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We investigated the effects of microwave irradiation on a safranin O staining method for paraffin sections of formalin fixed rabbit larynx. The control sections were stained according to the conventional method, and the experimental sections were stained in microwave oven for 10 sec at 360 W in Weigert's iron hematoxylin, and for 30 sec at 360 W in fast green and 0.1% safranin O staining solutions. Light microscopic examination of the sections revealed that the microwave heating did not adversely affect the staining properties of cartilage tissue compared to the conventional staining method. Small differences such as darker staining of the matrix and shrinkage of the cytoplasm was observed in some microwave treated sections. The present study revealed that microwave application can be used safely for the safranin O method with the advantage of reduced staining time.  相似文献   

Double Staining of Skeleton Using Microwave Irradiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fetal skeleton double staining method is used to reveal developmental abnormalities in the skeletal system. We used alizarin red S and al-cian blue successfully with microwave irradiation for skeletal double staining. The fixation time was reduced from 4-7 days to 2-2.5 min and the staining time was reduced from 4 days to 23 min.  相似文献   

This paper reports a technique using microwaves to assist penetration of stains into biopsy sections of muscle and peripheral nerve. The technique results in more consistent and reliable staining of tissue sections for examination by light microscopy.  相似文献   

This paper reports a technique using microwaves to assist penetration of stains into biopsy sections of muscle and peripheral nerve. The technique results in more consistent and reliable staining of tissue sections for examination by light microscopy.  相似文献   

Plant virus inclusion bodies can be stained specifically with established staining methods for light microscopy. The procedure can be augmented by a short microwave treatment to provide better staining intensity and reduced staining time. The method is useful for preliminary sampling prior to collection for electron microscopy and for plant pathologists, plant breeders, and diagnosticians as a rapid means of plant virus characterization.  相似文献   

The following technic is suggested for staining cell walls in shoot apexes: After the usual preliminary steps through 50% ethyl alcohol, stain in 1 % safranin 0 for 24 hours. Rinse in tap water and place in 2% aqueous tannic acid for 2 minutes. After rinsing in tap water, stain for 2 minutes in 1 part Delafield's hematoxylin to 2 parts distilled water and rinse in tap water. Remove excess hematoxylin with acidified water (1 drop cone. HC1 in 200 ml. water), then place slides in 0.5% lithium carbonate for 5 minutes. Dehydrate through an ethyl alcohol series, then transfer from absolute alcohol to a saturated solution of anilin blue in “methyl cellosolve” for 5-10 minutes. Wash in absolute alcohol, rinse in a solution of 25% methyl salicylate, 33% xylene, 42% absolute ethyl alcohol and clear for 10 minutes in a solution of 2 parts methyl salicylate, 1 part xylene, 1 part absolute ethyl alcohol. Transfer through two changes of xylene and mount in “clarite” or suitable alternate. The resulting preparations will have clearly defined, dark-staining cell walls and will photograph well when “Super Panchro-Press, Type B” film (Eastman Kodak Co.) is used in conjunction with suitable Wratten filters.  相似文献   

We describe a method in which microwave irradiation is used to reduce substantially the incubation time for immunoperoxidase staining of antigens in cryostat sections of pso-riatic skin. An incubation time of 5-9 min irradiation at 80 W generated similar or better staining intensity for all antibodies used compared to the standard methods using 30-60 min incubation at room temperature. Although we found that microwave irradiation could be used with all antibodies tested, independent of whether they recognized extracellular, membrane or cytoplasmic antigens in skin, the conditions needed to be optimized for each antibody.  相似文献   

Many of the antigens commonly investigated in histopathology can be enhanced by microwave pretreatment (MWPT) of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections. We developed a double labeling method using microwave heating to detect otherwise undetectable nuclear antigens combined.with immunohisto-chemistry (IHC) of cytoplasmic or membranous antigens that do not benefit from MWPT. We used the same primary antibody solutions used in single antibody IHC. The staining technique is based on the alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) and the labeled avidin-biotin (LSAB) methods. Four different protocols were tested, each modifying the sequence of MWPT, APAAP and LSAB staining. In this study Ki67, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, c-neu, CD68 and desmin primary antibodies were used in routinely formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues of 50 tumor specimens. MWPT followed by LSAB for microwave enhanced antigens and APAAP for antigens that cannot be enhanced by MWPT gave the best double staining results. This method improves characterization of tumor cell features from paraffin embedded tissue and should aid analysis of tumor differentiation, receptor status and nuclear proteins in the single cells in archival tissues.  相似文献   

