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During the Rupelian–Burdigalian (early Oligocene–early Miocene), the Qom Formation was deposited along the northeastern margin of the Tethyan Seaway in the Sanandaj–Sirjan, Urumieh–Dokhtar, and Central Iran basins. The biostratigraphic data from a total of 1152 thin sections from 10 outcrop sections along over 1000 km of the Tethyan Seaway margin are presented. A larger benthic foraminiferal (LBF) biozonation, consisting of five biozones, is proposed for dating the Rupelian–Burdigalian Qom Formation. It is correlated with global planktonic zones, LBF zones, southeastern Asian “Letter Stages”, shallow benthic foraminiferal zones (SB-zones) of southern European basins, and newly revised zones of the Asmari Formation in southwestern Iran. This biozonation subdivides the Rupelian stage into “early Rupelian” and “late Rupelian”, based on the first appearances of lepidocyclinids in the latter one. The early Rupelian strata are characterized by the presence of Nummulites without lepidocyclinids which are reported merely from southwestern and southern Kashan, where the thickest Rupelian deposits of the Qom Formation are recorded. The basal layers of the Qom Formation in southeasternmost outcrops (northwestern Jazmurian Lake) are late Rupelian in age based on the co-occurrence of lepidocyclinids and Nummulites spp. By comparison of the well-documented transgression of the Tethyan Seaway over the Iranian plate (from southeast to northwest) and the limitation of all reported early Rupelian strata of the Qom Formation to southwestern and southern Kashan, the following scenarios can be supposed: 1) the oldest deposits could be deposited in southeastern Iran, but they have not been reported, yet; 2) during early Rupelian, there was a transgression from the Zagros Basin to southwestern and southern Kashan areas, then the transgression progressed both northwestward and southeastward.  相似文献   

The main targets of this paper are to examine the Middle Eocene ostracod assemblages collected from a succession exposed in the Cairo–Suez district, Egypt and to detect their paleobiogeographical implications. The studied succession is subdivided into two rock units: the Observatory and Qurn formations, in ascending order. The analysis of the ostracod assemblages led to the identification of 18 species, none of which is new. Three local biozones are established, Digmocythere ismaili - Xestoleberis kenawyi Assemblage Zone, Grinioneis moosi - Loxoconcha pseudopunctatella Assemblage Zone and Cativella qurnenis - Soudanella triangulata Assemblage Zone. The multivariate analyses indicate that there are three distinct bioprovinces, one of them represents the North Africa bioprovince, including Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. The second bioprovince represents the Middle East, including Jordan and Israel. The third represents the West Africa bioprovince, including Senegal, Togo, Ivory Coast and Nigeria. Therefore, this deduction supports a migration of Eocene ostracods along the southern Tethys.  相似文献   

A first and detailed foraminiferal biostratigraphic work on the lower part of the Zongshan Formation (Limestone I and Calcareous Marl I sequence) in the Chaqiela section, Gamba, southern Tibet, allows the recognition of three latest Coniacian to middle Campanian planktic foraminiferal biozones: Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone, Globotruncanita elevata Partial-Range Zone, and Contusotruncana plummerae Interval Zone. The base and top of the Santonian Stage in the Chaqiela section were placed at the lowest occurrence (LO) of Globotruncana linneiana and the highest occurrence (HO) of Dicarinella asymetrica, respectively. The deposition of the latest Coniacian to middle Campanian sediments of the lower Zongshan Formation in the Chaqiela section seems to have been continuous or at least without any major gap based on the planktic foraminiferal biozones and events.  相似文献   

