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We investigated the structure of the hemal node in six healthy hair goats using histological and enzyme histochemical methods. After processing, tissue sections were stained with Crossman's trichrome, Gordon-Sweet's silver and Pappenheim's panoptic stains. Alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) and acid phosphatase (ACP-ase) were demonstrated in frozen sections. Hemal nodes were encapsulated by connective tissue and few smooth muscle cells. Several trabeculae originated from the capsule and extended into the hemal node. A subcapsular sinus was present beneath the capsule and was continuous with the deeper sinuses. Subcapsular and deep sinuses were filled with erythrocytes. The parenchyma consisted of lymphoid follicles, diffuse interfollicular lymphocytes and irregular wide lymphoid cords. Cortical and medullary regions were not distinct. ANAE (+) and ACP-ase (+) cells were located mainly in the germinal centers of the lymphoid follicles and also were scattered equally in the interfollicular region and lymphoid cords. Monocytes, macrophages and reticular cells displayed a diffuse positive reaction, whereas localized granular positivity was observed in lymphocytes. We demonstrated that the general structure of the hair goat hemal nodes is similar to that of other ruminant species.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure of hemal nodes in Saanen goats using immunohistochemical staining. We examined the distribution of CD3 positive T lymphocytes, CD79a positive B lymphocytes, CD68 positive macrophages and S100 protein positive follicular dendritic cells. Hemal nodes of six healty adult female goats were used. Hemal nodes were removed from the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The oval to round hemal nodes were observed especially between the abdominal aorta and vena cava, and near the kidneys and adrenal glands. Tissue sections were stained with Crossmon’s modified triple stain to demonstrate general histological structure. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique using anti-CD3, anti-CD79a, anti-CD68 and anti-S100 primary antibodies was used for immunohistochemistry. Many CD3 positive T lymphocytes were found in the germinal center of the lymph follicles and in the lymphatic cords of hemal nodes; CD3 positive cells also were observed in the sinuses. CD79a and CD68 positive cells were found at the germinal center of the lymph follicles. In the lymph follicles near the subcapsular sinuses, CD79a and CD68 positive cells were found especially in e areas bordering the mantle zone. S100 positive cells were found in the lymph follicles, lymphatic cords and sinuses.  相似文献   

Histological and enzyme histochemical studies were carried out on the excretory kidney of the male bullhead ( Cottus gobio ). During the spawning season striking morphofunctional changes were observed in the second proximal segment of the kidney tubule. The tubular epithelium was greatly hypertrophied, strongly basophilic and produced a PAS-positive secretion. The enzyme histochemical pattern also changed conspicuously during this time: the alkaline phosphatase activity in the brush border was greatly reduced; the acid phosphatase and non-specific esterase activity in the cytoplasm was distinctly elevated.  相似文献   

The functions of the sperm-duct glands of Padogobius martensi were investigated by histochemical, enzyme histochemical and fine structural methods during the prereproductive and reproductive periods, i.e. during their maximum activity. The epithelium lining the spermduct gland tubules produces strongly acidic sulphomucins, probably conjugated with proteins and the variety of sulphomucins increases during the reproductive period when the exocrine epithelium is also involved in the phagocytosis of degenerating sperm cells. A contractile network of myoid cells surround the tubules. The gland interstitium contains cells similar in enzyme histochemical and ultrastructural features to the testicular interstitial cells (Leydig cell homologues). Unlike the latter, however, the interstitial cells of the sperm-duct gland are able to produce steroid glucuronides, which act possibly as pheromones.  相似文献   

Three electrophoretic variants of erythrocyte malic enzyme (ME) in goats were reported. Inheritance data indicate that they are controlled by codominant alleles. The allele frequencies in four Mediterranean populations are given.  相似文献   

Ten healthy adult Kilis goat mesenteric lymph nodes were used to examine the general structure of lymph nodes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, reticular cells and reticular fibers using histological methods. We also detected T lymphocytes using anti-CD3 [SP7], anti-CD4 [74-12-4], mouse anti-bovine CD4 [CC30] and mouse anti-bovine CD8 [CC63] monoclonal antibodies (mAb); and B lymphocytes using anti-CD79a [HM57] mAb, macrophages using anti-macrophage [MAC387] mAb and follicular dendritic cells using anti-S100 polyclonal antibody (pAb). The distribution of these cells also was studied. Although the primer antibodies we used for CD3, CD8, CD79a, MAC387 and S100 worked well, the primer antibodies for CD4 were ineffective for paraffin embedded goat lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Avermectins are used worldwide as antiparasitic drugs in the field of veterinary medicine and as agricultural pesticides and insecticides. Carbonic anhydrase (CA, E.C. is a zinc‐containing metalloenzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide (CO2) to yield protons (H+) and bicarbonate (HCO3?). In this study, some avermectins, including abamectin, doramectin, eprinomectin, and moxidectin, were investigated for in vitro inhibitory effects on the CA enzyme purified from goat liver, which was purified (125.00‐fold) using sepharose 4B‐l ‐tyrosine‐sulfanilamide affinity chromatography, with a yield of 68.27% and a specific activity of 21765.31 EU/mg proteins. The inhibition results obtained from this study showed Ki values of 0.283, 0.153, 0.232, and 0.317 nM for abamectin, doramectin, eprinomectin, and moxidectin, respectively. On the other hand, acetazolamide, well‐known clinically established CA inhibitor, possessed a Ki value of 0.707 nM against goat liver CA.  相似文献   

