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A new nippostrongyline, Suttonema delta n. g., n. sp., is described from the intestine of Oxymycterus rufus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Argentina, in a host from which trichostrongylid nematodes were hitherto unknown. The new genus is very similar to Stilestrongylus Freitas, Lent & Almeida, 1937 and Malvinema Digiani, Sutton & Durette-Desset, 2003, both parasites of Neotropical sigmodontines, in the features of the caudal bursa (with a pattern of type 1-4, asymmetrical with hypertophied right lobe) and the presence of cephalic structures resembling cuticular cordons. The larval synlophe is also identical to that of Stilestrongylus freitasi Durette-Desset, 1968. The new genus is differentiated by an adult synlophe with few ridges (9-12 at mid-body) of two different types: small, rounded ridges without cuticular support on the dorsal side, and pointed ridges of unequal size on the ventral side and in lateral fields. It is also characterised by the presence of comaretes on the left ventral and ventral fields of the synlophe.  相似文献   

Scorpidotrema longistipes n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of Scorpis georgiana Valenciennes (Scorpididae) from off Point Peron, Western Australia. The new genus is distinguished by the combination of a remarkably long and retractable ventral sucker peduncle, a possible uroproct, well-developed cirrus-sac and a uterine seminal receptacle. The subfamilial relationships of the new genus are troublesome. It incorporates features of the Opecoelinae, Stenakrinae and Plagioporinae. The absence of a canalicular seminal receptacle suggests a relationship with the Opecoelinae and Stenakrinae, whereas the well-developed cirrus-sac suggests a relationship with the Plagioporinae and Stenakrinae. The overall arrangement of the gonads is not similar to that of existing genera of Stenakrinae. It is concluded that the genus is best placed in the Stenakrinae although that subfamily may now be an artificial assemblage. This new genus forms part of a distinctive fauna of trematodes restricted to Australian southern temperate fishes.  相似文献   

A new species of Cochliopodium isolated from freshwater at Arabia Lake in Lithonia, GA, USA is described based on light microscopic morphology, fine structure, and molecular genetic evidence. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp., previously labeled as “isolate Con1” in prior publications, has been shown to group within the genus Cochliopodium in our molecular phylogenetic analysis. Light microscopy and fine structure evidence indicates the new isolate not only shares characters of the genus but also unique distinctive features. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp. is typically round when stationary; or oval to sometimes broadly flabellate or triangular in shape during locomotion, with average length of 35 μm and breadth of 51 μm. Fine structure evidence indicates C. arabianum n. sp. has tower‐like scales, lacking a terminal spine, sharing high similarity with its closest relative C. actinophorum. However, the scales of C. arabianum n. sp. are unique in height and the breadth of the base plate. Both morphological and molecular data, including SSU‐rDNA and COI, indicate that this new species falls in a clade sufficiently different from other species to suggest that it is a valid new species.  相似文献   

A new soil ciliate, Pseudonotohymena antarctica n. g., n. sp., from King George Island, Antarctica, is described based on live observation, protargol impregnation, and its 18S rRNA gene. The new genus Pseudonotohymena is morphologically similar to the genus Notohymena Blatterer and Foissner 1988 in the following characteristics: 18 fronto‐ventral‐transverse cirri, a flexible body, undulating membranes, dorsomarginal kineties, and the number of cirri in the marginal rows. However, Pseudonotohymena differs from Notohymena particularly in the dorsal ciliature, that is, in possessing a nonfragmented dorsal kinety (vs. fragmented). In addition, the molecular phylogenetic relationship of the new species differs from that of Notohymena species. On the basis of the morphological features, the genetic data, and morphogenesis, we establish P. antarctica n. g., n. sp. In addition, the cyst morphology of this species is described.  相似文献   

