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The following method of staining bacterial flagella is ecommended for use on smears made from suspensions of 10 to 16-tour agar slant cultures, incubated 30 minutes at 37°C before spreadng on thoroly cleaned and named slides:

Cover with fixative (100 cc. of 1/4 sat. aqu. solution picric acid, with 5 g. tannic acid and 7.5 g. ferrous sulfate).

Wash with tap water, dry and cover with Fontana spirochaete stain; heat to steaming and allow to act for 1 to 2 minutes. Wash in ap water. The stain is prepared as follows: To 25 cc. 2% AgNO3 add dilute ammonia till the precipitate which forms redissolves; then add more AgNO3 till a faint turbidity results. A clear solution is useess.  相似文献   

The following method of staining bacterial flagella is ecommended for use on smears made from suspensions of 10 to 16-tour agar slant cultures, incubated 30 minutes at 37°C before spreadng on thoroly cleaned and named slides:
  1. Cover with fixative (100 cc. of 1/4 sat. aqu. solution picric acid, with 5 g. tannic acid and 7.5 g. ferrous sulfate).
  2. Wash with tap water, dry and cover with Fontana spirochaete stain; heat to steaming and allow to act for 1 to 2 minutes. Wash in ap water. The stain is prepared as follows: To 25 cc. 2% AgNO3 add dilute ammonia till the precipitate which forms redissolves; then add more AgNO3 till a faint turbidity results. A clear solution is useess.

A modification of the Loeffler method of staining bacterial flagella is proposed. The chief points of the modification are: The cultures are inoculated into distilled water after two successive daily transfers on agar slants, and the distilled water cultures are incubated at optimum temperature for from 48 to 72 hours. The mordant (tannic acid, ferrous sulphate, basic fuchsin) is allowed to stand 18 to 24 hours before use, and then cleared by centrifuging or filtering. An anilin water fuchsin is used as a stain. No heat is used for either mordanting or staining; but both mordant and stain are allowed to act on the preparation for 15 minutes. The writer finds the method admirably adapted for use in class work, where nearly 100 per cent success has been obtained except in the case of some three or four species of bacteria that are especially difficult to stain.  相似文献   

A Simple, Rapid Method for Demonstrating Bacterial Flagella   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We developed a simple, rapid method for demonstrating flagellation of bacteria using the fluorescent protein stain NanoOrange (Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oreg.). The NanoOrange reagent binds to hydrophobic regions of proteins, which results in substantial enhancement of fluorescence. Unbound reagent is essentially nonfluorescent. NanoOrange fluorescently stained bacterial cell bodies, as well as flagella and other appendages, which could be directly observed by epifluorescence microscopy. Detection of flagella was further improved by using a charge-coupled device camera for image capture and processing. The reliability of the method was tested by using 37 pure cultures of marine bacteria. Detection of flagella on the isolates by NanoOrange staining was compared to detection by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). For 36 of 37 cultures, the two methods yielded the same results. In one case, flagella were detected by TEM but not by NanoOrange, although the difference may be attributable to differences between the culture preparations. NanoOrange staining is rapid (10 to 15 min) and does not require fixation or dehydration, so live samples can be stained. Since NanoOrange is a general protein stain and works directly in seawater, it may also prove to be useful for staining other proteinaceous material that is of interest to aquatic microbial ecologists.  相似文献   

In an attempt to stain the flagella of soil bacteria, many of which have flagella so fine that they are hard to stain by most methods, a technic was developed which combines the best points of Hofer and Wilson's method with that of Bailey as developed by O'Toole. Satisfactory preparations have been obtained for organisms of the genera Pseudomonas, Phytomonas, Alcaligenes, Escherichia, Azotobacter, and Bacillus. This technic, therefore, is recommended as a rapid and constant method for routine flagella staining of all motile aerobic organisms; it combines Hofer and Wilson's method of cleaning the slides with O'Toole's technic of spreading the smears and with a modification of Bailey's mordant.  相似文献   

