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Celloidin stabilized pre-epithelial mucus gel (PMG) is stained in cryostat sections of the rat colon for light microscopic lectin histochemistry. Specific sugar residues of the mucins are demonstrated both in the PMG and in the mucin-containing cells of the mucosa.  相似文献   

Enzymes and tissue antigens were localized on plastic embedded undecalcified bones and teeth using Technovit 7200 VLC (Kulzer, Germany). This resin is hard enough for cutting and grinding procedures on rotating plates with diamond layers. The pores between the diamond grains are not obstructed with this resin. The procedure described here permits localization of antigens in the soft tissues adjacent to, or in the biological hard tissues themselves and in dental implants (ceramic or metallic) on the light microscopic level. The undecalcified bone is fixed and embedded in plastic and cut at 100-150 μm. The slices are ground automatically by a grinding machine to a thickness of 5-10 μm. After application of the substrates for alkaline and acid phosphatases and the required dyes, the distribution of these enzymes can be demonstrated. Tissue antigens also can be detected with slightly modified standard techniques of immunohistochemistry and lectin histochemistry using the peroxidase technique or fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Evaluation of cryofixation and paraffin and glycol methacrylate embedding showed that lectin binding was essentially independent of the embedding medium. Fluorescence intensity increased in the following order: glycol methacrylate, paraffin and cryostat sections, The optical resolution increased in the reverse order. Semi-thin glycol methacrylate sections provided satisfactory fluorescence intensities and the best resolution of all embedding techniques applied. Furthermore the lectin treated sections can be stained further using routine histological or specific histochemical methods. The potassium hy-droxide/alcian blue/periodic acid-phenylhydra-zine-Schiff method was used successfully to demonstrate sulfated and nonsulfated sialomucins. Lectins combined with mucin histochemistry allowed visualization of specific sugar residues in the same glycol methacrylate plastic section.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is an industrial and environmental pollutant that produces toxic effects on gametogenesis, pre- and post-implantation embryos, and the placenta. Because the effects of acute Cd intoxication on the placenta are not well understood, we investigated changes in its glycosylated components in Cd treated dams at days 4, 7, 10 and 15 of gestation using lectin histochemistry. CdCl2 was administered to pregnant rats; control animals received sterile normal saline. Placentas were processed for DBA, Con A, SBA, PNA, UEA-I, RCA-I and WGA lectin histochemistry to evaluate changes in the carbohydrate pattern of the placenta that might modify cell interactions and contribute to embryonic alterations. Lectin binding was analyzed in the yolk sac; trophoblast giant cells; trophoblast I, II and III; spongiotrophoblast cells and endovascular trophoblast cells in the chorioallantoic placenta. Our lectin binding patterns showed that Cd caused alteration of SBA and DBA labeling of trophoblast-derived cells, which suggested increased expressions of α and β GalNAc. Cd also caused decreased UEA-1 binding affinity, which indicated fewer α-L-Fuc residues in placentas of Cd treated dams. The nonreactivity in trophoblast I of the control placentas incubated with Con-A contrasted with the labeling in placentas of experimental dams, which indicated increased expression of terminal α-D-Man, and α-D-Glc residues. We found that Cd altered the reactivity of placenta to several lectins, which indicated modification of the glycotype presented by the fetal component of the placenta. We report that Cd exerts a deleterious effect on the glycosylation pattern of the placenta.  相似文献   

采用醋酸铵缓冲液抽提、硫酸铵分级沉淀、阴离子交换和分子排阻层析等方法,首次从苦荞麦中提取出一种苦荞凝集素(tatary buckwheat lectin,TBL). MTT检测发现,TBL对3种结肠癌细胞 DLD-1、HCT116及SW480的增殖有显著的抑制作用,且呈剂量依赖效应,而对正常细胞及其它类型癌细胞的增殖无明显影响. 采用兔网织红细胞裂解系统和荧光素酶检测系统检测TBL对蛋白质合成的影响,结果表明,随着TBL浓度的增大,蛋白质翻译抑制作用逐渐增强,当TBL浓度为40 μg/mL时荧光素酶活性下降至50%. 另外,TBL与兔网织红细胞裂解系统作用后,核糖体RNA出现新的片段,表明TBL具有N-糖苷酶的活性. 将HCT116细胞总RNA与TBL体外作用后,发现二者存在明显的相互作用,核糖体RNA被降解. qRT-PCR检测显示,TBL明显下调HCT116细胞中多种microRNAs (miRNAs) 表达. 综合以上实验得出,TBL是一种Ⅱ型核糖体失活蛋白(type-Ⅱ ribosome-inactivating protein, Ⅱ-RIP)类的植物凝集素,具有N-糖苷酶活性,可下调肠癌细胞中多种miRNAs的表达,抑制结肠癌细胞增殖.  相似文献   

