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A simple, highly sensitive method for the simultaneous determination of arrays of carbon-centered radicals in aqueous systems is described. Radicals are efficiently trapped by an amino-nitroxide to form stable products which are then reacted with fluorescamine to produce highly fluorescent adducts. The adducts are easily separated by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The detection limit for individual radical adducts (0.5 to 2nM) is two to three orders of magnitude lower than those of current methods employing electron paramagnetic resonance detection. Results on the photolysis of ketones and z-keto acids demonstrate the potential of this technique. This approach should be widely applicable to the study of radical processes in biological and chemical systems.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-2):109-117
A simple, highly sensitive method for the simultaneous determination of arrays of carbon-centered radicals in aqueous systems is described. Radicals are efficiently trapped by an amino-nitroxide to form stable products which are then reacted with fluorescamine to produce highly fluorescent adducts. The adducts are easily separated by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The detection limit for individual radical adducts (0.5 to 2nM) is two to three orders of magnitude lower than those of current methods employing electron paramagnetic resonance detection. Results on the photolysis of ketones and z-keto acids demonstrate the potential of this technique. This approach should be widely applicable to the study of radical processes in biological and chemical systems.  相似文献   

EPR characterization of the short-lived free radicals generated by pulsed UV laser ablation of biological samples has been investigated using a spin trap method. The obtained EPR spectra suggest that the trapped short-lived free radicals generated by excimer laser ablation of collagen and myocardium are identical. The obtained results are discussed in association with the production scheme of free radicals and an empirical mechanism of laser generated short-lived free radicals.  相似文献   

The use of nitrose compounds and nitrones as spin traps for the detection of short-lived inorganic radicals is discussed. To a certain degree nitrones and nitroso compounds are complementary. While nitroso compounds are superior with respect to spin trapping metal-centred radicals, nitrones form more persistent spin adducts with most small inorganic radicals.

Erroneous results may be obtained when hydrolysis and redox reactions involving the spin adducts are ignored. Spin trapping of pseudohalide radicals (·Nj· ·CN, ·SCN) are discussed in more detail.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(2):229-234
Laser flash photolysis of lycopene in homogeneous chloroform solution together with tocopherol homolopes results in rapid formation of the lycopene radical cation and slower formation of tocopheroxyl radicals. Time-resolved detection by absorption spectroscopy of decay of the lycopene radical cation, of formation of the tocopheroxyl radicals, and of bleaching of lycopene has shown that a-tocopherol is able to reduce the lycopene radical cation and thereby partially regenerate lycopene on a ms timescale. In contrast, lycopene is able to reduce the δ-tocopheroxyl radical, whereas an equilibrium exists between the lycopene radical cation and β- or γ-tocopherol. The relative stability of these antioxidant radicals is hence: a-tocopheroxyl > lycopene radical cation ≈ β-tocopheroxyl - γ-tocopheroxyl > S-toco-pheroxyl.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-2):75-84
The use of nitrose compounds and nitrones as spin traps for the detection of short-lived inorganic radicals is discussed. To a certain degree nitrones and nitroso compounds are complementary. While nitroso compounds are superior with respect to spin trapping metal-centred radicals, nitrones form more persistent spin adducts with most small inorganic radicals.

Erroneous results may be obtained when hydrolysis and redox reactions involving the spin adducts are ignored. Spin trapping of pseudohalide radicals (·Nj· ·CN, ·SCN) are discussed in more detail.  相似文献   