Rice husk, a lignocellulosic by-product of the agroindustry, was treated with alkali and used as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of safranin from aqueous solution in batch adsorption procedure. In order to estimate the equilibrium parameters, the equilibrium adsorption data were analyzed using the following two-parameter isotherms: Freundlich, Langmuir, and Temkin. A comparison of linear and nonlinear regression methods in selecting the optimum adsorption isotherm was applied on the experimental data. Six linearized isotherm models (including four linearized Langmuir models) and three nonlinear isotherm models are thus discussed in this paper. In order to determine the best-fit isotherm predicted by each method, seven error functions namely, coefficient of determination (r 2), the sum of the squares of the errors (SSE), sum of the absolute errors (SAE), average relative error (ARE), hybrid fractional error-function (HYBRID), Marquardt's percent standard deviation (MPSD), and the chi-square test (χ2) were used. It was concluded that the nonlinear method is a better way to obtain the isotherm parameters and the data were in good agreement with the Langmuir isotherm model.  相似文献   

A method is introduced to a) distinguish phytoplankton organisms from organic matter and b) ease its determination by staining protein structures with Coomassie Brilliant Blue G.  相似文献   


The effluents coming from the dye industries are colored and polluted, and the disposal of these wastes into receiving waters causes damage to the water as well as the environment. The use of rice husk for the removal of dye from wastewater has been explored in a stir tank reactor. The effects of operation variables such as adsorbent dosage, contact time, dye concentration, initial pH, and agitation on the removal of safranin were investigated in a stirred tank reactor. The combined effect of various process parameters on dye removal were analyzed using response surface methodology (RSM), and the modeling of the process parameter had been done using the artificial neural network simulation method. It was observed that response surface methodology can determine the optimization of the process parameters and the model derived from the simulation of the artificial neural network (ANN) (deviation from experimental results was ~0.09%) described the process variable efficiently. It was observed that at the initial solution pH of 6.28 and adsorbent dosage of 15.63 g L?1, dye removal of safranin was 97%.  相似文献   

探讨了显示实验动物脊髓组织中的神经尼氏体和神经髓鞘等组织成分的双重组合染色法,通过分别选用孔雀石绿(Malachite green)和橙黄G、磷钨酸(Orange G,Phosphotungstic acid)组合染色(简称MG-OP法)。已能够显示狗脊髓神经尼氏体呈绿色,细胞核呈黄色。神经纤维髓鞘轴突呈黄色,神经膜和结缔组织纤维呈绿色,背景呈淡黄色。MG-OP法克服了原法成分单一,色彩效果差,所建立的双重组合染色法,对比清晰,色彩鲜艳,方法简便的较好染色方法。  相似文献   

Histological staining methods commonly used for detecting cellulose and lignin in cell walls were combined with epifluorescence microscopy to visualize differences in lignification between and within cellular elements. We tested our approach on sections of one-year-old branches of Fraxinus ornus L., Myrtus communis L., Olea europaea L., Pistacia lentiscus L. and Rhamnus alaternus L., containing both normal and tension wood. Sections were subjected to various staining techniques, viz. safranin O, safranin O/fast green FCF, and alcoholic solutions of safranin O/astra blue, according to the commonly accepted protocols. Stained and unstained sections were compared using both light and epifluorescence microscopy. Safranin O with or without counterstaining hid the strong fluorescence of vessel walls, cell corners and middle lamellae allowing the secondary wall fibers to fluoresce more clearly. Epifluorescence microscopy applied to stained sections showed more cell wall details than autofluorescence of unstained sections or white light microscopy of counterstained sections. This simple approach proved reliable and valuable for detecting differences in lignification in thick sections without the need for costly equipment.  相似文献   

