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In addition to performing its essential transport function, the sodium pump also activates multiple cell signaling pathways in response to digitalis drugs such as ouabain. Based mainly on cell-free studies with mixtures of purified Src kinase and Na+/K+-ATPase, a well-advocated hypothesis on how ouabain initiates the activation of signaling pathways is that there is a preexisting physiological complex of inactive Src bound to the α-subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase, and that ouabain binding to this subunit disrupts the bound Src and activates it. Because of the published disagreements of the results of such cell-free experiments of two other laboratories, our aim was to attempt the resolution of these discrepancies. We reexamined the effects of ouabain, vanadate, and oligomycin on mixtures of Src, Na+/K+-ATPase, Mg2+, and ATP as specified in prior studies; and assayed for Src-418 autophosphorylation as the measure of Src activation. In contrast to the findings of the proponents of the above hypothesis, our results showed similar effects of the three inhibitors of Na+/K+-ATPase; indicating that Src activation in such experiments is primarily due to the ATP-sparing effect of the ATPase inhibitor on the mixture of two enzymes competing for ATP. We conclude that there is no solid evidence for direct molecular interaction of Src with Na+/K+-ATPase under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Na+, K+-pumps of most eukaryotic animal cells bind ouabain with high affinity, stop pumping, and consequently loose K+, detach from each other and from the substrate, and die. Lack of affinity for the drug results in ouabain resistance. In this work, we report that Ma104 cells (epithelial from Rhesus monkey kidney) have a novel form of ouabain-resistance: they bind the drug with high affinity (Km about 4×10–8 m), they loose their K+ and stop proliferating but, in spite of these, up to 100% of the cells remain attached in 1.0 m ouabain, and 53% in 1.0 mm. When 4 days later ouabain is removed from the culture medium, cells regain K+ and resume proliferation. Strophanthidin, a drug that attaches less firmly than ouabain, produces a similar phenomenon, but allows a considerably faster recovery. This reversal may be associated to the fact that, while in ouabain-sensitive MDCK cells Na+, K+-ATPases blocked by the drug are retrieved from the plasma membrane, those in Ma104 cells remain at the cell-cell border, as if they were cell-cell attaching molecules. Cycloheximide (10 g/ml) and chloroquine (10 m) impair this recovery, suggesting that it also depends on the synthesis and insertion of a crucial protein component, that may be different from the pump itself. Therefore ouabain resistance of Ma104 cells is not due to a lack of affinity for the drug, but to a failure of its Na+, K+-ATPases to detach from the plasma membrane in spite of being blocked by ouabain.We wish to thank Dr. E. Rodríguez-Boulán for the generous supply of Ma104 cells, as well as acknowledge the generous economic support of the National Research Council (CONACYT) of Mexico. Confocal experiments were performed in the Confocal Microscopy Unit of the Physiology Department, CINVESTAV.  相似文献   

Previous results showed that Na+/K+-ATPase may have a functional relationship with the neurotransmitter serotonin which activates the glial sodium pump in the rat brain. Both the reaction rate (V) of Na+/K+-ATPase activity and [3H]ouabain binding were significantly increased in the presence of serotonin. It is not known, however, which isoform is involved in the Na+/K+-ATPase response to serotonin and its regional distribution. Quantitative autoradiography of [3H]ouabain binding to rat brain slices was employed at different [3H]ouabain concentrations in order to gain information on both the distribution and the possible isoform involved. The results showed that 1500 nM [3H]ouabain binding was sensitive to serotonin 10–3 M and significantly increased in the following brain regions: frontal cortex, areas CA1, CA2, and CA3 of the hippocampus, presubiculum, zona incerta, caudate putamen and the amygdaloid area, confirming and extending previous results. An effect of serotonin on brain but not kidney tissue at high, 1500 nM, and the lack of effect at low, 50 nM [3H]ouabain concentrations, strongly suggests the participation of the 2 isoform in the response of the pump to the neurotransmitter. Glial cells showed stimulation of ouabain binding by serotonin at ouabain concentrations above 350 nM. The present results open interesting questions related to the brain regions involved and the K+ handling by the glial 2 isoform of the pump.  相似文献   