The Ziwuling black goat is an indigenously in China, their offspring are frequently affected by congenital cryptorchidism. The extracellular matrix (ECM) contains cytokines and growth factors that regulate the development of the testis, and component changes often result in pathological changes. Cryptorchidism is closely related to structural changes in ECM. In this study, the histochemical staining, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and Western blot combined with semi-quantitative analysis was used to describe the distribution of the important ECM components Collagen type IV (Col IV), laminin (LN)and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) in the normal and cryptorchid testes of Ziwuling black goats. Results showed that: The histochemical staining showed that the dysplasia of seminiferous tubules and decreased number of Sertoli cells in cryptorchidism, as well as sparse collagen fiber. Meanwhile, the distribution of reticular fibers is relatively rich. Furthermore, the PAS and AB staining in the interstitial vessels and lamina propria of seminiferous tubules is weak. The immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence revealed that Col IV, LN was strongly expressed in Leydig, Sertoli cells of normal testes and moderately positive in the spermatogonia and spermatids, but HSPG was not expressed in the spermatogonia. However, cryptorchidism, the expression of Col IV, LN and HPSG in Leydig, Sertoli cells significantly decreased, as well as the expression of Col IV and LN in capillary endothelial cells, but HSPG was moderately expressed in spermatogonia. Based on these data, the underdevelopment of spermatogenic epithelium, decreased synthesis function of collagen fibers and Leydig cells develop usually in the cryptorchidism were shown to be closely related to the abnormal metabolism of Col IV and LN. The positive expressed of HSPG in the spermatogonia of cryptorchid testes is related to the compensatory development of spermatogonia.  相似文献   

The testicular gland (t.g.) is a glandular tissue situated adjacent to the testis of blenniid and several gobiid species. In the present study the t.g. of Blennius pavo Risso and Gobius niger L. were compared by histological and histochemical methods. In B. pavo the spermatozoa have to cross the t.g. to reach the vas deferens and thus they come into contact with the gland cells, whereas in G. niger the vas deferens is situated between the testis and the t.g. The fine structure and histo-chemistry of the t.g. cells reveal that in B.pavo the cells of the t.g. have exocrine as well as endocrine functions. The t.g. cells of B. pavo contain large amounts of lipids, form a secretion containing acid mucopolysaccharides, show positive reaction for acid phosphatase, and some cells stain for 3β-HSD and G6PD. The function of the t.g. of G. niger is exclusively endocrine. Characteristics of the gland cells of this species are well developed smooth ER and tubulovesicular or paracristal-line mitochondria. The stainings for 3β-HSD, G6PD and UDPGD give strong positive results in the whole t.g., indicating the presence of steroids and steroid glucuronides.  相似文献   


We investigated the histological structure of the graylag goose (Anser anser) gall bladder. Sections of the gall bladder were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E), Alcian blue (pH 2.5) for acid mucopolysaccharides, Gomori’s method for reticular fibers, Masson’s trichrome, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Verhoeff’s elastin stain. The goose gall bladder was composed of a tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis and tunica adventitia or tunica serosa. The tunica mucosa formed regularly distributed simple isometric folds plus larger, less numerous, branched folds. The luminal surface was lined by tall columnar epithelial cells that stained for both acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides. The epithelial cells formed a discontinuous striated border of interdigitating microvilli on the luminal surface. Neither a lamina muscularis nor goblet cells were observed in the tunica mucosa. Unusual findings included branched mucosal folds, discontinuous microvilli and absence of an outer longitudinal layer in the tunica muscularis. No marked sex-associated differences were found. The general histochemical and histological structures of the graylag goose gall bladder are similar to those of birds such as chukar partridge and quail, but with some unique elements that may reflect differences in organ function.  相似文献   

