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Cloacal swabs were collected from teal (Anas crecca, Anas cyanoptera, Anas discors), mottled duck (Anas fulvigula) and northern pintail (Anas acuta) in Brazoria County, Texas, USA, during February 2001, mottled ducks during August 2001, and blue-winged teal (A. discors) during February 2002. Prevalence of avian influenza virus (AIV) infections during each sampling period were 11, 0, and 15%, respectively. The hemagglutinin (H) subtypes H2 and H7 were detected in both years, while the H8 subtype was detected in 2001 and the H1 subtype was detected in 2002. Avian paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1) was isolated from 13% of mottled ducks sampled in August 2001 and 30.7% of teal in February 2002. The season of isolation of both viruses and the majority of the AIV subtypes detected in this study are not typical based on previous reports of these viruses from North American ducks.  相似文献   

As many as 500,000 waterfowl reside in California, USA, during summer, but little is known about the availability or quality of their habitats. Wetland size and distribution serve as proximate cues for habitat selection by breeding waterfowl in other parts of North America such as the Prairie Pothole Region. In heavily modified landscapes such as California's Central Valley, disturbance from factors like crop cultivation and urban development may limit access, affect survival, and decrease reproductive success. Water limitations due to recurring seasonal droughts pose another potential threat to breeding waterfowl. Spatial and temporal disparities in environmental resources may provide clearer indications of ultimate habitat selection. We addressed waterfowl habitat selection in 9 regions surveyed annually by California's Department of Fish and Wildlife to determine relative importance of drought severity, wetland area, and habitat quality on mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and other waterfowl population dynamics from 2007–2019. High-quality habitat supports long-term population persistence of waterfowl. This study period included an extended drought (2012–2015) and flooding (2016–2017). Statewide, habitat quality was the best predictor of mallard and other waterfowl population fluctuations. The model that included intermediate habitat quality, which accounted for influence of adjacent land-use, outperformed models that included wetland area alone. At the regional level, drought severity out-ranked other variables in most regions, suggesting management at regional scales must account for climate. Drought accounted for bird declines in some regions and possible increases in others. This information could be used to identify areas for conservation priority based on projected drought frequency and severity.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of avian influenza in North American poultry have been linked to wild waterfowl. A first step towards understanding where and when avian influenza viruses might emerge from North American waterfowl is to identify environmental and demographic determinants of infection in their populations. Laboratory studies indicate water temperature as one determinant of environmental viral persistence and we explored this hypothesis at the landscape scale. We also hypothesized that the interval apparent prevalence in ducks within a local watershed during the overwintering season would influence infection probabilities during the following breeding season within the same local watershed. Using avian influenza virus surveillance data collected from 19,965 wild waterfowl across the contiguous United States between October 2006 and September 2009 We fit Logistic regression models relating the infection status of individual birds sampled on their breeding grounds to demographic characteristics, temperature, and interval apparent prevalence during the preceding overwintering season at the local watershed scale. We found strong support for sex, age, and species differences in the probability an individual duck tested positive for avian influenza virus. In addition, we found that for every seven days the local minimum temperature fell below zero, the chance an individual would test positive for avian influenza virus increased by 5.9 percent. We also found a twelve percent increase in the chance an individual would test positive during the breeding season for every ten percent increase in the interval apparent prevalence during the prior overwintering season. These results suggest that viral deposition in water and sub-freezing temperatures during the overwintering season may act as determinants of individual level infection risk during the subsequent breeding season. Our findings have implications for future surveillance activities in waterfowl and domestic poultry populations. Further study is needed to identify how these drivers might interact with other host-specific infection determinants, such as species phylogeny, immunological status, and behavioral characteristics.  相似文献   

Recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (AIV) in birds, humans and other mammalian species calls for a better understanding of virus dynamics in wild bird species and populations that act as maintenance hosts. Host ecology influences the transmission of pathogens and can be used to explore and infer pathogen dynamics. Most of the ecological processes proposed to explain AIV transmission in wild birds have been derived from studies conducted in the temperate and boreal regions of the northern hemisphere. We evaluate the role of two key drivers of AIV dynamics in a waterfowl community in Zimbabwe (southern Africa): (1) the recruitment of young birds and (2) the seasonal aggregation of birds. We analyse the seasonal variation of AIV prevalence in waterfowl and overlay these data with the phenology of reproduction and the seasonal variation in the local abundance of these species. We find that the breeding period of southern Afrotropical waterfowl species is more extended and somewhat less synchronized among species in the community than is the case in temperate and boreal waterfowl communities. Young birds are recorded at most times of the year, and these immunologically naïve individuals can therefore act as new hosts for AIV throughout the year within the wild bird population. Although host aggregation peaks in the cold‐dry to hot‐dry season, birds still aggregate throughout the year and this potentially spreads the opportunities for first infection of juveniles and other naïve birds temporally. We did not find a relationship between season, AIV prevalence in waterfowl, the influx of juveniles or the gradual aggregation of birds during the dry season. Therefore, the main drivers of AIV dynamics (juvenile influx and host abundance/aggregation), although present in Afrotropical regions, could not explain the AIV seasonal patterns in our study in contrast to results reported from temperate and boreal regions. These differences imply variation in the risk of AIV circulation in waterfowl and in the risk of spread to poultry, other animals or humans.  相似文献   

