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Serotype conversion (O-antigen glucosylation) in Shigella flexneri is mediated by temperate bacteriophages, which encode a three-gene cluster that contains gtrA, gtrB, and gtr([type]). Sequence analysis has revealed that gtrA and gtrB are conserved and readily interchangeable between serotypes. The gtr([type]) is unique in each serotype and responsible for specifically mediating conversion by the addition of a glucosyl group to the O-antigen units. Analysis of the GtrA and GtrB amino acid sequence using computer prediction programs indicated that GtrA and GtrB have four and two transmembrane segments, respectively. The topology model of GtrA was analyzed by constructing consecutive sandwich fusions using a dual reporter PhoA/LacZ at predetermined positions targeting each of the 3 cytoplasmic and 2 periplasmic hypothetical loops. The topology of GtrB was determined by constructing C-terminal truncated fusions of GtrB to full-length PhoA and LacZ by a PCR-mediated method. These approaches revealed that GtrA consists of four transmembrane segments with both the N-terminal and C-terminal ends in the cytoplasm. Accordingly, GtrB consists of two transmembrane segments with both ends also in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, membrane anchorage of the extended N-terminal end of GtrB was found to be important in catalysis. This study completes the topology of all three proteins (GtrA, GtrB, and the gtr([type]): GtrV) involved in the glucosyltransferase activity that results in serotype conversion of S. flexneri. A model is proposed showing how both O-antigen synthesis and modification take place in S. flexneri.  相似文献   

The modification of the LPS O-antigen, seen in the diverse serotypes of Shigella flexneri is brought about by the glucosyltransferases (Gtr) and the O-acetyltransferase (Oac). In this study, we establish the membrane topology of Oac using the dual reporter PhoA-LacZα. We have determined that Oac is an integral membrane protein with 10 transmembrane regions. The hydrophilic N- and C-termini are oriented in the cytoplasm. Functionally important cytoplasmic and periplasmic loops have also been identified. Furthermore, cytoplasmic residues R73 and R75R76 were found to be critical to Oac function.  相似文献   

The VapC toxin from the Shigella flexneri 2a virulence plasmid pMYSH6000 belongs to the PIN domain protein family, which is characterized by a conserved fold with low amino acid sequence conservation. The toxin is a bona fide Mg2+‐dependent ribonuclease and has been shown to target initiator tRNAfMet in vivo. Here, we present crystal structures of active site catalytic triad mutants D7A, D7N, and D98N of the VapC toxin in absence of antitoxin. In all structures, as well as in solution, VapC forms a dimer. In the D98N structure, a Hepes molecule occupies both active sites of the dimer and comparison with the structure of RNase H bound to a DNA/RNA hybrid suggests that the Hepes molecule mimics the position of an RNA nucleotide in the VapC active site. Proteins 2016; 84:892–899. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sarcospan is a component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex that forms a tight subcomplex with the sarcoglycans. The sarcoglycan-sarcospan subcomplex functions to stabilize α-dystroglycan at the plasma membrane and perturbations of this subcomplex are associated with autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. In order to characterize protein interactions within this subcomplex, we first demonstrate that sarcospan forms homo-oligomers within the membrane. Experiments with a panel of site-directed mutants reveal that proper structure of the large extracellular loop is an important determinant of oligo formation. Furthermore, the intracellular N- and C-termini contribute to stability of sarcospan-mediated webs. Point mutation of each cysteine residue reveals that Cys 162 and Cys 164 within the large extracellular loop form disulfide bridges, which are critical for proper sarcospan structure. The extracellular domain of sarcospan also forms the main binding site for the sarcoglycans. We propose a model whereby sarcospan forms homo-oligomers that cluster the components of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex within the membrane.  相似文献   

The chemical structure of the O-antigen of a proposed new provisional serotype of Shigella flexneri has been determined. Methylation analysis, GLC-MS, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR showed that the linear O-antigenic polysaccharide is the same as for all S. flexneri [Kenne, L., Lindberg, B., Petersson, K. & Romanowska, E. (1977) Carbohydr. Res. 56, 363-370]. A novel structural feature is that the disaccharide alpha-D-Glcp-(1----2)-alpha-D-Glcp is linked to O4 of the N-acetyl-glucosamine residue. (Formula: see text) Western blotting of the lipopolysaccharide with an E. coli R3 core-specific monoclonal antibody, suggested the presence of an E. coli R3 core.  相似文献   

