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The removal of epoxy capsules cast on glass slides is facilitated by 1) partial polymerization and brief exposure to elevated temperature, and 2) use of a slide holder to support the hot slides and reduce the chance of breakage. With this procedure, plastic sections routinely dried onto glass slides are available for re-embedding and subsequent thin sectioning.  相似文献   

Botanical studies often require thick histological sections (for embryology, pollen and spore arrangement in tetrads, etc.). Study of the original position of the generative cell in Angiosperms, for example (Huynh 1972), requires paraffin sections bearing entire pollen grains with a diameter of up to 80 μm. However, it is impossible to obtain ribbons with sections of such thickness. If the sections are affixed separately, they do not hold so strongly to slides as do those mounted as ribbons; this difficulty increases with thickness of section. in addition, affixing sections separately with the required order and spacing is tedious and difficult, demands a great deal of time, and even so, is not always successful. the simple method described here can remedy such inconveniences.  相似文献   

Methods are described for permanent micro-slide preparations of soft, large-celled plant tissues such as ripe fruit. Thick sections (200-800 [t) cut on a sliding microtome are aspirated in an aqueous killing agent; after fixing and washing, the sections are dehydrated and cleared in an alcohol-xylene series. Infiltration with 20, 30, and 40% solutions of mountant prior to mounting the sections is necessary to avoid too abrupt changes in the cleared tissues. Several staining methods have been successfully used for different purposes. The final preparations showed nearly perfect preservation of intact cells and intercellular spaces in their 3-dimension-al structure.  相似文献   

A procedure is described in which thick sections (2-10μ or more) of plastic-embedded plant tissues are mounted in serial order on slides for use in routine light microscopy. Sections are cut with a steel knife on a rotary microtome while the block and blade are bathed with 40% alcohol. The cut sections are placed, in order, in 50% alcohol in the small wells of modified plastic trays where they become flat, pliable and suitable for subsequent handling. Sections remain separate and in correct order in the trays while they are stained, washed, and prepared for final mounting on slides. Mounting involves a simple and rapid procedure of transferring the sections to a slide and heating first on a 70-75 C hot plate (to slowly evaporate the water around the section and to partially affix the section) and then on a 100 C hot plate. This second heating ensures adhesion when xylene-base mounting media, which tend to loosen weakly adhered plastic from the slides, are used. The technique of staining the sections loose provides the following advantages: (1) the problems of section loss and entrapment of stain between section and slide during staining are eliminated, (2) relatively high staining temperature, akalinity, and alcohol concentration of the stain solvent (all of which promote loosening of pm-affixed sections from slides during staining) is allowed, and (3) staining is more even and selective. The procedure has been found to be reliable and fast enough to be of value in a significant variety of routine light microscope studies.  相似文献   

For many years, a variant of the silver impregnation technique of Bielchowsky has been used to study the lymph node because it clearly outlines the various structures which are usually hard to contrast with standard staining methods. Like other variants of silver impregnation, this method blackens the cell nuclei as well as the reticular fibers; however, it inhibits the impregnation of the nuclear chromatin immediately adjacent to fibers. Hence, this variant selectively darkens the lymphoid cell populations of the nodal structures which contain a loose fiber network.

To study the blood vascular network of the lymph node based on perfusion of colloidal carbon, a staining procedure was needed which would contrast nodal structures on thick sections, while allowing the carbon-filled small blood vessels to be distinguished from the impregnated coarse reticular fibers. In an attempt to adapt this variant of Bielchowsky's technique, 10, 20, 40 and 60 nm thick sections from rat nodes, fixed in a solution of Bouin-Hollande for 72 hr, were silver impregnated with serial dilutions (1:2 to 1:128) of the ammoniacal silver solution. Forty-micrometer thick sections impregnated with a 1:16 dilution of the original silver solution at 37 C and for 30 min provided the best results for the conditions.  相似文献   

An effective cytochemical technique for the simultaneous demonstration of lipids, polysaccharides and protein bodies in the same section from the tissue embedded in Epon 812 is described. Thick sections of peanut cotyledon are used for a typical sample according to the following procelures. Firstly, PAS reaction: (1) Oxidize sections in 0.5% periodic acid in 0.3% nitric acid for 10 min, (2) Wash in running water for 1–2 min and then pass through distilled water, (3) Stain in Schiff's reagent for 30 min, (4) Wash in sodium metabisulfite 3 times, 2 min for each time, (5) Wash in running water for 5 min and then pass through distilled water. Secondly, Sudan black B staining: (1) Rinse section in 70% ethanol for 1-2 min, (2) Stain in fresh 1% Sudan black B in 70% ethanol for 30–60 min at 40–60℃, (3)Rinse in 70% ethanol for 1 min and then in distilled water. Thirdly, Coomassie brilliant blue R staining: (1) Rinse sections in 7% acetic acid for 1–2 min, (2) Stain in I% Coomassie brilliant blue R in 7% acetic acid for 20 min at 60℃, (3) Differentiate in 0.1% acetic acid for I min, (4) Rinse in lunning water for 5 min and then pass through distilled water, (5) Dry at room temperature or in oven, 40℃. The dry sections mount in glycerin-gelatin. After the above three step staining, the three main compounds of the cell can be stained simultaneously. Starch grains and cellulose cell wall take cherry red colour, lipids appear in black, protein bodies are blue. The sealed slides can be kept permanently.  相似文献   