K+ turnover is markedly enhanced in the rat reticulocyte, both influx and efflux rates being increased by factors of approximately 3 over the corresponding rates in adult cells. These accelerated fluxes are observed despite the absence of any appreciable change in intracellular K+ concentration during the course of maturation. Qualitative characteristics of the active transport process for K+ influx appear to be identical in reticulocytes and mature erythrocytes with regard both to K+ sensitivity, and to ouabain sensitivity as a function of external K+ concentration. The number of ouabain binding sites per unit volume of cells, however, is increased by a factor of approximately three in the reticulocyte and thus correlates well with the observed degree of enhancement of active K+ influx in these cells. Half-maximal rates of ouabain-sensitive K+ influx are observed at external K+ concentrations well below 1 mM for both reticulocytes and mature erythrocytes. It is concluded that the enhanced rate of K+ accumulation in the reticulocyte can be quantitatively attributed to an increased number of pump units which are qualitatively identical to those in the mature cell, and which function at a near-maximal rate at the ambient K+ concentration present in normal rat plasma.  相似文献   

(Na++K+)-ATPase is a target receptor of digitalis (cardiac glycoside) drugs. It has been demonstrated that the H1-H2 domain of the α-subunit of the (Na++K+)-ATPase is one of the digitalis drug interaction sites of the enzyme. Despite the extensive studies of the inhibitory effect of digitalis on the (Na++K+)-ATPase, the functional property of the H1-H2 domain of the enzyme and its role in regulating enzyme activity is not completely understood. Here we report a surprise finding: instead of inhibiting the enzyme, binding of a specific monoclonal antibody SSA78 to the H1-H2 domain of the (Na++K+)-ATPase elevates the catalytic activity of the enzyme. In the presence of low concentration of ouabain, monoclonal antibody SSA78 significantly protects enzyme function against ouabain-induced inhibition. However, higher concentration of ouabain completely inactivates the (Na++K+)-ATPase even in the presence of SSA78. These results suggest that the H1-H2 domain of the (Na++K+)-ATPase is capable of regulating enzyme function in two distinct ways for both ouabain-sensitive and -resistant forms of the enzyme: it increases the activity of the (Na++K+)-ATPase during its interaction with an activator; it also participates in the mechanism of digitalis or ouabain-induced inhibition of the enzyme. Understanding the dual activity of the H1-H2 domain will help better understand the structure-function relationships of the (Na++K+)-ATPase and the biological processes mediated by the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the voltage dependence of the Na/K pump, current-voltage relations were determined in prophasearrested oocytes ofXenopus laevis. All solutions contained 5mm Ba2– and 20mm tetraethylammonium (TEA) to block K channels. If. in addition, the Na+/K+ pump is blocked by ouabain, K+-sensitive currents no larger than 50 nA/cm2 remain. Reductions in steady-state current (on the order of 700 nA/cm2) produced by 50 m ouabain or dihydro-ouabain or by K+ removal, therefore, primarily represent current generated by the Na/K pump. In Na-free solution containing 5mm K+, Na+/K+ pump current is relatively voltage independent over the potential range from –160 to +40 mV. If external [K+] is reduced below 0.5mm, negative slopes are observed over this entire voltage range. Similar results are seen in Na+- and Ca2+-free solutions in the presence of 2mm Ni2+, an experimental condition designed to prevent Na+/Ca2+ exchange. The occurrence of a negative slope can be explained by the voltage dependence of the apparent affinity for activation of the Na+/K+ pump by external K+, consistent with the existence of an external ion well for K binding. In 90mm Na+, 5mm K+ solution, Na+/K+ pump current-voltage curves at negative membrane potentials have a positive slope and can be described by a monotonically increasing sigmoidal function. At an extracellular [K+] of 1.3mm, a negative slope was observed at positive potentials. These findings suggest that in addition to a voltage-dependent step associated with Na+ translocation, a second voltage-dependent step that is dependent on external [K+], possibly external K+ binding, participates in the overall reaction mechanism of the Na+/K+ pump.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated early distal tubule cells (EDC) of frog kidney were incubated for 20–28 hr in the presence of aldosterone and then whole-cell K+ currents were measured at constant intracellular pH by the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. Aldosterone increased barium-inhibitable whole-cell K+ conductance (gK+) threefold. This effect was reduced by amiloride and totally abolished by ouabain. However, aldosterone could still raisegK+ in ouabain-treated cells in the presence of furosemide.We tested whether changes in intracellular pH (pH i ) could be a signal for cells to regulategK+. After removal of aldosterone, the increase ingK+ was preserved by subsequent incubation for 8 hr at pH 7.6 but abolished at pH 6.6. In the complete absence of aldosterone, incubation of cells at pH 8.0 for 20–28 hr raised pH i and doubledgK+.Using the patch-clamp technique, three types of K+-selective channels were identified, which had conductances of 24, 45 and 59 pS.Aldosterone had no effect on the conductance or open probability (P o) of any of the three types of channels. However, the incidence of observing type II channels was increased from 4 to 22%. Type II channels were also found to be pH sensitive,P o was increased by raising pH.These results indicate that prolonged aldosterone treatment raises pH i and increasesgK+ by promoting insertion of K+ channels into the cell membrane. Channel insertion is itself triggered by raising both pH i and increasing the activity of the Na+/K+ pump in early distal cells of frog kidney. Present address: Department of Physiology, The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9NQ, England  相似文献   

