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Using a long-term study population of wild smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in a connected river-lake system, we investigated whether circulating glucocorticoid (cortisol) and androgen (testosterone) concentrations are influenced by reproductive investment and nesting environment in fish providing nest-guarding paternal care. For all individuals, we collected measures of reproductive history and the value of current parental care. We assessed nest environment and monitored individuals to quantify seasonal reproductive success. Finally, we measured circulating cortisol concentrations following a standardized stressor and circulating testosterone concentrations. Using general linear models, we found that poststress circulating cortisol concentrations were positively related to water temperature and were higher in fish nesting in the river than in the lake. Circulating testosterone concentrations were negatively related to water temperature and were higher in reproductively experienced fish. When considering the factors that influence reproductive success, we found that only parental size was positively related to current nest success. In summary, the results demonstrate that nesting environment is correlated with parental stress responses during parental care, while reproductive history and nesting environment are correlated with circulating androgen concentrations. Collectively, these results offer insight into the roles of both glucocorticoid and androgen steroid hormones during parental care in teleost fish.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1988,17(1):17-26
Field observations were conducted on four species of nesting male centrarchids to determine if guarding males discriminate intruders with respect to their potential threat to the brood, their size or position in the water column, or by the stage of the nest. Results demonstrated that bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) sunfish were the most frequent intruders and were attacked the most often. Nest guarding male largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) attacked intruders further from the nest and had the highest probability of attack of the four species studied. Rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) males had the shortest distance of attack and one of the lowest probabilities of attack. Male black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) and pumpkinseed were intermediate in both responses. For all species, the size of intruder did not influence attack distance but larger males had a greater attack distance than smaller males. The distance of attack was greatest during the period immediately after hatch. These findings indicate species-specific differences in nest defense and males did discriminate intruders, possibly on their potential threat to the brood. The defense of the nest was related to nest stage, a finding which supports current theory of parental care.  相似文献   

Proximate mediators of reproductive behaviors in vertebrates have a long history of study. In fishes, relatively few studies have focused on hormonal control of parental care, despite a comprehensive background on the general physiology of fishes, and the frequent occurrence of parental care behaviors. Studies on this taxon have repeatedly found that the relationships between androgens and paternal care do not follow the predictions made in the avian and mammalian literature. Glucocorticoids may also have a role in mediating parental behaviors, possibly through their role as regulators of metabolism. As such, we investigated the role of 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) and cortisol in mediating parental effort of male smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) by manipulating hormone titers in wild fish. In smallmouth bass, males spawn annually with a single female and defend a single brood for up to 30 days. Treatment of parental fish with cyproterone acetate (CYA; an androgen receptor antagonist) resulted in a decrease in nest defense in response to a simulated brood predator; however, no changes in nest success, nest tending or biochemical indicators of nutritional status were detected. Treatment with exogenous cortisol did not change parental behavior, but did increase the rate of nest failure, possibly owing to the energetic cost of chronically elevated cortisol concentrations. We discuss these findings in the context of resource-driven trade-offs and highlight life history as an important factor controlling parental effort in species with costly parental care behaviors.  相似文献   

1. The current study examined the effect of broad-scale climate and individual-specific covariates on nest survival in smallmouth bass over a 20-year period. 2. Large-scale climate indices [winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and winter El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)] and body size of parental males were important covariates in nest survival along with nest age and a quadratic trend in survival. 3. We did not find an effect due to a habitat covariate (total effective fetch) or a phenology covariate (degree-days at start of nesting) on nest survival. 4. Male size in the second half of the nesting season was a more influential covariate on nest success than male size in the first half or throughout the nesting period. 5. We present evidence showing that winter NAO/ENSO indices establish limnological conditions the following spring that influence thermal stability of the lake during the nesting period. 6. The combined climate and body size covariates point to nest survival as a function of lagged climate-scale influences on limnology and the individual-scale influence of bioenergetics on the duration of parental care and nest success.  相似文献   

Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens in Thailand inhabit shallow water amongst dense emergent vegetation near the margin of rice paddy fields. Nesting water was low in dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity but high in free carbon dioxide and temperature. This fish aggregated with a mean population density of 1·7 fish m-2 and an equal adult sex ratio. Males were heavier, longer and wider than females. The size of their bubble nest is in proportion to their weight and length.  相似文献   