A 24 hour start-to-finish method is described for the preparation of three-micronthick sections of decalcified hard tissues. Following acetone dehydration, the tissue to be embedded is infiltrated under vacuum with a series of graded clearing solutions which approach the content of the final methyl methacrylate mixture. After overnight in a 35 C oven, the plastic is polymerizd by four hours heating at 42 C. Three-micron-thick sections are then easily prepared using a Jung microtome for high resolution histologic or detailed autoradiographic procedures.  相似文献   

Sections of undecalcified human fetuses, fixed in formaldehyde, embedded in the epoxy resin Biodur E 12 and cut on a diamond-wire saw were stained according to a slight modification of the method described by Laczko and Levai. The sections were immersed in a methylene blue/azure II solution at 90 C for at least 3 min and counterstained with a basic fuchsin solution at the same temperature. Differential staining was as follows: bone stained pinkish; cartilage, violet; collagen fibers, blue-violet; elastic fibers, red and muscle fibers, green-blue. Most other tissues were stained blue-violet against the transparent background of the embedding epoxy resin. Thanks to the distinct and differential staining of each tissue, contrast is sufficient for black and white as well as for color photography.  相似文献   

Observations on gross morphology of the human brain is greatly facilitated by enhancing the contrast between gray and white matter. The proposed technique is much more simple than the generally recommended Mulligan method and its variations. Moreover, there is no loss of stain since the fugitive surface impregnation, obtained by the Mulligan method, is replaced by a thoroughgoing block-staining procedure with the nonfading copper phthalocyanine dye astra blue. Staining procedure: wash formalin-fixed brain slices overnight in running tap water. Place slices in performic acid for 1 hour. Wash in running tap water. Place slices individually in staining solution consisting of 0.1 g astra blue (Merck) in 1000 cc distilled water and 1 cc HCl (37%), for 12-24 hours. Wash in running tap water. Embed in gelatin and mount in plastic cuvettes.  相似文献   

We have performed a computer assisted image analysis evaluation of the effects of two preparation protocols on morphological variables and immunolabeling density of secretory granules using rat adenohypophysis as a model. Glutaraldehyde (GA) fixation for 2 hr and chemical dehydration was compared with short GA fixation (15 min) followed by cryofixation and freeze-drying (CF-FD). The 2 hr GA fixed specimens showed spherical nuclei and secretory granules regardless of their size, contrasting with the more irregularly shaped nuclei and secretory granules after short GA-CF-FD. In the latter group of specimens a correlation could be found between smaller nuclear areas and more irregular shapes. The differences in morphological variables between the two preparation protocols might be due to a better protein stabilization and a reduced collapse of macromolecules after the 2 hr GA fixation, strengthened by the chemical dehydration. The specific immunolabeling with antiserum to growth hormone was much greater but more varied after short time GA-CF-FD than after long GA fixation. Epon surface topography over the granule area also differed: smooth after short time GA-CF-FD and furrowed after long GA fixation. Our results, demonstrating important differences in morphological parameters and immunolabeling density between two common preparation protocols, seem critical for more reliable interpretation in quantitative immunoelectron microscopy. We also emphasize the need for computer assisted image analysis and measurements in immunoelectron microscopy to ensure objective evaluations.  相似文献   

The study of the agent associated with the mild type of Hydrangea virescence in France involved three steps, with the aid of transmission electron microscope (TEM). In the first step, we observed the presence of polymorphic procaryotes in thephloem sieve tubes of diseased plants and their absence from corresponding healthy plant parts. The procaryotes were detected in the areas suspected in 1000 nm thick sections stained with thionin-acridine orange. In the next step, the ultrastructure of their unit membrane was studied at magnifications higher than 100 000. The two osmiophilic layers of the membrane were 6 nm distant and no preliminary parietal shape was detected. These observations on ultrathin (60 nm) sections allowed us to classify the, particles into the class “Mollicutes”. The third step involving the examination of 350–1000 nm thick sections revealed the absence of spiral forms. The TEM observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the agents associated with the mild type of Hydrangea virescence observed in France should be included within the MLO group. A method specially adjusted to the fixation of MLO inside sieve tubes has been mentioned.  相似文献   

Serial sections of 350 nm thickness were used to make a correlation between electron and light microscopic observations. While thionin-acridine orange staining gave a positive result to detect abnormal sieve tubes of phyllody affected Phlox drummondii Hook, when observed under light microscope, the same cells revealed the presence of typical mycoplasmalike organisms (MLOs) in electron microscopic examination. Advantage of 350 nm thick sections in electron microscopy, and the utility of the technique in MLO detection have been discussed.  相似文献   

A simple and safe device for spreading ultrathin sections for electron microscopy is described. The use of this device minimizes the release of chloroform vapor during section spreading.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that Herr's 41/2 clearing fluid, developed for use with plant tissues, can be successfully used for the microscopic examination of thick sections of normal and neoplastic mammalian tissues. Rat Novikoff hepatoma, rat liver, and human colon and skin samples were fixed in Bouin's, stained with iron hematoxylm, treated with Herr's 41/2 clearing fluid and examined by phase contrast miaoscopy. Tissue architecture and cytological detail were easily observed by focusing through tissue Sections as thick as 70μ. The method permits rapid microscopic examination of mammalian tissues and enables the investigator to detect readily morphological abnormalities within a tissue.  相似文献   

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