Summary Using intracellular microelectrode technique, we investigated the changes in membrane voltage (V) of cultured bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells induced by different extracellular solutions. (1)V in 213 cells under steady-state conditions averaged –46.1±0.6 mV (sem). (2) Increasing extracellular K+ concentration ([K+] o ) depolarizedV. Addition of Ba2+ could diminish this response. (3) Depolarization on doubling [K+] o was increased at higher [K+] o (or low voltage). (4) Removing extracellular Ca2+ decreasedV and reduced theV amplitude on increasing [K+] o . (5)V was pH sensitive. Extra-and intracellular acidification depolarizedV; alkalinization induced a hyperpolarization.V responses to high [K+] o were reduced at acidic extracellular pH. (6) Removing K o + depolarized, K o + readdition after K+ depletion transiently hyperpolarizedV. These responses were insensitive to Ba2+ but were abolished in the presence of ouabain or in Na+-free medium. (7) Na+ readdition after Na+ depletion transiently hyperpolarizedV. This reaction was markedly reduced in the presence of ouabain or in K+-free solution but unchanged by Ba2+. It is concluded that in cultured bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells K+ conductance depends on Ca2+, pH and [K+] o (or voltage). An electrogenic Na+/K+-transport is present, which is stimulated during recovery from K+ or Na+ depletion. This transport is inhibited by ouabain and in K+-or Na+-free medium.  相似文献   

In leech P neurons the inhibition of the Na+-K+ pump by ouabain or omission of bath K+ leaves the membrane potential unaffected for a prolonged period or even induces a marked membrane hyperpolarization, although the concentration gradients for K+ and Na+ are attenuated substantially. As shown previously, this stabilization of the membrane potential is caused by an increase in the K+ conductance of the plasma membrane, which compensates for the reduction of the K+ gradient. The data presented here strongly suggest that the increased K+ conductance is due to Na+-activated K+ (KNa) channels. Specifically, an increase in the cytosolic Na+ concentration ([Na+]i) was paralleled by a membrane hyperpolarization, a decrease in the input resistance (Rin) of the cells, and by the occurrence of an outwardly directed membrane current. The relationship between Rin and [Na+]i followed a simple model in which the Rin decrease was attributed to K+ channels that are activated by the binding of three Na+ ions, with half-maximal activation at [Na+]i between 45 and 70 mM. At maximum channel activation, Rin was reduced by more than 90%, suggesting a significant contribution of the KNa channels to the physiological functioning of the cells, although evidence for such a contribution is still lacking. Injection experiments showed that the KNa channels in leech P neurons are also activated by Li+.  相似文献   