The external morphology and internal cell fine structure of a new species of Tovelliaceae, Tovellia rubescens n. sp., is described. Phylogenetic analyses based on partial LSU rDNA sequences place the new species in a clade containing Tovellia species that accumulate red pigments and identify T. aveirensis as its closest known relative. Cells of T. rubescens n. sp. were mostly round and had the cingulum located near the middle, with its ends displaced about one cingular width. Small numbers of distinctly flat cells appeared in culture batches; their significance could not be determined. Cells of the new species in culture batches progressively changed from a yellowish‐green, mainly due to chloroplast colour, to a reddish‐brown colour that appeared associated with lipid bodies. The switch to a reddish colour happened earlier in batches grown in medium lacking sources of N or P. Pigment analyses by HPLC‐MS/MS revealed the presence of astaxanthin and astaxanthin‐related metabolites in the new species, but also in T. aveirensis, in which a reddish colour was never observed. The chloroplast arrangement of T. rubescens n. sp. resembled that of T. aveirensis, with lobes radiating from a central pyrenoid complex. The flagellar apparatus and pusular system fell within the general features described from other Tovelliaceae. A row of microtubules interpretable as a microtubular strand of the peduncle was present. Spiny resting cysts with red contents and an ITS sequence identical to that of cultured material of the new species were found in the original locality.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of mites, Protoresinacarus brevipedis gen. n., sp. n. (Acari: Heterostigmata: Pyemotoidea), is described from Early Cretaceous Burmese amber. This represents the first fossil record of a member of the family Resinacaridae. It is represented by 21 phoretic females adjacent to an adult mantidfly (Neuroptera: Mantispidae). This is the first record of phoresy of pyemotid mites on members of the insect order Neuroptera. The fossil mites differ from extant members of the family in possessing distinctly shorter legs I, which do not reach beyond the apex of the gnathosoma, and by the long setae v 1, v 2 and c 2.  相似文献   

A new species of Allopodocotyle Pritchard, 1966 is described from the intestine and pyloric caeca of Parequula melbournensis (Gerreidae) caught from the waters off South and Western Australia. The new species is distinguished from other species by its larger eggs, broader form, pre-bifurcal genital pore and a number of other measurable features that are discussed. Of the species that share morphological similarities with Allopodocotyle skoliorchis n. sp., it is the only species known from a gerreid; all the other species are from serranids.  相似文献   

An opecoelid, Bartoliella pritchardae n. g., n. sp., is described from the intestine of Epinephelides armatus from Western Australia. The new genus has been assigned to the subfamily Opecoelininae Gibson & Bray, 1984, bringing the number of genera in the subfamily to two. Although the new genus is similar to Opecoelina Manter, 1934 morphologically, the pedunculate ventral sucker and complete absence of a cirrus-sac necessitate the erection of a new genus. A formal re-definition of the subfamily is given, based on the diagnoses of the genera Opecoelina and Bartoliella n. g.  相似文献   

An opecoelid digenean, Dactylomyza gibsoni n. g., n. sp. is described and figured from Schuettea woodwardi (Waite), a monodactylid from off the coast of Western Australia. The new genus conforms to the concept of the opecoelid subfamily Opecoelinae. The resemblance of the new genus to three other opecoelid genera, Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940, Opecoeloides Odhner, 1928 and Poracanthium Dollfus, 1948, is discussed. Dactylomyza n. g. is distinguished from these morphologically similar worms on the basis of its median genital pore, ventral sucker appendages, uroproct and the absence of an accessory sucker. Pseudopecoeloides equesi Manter, 1947 is transferred to the new genus as Dactylomyza equesi (Manter, 1947) n. comb.  相似文献   

The nymph of a new genus and species, Indocloeon primum gen.n., sp.n. from Sri Lanka is described, distinguishing characteristics are illustrated. This new genus is most closely related to Cloeon Leach and Centroptilum Eaton. Indocloeon gen.n. possesses a unique combination of morphological characters and two derived characters.  相似文献   

Summary A new paramphistomatid, Australotrema brisbanensis n.g., n.sp. from the intestine of Trachystoma petardi from the Brisbane River is described and illustrated. It is assigned to the subfamily Dadaytrematinae and distinguished from other members of the subfamily by the shape of the acetabulum which has a transverse opening guarded by a strong muscular sphincter. ac]19801204  相似文献   

The generic diagnosis of the male imago of a new genus of the subfamily Orthocladiinae (Chironomidae), Saetheriella is given. The genus is characterized by protruding, hairy eyes; antenna with straight, apical seta; antepronotum reduced; squama without setae; Cu1 distinctly downcurved; and anal point short, triangular, covered with microtrichia and with two strong, lateral setae. The genus is close to Gynnidocladius Sublette & Wirth, Unniella Sæther and Parakiefferiella Thienemann. The distribution of the genera shows evidence of a Gondwanian connection. The male imago of the only included species S. amplicristata sp. n. is described.  相似文献   