Well-exposed fossiliferous Upper Cenomanian–Lower Turonian marine sedimentary rocks are present in west-central Jordan. Ammonites serve as an important faunal marker for this interval and can be used to subdivide the Cenomanian–Turonian transition into two upper Cenomanian biozones (Neolobites vibrayeanus and Vascoceras cauvini) and two lower Turonian biozones (Vascoceras proprium and Choffaticeras segne). A revised stratigraphic range of the Vascoceras cauvini Zone in the study area is proposed, consisting of the Metoicoceras geslinianum and Neocardioceras juddii zones of the standard zonation. Based on intercontinental biostratigraphic correlation, a minor unconformity appears to be present around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary, and a part of the lower Turonian is probably missing. In addition, a faunal turnover is recorded in the uppermost Cenomanian, marked by the disappearance of most of the Cenomanian taxa, including Costagyra olisiponensis (Sharpe), Ceratostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss), Ilymatogyra africana (Lamarck), Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lamarck), Harpagodes nodosus (Sowerby), and Heterodiadema libycum (Desor). This bioevent is thought to be an effect of the Oceanic Anoxic Event OAE 2; the dramatic shifts in species richness and diversity spanning the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary in the study area occurred in response to the major paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental perturbations prevailing at that time. The stratigraphic and paleontological patterns studied in Jordan are very similar to those recorded in Egypt in terms of litho- and biostratigraphy, event stratigraphy, and macroinvertebrate content, suggesting the presence of uniform triggering mechanisms and bio-sedimentary responses in the Upper Cretaceous basins of the Middle East and providing clues for a high-resolution correlation between the two areas.  相似文献   

The microbiostratigraphic analysis of the three outcrop sections from the Cretaceous inner platform carbonate succession in the Yavca area (Bolkar Mountains) allows to recognize the four local benthic foraminiferal zones. These are: (1) Voloshinoides murgensis and Praechrysalidina infracretacea Cenozone in the Lower Aptian; (2) Pseudorhapydionina dubia and Biconcava bentori Cenozone in the Middle-Upper Cenomanian; (3) Ostracoda and Miliolidae Interval Zone in the probable Turonian, represented by dolomitized limestones without any significant markers; (4) Moncharmontia compressa and Dicyclina schlumbergeri Cenozone in the Coniacian-Santonian. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages correspond to those in other areas of the Mediterranean realm, with the exception of a lack of alveolinids and orbitolinids due to unfavorable environmental conditions (inner platform, restricted shelf). After the regionally well-known emergence during the late Aptian, Albian and early Cenomanian, very shallow subtidal to intertidal conditions were re-established during the middle-late Cenomanian time. The Coniacian-Santonian benthic foraminiferal assemblage shows an increase in diversity and abundance as a result of open marine influence, confirmed by the presence of larger foraminifera (Dicyclina), Rotaliidae and radiolitid fragments. Thaumatoporella and Aeolisaccus-bearing wackestone intercalations still indicate the existence of sporadic restricted environment conditions. The Cretaceous shallow-water platform carbonate succession of the Yavca area is conformably overlain by gray pelagic limestones with calcispheres and planktonic foraminifera. The Campanian flooding of the Bolkar Da? carbonate platform resulted in drowning of the pre-existing biota and facies.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian Smail Marl Formation in the Bellezma and Aures mountains of northeastern Algeria is well exposed and rich in macroinvertebrates, including cephalopods. Twenty-five ammonite species and two nautiloid species from the Thénièt El Manchar, Djebel Metrassi and Djebel Bouarif sections are described and seven assemblage zones proposed as provisional working units: Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Assemblage Zone (lower Cenomanian), Mantelliceras dixoni Assemblage Zone (uppermost lower Cenomanian), Cunningtoniceras inerme Assemblage Zone (lower middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras rhotomagense and Acanthoceras cf. rhotomagense Assemblage Zone (middle middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras amphibolum Assemblage Zone (upper middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras jukesbrownei Assemblage Zone (uppermost middle Cenomanian), and Neolobites vibrayeanus Assemblage Zone (lower upper Cenomanian). The lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Zone is subdivided into the Submantelliceras aumalense, Sharpeiceras schlueteri and Mantelliceras saxbii subzones. The base of the middle Cenomanian is marked by the disappearance of species of Mantelliceras and the appearance of the scleractinian coral Aspidiscus cristatus (Lamarck, 1801), associated with Cunningtoniceras inerme (Pervinquière, 1907). The middle Cenomanian contains abundant A. cristatus and species of Acanthoceras, i.e., A. cf. rhotomagense (Defrance in Brongniart, 1822), A. jukesbrownei (Spath, 1926) and A. amphibolum Morrow, 1935. An ammonite zonal scheme is then applied to the Cenomanian exposed in the Bellezma-Aures mountains located on the southern Tethys margin in Algeria.  相似文献   

