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Book Review     

RILEY, JAMES F. The Mast Cells. 182 pp., 65 figures. Size 81/2 by 10 inches. Price $6.75. E. and S. Livingstone Ltd., Edinburgh and London. 1959. Agent in the U. S. A., The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore 2, Md.

MICROSCOPE AND OTHER APPARATUS GARIN, A., and THELLIER, M. Méthode de microdétermination et de microdosage de Bore dans une solution ou un tissu végétal par activation aux neutrons et examen microscopique des autoradiographies. Bull. d'Micr. Appl., Ser. 2, 8, 129-48. 1958.

KUHL, W., and FISCHER, H. Vertikal-, Horizontal-, und Umkehrmikroskop, in Verbindung mit einer Filmkamera, mit schnellem Funktionswechsel und geringem Gewicht. Zschr. wiss. Mikr. 64, 73-83. 1959.

MAI, G., and HEINE, U. Beschreibung einer Mikrofilmeinrichtung mit Zeitraffung. Zschr. wiss. Mikr. 64, 65-72. 1959.

TERTIAN, ROBERT, and TRILLAT, JEAN-JACQUES. Les applications du titane en microscopie électronique. Bull. d'Micr. Appl., Ser. 2, 8, 1-6. 1958.

MICROTECHNIC IN GENERAL HIRSCH, TH. v., and BOELLAARD, J. W. Methacrylsäureester als Einbettungsmittel in der Histologie. Zschr. wiss. Mikr. 64, 24-9. 1958.

PIEKARSKI, G. Über mikroskopisch erfassbare Rückstände in einigen sog. flüchtigen organischen Fixierungsmitteln. Zschr. wiss. Mikr. 63, 499-502. 1958.

WALTER, FRIEDRICH. Die Wirkungsweise der Fliessbewegung von Polymethacrylate bei der Herstellung von Ultradünnschnitten. Zschr. wiss. Mikr. 64, 106-10. 1959.

ARVY, LUCIE. Mise en évidence simultanée des lipides figués et des substances métachromatique. Bull. Micr. Appl., Ser. 2, 8, 120-124. 1958.

DE GROODT, M., LAGASSE, A., and SEBRUYNS, M. Vesikulationsvorgänge der Blut-Luftschranke der Lunge. Zschr. wiss. Mikr. 64, 90-4. 1959.

JUSTER, M. Contribution a l'étude du tissue osseux non dimeneralisé. Bull. Micr. Appl., Ser. 2, 9, 34-36. 1959.

PONLOT, ROBERT. L'intérět du noir Soudan B en histologie des os. Bull. Micr. Appl., Ser. 2, 8, 125-126. 1958.

WUNDERLICH, H. Blutzählkammern mit fluoreszierender Netzteilung für Fluoreszenzuntersuchungen. Zschr. wiss. Mikr. 64, 47-9. 1958.

PLANT MICROTECHNIC HEIMBURGER, M. Cytotaxonomic studies in the genus Anemone. Canad. J. Bot. 37, 587-612. 1959.

MORRISON, J. W. Cytogenetic studies in the genus Hordeum. I. Chromosome morphology. Canad. J. Bot. 37, 527-38. 1959.

MICROORGANISMS BORZANI, W., and VAIRO, M. L. R. Quantitative adsorption of crystal violet by dead microorganisms. J. Bact., 77, 757-9. 1959.  相似文献   

Conn, H. J. Biological Stains. 7th ed., 355 pages, 27 figures, 9 × 6 inches, hard covers. The Williams &;: Wilkins Company, Baltimore 2, Maryland. $9.00. 1961.

Electron Microscopy Reimer, L., and GADACZ, H. Zur Schichtdickenkontrolle bei der elektronenmikroskopischen Schrägbeschattungsmethode. Z. wiss. Mikr., 65, 105-17. 1961.

Dyes and Their Biological Uses Macconaill, M. A., and GURR, E. The faviolic acid group of stains in histology. Irish J. Med. Sci., 1962, 1-12. 1962.

Animal Microtechnic Berres, H. H. Zur Darstellung peripherer Nervenfasem in der Haut. Z. wiss. Mikr., 65, 63-9. 1961.

