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The cytokine network in the skin is a tightly regulated system in which IL-1 isoforms, as well as their receptors and antagonists have a central role. The recently discovered IL-1 isoform IL-18 (also known as interferon gamma-inducing factor (IGIF) or IL-1gamma), promotes IFN-gamma expression by T cells in concert with IL-12. Because IFN-gamma plays an important role in many inflammatory skin diseases by facilitating the development of Th1 cells, it is important to elucidate the role of mediators which regulate the production of this cytokine. We demonstrate that human keratinocytes constitutively express IL-18 at the mRNA as well as at the protein level. The protein was mainly expressed intracellularly in the 24 kD unprocessed pro-form, but was also secreted. Histochemistry revealed a diffuse staining of IL-18 in the epidermis of normal skin, which is in line with our in vitro data. Furthermore, we show that the level of IL-18 expressed in freshly isolated normal human epidermal cells, whether or not containing HLA-DR+ cells, significantly exceeded the expression levels of other cell types such as monocytes and bronchial epithelial cells. Finally, our results show that stimulation of the keratinocyte cell line HaCaT with PMA LPS or IL-1beta, does not significantly affect intracellular or released (pro) IL-18 levels. These experiments show for the first time that human keratinocytes relative to monocytes, PBMC or leukocytes produce a considerably larger amount of pro-IL-18, which is also readily released. High constitutive levels of IL-18 may contribute to the skewing towards a Th1-like environment, which is apparent in many human inflammatory skin diseases.  相似文献   

Resistance to many intestinal nematodes is dependent on the induction of polarized type 2 cytokine responses, whereas type 1 responses can exacerbate these infections. The contributions of IL-4 and IL-13 to the development of resistance have been well described for a variety of intestinal parasites; however, the role of IL-10 has not been previously investigated. In this study we infected IL-10-, IL-10/IL-4-, IL-10/IL-12-, IL-4-, and IL-12-deficient mice with Trichuris muris to determine whether IL-10 contributes to the development of immunity. Interestingly, T. muris-infected IL-10-, IL-4-, and IL-10/IL-4-deficient mice failed to expel the parasite, and animals deficient in IL-10 displayed marked morbidity and mortality. In contrast, double IL-10/IL-12-deficient mice were completely resistant and mounted a highly polarized type 2 cytokine response, demonstrating that the increased susceptibility of IL-10-deficient mice was dependent on IL-12. Further study suggested that the susceptibility of IL-10- and IL-10/IL-4-deficient mice was probably attributable to a marked increase in type 1 cytokine production in those animals. The mortality observed in T. muris-infected IL-10- and IL-10/IL-4-deficient mice correlated with increased inflammation, loss of Paneth cells, and absence of mucus in the cecum. Interestingly, survival was enhanced in T. muris-infected IL-10/IL-4-deficient mice if a broad spectrum antibiotic was administered, suggesting that an outgrowth of opportunistic bacteria was contributing to the high degree of morbidity and mortality. Overall, these studies reveal a critical role for IL-10 in the polarization of Th2 responses, development of resistance during T. muris infection, and maintenance of barrier function in the colon.  相似文献   

Leishmania amazonensis induces a nonhealing infection in C3H mice, whereas infection with Leishmania major is self-healing. We found that C3H mice infected with L. amazonensis exhibited decreased IL-12 production, which could account for the susceptibility to this organism. However, exogenous IL-12 administration failed to induce a healing immune response. The failure of L. amazonensis-infected C3H mice to respond to IL-12 was associated with a specific defect in IL-12 receptor beta2 (IL-12Rbeta2) mRNA expression by CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, decreased IL-12Rbeta2 mRNA expression correlated with a decrease in the IL-12-signaling capacity of the lymph node (LN) cells. IL-4 did not contribute to susceptibility or down-regulation of the IL-12Rbeta2 subunit, because IL-4-/- mice remained susceptible to L. amazonensis infection, even after IL-12 administration, and CD4+ cells from infected IL-4-/- mice also had reduced expression of IL-12Rbeta2 mRNA. These results demonstrate that regulation of the IL-12 receptor, independent of IL-4, is a point of control for the immune response to leishmaniasis. In contrast to experimental L. major infections, where host genetics control susceptibility, these studies demonstrate that the lack of IL-12 responsiveness may be dictated by the pathogen, rather than the host.  相似文献   