Fossil diversity and abundance fluctuations of Late Devonian (Famennian)—Early Mississippian (Tournaisian) phytoplankton assemblages were determined in a stratigraphic sequence of samples in Barberton test core 3, from northeast Ohio. Both diversity and abundance were relatively high during deposition of the lower Chagrin Shale (Upper Devonian) and both decreased during deposition of the upper Chagrin Shale. The overlying Cleveland Shale (Upper Devonian) is characterized by sharply increased abundance with a corresponding (although less marked) increase in diversity; in contrast, both abundance and diversity were at relatively low levels during deposition of the Lower Mississippian Bedford Shale, the uppermost unit of the sequence. These trends agree with the phytoplankton periodicity model presented by Tappan, which indicates large-scale extinction at the end of the Devonian.Many of the acritarch and prasinophycean algal taxa have restricted stratigraphic occurrences within the section studied, making them useful for local and perhaps worldwide correlation. The stratigraphically restricted taxa provide a basis for the proposal of five biostratigraphic zones within the Upper Famennian (Upper Devonian) and a portion of the Lower Mississippian. In ascending order occur: the Gorgonisphaeridium ohioense Assemblage Zone, the Acriora petala Assemblage Zone, the Muraticavea enteichia Range Zone, the Cymatiosphaera labyrinthica Range Zone, and the Navifusa drosera Assemblage Zone.  相似文献   

Integrated facies and diagenetic analyses within a sequence stratigraphic framework were carried out on mid-Cretaceous Sarvak carbonate reservoirs in five giant and supergiant oilfields in the central and southern parts of the Dezful Embayment, SW Iran. Results of facies analysis indicate a homoclinal ramp-type carbonate platform for this formation with the frequencies of different facies associations in six wells reflecting their approximate position in the sedimentary model. Diagenetic studies indicate periods of subaerial exposure with different intensities and durations in the upper Sarvak carbonates producing karstified profiles, dissolution-collapse breccias, and thick bauxitic-lateritic horizons. Sequence stratigraphic interpretations show that the tectonic evolution of the NE margin of the Arabian Plate (Zagros Basin) during Cenomanian–Turonian times shaped the facies characteristics, diagenetic features, and strongly influenced reservoir formation. Reactivation of basement-block faults and halokinetic movements (related to the Hormoz salt series) in the middle Cretaceous, resulted in the development of several paleohighs and troughs in the Dezful Embayment hydrocarbon province. Movements on these structures generated two and locally three disconformities in the upper parts of Sarvak Formation in this region. The paleohighs played an important role in reservoir evolution within the Sarvak Formation in three giant-supergiant oilfields (including Gachsaran, Rag-e-Safid, and Abteymour oilfields) but where these structures are absent reservoir quality is low.  相似文献   

The foraminiferal content of two stratigraphic sections, located in eastern Iran within the Sahlabad province, between the Lut and Afghan blocks and ranging in age from Turonian to Campanian is investigated. Previous studies were general and only indicated the presence of planktonic foraminifera in this province. This paper presents a detailed study of planktonic foraminifera of the Shirshotor unit and establishes for the first time a local biostratigraphy consisting of five biozones. Biozones from the upper Turonian to lower Campanian are recognized, but the upper lower Campanian to lower upper Campanian strata are missing, as demonstrated by the lack of the Globotruncana ventricosa biozone. Tectonic activity in this region during the late early Campanian and mid-Campanian resulted in the presence of an unconformity together with debrites (debris flow deposits) in the lower upper Campanian. About twenty-five planktonic foraminiferal species are reported and illustrated. The largest faunal diversity is encountered in the upper Santonian. The planktonic foraminiferal biozones are precisely defined in selected stratigraphic sections and allow age determinations for the deepest marine sediments (pelagic limestones and bedded cherts) before the collision of the Lut and Afghan blocks.  相似文献   