Abstract. This histochemical and ultrastructural study describes the epidermal gland cells of a tubicolous polychaete, Branchiomma luctuosum . The histochemistry was carried out using standard techniques and FITC-labelled lectins. Four types of secretory cells were identified in two categories: orthochromatic cells (Type 1) and metachromatic cells (Types 2, 3, and 4). The secretory product of the Type-1 orthochromatic cells contains neutral glycoproteins with Galβ1,3GalNAc residues. Metachromatic cells produce acidic, mainly sulfated, glycoconjugates with Galβ1,3GalNAc residues (Type 2) or glucosidic and/or mannosidic residues (Types 3 and 4). In sialylated chains, terminal sialic acid is bound to the penultimate GalNAc and Galβ1,3GalNAc residues. The complex composition of the mucus produced by epidermal gland cells of B. luctuosum may be correlated with its different functions. Ultrastructural studies of the epidermal gland cells showed differing morphology, and the presence in the gland cells of Types 3 and 4 of a funnel-shaped structure for the extrusion of the secretory material.  相似文献   

3,3'-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) is widely used as a chromogen for visualization of horseradish peroxidase activity in neuroanatomical tracing experiments and in immunohistochemistry. The product of the enzymatically catalyzed oxidation of DAB by hydrogen peroxide is brown and nonfluorescent. In frozen sections of formaldehyde fixed rat and mouse brain that had been exposed to DAB either alone or with hydrogen peroxide, we observed strong greenish fluorescence in myelinated nerve fibers and in the somata of some neurons. This fluorescence was not associated with brown coloration and was not due to endogenous peroxidase activity. Extractions, blocking reactions, and other histochemical tests indicate that the fluorescence resulted from the combination of DAB with aldehyde groups that were formed by oxidation of unsaturated linkages in lipids. DAB induced fluorescence provides a simple and useful demonstration of background anatomy in sections that also contain specifically localized deposits of peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is the characterization of the glycoconjugates of the spermatids during the spermiogenesis of the testis of an urodele amphibian, Pleurodeles waltl, by means of lectins in combination with several chemical and enzymatic procedures, in order to establish the distribution of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides in these cells. The acrosome was the most relevant lectin-labeled structure. The O-linked oligosaccharides contained DBA- and SBA-positive GalNAc, AAA-positive Fuc and PNA-positive Gal1,3GalNAc. Sialic acid was scarcely observed, the Neu5Ac2,-3Gal1,4GlcNAc sequence was found in N-linked oligosaccharides. Additionally, N-linked oligosaccharides containing HPA-positive GalNAc and AAA-positive Fuc were found. Moreover, with some lectins the acrosome showed a variable composition of the oligosaccharides in the different steps of the sperm maturation. Some residues were found only in the early steps in maturating acrosome, while others were in the later steps, showing that acrosomal glycoconjugates are modified during acrosome development in spermiogenesis. The changes observed during acrosome maturation suggest the existence of a predetermined pattern of storage of the acrosome components and a progressive compression of them.  相似文献   

We investigated carbohydrate residues on the epithelial surface, in the epithelial cells and in gland cells of the tongue of the mole rat using histochemical methods. We used horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins from Helix pomatia (HPA), Arachishypogaea (PNA), Ulexeuropaeus (UEA I), Canavaliaensiformis (Con A). The most intense reactivity was observed in the keratin layer with HPA, UEA I and Con A, and in the epithelial cells with UEA I and Con A. In the glands, we found strong reactivity in serous cells with HPA and Con A, and in mucous cells with HPA and UEA I. PNA did not bind to epithelial or gland cells. Consequently, GlcNAc, fucose and α-D-mannose terminal glycoconjugates are distributed widely; GalNAc terminal glycoconjugates appeared in small amounts.  相似文献   