Elias H., Henning A., and ELIAS P. M. Contributions to the geometry of sectioning. V. Some methods for the study of kidney structure. Z. wiss. Mikr., 65, 70-82. 1961.

Ewen, A. B. An improved aldehyde-fuchsin staining technique for neurosecretary products in insects. Tr. Amer. Micr. Soc, 81, 94-6. 1962.

Movat, Henry Z., STEINER, JAN W., and HUHN, DIETER. The fine structure of the glomerulus in acute glomerulonephritis. Lab. Investig., 11, 117-35. 1962.

Shaver, Evelyn L. The chromosomes of the opossum, Didelphis virginiana. Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. 4, 62-8. 1962.

Microorganisms Laird, Marshall. Trichodinids and other parasitic protozoa from the intertidal zone at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. Canad. J. Zool., 39, 833-44. 1961.

Histochemistry Burstone, M. S. New histochemical techniques for the demonstration of tissue oxidase (cytochrome oxidase). I. Hisiochem. Cytochem., 7, 112-22. 1959.

Glenner, G. G., and LILLIE, R. D. Observations on the diazotization-coupling reaction for the histochemical demonstration of tyrosine: metal chelation and formazan variants. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 7, 416-22. 1959.

Hess, R., and Pearse, A. G. E. Histochemical demonstration of uridine diphosphate glucose dehydrogenase. Experientia, 15, 317-8. 1961.

LOVE, R., and LILES, R. H. Differentiation of nucleoproteins by inactivation of protein-bound amino groups and staining with toluidine blue and ammonium molybdate. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 7, 164-81. 1959.

Zimmerman, H., and Pearse, A. G. E. Limitations in the histochemical demonstration of pyridine nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases (“nothing dehydrogenase”). J. Histochem. Cytochem. 7, 271-5. 1959.  相似文献   

Book review     
PREECE, ANN. A Manual for Histologic Technicians; 2nd Ed. 287 pages, 51 illustrations, 10 tables. 9×6 inches. Little, Brown and Company, 34 Beacon St., Boston, Massachusetts. $8.50. 1965.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

CONN, H. J., DARROW, MARY A., and EMMEL, VICTOR M. Staining Procedures, 2nd Ed. 289 pages, 9 × 6 inches, perforated; spiral plastic binding, with cardbooard covers. The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore 2, Maryland. $5.00. 1960.

GURR, EDWARD. Encyclopaedia of Microscopic Stains. 498 pages, 10 × 6 inches. The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore 2, Maryland, exclusive U. S. agents. $18.50. 1960.

ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AMELUNXEN, F., and THEMANN, H. Zur Fixation mit Kaliumpermanganat. Mikroscopie, 14, 276-83. 1960.

PHOTOMICROGRAPHY MIGNANI, G., MARCHETTI, P. G., and HUSSL, B. Die Anwendung der mikroradiographischen Technik zum Studium des Knochengewebes. Mikroskopie, 14, 131-43. 1959.

DYES AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL USES KAUFMAN, L., and WEAVER, R. H. Use of neutral red fluorescence for the identification of colonies of Clostridia. J. Bact., 79, 292-4. 1960.

ANIMAL MICROTECHNIC LOUIS, C. J., and WHITE, J. Fluorescein-globulin staining of cells in tissue cultures. Lab. Invest., 9, 273-82. 1960.

McFARLANE, J. E., and KENNARD, C. P. Further observations on water absorption by the eggs of Acheta domesticus (L). Canad. J. Zool., 38, 77-85. 1960.

PROVENZA, D. V., and CHENG, T. C. A simplified parlodion method for sectioning teeth; with notes on the decalcification of teeth. Trans. Am. Micr. Soc., 79, 103-4. 1960.

PLANT MICROTECHNIC DEVIDÉ, Z., and WRISCHER, M., Versuche über gasblasenfreie Plexiglas Einbettung von pflanzlichen Objecten für Ultramikrotomie. Mikroskopie, 14, 337-42. 1960.

MICROORGANISMS BORZANI, W. Measurement of gram-positiveness. J. Bact., 79, 431-3. 1960.

