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The chilling response of plants is complex and based on the interplay of two important metabolic processes--lipolytic degradation of membrane lipids and a set of oxidative reactions leading to lipid peroxidation and membrane damage evoked in chilling-sensitive (CS) plants subjected to low temperature and light. The effects of chilling of detached leaves and intact plants differ and are often neglected during experiments. In closely-related species, the activity of several constitutive enzymes (i.e. superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase) appears to be higher in chilling-tolerant (CT) than in CS species; while in several native, closely-related CS species, lipid acyl hydrolase (galactolipase) activity is higher than in CT species. Moreover, in chilling-insensitive (CI) plants, galactolipase activity is very low and is neither activated by detachment of leaves nor under stress conditions in growing plants. Dark and low-temperature treatments of detached leaves of CS species and post-chilling recovery of growing plants in the light activate galactolipase, which is responsible for the release of free fatty acids (FFA), the main substrates of peroxidation by lipoxygenase and free radicals. In several CS species, increased galactolipase activity is an important factor contributing to chilling susceptibility. Thus, it seems likely that enhancement of chilling tolerance may be achieved by genetically suppressing galactolipase in order to reduce both the degradation of chloroplast lipids and the level of released FFA, and thereby avoiding the deleterious action of their peroxidation products on plant tissues.  相似文献   

The reactivity of quinones 1–4 and of the corresponding quinols 5–8 towards carbon- and oxygen-centred radicals were studied. All quinones bearing at least one nuclear position free, readily react with alkyl and phenyl radicals to afford the alkylated quinones 12–24; however, quinones 1 and 3 reacted with 2-cyano-2-propyl radical to yield products (the mono- and di-ethers 9–11) derived from the attack on the carbonylic oxygen. The reactions carried out on quinones with the benzoyloxy radical led to no reaction products and in the case of Q10, the isoprenic chain also remained unchanged. Quinols 5–8 reacted only with oxygencentred radicals (benzoyloxy and 2-cyano-2-propylperoxy radicals) to give the corresponding quinones. The isoprenic chain of Q10 did not undergo attack even with peroxy radicals. Carbon-centred radicals resulted unable to abstract hydrogen from the studied quinols.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane modifications have been widely recognized as crucial factors in cell injury and death. One of these modifications, surface blebbing, has been considered as an injury-marker associated with a series of biochemical and physiological modifications. Our study focused on the different effects of free radical-induced cell damage by quinone menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) and by hyperthermic shock (45°C) on the erythroleukemic cell line K.562. Different techniques including immunofluorescence, freeze-fracturing, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy were employed. Menadione induced the formation of surface blebs, accompanied by a rearrangement of the microfilament system and changes in the distribution of plasma membrane proteins. In contrast, heat-shocked cells showed neither blebbing nor important cytoskeletal changes. Finally, the electron paramagnetic resonance results showed an increase in membrane order not specifically related to the type of free radical-induced stress. These cell death features appear to suggest the existence of two different types ofpathways for necrotic cell death: both treatments induce cell injury and eventual death by modifiting plasma membrane integrity and function. However, one involves cytoskeleton-dependent surface blebbing, whereas the other does not.Abbreviations EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - HS heat shock - IMPs intramembrane particles - MEN menadione  相似文献   

活性氧、自由基与植物的衰老   总被引:140,自引:15,他引:140  
介绍近 1 0年来有关活性氧、自由基的产生 ,对植物的伤害及植物对活性氧、自由基清除的研究进展。  相似文献   

An exogenous free radical generating system added to isolated brain capillaries induces degradation of phospholipids. This inductive effect reflects increased phospholipase activities as measured by fatty acid composition of various phospholipid fractions. The correlation of phospholipid degradation with stimulation of phospholipases was further investigated by using cationic amphiphilic agents, which are known to be phospholipase A2 inhibitors. The breakdown of phospholipids was inhibited by the pretreatment of isolated capillaries with these drugs.  相似文献   