IL-33, an IL-1 family member and ligand for the IL-1 receptor-related protein ST2, has been associated with induction of Th2 cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. Here, we report that IL-33 can initiate IL-9 protein secretion in vitro in human CD4+ T cells and basophils isolated from peripheral blood. TGF-β has been described as a critical factor for IL-9 induction in Th2 cells; however, we found that TGF-β also induces co-production of IL-9 in purified, naïve (>99%) CD4+CD45RA+CD45ROCD25 T cells differentiated towards a Th1 profile. Subsequently, it was demonstrated that TGF-β is important, although not an absolute requirement, for IL-9 production in CD4+ T cells. IL-9 production by purified (>95%) human basophils, cultured for 24 h with IL-3 or IL-33, was found, with a strong synergy between the two, likely to be explained by the IL-3 upregulated ST2 expression. Collectively, these data indicate that barrier functioning cells are important for the regulation of IL-9 production by immune cells in inflamed tissue.  相似文献   

Parallel regulation of IL-4 and IL-5 in human helminth infections.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
To investigate the relationship between cytokine production and the increased levels of serum IgE and peripheral eosinophilia commonly accompanying human helminth infections, we studied the ability of PBMC of normal (N1) (n = 18) and eosinophilic individuals with helminth infections (H1) (n = 9) to produce IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, granulocyte-macrophage-CSF, and IFN-gamma in vitro after stimulation with PMA (50 ng/ml) and ionomycin (1 microgram/ml). The two groups differed in both the levels of serum IgE and eosinophilia. For mitogen-induced production of granulocyte-macrophage-CSF and IFN-gamma, there was no difference in cytokine production between the two groups. In marked contrast, supernatants from PBMC of infected individuals had significantly higher levels of IL-4 (mean = 213 pg/ml for N1 and 944 pg/ml for H1, p less than 0.02), IL-5 (mean = 180 pg/ml for N1 and 1118 pg/ml for HL, p less than 0.001), and IL-3 (mean = 13900 pg/ml for N1, 28029 pg/ml for H1, p less than 0.05). In addition, helminth-infected patients had approximately 5-fold greater numbers of T cells capable of producing IL-5 and 2.5-fold greater frequency of IL-4-secreting cells than did normal individuals; GM-CSF- and IFN-gamma-producing T cell numbers were not significantly different in the two groups. IL-3-producing cell frequencies could not be evaluated by this method. There was a direct correlation between IL-4 production and IL-5 production at the level of both protein production and frequency of T cells capable of producing these cytokines. These data indicate that individuals with reactive eosinophilia and elevated serum IgE have an expanded population of lymphocytes producing IL-4 and IL-5 and the association of the two suggests that the regulation of IL-4 and IL-5 may be linked.  相似文献   

The current approaches to reduce the burden of chronic helminth infections in endemic areas are adequate sanitation and periodic administration of deworming drugs. Yet, resistance against some deworming drugs and reinfection can still rapidly occur even after treatment. A vaccine against helminths would be an effective solution at preventing reinfection. However, vaccines against helminth parasites have yet to be successfully developed. While T helper cells and innate lymphoid cells have been established as important components of the protective type 2 response, the roles of B cells and antibodies remain the most controversial. Here, we review the roles of B cells during intestinal helminth infection. We discuss the potential factors that contribute to the context-specific roles for B cells in protection against diverse intestinal helminth parasite species, using evidence from well-defined murine model systems. Understanding the precise roles of B cells during resistance and susceptibility to helminth infection may offer a new perspective of type 2 protective immunity.  相似文献   

Basophils play a key role in the development and effector phases of type 2 immune responses in both allergic diseases and helminth infections. This study shows that basophils become less responsive to IgE-mediated stimulation when mice are chronically infected with Litomosoides sigmodontis, a filarial nematode, and Schistosoma mansoni, a blood fluke. Although excretory/secretory products from microfilariae of L. sigmodontis suppressed basophils in vitro, transfer of microfilariae into mice did not result in basophil suppression. Rather, reduced basophil responsiveness, which required the presence of live helminths, was found to be dependent on host IL-10 and was accompanied by decreases in key IgE signaling molecules known to be downregulated by IL-10. Given the importance of basophils in the development of type 2 immune responses, these findings help explain the mechanism by which helminths protect against allergy and may have broad implications for understanding how helminth infections alter other disease states in people.  相似文献   