With a particular focus on the earliest Cambrian diversification of small shelly fossils (SSFs), stratigraphic analysis was conducted on the lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member at the Hongjiachong section in the Chengjiang area, Yunnan, China. From ca. 3-m-thick bedded phosphorites (Unit A) in the lower part of the member, we recovered unique SSFs. This interval with 4 SSF-bearing horizons is characterized by the dominance in blade-shaped SSFs, including Halkieria spp., Brushenodus prionodes, Sinosachites delicatus, and Pteronus sp., and the absence of typical tube/cap-shape SSFs common in the Fortunian. This interval tentatively named “Halkieria-dominant interval” is stratigraphically positioned ca. 3 m below the previously known level of the oldest mollusks in the continuous bedded phosphorite sequence between the Anabarites trisulcatus-Protohertzina anabarica Assemblage Zone and the overlying Paragloborilus subglobosa-Purella squamulosa Assemblage Zone of the Fortunian (the earliest Cambrian). The “Halkieria-dominant interval” yields some SSFs likely affiliated with ostracods in view of size and morphology, suggesting that arthropod body fossils appeared in the Fortunian, considerably earlier than previously believed.  相似文献   

Moderately to well-preserved radiolarians have been extracted from nine greyish green and purplish-red bedded cherts in the mud-matrix mélange of the eastern Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) at Jinlang Section, Zedong, southern Xizang (Tibet). Forty-two species belonging to 27 genera, including Middle Jurassic characteristic species such as Laxtorum (?) jurassicum Isozaki and Matsuda, Laxtorum (?) hichisoense Isozaki and Matsuda, Stichocapsa japonica Yao, Stichocapsa robusta Matsuoka, Parahsuum (?) magnum Takemura, Sella chrafatensis (El Kadiri), and Unuma typicus Ichikawa and Yao are recognized and three assemblages, Laxtorum (?) jurassicum Assemblage (Aalenian), Quarticella ovalis Assemblage (late Bajocian), and Stichocapsa robusta Assemblage (middle Bathonian) are established in ascending order. These assemblages can be well correlated to the Middle Jurassic Unitary Association (UA) Zones (Baumgartner et al., 1995) in west Tethys and coeval biozones in Japan and provide reliable age information for the Middle Jurassic stratigraphic correlation of the pelagic sediments along the YZSZ.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Late Miocene of central Argentina is analyzed through evolutionary patterns of octodontoid rodents. The studied faunas were found in continental sediments assigned to the Cerro Azul and Saldungaray formations (La Pampa and Buenos Aires provinces, respectively). Taphonomic attributes of recovered mammals, linked mostly to the development of paleosols or to predators’ activities, constraint the deposition lapse to short intervals. A biostratigraphic scheme based mainly on the anagenetic pattern of change in the octodontoid rodent lineage Chasichimys-Xenodontomys is proposed. Since there is no stratigraphic superposition among the studied levels, relationships among deposits are established through the polarity evidenced by the stage of evolution of chronomorphs of this lineage. Five new biozones for the Late Miocene of central Argentina are recognized. Evidence of other anagenetic sequences, and general trends of increasing hypsodonty in octodontoids, support this proposal. The results enhance the value of the “stage of evolution” concept as a correlation tool in biostratigraphic and biochronologic studies, mainly when applied through phyletic sequences.  相似文献   

Ashgill chitinozoans from the Fosses and the Génicot Formations were studied in seven sections in the western part of the Condroz Inlier, Belgium. Twenty-three previously published samples as well as thirty-five new samples were analysed. The combination of the results led to the definition of six local biozones and a local biozonation for the Ashgill of the region west of Fosses and eventually to the dating of both formations studied. Generally, the local biozonation allowed correlation of the sections. In combination with the detailed study of the lithostratigraphy, a hypothesis is proposed concerning the depositional history of both formations. Two conglomeratic levels in the Génicot Formation might be the sedimentological response to the sea level drop associated with the Hirnantian glaciation event. Two new species are defined: Spinachitina fossensis and Conochitina eustachensis.  相似文献   

A new planktic foraminiferal zonation has been established for the lower Danian, based on some of most expanded and continuous pelagic sections known to date (from Spain, Tunisia and Mexico). This biozonation is considered valid for low and middle latitudes. The maximum stratigraphical distribution of the index-species approximately coincides in all the studied sections. The index-species are abundant and easily recognizable. We propose the following biozones and subzones: Guembelitria cretacea Zone and the Hedbergella holmdelensis and Parvularugoglobigerina longiapertura subzones; the Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina Zone, which is subdivided into the Parvularugoglobigerina sabina and Eoglobigerina simplicissima subzones and the Parasubbotina pseudobulloides Zone with the Eoglobigerina trivialis and Subbotina triloculinoides subzones. A biomagnetostratigraphic correlation and calibration of the stratigraphical ranges of these species suggest that the biohorizons used to define the new biozonation are very isochronous, at least in the geographical areas analysed.  相似文献   