志贺氏菌引起的细菌性痢疾为一种全球性的肠道传染病。据估计,全世界每年感染的人数超过两亿,由该病引起的死亡人数有65万左右[1]。该菌的致病性是由体内含有230kb的毒性大质粒决定的,而大质粒上一个31kb的片段所编码的侵袭质粒抗原(IInvasion plasmid antigen,Ipa)是致病所必需的[2,3]。近年来,国内外有关学者在原核生物中对ipaB基因克隆及功能进行了较广泛的研究[4,5],但在酵母细胞中这方面的研究未见报导。从志贺痢疾杆菌中克隆了ipaB基因,并在酵母细胞中得到了融合表达,为将IpaB应用于双杂交系统研究其在侵袭过程中的分子机制打下了基础。  相似文献   

C‐Glycosides are characterized by their C–C bonds in which the anomeric carbon of the sugar moieties is directly bound to the carbon atom of aglycon. C‐Glycosides are remarkably stable, as their C–C bonds are resistant to glycosidase or acid hydrolysis. A variety of plant species are known to accumulate C‐glycosylflavonoids; however, the genes encoding for enzymes that catalyze C‐glycosylation of flavonoids have been identified only from Oryza sativa (rice) and Zea mays (maize), and have not been identified from dicot plants. In this study, we identified the C‐glucosyltransferase gene from the dicot plant Fagopyrum esculentum M. (buckwheat). We purified two isozymes from buckwheat seedlings that catalyze C‐glucosylation of 2‐hydroxyflavanones, which are expressed specifically in the cotyledon during seed germination. Following purification we isolated the cDNA corresponding to each isozyme [FeCGTa (UGT708C1) and FeCGTb (UGT708C2)]. When expressed in Escherichia coli, both proteins demonstrated C‐glucosylation activity towards 2‐hydroxyflavanones, dihydrochalcone, trihydroxyacetophenones and other related compounds with chemical structures similar to 2′,4′,6′‐trihydroxyacetophenone. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of plant glycosyltransferases shows that flavonoid C‐glycosyltransferases form a different clade with other functionally analyzed plant glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

The thyA gene which codes for thymidylate synthase has been cloned and sequenced from the wild-type Shigella flexneri Y strain SH4 and a thyA mutant TSF21 after amplifying the gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The nucleotide sequence revealed 98% homology to the E. coli K-12 thyA gene. The sequence of the wild-type thyA gene of Shigella flexneri Y was identical with that of the thyA mutant except that the residue T at position 345 was replaced by residue A in the thyA mutant. This change would cause a predicted amino acid substitution of leucine at position 44 in the polypeptide product of the wild type by glutamine in the mutant. Thus, Leu44 may be critical in enzymatic activity of the thyA gene product thymidylate synthase.  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri causes bacillary dysentery, an important cause of mortality among children in the developing world. Shigella secretes effector proteins via its type III secretion system (T3SS) to promote bacterial uptake into human colonic epithelial cells. The T3SS basal body spans the bacterial cell envelope anchoring a surface‐exposed needle. A pentamer of invasion plasmid antigen D lies at the nascent needle tip and invasion plasmid antigen B (IpaB) is recruited into the needle tip complex on exposure to bile salts. From here, IpaB forms a translocon pore in the host cell membrane. Although the mechanism by which IpaB inserts into the membrane is unknown, it was recently shown that recombinant IpaB can exist as either a monomer or tetramer. Both of these forms of IpaB associate with membranes, however, only the tetramer forms pores in liposomes. To reveal differences between these membrane‐binding events, Cys mutations were introduced throughout IpaB, allowing site‐specific fluorescence labeling. Fluorescence quenching was used to determine the influence of oligomerization and/or membrane association on the accessibility of different IpaB regions to small solutes. The data show that the hydrophobic region of tetrameric IpaB is more accessible to solvent relative to the monomer. The hydrophobic region appears to promote membrane interaction for both forms of IpaB, however, more of the hydrophobic region is protected from solvent for the tetramer after membrane association. Limited proteolysis demonstrated that changes in IpaB's oligomeric state may determine the manner by which it associates with phospholipid membranes and the subsequent outcome of this association. Proteins 2014; 82:3013–3022. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

