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【目的】通过 (R) - 和(S) -羰基还原酶在大肠杆菌中偶联,实现了一步法制备(S)-苯乙二醇的生物转化过程。【方法】将来源于近平滑假丝酵母(Candida parapsilosis CCTCC M203011)的(R)- 羰基还原酶基因(rcr)和(S) -羰基还原酶基因(scr)串联于共表达载体pETDuetTM-1上。重组质粒pETDuet-rcr-scr转化稀有密码子优化型菌株Escherichia coli Rosetta,获得酶偶联重组菌株E. coli Rosetta / pETDuet-rcr-scr。当重组菌体培养至OD600 0.6-0.8时,添加终浓度1 mmol/L IPTG,30℃诱导蛋白表达10 h。【结果】SDS-PAGE结果表明(R)- 和(S) -羰基还原酶均明显表达,它们的相对分子质量分别为37 kDa和30 kDa。重组菌生物转化结果表明:在pH7.0的磷酸缓冲液中,添加5 mmol/L Zn2+时,获得产物(S)-苯乙二醇,产物光学纯度为91.3% e.e.,产率为75.9%。【讨论】采用分子重组技术成功整合了两种氧化还原酶的催化功能,实现了(S)- 苯乙二醇的一步法转化,为简化手性醇制备途径提供了一条崭新的思路。 相似文献
Yao Nie Hai Yan wang Na Xu Rong Xiao Zhi Hao sun 《Biocatalysis and Biotransformation》2013,31(3):210-219
An (R)-specific carbonyl reductase from Candida parapsilosis CCTCCM203011 (CprCR) was shown to catalyze the asymmetric reduction of 2-hydroxyacetophenone to (R)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol (PED), which is a critical chiral building block in organic synthesis. The gene (rcr) encoding CprCR was cloned based on the amino acid sequences of tryptic fragments of the enzyme. Sequence analysis revealed that rcr is comprised of 1008 nucleotides encoding a 35 977 Da polypeptide, and shares similarity to proteins of the medium-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (MDR) superfamily. Recombinant rcr expressed in Escherichia coli showed a specific 2-hydroxyacetophenone-reducing activity. Using rcr expressing cells, (R)-PED was obtained by asymmetric reduction, which is complementary in enantiomeric configuration to (S)-PED obtained by using whole cells of C. parapsilosis. After optimization of reaction conditions, (R)-PED was produced at 95.5% enantiomeric excess with a yield of 92.6% when isopropanol was used for cofactor regeneration. 相似文献
Yao Nie Yan Xu Hai Yan wang Na Xu Rong Xiao Zhi Hao sun 《Biocatalysis and Biotransformation》2008,26(3):210-219
An (R)-specific carbonyl reductase from Candida parapsilosis CCTCCM203011 (CprCR) was shown to catalyze the asymmetric reduction of 2-hydroxyacetophenone to (R)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol (PED), which is a critical chiral building block in organic synthesis. The gene (rcr) encoding CprCR was cloned based on the amino acid sequences of tryptic fragments of the enzyme. Sequence analysis revealed that rcr is comprised of 1008 nucleotides encoding a 35 977 Da polypeptide, and shares similarity to proteins of the medium-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (MDR) superfamily. Recombinant rcr expressed in Escherichia coli showed a specific 2-hydroxyacetophenone-reducing activity. Using rcr expressing cells, (R)-PED was obtained by asymmetric reduction, which is complementary in enantiomeric configuration to (S)-PED obtained by using whole cells of C. parapsilosis. After optimization of reaction conditions, (R)-PED was produced at 95.5% enantiomeric excess with a yield of 92.6% when isopropanol was used for cofactor regeneration. 相似文献
【目的】从近平滑假丝酵母(Candida parapsilosis CCTCC M203011)基因组中钓取新型(S)-羰基还原酶基因(scrⅡ),对其生物转化手性醇的功能进行了验证。【方法】采用PCR的方法,从C.parapsilosis基因组中扩增出一段可能的羰基还原酶基因scrⅡ。以构建的重组菌Escherichia coli BL21/pET28a-scrⅡ为生物催化剂,2-羟基苯乙酮为底物进行催化反应,经HPLC分析,计算终产物的光学纯度和产率,确定了转化反应的最适温度和pH值。【结果】scrⅡ基因全长为840bp,编码279个氨基酸,与已报道的(S)-羰基还原酶基因scr的一致性为85%。氨基酸序列分析表明SCRⅡ具有典型短链醇脱氢酶的功能域:辅酶结合区域Thr40-Gly41-(X)3-Gly45-X-Gly47和催化三联体结构Ser172-(X)n-Tyr187-(X)3-Lys191。在30℃,0.1mmol/LIPTG的诱导下,(S)-羰基还原酶(SCRⅡ)在E.coli中过量表达。以10%(w/v)的重组菌为催化剂,高浓度(6g/L)2-羟基苯乙酮为底物,在最适反应温度35℃和pH5.5的条件下,转化产物(S)-苯基乙二醇的光学纯度高达99.1%e.e.,产率为89.6%。与(S)-羰基还原酶SCR相比较,底物浓度提高了一倍,产物的光学纯度和产率分别提高了10%和28%。【结论】采用分子克隆技术分离出新型羰基还原酶SCRⅡ的编码基因,该酶的发现为手性醇的高效制备奠定了坚实的研究基础。 相似文献