Modification of contractile proteins by oxygen free radicals in rat heart   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of oxygen free radicals on myofibrillar creatine kinase activity. Isolated rat heart myofibrils were incubated with xanthine+xanthine oxidase (a superoxide anion radical-generating system) or hydrogen peroxide and assayed for creatine kinase activity. To clarify the involvement of changes in sulfhydryl groups in causing alterations in myofibrillar creatine kinase activity, 1) effects of N-ethylmaleimide (sulfhydryl groups reagent) on myofibrillar creatine kinase activity, 2) effect of oxygen free radicals on myofibrillar sulfhydryl groups content, and 3) protective effects of dithiothreitol (sulfhydryl groups-reducing agent) on the changes in myofibrillar creatine kinase activity due to oxygen free radicals were also studied. Xanthine+xanthine oxidase inhibited creatine kinase activity both in a time-and a concentration-dependent manner. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) showed a protective effect on the depression in creatine kinase activity caused by xanthine+xanthine oxidase. Hydrogen peroxide inhibited creatine kinase activity in a concentration-dependent manner; this inhibition was prevented by the addition of catalase. N-ethylmaleimide reduced creatine kinase activity in a dose-dependent manner. The content of myofibrillar sulfhydryl groups was decreased by xanthine+xanthine oxidase; this reduction was protected by SOD. Furthermore, the depression in myofibrillar creatine kinase activity by xanthine+xanthine oxidase was protected by the addition of dithiothreitol. Oxygen free radicals may inhibit myofibrillar creatine kinase activity by modifying sulfhydryl groups in the enzyme protein. The reduction of myofibrillar creatine kinase activity may lead to a disturbance of energy utilization in the heart and may contribute to cardiac dysfunction due to oxygen free radicals.  相似文献   

Summary Activation of polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes is known to generate oxygen free radicals (OFR). However the fate of activated PMN leukocytes is not known. We investigated the OFR producing (chemiluminescence) activity and the survival of the activated PMN leukocytes. The study was divided into two groups. Group I, In vivo study (n = 7): zymosan (8.4 mg/kg) was administered intravenously in the anesthetized dogs and the blood samples were collected before and after 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min of zymosan administration. This group represents the in vivo pre-stimulated PMN leukocytes; Group II, In vitro study (n = 7): the blood were collected from dogs and further divided into two groups. Group A (n = 7): non-stimulated, without any added zymosan and group B (n = 7): zymosan was added to stimulate PMN leukocytes. Blood samples from group A and B were also collected at various time intervals similar to in vivo studies. Oxygen free radical producing activity of PMN leukocytes was monitored by measuring luminoldependent chemiluminescence (CL). Opsonized zymosan was used to activate PMN leukocytes. The studies in which the PMN leukocytes were stimulated in in vivo, both oxygen derived free radicals and superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibitable oxygen free radical CL decreased significantly for 60 min and tended to reach thereafter to the pre-stimulated values. The resting chemiluminescence (chemiluminescence without zymosan stimulation in the assay medium) increased significantly for 15 min reaching to pre-stimulated values at 30 min and thereafter. In in vitro studies, oxygen derived free radicals CL of pre-stimulated PMN leukocytes (Group B) was depressed for the whole duration of investigation while SOD inhibitable CL was depressed for only 60 min. There was approximately a two-fold increase in the resting CL within 5 min of PMN leukocyte activation and it remained high for the whole duration of study. The chemiluminescence of non-stimulated PMN leukocytes in vitro (group A) remained practically normal throughout the period of observation. In in vivo studies, total white blood cells (WBC) and PMN leukocyte counts decreased initially and tended to approach towards pre-stimulated values at the end of the protocol. There were no changes in these counts in in vitro studies. These results indicate that the capacity to generate OFR is decreased in the in vivo and in vitro pre-stimulated PMN leukocytes. However this activity recovers with time. This study also suggests that the activated PMN leukocytes are not destroyed.  相似文献   

