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We examined the possible effects of elemental mercury vapor on the liver of the female rats. We divided the animals into an untreated control group and an experimental group that was exposed to mercury vapor for 45 days. Liver samples were obtained for histological and stereological analysis. The total liver, parenchyma and sinusoid volumes were increased significantly in the mercury vapor treated group compared to controls. Also, the mean density, total number and mean nuclear diameter of hepatocytes, except for binucleated hepatocytes, was decreased in the experimental group compared to controls. Light and electron microscopy revealed alterations of liver structure of the experimental animals compared to controls.  相似文献   

Mercury in the environment that arises from organic and inorganic sources can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system. Toxicity may be direct or may arise from interactions with other metals in the environment. We evaluated the possible effects of mercury vapor on rat cerebellum. Twelve adult female rats were divided into control and experimental groups. The rats in the experimental group were exposed to mercury vapor for 9 h/day for 45 days. Cerebellar tissue samples were evaluated using stereology and for histopathology. The total number of Purkinje cells was estimated using a physical disector method. We found that in the experimental group, overall volume decreased and the number of Purkinje cells was reduced. We also found cellular damage including pycnotic nuclei, eosinophilic cytoplasm and vacuolization; these features were absent in the control group. We found that chronic exposure to inorganic mercury vapor is toxic to the cerebellum.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS) and routine antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) on early healing of bone defects in diabetic rats. We used 48 rats in the study. Diabetes was induced in 24 rats using streptozotocin; the remaining 24 healthy untreated rats served as controls. Twelve of the diabetic rats and 12 of the healthy rats were treated with AP for 3 days before surgery. Bilateral bone defects were created in the mandible of all animals. ABS was applied to the defects on the left sides of the mandibles, while nothing was applied to the right sides. Animals were sacrificed on days 7 and 14 after operation and examined for histopathology and by stereology. The volume of newly formed bone was significantly less in the diabetic rats on both days 7 and 14. Local administration of ABS significantly increased the mean volume of newly formed bone in both diabetic and nondiabetic rats at days 7 and 14. No significant difference in new bone formation was found between AP and ABS treatment in diabetic rats. Both AP and local administration of ABS have beneficial effects on bone healing in diabetic animals.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of diclofenac sodium (DS) on development of the optic nerve in utero. Pregnant female rats were separated into three groups: control, saline treated and DS treated. Offspring of these animals were divided into 4-week-old and 20-week-old groups. At the end of the 4th and 20th weeks of postnatal life, the animals were sacrificed, and right optic nerves were excised and sectioned for ultrastructural and stereological analyses. We demonstrated that both DS and saline produced structural and morphometric changes in the total axon number and density of axons, but decreased the myelin sheath thickness in male optic nerves. All ultrastructural and morphometric features were well developed in 20-week-old rats. We showed that development of the optic nerve continues during the early postnatal period and that some compensation for exposure to deleterious agents in utero may occur during early postnatal life.  相似文献   

Although the analysis of metallothionein (MT) by radioimmunoassay (RIA) is not a common technique, its use is preferred over other methods since it offers the advantages of sensitivity and specificity. In this paper we present data on the basal levels of MT in rat tissues and physiological fluids of female Sprague-Dawley rats. The mean basal MT concentrations of the following organs and fluids were determined by RIA to be: liver (9.8 μg/g), kidney (68 μ/g), brain (0.8 μg/g), spleen (1.0 μg/g), heart (5.4 μg/g), plasma (11 ng/ml), and urine (200–300 μg/g creatinine). Following subcutaneous exposure to inorganic mercury (0.2 μmol/kg/d, 5 d a week for up to 4 wk), the metal accumulated primarily in the kidney. There was also a simultaneous accumulation of zinc in the liver and of zinc and copper in the kidney. Induction of MT did take place in liver, kidney, brain, and spleen. No increases in the MT contents of blood and urine were noted. The excess zinc and copper in the kidney of exposed animals were found to be associated predominantly with MT. No overt signs of mercury toxicity were noted in these animals and the incidence of proteinurea was nil. The data are discussed with reference to methods of MT determination in animal tissues and in relation to mercury metabolism and toxicity.  相似文献   

Hair is often used as an index of environmental and industrial exposure to different metals. The interpretation of metal levels in hair is difficult because of the risk of external contamination. The aim of this study was to define the degree of external contamination of hair exposed in vitro to mercury vapor. Specimens of hair were exposed to concentration: 0.026, 0.21, and 2.7 mg Hg/m3 for 2–28 d. Mercury levels in hair increased during 28 d of exposure 2, 3 and 13, times, respectively, when compared to initial values. Mercury levels in hair exposed to the first and second (but not third) concentration of mercury vapor attained a steady state on the 21st d of exposure. The contamination of hair with mercury could not be removed by washing with water, solvent, and detergent. Hair may be used as an index of internal uptake of mercury provided that it was not externally exposed to mercury vapor. In cases of occupational exposure to mercury vapor, hair could become a useful tool for monitoring exposures.  相似文献   