The gene which encodes (R)-specific carbonyl reductase (rCR) from Candida parapsilosis CCTCC M203011 was cloned, sequenced and compared with genes from the GenBank. The results indicated that rCR gene was 1011 bp, encoding a protein of 336 amino acids with a molecular weight of 35.9 kDa, and its nucleotide sequence showed 99% similarity to those of other members of the alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily. The rCR gene could express in recombinant strain Escherichia coli JM 109, and the expression plasmid could produce (R)-1-pheny-1,2-ethanediol (100% e.e., 80.14% yield) fromβ-hydroxyacetophenone without any additive to regenerate NAD+ from NADH. 相似文献
【目的】将增强型荧光蛋白标记的(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶于酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-1A)细胞中表达,分析荧光蛋白表达谱,确定两种酶在细胞中的功能分布和亚细胞定位。【方法】采用SOE-PCR法克隆出增强型荧光蛋白与(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶的融合基因,构建到真核表达载体pYX212中,电击转化酵母细胞,以荧光蛋白为筛选标志,观察两种酶在酵母细胞中的表达和分布。【结果】激光扫描共聚焦显微观察表明(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶多定位于细胞内膜和细胞质中稳定表达,少数成点状分布于细胞中央。根据荧光强度可知(S)-羰基还原酶的表达水平明显高于(R)-羰基还原酶。生物转化结果显示融合型(R)-和(S)-羰基还原酶催化底物2-羟基苯乙酮,分别获得(R)-和(S)-苯基乙二醇,前者产物的光学纯度和产率为86.6%和70.4%,后者产物的光学纯度和产率分别为92.3%和81.8%。【讨论】荧光蛋白与酶的融合没有改变靶蛋白的分子构象与生物活性,酿酒酵母工程菌较重组大肠杆菌具有更明显的生物功能优势,该研究为羰基还原酶蛋白的功能表达调控与亚细胞定位的可视化研究奠定了坚实的基础。 相似文献
(S)-1-(2,6-二氯-3-氟苯基)乙醇是抗癌药物克唑替尼的手性合成前体,可由2,6-二氯-3-氟苯乙酮经乙醇脱氢酶催化还原制备,还原中所需的还原型辅酶Ⅱ再生是该反应的技术瓶颈.本研究构建重组大肠杆菌E.coli BL21-ADH和E.coli BL21-GDH,实现了葡萄糖脱氢酶和乙醇脱氢酶的共表达,并进行偶联转化.结果表明,当在反应温度为30℃,pH为7的条件下,(S)-l-(2,6-二氯-3-氟苯基)乙醇的产量达到最高,在投料量为6%时,该体系转化率为93.75%. 相似文献
G6PD, 6PGD and GR have been purified separately in the single step from rat lung using 2′, 5′-ADP Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. The purified enzymes showed a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The molecular weights of the enzymes were estimated to be 134?kDa for G6PD, 107?kDa for 6PGD and 121?kDa for GR by Sephadex G-150 gel filtration chromatography, and the subunit molecular weights was respectively found to be 66, 52 and 63?kDa by SDS-PAGE. Optimum pH, stable pH, optimum ionic strength, optimum temperature, KM and Vmax values for substrates were determined. Product inhibition studies were also performed. The enzymes were inhibited by levofloxacin, furosemide, ceftazidime, cefuroxime and gentamicin as in vitro with IC50 values in the range of 0.07–30.13?mM. In vivo studies demonstrated that lung GR was inhibited by furosemide and lung 6PGD was inhibited by levofloxacin. 相似文献
The gene which encodes (R)-specific carbonyl reductase (rCR) from Candida parapsilosis CCTCC M203011 was cloned, sequenced and compared with genes from the GenBank. The results indicated that rCR gene was 1011
bp, encoding a protein of 336 amino acids with a molecular weight of 35.9 kDa, and its nucleotide sequence showed 99% similarity
to those of other members of the alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily. The rCR gene could express in recombinant strain Escherichia coli JM109, and the expression plasmid could produce (R)-1-pheny-1,2-ethanediol (100% e.e., 80.14% yield) from β-hydroxyacetophenone without any additive to regenerate NAD+ from NADH.