Vacuolar myelinopathy was confirmed by light and electron microscopic examination of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), ring-necked ducks (Aythya collaris), and buffleheads (Bucephala albeola) collected during an epizootic at Lake Surf in central North Carolina (USA) between November 1998 and February 1999. Clinical signs of affected birds were consistent with central nervous system impairment of motor function (incoordination, abnormal movement and posture, weakness, paralysis). This is the first report of this disease in wild waterfowl (Anseriformes).  相似文献   

Mase M  Kawaoka Y 《Uirusu》2005,55(2):231-237
Currently, H5N1 influenza viruses remain a serious public health concern in Asia and now in Europe. We showed that the H5N1 viruses associated with outbreaks of HPAI in chickens in Japan were genotypically closely related to an H5N1 virus isolated from a chicken in China in 2003 (genotype V), but were different from those prevalent in southeastern Asia in 2003-2004 (i.e., genotype Z). H5N1 viruses were also isolated from duck meat imported from China during this routine surveillance in May of 2003. We characterized these H5N1 isolates and found that poultry products contaminated with influenza viruses of high pathogenic potential to mammals are a threat to public health even in countries where the virus is not enzootic and represent a possible source of influenza outbreaks in poultry.  相似文献   

The potential existence of a wild bird reservoir for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been recently questioned by the spread and the persisting circulation of H5N1 HPAI viruses, responsible for concurrent outbreaks in migratory and domestic birds over Asia, Europe, and Africa. During a large-scale surveillance programme over Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, we detected avian influenza viruses of H5N2 subtype with a highly pathogenic (HP) viral genotype in healthy birds of two wild waterfowl species sampled in Nigeria. We monitored the survival and regional movements of one of the infected birds through satellite telemetry, providing a rare evidence of a non-lethal natural infection by an HP viral genotype in wild birds. Phylogenetic analysis of the H5N2 viruses revealed close genetic relationships with H5 viruses of low pathogenicity circulating in Eurasian wild and domestic ducks. In addition, genetic analysis did not reveal known gallinaceous poultry adaptive mutations, suggesting that the emergence of HP strains could have taken place in either wild or domestic ducks or in non-gallinaceous species. The presence of coexisting but genetically distinguishable avian influenza viruses with an HP viral genotype in two cohabiting species of wild waterfowl, with evidence of non-lethal infection at least in one species and without evidence of prior extensive circulation of the virus in domestic poultry, suggest that some strains with a potential high pathogenicity for poultry could be maintained in a community of wild waterfowl.  相似文献   

Wild-bird surveillance in North America for avian influenza (AI) viruses with a goal of early identification of the Asian H5N1 highly pathogenic AI virus has identified at least six low-pathogenicity H5N1 AI viruses between 2004 and 2006. The hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes from all 6 H5N1 viruses and an additional 38 North American wild-bird-origin H5 subtype and 28 N1 subtype viruses were sequenced and compared with sequences available in GenBank by phylogenetic analysis. Both HA and NA were phylogenetically distinct from those for viruses from outside of North America and from those for viruses recovered from mammals. Four of the H5N1 AI viruses were characterized as low pathogenicity by standard in vivo pathotyping tests. One of the H5N1 viruses, A/MuteSwan/MI/451072-2/06, was shown to replicate to low titers in chickens, turkeys, and ducks. However, transmission of A/MuteSwan/MI/451072-2/06 was more efficient among ducks than among chickens or turkeys based on virus shed. The 50% chicken infectious dose for A/MuteSwan/MI/451072-2/06 and three other wild-waterfowl-origin H5 viruses were also determined and were between 10(5.3) and 10(7.5) 50% egg infective doses. Finally, seven H5 viruses representing different phylogenetic clades were evaluated for their antigenic relatedness by hemagglutination inhibition assay, showing that the antigenic relatedness was largely associated with geographic origin. Overall, the data support the conclusion that North American H5 wild-bird-origin AI viruses are low-pathogenicity wild-bird-adapted viruses and are antigenically and genetically distinct from the highly pathogenic Asian H5N1 virus lineage.  相似文献   