IL-27, a regulatory cytokine, plays critical roles in the prevention of immunopathology during Plasmodium infection. We examined these roles in the immune responses against Plasmodium chabaudi infection using the Il-27ra−/− mice. While IL-27 was expressed at high levels during the early phase of the infection, enhanced CD4+ T cell function and reduction in parasitemia were observed mainly during the chronic phase in the mutant mice. In mice infected with P. chabaudi and cured with drug, CD4+ T cells in the Il-27ra−/− mice exhibited enhanced CD4+ T-cell responses, indicating the inhibitory role of IL-27 on the protective immune responses. To determine the role of IL-27 in detail, we performed CD4+ T-cell transfer experiments. The Il-27ra−/− and Il27p28−/− mice were first infected with P. chabaudi and then cured using drug treatment. Plasmodium-antigen primed CD4+ T cells were prepared from these mice and transferred into the recipient mice, followed by infection with the heterologous parasite P. berghei ANKA. Il-27ra−/− CD4+ T cells in the infected recipient mice did not produce IL-10, indicating that IL-10 production by primed CD4+ T cells is IL-27 dependent. Il27p28−/− CD4+ T cells that were primed in the absence of IL-27 exhibited enhanced recall responses during the challenge infection with P. berghei ANKA, implying that IL-27 receptor signaling during the primary infection affects recall responses in the long-term via the regulation of the memory CD4+ T cell generation. These features highlighted direct and time-transcending roles of IL-27 in the regulation of immune responses against chronic infection with Plasmodium parasites.  相似文献   

Basophil contribution to the IL-4 pool in filarial infections was assessed using PBMC from 20 patients with active filarial infections and from 9 uninfected subjects. Patient basophils released histamine in response to Brugia malayi Ag (BmAg). They also released IL-4 within 2 h after exposure to BmAg, as assessed by intracellular cytokine flow cytometry. This IL-4 induction was Ag specific, as IL-4 was not detected in BmAg-exposed basophils obtained from uninfected subjects. Although there were, on average, 64 times more CD4(+) T cells than basophils in the peripheral circulation of filaria-infected patients, the absolute numbers of basophils and CD4(+) T cells producing IL-4 per 100000 PBMC were equivalent (geometric mean: 16 IL-4-producing basophils/100000 PBMC vs 22 IL-4-producing CD4(+) T cells/100000 PBMC). Basophils also released IL-4 in response to both low and high concentrations of BmAg, whereas CD4(+) T cells released IL-4 only after incubation with a high concentration of BmAg, raising the possibility that basophils, due to their lower threshold for activation, may actually release IL-4 more frequently than CD4(+) T cells in vivo. Furthermore, IL-4 production in vitro by Ag-stimulated purified basophils or CD4(+) T cells provided evidence that basophils release greater quantities of IL-4 per cell than CD4(+) T cells in response to BmAg. These results suggest that, when Ag-specific IgE is present in a filaria-infected individual, basophils function to amplify the ongoing Th2 response by releasing IL-4 in greater amounts and possibly more frequently than CD4(+) T cells in response to filarial Ag.  相似文献   

IL-15 regulates CD8+ T cell contraction during primary infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During the course of acute infection with an intracellular pathogen, Ag-specific T cells proliferate in the expansion phase, and then most of the T cells die by apoptosis in the following contraction phase, but the few that survive become memory cells and persist for a long period of time. Although IL-15 is known to play an important role in long-term maintenance of memory CD8+ T cells, the potential roles of IL-15 in CD8+ T cell contraction are not known. Using an adoptive transfer system of OT-I cells expressing OVA257-264/Kb-specific TCR into control, IL-15 knockout (KO) and IL-15 transgenic (Tg) mice followed by challenge with recombinant Listeria monocytogenes expressing OVA, we found that the survival of CD44+CD62L-CD127- effector OT-I cells during the contraction phase is critically dependent on IL-15. In correlation with the expression level of Bcl-2 in OT-I cells, the number of OT-I cells was markedly reduced in IL-15 KO mice but remained at a high level in IL-15 Tg mice during the contraction phase, compared with control mice. In vivo administration of rIL-15 during the contraction phase in IL-15 KO mice inhibited the contraction of effector OT-I cells accompanied by up-regulation of Bcl-2 expression. Furthermore, enforced expression of Bcl-2 protected the majority of effector OT-I cells from death in IL-15 KO mice after infection. These results suggest that IL-15 plays a critical role in protecting effector CD8+ T cells from apoptosis during the contraction phase following a microbial infection via inducing antiapoptotic molecules.  相似文献   

Central memory CD4(+) T cells provide a pool of lymph node-homing, Ag-experienced cells that are capable of responding rapidly after a secondary infection. We have previously described a population of central memory CD4(+) T cells in Leishmania major-infected mice that were capable of mediating immunity to a secondary infection. In this study, we show that the Leishmania-specific central memory CD4(+) T cells require IL-12 to produce IFN-gamma, demonstrating that this population needs additional signals to develop into Th1 cells. In contrast, effector cells isolated from immune mice produced IFN-gamma in vitro or in vivo in the absence of IL-12. In addition, we found that when central memory CD4(+) T cells were adoptively transferred into IL-12-deficient hosts, many of the cells became IL-4 producers. These studies indicate that the central memory CD4(+) T cell population generated during L. major infection is capable of developing into either Th1 or Th2 effectors. Thus, continued IL-12 production may be required to ensure the development of Th1 cells from this central memory T cell pool, a finding that has direct relevance to the design of vaccines dependent upon central memory CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