Translated from Microbiology, 2006, 33(4): 112–118 [译自: 微生物学通报] 相似文献
Chuhong Zong Xu Zhang Fei Yang Yafeng Zhou Nan Chen Zuisu Yang 《Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology》2013,43(6):578-583
Abstract(S)-1-(2, 6-dichloro-3-fluorophenyl) ethanol, the key chiral intermediate of crizotinib, was prepared from 1-(2, 6-dichloro-3-fluorophenyl) ethanone using the alcohol dehydrogenases from Lactobacillus kefir (ADH-LK) with a tetrad mutant (ADH-LKM, F147L/Y190P/V196L/A202W), coupled with glucose dehydrogenase (GDH). In the present study, ADH-LKM and GDH were successfully heterologous expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli. During the regeneration of NADPH with GDH, 150?g/L substrate was totally transformed into target chiral alcohol with an enantiomeric excess value of 99.9% after 12?h at 30?°C (pH 7.0). Our study demonstrates the potential for industrial green production of the key chiral intermediate of crizotinib. 相似文献
Mehmet Ciftci 《Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry》2013,28(5):485-489
Inhibitory effects of some drugs on glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from the erythrocytes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) were investigated. The enzyme was purified 2488-fold in a yield of 76.8% using ammonium sulfate precipitation and 2′,5′-ADP Sepharose 4B affinity gel at 4°C. The drugs pental sodium, MgSO4, vancomycin, metamizol, marcaine, and prilocaine all exhibited inhibitory effects on the enzyme. While MgSO4 (Ki = 12.119 mM), vancomycin (Ki = 1.466 mM) and metamizol (Ki = 0.392 mM) showed competitive inhibition, pental sodium (Ki = 0.748 mM) and marcaine (Ki = 0.0446 mM) displayed noncompetitive inhibition. 相似文献
Miura T Shinkai Y Hirose R Iwamoto N Cho AK Kumagai Y 《Free radical biology & medicine》2011,51(11):2082-2089
1,2-Naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ) is electrophilic, and forms covalent bonds with protein thiols, but its two-electron reduction product 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene (1,2-NQH(2)) is not, so enzymes catalyzing the reduction with reduced pyridine nucleotides as cofactors could protect cells from electrophile-based chemical insults. To assess this possibility, we examined proteins isolated from the 9000g supernatant from mouse liver for 1,2-NQ reductase activity using an HPLC assay procedure for the hydroquinone of 1,2-NQ and Cibacron Blue 3GA column chromatography and Western blot analysis with specific antibody to determine 1,2-NQ-bound proteins. Among the proteins with high affinities for pyridine nucleotides that also inhibited 1,2-NQ-protein adduct formation in the presence of NADH, a 37-kDa protein was found and identified as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Using recombinant human GAPDH, we found that this glycolytic enzyme indeed catalyzes the two-electron reduction of 1,2-NQ accompanied by extensive NADH consumption under 20% oxygen conditions. When either 1,2-NQH(2) or 1,2-NQ was incubated with GAPDH in the presence of NADH, minimal covalent bonding to the enzyme occurred compared to that in its absence. These results indicate that GAPDH can inhibit 1,2-NQ-based electrophilic protein modification by conversion to the nonelectrophilic 1,2-NQH(2) via an NADH-dependent process. 相似文献
(R)-1-phenylethanol is an important substance in fragrance and flavor industry. In this work, the reduction of acetophenone to (R)-1-phenylethanol in an aqueous medium was examined using Pichia capsulata as a whole-cell biocatalyst. Progress curve and initial rate measurements were used to obtain kinetic data. The experiments were carried out at pH 5, temperature of 25?°C, and in the presence of glucose to maintain in vivo regeneration of NADH. A model of the reversible reaction kinetics considering the substrate inhibition of the forward reaction was developed. Five kinetic parameters of this model were determined by a simultaneous fit of a reaction rate dependence on substrate concentration and 18 substrate and product concentration progress curves with very good accuracy. Equilibrium constant of the reaction and equilibrium conversion of acetophenone to (R)-1-phenylethanol were 13.7 and 93%, respectively. 相似文献
Qi Ye Ming Yan Lin Xu Hou Cao Zhenjiang Li Yong Chen Shuya Li Hanjie Ying 《Biotechnology letters》2009,31(4):537-542