We analyzed the gene and protein expression of serologically defined colon cancer antigen 8. Gene expression was upregulated in the maturing rat testis, and was localized to the spermatocytes. Protein was detected in the spermatids and at the sites of mRNA expression. Specific expression of colon cancer antigen 8 was observed in the maturing rat testis.  相似文献   

植物凝集素的分子生物学研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
植物凝集素是一类具有高度特异性糖结合活性的蛋白,含有一个或多个可与单糖或寡聚糖特异可逆结合的非催化结构域。它的糖结合特异性主要针对外源寡糖,主要生理功能是介异植物的防御反应。到目前为止已克隆了222个植物凝集素基因。作者就植物凝集素的分类、性质、功能、凝集素基因的克隆和凝集素的翻译后加工过程作一综述。  相似文献   

Lectin binding sites on the surface of Meloidogyne incognita Races 1, 2, 3, and 4; M. javanica; M. arenaria Races 1 and 2; and M. hapla Races A and B were determined with lectins conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate or colloidal gold. The amphidial exudate, which was demonstrated histochemically to contain carbohydrate, was the principal binding site. Some lectins also bound to the external cuticular surface. Species and race specific binding patterns were observed for both amphidial and cuticular binding sites.  相似文献   

探究酵母多糖(Zymosan)对人朗格汉斯细胞(Langerhans cells, LCs)C型凝集素受体(C-type lectin receptors, CLRs)的影响。收集健康志愿者血液样本,Ficoll淋巴细胞分离液分离外周血单个核细胞,CD14磁珠分选CD14+细胞,用含有GM-CSF(1 000 U/mL)、IL-4(1 000 U/mL)、TGFβ-1(10 ng/mL)的培养液诱导培养LCs, Zymosan刺激LCs,8、24 h后收集细胞。提取Zymosan实验组和对照组细胞RNA,实时RT PCR分析5种CLRs(Dectin-1、Dectin-2、DC-SIGN、Mincle、MRC-2) mRNA的水平,扩增产物测序鉴定。共检测10个个体来源LCs在酵母多糖刺激后其CLRs mRNA变化的情况。在10组样本中,有6组Dectin 2受体mRNA较对照组增加(变化倍数≥2),其中3组增加明显(变化倍数≥5),最大增加倍数为20.91;有5组Mincle受体mRNA较对照组增加(变化倍数≥2),其中4组增加明显(变化倍数≥5),最大增加倍数为19.98;有1组MRC-2受体mRNA较对照组明显增加(变化倍数≥5)。Dectin-1和DC-SIGN受体mRNA没有增加。Zymosan能增加部分个体来源LCs内Dectin-2、Mincle和MRC-2受体mRNA的水平,而对Dectin-1和DC-SIGN受体mRNA的水平没有影响。本研究结果完善了Zymosan调节机体免疫功能的作用机制。  相似文献   

细胞膜表面糖复合物的糖链结构与肿瘤细胞增殖、侵染、转移等发展过程密切相关.凝集素芯片技术的出现实现了对癌症的糖组进行快速、高通量的检测.通过模式细胞系PANC-1证明了构建的凝集素芯片体系的准确性、重复性、特异性,应用这一芯片体系初步检测了几种癌细胞系(HT-29、SGC-7901、BEL-7402、H460)的膜表面糖链表达.这几种癌细胞系表面都有唾液酸、乙酰葡萄糖/葡萄糖、乙酰半乳糖/半乳糖、甘露糖等糖链.根据实验结果,推测它们的细胞膜表面α1-6岩藻糖链表达水平可能较高,而α1-3岩藻糖链表达水平较低;这些聚糖可能是癌症潜在的标志物.凝集素芯片有助于推动癌细胞膜表面糖链的快速分析和筛选出癌症相关的糖链标志物.  相似文献   