IL-12 initiates Th1 cell development and cell-mediated immunity, but whether IL-12 contributes to the maintenance of a Th1 response is unclear. To address this question, we infected IL-12 p40-/- C57BL/6 mice with Leishmania major, an intracellular protozoan parasite controlled by a cell-mediated immune response, and simultaneously administered IL-12. Whereas untreated p40-/- mice developed an uncontrolled infection, p40-/- mice treated with IL-12 for the first 2 or 4 wk of infection developed a Th1 response and resolved their lesions. However, the induction of this protective Th1 cell response by IL-12 treatment was not associated with long term immunity. We observed that on rechallenge in the absence of IL-12, the mice exhibited a susceptible phenotype. In addition, without rechallenge, lesions in the IL-12-treated p40-/- mice developed several weeks after cessation of IL-12 treatment. In both cases, disease was associated with the loss of a Th1 response and the development of a Th2 response. Our observations are not limited to the C57BL/6 strain, because IL-12 treatment was also unable to provide lasting protection to p40-/- BALB/c mice. Finally, we found that although Th1 cells from healed wild-type C57BL/6 mice adoptively transferred protection to L. major-infected RAG-/- mice, they were unable to protect p40-/- mice. In conclusion, these studies provide the first demonstration that IL-12 is required not only to initiate Th1 cell development but also throughout infection to maintain a Th1 cell response and resistance to L. major.  相似文献   

The acquisition of the infant gut microbiota is key to establishing a host-microbiota symbiosis. Microbially produced metabolites tightly interact with the immune system, and the fermentation-derived short-chain fatty acid butyrate is considered an important mediator linked to chronic diseases later in life. The intestinal butyrate-forming bacterial population is taxonomically and functionally diverse and includes endospore formers with high transmission potential. Succession, and contribution of butyrate-producing taxa during infant gut microbiota development have been little investigated. We determined the abundance of major butyrate-forming groups and fermentation metabolites in faeces, isolated, cultivated and characterized the heat-resistant cell population, which included endospores, and compared butyrate formation efficiency of representative taxa in batch cultures. The endospore community contributed about 0.001% to total cells, and was mainly composed of the pioneer butyrate-producing Clostridium sensu stricto. We observed an increase in abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, butyrate-producing Lachnospiraceae and faecal butyrate levels with age that is likely explained by higher butyrate production capacity of contributing taxa compared with Clostridium sensu stricto. Our data suggest that a successional arrangement and an overall increase in abundance of butyrate forming populations occur during the first year of life, which is associated with an increase of intestinal butyrate formation capacity.  相似文献   

After the onset of parasite egg deposition, mice infected with the helminth Schistosoma mansoni mount strong Th2 cytokine responses in the absence of significant Th1 cytokine synthesis. To examine the basis of this immunoregulatory state, spleen or lymph node cells from schistosome-infected mice were stimulated with parasite-specific Ag and the supernatants tested for their capacity to suppress IFN-gamma synthesis by a Th1 cell line. Strong inhibition was observed that was neutralized by a mAb against IL-10, a cytokine previously shown to down-regulate Th1 cytokine synthesis. By means of ELISA measurements the production of IL-10 in schistosome infection was confirmed and shown to depend on CD4+ T cells. IL-10 synthesis stimulated by either mitogen or Ag was observed only at those stages of infection when Th2 response induction and Th1 cytokine down-regulation also occurred and was not detected in mice vaccinated with attenuated parasites. Moreover, the addition of the neutralizing anti-IL-10 mAb to Ag-stimulated spleen cell cultures from infected mice caused a dramatic augmentation in IFN-gamma synthesis. These findings suggest that IL-10 is responsible for the down-regulation of Th1 responses observed in schistosome infections, a phenomenon that may enable the parasite to escape potentially harmful cell-mediated responses.  相似文献   