Internalization of the Na+/K+-ATPase (the Na+ pump) has been studied in the human lung carcinoma cell line H1299 that expresses YFP-tagged α1 from its normal genomic localization. Both real-time imaging and surface biotinylation have demonstrated internalization of α1 induced by ≥100 nm ouabain which occurs in a time scale of hours. Unlike previous studies in other systems, the ouabain-induced internalization was insensitive to Src or PI3K inhibitors. Accumulation of α1 in the cells could be augmented by inhibition of lysosomal degradation but not by proteosomal inhibitors. In agreement, the internalized α1 could be colocalized with the lysosomal marker LAMP1 but not with Golgi or nuclear markers. In principle, internalization could be triggered by a conformational change of the ouabain-bound Na+/K+-ATPase molecule or more generally by the disruption of cation homeostasis (Na+, K+, Ca2+) due to the partial inhibition of active Na+ and K+ transport. Overexpression of ouabain-insensitive rat α1 failed to inhibit internalization of human α1 expressed in the same cells. In addition, incubating cells in a K+-free medium did not induce internalization of the pump or affect the response to ouabain. Thus, internalization is not the result of changes in the cellular cation balance but is likely to be triggered by a conformational change of the protein itself. In physiological conditions, internalization may serve to eliminate pumps that have been blocked by endogenous ouabain or other cardiac glycosides. This mechanism may be required due to the very slow dissociation of the ouabain·Na+/K+-ATPase complex.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that Na+, K+-ATPase activity is present in both differentiated plasma membranes from Electrophorus electricus (L.) electrocyte. Considering that the α subunit is responsible for the catalytic properties of the enzyme, the aim of this work was to study the presence and localization of α isoforms (α1 and α2) in the electrocyte. Dose-response curves showed that non-innervated membranes present a Na+, K+-ATPase activity 2.6-fold more sensitive to ouabain (I50=1.0±0.1 μM) than the activity of innervated membranes (I50=2.6±0.2 μM). As depicted in [3H]ouabain binding experiments, when the [3H]ouabain-enzyme complex was incubated in a medium containing unlabeled ouabain, reversal of binding occurred differently: the bound inhibitor dissociated 32% from Na+, K+-ATPase in non-innervated membrane fractions within 1 h, while about 50% of the ouabain bound to the enzyme in innervated membrane fractions was released in the same time. These data are consistent with the distribution of α1 and α2 isoforms, restricted to the innervated and non-innervated membrane faces, respectively, as demonstrated by Western blotting from membrane fractions and immunohistochemical analysis of the main electric organ. The results provide direct evidence for a distinct distribution of Na+, K+-ATPase α-subunit isoforms in the differentiated membrane faces of the electrocyte, a characteristic not yet described for any polarized cell.  相似文献   

Summary Na+, K+ exchanges were studied in isolated hepatocytes of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. Ouabain at 10–4 M produced maximal inhibition (95%) of K+ uptake and enhanced intracellular Na+ accumulation, showing that active fluxes account for a very large proportion of Na+ and K+ exchanges. Inhibition of the Na–K pump by ouabain was significant at low concentrations (10–8 M). When external K+ concentration was reduced from 7 mM to 0.5 mM, half maximum inhibition (IC50) of K+ uptake was obtained at a 22-fold lower concentration of ouabain confirming that ouabain and potassium compete at the same pump site. Time-course analysis of [3H]ouabain binding indicated a two-component kinetics: one component saturable and dependent on K+ concentration in the medium, the other linear and independent of external K+. The ouabain binding site number, determined by Scatchard plots, remained constant (ca. 2.5·105 per cell) and independent of the external K+ concentration (7, 0.5 or 0 mM), while the dissociation constant (KD) decreased from 4.2 M to 7.3 nM when K+ was removed from the Hank's medium. These ouabain binding sites are characterized by an exceptionally low turnover rate (400 min–1), as estimated from ouabain-sensitive K+ flux, in comparison to those described in other cell types of higher vertebrates. At each external K+ concentration studied, the inhibition of K+ uptake and ouabain binding measured as a function of ouabain concentration indicated a strict correlation between the degree of K pump inhibition and the amount of bound glycoside.  相似文献   