The prevalence of diabetes is growing worldwide with an increasing morbidity and mortality associated with the development of diabetes complications. Free radical production is a normal biological process that is strictly controlled and has been shown to be important in normal cellular homeostasis, and in the bodies response to pathogens. However, there are several mechanisms leading to excessive free radical production that overcome the normal protective quenching mechanisms. Studies have shown that many of the diabetes complications result from excessive free radical generation and oxidative stress, and it has been shown that chronic hyperglycemia is a potent inducer for free radical production, generated through several pathways and triggering multiple molecular mechanisms. An understanding of these processes may help us to improving our preventive or therapeutic strategies. In this review, the major molecular pathways involved in free radical generation induced by hyperglycemia are described.  相似文献   

Asbestos causes asbestosis and malignancies by mechanisms that are not fully understood. Alveolar epithelial cell (AEC) injury by iron-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) is one important mechanism implicated. We previously showed that iron-catalyzed ROS in part mediate asbestos-induced AEC DNA damage and apoptosis. Mitochondria have a critical role in regulating apoptosis after exposure to agents causing DNA damage but their role in regulating asbestos-induced apoptosis is unknown. To determine whether asbestos causes AEC mitochondrial dysfunction, we exposed A549 cells to amosite asbestos and assessed mitochondrial membrane potential changes (m) using a fluorometric technique involving tetremethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE) and mitotracker green. We show that amosite asbestos, but not an inert particulate, titanium dioxide, reduces m after a 4 h exposure period. Further, the m after 4 h was inversely proportional to the levels of apoptosis noted at 24 h as assessed by nuclear morphology as well as by DNA nucleosome formation. A role for iron-derived ROS was suggested by the finding that phytic acid, an iron chelator, blocked asbestos-induced reductions in A549 cell m and attenuated apoptosis. Finally, overexpression of Bcl-xl, an anti-apoptotic protein that localizes to the mitochondria, prevented asbestos-induced decreases in A549 cell m after 4 h and diminished apoptosis. We conclude that asbestos alters AEC mitochondrial function in part by generating iron-derived ROS, which in turn can result in apoptosis. This suggests that the mitochondrial death pathway is important in regulating pulmonary toxicity from asbestos.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that the generation of toxic radicals plays an important role in toxicity by Adriamycin (ADR) on cancer cell lines and in vivo. We have examined the role of free radicals in determining toxicity and resistance to ADR of rat glomerular epithelial cells in culture; this method provides a good model for analyzing the mechanisms responsible for ADR experimental nephrosis in rats. Three points were established: a) the intra- or extracellular site of ADR toxicity; b) the role of the superoxide anion and of the hydroxyl radical in determining intra- and-extracellular cytotoxicity; and c) the implication of oxido-reduction cycling as a potential route for ADR semiquinone transformation. Free ADR was found to induce the same inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA as ADR bound to an agarose macroporous bed which prevents the intracellular incorporation of the drug. Specific scavenging of free radical activity by the enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase, the hydroxyl radical inhibitors dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethylthiourea (DMTU) and by chelation of intracellular free iron with deferoxamine produced only a partial restoration of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, which was maximal for DMTU (30% of normal incorporation). DMTU treatment was unsuccessful in preventing the extracellular cytostatic effect of ADR. Finally, glomerular epithelial cell killing (51Cr-release method) by 5-iminodaunorubicin, an ADR analogue with a modified quinone function that prohibits oxido-reduction cycling, was higher than unmodified ADR. These results indicate that ADR may exert its cytotoxic effects on glomerular epithelial cells by interaction at the cell surface, whereas the intracellular compartment, principally DNA, does not seem to be the target of ADR effects. They also suggest that the free radicals are in part responsible for ADR intracellular cytotoxicity, but other mechanisms should also be hypothesized. Finally, the participation of the ADR semiquinone radical in oxido-reduction cycling seems not important for the induction of the cellular damage.  相似文献   