Despite the recognized importance of fecal/oral transmission of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) via contaminated wetlands, little is known about the length, quantity, or route of AI virus shed by wild waterfowl. We used published laboratory challenge studies to evaluate the length and quantity of low pathogenic (LP) and highly pathogenic (HP) virus shed via oral and cloacal routes by AI-infected ducks and geese, and how these factors might influence AI epidemiology and virus detection. We used survival analysis to estimate the duration of infection (from virus inoculation to the last day virus was shed) and nonlinear models to evaluate temporal patterns in virus shedding. We found higher mean virus titer and longer median infectious period for LPAI-infected ducks (10-11.5 days in oral and cloacal swabs) than HPAI-infected ducks (5 days) and geese (7.5 days). Based on the median bird infectious dose, we found that environmental contamination is two times higher for LPAI- than HPAI-infectious ducks, which implies that susceptible birds may have a higher probability of infection during LPAI than HPAI outbreaks. Less environmental contamination during the course of infection and previously documented shorter environmental persistence for HPAI than LPAI suggest that the environment is a less favorable reservoir for HPAI. The longer infectious period, higher virus titers, and subclinical infections with LPAI viruses favor the spread of these viruses by migratory birds in comparison to HPAI. Given the lack of detection of HPAI viruses through worldwide surveillance, we suggest monitoring for AI should aim at improving our understanding of AI dynamics (in particular, the role of the environment and immunity) using long-term comprehensive live bird, serologic, and environmental sampling at targeted areas. Our findings on LPAI and HPAI shedding patterns over time provide essential information to parameterize environmental transmission and virus spread in predictive epizootiologic models of disease risks.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒最新研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王乐  郭蓓 《生命科学》2006,18(1):35-40
本文针对2004年爆发的禽流感疫病,回顾了2004年至2005年期间禽流感病毒的研究进展。逆转录聚合酶链式反应技术为禽流感病毒的分型提供了一种快速、可靠、准确的方法。对H5N1禽流感病毒致病机制的研究发现,其强致病性在于它可以躲避人类抗病毒细胞因子的作用,NS1基因编码蛋白的92位谷氨酸在其中发挥了关键作用。由于禽流感疾病多引起结膜炎,并与病毒细胞受体的研究结果相结合,有科学家认为眼部特异性是禽流感病毒的一个总体特征。社会普遍关注禽流感疫苗的研制,人类和禽类流感A型病毒M2蛋白胞外区域的序列比对工作为疫苗研制提供了一条新的思路,依据神经氨酸酶抑制剂抑制病毒的出芽繁殖原理的疫苗正在研制过程中,而利用siRNA预防和治疗禽流感也是很有潜力的一种方法。禽流感病毒研究的另一个热点是病毒基因节段的重配问题。  相似文献   

The advent of the molecular techniques used to assign paternity has focused attention on the differences between the social and the genetic mating systems of sexual species. In particular, the interrelations between breeding synchrony-the degree to which the fertility periods of individual females in a population overlap and the degree of extra pair paternity (EPP) in that population, has became a subject of a lively debate. Investigation of the subject can be facilitated by examining the criteria that females use in choosing extra pair partners. These preferences constitute a continuum ranging between two extremes. At one end, there are situations wherein all the females in a population exhibit a preference for males with particular phenotypic markers, and females mated to males lacking such "quality" markers seek extra pair fertilizations from males that do -trade up polygyny. At the other extreme, there are situations wherein females seek to maximize the total number of male partners, rather than secure fertilization by males of particular type -indiscriminate polygyny. Previously, we used game theoretical methods to model the interrelations between breeding synchrony and EPP in the context of indiscriminate polygyny. Here we present an analogous investigation in the context of trade up polygyny. Our results for the two cases, which delimit the range of the possible behavior, are similar. That is, we see that it is the pursuit of extra pair fertilizations opportunities that determines breeding synchrony of populations, rather than the vice versa as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   

We conducted a 3-yr study (2001-03) on greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) breeding in Alaska, USA, to determine the exposure of this population to Pasteurella multocida and the potential role of these birds as disease carriers. We tested sera from nearly 600 adult geese for antibodies to P. multocida serotype 1. We found a low prevalence (<5%) of positive antibodies in adult geese, and based on the short duration of detectable antibodies, these findings indicate recent infection with P. multocida. Prevalence was similar to serologic results from both breeding and wintering lesser snow geese. We also collected oral (n=1,035), nasal (n=102), and cloacal (n=90) swab samples to determine the presence of avian cholera carriers in this population. We were unable to isolate P. multocida serotype 1 from any of the birds sampled. Based on comparison with other waterfowl species, we concluded that these geese may be exposed to avian cholera during the winter or spring migration but are unlikely to play a significant role as carriers of the bacterium causing avian cholera.  相似文献   