An NADPH-dependent carbonyl reductase (PsCR) gene from Pichia stipitis was cloned. It contains an open reading frame of 849 bp encoding 283 amino acids whose sequence had less than 60% identity
to known reductases that produce ethyl (S)-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutanoates (S-CHBE). When expressed in Escherichia coli, the recombinant PsCR exhibited an activity of 27 U/mg using ethyl 4-chloro-3-oxobutanoate (COBE) as a substrate. Reduction
of COBE to (S)-CHBE by transformants in an aqueous mono-phase system for 18 h, gave a molar yield of 94% and an optical purity of the (S)-isomer of more than 99% enantiomeric excess. 相似文献
Antonio de Flora Alessandro Morelli Marco Frascio Giorgio Corte Bruno Curti Monica Galliano Carlotta Gozzer Lorenzo Minchiotti Cristina Mareni Gianfranco Gaetani 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects》1977,500(1):109-123
Two sensitive radioimmunoassays, based on a double-antibody technique, were developed which allow detection of nanogram amounts of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC and of a so far unknown NADP(H)-binding protein present in human erythrocytes (designated FX).The two proteins isolated in homogeneous form from human erythrocytes were iodinated with 125I by means of lactoperoxidase. Antisera to both purified proteins were raised in rabbits and sequentially adsorbed on human erythrocytes and on human serum before use. No cross-reaction between the two proteins was apparent.Hemolysates from normal as well as from glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient subjects were investigated for their content in both immunoreactive proteins using the two radioimmunoassay methods. This preliminary study showed significantly lowered levels of immunoreactive glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in erythrocytes from subjects carrying the Mediterranean variant of this enzyme (characterized by severe deficiency of catalytic activity), compared with normal subjects. This figure was reversed as concerns the content of immunoreactive FX which was found to be twice as high in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Mediterranean erythrocytes as in normal ones.The two purified proteins were submitted to a comparative analysis of their chemical properties including NH2-terminal residues, CNBr peptides and tryptic fingerprints. These studies revealed significant differences in the primary structures of the two proteins and therefore tend to exclude FX'x being a discrete product arising from degradation of native glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Moreover, amino axid analysis and tryptic fingerprints indicated that FX, as well as glucose-6-phosphatase dehydrogenase, is composed of very similar and possibly identical polypeptide chains. 相似文献
Debnam PM Fernie AR Leisse A Golding A Bowsher CG Grimshaw C Knight JS Emes MJ 《The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology》2004,38(1):49-59
Expression of one specific isoform of plastidic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) was manipulated in transgenic tobacco. Antisense and sense constructs of the endogenous P2 form of G6PDH were used to transform plants under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promotor. Recombinant plants with altered expression were taken through to homozygosity by selective screening. Northern analyses revealed substantial changes in the expression of the P2 form of G6PDH, with no apparent impact on the activity of the cytosolic isoenzyme. Analysis of G6PDH activity in chloroplasts showed that despite the large changes in expression of P2-G6PDH, the range of enzyme activity varied only from approximately 50 to 200% of the wild type, reflecting the presence of a second G6PDH chloroplastic isoform (P1). Although none of the transgenic plants showed any visible phenotype, there were marked differences in metabolism of both sense and antisense lines when compared with wild-type/control lines. Sucrose, glucose and fructose contents of leaves were higher in antisense lines, whereas in overexpressing lines, the soluble sugar content was reduced below that of control plants. Even more striking was the observation that contents of glucose 6-phosphate (Glc6P) and 6-phosphogluconate (6PG) changed, such