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A new bitterling, Rhodeus pseudosericeus sp. nov., is described on the basis of 31 specimens from five localities included in the Namhan River system, South Korea. The new species is distinguished from other Rhodeus species by the following combination of characters: branched dorsal fin rays 9–10 (mode 9); branched anal fin rays 9–11 (mode 10); longest simple ray of dorsal fin strong and stiff, distally segmented; pelvic fin rays i, 6–7; iris of males blackish; dorsal and anal fins of males grayish in breeding season; karyotype with 2n = 48 (8m + 20sm + 20st). Rhodeus pseudosericeus sp. nov. is similar to Rhodeus sericeus sericeus in the number of pelvic fin and branched dorsal fin rays and the melanophores present on the dorsal fin membrane, but differs from the latter in having a greater body depth, more branched anal fin rays, fewer vertebrae, a lower number of scales in the lateral series, and differing male nuptial coloration. Received: June 30, 2000 / Revised: February 21, 2001 / Accepted: March 6, 2001  相似文献   

The development of the eggs and larvae and minute tubercles on the skin surface ofParacheilognathus himantegus larvae were observed. The egg began to hatch approximately 68 hours after insemination and the larvae reached the free-swimming stage 23 days after hatching at water temperature of 22±1°C. The larval development and minute tubercles on the skin surface of this species were similar to those ofAcheilognathus lanceolata, A. limbata, A. signifer andTanakia tanago. However, the shape of the ripe eggs ofP. himantegus differed from those of the four species. As regards the shape of eggs, there was a common characteristic amongP. himantegus, Rhodeus uyekii andA. limbata from Korea. As regards larval development,P. himantegus had two characters also found inRhodeus. These facts seem to suggest thatP. himantegus is closely related toA. lanceolata, A. limbata, A. signifer andT. tanago but is more specialized than these four species, except forA. limbata from Korea.  相似文献   

Comparison of meristic characters (pored lateral line scales, vertebrae, and fin rays), and PCR-RFLP analysis in the D-loop and ND1 regions of mitochondrial DNA were performed to estimate the genetic diversity in local populations of the Japanese rosy bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus kurumeus. In terms of meristic characters, the Fukuoka population was the largest in both range and variance of the number of pored lateral line scales and vertebrae (abdominal and caudal), and Osaka was the second, whereas the Kagawa population showed the smallest range and variance in these characters. In PCR-RFLP analysis, 11 haplotypes (3 in Fukuoka, 2 in Okayama, 2 in Kagawa, and 4 in Osaka) were observed, and nucleotide sequence divergence (NSD) was approximately two times larger in ND1 (mean, 0.61%) than in D-loop (mean, 0.31%). In the neighbor-joining (NJ) tree, based upon the NSD value in ND1, haplotypes were arranged into four clades, which corresponded to the locality of each haplotype. The Fukuoka population was conspicuously apart from the other populations (mean, 0.90% in NSD), but the remaining three showed a similar genetic distance with each other (mean, 0.48%–0.52% in NSD). In haplotype diversity of mtDNA, half the stations in Osaka and all in Kagawa were monomorphic. Especially, two haplotypes endemic to Kagawa were randomly distributed, irrespective of drainages. Rhodeus o. kurumeus in Fukuoka inhabits small rivers and creeks (open water systems), while that in Kagawa and Osaka lives in small ponds (closed water systems). Taking the information of morphology, mtDNA, and habitat into consideration, the low genetic diversity in Kagawa and Osaka populations of R. o. kurumeus is thought to be mainly the result of the isolation of their habitat. Received: January 14, 2001 / Revised: June 14, 2001 / Accepted: July 1, 2001  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of two endangered subspecies of the bitterling Rhodeus atremius was investigated in two rivers in Okayama and Fukuoka Prefectures, Japan. Several other bitterling species, R. ocellatus, Tanakia limbata, T. lanceolata, Acheilognathus tabira and A. rhombeus, are also found in these rivers. Spawning of both R. atremius subspecies was recorded between late March and August 2007, peaking between April and July. Females of R. atremius began to mature at small body size (minimum 25 mm). They had small clutch sizes (maximum 16 eggs) and developed a short ovipositor (mean 13.6 mm), which was used to deposit a bulb-shaped egg of comparatively large size (3.2 mm3, major and minor axes 2.8 and 1.5 mm). Clutch size, ovipositor length and egg size appear to be a function of female body size. Both the body size and ovipositor length of R. atremius with ripe ova and the size and shape of the eggs varied seasonally. Rhodeus a. suigensis achieved maturity at a smaller body size, had a longer ovipositor and produced smaller eggs, with the minor axis being wider relative to the major axis than those of R. a. atremius. Rhodeus atremius may be adapted for depositing small numbers of eggs in a much shallower position inside the gills of smaller host mussels than other bitterling species.  相似文献   