Summary To study the physiological role of the bidirectionally operating, furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes, the effect of furosemide on red cell cation and hemoglobin content was determined in cells incubated for 24 hr with ouabain in 145mm NaCl media containing 0 to 10mm K+ or Rb+. In pure Na+ media, furosemide accelerated cell Na+ gain and retarded cellular K+ loss. External K+ (5mm) had an effect similar to furosemide and markedly reduced the action of the drug on cellular cation content. External Rb+ accelerated the Na+ gain like K+, but did not affect the K+ retention induced by furosemide. The data are interpreted to indicate that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes mediates an equimolar extrusion of Na+ and K+ in Na+ media (Na+/K+ cotransport), a 1:1 K+/K+ (K+/Rb+) and Na+/Na+ exchange progressively appearing upon increasing external K+ (Rb+) concentrations to 5mm. The effect of furosemide (or external K+/Rb+) on cation contents was associated with a prevention of the cell shrinkage seen in pure Na+ media, or with a cell swelling, indicating that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system is involved in the control of cell volume of human erythrocytes. The action of furosemide on cellular volume and cation content tended to disappear at 5mm external K+ or Rb+. Thein vivo red cell K+ content was negatively correlated to the rate of furosemide-sensitive K+ (Rb+) uptake, and a positive correlation was seen between mean cellular hemoglobin content and furosemide-sensitive transport activity. The transport system possibly functions as a K+ and waterextruding mechanism under physiological conditiosin vivo. The red cell Na+ content showed no correlation to the activity of the furosemide-sensitive transport system.  相似文献   

Summary Na, K-ATPase function was studied in order to evaluate the mechanism of increased colonic Na+ transport during early postnatal development. The maximum Na+-pumping activity that was represented by the equivalent short-circuit current after addition of nystatin (I sc N ) did not change during postnatal life or after adrenalectomy performed in 16-day-old rats.I sc N was entirely inhibited by ouabain; the inhibitory constant was 0.1mm in 10-day-old (young) and 0.4mm in 90-day-old (adult) rats. The affinity of the Na, K pump for Na+ was higher in young (11mm) than in adult animals (19mm). The Na, K-ATPase activity (measured after unmasking of latent activity by treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate) increased during development and was also not influenced by adrenalectomy of 16-day-old rats. The inhibitory constant for ouabain (K I ) was not changed during development (0.1–0.3mm). Specific [3H]ouabain binding to isolated colonocytes increased during development (19 and 82 pmol/mg protein), the dissociation constant (K D ) was 8 and 21 m in young and adult rats, respectively. The Na+ turnover rate per single Na, K pump, which was calculated fromI sc N and estimated density of binding sites per cm2 of tissue was 500 in adult and 6400 Na+/min·site in young rats. These data indicate that the very high Na+ transport during early postnatal life reflects an elevated turnover rate and increased affinity for Na+ of a single isoform of the Na, K pump. The development of Na+ extrusion across the basolateral membrane is not directly regulated by corticosteroids.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive fluorimetric assay using 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate as substrate was used in the determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity in preparations of rat skeletal muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle was chosen because of mixed fibre composition. Crude, detergent treated homogenate was used so as to avoid loss of activity during purification. K+-dependent phosphatase activities in the range 0.19–0.37 μmol · (g wet weight)−1 · min−1 were obtained, the value decreasing with age and K+-deficiency. Complete inhibition of the K+-dependent phosphatase was obtained with 10−3 M ouabain. Using a KSCN-extracted muscle enzyme the intimate relation between K+-dependent phosphatase activity and (Na+ + K+)-activated ATP hydrolysis could be demonstrated. A molecular activity of 620 min−1 was estimated from simultaneous determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity and [3H]ouabain binding capacity using the partially purified enzyme preparation. The corresponding enzyme concentration in the crude homogenates was calculated and corresponded well with the number of [3H]ouabain binding sites measured in intact muscles or biopsies hereof.  相似文献   