that the ratio of Glc6P:6PG was some 2.5-fold greater in the most severe antisense lines, compared with those with the highest levels of overexpression. Because of the distinctive biochemical properties of P2-G6PDH, we investigated the impact of altered expression on the contents of antioxidants and the response of plants to oxidative stress induced by methyl viologen (MV). Plants with decreased expression of P2-G6PDH showed increased content of reduced glutathione (GSH) compared to other lines. They also possessed elevated contents of ascorbate and exhibited a much higher ratio of reduced:oxidised ascorbate. When exposed to MV, leaf discs of wild-type and overexpressing lines demonstrated increased oxidative damage as measured by lipid peroxidation. Remarkably, leaf discs from plants with decreased P2-G6PDH did not show any change in lipid peroxidation in response to increasing concentrations of up to 15 micro m MV. The results are discussed from the perspective of the role of G6PDH in carbohydrate metabolism and oxidative stress. It is suggested that the activity of P2-G6PDH may be crucial in balancing the redox poise in chloroplasts. 相似文献
Minoru Takeda Aline Tiemi Matsumura Kaishi Kurosaki Rajan Thapa Chhetri Shigekazu Motomatsu Ichiro Suzuki 《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2016,80(6):1155-1163
A soil bacterium, Mycobacterium sp. B-009, is able to grow on racemic 1,2-propanediol (PD). The strain was revealed to oxidize 3-methyl-1,5-pentanediol (MPD) to 5-hydroxy-3-methyl-pentanoic acid (HMPA) during growth on PD. MPD was converted into an almost equimolar amount of the S-form of HMPA (S-HMPA) at 72%ee, suggesting the presence of an enantioselective MPD dehydrogenase (MPD-DH). As expected, an NADP+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the initial step of MPD oxidation, was detected and purified from the cell-free extract. This enzyme was suggested to be a homodimeric medium-chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase (MDR). The catalytic and kinetic parameters indicated that MPD is the most suitable substrate for the enzyme. The enzyme was encoded by a 1047-bp gene (mpd1) and several mycobacterial strains were found to have putative MDR genes similar to mpd1. In a phylogenetic tree, MPD-DH formed an independent clade together with the putative MDR of Mycobacterium neoaurum, which produces opportunistic infections. 相似文献
Soluble epoxide hydrolase (EH) from the potato Solanum tuberosum and an evolved EH of the bacterium Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1, EchA-I219F, were purified for the enantioconvergent hydrolysis of racemic styrene oxide into the single product (R)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol, which is an important intermediate for pharmaceuticals. EchA-I219F has enhanced enantioselectivity (enantiomeric ratio of 91 based on products) for converting (R)-styrene oxide to (R)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol (2.0 +/- 0.2 micromol/min/mg), and the potato EH converts (S)-styrene oxide primarily to the same enantiomer, (R)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol (22 +/- 1 micromol/min/mg), with an enantiomeric ratio of 40 +/- 17 (based on substrates). By mixing these two purified enzymes, inexpensive racemic styrene oxide (5 mM) was converted at 100% yield to 98% enantiomeric excess (R)-1-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol at 4.7 +/- 0.7 micromol/min/mg. Hence, at least 99% of substrate is converted into a single stereospecific product at a rapid rate. 相似文献
Samples enriched in (-)- and (+)-1,2-benzocyclononen-3-ol were prepared by microbially mediated reactions. An enriched sample of (+)-1,2-benzocyclodecen-3-ol was prepared by fractional crystallization of the diastereoisomeric camphanates, followed by hydrolysis. The absolute stereochemistry of both alcohols was established by chemical transformations. The elution order of their enantiomers from a chiral Pirkle HPLC column [(R)-N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)phenyl glycine ionically bound to gamma-aminopropyl silanized silica] was determined. The information in conjunction with other data was used to formulate a rule to predict the configuration of an enantiomer of an alkylarylcarbinol from its elution order from this column. 相似文献