Intensity of bacterial flagella staining using a modified silver stain was increased by aging the mordant for one week at room temperature. The use of aged mordant increased the apparent diameters of stained flagella and resulted in a darker stain. The mordant remained stable for at least four months at room temperature. The staining protocol presented allows application to liquid or solid cultures.  相似文献   

Basal Organelles of Bacterial Flagella   总被引:3,自引:16,他引:3  
Liberated by enzymatic lysis of the cells, the flagella of Rhodospirillum rubrum, R. molischianum, and R. fulvum all have a similar structure. The hook at the base of the flagellum is connected by a short, narrow collar to a paired disc in the basal organelle. This paired disc is in turn connected to a second paired disc. The disposition of flagella to which fragments of the cell membrane still adhere suggests that the narrow collar at the base of the hook traverses both the wall and the membrane, and that the upper pair of discs in the basal organelle lies just beneath the surface of the membrane.  相似文献   

Synchronous cultures of Bacillus subtilis 168 M were obtained from light-density spores germinated at 46 C and grown at 37 C. This procedure synchronizes both cell division and chromosome replication. The chromosome synchrony was demonstrated by using transformation to measure changes in marker frequency during the cell cycle. The synthesis of two enzymes and of bacterial flagellar protein was also followed. All of the proteins were found to be synthesized continuously with an abrupt doubling in the rate of synthesis at a specific time in the cell cycle. The time at which the doubling occurred for each enzyme corresponded to the time at which the structural gene for the enzyme was replicated. The doubling of the rate of flagella synthesis corresponded to the time of replication of the hisA1 gene. We conclude that the genetic locus for the factors involved in the rate-limiting steps in flagella synthesis are located on the genetic map near the hisA1 locus.  相似文献   

