cover.  相似文献   

董翠玲  刘建  王方忠  于涛 《四川动物》2007,26(4):878-880
山东昆嵛山国家森林公园有丰富的野生动植物资源,优美的景色,丰厚的文化底蕴,优越的地理位置,是开展生态旅游的理想之地。本文在综合评价昆嵛山独特的生态旅游资源优势的基础上,分析了旅游业可能给当地生态环境带来的负面影响,并提出了昆嵛山生态旅游资源保护与可持续开发利用的对策建议,以期推动昆嵛山生态旅游业发展。  相似文献   

金崑 《生物多样性》2021,29(3):298-300
祁连山国家公园地跨甘肃、青海两省,总面积50,237 km2,其中,甘肃片区面积占68.5%,青海片区面积占31.5%.祁连山国家公园所在的祁连山是国家重点生态功能区之一,承担着维护青藏高原生态平衡,阻止腾格里、巴丹吉林和库姆塔格三大沙漠南侵,保障黄河和河西内陆河径流补给的重任.祁连山是我国生物多样性保护优先区之一,是...  相似文献   

江苏常熟虞山国家森林公园现知鸟类196种,隶属16目,38科,其中58种为新纪录,并对该地鸟类种类、居留情况作了调查分析。  相似文献   

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