Diclofenac sodium (DS) is used primarily to treat fever and to alleviate pain and inflammation. We investigated the effects of DS exposure during gestation on the testes of rat pups to investigate the safety of its use during the prenatal period. Pregnant rats were separated into control, saline, low dose, medium dose and high dose groups. DS was given between weeks 15 and 21 of gestation. Total numbers of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells were counted in the testes of 7-day-old male rats using the physical disector method. By the end of the study, the total number of Sertoli cells was decreased significantly in a dose dependent manner in the medium and high dose groups compared to controls. No significant differences were found in the total number of spermatogonia in the control, saline and low dose DS groups. Medium and high dose DS administration reduced the total number of spermatogonia compared to other groups. We suggest that prenatal administration of DS can cause deleterious effects on the testis development, especially in high doses.  相似文献   

Increasing cell phone use calls for clarification of the consequences of long term exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). We investigated the effects of EMF on the testes of 12-week-old rats as well as possible protective effects of luteolin on testis tissue. Twenty-four Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into four groups: control, EMF, luteolin, and EMF + luteolin. The number of Leydig cells, primary spermatocytes and spermatids were reduced in the EMF group compared to the control group. In the EMF + luteolin group, the number of Leydig cells, primary spermatocytes and spermatids was significantly greater than the EMF group. We found an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the EMF group compared to the control group. In the EMF group, we found decreased wet weight of testes and serum testosterone levels compared to the control group. Decreased SOD enzyme activity, and increased serum testosterone levels and weight of the testes were observed in the EMF + luteolin group compared to the EMF group. EMF also affected sperm morphology. We found that in rat testis repeated exposure to 900 MHz EMF caused changes in testicular tissue and that the antioxidant, luteolin, substantially reduced the deleterious effects of EMF.  相似文献   

In order to study the metabolism of mercury (Hg), its affinity to metallothionein (MT), and its influence on levels of the essential metals copper and zinc in the brain tissue of rats exposed to elemental mercury (HgO) vapor was investigated. The major findings were:
1.  After long-term exposure, about 40% of mercury was found in the brain water-soluble phase (supernatant);
2.  In brain supernatant, about 80% of Hg was found in the range of low-molecular-weight proteins; the MT-like protein Hg−Cu−Zn-thionein was isolated and partially characterized;
3.  HgO vapor exposure resulted in increased tissue levels of essential Cu and Zn in addition to exogenous Hg; and
4.  Experiments showed that HgO vapor exposure can induce the stimulation of rat brain MT synthesis.
A part of this investigation was reported at TEMA 7, Dubrovnik, May 20–25, 1990 (Falnoga et al 1991).  相似文献   

Mercuric chloride and sodium selenite were separately administered to male rats in the drinking water or in a combination (2.5 mmol Hg/L and 0.1 mmol Se/L). The mercuric chloride group showed histopathological lesions, as evidenced by cell necrosis in the liver and tubular necrosis in the kidney. The sodium selenite group showed some depression in growth, but pathological changes were found neither in the liver nor in the kidney. Simultaneous administration of both compounds produced a protective effect on weight loss and histopathology. These effects were associated with some small structures in the kidney proximal tubules and to some structure in the extracellular space in the liver. Thin, unstained cryosections were freeze-dried and examined in the Studsvik Nuclear Microprobe. The structures observed in the liver and the kidney were shown to contain both selenium and mercury.  相似文献   