When cells of Escherichia coli are grown in broth and suspended at low density in a motility medium, they swim independently, exploring a homogeneous, isotropic environment. Cell trajectories and the way in which these trajectories are determined by flagellar dynamics are well understood. When cells are grown in a rich medium on agar instead, they elongate, produce more flagella, and swarm. They move in coordinated packs within a thin film of fluid, in intimate contact with one another and with two fixed surfaces, a surfactant monolayer above and an agar matrix below: they move in an inhomogeneous, anisotropic environment. Here we examine swarm-cell trajectories and ways in which these trajectories are determined by flagellar motion, visualizing the cell bodies by phase-contrast microscopy and the flagellar filaments by fluorescence microscopy. We distinguish four kinds of tracks, defining stalls, reversals, lateral movement, and forward movement. When cells are stalled at the edge of a colony, they extend their flagellar filaments outwards, moving fluid over the virgin agar; when cells reverse, changes in filament chirality play a crucial role; when cells move laterally, they are pushed sideways by adjacent cells; and when cells move forward, they are pushed by flagellar bundles in the same way as when they are swimming in bulk aqueous media. These maneuvers are described in this report.Swarming is a common yet specialized form of surface translocation exhibited by flagellated bacteria and is distinct from swimming (23). When cells are grown on a moist nutrient-rich surface, they differentiate from a vegetative to a swarm state: they elongate, make more flagella, secrete wetting agents, and move across the surface in coordinated packs. Here we focus on the mechanics of bacterial swarming, as exhibited by the model organism Escherichia coli. Others have worked on swarm-cell differentiation in a variety of organisms, including Proteus, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Serratia, Bacillus, and Vibrio. For example, screens for genes required for swarming in E. coli or Salmonella have been made by Inoue et al. (25) and Wang et al. (40, 41). Vibrio is a special case, because a single polar flagellum enables cells to swim while multiple lateral flagella promote swarming (32). For general reviews, see the work of Allison and Hughes (1), Shapiro (37), Fraser and Hughes (17), and Fraser et al. (16). Also see the work of Eberl et al. (15), Sharma and Anand (38), Harshey (18), Daniels et al. (11), Kaiser (26), O''Toole (33), and Copeland and Weibel (10).Swarming was first observed with Proteus mirabilis by Hauser (22), who named the genus for a sea god able to change his own form. Proteus is distinctive because cells switch periodically from the vegetative to the swarming state, building terraced colonies (36, 42). This is not observed with E. coli under the conditions used here, where swarms expand at a constant rate propelled by cells swimming vigorously in a monolayer behind a smooth outer boundary.Swarming in E. coli was discovered by Harshey, who found that K-12 strains, which lack the lipopolysaccharide O antigen, swarmed on Eiken agar (from Japan) but not on Difco agar (from the United States), presumably because the former is more wettable (19, 20). Chemotaxis is not required: cells lacking the chemotaxis response regulator CheY swarm perfectly well, provided that mutations in the motor protein FliM enable transitions between clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) rotational states (31). It was suggested that these reversals promote wetness by causing cells to shed lipopolysaccharide.How do cells in E. coli swarms move across an agar surface? What are their flagella doing? We sought to answer such questions by performing a global analysis of videotaped data (of phase-contrast images) collected from 5 regions of 2 swarms, plotting body lengths, speeds, propulsion angles, local track curvatures, and temporal and spatial correlations, and we found that cells reorient on a time scale of a few tenths of a second, primarily by colliding with one another (13). Our previous report did not describe analyses of individual tracks or visualization of flagella. This aspect of the work is presented here.Most of the time, cells are driven forwards by a flagellar bundle in the usual way. Flagellar filaments from different cells can intertwine and form common bundles, but this is rare. However, cells in swarms do something not ordinarily seen with swimming cells: they back up. They do this without changing the orientation of the cell body by moving back through the middle of the flagellar bundle. This involves changes in filament shape (in polymorphic form), from normal to curly and back to normal. Polymorphic forms were classified by Calladine (7), on the basis of earlier work by Asakura (3), in terms of the relative lengths of 11 protofilaments, longitudinal arrays of protein subunits that comprise the filament. All polymorphic forms are helical, with some being left-handed (e.g., the normal form) and some being right-handed (e.g., the semicoiled and curly forms, which have half the pitch of the normal filament and half the pitch and half the amplitude, respectively). Transformations from one shape to another can be caused in various ways, e.g., by changes in pH, salinity, or temperature (21, 27, 28) or by application of torque (24). The changes observed with swarm cells are driven by the latter mechanism, when motors switch from CCW to CW rotation. When swimming cells tumble, polymorphic transformations also occur, in the order normal to semicoiled to curly and back to normal (14, 39). But we rarely see the semicoiled form with cells in swarms, and when it appears, it is quite transient. We wonder whether polymorphic transformations evolved to enable cells to escape confined environments when the only way out is to back up, keeping the filaments close to the sides of the cell body.  相似文献   

细菌鞭毛研究概况及进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鞭毛是细菌的一种特殊结构,约半数的杆菌、极少数球菌和所有的螺旋菌及弧菌都有鞭毛。鞭毛与细菌的运动有关,并在感染与免疫以及分类鉴定等方面发挥重要的作用,受到细菌研究者的高度重视。从细菌鞭毛的结构以及它在细菌致病性和免疫中的作用最新  相似文献   

Effect of Proteolytic Enzymes on Bacterial Flagella   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Sheared flagella of Salmonella typhimurium strains SL 870 (Nml(+)Fla(+)) and SL 871 (Nml(-)Fla(+)) were found to be susceptible to proteolytic digestion by trypsin, chymotrypsin, and Pronase. The rate of tryptic digestion was similar for the epsilon-N-methyllysine-containing and the nonmethylated flagella. Thin fibers, which appeared to originate from only one end of the flagellar filament, were formed upon trypsin digestion. The fibers were not dissociated at extremes of pH or upon heating. The amino acid composition of the purified fibers was very different from that of intact Salmonella flagellin, and the fibers did not cross-react with antiflagellin or antiflagellar antiserum. The possible significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the flagellar structure.  相似文献   

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