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Summary Detergent-free rat brain outer mitochondrial membranes were incorporated in planar lipid bilayers in the presence of an osmotic gradient, and studied at high (1 m KCl) and low (150 mm KCl) ionic strength solutions. By comparison, the main outer mitochondrial membrane protein, VDAC, extracted from rat liver with Triton X-100, was also studied in 150 mm KCl. In 1 m KCl, brain outer membranes gave rise to electrical patterns which resembled very closely those widely described for detergent-extracted VDAC, with transitions to several subconducting states upon increase of the potential difference, and sensitivity to polyanion. The potential dependence of the conductance of the outer membrane, however, was steeper and the extent of closure higher than that observed previously for rat brain VDAC. In 150 mm KCl, bilayers containing only one channel had a conductance of 700 ± 23 pS for rat brain outer membranes, and 890 ± 29 pS for rat liver VDAC. Use of a fast time resolution setup allowed demonstration of open-close transitions in the millisecond range, which were independent of the salt concentration and of the protein origin. We also found that a potential difference higher than approx. ± 60 mV induced an almost irreversible decrease of the single channel conductance to few percentages of the full open state and a change in the ionic selectivity. These results show that the behavior of the outer mitochondrial membrane in planar bilayers is close to that detected with the patch clamp (Moran et al., 1992, Eur. Biophys. J. 20:311–319).The neurotoxicological action of aluminum was studied in single outer membrane channels from rat brain mitochondria. We found that m concentrations of Al Cl3 and aluminum lactate decreased the conductance by about 50%, when the applied potential difference was positive relative to the side of the metal addition.The authors thank Dr. O. Moran for helpful discussions, Dr. M. Colombini for a sample of polyanion, and the Sharing Company for financial support to Dr. T. M. This work was partly supported by funds from the Ministero dell' Universitá e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica of Italy.  相似文献   

pICln has been proposed to be the swelling-activated anion channel responsible for ICl, swell, or a channel regulator. We tested the anion channel hypothesis by reconstituting recombinant pICln into artificial and biological membranes. Single channels were observed when pICln was reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. In the presence of symmetrical 300 mM KCl, the channels had a high open probability and a slope conductance of 48 pS, and were outwardly rectifying. Reduction of trans KCl to 50 mM shifted the reversal potential by −31.2 ± 0.06 mV, demonstrating that the channel is at least seven times more selective for cations than for anions. Consistent with this finding, channel conductance was unaffected by substitution of Cl with glutamate, but was undetectable when K+ was replaced by N-methyl-d-glucamine. Reconstitution of pICln into liposomes increased 86Rb+ uptake by three- to fourfold, but had no effect on 36Cl uptake. Phosphorylation of pICln with casein kinase II or mutation of G54, G56, and G58 to alanine decreased channel open probability and 86Rb+ uptake. When added to the external medium bathing Sf9 cells, pICln inserted into the plasma membrane and increased cell cation permeability. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that channel activity is due to pICln and not minor contaminant proteins. However, these findings do not support the hypothesis that pICln is the anion-selective ICl, swell channel. The observed cation channel activity may reflect an as yet to be defined physiological function of pICln, or may be a consequence of in vitro reconstitution of purified, recombinant protein.  相似文献   

Voltage gating in the mitochondrial channel,VDAC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Water-filled hydrophobic cavities in channel proteins serve as gateways for transfer of ions across membranes, but their properties are largely unknown. We determined water distributions along the conduction pores in two tetrameric channels embedded in lipid bilayers using neutron diffraction: potassium channel KcsA and the transmembrane domain of M2 protein of influenza A virus. For the KcsA channel in the closed state, the distribution of water is peaked in the middle of the membrane, showing water in the central cavity adjacent to the selectivity filter. This water is displaced by the channel blocker tetrabutyl-ammonium. The amount of water associated with the channel was quantified, using neutron diffraction and solid state NMR. In contrast, the M2 proton channel shows a V-shaped water profile across the membrane, with a narrow constriction at the center, like the hourglass shape of its internal surface. These two types of water distribution are therefore very different in their connectivity to the bulk water. The water and protein profiles determined here provide important evidence concerning conformation and hydration of channels in membranes and the potential role of pore hydration in channel gating.  相似文献   