In this paper a magnetostratigraphically calibrated biozonation of the Miocene–Pliocene continental record of the Guadix–Baza Basin (south‐eastern Spain) is presented. This biozonation is based on a rodent succession which ranges from the latest Miocene (c. 6 Ma) to the latest Pliocene (c. 2.6 Ma). A total of nine biozones have been defined for the late Miocene and Pliocene, all of them based on the range or concurrent‐range of rodent species: Apodemus gudrunae – Apocricetus alberti Zone, Apocricetus barrierei Zone, Paraethomys aff. abaigari Zone, Trilophomys Zone, Mimomys davakosi Zone, Dolomys adroveri Zone, Mimomys hassiacus Zone, Mimomys polonicus Zone and Kislangia ischus Zone. A magnetobiostratigraphical correlation has been established between these biozones and the standard ATNTS scale, on the basis of the palaeomagnetic analysis carried out on the sections of Negratín, Botardo‐1 and Gorafe. The correlation has been completed with previous palaeomagnetic analysis in the sections of Galera and Zújar. The magnetobiostratigraphical correlation here established indicates a late Messinian age for the Apodemus gudrunae – Apocricetus alberti Zone, a Zanclean age for the Apocricetus barrierei, Paraethomys aff. abaigari, Trilophomys and Mimomys davakosi zones and a Piazencian age for the Mimomys hassiacus, Mimomys polonicus and Kislangia ischus zones. The Dolomys adroveri Zone is mostly Zanclean in age, but its uppermost part belongs to the Piazencian. Therefore, unit MN13 is correlated with the late Messinian, MN14 is correlated with the early Zanclean, most of MN15 is correlated with the late Zanclean, while the uppermost part of MN15 and MN16 are correlated with the Piazencian.  相似文献   

A biostratigraphic study based on calcareous nannofossils was performed on the Ravin du Bès section (Bas Auran area, SE France). Semi-quantitative estimates of total nannofossil and single species abundances showed that calcareous nannofloras are rare to common and their preservation is poor to moderate. The following biohorizons were identified and calibrated to ammonite biozonation: the first occurrence (FO) of Watznaueria aff. W. communis, the FO of Pseudoconus enigma; the FO of “Rucinolithus”; the last occurrence (LO) of Carinolithus magharensis; the FO of Stephanolithion speciosum octum and the FO of Watznaueria barnesiae. These results confirm that calcareous nannofossils are good biostratigraphic markers for the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary interval. Moreover, the occurrence of P. enigma allows a direct calibration between Tethyan and Boreal nannofossil events and biozones. Morphometric analyses were performed on the W. communis-W. barnesiae group in order to quantify changes between the two taxa. The intermediate form W. aff. W. communis has been identified; it comprises coccoliths very similar to W. communis, but with central area length ≤ 0.9 μm. This study allowed the detailed reconstruction of the evolutionary trends from W. communis to W. barnesiae: the intermediate taxon W. aff. W. communis appears abruptly in the latest Bajocian and persists after the FO of W. barnesiae in the earliest Bathonian. Our results support the model of punctuated equilibrium rather than a phyletic gradualism. The finding of “Rucinolithus” morphotypes, very similar to the Cretaceous taxa R. terebrodentarius and R. terebrodentarius youngii, is intriguing. They might represent nannoliths strongly affected by a recurrent “Lazarus effect” or be diagenetic artifacts or of bacterial bioprecipitation.  相似文献   