Psoralens (psoralen, 5-methoxypsoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen, khellin, and visnagin) in 1 mM doses were shown to enhance the generation of reactive oxygen species, such as the hydroxyl radical (HO*), the superoxide anion radical (O2(-)), and singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)), from the system generating chemiluminescence (CL), as well as free radicals in the absence of light. The system that generated CL was made up of CoCl(2) and H(2)O(2). Incubation of psoralens in 0.2 mM doses with the generating system showed that only 8-methoxypsoralen and khellin have antioxidative effects. Antioxidative effects were also observed in the case of visnagin but in low concentration (0.05 mM). High doses of psoralens (1 mM) showed prooxidative effects. Measurements were done using a deoxyribose assay, the CL method, and spin-trapping with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine combined with electron spin resonance spectroscopy and spectrophotometry methods.  相似文献   

Oxygen-derived free radicals and hemolysis during open heart surgery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reperfusion injury occurs during open-heart surgery after prolonged cardioplegic arrest. Cardiopulmonary bypass also is known to cause hemolysis. Since reperfusion of ischemic myocardium is associated with the generation of oxygen free radicals, and since free radicals can attack a protein molecule, it seems reasonable to assume that hemolysis might be the consequence of free radical attack on hemoglobin protein. The results of this study demonstrated that reperfusion following ischemic arrest caused an increase in free hemoglobin and free heme concentrations, simultaneously releasing free iron and generating hydroxyl radicals. In vitro studies using pure hemoglobin indicated that superoxide anion generated by the action of xanthine oxidase on xanthine could release iron from the heme ring and cause deoxygenation of oxyhemoglobin into ferrihemoglobin. This study further demonstrated that before the release of iron from the heme nucleus, oxyhemoglobin underwent deoxygenation to ferrihemoglobin. The released iron can catalyze the Fenton reaction, leading to the formation of cytotoxic hydroxyl radical (OH·). In fact, the formation of OH. in conjunction with hemolysis occurs during cardiac surgery, and when viewed in the light of the in vitro results, it seems likely that oxygen-derived free radicals may cause hemolysis during cardiopulmonary bypass and simultaneously release iron from the heme ring, which can catalyze the formation of OH·.  相似文献   

徐建雄  王晶  王恬 《应用生态学报》2007,18(8):1789-1793
选用200羽14日龄健康AA肉鸡,以电子自旋共振(ESR)捕集法和生物化学法对肉仔鸡血液和组织器官的不同自由基进行直接或间接测定,探讨VE和Se对肉鸡不同自由基代谢的作用及其动态变化.结果表明:组织一氧化氮(NO)自由基水平随日粮VE含量升高而降低,二者呈负相关关系,日粮高水平Se有诱导产生NO自由基的倾向;高VE和Se日粮显著提高血清和肝脏中SOD和GSH-Px的活性,但随处理时间的延长,组织SOD活性逐渐降低,而GSH-Px活性逐渐升高,说明日粮VE和/或Se不足均会诱导机体产生O.2-、H2O2自由基,且O2.-自由基会持续大量产生,而H2O2自由基仅在缺乏初期大量产生,而后趋于缓和;低VE和/或低Se均显著提高组织MDA含量,且低Se比低VE更为显著.VE和Se对肉鸡NO、O.2-和H2O2自由基代谢的作用存在协同效应.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rate of generation of superoxide radicals and the duration of hypoxia has been studied in isolated heart mitochondria with the use of the spin trap sodium 4,5dihydroxybenzene-1,3-disulfonate. The EPR spectra were recorded from a mitochondrial suspension placed in a gas-permeable capillary under conditions of regulated partial oxygen pressure. Earlier we have shown that the mitochondria isolated from perfused hearts after 30-min ischemia display a higher rate of superoxide generation than those from controls. However, in isolated mitochondria the EPR signal from 4,5-dihydroxybenzene-1,3-disulfonate increased already after 10-min hypoxia, but its intensity remained the same in the mitochondria subjected to 30-, 45-, and 60-min hypoxia. Thus, the isolated mitochondria in the incubation medium are less sensitive to hypoxia than the mitochondria from cardiomyocytes of an ischemic heart.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of free radicals and experimental diabetes on cytosolic creatine kinase activity in rat heart, muscle and brain. Hydrogen peroxide decreased creatine kinase activity in a dose dependent manner which was reversed by catalase. Xanthine/xanthine oxidase, which produces superoxide anion, lowered the creatine kinase activity in the same manner whose effect was protected by superoxide dismutase. N-acetylcysteine and dithiothreitol also significantly ameliorated the effect of Xanthine/xanthine oxidase and hydrogen peroxide. Experimental diabetes of twenty-one days (induced by alloxan), also caused a similar decrease in the activity of creatine kinase. This led us to the conclusion that the decrease in creatine kinase activity during diabetes could be due to the production of reactive oxygen species. The free radical effect could be on the sulfhydryl groups of the enzyme at the active sites, since addition of sulfhydryl groups like N-acetylcysteine and dithiothreitol showed a significant reversal effect.  相似文献   