Two new urostylid species, Holostichides heterotypicus n. sp. and Holosticha muuiensis n. sp., were discovered in South Korea. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses were carried out to confirm that these species are new to science. Holostichides heterotypicus is mainly characterized by the following combination of features: 110–205 μm long in vivo; 5–10 frontoterminal cirri; 6–8 midventral pairs with 2–3 midventral cirral rows; cortical granules present; four bipolar dorsal kineties; and 6–9 caudal cirri. Ontogenetic features of H. heterotypicus are similar to those of H. typicus. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Hheterotypicus was distantly separated from bakuellid genera Apobakuella, Bakuella, Metaurostylopsis, and Neobakuella. This result is supported by the following features: transverse cirri (present in the other four bakuellids vs. absent in Holostichides) and caudal cirri (absent in the other four bakuellids vs. present in Holostichides). Holosticha muuiensis n. sp. is mainly distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of features: 100–185 long in vivo; shortened undulating membrane; cortical granules lacking; contractile vacuole absent; 51–66 adoral zone of membranelles; 42–60 macronuclear nodules; and five bipolar dorsal kineties. In the phylogenetic tree, Holosticha muuiensis n. sp. clustered with a Holosticha group (containing Holosticha diademata, Holosticha foissneri, and Holosticha heterofoissneri).  相似文献   

Sundapolystoma chalconotae. n. g., n. sp. (Polystomatidae, Polystomatinae) is proposed for a new polystomatid from the urinary bladder of Rana chalconota (Schlegel) in Peninsular Malaysia. This is the first species of polystomatid to be described from the amphibians of Peninsular Malaysia and the second for the Southeast Asian region. This new genus, as exemplified by S. chalconotae, differs from other polystomatids, and in particular Parapolystoma Ozaki, 1935 (P. bulliense (Johnston, 1912) Ozaki, 1935 and P. johnstoni Pichelin, 1995), in having a tubular uterus and a single diffuse testis. P. crooki Vande Vusse, 1976 is similar to S. chalconotae in having a similar type of uterus and testis, and is re-assigned as Sundapolystoma crooki (Vande Vusse, 1976) n. comb. S. chalconotae differs from S. crooki in having anchors with a longer outer root rather than a longer inner root and 7-8 genital spines compared to 9-13 in S. crooki.  相似文献   

Macrouridophora halargyrea n. sp. (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) is described from the gills of the morid teleost Halargyreus johnsonii caught off the Faroe Islands in the North-eastern Atlantic. This new species is differentiated from ten other species in the genus Macrouridophora Rubec & Dronen, in press, by its: specialised heart-shaped haptor distinctly set-off from the body proper; inverted orientation of the first three anterior pairs of clamps; distinct spinulation covering the isthmus and haptor; small body size; small numbers of testes; and host.  相似文献   

Summary A new mermithid nematode, Thaumamermis cosgrovei n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nematoda) was found parasitizing two terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscoidea) in California. The hosts, Armadillidium vulgare (Latr.) (a pillbug) and Porcellio scaber (Latr.) (a sowbug) represent the first cases of isopods attacked by mermithid nematodes. The genus Thaumamermis can be distinguished from all previously described mermithids by the extremely dimorphic spicules, one being short and broad and the other long and filiform. It has been discovered that the nematodes are infected with an iridiovirus which commonly destroys the isopod hosts. ac]19800917  相似文献   

Amapacanthus amazonicus n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of Arius passany (Valenciennes) and Anableps microleps Müller. The most important diagnostic features are: a small globular proboscis armed with 6 diagonal rows of 3 stout hooks; middle hooks conspicuously stouter and larger than anterior ones; terminal hooks as long as middle hooks but straighter and more slender; a double-walled proboscis receptacle; a trunk bearing spines anteriorly; and two tubular cement glands in the males. Amapacanthus n. g. is differentiated from Allorhadinorhynchus, Golvanorhynchus and Slendrorhynchus, the other genera of the Allorhadinorhynchinae, by the presence of a globular proboscis armed with a small number (18) of hooks. A key to the species of the Allorhadinorhynchinae is presented.  相似文献   

The new genus Bathymonorchis is defined and differentiated from the genera Monorchis and Allolasiotocus. B. polyipni (Reimer) n. comb., previously attributed to Monorchis, is described from Neoscopelus macrolepidotus and Polymetme corythaeola from the Atlantic off the coast of NW Africa. The new genus is characterised by its single vitelline field, multilobate ovary, spinous blind portion of Looss' organ, lack of external seminal vesicle, testicular position and uterine configuration.  相似文献   

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