Although parental care increases offspring survival, providingcare is costly, reducing parental growth and survival and, thereby,compromising future reproductive success. To determine if anexotic benthic predator might be affecting parental care bynest-guarding smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), we comparednest-guarding behavior and energy expenditures in two systems,one with a hyperabundant recently introduced predator, the roundgoby (Neogobious melanostomus). In Lake Erie, USA, smallmouthbass vigorously defended their nests from benthic round gobies.In Lake Opeongo, Canada, smallmouth bass were exposed to fewerand predominantly open-water predators and were less activein their nest defense. From scuba and video observations, wedocumented that nest-guarding smallmouth bass chased predators(99% of which were round gobies) nine times more frequentlyin Lake Erie than in Lake Opeongo. This heightened activityresulted in a significant decline in weight and energetic contentof guarding males in Lake Erie but no change in Lake Opeongomales. Bioenergetic simulations revealed that parental careincreased smallmouth bass standard metabolic rate by 210% inLake Erie but only by 28% in Lake Opeongo. As energy reservesdeclined and offspring became increasingly independent, malesin both lakes consumed more prey and spent more time foragingaway from their nests; however, nest-guarding smallmouth bassconsumed few prey and, in Lake Erie, rarely consumed round gobies.Therefore, increased parental care costs owing to the presenceof round gobies could affect future growth, reproduction, andsurvival if smallmouth bass approach critically low energy reserves.  相似文献   

Patterns of glucocorticoid (GC) hormone regulation exhibit considerable inter-individual variation that is often examined relative to individual traits and fitness measures. Although stress-induced GC concentrations are repeatable within an individual in captive populations, this assumption remains untested in wild animals in their natural environment across longer time periods. We assessed the repeatability of baseline and post-stress GC concentrations in a wild teleost fish. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) were captured and subjected to a standard stress protocol and then stocked into a small research lake. Upon recapture by angling up to 1?year later (n?=?26), fish were re-sampled following identical methods. After controlling for a strong effect of water temperature, we confirmed repeatability of post-stress cortisol concentrations despite stress presumed to accompany relocation. We documented no consistency in baseline GC concentrations. This study serves as an important validation for the use of post-stress cortisol concentrations as an individual trait. However, the effect size of repeatability was lower than that found in other taxa. Results also bring forth the reality that environmental variables such as temperature must be considered in studies where these factors can vary, such as when sampling wild animals at liberty.  相似文献   

Parasites often elude effective recognition or attack (or both) by the host immune system, for example, though a tegument that possesses nonimmunogenic features. However, a general activation of host defense due to independent stimuli may increase immune activity to a level where such disguises are no longer effective, resulting in the clearance of an infection. We experimentally infected three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) with the cestode Schistocephalus solidus. To independently foster a general immune response a few days later, we cut the tips of spines in some fish and sham-treated other fish. Cutting spines significantly reduced the prevalence of the infection. The injury evoked a physiological reaction that helped to clear a hidden parasite infection.  相似文献   

Predation is considered one of the main costs to reproduction but is rarely examined from a physiological perspective. In particular, little is known about the influence of brood predation pressure on the physiology of parents engaged in care. Brood defense, even when there is no direct threat to the parent, can be costly as it requires constant vigilance and chasing predators to protect the developing brood and maintain parental investment (i.e., fitness). Our goal was to examine the influence of natural variation in nest predation pressure on the physiology of the teleost smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu, an animal that provides sole-paternal care for developing offspring. More specifically, we used indicators of anaerobic (lactate dehydrogenase [LDH]) and aerobic capacity (cytochrome c oxidase [CCO] and citrate synthase [CS]) in axial white muscle and pectoral red muscle to test for differences in antipredator performance of nest guarding males across six lakes with natural variation in nest predation pressure. Pectoral red muscle enzyme activities and protein concentrations were highly conserved among populations, while axial white muscle showed differences in LDH activities, CCO activities and protein concentrations. However, there was no evidence for higher metabolic capacities in fish from lakes with increased brood predation pressure. Clearly, factors other than predation pressure have a greater influence on white muscle metabolic capacities. Additional research is needed to clarify the extent to which biotic and abiotic factors influence the enzyme activity and organismal performance in wild animals, particularly at the level of the individual and population.  相似文献   

Iron is a vital micronutrient for teleost fish, being an integral component of proteins involved in cellular respiration and oxygen transfer. However, in excess iron is toxic, and fish need to balance uptake to prevent deficiency vs. potential toxicity. This review assesses the current physiological and molecular knowledge of the mechanisms of iron acquisition in the teleost fish. It focuses on freshwater teleost fish when assessing the gill as a possible site for iron acquisition, and includes a summary of geochemical processes that govern aquatic iron bioavailability. It focuses on marine teleost fish for assessing the mechanism of intestinal iron uptake. Physiological evidence indicates that iron preferentially crosses the apical membrane of both the gills and intestine in the ferrous (Fe2+) state. Molecular evidence supports this, demonstrating the presence of homologues in fish to the large Slc 11a family of evolutionary conserved proteins linked to Fe2+ transport. This symporter is probably linked to a reductase, which reduces either ferric (Fe3+) or organic complexed iron to Fe2+ prior to uptake.  相似文献   