Non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium lined the mucosa of the fore-stomach. The mucosal appendages in the form of ruminal papillae did not develop in the rumen during this study, however, omasal laminae and reticular ribs were evident in groups I and II, respectively. Cytoplasmic accumulations were evident in the middle layer of the epithelium, which is characteristic of this region. The thickness of the epithelium increased constantly in the rumen and reticulum, but in the omasum it remained constant with the increase in the size of the fetus. The corial papillae in the rumen, reticulum and omasum appeared at the 12.7-, 11.5-and 14.6-cm CVR stage, respectively. The muscularis mucosae appeared in the omasum at the 14.6-cm CVR stage in the first-order laminae. The tunica muscularis consisted of spirally arranged muscle fibre bundles. Cross-cut muscle fibre bundles below the tip of the omasal laminae descended downward with the increase in the size of the fetus and continued with the inner circular layer. Acid and alkaline phosphatases and fat could not be observed. The concentration of glycogen in the epithelium was maximum in group III and minimum in group II.  相似文献   

近年来,转录组测序技术在动物重要经济性状受复杂基因网络的调控研究领域取得了显著的成果。作为哺乳动物皮肤的衍生物,毛囊是唯一具有高度自我更新能力、独特的可再生器官,毛囊细胞经增殖分化最终形成毛发。已有的研究表明,诸多生长因子及其受体作为体内分泌协调基因的重要因素,对毛发的生长发育起着重要的调控作用。文章综述了近年来转录组测序技术在人、小鼠及羊等生物的皮肤毛囊发育和再生过程中基因调控方式的研究进展,旨在为今后人工干扰绒毛周期生长发育和分子育种提供理论依据,同时也为皮肤毛囊相关疾病的临床治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

毛囊分子调控机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毛囊是产生毛被的组织,具有周期性,经历生长期、衰退期和休止期三个时期,毛囊与皮脂腺组成毛囊皮脂腺单位。本文从分子层面分别对调控毛囊周期性变化、毛囊皮脂腺发育以及毛囊中影响毛被光泽度及毡结度的因子等给予了详细阐述,这些均为提高山羊绒产量和质量提供了重要思路。  相似文献   

Quantitative histochemistry (scanning microphotometry) was used to determine the activities of the mitochondrial enzymes NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC,l-glutamate dehydrogenase (EC and GABA transaminase (EC in various layers of the hippocampus (middle one third) of young (3–4 months old) and memory-impaired aged rats (28–30 months old). For comparison, determinations of cytochrome c oxidase (EC as a marker for mitochondria and energy metabolism were also performed. The study showed that there was a layered reaction pattern in the hippocampus and that the cellular distribution and the levels of enzyme activity were different. However, the activities of the different enzymes (excepting GABA transaminase and cytochrome c oxidase) were significantly correlated in the hippocampus in both age groups. Age-dependent changes were only observed for NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase and GABA transaminase (significant increases of activities in some layers of the hippocampus, preferentially in the terminal field of the perforant path). From the present study it is concluded that,1. the enzymatic complement of mitochondria in neurons and glia depends upon layer specific metabolic processes of the hippocampus (also with respect to glutamatergic and GABAergic terminal fields) indicating a layer specific interaction of the enzymes studied to produce or catabolize glutamate and GABA, and2. the age dependent changes of the studied enzymes are very restricted.  相似文献   

This research was carried out on seven Damascus goats, to study the relationship between milk production, during advancing lactation, and the changes in secretory mammary cells frequency and cellular activity. Biopsies were obtained from the mammary gland at the three stages of lactation, early, mid and late, for histological and histochemical studies. The histological structures of the mammary gland showed clear differences between lactation stages—being more developed in the early and the mid stages, compared to the late stage of lactation. The number of the alveolar secretory cells increased from the early to the mid stage of lactation by 12.9% and then was reduced at the late stage by 35.9% from that at the mid stage. The milk yield increased by 51.3% from the early to the mid stage, and then was reduced at the late stage by 71.4% from that of the mid stage. The total sectional areas of plate equal to 1.22 mm2/plate of the alveoli were the smallest during late lactation (0.36 mm2/plate) compared to that during the early and the mid stage of lactation (0.50 and 1.17 mm2/plate, respectively). Numerous loci of alkaline phosphatase enzyme (AP) were apparent on the outer surface of the alveolar secretory cells at the early and the mid stages of lactation—suggesting that this enzyme plays an important physiological role in the apical membrane of the alveolar epithelial cells during lactation. Dense protein staining of these cells as well as increased frequency of DNA expression denote great development and increased numbers of these cells at early and mid stages of lactation. This was accompanied by a high level of milk secretion reaching 939.3 ± 130 and 1421.4 ± 123.4 ml/head/day, respectively. In contrast, at the late stage of lactation, the size of alveoli was reduced and few alveoli showed weak AP activity, weak protein manifestation and the lowest frequency of DNA loci. This coincided with the reduction in milk yield (407 ml/head/day). It could be concluded that the stages of the lactation influence the cell number and activity of the mammary parenchyma.  相似文献   