A protein isolated from goat testis cytosol is found to inhibit Na+,K+-ATPase from rat brain microsomes. The inhibitor has been purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The purified fraction appears as a single polypeptide band on 10% SDS-PAGE of approximate molecular mass of 70 kDa. The concentration at which 50% inhibition (I50) occurs is in the nanomolar range. The inhibitor seems to bind Na+,K+-ATPase reversibly at ATP binding site in a competitive manner with ATP, but away from ouabain binding site. It does not affect p-nitrophenyl-phosphatase activity. The inhibitor is found to inhibit the phosphorylation step of the Na+,K+-ATPase. The enhancement of tryptophan fluorescence and changes in CD pattern suggest conformational changes of Na+,K+-ATPase on binding to the inhibitor. Amino acid sequence of the trypsinised fragments show some homology with aldehyde reductase.  相似文献   

The cardiac steroid ouabain, a known inhibitor of the sodium pump (Na+,K+-ATPase), has been shown to release endothelin from endothelial cells when used at concentrations below those that inhibit the pump. The present study addresses the question of which signaling pathways are activated by ouabain in endothelial cells. Our findings indicate that ouabain, applied at low concentrations to human umbilical cord endothelial cells (HUAECs), induces a reaction cascade that leads to translocation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and to activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). These events are followed by phosphorylation of Akt (also known as protein kinase B, or PKB) and activation of eNOS by phosphorylation. This signaling pathway, which results in increased nitric oxide (NO) production in HUAECs, is inhibited by the PI3K-specific inhibitor LY294002. Activation of the reaction cascade is not due to endothelin-1 (ET-1) binding to the ET-1 receptor B (ETB), since application of the ETB-specific antagonist BQ-788 did not have any effect on Akt or eNOS phosphorylation. The results shown here indicate that ouabain binding to the sodium pump results in the activation of the proliferation and survival pathways involving PI3K, Akt activation, stimulation of eNOS, and production of NO in HUAECs. Together with results from previous publications, the current investigation implies that the sodium pump is involved in vascular tone regulation.  相似文献   

The arrival of the nerve impulse to the nerve endings leads to a series of events involving the entry of sodium and the exit of potassium. Restoration of ionic equilibria of sodium and potassium through the membrane is carried out by the sodium/potassium pump, that is the enzyme Na+,K+-ATPase. This is a particle-bound enzyme that concentrates in the nerve ending or synaptosomal membranes. The activity of Na+,K+-ATPase is essential for the maintenance of numerous reactions, as demonstrated in the isolated synaptosomes. This lends interest to the knowledge of the possible regulatory mechanisms of Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the synaptic region. The aim of this review is to summarize the results obtained in the author's laboratory, that refer to the effect of neurotransmitters and endogenous substances on Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Mention is also made of results in the field obtained in other laboratories. Evidence showing that brain Na+,K+-ATPase activity may be modified by certain neurotransmitters and insulin have been presented. The type of change produced by noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin on synaptosomal membrane Na+,K+-ATPase was found to depend on the presence or absence of a soluble brain fraction. The soluble brain fraction itself was able to stimulate or inhibit the enzyme, an effect that was dependent in turn on the time elapsed between preparation and use of the fraction. The filtration of soluble brain fraction through Sephadex G-50 allowed the separation of two active subfractions: peaks I and II. Peak I increased Na+,K+- and Mg2+-ATPases, and peak II inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase. Other membrane enzymes such as acetylcholinesterase and 5′-nucleotidase were unchanged by peaks I or II. In normotensive anesthetized rats, water and sodium excretion were not modified by peak I but were increased by peak II, thus resembling ouabain effects.3H-ouabain binding was unchanged by peak I but decreased by peak II in some areas of the CNS assayed by quantitative autoradiography and in synaptosomal membranes assayed by a filtration technique. The effects of peak I and II on Na+,K+-ATPase were reversed by catecholamines. The extent of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition by peak II was dependent on K+ concentration, thus suggesting an interference with the K+ site of the enzyme. Peak II was able to induce the release of neurotransmitter stored in the synaptic vesicles in a way similar to ouabain. Taking into account that peak II inhibits only Na+,K+-ATPase, increases diuresis and natriuresis, blocks high affinity3H-ouabain binding, and induces neurotransmitter release, it is suggested that it contains an ouabain-like substance.  相似文献   