Lectins have been used to analyze variations in the distribution and density of exposed saccharides of the sperm plasma membrane during physiologic maturation and after ejaculation. Studies have been conducted in a number of nonprimate species but have been conducted to only a limited extent in nonhuman primates. In this study, pure suspensions of chimpanzee sperm from the caput and cauda epididymis and from the ejaculate were labeled with lectins conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate in order to visualize changes in the distribution of exposed membrane glycocomponents. The lectins used were Con A, DBA, RCA-I, and WGA. Con A binding showed minimal change during epididymal transit, with an increased binding to the flagellum after ejaculation. DBA binding was relatively constant in all specimens. RCA-I showed distinct changes in binding pattern between epididymal and ejaculated sperm. On ejaculated sperm strong fluorescence was limited to the posterior head and to the midpiece. WGA binding increased during epididymal passage and decreased after ejaculation. There appears to be a wide variety of saccharide groups available for lectin binding on the surface of epididymal and ejaculated chimpanzee sperm. The general similarity in binding patterns of caput and cauda epididymal chimpanzee sperm exposed to Con A and DBA might reflect the fact that sperm morphology does not change during epididymal transit in this species, thus implying a more stable membrane structure than is present in other primates so far studied.  相似文献   

利用光学和荧光显微镜比较研究几种植物细胞壁组织化学定位染色方法和技术,结果表明:(1)硫酸消化法和硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染法研究凯氏带,对取材时间和部位要求高,建议两种方法配合使用,可相互印证是否具凯氏带;(2)苏丹7B染色法,蓝色激发光下不染色和硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染研究细胞壁栓质层3种方法中,不染色蓝色激发光下结果比苏丹7B染色法敏感显色,但苏丹7B染色法在普通光学显微镜下观察较为便捷;(3)木质化细胞壁染色方法中硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染法比间苯三酚-盐酸染色法易显色观察;(4)甲苯胺兰快速染色细胞壁取代常规苏丹Ⅲ/Ⅳ法,细胞边界和层次更清楚。  相似文献   

本文报道经亲和层析纯化的三齿草藤凝集素(VBL)的糖含量和糖组分的测定结果。经酚-硫酸法测得VBL的总糖含量为4.7%。应用高效液相色谱法对一系列已知标准单糖的定性定量分析条件进行了探索,选用乙腈-水-甲醇=60:30:5体系作流动相,YWG-NH_2作固定相,在高效液相色谱仪中测出VBL含有核糖和鼠李糖,二者摩尔数之比为9.4:1。  相似文献   

一种新型家蝇蛹凝集素结构的初步探讨*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步分析了分离出的一种分子量为55kDa,具有免疫活性的新型家蝇蛹D-半乳糖结合凝集素的结构,为深入研究其结构与功能之间的关系提供大量的信息。首先通过凝胶电泳染色确定此新型家蝇蛹凝集素具有糖链结构,借助蛋白质测序仪、分光光度计比色、β-消除反应、红外光谱以及原子力显微镜技术对其结构进行初步分析。此种家蝇蛹凝集素是一种蛋白和糖含量分别为97.36% 和2.1% 的球状单体,直径为75nm左右。肽链与糖链的连接方式为O-糖苷键型,肽链的N-末端封闭,糖环为吡喃型,为进一步分析其结构提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

运用阴离子交换层析从亲和纯的天花粉凝集囊中分离得到三个同工形式的凝集素,它们都具有结合半乳糖的能力,都能与天花粉凝集大的抗血清形成免疫沉淀线,并且其它各方面的性质如疏水结合能力也相仿。对它们生物学性质的检测,发现它们都能杀伤黑色素瘤细胞,但缺乏抑制无细胞蛋白质生物合成的能力。另外,对植物中同工形式凝集大的存在进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The intermediary metabolism of gallic acid by Aspergillus niger under the influence of some added inhibitors has been studied. The decomposition of gallic acid by lyophilized cells under fluoroacetate inhibition allowed cis-aconitic acid, α-ketoglutaric acid and citric acid to accumulate. A mechanism of gallic acid decomposition via cis-aconitic acid has been inferred.  相似文献   

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