Recently, we have observed that the simultaneous application of free calcium (fCa) and ADP-magnesium (Mg) reduced the ADP:O ratio in isolated cardiac mitochondria. The uncoupling was prevented by cyclosporin A, an inhibitor of the permeability transition pore. The purpose of this study was to know if the generation of oxygen free radicals (OFR) is involved in this phenomenon and if it occurs during reoxygenation (Reox) of cultured cardiomyocytes. Cardiac mitochondria were harvested from male Wistar rats. Respiration was assessed in two media with different fCa concentrations (0 or 0.6 M) with palmitoylcarnitine and ADP-Mg as respiration substrates. The production of Krebs cycle intermediates (KCI) was determined. Without fCa in the medium, the mitochondria displayed a large production of citrate + isocitrate + -ketoglutarate. fCa drastically reduced these KCI and promoted the accumulation of succinate. To know if OFR are involved in the respiratory uncoupling, the effect of 4OH-TEMPO (250 M), a hydrosoluble scavenger of OFR, was tested. 4OH-TEMPO completely abolished the fCa- and ADP-Mg-induced uncoupling. Conversely, vitamin E contributed to further decreasing the ADP:O ratio. Since no hydrosoluble electron acceptor was added in our experiment, the oxygen free radical-induced oxidized vitamin E was confined near the mitochondrial membranes, which should reduce the ADP:O ratio by opening the permeability transition pore. The generation of OFR could result from the matrix accumulation of succinate. Taken together, these results indicate that mitochondrial Ca uptake induces a slight increase in membrane permeability. Thereafter, Mg enters the matrix and, in combination with Ca, stimulates the isocitrate and/or -ketoglutarate dehydrogenases. Matrix succinate favors oxygen free radical generation that further increases membrane permeability and allows respiratory uncoupling through proton leakage. To determine whether the phenomenon takes place during Reox, cultured cardiomyocytes were subjected to hypoxia and Reox. 14C-palmitate was added during Reox to determine the KCI profile. Succinate had not increased during Reox. In conclusion, calcium- and ADP-Mg-induced respiratory uncoupling is due to oxygen free radical generation through excess matrix accumulation of succinate. The phenomenon does not occur during reoxygenation because of a total restoration of mitochondrial magnesium and/or ADP concentration.  相似文献   