The reaction of metmyoglobin with equimolar concentrations of hydrogen peroxide has been studied using both electron spin resonance (e.s.r.) and optical spectroscopy. Using the former technique a strong anisotropic e.s.r. signal is observed, in the presence of the spin trap DMPO, which decays relatively rapidly. This previously unobserved signal, which is also observed on reaction of metmyoglobin with a number of other powerful oxidants (peracetic acid, 3-chloroperoxybenzoic acid, monoperoxyphthalic acid, iodosyl benzene, 1BuOOH and cumene hydroperoxide) is assigned to a slowly-tumbling, metmyoglobin-derived, spin adduct. The parameters of this signal (aN 1. 45, aH 0.83 mT) are consistent with the trapped radical having a heteroatom centre; this is believed to be oxygen. The concentration of this species is not affected by compounds such as 2-deoxyribose, mannitol and phenylalanine which are all efficient hydroxyl radical scavengers, demonstrating that the formation of this radical is not due to reaction of “free” HO· generated by breakdown of H2O2, by released iron ions. The concentration of this species is however decreased by desferal, ascorbate, Trolox C, salicylate and, to a lesser extent, linoleic acid; with the first three of these compounds further substrate-derived radicals are also observed. Examination of similar reaction systems (though in the absence of DMPO) by optical spectroscopy shows that the myoglobin (IV) species is formed and that this species behaves in a somewhat different manner with these added compounds. These results suggest that the radical trapped in the e.s.r. experiments is a myoglobin-derived species, probably a tyrosine peroxyl radical, arising from oxidative damage to the globin moiety.

The diminution of both the e.s.r. signal of the spin adduct and the optical absorption of the myoglobin (IV) species in the presence of linoleic acid suggests that these myoglobin-derived species can initiate oxidative damage but that this process can be ameliorated by the presence of a number of water-soluble compounds such as ascorbate, Trolox C, desferal and salicylate.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-2):7-18
Generation and reactivity of superoxide (02?) and hydroxyl (OH') radicals in enzymatic and radiolytic systems were investigated over the temperature range from 20o-50oC. The generation rate and reaction kinetics of both enzymatically and radiolytically produced superoxide radicals were determined by a cytochrome c reduction assay. For OH' radical reaction studies the degradation of hyaluronic acid was assayed. An increase in temperature leads to a greater reactivity of both radicals, but in the case of an enzymatic source a disproportionate increase in the rate of generation is observed. In the pulse radiolysis system, the reactivity of superoxide radicals was found to be stimulated 15-fold over the temperature range from 20oC to 60oC, although the activity of superoxide dismutase was only minimally increased (about 1.6-fold). The results are discussed with respect to the possible importance of active oxygen species to the biological effects of hyperthermia.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the proliferation pathological perturbations of cultured chondrocytes in response to menadione, an oxygen free radicals producing drug. Rabbit articular chondrocytes in monolayer culture were treated with 10-5, 1.5.M-5 and 2.10-5M of menadione during three days. A dose dependent decrease of the proliferative capacity was observed. Flow cytometry analysis revealed a perturbation of the cell cycle progression consisting in an accumulation of cells in the S and G2 + M phases. This growth perturbation was due to oxygen radicals production since a treatment with catalase suppressed these toxic effects. Furthermore, to identify oxygen derived radicals in the cellular suspension of cultures treated with menadione, we used a technique of spin-trapping coupled with electron spin resonance (ESR). The ESR signal corresponding to the DMPO hydroxyl radical adduct (DMPO-OH) has been detected. The spectra observation indicated the actual production of hydroxyl radical. However, superoxide anions have not been identified; this fact can be explained by the low reactivity of these anions with DMPO and by the decomposition of signal DMPO-OOH to DMPO-OH.  相似文献   

Formation of Radicals by Mechanical Processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of e.s.r. spectroscopy to the study of radicals formed by mechanical means (grinding, shearing, bending, cutting, etc.) is discussed. Two mechanisms are considered, one being the homolytic breaking of main-chain bonds in polymers, and the other being charge-transfer (tribo-electric effect). The former is thought to occur for high polymers whilst the latter may be important for certain inorganic materials especially ionic solids.

Specific examples are given for the generation of radicals by cutting finger nails and by grinding bone. In both cases, well-defined e.s.r. spectra were obtained for which identifications are offered. Possible implications of the mechanical formation of radicals in bone are considered.  相似文献   

St I is a toxin present in the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus which is highly hemolytic in the nanomolar concentration range. Exposure of the toxin to free radicals produced in the pyrolysis of 2,2-azobis(2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride leads to a progressive loss of hemolytic activity. This loss of hemolytic activity is accompanied by extensive modification of tryptophan residues. On the average, three tryptophan residues are modified by each inactivated toxin. The loss of hemolytic activity of St I takes place without significant changes in the protein structure, as evidenced by the similarity of the fluorescence and CD spectra of native and modified proteins. Also, the native and modified ensembles present a similar resistance to their denaturation by guanidinium chloride. The hemolytic behavior and the performance of the toxin at the single-channel level when incorporated to black lipid membranes suggest that the modified ensemble can be considered as composed of inactive toxins and active toxins whose behavior is similar to that of the native proteins. These results, together with the lack of induction time in the activity loss, suggest that the fall of hemolytic activity takes place by an all-or-nothing inactivation mechanism in which the molecules become inactive when a critical amino acid residue is modified.  相似文献   