The conodont fauna from the Willara Formation, a carbonate-dominated stratigraphic unit widely distributed in the subsurface Canning Basin of Western Australia, is represented by 41 species, including a new species, Erraticodon neopatu Zhen n. sp. The Jumudontus gananda and Histiodella altifrons biozones are recognized in the lower and upper parts, respectively, of the Willara Formation. Deposited primarily in shallow nearshore settings, the Willara Formation is characterized by the occurrence of predominantly long-range coniform species of Triangulodus, Scalpellodus, Drepanoistodus, Drepanodus, and Kirkupodus. Several widely distributed age-diagnostic species, including Histiodella altifrons, Histiodella holodentata, Histiodella serrata, and Jumudontus gananda, serve as keys for biostratigraphic analysis and correlation. Our study also shows that the basal and top boundaries of the Willara Formation are diachronous across the basin, extending from the middle Floian (Oepikodus communis Biozone) to middle Darriwilian (Histiodella holodentata-Eoplacognathus pseudoplanus Biozone). This contribution provides crucial new biostratigraphic data for precise correlation of the Willara Formation with its time equivalents regionally and internationally.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the lithostratigraphic features and ostracod associations of the Pliocene deposits located in the western sector of the Guadalquivir basin (SW Spain). A regressive cycle is defined by the vertical distribution of five main facies (FA-1 to FA-5), which were deposited in upper bathyal to fluvial palaeoenvironments. The broad palaeontological record is utilized to draw a general outline of the food chain in each palaeoenvironment. A comparison with the Pliocene ostracod distribution of southeastern Spain, southwestern France and Portugal permits to define a common ostracod biozonation for southwestern Europe during this period. Four main marine biozones are distinguished: (a): Pontocythere elongata biozone (infralittoral); (b): Costa edwardsii biozone (shallow circalittoral); (c): Bosquetina carinella biozone (deep circalittoral); and (d): Henryhowella asperrima biozone (upper bathyal). Freshwater, brackish and lower bathyal/abyssal species are very scarce in this area during this period.  相似文献   

A new species of the erythrosuchid archosauriform reptile Garjainia Ochev, 1958 is described on the basis of disarticulated but abundant and well-preserved cranial and postcranial material from the late Early Triassic (late Olenekian) Subzone A of the Cynognathus Assemblage Zone of the Burgersdorp Formation (Beaufort Group) of the Karoo Basin of South Africa. The new species, G. madiba, differs from its unique congener, G. prima from the late Olenekian of European Russia, most notably in having large bony bosses on the lateral surfaces of the jugals and postorbitals. The new species also has more teeth and a proportionately longer postacetabular process of the ilium than G. prima. Analysis of G. madiba bone histology reveals thick compact cortices comprised of highly vascularized, rapidly forming fibro-lamellar bone tissue, similar to Erythrosuchus africanus from Subzone B of the Cynognathus Assemblage Zone. The most notable differences between the two taxa are the predominance of a radiating vascular network and presence of annuli in the limb bones of G. madiba. These features indicate rapid growth rates, consistent with data for many other Triassic archosauriforms, but also a high degree of developmental plasticity as growth remained flexible. The diagnoses of Garjainia and of Erythrosuchidae are addressed and revised. Garjainia madiba is the geologically oldest erythrosuchid known from the Southern Hemisphere, and demonstrates that erythrosuchids achieved a cosmopolitan biogeographical distribution by the end of the Early Triassic, within five million years of the end-Permian mass extinction event. It provides new insights into the diversity of the Subzone A vertebrate assemblage, which partially fills a major gap between classic ‘faunal’ assemblages from the older Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone (earliest Triassic) and the younger Subzone B of the Cynognathus Assemblage Zone (early Middle Triassic).  相似文献   

Well-preserved Cretaceous (Albian–Turonian) radiolarians were extracted from radiolarian-bearing chert olistoliths of the Monagroulli Member within the Moni Mélange (Campanian-Maastrichtian, Southern Cyprus). Four assemblages were distinguished: Middle Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone), Upper Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone, Dorypyle? anisa Subzone), lowermost Turonian (base of Alievium superbum Zone) and Lower Turonian (Alievium superbum Zone). The radiolarian assemblages are diverse and have taxonomic composition similar to coeval assemblages of Italy and Spain. The sediments of the Monagroulli Member differ from coeval rocks of the Mamonia Complex (western Cyprus) by the more common presence of radiolarian cherts and may have been formed in the distal part of a continental margin with less input of clastic material. A new spicular radiolarian genus Cyprothamnus with 2 new species (C. multifurcatus and C. moniensis) is described from the Lower Turonian strata.  相似文献   

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