The vocalisations of wild common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, were recorded to investigate whether call rate by individuals is affected by time of day, age, sex or dominance rank within a group. We also investigated how vocalisation pitch was affected by age, focussing on a single common call, the trill call. Adults vocalised more than juveniles or infants during the majority of daylight hours. Only the call rate of juveniles varied significantly over the day. No differences were found between either sex or dominance rank with respect to rate of vocalisations. The trill calls emitted by young wild common marmosets were of a higher pitch than those emitted by adults. We conclude that the auditory communication of wild common marmosets is related to the age of the animals, both in terms of call rate and the physical characteristics of their vocalisations.  相似文献   

Cannibalism in teleost fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.  Cannibalistic behaviour in fish is reviewed here for the first time.
2.  Cannibalism has been recorded in 36 out of 410 teleost families according to the published literature, but is considered to be more widespread than this. Finding examples of cannibalism is not difficult, and it may be more interesting to look for taxa in which the behaviour does not take place.
3.  The families that have provided the most information include the Engraulididae, Esocidae, Poeciliidae, Gasterosteidae, Percidae and Cichlidae.
4.  Cannibalism has been classified into seven types, depending on life-history stage, age difference between cannibal and prey, and whether or not they are related.
5.  Although in captive populations, cannibalism tends to increase with increasing density and decreasing food availability, its role in population regulation has not been unequivocally demonstrated in any wild population, and obtaining the necessary data presents a formidable challenge to fish ecologists.
6.  Cannibalism is of some economic importance in aquaculture, but its impact can be reduced relatively easily, by frequent grading to reduce size variability.
7.  The main proximate advantage conferred by cannibalism is assumed to be nutritional. In an ultimate sense the behaviour may have evolved as a particularly effective competitive strategy.
8.  Finally, it is considered that cannibalism deserves more attention from fish biologists. Investigations, however, should recognize the different types of cannibalistic interaction, and, in particular, should explore the different implications of kin and nonkin cannibalism

Consistent individual differences in behavior, or personality, have been demonstrated in a variety of species other than humans, including mammals, birds, and invertebrates. Behavioral consistency has been shown to affect dispersal, foraging, exploration, and antipredator responses, which may have an impact on parental and offspring survival. Despite increasing research in behavioral consistency, the repeatability of nest defense behavior has rarely been assessed in wild bird populations. Furthermore, previous studies investigating nest defense behavior have utilized laboratory studies or mounted predators to elicit defensive behavior. It is important to assess personality in wild populations to fully understand the fitness consequences of behavioral consistency across natural contexts and to utilize live predators or competitors for accurate assessment of defensive behavior. We used an ecologically relevant, live, invasive, nest site competitor, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), to elicit nest defense behavior in a wild population of Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) to determine if nest defense behavior is repeatable within and between years for males and females (males: 2009, N?=?17; 2010, N?=?18; both years, N?=?9. Females: 2009, N?=?22; 2010, N?=?15; both years, N?=?11). We also determined if individual behavior changes as a function of season, parental age, brood size, or the number of house sparrows around the nest site. We found that females demonstrated repeatable behavior both within and between years. Male nest defense behavior was only repeatable in 1 year and was influenced by season in the other year. Parental age, brood size, and the number of house sparrows around the nest site did not affect nest defense behavior. We conclude that Eastern bluebirds demonstrate consistent nest defense behavior, or personality, although males are more plastic than females.  相似文献   

In a previous series of in vitro fertilization experiments with mice we found non-random combination of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes in the very early embryos. Our results suggested that two selection mechanisms were operating: (i) the eggs selected specific sperm; and (ii) the second meiotic division in the eggs was influenced by the type of sperm that entered the egg. Furthermore, the proportion of MHC-heterozygous embryos varied over time, suggesting that non-random fertilization was dependent on an external factor that changed over time. As a higher frequency of heterozygous individuals correlated with an uncontrolled epidemic by MHV (mouse hepatitis virus), we suggested that MHV-infection might have influenced the outcome of fertilization. Here, we present an experiment that tests this hypothesis. We infected randomly chosen mice with MHV and sham-infected control mice five days before pairing. We recovered the two-cell embryos from the oviduct, cultured them until the blastocyst stage, and determined the genotype of each resulting blastocyst by polymerase chain reaction. We found the pattern that we expected from our previous experiments: virus-infected mice produced more MHC-heterozygous embryos than sham-infected ones. This suggests that parents are able to promote specific combinations of MHC-haplotypes during fertilization according to the presence or absence of a viral infection.  相似文献   