Eleven populations of the rosy bitterling,Rhodeus ocellatus, from different localities in Japan, were genetically compared at 16 protein-coding loci using starch-gel electrophoresis. Two loci,Ldh-2 andPgdh, were demonstrated as diagnostic markers for the identification of two subspecies;R. ocellatus kurumeus, which is native to Japan, andR. ocellatus ocellatus, which was introduced from China. The two subspecies were distinguished by the complete substitution of different alleles between them. Population ofR. ocellatus kurumeus occurring in Yao City, Osaka, and in Kanzaki, Saga Prefecture were genetically closely related to each other (genetic distance: D=0.056) but distantly so toR. ocellatus ocellatus from Saitama Prefecture (D=0.202 or 0.265). Electrophoretic analyses also elucidated the existence of hybrid populations of the two subspecies. The populations ofR. ocellatus kurumeus in Yao City had lower genetic variability and a lower incidence of white coloration on the ventral fins than populations of the same in Saga Prefecture. The present study strongly implies that the introduction of the foreign freshwater fishes with subspecific differentiation, into the original range of indigenous subspecies, should be averted not to bring the genetic pollution.  相似文献   

We isolated 30 microsatellites from the freshwater fish, the bitterling Rhodeus sericeus. Twenty‐three microsatellite sequences possessed sufficient flanking DNA from which to design primers. Twelve loci were characterized and all were found to be polymorphic. These loci were isolated and characterized as part of a project to investigate the consequences of male alternative mating tactics and sperm competition using the bitterling as a model species.  相似文献   

An albino strain of the bitterling Tanakia signifer (Pisces, Cyprinidae, Acheilognathinae) was established through interbreeding using an albino male selected from among the offspring produced from the spawning of 18 wild-caught individuals. This is the first report of albinism in this species. Progeny tests demonstrated that inheritance of the trait follows the expected pattern for a simple autosomal recessive. A stock of 200+ individuals is currently being held at the Kannonzaki Nature History Museum, Japan.  相似文献   

  1. Bitterlings are small freshwater fish that use long ovipositors to lay eggs in host mussels, and they have morphological adaptations to increase larval survival. The most well‐known adaptation is the minute tubercles on the skin surface of larvae; they are developed in early‐stage larvae with weak swimming ability and disappear in free‐swimming larvae before they leave the host mussel.
  2. In the present study, I comprehensively analyzed the developmental stages of Rhodeus pseudosericeus larvae, their morphological and physiological characteristics, their migration inside mussels, and the development of minute tubercle in order to elucidate the morphological function of the minute tubercles. These tubercles began to develop 1 day after hatching (formation stage), grew for 2–5 days (growth stage), reached the peak height after 6–7 days (peak stage), abruptly reduced in height after 8–10 days (abrupt reduction stage), and gradually reduced in height (reduction stage) until completely disappearing 27 days after hatching (disappearance stage).
  3. The larvae remained in the mussels’ interlamellar space of the gill demibranchs until 10 days after hatching and began to migrate to the suprabranchial cavity 11 days after hatching. At this time, the larvae had a heart rate and the caudal fin began to develop. At 24 days after hatching, the minute tubercles had almost disappeared, and some individuals were observed swimming out of the mussels.
  4. The results presented herein elucidate that the minute tubercles are the developmental dynamic structures that the bitterling larvae have morphologically adapted to prevent premature ejection from the mussel.

According to conventional views, the rosy bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus, comprises two subspecies, R. ocellatus kurumeus and R. ocellatus ocellatus, the former being native to Japan whereas the latter was introduced into Japan from China during World War II. To examine the genetic structure of Japanese R. ocellatus, part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 48 individuals collected from various locations in Japan was sequenced. Three major mitochondrial lineages were found. Based on historical evidence, two of these represent R. ocellatus ocellatus and the third R. ocellatus kurumeus. The existence of two distinct lineages of R. ocellatus ocellatus in Japan suggests at least two colonizations. Some local populations comprised purely R. ocellatus kurumeus, but those from Kashima and Ogori included both subspecies. Because the proportion of R. ocellatus ocellatus in Kashima increased from 1994 to 1995, invasion by R. ocellatus ocellatus into R. ocellatus kurumeus habitats is apparently in progress. Received: April 30, 1999 / Revised: March 22, 2000 / Accepted: December 20, 2000  相似文献   