Patch clamp techniques were applied to outer mitochondrial membranes of giant mitochondria from mice kept on a cuprizone diet or to vesicles produced by fusing membranes derived from the outer membrane ofNeurospora mitochondria. In the negative range of potentials the conductances decreased with increases in the magnitude of voltage, suggesting the closing of channels. Experiments in which mitochondria were treated with the polyanion polymethacrylate maleate styrene (1:2:3) or succinic anhydride suggest that the channels correspond to VDAC. Although sometimes conductance also decreased with increasing potential over a narrow range of positive potentials, more commonly the conductances increased. Although this phenomenon may represent a detachment of the patch, the changes in conductance are reversible, suggesting that they correspond to the formation or the opening of channels.  相似文献   

By use of the patch-clamp technique, the inner membrane of mouse liver and heart mitochondria is shown to contain a highly conductive (around 100 pS in symmetrical 150 mM KCl) and voltage-dependent ion channel. This channel closely resembles that previously found in cuprizone-treated mouse liver inner mitochondrial membrane. The paper discusses the electrical properties of the channel and its possible physiological function. The reconstitution in giant liposomes of a partially purified ox heart inner membrane fraction containing the channel and the use of various inhibitors are also presented.  相似文献   

Membranes: a meeting point for lipids, proteins and therapies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membranes constitute a meeting point for lipids and proteins. Not only do they define the entity of cells and cytosolic organelles but they also display a wide variety of important functions previously ascribed to the activity of proteins alone. Indeed, lipids have commonly been considered a mere support for the transient or permanent association of membrane proteins, while acting as a selective cell/organelle barrier. However, mounting evidence demonstrates that lipids themselves regulate the location and activity of many membrane proteins, as well as defining membrane microdomains that serve as spatio-temporal platforms for interacting signalling proteins. Membrane lipids are crucial in the fission and fusion of lipid bilayers and they also act as sensors to control environmental or physiological conditions. Lipids and lipid structures participate directly as messengers or regulators of signal transduction. Moreover, their alteration has been associated with the development of numerous diseases. Proteins can interact with membranes through lipid co-/post-translational modifications, and electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding are all involved in the associations among membrane proteins and lipids. The present study reviews these interactions from the molecular and biomedical point of view, and the effects of their modulation on the physiological activity of cells, the aetiology of human diseases and the design of clinical drugs. In fact, the influence of lipids on protein function is reflected in the possibility to use these molecular species as targets for therapies against cancer, obesity, neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular pathologies and other diseases, using a new approach called membrane-lipid therapy.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction of complement with an asymmetric planar lipopolysaccharide/phospholipid bilayer system as a model for the lipid matrix of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria has been studied. The addition of whole human serum to the aqueous solution at the lipopolysaccharide side of the asymmetric membrane resulted in a rapid increase of the bilayer conductance in discrete steps, indicating the formation of transmembrane pores, which were not observed in the case of pure phospholipid membranes. The amplitudes of the discrete conductance steps varied over a range of more than one order of magnitude. The mean single step conductance was (0.39±0.24) nS for a subphase containing (inmm): 100 KCl, 5 MgCl2 and 5 HEPES buffer. The steps were grouped into bursts of typically 9±3 events per burst and the conductance change within one burst was (8.25±4.00) nS.The pore-forming activity of serum at the asymmetric membrane system was independent of the presence of specific antibodies against the lipopolysaccharide but was dependent on calcium ions. Furthermore, the pore-forming activity required complement component C9.A model for the mode of pore formation by complement is proposed: The complement pore is generated in discrete steps by insertion of C9 monomers into the membrane and their irreversible aggregation to water-filled channels with a diameter of approximately 7 nm assuming a circular geometry.  相似文献   