The immunological resistance of a host to viral infections may be strongly influenced by cytokines such as interleukin-12 (IL-12) and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), which promote T helper type 1 responses, and IL-4, which promotes T helper type 2 responses. We studied the role of these cytokines during primary and secondary immune responses against Friend retrovirus infections in mice. IL-4- and IL-12-deficient mice were comparable to wild-type B6 mice in the ability to control acute and persistent Friend virus infections. In contrast, more than one-third of the IFN-gamma-deficient mice were unable to maintain long-term control of Friend virus and developed gross splenomegaly with high virus loads. Immunization with a live attenuated vaccine virus prior to challenge protected all three types of cytokine-deficient mice from viremia and high levels of spleen virus despite the finding that the vaccinated IFN-gamma-deficient mice were unable to class switch from immunoglobulin M (IgM) to IgG virus-neutralizing antibodies. The results indicate that IFN-gamma plays an important role during primary immune responses against Friend virus but is dispensable during vaccine-primed secondary responses.  相似文献   

Effector responses induced by polarized CD4+ T helper 2 (Th2) cells drive nonhealing responses in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major. Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 are known susceptibility factors for L. major infection in BALB/c mice and induce their biological functions through a common receptor, the IL-4 receptor alpha chain (IL-4Ralpha). IL-4Ralpha-deficient BALB/c mice, however, remain susceptible to L. major infection, indicating that IL-4/IL-13 may induce protective responses. Therefore, the roles of polarized Th2 CD4+ T cells and IL-4/IL-13 responsiveness of non-CD4+ T cells in inducing non-healer or healer responses have yet to be elucidated. CD4+ T cell-specific IL-4Ralpha (Lck(cre)IL-4Ralpha(-/lox)) deficient BALB/c mice were generated and characterized to elucidate the importance of IL-4Ralpha signaling during cutaneous leishmaniasis in the absence of IL-4-responsive CD4+ T cells. Efficient deletion was confirmed by loss of IL-4Ralpha expression on CD4+ T cells and impaired IL-4-induced CD4+ T cell proliferation and Th2 differentiation. CD8+, gammadelta+, and NK-T cells expressed residual IL-4Ralpha, and representative non-T cell populations maintained IL-4/IL-13 responsiveness. In contrast to IL-4Ralpha(-/lox) BALB/c mice, which developed ulcerating lesions following infection with L. major, Lck(cre)IL-4Ralpha(-/lox) mice were resistant and showed protection to rechallenge, similar to healer C57BL/6 mice. Resistance to L. major in Lck(cre)IL-4Ralpha(-/lox) mice correlated with reduced numbers of IL-10-secreting cells and early IL-12p35 mRNA induction, leading to increased delayed type hypersensitivity responses, interferon-gamma production, and elevated ratios of inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA/parasite, similar to C57BL/6 mice. These data demonstrate that abrogation of IL-4 signaling in CD4+ T cells is required to transform non-healer BALB/c mice to a healer phenotype. Furthermore, a beneficial role for IL-4Ralpha signaling in L. major infection is revealed in which IL-4/IL-13-responsive non-CD4+ T cells induce protective responses.  相似文献   

IL-4 and IL-10 are both required for the induction of oral tolerance   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Protection from the development of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) can be induced by feeding mice interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein before uveitogenic challenge with the same protein. Two different regimens are equally effective in inducing protective tolerance, although they seem to do so through different mechanisms: one involving regulatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta), and the other with minimal involvement of cytokines. Here we studied the importance of IL-4 and IL-10 for the development of oral tolerance using mice genetically engineered to lack either one or both of these cytokines. In these animals we were able to protect against EAU only through the regimen inducing cytokine-independent tolerance. When these animals were fed a regimen that in the wild-type animal is thought to predominantly induce regulatory cells and is associated with cytokine secretion, they were not protected from EAU. Interestingly, both regimens were associated with reduced IL-2 production and proliferation in response to interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein. These findings indicate that both IL-4 and IL-10 are required for induction of protective oral tolerance dependent on regulatory cytokines, and that one cytokine cannot substitute for the other in this process. These data also underscore the fact that oral tolerance, manifested as suppression of proliferation and IL-2 production, is not synonymous with protection from disease.  相似文献   

Leishmania major infection is useful as an experimental model to define factors responsible for the development and maintenance of Th cell immune responses. Studies using inbred mouse strains have identified that the Th1 response characteristic of C57BL/6 mice results in healing, whereas BALB/c mice fail to control the infection due to the generation of an inappropriate Th2 response. We now demonstrate that IL-13 is a key factor in determining susceptibility to L. major infection. Overexpression of IL-13 in transgenic mice makes the normally resistant C57BL/6 mouse strain susceptible to L. major infection even in the absence of IL-4 expression. This susceptibility correlates with a suppression of IL-12 and IFN-gamma expression. Furthermore, using BALB/c mice deficient in the expression of IL-4, IL-13, or both IL-13 and IL-4, we demonstrate that IL-13-deficient mice are resistant to infection and that there is an additive effect of deleting both IL-4 and IL-13.  相似文献   

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