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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1260 recovered a near-continuous and expanded (187-m thick) middle Eocene carbonate sequence at mid-bathyal depths on Demerara Rise off Suriname, South America. A calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic framework has been established for the sequence to aid multi-proxy cyclostratigraphic analyses. The diversity of calcareous nannofossils is reasonably high and preservation moderate throughout most of the section, and the proximity to the continent is indicated by the occurrence of braarudosphaerids in the lower three quarters of the section. The species richness of sphenoliths is particularly high, and our data confirm the occurrence of new sphenoliths during the middle Eocene as shown recently by Bown and Dunkley Jones (2006). In particular we corroborate the occurrences of Sphenolithus strigosus and S. runus that these authors found in their Zone NP16 Tanzania sediments, however we extend the ranges of these taxa down into Zone NP15 (CP13). Moreover we document the occurrence of Bramletteius serraculoides in Zone NP15 (CP13b) and the occurrence of Sphenolithus predistentus in NP16 (CP14a), extending their known ranges down column.  相似文献   

Site 1258, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 207 on Demerara Rise off the northern coast of South America, recovered organic-rich Albian sediments that yield abundant, moderately to well preserved calcareous nannofossils. Biostratigraphic analysis shows the section primarily spans Roth’s (Initial Reports DSDP 44. US Government Printing Office, Washington (1978) 731) middle to late Albian Zone NC9. A disconformity separates these sediments from overlying uppermost Albian laminated shales from Zone NC10. The presence of Seribiscutum primitivum within the Albian section represents the first known occurrences of this species at such low latitudes, as Demerara Rise was located within 15° of the equator during the mid-Cretaceous. This species exhibits a bipolar distribution and is considered a cool-water, high-latitude species. Its presence on Demerara Rise indicates cooler water incursions either through changes in surface circulation or upwelling conditions during the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic.  相似文献   

Species richness, absolute and relative abundances of Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossils were analyzed in Hole 1258A. Absolute abundances of taxa were used for the biozonation of this hole and the record of successive bio-events. Distribution patterns of cool water taxa such as Ahmuellerella octoradiata, Gartnerago segmentatum and Kamptnerius magnificus underscore two major cooling events. These events occurred during Chron C31r and during undifferentiated Chrons C31n to C30n. The latter event appears to be accompanied by lowered productivity, as expressed by the lower abundances of fertility index taxa Biscutum constans and Zeugrhabdotus spp. An end-Maastrichtian warming event is recorded in Chron C29r by the sudden drop in abundance of cool water taxa and acme of tropical taxon Micula murus. The disappearance of B. constans just before this event and the significant increase of Micula decussata, respectively, suggest lowered productivity and high-stress environmental conditions prior to the K/P boundary (Cretaceous-Paleogene). These results correlate very well with the climatic scenario proposed by Li and Keller (1998a) in South Atlantic Hole 525A as suggested by stable isotopes and distribution patterns of planktic foraminifera.  相似文献   

Rare Radiolaria occur in the Upper Cenomanian-Lower Turonian part of finely laminated black shales recovered from Sites 1258 and 1261 of Demerara Rise (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Surinam). The observed fauna are of a low diversity, with up to 12 species co-occurring in a single sample and 49 species identified in total in both sites. Nassellarians and “Spumellarians” are equally represented in the assemblages. Diverse species of Stichomitra and Theocampe are particularly common, including the two new species described herein: Theocampe costata and T. demeraraense. Radiolarian preservation is on average moderate to poor, suggesting substantial influence of diagenetic alterations to species diversity. The few well-preserved assemblages can potentially provide better information about Cenomanian-Turonian Radiolarian biodiversity, but given their low abundance in the processed sediment samples, the diversity sampled during this study is considered to be an underestimate of the original Radiolarian diversity at Demerara. However, the abundance and diversity of Theocampe in Upper Cenomanian levels is noteworthy. Given the earliest known occurrence of the genus from Upper Albian sediments of the Deep Ivorian Basin it is likely that it originated and diversified in the opening Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. Based on the stable carbon isotope curve, the OAE-2 interval is clearly identified in the sedimentary sequence of both studied sites and helps to specify the known age range of three species (Acanthocircus hueyi, Archaeospongoprunum bipartitum and Rhopalosyringium hispidum). The most intriguing result of this study is the paucity of Radiolaria within the OAE-2 interval of the deeper site (1258) and the total absence of this micro-zooplankton group in the OAE-2 interval of the proximal site (1261). Radiolaria are the most abundant and diverse at the distal Site 1258, below OAE-2, while the proximal Site 1261 contains very few Radiolaria. The opposite pattern is observed above OAE-2 (few Radiolaria at site 1258, more abundant at site 1261). The paucity or absence of Radiolaria within the OAE-2 interval may be due to the upward excursion of the chemocline in the southern part of the Northern proto-Atlantic. Upwelling of deep warm waters may have fuelled primary productivity (sulfate-reducing bacteria) but prevented at the same time micro-zooplankton survival and proliferation after intensification of euxinic conditions in the surface waters.  相似文献   