DEIBEL, R. H., and EVANS, J. B. Modified benzidine test for the detection of cytochrome-containing respiratory systems in microorganisms. J. Bact., 79, 356-60. 1960.

SAHAB, K. Method for demonstrating capsules of enterobacteriaceae. J. Bact., 79, 198-202. 1960.

WEIBULL, C. Counting procedures for phase contrast microscopy. J. Bact., 79, 155. 1960.

HISTOCHEMISTRY BAKER, J. R. II, HEW, H., and FISHMAN, W. H. The use of chloral hydrate formaldehyde fixative solution in enzyme histochemistry. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 244-50. 1958.

FISCHER, R., and ZALESCHUK, J. A semi-micro method for the determination of crystal violet sorbed to biological material. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 237-43. 1958.

TAKEUCHI, T. Histochemical demonstration of branching enzyme (amylo-1,4 £ 1,6-transglucosidase), in animal tissues. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 208-16. 1958.

ZUGIBE, F. T., KOPACZYK, K. C., CAPE, W. E., and LAST, J. H. A new Carbowax method for routinely performing lipid, hematoxylin and eosin and elastic staining techniques on adjacent freeze-dried or formalin-fixed sections. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 6, 133-8. 1958.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Grundmann, E. Allgemeine Cytologie. 423 pages, 10 × 7 inches, 170 figures, cloth binding. Georg Thieme Verlag, Postfach 732, Herdweg 63, 7000 Stuttgart 1, Germany. DM 59.70. 1964. In German.

Rebell, G., Taplin, D., and Blank, H. Dermatophytes; Their Recognition and Identification. 58 pages and 3 color plates of 36 figures; 11 × 9 inches, flexible covers with perforate lie-flat binding. Dermatology Foundation of Miami, 1020 N. W. 16th Street, Miami, Florida 33136. $2.00. 1964.  相似文献   

Computer News     
The Prometheus Project: Mankind's Search for Long Range Goals by Gerald Feinberg, Doubleday and Co., Garden City, New York. 1969. 261 pages. Paperback $1.45.

The Holloman Story by George F. Meeter, The University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106. 1967. 203 pages. $5.95.

Human Biology—A Guide to Field Methods/IBP Handbook #9 by J. S. Weiner and J. A. Lourie, F. A. Davis Co., 1915 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. 1969. 656 pages. $17.50.

Flowers of Europe/A Field Guide by Oleg Polunin, Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1969. 662 pages. $15.00.

The Changing Classroom: The Role of the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study by Arnold Grobman, Doubleday and Co., Inc., 277 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017. 1969. 384 pages. $6.95.

Space Travel by Jeanne Bendick, Franklin Watts, Inc., 575 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. 1969. 96 pages. $2.95.

The Role of Federal Agencies in Technology Transfer by Samuel I. Doctors, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1969. 230 pages.

Living in Space/The Astronaut and His Environment by Mitchell R. Sharpe, Doubleday Science Series, Doubleday and Co., Garden City, New York. 1969. 192 pages. $2.45 paperback.

Physical Science/Exploring The New World of Science by William Lemkin, Ph.D., Oxford Book Co., 387 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10016. 1969. 381 pages. $3.85.  相似文献   


METROPOLIS AND REGION: Otis Dudley Duncan, W. Richard Scott, Stanley Lieberson, Beverly Duncan, and Hal H. Winsborough. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1960, pp. xviii + 587, $8.50.

SCIENCE AND LIBERAL EDUCATION: Bentley Glass. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 1959, 115 pp. (with foreword and preface of 10 pages), $3.00.

CAN MAN BE MODIFIED: Jean Rostand, Basic Books, New York, 1959, 105 pp. (Translated from the French by Jonathan Griffin). 13.00.

HUMAN HEREDITY: Jean Rostand, Philosophical Library, New York, 1961, 139 pp. (Translated from the French by Wade Baskin). $4.75.

PROSPECT FOR AMERICA; The Rockefeller Panel Reports. Doubleday and Co., Inc., Garden City, New York; 1961, 486 pp., $1.45.

SOCIAL POLICIES AND POPULATION GROWTH IN MAURITIUS: Richard M. Titmuss and Brian Abel‐Smith. Methuen and Co., Ltd., London, 1961, S08 pp., 15s net ($2.15).

THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF MAURITIUS: J. E. Meade and others. Methuen and Co., Ltd., London, 1961, 246 pp., 15s net ($2.15).

CLASSIFICATION OF KIN, AGE STRUCTURE AND MARRIAGE AMONGST THE GROOTE EYLANDT ABORIGINES: Frederick G. G. Rose. Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York, 1960, 572 pp., £5.  相似文献   

Book review     
Lillie, R. D. Histopathologic Tcehnic and Practical Histochemistry. 3rd ed., 715 pages, 86 tables, 3 illustrations, 9 × 6 inches, hard covers. The Blakiston Div., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. 10036. $13.95. 1965.  相似文献   

Chaze, J. Sur le mode de formation et la detection des alcaloides dans la plantule de tabac. Bull. d'Histol. Appl., 5, 253. 1928.

Nan, Yao. Sur un fixateur cytologique particulièrement adapté aux tissues des insectes. Bull. d'Histol. Appl., 4, 71, 1927.

Reichardt, H., and Wetzel, A. Paraffineinbettungsmethode nach vorhergegangener Zelloidindurchtränkung unter Vermeidung der härtenden Intermedien, Xylol, Benzol, Chloroform. Zeit. f. wiss. Mikr., 45, 476-479. 1928.

Erb, N. M. A rapid stain for direct miroscopic examination of milk. J. Lab. & Clin. Med., 14, 377. 1929.

Galesesco, P., and Bratiano, S. Coloration des graisses par l'extrait alcoolique de Daucus carota. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., 99, 1460. 1928.

Goldner, J' Résultats obtenus chez la seiche par l'emploi de divers colorants vitaux Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol., 99, 1323. 1928.

Hadjioloff, A. Une modification rapide de la méthode de Weigert-Pal. Bull. d'Histol. Appl., 5, 431-434. 1928.

Hausdorf, G. Farbung zur Darstellung reifer Samenzellen im Hodenschnittpraparat. Zeit. f. wiss. Mikr., 44, 327-328. 1927.

Houcke, E. Emploi des colorants mixtes en technique histologique. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol., 99, 783. 1928.

Houcke, E. Emploi des mélanges de fuchsines et de blues basiques pour la coloration histologique. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol., 99, 786. 1928.

Houcke, E. Emploi du mélange rhodamine-blue de méthylène dans la coloration des tissus splénique et lymphcïde. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol., 99, 788. 1928.

Lillie, R. D. Erne Schnellmethode zur Toluidinblau-Schleimfarbung. Zeit. f. wiss. Mikr., 45, 381. 1928.

Ochs, Georg Wilhelm. Über den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Färbung von Blutausstrich-Präparaten. Folia Hematologica, 37, 241-257. 1928.

Verne, Jean. Une nouvelle coloration élective de la myeline. Bull. d'Histol. Appl., 5, 223-224. 1928.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
In the Wake of the Whale by John A. Barbour, Crowell-Collier Press, 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. 102 pages. $3.95.

All About Telescopes by Sam Brown. Edmund Scientific Co., 380 Edscorp Bldg., Barrington, N.J. 08007, 192 pages.

How Animals Learn by Russell Freedman and James E. Morriss, Holiday House, Inc., New York, New York, 159 pages, $3.95.

When Insects are Babies, by Gladys Conklin, pictures by Artur Marokvia, Holiday House, New York, 36 pages, $4.50.

The Technology of Computer Music by M. V. Mathews et al., M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 188 pages, $12.50.

Investigations in Earth Science by Gregory W. Beckway and Earl Young. Daniel L. Jones, Consultant. Hubbard Scientific Company, 2855 Shermer Rd., Northbrook, Illinois, 60062. 96 pages, $3.50.

Discovering what Earthworms Do by Seymour Simon, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1969. 47 pages.

Matter, Life, and Energy by W. B. Herron and N. P. Palmer, Lyons and Carnahan, 407 East 25th Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60616. 1967. 616 pages.

The Desert (Young Readers Edition) by A. Starker Leopold and the Editors of TIME-LIFE BOOKS, Time-Life Building, Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y. 10020, 1967, 128 pp. $3.95.