Histological staining methods commonly used for detecting cellulose and lignin in cell walls were combined with epifluorescence microscopy to visualize differences in lignification between and within cellular elements. We tested our approach on sections of one-year-old branches of Fraxinus ornus L., Myrtus communis L., Olea europaea L., Pistacia lentiscus L. and Rhamnus alaternus L., containing both normal and tension wood. Sections were subjected to various staining techniques, viz. safranin O, safranin O/fast green FCF, and alcoholic solutions of safranin O/astra blue, according to the commonly accepted protocols. Stained and unstained sections were compared using both light and epifluorescence microscopy. Safranin O with or without counterstaining hid the strong fluorescence of vessel walls, cell corners and middle lamellae allowing the secondary wall fibers to fluoresce more clearly. Epifluorescence microscopy applied to stained sections showed more cell wall details than autofluorescence of unstained sections or white light microscopy of counterstained sections. This simple approach proved reliable and valuable for detecting differences in lignification in thick sections without the need for costly equipment.  相似文献   

Slides pretreated for C-banding and stained with DAPI or CMA3 show different banding patterns in human metaphase chromosomes compared to those obtained with either standard Giemsa C-banding or fluorochrome staining alone. Human chromosomes show C-plus DA-DAPI banding after C-banding plus DAPI and enhanced R-banding after C-banding plus Chromomycin A3 staining. If C-banding preferentially removes certain classes of DNA and proteins from different chromosome domains, C-banding pre-treatment may cause a differential DNA extraction from G- and R-bands in human chromosomes, resulting in a preferential extraction of DNA included in G-bands. This hypothesis is partially supported by the selective cleavage and removal of DNA from R-bands of restriction endonuclease HaeIII with C-banding combined with DAPI or Chromomycin A3 staining. Structural factors relating to regional differences in DNA and/or proteins could also explain these results.  相似文献   

We developed staining techniques that permit identification and histomorphometric analysis of microcracks in the human femoral head 1) from thick, ground bone sections (100 μm) by prestaining with the Villanueva mineralized bone stain (MIBS), and 2) from plastic embedded, undecalcified thin bone sections (5-15 μm) by staining in gallocyanin chrome alum-Villanueva blood stain methods. Both methods represent a significant improvement in the stainability of the microcracks, cellular and tissue elements, and the simultaneous assessment of osteoid seams and tetracycline markers by histomorphometry. Shrinkage and other artifacts were minimized, which helped to clarify some of the uncertainties arising from artifacts resulting from some bone staining methods. Histomorphometric analyses of microcracks were conducted on thick, ground sections of subchondral and trabecular bone. Microcracks were more prevalent in the subchondral bone and osteochondral junction than in the more distant trabeculae. We have consistently localized microcrack areas in bone tissues prepared in these ways.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Coriphosphine staining of Stylonychia mytilus exconjugants at different times after separation reveals some details of the developing macronucleus. Green fluorescence is seen in both bands and heterochromatic blocks of the polytene chromosomes. No red fluorescence was observed along these chromosomes. Fragments of the old macronucleus and the pycnotic micronuclei have red or orange fluorescence. Red fluorescence is characteristic also of nucleoli in the new macronucleus.  相似文献   

介绍一种简单、经济的同工酶染色方法:用熔化的0.4%琼脂糖处理滤纸备用,染色前将滤纸浸于同工酶染色液中,染色时将滤纸盖在聚丙烯酸胺胶上,然后将胶放在有盖塑料盒中保温染色,染色时间要比普通方法略长。染色后将胶和滤纸移入固定液中用镊子除去滤纸.  相似文献   

The ability of 17 inorganic compounds (POCl3, PSC13, PC13, P2O5, P2S5, P4S3, P4S7, PC15, Sb2O5, As2O5, BiOC12, SeOC12, SO2C12, Sb2S5, VOC12, SiC14 and CrO2Cl2) dissolved in pyridine or 2,2,4-trimethyl pentane, to enhance subsequent staining of tissue components with toluidine blue, phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin (PTAH), leukofuchsin, and dihydroxydinaphthyl-disulfide (DDD) was studied. Eight of these compounds were also tested for ability to enhance staining with Alcian blue 8GN and Luxol fast blue MBS. Nine of the 17 compounds produced increased staining of certain tissue components with leukofuchsin, 13 with toluidine blue, 16 with PTAH, and 16 with DDD. The results suggest additional approaches to identification of tissue entities by induced metachromatic basophilia and leukofuchsin positivity as well as by the other stains studied, and also suggest a number of hitherto unstudied modes of reaction between the dyes used and reactive groups of tissue components. Many reactions of the compounds tested, with reactive groups known to be present in tissue components, are basecatalyzed, so that choice of solvent can influence the results obtained.  相似文献   

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