The European bitterlings (Rhodeus amarus) from the Eastern locations were cytogenetically examined by conventional and molecular techniques. All analyzed individuals presented invariably the same chromosomal constitution of 2n = 48, with 8 metacentrics + 20 submetacentrics + 20 subtelo-acrocentrics and C-banding positive heterochromatin at the pericentromeric regions in most of the chromosomes. Moreover, some of the chromosomes had short arms entirely built with heterochromatin. GC-rich Ag-NORs (nucleolus organizer regions) were located at the short arms of two submetacentric chromosomes, and the length polymorphism of these regions was found. Multiple location of 28S rDNA sequences with fluorescence in situ hybridization signals was observed on the long and/or short arms of three submetacentric chromosomes including NOR regions and short arms of three to five acrocentric chromosomes in the studied fish. 5S rDNA sites were found on the short arms of two subtelocentric chromosomes, and telomeric repeats were localized at the ends of all chromosomes. Provided results have expanded our knowledge concerning genetic characteristics of the European bitterlings that may be profitable in the conservation programs of this endangered species.  相似文献   

The development of eggs and larvae and minute tubercles on the skin surface in larvae ofTanakia tanago were observed. The eggs began to hatch approximately 52 hours after insemination and the larvae reached free-swimming stage 19 days after hatching at water temperature of 22±1°C. The egg and larval development and minute tubercles on the skin surface in larvae of this species were similar to those ofAcheilognathus lanceolata andA. limbata. However,T. tanago was distinguishable in egg and larval development fromA. lanceolata andA. limbata by the following characters: the perivitelline space was narrower, embryonic and larval development was faster, and minute tubercles on the skin surface of the anteriormost parts of the yolk sac, and of the body and head were hemispheric in shape. From these characters,T. tanago is considered to be more specialized thanA. lanceolata andA. limbata.  相似文献   

We investigated the histological structure of the female gonads and ovipositor of the European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus. The base of the ovipositor was formed by the conical organ or ‘eminence’. Based on the structure of the conical organ, including a special distribution of collagenous and muscular fibrils, a well‐developed vascular system and numerous scyphoid mucous cells in the internal epithelium, this organ was used for temporary storage of oocytes during the spawning period and for their movement along the ovipositor. An extensive network of blood vessels, muscular fibrils and numerous collagenous fibrils in the connective tissue of the ovipositor may make a functional contribution to the ovipositor by making it firmer during egg laying. Mucous cells were detected in the medial and distal regions of the ovipositor, which may play a role in facilitating insertion of the ovipositor into the exhalant siphon of a mussel during oviposition. European bitterling are batch spawners, and the female spawns eggs in clutches at intervals during the breeding season, which were visible as three distinct cohorts of oocytes in the ovary.  相似文献   

Galectin-9 is a b-galactoside-binding lectin that regulates many cellular functions, ranging from cell adhesion to pathogen recognition. We isolated and characterized the cDNA of tandem-repeat galectin-9 (RuGlec9) from the Korean rose bitterling (Rhodeus uyekii), an endemic Korean fish belonging to the Acheilognathinae subfamily of the Cyprinidae family. RuGlec9 cDNA is 1486 bp long and encodes a polypeptide of 323 amino acids containing two carbohydrate-recognition domains connected by a linker peptide. The deduced amino acid sequence of RuGlec9 shows 45-84% amino acid sequence identity to other galectin-9 sequences, including those from mammals and fish. RuGlec9 appeared in a large cluster with other galectin-9 sequences from fish and is more closely related to galectin-9 from Danio rerio than to those of other fish and mammals. RuGlec9 mRNA was expressed highly in the testis, spleen, intestine, stomach, and liver, and moderately in the brain, kidney, ovary, and gills of normal Korean rose bitterling. RuGlec9 mRNA expression in the spleen was increased by lipopolysaccharide. These results suggest that RuGlec9 plays a role in innate immunity in Korean rose bitterling.  相似文献   

