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The writers discuss a series of investigations as to the behavior of certain fluorescein dyes (eosin, erythrosin, phloxine, and rose bengal) in staining bacteria in dried films of soil. These dyes are ordinarily purchased in the form of di-sodium salts and are indifferent staining agents for the purpose named. If there be added to the dye solution a small amount (0.001 to 0.1%) of a mineral salt of calcium, aluminium, magnesium or lead, the intensity of staining is greatly increased. The effect of such addition is to convert the dye partly into a salt of the metal added, which in nearly every instance is relatively insoluble and is in every case less soluble than the di-sodium salt. It is shown that practically identical results can be obtained if the staining be performed with a suspension of the calcium, aluminium or lead salt of one of these dyes, altho very little of the dye goes into solution.

Theories to account for the phenomenon are discussed, including in particular the solution and adsorption theories of staining. The evidence seems to favor the former, altho not entirely disproving the latter.  相似文献   

Electron Microscopic Observations of the Carotid Body of the Cat   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Carotid bodies were removed from cats, fixed in buffered 1 per cent osmic acid, embedded in deaerated, nitrogenated methacrylate, and cut into thin sections for electron microscopic study. The carotid body is seen to be composed of islands of chemoreceptor and sustentacular cells surrounded by wide irregular sinusoids. These cells are separated from the sinusoids by relatively broad interstitial spaces which are filled with collagen, fibroblasts, and many unmyelinated nerve fibers with their Schwann cell sheaths. The chemoreceptor cells are surrounded by the flattened, multiprocessed sustentacular cells which serve to convey the axons from an interstitial to a pericellular location. These sustentacular cells are assumed to be lemmoblastic in origin. Relatively few axons are seen to abut on the chemoreceptor cells. The cytoplasm of the chemoreceptor cell is characterized by numerous small mitochondria, units of granular endoplasmic reticulum, a small Golgi complex, and a variety of vesicles. There are many small vesicles diffusely scattered throughout the cytoplasm. In addition, there is a small number of dark-cored vesicles of the type which has been previously described in the adrenal medulla. These are usually associated with the Golgi complex. These findings are discussed in relation to the concepts of the origin of the chemoreceptor cell and the nature of the synapse.  相似文献   

优化了醛基载玻片的制备方法 ,探讨了醛基修饰载玻片固定寡核苷酸探针的性质。研究发现氨基硅烷试剂的浓度是影响载玻片荧光背景的主要因素 ;2 %氨基化试剂处理 16min、戊二醛处理 30min可以得到荧光背景较低、固定效果较好的醛基载玻片。寡核苷酸固定过程中 ,末端氨基修饰没有明显的特异性 ,但是可以提高被固定探针的杂交容量。在较低的浓度 (小于 10 μmol L)时 ,探针的浓度与杂交信号趋近线性关系 ,浓度为 2 0 μmol L时杂交信号达到饱和  相似文献   

Permanent Slides     
《Mycological Research》2000,104(12):1410-1411

The ductuli efferentes and rete testis of the guinea pig were isolated by micro dissection, fixed in cold buffered osmium tetroxide, and sectioned for examination with the light and electron microscopes. Proximal and distal segments of the ductuli efferentes were identified and their respective cytological organizations characterized. The cytological components of the rete testis are briefly described and figured. Non-ciliated and ciliated cells are found in both segments of the ductuli efferentes. The non-ciliated cells have a microvillous border, mitochondria, a Golgi complex, an ubiquitous endoplasmic reticulum, and numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles. The ciliated cells contain more mitochondria, an endoplasmic reticulum with a relatively sparse distribution, and few, if any, cytoplasmic vacuoles. A regional difference exists in proximal and distal segments based on the distribution, size, number, and electron opacity of the cytoplasmic vacuoles. Attention was paid to the disposition of the endoplasmic reticulum and its relation to the system of cytoplasmic vacuoles. These findings are interpreted as suggesting that the continuity of the vacuolar system with elements of the endoplasmic reticulum represents a pathway for transfer of large quantities of fluid, an activity which has long been ascribed to the epithelium of the ductuli efferentes. Periductular capillaries possess pore-like apertures in their endothelia similar to those in other tissues known to engage in fluid transfer.  相似文献   

Movat in 1955 developed a staining method which demonstrates collagen fibers, mucin, muscle fibers, elastic fibers, fibrin and fibrinoid changes in a single section. His procedure was considered excellent by Lynch et al. (1969)  相似文献   

Plaques of subpial demyelination were induced in adult cat spinal cords by repeated withdrawal and reinjection of cerebrospinal fluid. Peripheral cord was fixed by replacing cerebrospinal fluid available at cisternal puncture with 3 per cent buffered OsO4. Following extirpation, surface tissue was further fixed in 2 per cent buffered OsO4, dehydrated in ethanol, and embedded in araldite. Normal subpial cord consists mainly of myelinated axons and two types of macroglia, fibrous astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Twenty-nine hours after lesion induction most myelin sheaths are deteriorating and typical macroglia are no longer visible. Phagocytosis of myelin debris has begun. In 3-day lesions, axons are intact and their mitochondria and neurofibrils appear normal despite continued myelin breakdown. All axons are completely demyelinated by 6 days. They lack investments only briefly, however, for at 10 and 14 days, macroglial processes appear and embrace them. These macroglia do not resemble either one of the normally occurring glia; their dense cytoplasm contains fibrils in addition to the usual organelles. It is proposed that these macroglia, which later accomplish remyelination, are the hypertrophic or swollen astrocytes of classical neuropathology. The suggestion that these astrocytes possess the potential to remyelinate axons in addition to their known ability to form cicatrix raises the possibility of pharmacological control of their expression.  相似文献   

Cat Hobaiter     
《Current biology : CB》2020,30(16):R912-R914

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