Paraquat is a synthetic bipyridylium salt widely used as herbicide and defoliant. Enzyme-catalyzed redox-cycling of paraquat generates oxygen radicals. The toxic, even lethal, effects of paraquat are due to free radical-mediated tissue injury. Ocular lesions, sometimes quite severe, have been observed following accidental splashing of paraquat solutions onto the eyes.

These studies were designed to document the generation of paraquat free radicals in corneal tissue, and to describe the histological nature of the corneal injuries in experimental animals (rabbits and monkeys). The EPR spectrum of rabbit corneas, 30 min. after intrastromal injection of paraquat, showed the signal of the free radical of paraquat. Ultrastructural studies of corneas 8 days after intrastromal injections (100μl) of paraquat solutions showed that the initial lesions occur at the epithelium/basement membrane interface. In rabbit cornea, dose dependent lesions were observed, i.e. whereas 50 mM paraquat caused only minimal damage to the epithelial basement membrane, 75 mM caused complete dissolution to the basement membrane with some damage to stromal collagen, and loss of epithelium with stromal ulceration and severe inflammatory response were observed with 150 mM paraquat. Monkey corneas were less susceptible than those of rabbits to the effects of paraquat. No lesions were observed following intrastromal injections of 50 mM or 75 mM paraquat. With higher concentrations of paraquat (100 mM and 150 mM) the primary injuries were to the proximal and lateral plasma membranes of basal epithelial cells; basement membrane alterations were detected only adjacent to areas of significant plasma membrane damage. The underlying Bowman's membrane and stroma were not affected. Anatomical differences between the corneas of rabbit and monkeys as well as possible biochemical differences may account for the species differences observed.  相似文献   

Thermolysis of 2, 2'-azo-bis-(2-amidinopropane) under air in the presence of lysozyme leads to extensive inactivation of the enzyme. The number of inactivated enzyme molecules per radical produced increases with the enzyme concentration up to values considerably larger than one. Enzyme inacitivation is accompanied by extensive tryptophan modification. Over the enzyme concentration range considered (1.7 to 130μM) nearly 4 tryptophan groups are modified per enzyme molecule inactivated. Both the inactivation and tryptophan modification are prevented by micromolar concentrations of propyl gallate. The results are interpreted in terms of an efficient inactivation of the enzyme by the alkylperoxyl radicals generated by thermolysis of the azocompound.  相似文献   