AgaXa is a thermostable β-agarase from the agar-degrading bacterium Catenovulum sp. X3. To further understand the mechanism of protein stabilization of AgaXa, several mutants were generated by random and site-directed mutagenesis, and they were subsequently screened by analysing their enzymatic activity and thermostability. Four mutants (V197D, P259H, C442S and C528S) were found for which the enzyme activity and thermostability were significantly decreased. Moreover, secondary structures determined by circular dichroism (CD) showed that mutants V197D and P259H presented a higher percentage of α-helix but fewer β-strands than wild-type (WT) AgaXa. On the contrary, no significant changes were observed in the secondary structures of mutants C442S and C528S. Through the treatment by proteinase K, different digested profiles were generated from mutants V197D and P259H when compared to WT, and mutants C442S and C528S was observed with more digested protein fragments. These results indicate that the enzymatic activity and stability of AgaXa is mainly related to its hydrophobic structure and disulphide bonds. Furthermore, carbohydrate-binding ability was also analysed for the mutants of N- and C-terminal deletions, and the results showed that agarose binding capability was not changed, indicating that the carbohydrate-binding module is probably located in the middle of the β-agarase AgaXa.  相似文献   

We report a comprehensive analysis of the numbers, lengths and amino acid compositions of transmembrane helices in 235 high-resolution structures of integral membrane proteins. The properties of 1551 transmembrane helices in the structures were compared with those obtained by analysis of the same amino acid sequences using topology prediction tools. Explanations for the 81 (5.2%) missing or additional transmembrane helices in the prediction results were identified. Main reasons for missing transmembrane helices were mis-identification of N-terminal signal peptides, breaks in α-helix conformation or charged residues in the middle of transmembrane helices and transmembrane helices with unusual amino acid composition. The main reason for additional transmembrane helices was mis-identification of amphipathic helices, extramembrane helices or hairpin re-entrant loops. Transmembrane helix length had an overall median of 24 residues and an average of 24.9 ± 7.0 residues and the most common length was 23 residues. The overall content of residues in transmembrane helices as a percentage of the full proteins had a median of 56.8% and an average of 55.7 ± 16.0%. Amino acid composition was analysed for the full proteins, transmembrane helices and extramembrane regions. Individual proteins or types of proteins with transmembrane helices containing extremes in contents of individual amino acids or combinations of amino acids with similar physicochemical properties were identified and linked to structure and/or function. In addition to overall median and average values, all results were analysed for proteins originating from different types of organism (prokaryotic, eukaryotic, viral) and for subgroups of receptors, channels, transporters and others.  相似文献   

Jung JH  Jung TY  Seo DH  Yoon SM  Choi HC  Park BC  Park CS  Woo EJ 《Proteins》2011,79(2):633-644
Amylomaltase, or 4‐α‐glucanotransferase (EC, is involved in glycogen and maltooligosaccharide metabolism in microorganisms, catalyzing both the hydrolysis and transfer of an α‐1,4‐oligosacchraride to other sugar molecules. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of amylomaltase from Thermus brockianus at a resolution of 2.3 Å and conducted a biochemical study to understand the detailed mechanism for its activity. Careful comparison with previous amylomaltase structures showed a pattern of conformational flexibility in the 250s loop with higher B‐factor. Amylomaltase from T. brockianus exhibited a high transglycosylation factor for glucose and a lower value for maltose. Mutation of Gln256 resulted in increased Km for maltotriose and a sharp decrease of the transglycosylation factor for maltose, suggesting the involvement of Gln 256 in substrate binding between subsites +1 and +2. Mutation of Phe251 resulted in significantly lower glucose production but increased maltose production from maltopentose substrates, showing an altered substrate‐binding affinity. The mutational data suggest the conformational flexibility of the loop may be involved in substrate binding in the GH77 family. Here, we present an action model of the 250s loop providing the molecular basis for the involvement of residues Phe251, Gln256, and Trp258 in the hydrolysis and transglycosylation activities in amylomaltase. Proteins 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cost of reproduction is a pivotal trade-off with various biological processes during the evolution of organisms. However, the genes and molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of balancing reproductive capacity and its cost are still largely unknown. Here, we present a comprehensive study on the evolution, expression, and biological functions of a newly evolved pair of X-linked polyubiquitin tandemly duplicated genes, CG32744 and CG11700, of which the duplication event occurred in Drosophila melanogaster lineage after the split from D. simulans clade. We found that CG32744 retains conserved polyubiquitin-coding sequences across Drosophila species and is ubiquitously expressed, whereas CG11700 has accumulated numerous amino acid changes and shows a male-specific expression pattern. Null mutants of CG11700 have a higher male fecundity but shorter lifespan, whereas its overexpression decreases male fecundity. In contrast, the null mutants of the peptide-conserved CG32744 do not exhibit such phenotypes. These results suggest that CG11700 might have experienced neofunctionalization and evolved important functions in the trade-off between male fecundity and lifespan and that CG32744 likely has retained the ancestral function.  相似文献   