Summary A simple procedure was developed for the isolation of a sarcolemma-enriched membrane preparation from homogenates of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) heart. Crude microsomes obtained by differential centrifugation were fractionated in Hypaque density gradients. The fraction enriched in surface membrane markers consisted of 87% tightly sealed vesicles. The uptake of86Rb+ by the preparation was measured in the presence of an opposing K+ gradient using a rapid ion exchange technique. At low extravesicular Rb+ concentrations, at least 50% of the uptake was blocked by addition of 1mm ouabain to the assay medium. Orthovanadate (50 m), ADP (2.5mm), or Mg (1mm) were also partial inhibitors of Rb+ uptake under these conditions, and produced a complete block of Rb+ influx in the presence of 1mm ouabain. When86Rb+ was used as a tracer of extravesicular K+ (Rb 0 + 40 m K 0 + =0.1–5mm) a distinct uptake pathway emerged, as detected by its inhibition by 1mm Ba2+ (K 0.5=20 m). At a constant internal K+ concentration (K in + =50mm) the magnitude of the Ba2+-sensitive K+ uptake was found to depend on K 0 + in a manner that closely resembles the K+ concentration dependence of the background K+ conductance (I Kl) observed electrophysiologically in intact cardiac cells. We conclude that K+ permeates passively this preparation through two distinct pathways, the sodium pump and a system identifiable as the background potassium channel.  相似文献   

Ma104 cells (renal, epithelial) have a peculiar way of resisting ouabain: their Na+,K+-pumps bind the drug with high affinity, cellular K+ is lost and cell division arrested, but cells do not detach as most cell types do. Then, if up to 4 days later the drug is removed, Ma104 cells recover K+ and resume proliferation (Contreras et al., 1994). In the present work, we investigate whether Ma104 cells are able to protect ouabain-sensitive MDCK cells in co-culture. The main finding is that they do, but in this case protection is not elicited by the usual mechanism of maintaining the K+ content of neighboring cells through cell-cell communications. Ma104 cells treated with ouabain simply remain attached to the substrate and to their MDCK neighbors, and both cells lose K+. This attachment includes tight junctions, because the transepithelial electrical resistance of the monolayers is not abolished by ouabain. Although the -subunit of the Na+,K+-ATPase is known to possess molecular characteristics of cell-cell attachment molecules, attachment between Ma104-MDCK cells does not seem to be mediated by this enzyme, as immunofluorescence analysis reveals that Na+,K+-ATPase is only inserted in the plasma membrane facing a neighboring cell of the same type.We wish to thank Dr. Enrique Rodríguez-Boulan (Cornell University Medical College) for the generous supply of Ma104 cells, as well as the generous economic support of COSBEL, SA de CV and the CONACYT of Mexico and the National Institutes of Health. Confocal experiments were performed in the Physiology Department's confocal microscopy unit, CINVESTAV.  相似文献   

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