Physics by Samuel A. Marantz, Benziger Brothers, Inc., New York, 1969. 772 pages.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Bacteria and the Enhancement of Oil Recovery. V. Moses and D. G. Springham. Applied Science Publishers, Ltd., London, New Jersey, 1982. With 1 figure and 1 table, xi + 178 p. Hardcover. $32.00

Phanerozoic Stromatolites. Case Histories C. Monty (Editor). Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1981. 249 pp., $52.60.

Symbiosis in Cell Evolution. Life and Its Environment on the Early Earth. Lynn Margulis. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1981. 419 pp. $24.50 hardcover, $14.95 paperback.

The Flavobacterium‐Cytophaga group. Edited by H. Reichen‐bach and O.B. Weeks. GBF Monograph Series, No. 5. Verlag Chemie International, Deerfield Beach, Weinheim, Basel, 1981. xiii, 217 pages with 38 figures and 75 tables. Paperback. $55.00.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Emmel, Victor M., and Cowdry, E. V. Laboratory Techniques in Biology and Medicine. 4th ed., 453 pages, unnumbered tabulations and lists, 9 × 6 inches, hard covers. The Williams & Wilkins Co., 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. 21202. £15.50. 1964.

Gurr, Edward. The Rational Use of Dyes in Biology. 422 pages, 15 figures, 10 × 6 inches, hard covers. The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md. 21202. £17.25. 1965.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Humason, Gretchen L. Animals Tissue Techniques. 3rd edition, 641 pages, 36 figures, 91/2 × 6 inches, hard cover. W. H. Freeman and Company, 660 Market St., San Francisco, California 94104. $12.50. 1972.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Hayat, M. Arif. Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy: Biological Applications, Volume 1. 412 pages, 24 × 16 cm. 1 frontispiece in color, 52 figures, 29 tables, hard covers, cloth bound. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 450 W. 33rd St., New York, NY 10001. $19.50. 1970.

Gaunt, W. A. Microreconstruction. 108 pages, 9 × 5$1/2 inches, hard bound. Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd., Parker Street, London WC2B. 1971. Price $pD2.25.  相似文献   


Subcellular Components; Preparation and Fractionation G.D. Birnie, ed., 2nd edition, Butteworths, London and University Park Press, Baltimore, 1972; 320 pages, hardbound, $19.50

Methodological Developments in Biochemistry Volume 2 Preparative Techniques E. Reid, ed., Longman, London, 1973; 220 pages; soft cover; $9.50

Methodological Developments in Biochemistry Volume 3 Advances with Zonal Rotors E. Reid, ed., Longman, London, 1973; 273 pages; soft cover; $9.50  相似文献   


THE CHANGING POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES: Conrad Taeuber and Irene B. Taeuber. A Volume in the Census Monograph Series. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York; Chapman and Hall, Limited, London; for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; 1958; xi, 357 pp.; $7.75.

VARIABLES RELATED TO HUMAN BREAST CANCER: Elving Anderson, Harold J. GOODMAN and SHELDON C. REED. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1958, 172 pp., 41 text, tables, 53 appendix tables, 7 figures. $4.00.

THE POPULATION AHEAD, Edited by Roy G. Francis. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1958, x, 160 pp.

ABORTION IN THE UNITED STATES: Mary Calderone, M. D. (Editor). Hoeber‐Harper, New York, 1958, 224 pp. $5.50.

DIFFERENTIAL PSYCHOLOGY: Anne Anastasi. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1958 (3rd Edition), 664 pp + xii.

FIVE YEARS OF FAMILY PLANNING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: Baljit Singh. J. K. Institute Monograph No. 6, J. K. Institute of Sociology &; Human Relations, Lucknow University. 1958. 118 pp.