三趾啄木鸟的夜间孵卵和抱暖通常由雄性亲鸟承担。我们使用两台数码相机同时对1个三趾啄木鸟巢口和巢室进行了监视,记录了该窝雏鸟的死亡过程。该窝1只雏鸟在孵出的第1天死亡,并在第2天被雌性亲鸟移出巢外。其余两只雏鸟连续两个晚上没有亲鸟的照料,于第9天死亡。在这个巢内,由于雄鸟未归,使得雌鸟不得不连续两个晚上照顾雏鸟;而突发的暴风雨可能是导致雄鸟回巢失败的原因[动物学报52 (2) : 410 -414 , 2006]。  相似文献   

This review summarizes information on filial cannibalism (the act of eating one's own offspring) in teleost fish. Cannibalistic parents can either consume their whole brood (total filial cannibalism), or eat only some of the eggs in the nest (partial filial cannibalism). Offspring consumption has been argued to be adaptive under the assumption that offspring survival is traded against feeding, and that offspring can act as an alternative food source for the parents. The evidence supporting the basic predictions formulated under these assumptions is summarized for both total and partial filial cannibalism. These two forms of cannibalism differ significantly since the former represents an investment only in future reproductive success, whereas the latter can affect both present and future reproductive success. Despite a few inconsistencies in the data from laboratory and field studies, the energy-based explanation appears valid for both forms of cannibalism. Alternative non-energy-based explanations are considered, but they are unable to account for the wide distribution of this behaviour in teleosts. The intersexual conflict arising from attempts of the non-cannibal sex to minimize the cost of filial cannibalism is also discussed, together with the potential effect of this behaviour on the operational sex ratio at a population level.  相似文献   

Non-genetic transmission of information across generations, so-called parental effects, can have significant impacts on offspring morphology, physiology, behaviour and life-history traits. In previous experimental work using the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, we demonstrated that dispersal distances increase with local density and levels of genetic relatedness. We here show that manipulation of parental and grand-parental density has a significant effect on offspring dispersal distance, of the same order of magnitude as manipulation of offspring density. We demonstrate that offspring exposed to the same density disperse further if they were born to parents exposed to higher density compared with parents exposed to low density. Offspring dispersal distance also increases when grand-parents were exposed to higher density, except for offspring exposed to low densities, which disperse at shorter distances whatever the grand-parental density. We also show that offspring from mothers exposed to higher densities were overall larger, which suggests that parents in high densities invest more in individual offspring, enabling them to disperse further. We propose that our findings should be included in models investigating the spread rate of invasive species or when predicting the success of conservation measures of species attempting to track changing climates.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin heavy H chain isotypes in a teleost fish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three mouse mAb were derived which identified different populations of the approximately 700,000-Da tetrameric Ig of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Immunoprecipitation analyses using the three mAb in various combinations showed that the catfish Ig population identified by each mAb was antigenically distinct. Each Ig population contained both classes of catfish L chains (F and G). Solid-phase binding assays indicated that the mAbs preferentially identified H chains rather than L chains. Comparative peptide mapping analyses of the H chains defined by each mAb indicated that H chains were different, although each had the same apparent mass (approximately 70,000 Da). This structural distinction was not based upon allotypic variation because the analysis of the serum from individual catfish showed the presence of each H chain in fish examined. Therefore, the different H chains represent different isotypes; each representing approximately 20% of the total serum Ig. There is at least one undefined additional H chain isotype found in the serum Ig population. Partial sequence information was obtained on the first variable framework region (FR1) of two of the three H chain isotypes. These results indicated that the variable region associated with each isotype was heterogeneous; two and sometimes three different residues were represented in the majority of positions. The sequence information also showed that the FR1 of one H chain was distinct from the other; there was less than a 50% match of the primary residues. The analyses suggest that the V region genes which code for the FR1 are differently associated with each H chain isotype. Finally, the relative levels of the three H chain isotypes were monitored during the temporal immune response of individual catfish to the dinitrophenyl hapten. These results indicated that one H chain isotype was preferentially expressed early in the immune response (approximately 3 wk) and remained the predominantly expressed isotype during the humoral immune response.  相似文献   

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