Information gathered from mutant mouse models and from studies on normal puberal and adult animals points to the product of the c-kit gene, a tyrosine kinase surface receptor, and the kit-ligand (KL) as important for gametogenesis in males. In fetuses, KL serves as a survival factor for primordial germ cells, at least in vitro, and in adults activity of the c-kit gene has been indirectly related to survival and subsequent development of differentiating spermatogonia. However, because of the structural complexity of the seminiferous epithelium in adults, c-kit mRNA has not yet been definitively localized to one or more types of spermatogenic cells. In addition, no information is currently available regarding the possible involvement of the c-kit protein and its ligand in mediating germ cell development and/or Sertoli-germ cell interactions immediately after birth when events critical for later onset of spermatogenesis are ongoing. Thus, the aims of the current study were (1) to determine whether the c-kit gene is expressed in testes of neonatal and adult rats and, if so, by what specific cell types, and (2) to determine if those cells expressing the gene also produce the c-kit receptor protein. For this, we isolated total RNA from testes of pups aged days 1–5 and from adult rat testes, and probed for the presence of c-kit mRNA with Northern analysis. We identified the cells containing the c-kit message by carrying out in situ hybridization with digoxigeninlabeled probes, thus allowing the colorimetric signal to be assigned beyond doubt to individual cells in sections of testes. We also utilized Western analysis and immunolocalization to confirm the presence of the c-kit receptor protein in testes at these ages and to identify those cells types producing it. Our findings indicate that (1) neonatal gonocytes express the c-kit gene and produce the receptor protein on postnatal days 1 through 5, spanning the time when they resume dividing and migrating, and (2) spermatogonia and, to a lesser extent, spermatocytes and spermatids of adults express the gene but c-kit protein is present in detectable amounts only in spermatogonia and possibly a few early primary spermatocytes. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Catfish ( Clarias batrachus L.) were exposed to selected sublethal concentrations of mercuric chloride (HgCl2; 0.05 mg l−1), methylmercuric chloride (CH3HgCl; 0.04 mg l−1) and emisan 6 (an organic mercurial fungicide; 0.5 mg l −1) for intervals of 45, 90 and 180 days from February to July (preparatory to spawning phase of the annual reproductive cycle). The gonadosomatic index showed a significant decrease after 90- and 180-day exposure to the mercurials. Histologically, the seminiferous tubules were smaller in size and contained mostly spermatids in comparison to the control fish in which they were greatly distended and full of spermatozoa. The Leydig cells showed pycnotic changes in Hg-treated fish after 90 and 180 days. In the Hg-treated testes, total lipid content and 32P uptake decreased significantly after 90 and 180 days. Levels of phospholipids and free cholesterol registered a significant reduction during all the durations. Esterified cholesterol level showed a significant decrease only in the 90-day HgCl2 and CH3HgCl groups, and in all 180-day Hg groups, while the level of free fatty acid decreased significantly only in the 180-day Hg groups. The observations suggest that impairment of testicular lipid metabolism by Hg is one of the possible factors that led to the inhibition of steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PBP) has been described previously in the male reproductive tract, where it has been implicated in the biogenesis and maintenance of antigen segregation of membranes. In the present study we have used a specific antiserum to PBP to determine its expression and localisation in the adult and prepubertal rat testis and epididymis by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. In the adult rat testis, PBP was localised to step 17–19 elongating spermatids, residual bodies, and interstitial Leydig cells. In the adult epididymis, PBP was localised to epithelial cells of the caput, corpus, and cauda regions and to the cytoplasmic droplets of spermatozoa in the lumen of the initial segment, caput, and corpus epididymidis. In prepubertal animals, PBP was expressed in both testes and epididymides from day 1 and day 3 postpartum, respectively (day 3 being the earliest epididymal tissue taken). In prepubertal testes, PBP was localised to Leydig cells from day 1 postpartum and was not detected in any other cell type until the differentiation of elongate spermatids, when it was detected in step 17–19 elongating spermatids. These data suggest that PBP may be involved in the organisation of sperm membranes during spermiogenesis. The presence of PBP in Leydig cells, however, suggests diverse roles for this protein as a lipid carrier or binding protein. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:454–460, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Gibberellins are commonly used plant growth regulators that exhibit deleterious effects on various animal tissues. We investigated the histological, immunohistochemical and biochemical effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on rat testes as well as the possible protective role of pomegranate peel extract (PPE). We used 28 adult male rats divided into control, PPE treated, GS3 treated and GA3 + PPE treated groups. Testis specimens were analyzed for superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity, and examined histologically. We also investigated the androgen receptor using immunohistochemistry. The GA3 treated group exhibited significantly decreased SOD and CAT levels and area percent of androgen receptor. Seminiferous tubules (ST) were widely separated and the germinal epithelium was separated from the basement membrane in some tubules. Areas of vacuolation, degenerated germ cells with pyknotic nuclei and large multinucleated cells were observed. Ultrastructurally, primary spermatocytes exhibited vacuolated cytoplasm, degenerated mitochondria and hyperchromatic nuclei. Degenerated early spermatids with a ruptured or hyperchromatic nucleus were found. Spermatozoa exhibited abnormalities of the head and tail. The cytoplasm of Sertoli and Leydig cells exhibited dilated smooth endoplasmic reticulum. A significant improvement of the biochemical, histological and immunohistochemical alterations was observed in the GA3 + PPE treated group compared to the GA3 treated group.  相似文献   