Ototoxicity is well-documented but not fully understood undesirable side effect of aminoglycoside antibiotic, kanamycin. Kanamycin is capable of binding to melanin biopolymers—natural pigments of the skin, hair, and eyes. Melanin-producing cells, melanocytes, are also present in the inner ear and are known to be necessary for normal hearing. It was considered that melanin content in the inner ear may influence aminoglycoside-induced ototoxic effect. The impact of kanamycin on melanocytes homeostasis may thus play role in the antibiotic-induced ototoxic effect. Previously, we demonstrated that kanamycin disturbs homeostasis in light-pigmented melanocytes. To investigate if/how melanization contributes to this phenomenon, the study using in vitro model of dark-pigmented melanocytes is required. Spectrophotometric measurements and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy analysis were performed. Kanamycin induced a concentration-dependent loss in HEMn-DP melanocytes viability. The value of IC 50 was estimated to be 5.0 mM. Modulation of the activity of analyzed antioxidant enzymes and increased production of free radicals as well as the decrease of the melanin content were observed. Our results confirmed that kanamycin generates oxidative stress in melanocytes. The increased level of free radicals caused by kanamycin may be responsible for the imbalance of antioxidant defense and the reduction of melanin content in melanocytes. The role of melanin in the mechanism of kanamycin-induced hearing impairment was discussed and the obtained results were compared with the previously demonstrated data concerning light-pigmented melanocytes.  相似文献   

The generation of free radicals (Fenton chemistry) from various iron citrate complexes has been studied. Spin trapping methods have been used. The results can question concerning the innocence of added citric acid in foods and cold drinks. We concluded that in absence of pathological situation citric acid is probably not dangerous but it may become dangerous in situation of oxidative stress and/or iron overload.  相似文献   

Piperidine nitroxides like 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO) are persistent free radicals in non-acidic aqueous solutions and organic solvents that may have value as therapeutic agents in medicine. In biological environments, they undergo mostly reduction to stable hydroxylamines but can also undergo oxidation to reactive oxoammonium compounds. Reactions of the oxoammonium derivatives could have adverse consequences including chemical modification of vital macromolecules and deleterious effects on cell signaling. An examination of their reactivity in aqueous solution has shown that oxoammonium compounds can oxidize almost any organic as well as many inorganic molecules found in biological systems. Many of these reactions appear to be one-electron transfers that reduce the oxoammonium to the corresponding nitroxide species, in contrast to a prevalence of two-electron reductions of oxoammonium in organic solvents. Amino acids, alcohols, aldehydes, phospholipids, hydrogen peroxide, other nitroxides, hydroxylamines, phenols and certain transition metal ions and their complexes are among reductants of oxoammonium, causing conversion of this species to the paramagnetic nitroxide. On the other hand, thiols and oxoammonium yield products that cannot be detected by ESR even under conditions that would oxidize hydroxylamines to nitroxides. These products may include hindered secondary amines, sulfoxamides and sulfonamides. Thiol oxidation products other than disulfides cannot be restored to thiols by common enzymatic reduction pathways. Such products may also play a role in cell signaling events related to oxidative stress. Adverse consequences of the reactions of oxoammonium compounds may partially offset the putative beneficial effects of nitroxides in some therapeutic settings.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):572-579

Purpose. Ionizing radiation generates free radicals and reactive oxygen species that induce DNA damage in vivo. This study aimed to determine the relationship between serum reactive oxygen metabolite (ROM) levels and skin reaction after irradiation in a rat model. Methods and materials. I. Female Wistar rats were classified into 0 Gy (control), 2 Gy, and 30 Gy groups; serum ROM levels were measured in the very acute phase. II. Other female Wistar rats were classified into 0 Gy (control), 30 Gy, 50 Gy, and 70 Gy groups; serum ROM levels were measured before and 3, 7, 16, 24, 31, and 38 days after irradiation. Skin reaction was evaluated according to the SRS (0–5) twice every week. Results. Serum ROM levels in the subacute phase were significantly higher in the 50 and 70 Gy groups than in the 0 and 30 Gy groups [p = 0.029, repeated-measure analysis of variance (ANOVA)]. As expected, SRSs increased in the order of the 0 Gy, 30 Gy, 50 Gy, and 70 Gy groups and differed significantly among these groups (p < 0.001, repeated-measure ANOVA). Peak serum ROM levels were observed 16 days after irradiation in all irradiated groups and corresponded with the appearance of visible skin reaction after irradiation. Conclusions. Serum ROM levels may be useful for evaluating radiation damage in mammals. Further investigations are required to investigate changes in intracellular metabolism after irradiation at gene and protein levels.  相似文献   

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