The spawning success of male rose bitterlings, Rhodeus ocellatus, adopting an alternative reproductive style, was estimated through behavioural data and electrophoretic paternal analyses in field observations and experiments. Three mating patterns were observed: territoriality, sneaking, and grouping. Mating patterns depended on a male's relative size and on local male density (the number of males around a spawning spot: a mussel). Spawning patterns (pair spawning, pair spawning with sneaker, and group spawning) varied with local male density. Time-budget data of the territorial males indicated a trade-off between chasing and courtship behaviour as local male density changed. Females deposited appoximately only 1 egg per egg-laying into the mussels. As a result of isozyme analysis, a minimum of 12% (two out of 17) of the offspring in the sample were found to have been fathered by sneaker males in pair spawning with sneaker. I scored through behavioural data the mating success per spawning for each pattern, on an individual basis. The average reproductive success per spawning for each pattern was: territorial (0.61), sneaking (0.31) and grouping (0.11), and thus the successes of the patterns were not equal. Accordingly, the alternative reproductive styles of male rose bitterlings are best interpreted as alternative phenotypes in a conditional behaviour.  相似文献   

Ueda T  Naoi H  Arai R 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):423-432
In bitterlings (Acheilognathinae) C- and Ag-banding karyotypes of 6 species-subspecies collected in China and South Korea were analyzed. The chromosomal constitution of 2n=46 (4SM+42ST) in Rhodeus atremius fangi was quite different from that of 2n=48 (8M+20SM+20ST) in other species-subspecies in Rhodeus. It was concluded from the analysis of banded chromosomes that the increase in number of ST during the karyotype change from 2n=48 to 2n=46 was achieved by a series of pericentric inversions from 24 M-SM to 24 ST, and the decrease in the diploid number was caused by an additional tandem fusion of 4 ST chromosomes, forming a new ST pair in the 2n=46 karyotype. The karyotype of Tanakia koreensis, T. signifer, and Acheilognathus macropterus is 2n=48 (8M+20SM+20ST), 2n=48 (8M+20SM+14–16ST+4–6 A), 2n=44 (14M+16SM+14ST), respectively. In R. ocellatus ocellatus, T. koreensis, T. signifer and A. macropterus, karyotype changes from 2n=48 to 2n=44 due to centric fusion and inversion have also been estimated. It was suggested that C-banding heterochromatin was greatly concerned with the karyotype evolution in bitterlings.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxins (Prxs), also known as natural killer cell enhancing factors in fish, role as antioxidant proteins and participate in a variety of biological processes, including H2O2-mediated cell signaling, molecular chaperoning, and mitochondrial function. In this study, we isolated and characterized a Prx 1 cDNA from the Korean rose bitterling Rhodeus uyekii, and designated it RuPrx 1. The RuPrx 1 cDNA encodes a 197-amino-acid polypeptide that belongs to the class of typical 2-Cys Prxs that contain peroxidatic and resolving cysteines. The deduced RuPrx 1 protein shows strong homology (77.38–92.89 %) with Prx 1 proteins from other species, including fish, amphibians, and mammals, and it is most closely related to rainbow smelt Prx 1. RuPrx 1 mRNA was ubiquitously detected in all tested tissues and its expression was comparatively high in the brain, intestine, kidney, liver, ovary, stomach, and testis. Expression of RuPrx 1 mRNA in liver peaked 3 h post-infection with Aeromonas hydrophila and decreased 24 h post-infection while the expression in intestine decreased 24 h post-infection. These results suggest that RuPrx 1 is conserved through evolution and may play roles similar to its mammalian counterparts.  相似文献   

Female mating preferences are frequently associated with exaggerated male sexual traits. In the European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus, a fish with a resource-based mating system, male coloration is not associated with indirect genetic benefits of female mate choice, and does not reliably signal spawning site quality. We tested a link between the extent of male carotenoid-based coloration and testis size and number of spermatozoa stripped from the testes. Male body size predicted spermatozoa number, but less reliably than the extent of male coloration. Male color was a highly significant predictor of spermatozoa number, with approximately 26 % of variance in the number of spermatozoa stripped from males predicted from male color after controlling for male body size. Body size, but not coloration, predicted teste size. Female bitterling often risk sperm limitation, especially during pair spawnings, and male nuptial coloration may be under direct selection through female mate choice as a signal of male fertilization efficiency.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized several highly repetitive DNA elements from two species of Chinese bitterlings, Rhodeus atremius suigensis and R. ocellatus ocellatus. They comprise a partly interspersed and partly tandem repetitive family of about 1.0 to 1.3 kb in length. Individual elements showed considerable length variation, but genomic Southern blotting revealed two major length groups. Their restricted presence of these elements among related species and relative copy number differences indicated rapid change of genome structure in this group of fish. The isolated elements may be useful landmarks for further chromosomal studies.  相似文献   

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