From July to March, the testis of the spring‐spawning freshwater goby Padogobius martensi is characterized by spermatogonial proliferation. A close correlation exists among type of proliferating spermatogonia, gonado‐somatic (IG) profiles and morphological and functional variations of the Leydig cells. The IG reach their minimal levels by the end of summer and increase progressively but modestly during autumn and winter. Declining IG levels are associated with proliferation of primary spermatogonia only, whereas increasing IG levels are associated with predominant proliferation of secondary spermatogonia. Minimal IG levels are reached when the germinal epithelium is formed by a continuum of primary spermatogonia and associated Sertoli cells. The proliferation of secondary spermatogonia begins only at this time. Spermatogenesis in autumn occurs when spermatogonial cysts contain at the most 16 cells and it rarely results in the maturation of several cysts so that the amount of sperm cells produced is either negligible or scarce. A number of degenerating cells are usually present within the spermatogonial and meiotic cysts. Leydig cells are the unique cells that display features of steroidogenic cells: mitochondria with tubular cristae, extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), 3β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β‐HSD) and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity and sudanophilia. Light and dark Leydig cell varieties are always present. During regression, Leydig cells undergo a marked decrease in SER amount, mitochondrial sizes and number of mitochondrial cristae. In parallel, the 3β‐HSD and G6PD activities and sudanophilia decrease progressively until they become undetectable by the end of regression. In autumn, mitochondria increase in size, reaching sizes similar to those observed at the end of the spawning season in the light cells, but not in the dark cells. The SER, on the contrary, undergoes a modest and irregular increase only in a part of the Leydig cells, mostly of the light type. In parallel, the 3β‐HSD and G6PD activities increase until they become moderately intense by the end of autumn. At the end of winter, the SER is extensive and regularly dilated in both Leydig cell types, whereas mitochondria still have sizes similar to those observed in December. The 3β‐HSD and G6PD activities are strong and sudanophilia is again detectable. Sertoli cells undergo changes in shape and position in relation to the proliferation of primary spermatogonia and the development of cysts. A junction modulation occurs in association with these changes. Sertoli cells also undergo changes indicative of a decrease in activity immediately after spawning (loss of mitochondrial cristae and clarification of the mitochondrial matrix) and of an increase in activity by the end of the regressing phase (darkening of the mitochondrial matrix and increase in mitochondrial cristae, rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and free ribosomes). In addition, they are involved in the phagocytosis of degenerating germ cells at all stages of their development. Macrophages are found in the testis interstitium only, where they are usually adjacent to Leydig cells, myoid cells and blood capillaries and do not participate in the phagocytosis of degenerating germ cells. Myoid cells do not undergo ultrastructural changes except for an increase in the amount of heterochromatin by the end of spawning. The meaning of the autumnal spermatogenic wave and the relationships between the development of the germinal epithelium and the changes of the Leydig and Sertoli cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Adhesives that are naturally produced by marine organisms are potential sources of inspiration in the search for medical adhesives. Investigations of barnacle adhesives are at an early stage but it is becoming obvious that barnacles utilize a unique adhesive system compared to other marine organisms. The current study examined the fine structure and chemistry of the glandular system that produces the adhesive of the barnacle Lepas anatifera. All components for the glue originated from large single‐cell glands (70–180 μm). Staining (including immunostaining) showed that L ‐3,4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine and phosphoserine were not present in the glue producing tissues, demonstrating that the molecular adhesion of barnacles differs from all other permanently gluing marine animals studied to date. The glandular tissue and adhesive secretion primarily consisted of slightly acidic proteins but also included some carbohydrate. Adhesive proteins were stored in cytoplasmic granules adjacent to an intracellular drainage canal (ICC); observations implicated both merocrine and apocrine mechanisms in the transport of the secretion from the cell cytoplasm to the ICC. Inside the ICC, the secretion was no longer contained within granules but was a flocculent material which became “clumped” as it traveled through the canal network. Hemocytes were not seen within the adhesive “apparatus” (comprising of the glue producing cells and drainage canals), nor was there any structural mechanism by which additions such as hemocytes could be made to the secretion. The unicellular adhesive gland in barnacles is distinct from multicellular adhesive systems observed in marine animals such as mussels and tubeworms. Because the various components are not physically separated in the apparatus, the barnacle adhesive system appears to utilize completely different and unknown mechanisms for maintaining the liquid state of the glue within the body, as well as unidentified mechanisms for the conversion of extruded glue into hard cement. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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