During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 at Demerara Rise (western tropical Atlantic) expanded sections of organic-rich laminated shales of late Cretaceous age, including the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (CTBI) were recovered. These sediments yield rich assemblages of calcareous nannofossils, offering a unique possibility to calibrate the stable carbon isotope curve (δ13Corg). The calcareous nannofossils of Sites 1258, 1259, 1260 and 1261 have been investigated in order to gain a detailed biostratigraphic framework for the CTBI in the tropical latitudes. The bioevents observed have been correlated with the characteristic δ13Corg excursion of the CTBI. The events occurring during the excursion, and slightly below and above it, include the first occurrences of the calcareous nannofossil species Cylindralithus biarcus, Quadrum gartneri, Quadrum intermedium, Eprolithus octopetalus, Eprolithus eptapetalus, Eiffellithus eximius and the last occurrences of Corollithion kennedyi and Axopodorhabdus albianus. These bioevents have been correlated with those of other biostratigraphically and chemostratigraphically studied CTBI sections.  相似文献   

This study is based on Cenomanian to lower Turonian sediments of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1258, 1259, 1260, and 1261 from the Demerara Rise (Leg 207, western tropical Atlantic, off Suriname) that are oriented along a paleodepth transect. Studied sediments include the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) or Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) and consist of laminated black shales with TOC values between 5% and 10% below and above OAE 2 and up to 29% within the OAE 2 interval. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in this eutrophic environment are generally characterized by low diversities and strong fluctuations of abundances, indicating oxygen depletion and high organic matter fluxes. Dominant taxa at all sites are Bolivina anambra, Gavelinella dakotensis, Tappanina sp., Praebulimina prolixa, and Neobulimina albertensis. Based on the positive stable carbon isotope excursion characteristics of OAE 2 we subdivided the studied successions into three intervals: (1) the interval below OAE 2; (2) the carbon isotope excursion reflecting OAE 2; and (3) the interval above OAE 2. In the bathymetrically shallower Sites 1260 and 1261 benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate anoxic to sometimes slightly dysoxic bottom-water conditions below the OAE 2 interval. The bathymetrically deepest Site 1258, in contrast, reflects more oxygenated bottom waters with an almost continuous occurrence of benthic foraminifera. It is therefore suggested that the shallower sites were located within the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), whereas Site 1258 was below the OMZ. During OAE 2 anoxic conditions prevailed at the shallower sites. At Site 1258 benthic foraminifera indicate severe dysoxic but not anoxic conditions. This pattern is proposed to reflect a strengthening of the OMZ possibly related to increased primary production during OAE 2. A short-term repopulation event of benthic foraminifera in the lower third of the OAE 2 interval was observed at all sites, reflecting a brief bottom-water oxygenation event. This short-lived event parallels a surface-water cooling and is probably equivalent to the “Plenus Cool Event” in Europe and the “benthonic zone” in the U.S. Western Interior. The benthic foraminifera of a ~0.5 Ma interval following OAE 2 still indicate oxygen depletion of bottom waters. Subsequently, however, a strong increase in benthic foraminiferal abundance and diversity reflects better oxygenation of the bottom-water masses, probably related to a weakening of the OMZ due to decreasing organic matter flux.  相似文献   

The climatic deterioration related to the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciations (circa 2.52 Ma B.P.) must have lead to reorganization and relocation of species associations and may have enhanced species turnover. The present study investigates how this deterioration affects the dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch assemblages from two locations, DSDP Site 607 (North Atlantic) and the Singa section (southern Italy). The records from these locations cover the interval from 2.8 to 2.2 Ma with at least a 5 ka resolution and they have been correlated to the Milankovitch periodicities on a cycle to cycle basis by means of integrated high resolution stable isotope, calcium carbonate, foraminiferal, palynological and magnetostratigraphical datasets. In the present study this high resolution stratigraphic framework is used for a detailed correlation of events occurring in each of the depositional sequences. It also enables further assessment of the palaeoenvironmental preferences of some dinoflagellate cyst forms. Comparison of the two palynological records reveals a close correspondence in the timing of major assemblage changes and extinction events, confirming their Milankovitch cycle based correlation. A close link between periods of Northern Hemisphere cooling (at oxygen isotope stages 110, 104 and 100-96) and increased dinoflagellate cyst turnover appears to be present for both DSDP Site 607 and the Singa section. The turnover events can also be recognized in the records of planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton. Comparison of the Singa section with Site 607 and with other time equivalent marine palynological data sets, shows that some oceanic taxa respond similarly over a large area. The biostratigraphical implications are discussed. Notably the last occurrence of Invertocysta lacrymosa appears to be a valuable marker for isotope stage 110 in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Three homotetrameric lactate dehydrogenase isozymes, LDH-M(A4), LDH-H(B4), and LDH-X(C4), from DBA/2J mice have been purified by affinity chromatography. The amino acid compositions of the subunits A, B, and C, based on a molecular weight of 36,000, have been determined. The compositional relatedness of these isozymes indicates that subunits A (muscle) and B (heart) are more closely related to each other than to subunit C (testis). Tryptic peptide maps and amino acid compositions of some active site peptides appear to confirm the compositional relatedness among these isozymes. The sequence of the loop region of mouse C subunit seems to be markedly different from all known A and B sequences, and the structural and functional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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