POPULATION; AN INTERNATIONAL DILEMMA. A Summary of the Proceedings of the Conference on Population Problems— 1956–1957. Frederick Osborn. New York, Population Council, 1958. Pp. ix + 97. $2.00.  相似文献   

From Instinct to Intelligence/How Animals Learn by Gloria Kirshner. Grosset &; Dunlap Publishers, 51 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. 1970. 127 pp., $3.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

A Pictorial History of Oceanographic Submersibles by James B. Sweeney, Crown Publishers, Inc., 419 Park Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10016. 1970. 314 pp., Indexed, Bibliography. $9.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Where the Winds Sleep: Man's Future on the Moon—A Projected History by Neil P. Ruzic. Doubleday &; Co., Inc., Garden City, New York, 1970. 236 pp., Indexed. $5.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Hunters and Collectors by George H. T. Kimble. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036. 1970. 48 pp., Indexed. $4.95 trade edn., $4.72 lib. edn. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Life in Ponds by Jean Gorvett. American Heritage Press, New York. 1920. 31 pp. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Discovering What Goldfish Do by Seymour Simon. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 1970. 47 pp. $3.95 trade edn. $3.83 lib. edn. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.

Building and Flying Scale Model Aircraft 3rd Edition by Walter A. Musciano. Herman Publishing Service, Division of Cahners Pub. Co., Inc., 221 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. 02116. 1970. 245 pp. Glossary, $7.95. Reviewed by Robert C. Hayden.  相似文献   

The Biology of Cyanobacteria. N. G. Carr and B. A. Whitton (eds.). Botanical Monographs, Vol. 19. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, U.K., 1982 (also University of California Press), xi + 688 pp., $75.00 (U.S.); £42.00 sterling, hardcover.

Earth's Earliest Biosphere: Its Origin and Evolution. J. William Schopf (ed.). Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1983. With 67 tables, 97 figures, and 47 photographs, xxv + 543 pp. Cloth, $95.00; paper, $42.50.  相似文献   


Jan Adkins, Letterbox: The Art and History of Letters, Walker: New York, 1981, 48 pages, $10.95.

Michael Kehoe, The Puzzle of Books, Carolrhoda Books, Minneapolis, 1982, unpaged, $6.95.

Linda Bourke, Handmade Abc: A Manual Alphabet, Addison-Wesley: Reading, Mass., 1981, unpaged, $6.95.

Linda Bourke, Signs of a Friend, Addison-Wesley: Reading, Mass., 1982, unpaged, $2.95 (paper).

Philip Newth, Roly Goes Exploring, Philomel Books: New York, 1981, unpaged, $12.95 (spiral bound).

Tomas Gonzales (text by J. R. Kesselman and F. Peterson), I CAN USE TOOLS, Elsevier/Nelson: New York, 1981, unpaged, $6.25 (boards).

Harvey Weiss, Hammer and Saw, Crowell: New York, 1981, 80 pages, $9.00.

Gail Gibbons, Tool Book, Holiday House: New York, 1982, unpaged, n.p.i.

Harvey Weiss, Model Building: And How to Make Them, Thomas Crowell: New York, 1979, 96 pages, $7.95.

Paul Berman, Make-Believe Empire: A How-to Book, Atheneum: New York, 1982, 88 pages, $8.95.

Evaline Ness, Four Rooms From the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Scribners: New York, 1977, unpaged, $6.95.

Alan Rose, Build Your Own Taj Mahal, Perigee: New York, 1981, unpaged, $7.95.

Les Walker, Housebuilding for Children, The Overlook Press: New York, 1977, 175 pages, $10.00.

Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey (story by Natalie S. Carlson), Marie Louise and Christopher at The Carnival, Scribners: New York, 1981, unpaged, $11.95

Beverley Gooding (Kenneth Grahame), Wayfarers All from The Wind in the Willows, Scribners: New York, 1981, 32 pages, $11.95.

Shawn Rice (text by Paul Rice and Peter Mayle), AS DEAD AS A DODO, Godine: Boston, 1981, unpaged, $10.95.  相似文献   


Margaret Jane Wyszomirski and Pat Clubb, eds. The Cost of Culture: Patterns and Prospects of Private Arts Patronage. New York: ACA Books, American Council for the Arts, 1989. 97 pages. $9.95 paperback.

Neil Postman. Conscientious Objections: Stirring Up Trouble about Language, Technology, and Education. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988. 190 pages. $17.95 hardback.

The Challenge of Change: Papers and Presentations from the 15th Annual National Conference, ed. Keens Company. New York: FEDAPT, 1987. 144 pages. $14.95 paperback.  相似文献   

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