Liu Q  Zhu H 《Gene》2008,416(1-2):1-10
The Leishmania genome project has identified new genes at a rapid rate. The 32.8-megabase haploid genome of Leishmania major (Friedlin strain) is published and the comparative analysis of genome sequences of two other species, Leishmania infantum and Leishmanai braziliensis has been done. The haploid genome of Leishmania major (Friedlin strain) has around 8272 protein-coding genes, of which only 36% can be ascribed a putative function. Out of these open reading frames around 910 Leishmania major genes have no orthologs in the other two Tritryp genomes. These “Leishmania -restricted” genes hold a potential as novel drug targets and potential vaccine candidates. Open reading frame, ORFF, is a single copy gene located on the chromosome 35 as a part of the multigene LD1 locus. Indirect immunofluorescence study and creation of ORFF-GFP fusion showed that ORFF is localized in the DNA containing compartments of Leishmania donovani, the nucleus and the kinetoplast. In order to characterize ORFF gene of L. donovani, we have created ORFF over-expressors and single allele deletion mutants by homologous replacement strategy. ORFF is likely to be an important gene for the parasite growth since results from over-expression studies and characterization of ORFF heterozygous knockout mutants reveal marked alterations in the cell cycle phenotype compared to the wild-type parasites. Flowcytometry based cell cycle analysis showed selective increase in the DNA synthetic phase of the ORFF over-expressors and a subversion of the same in heterozygous knockouts of ORFF suggesting its potential role in cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

MxiG is a single-pass membrane protein that oligomerizes within the inner membrane ring of the Shigella flexneri type III secretion system (T3SS). The MxiG N-terminal domain (MxiG-N) is the predominant cytoplasmic structure; however, its role in T3SS assembly and secretion is largely uncharacterized. We have determined the solution structure of MxiG-N residues 6-112 (MxiG-N(6-112)), representing the first published structure of this T3SS domain. The structure shows strong structural homology to forkhead-associated (FHA) domains. Canonically, these cell-signaling modules bind phosphothreonine (Thr(P)) via highly conserved residues. However, the putative phosphate-binding pocket of MxiG-N(6-112) does not align with other FHA domain structures or interact with Thr(P). Furthermore, mutagenesis of potential phosphate-binding residues has no effect on S. flexneri T3SS assembly and function. Therefore, MxiG-N has a novel function for an FHA domain. Positioning of MxiG-N(6-112) within the EM density of the S. flexneri needle complex gives insight into the ambiguous stoichiometry of the T3SS, supporting models with 24 MxiG subunits in the inner membrane ring.  相似文献   

The structure of the repeating unit of the O-antigen polysaccharide from Shigella flexneri provisional serotype 88-893 has been determined. 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy as well as 2D NMR experiments were employed to elucidate the structure. The carbohydrate part of the hexasaccharide repeating unit is identical to the previously elucidated structure of the O-polysaccharide from S. flexneri prov. serotype Y394. The O-antigen of S. flexneri prov. serotype 88-893 carries 0.7 mol O-acetyl group per repeating unit located at O-2 of the 3-substituted rhamnosyl residue, as identified by H2BC and BS-CT-HMBC NMR experiments. The O-antigen polysaccharide is composed of hexasaccharide repeating units with the following structure: →2)-α-l-Rhap-(1→2)-α-l-Rhap-(1→3)-α-l-Rhap2Ac-(1→3)[α-d-Glcp-(1→2)-α-d-Glcp-(1→4)]-β-d-GlcpNAc-(1→. Serological studies showed that type antigens for the two provisional serotypes are identical; in addition 88-893 expresses S. flexneri group factor 6 antigen. We propose that provisional serotypes Y394 and 88-893 be designated as two new serotypes 7a and 7b, respectively, in the S. flexneri typing scheme.  相似文献   

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