The radiation damage to Deoxyribose was studied with a view to identify the damaging species. Our results indicate that H, e-, CO2-do not cause any appreciable damage in the absence of metal compounds and OH is the sole damaging entity. Iron compounds sensitize very little O2-damage and CO2-darnage could not be sensitized. In N2-saturated solutions metal compounds increase the damage by converting e- into deleterious OH.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):721-724
Ischemia of rat intestine was induced in vivo by occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) for 15 min. Sodium salicylate, 100 mg/kg, given IP, 30 min prior to the ischemic event served as a specific trap for hydroxyl radicals and provided direct evidence for the involvement of free radicals during the ischemic insult. Portions of the bowel were sequentially isolated and removed. The hydroxylation products. dihyd-roxybenzoic acid (DHBA) derivatives were isolated, identified and qunatified by HPLC coupled with electrochemical detection (ECD). The level of 2,5-DHBA (Mean ± SE, ng/g tissue) in the preischemic bowel (N = 21) was 241.8 ± 10.0. It rose significantly to 313.3 ± 15.5 in the ischemic specimen (p = 0.0129) and remained unchanged in the reperfusion period (322.8 ± 15.5). The histological examination correlated well with these levels: mild villi damage in the ischemic period with no further damage in the reperfusion period.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):197-204
Carbon dioxide radical adducts of the spin trapping agent, α-phenyl N-t-butyl nitrone (PBN), have been observed to occur in the urine and bile of rats exposed to carbon tetrachloride as well as in perfusates of liver in which the perfusion medium contained carbon tetrachloride (Connor er al., J. Biol. Chem., 261, 4542, (1986)). The carbon dioxide adduct was proven to be derived from CCI, by use of 13-C-labelled compound. These adducts were not observed in the liver itself suggesting that they might be rapidly secreted from the liver. However, using isolated hepatocytes, we have demonstrated that the carbon dioxide radical adduct can be observed directly in the liver cells as it is formed. Since this water-soluble adduct cannot be extracted by non-aqueous solvents such as chloroform or toluene, its formation in liver in vivo or in perfused livers was not detected. Lowering the oxygen tension in the system diminished the intensity of production of the carbon dioxide adduct, consistent with the adduct being produced as a result of ·OOCCl3 generation. It is not clear the extent to which this adduct is formed as a result of the ·CO2 radical or is produced by metabolic oxidation of the trichloromethyl radical adduct of PBN per se to the carbon dioxide radical adduct. The intensity of the signal of the carbon dioxide radical adduct suggests that adduct conversion may be the route of formation since it seems unlikely that a sufficient amount of the halocarbon could be metabolized to ·COCl or ·CO2 radicals to generate a signal of the magnitude involved. The ·CO2 adduct is readily observed in intact hepatocytes, but the ·CCl3 adduct is not (although we know the ·CCl3 adduct has been produced in these cells), indicating that the ·CO2 adduct is present in considerable abundance compared to the ·CCl3 adduct.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-5):199-209
Hydrocarbon oxidation in the atmosphere proceeds generally by the following sequence of reactions: hydrocarbon + OH → alkyl radical + H2O, alkyl radical + O,(3I) → alkylperoxy radical, alkylperoxy radical + NO → alkoxy radical + NO2, alkoxy radical + O2(3X) -→ aldehyde + HO,. The atmospheric lifetimes of hydrocarbons are determined by their reactivity towards OH as well as by the average OH concentration level. They are compound specific and vary from several hours to several years. Hydrocarbon oxidation chains couple with other trace gases (Ov, HOx, and NOv). For the conditions of the average continental atmosphere an increase of the oxidative potential (HOv, Ox) is predicted through hydrocarbon oxidation.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance (ESR) measurments provide direct evidence for the involvement of Cr(V) in the reduction of Cr(VI) by NAD(P)H. Addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to NAD(P)H-Cr(VI) reaction mixtures suppresses the Cr(V) signal and generates hydroxyl (OH) radicals (as detected via spin trapping), suggesting that Cr(V) reacts with H2O2 to generate the OH radicals. Reaction between H2O2 and a Cr(V)-glutathione complex. and between H2O2 and several Cr(V)-cdrboxylato complexes also produces OH radicals. These results suggest that Cr(V) complexes catalyze the generation of OH radicals from H2O2, and that OH radicals might play a significant role in the mechanism of Cr(VI) cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4-6):279-284
The degradation of the nucleotides dAMP, dGMP, dCMP and dTMP and of calf thymus DNA by ozone was studied. In all cases both base and sugar moiety were degraded. Furthermore, strand breaks were induced in calf thymus DNA. Hydroxyl radicals were probably involved in the oxidation of the base in dAMP and of the deoxyribose ring, but not in the degradation of the other bases. This indicates that ozone-induced DNA damage proceeds both directly via ozone molecules and indirectly via hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1-2):17-26
Electron spin resonance (ESR) measurments provide direct evidence for the involvement of Cr(V) in the reduction of Cr(VI) by NAD(P)H. Addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to NAD(P)H-Cr(VI) reaction mixtures suppresses the Cr(V) signal and generates hydroxyl (OH) radicals (as detected via spin trapping), suggesting that Cr(V) reacts with H2O2 to generate the OH radicals. Reaction between H2O2 and a Cr(V)-glutathione complex. and between H2O2 and several Cr(V)-cdrboxylato complexes also produces OH radicals. These results suggest that Cr(V) complexes catalyze the generation of OH radicals from H2O2, and that OH radicals might play a significant role in the mechanism of Cr(VI) cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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