The growing spread of mobile phone use is raising concerns about the effect on human health of the electromagnetic field (EMF) these devices emit. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on rat pup heart tissue of prenatal exposure to a 900 megahertz (MHz) EMF. For this purpose, pregnant rats were divided into experimental and control groups. Experimental group rats were exposed to a 900?MHz EMF (1?h/d) on days 13–21 of pregnancy. Measurements were performed with rats inside the exposure box in order to determine the distribution of EMF intensity. Our measurements showed that pregnant experimental group rats were exposed to a mean electrical field intensity of 13.77?V/m inside the box (0.50?W/m2). This study continued with male rat pups obtained from both groups. Pups were sacrificed on postnatal day 21, and the heart tissues were extracted. Malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and catalase values were significantly higher in the experimental group rats, while glutathione values were lower. Light microscopy revealed irregularities in heart muscle fibers and apoptotic changes in the experimental group. Electron microscopy revealed crista loss and swelling in the mitochondria, degeneration in myofibrils and structural impairments in Z bands. Our study results suggest that exposure to EMF in the prenatal period causes oxidative stress and histopathological changes in male rat pup heart tissue.  相似文献   


Female Wistar-albino rats were given lead acetate (PbAc) for 60 days to investigate the protective effects of L-carnitine (CA) clinically and histopathologically on PbAc-induced tissue damage. Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein for hemoglobin (HB), hematocrit (HCT), red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), platelets (PLT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatinine. PbAc treatment caused a significant decrease in HB, HCT and RBC, a significant increase in WBC, AST, ALT and creatinine compared to controls. Although administration of CA did not reverse HB and HCT values, it reversed both the decrease in RBC and the increase in WBC, AST, ALT and creatinine. After the experimental period, all rats were weighed, then decapitated for pathological examination. Control rat liver, kidney and brain showed normal histological architecture. Lead-induced nephropathic kidneys; degenerative changes, inflammation and portal edema of the liver; and brain neuropil vacuolation, neuronal vacuolation, satellitosis and neuronophagia were observed in experimental groups. All changes were reduced in the PbAc group treated with CA (PbAc + CA). PbAc caused copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) expression in both the hepatocytes and tubular epithelium of the kidney. PbAc + CA exposure caused moderate Cu/Zn-SOD immunoreactivity. While in the brain sections of the PbAc group the degenerative neurons were stained intensely with anti-ubiquitin antibody, PbAc + CA rats showed moderate staining in neurons with anti-ubiquitin antibody. These results show that CA as a food additive reduced the severity of tissue damage caused by PbAc.  相似文献   

Thimerosal is ethyl mercury based compound which is being used as a preservative in vaccines since decades. Pharmaceutical products and vaccines that contain thimerosal are among the potential source of mercury exposure. Current research was intended to ascertain the reprotoxic effects of thimerosal on rat testes. Twenty-four adult male albino rats were sorted into four groups (n = 6). The first group was a control group. Rats of experimental Group 2, 3 and 4 were treated with various dosages of thimerosal (0.5, 10, 50 mg/kg) respectively. Rats were decapitated after thirty days of trial and different parameters were analyzed. Thimerosal exposure resulted in a significant decrease in antioxidant enzyme activities including catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase (GSR) and increased levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Different doses of thimerosal significantly decreased (p < 0.05) the concentration of plasma testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Additionally, Daily sperm production (DSP) and efficiency of daily sperm production were significantly reduced followed by thimerosal exposure. Moreover, thimerosal significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, number of spermatogonia along with spermatids. Thimerosal induced adverse histopathological and morphological changes in testicular tissues such as decreased Leydig cells, diameter of seminiferous tubules, tunica albuginea height and epithelial height. On the other hand, the increase in tubular lumen and interstitial spaces was observed due to thimerosal. These outcomes indicated that thimerosal has potential reprotoxic effects in male albino rats.  相似文献   

Three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, were exposed to 0, 0.1, 1.0, 2.5 and 10 μg bis(tributyltin)oxide (TBTO) 1−1 for up to 7.5 months in a flow-through system of sea water. As early as 4 weeks after the start of the experiment, fish from the 10 μg TBTO 1−1 group showed diminishing appetite, increasing lethargy and opaque eyes. The mortality in this group after 2 months of exposure was 80%. No significant differences between the control and the exposed groups were noted concerning fecundity, hatched fry and frequencies of malformed fry. The gonad somatic index (GSI) was determined before and during the spawning period. GSI in control fish increased significantly, while that in the exposed groups remained unchanged between the two sampling occasions. Structural examination of the gills from fish exposed for 2 months to 10 μg TBTO I−1 revealed fusion between secondary lamellae and gradual cell degeneration. The chloride cells were characterized by degenerating mitochondria. Hepatocytes in fish exposed to 2.5 and 10 μg TBTO I−1 contained an increased number of lipid-containing vacuoles and the nucleoli were disorganized and fragmented.  相似文献   

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