Gravity settling culture (GSC) plate collections of endogenous fungi were made at four homes in Durham, North Carolina. During frost-free periods (May-August), the most frequently isolated genera included Mucor, Cladosporium (Hormodendrum), Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Alternaria, Cunninghamella, Aureobasidium, Fusarium, Heterosporium, Amblyosporium, and other (unidentified) fungi. Higher numbers of mold isolates were associated with high shade and high levels of organic debris near the home and poor landscaping and landscape maintenance. Lower concentrations of mold isolates were associated with the presence of a central electrostatic filtration system and good compliance with dust controls. The viable mold spore levels were lower in homes where the electrostatic filtration unit was operated continuously rather than intermittently. These findings reflect the ease with which outdoor spore clouds may penetrate structures and obscure evidence of internal fungus source. The data also imply that because of size-related undersampling, open plates can exclude abundant types of recovery. No statistically significant correlations could be made between indoor mold isolates and any of the following: number and age of the occupants, age and size of home, month of survey or the presence of plants. Attempts have been made to facilitate the diagnosis of fungal allergy by gathering together examples of places and materials which are most likely to be a risk for mold sensitive patients.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding landscape structure and the role of habitat linkages is important to managing wildlife populations in fragmented landscapes. We present a data-based method for identifying local- and regional-scale habitat linkages for American black bears (Ursus americanus) on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula of North Carolina, USA. We used weights-of-evidence, a discrete multivariate technique for combining spatial data, to make predictions about bear habitat use from 1,771 telemetry locations on 2 study areas (n = 35 bears). The model included 3 variables measured at a 0.2-km2 scale: forest cohesion, forest diversity, and forest-agriculture edge density, adequately describing important habitat characteristics for bears on our study area. We used 2 categories of unique habitat conditions to delineate favorable bear habitat, which correctly classified 79.5% of the bear locations in a 10-fold model validation. Forest cohesion and forest-agriculture edge density were the most powerful predictors of black bear habitat use. We used predicted probabilities of bear occurrence from the model to delineate habitat linkages among local and regional areas where bear densities were relatively high. Our models clearly identified 2 of the 3 sites previously recommended for wildlife underpasses on a new, 4-lane highway in the study area. Our approach yielded insights into how landscape metrics can be integrated to identify linkages suitable as habitat and dispersal routes.  相似文献   

A limestone outcrop along the north shore of Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina, is found to contain ca. 0.1 % phosphate by weight. Weathering processes have probably driven steady inputs of phosphate from this source throughout the lake's history, accounting for its near eutrophic state. The sediments of Lake Waccamaw are enriched with phosphate, particularly in the littoral zone near the outcrop. Chemical and biological processes apparently remove phosphate from solution rapidly, making detection of a soluble phosphate signal near the outcrop difficult. Management of nutrient inputs and water quality in Lake Waccamaw requires consideration of the effects of this in-lake source of phosphate. Other sources of phosphate, particularly in the lake's drainage basin, may be less important than previously thought.  相似文献   

正Studies on influenza virus by Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)could be traced back as early as 2005 by the CAS Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology(CASPMI),who discovered that Qinghai-like Clade 2.2H5N1 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza virus(HPAIV)first caused severe outbreak in wild birds in Qinghai Lake(Liu et al.,2005).  相似文献   

  • 1 Avian influenza (AI) viruses primarily circulate in wild waterfowl populations and are occasionally transmitted to domestic poultry flocks. However, the possible roles of other wildlife species, such as wild mammals, in AI virus ecology have not been adequately addressed.
  • 2 Due to their habitat and behaviour, many wild mammals may be capable of transmitting pathogens among wild and domestic populations. Exposure to AI viruses has been reported in an array of wild and domestic animals. The presence of wild mammals on farms has been identified as a risk factor for at least one poultry AI outbreak in North America. These reports suggest the need for seroprevalence studies examining the exposure of wild mammals to AI viruses.
  • 3 Serological tests are routinely used to assess domestic poultry, domestic swine and human exposure to influenza A viruses, but these tests have not been validated for use in wild mammals. As such, some of these protocols may require adjustments or may be inappropriate for use in serology testing of wild mammals. Herein, we review these serological techniques and evaluate their potential usefulness in AI surveillance of wild mammals. We call for care to be taken when applying serological tests outside their original area of validation, and for continued assay verification for multiple species and virus strains.

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