The inner membrane of yeast and mammalian mitochondria has been studiedin situ with a patch clamp electrode. Anion channels were found in both cases, although their behavior and regulation are different. In mammalian mitochondria, the principal channel is of around 100 pS conductance and opens mainly under depolarized membrane potentials. As no physiological compound able to alter its peculiar voltage dependence has yet been found, it is proposed that this channel may serve as a safeguard mechanism for recharging the mitochondrial membrane potential. Two other anion channels, each with a distinct conductance (one of approx. 45 pS, the second of at least a tenfold higher value) and kinetics are harbored in the yeast inner membrane. Matrix ATP was found to interact with both, but with a different mechanism. It is proposed that the 45 pS channel may be involved in the homeostatic mechanism of mitochondrial volume.  相似文献   

Summary This report details preliminary findings for ion channels in the plasma membrane of protoplasts derived from the cotyledons ofAmaranthus seedlings. The conductance properties of the membrane can be described almost entirely by the behavior of two types of ion channel observed as single channels in attached and detached patches. The first is a cation-selective outward rectifier, and the second a multistate anion-selective channel which, under physiological conditions, acts as an inward rectifier.The cation channel has unit conductance of approx. 30 pS (symmetrical 100 K+) and relative permeability sequence K+>Na+>Cl (10.160.03); whole-cell currents activate in a time-dependent manner, and both activation and deactivation kinetics are voltage dependent. The anion channel opens for hyperpolarized membrane potentials, has a full-level conductance of approx. 200 pS and multiple subconductance states. The number of sub-conductances does not appear to be fixed. When activated the channel is open for long periods, though shuts if the membrane potential (V m ) is depolarized; at millimolar levels of [Ca2+]cyt this voltage dependency disappears. Inward current attributable to the anion channel is not observed in whole-cell recordings when MgATP (2mm) is present in the intracellular solution. By contrast the channel is active in most detached patches, whether MgATP is present or not on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The anion channel has a significant permeability to cations, the sequence being NO 3 >Cl>K+>Aspartate (2.0410.18 to 0.090.04). The relative permeability for K+ decreased at progressively lower conductance states. In the absence of permeant anions this channel could be mistaken for a cation inward rectifier. The anion and cation channels could serve to clampV m at a preferred value in the face of events which would otherwise perturbV m .  相似文献   

One of the major outer membrane proteins of yeast mitochondria was isolated and purified. It migrated as a single band with an apparent molecular weight of 30 kDa on a SDS-electrophoretogram. When reconstituted in lipid bilayer membranes the protein formed pores with a single channel conductance of 0.45 nS in 0.1 M KCl. The pores had the characteristics of general diffusion pores with an estimated diameter of 1.7 nm. The pore of mitochondrial outer membranes of yeast shared some similarities with the pores formed by mitochondrial and bacterial porins. The pores switched to substates at voltages higher than 20 mV. The possible role of this voltagedependence in the metabolism of mitochondria is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondrial protein VDAC forms voltage-dependent anion-selective channels in planar phospholipid membranes. When succinic anhydride was added to these membranes, it virtually eliminated VDAC's voltage-dependence and changed its selectivity from anion to cation. These results were obtained without large changes in open-channel conductance or in energy difference between the open and closed states in the absence of a field. Since succinic anhydride converts amino groups into carboxyl groups, we propose that amino groups are responsible for VDAC's voltage-dependence and anion selectivity. Perhaps the same charges are responsible for both functions.  相似文献   

Summary Alkalinization of the matrix side of the mitochondrial inner membrane by pH shifts from 6.8 to 8.3 caused a reversible increase in current of 3.2±0.2 pA (mean±se,n=21) at±40 mV measured using patch-clamp techniques. The current increase was reversed in a graded fashion by the addition of Mg2+ in 0.15m KCl corresponds to approximately 15 pS. Reversal potentials derived from whole patch currents indicated that the inner mitochondrial membrane was primarily cation selective at pH 6.8 with aP k/P Cl=32 (n=6). Treatment with alkaline pH (8.3) increased the current and anion permeability (P K/P Cl=16,n=6). The membrane becomes completely cation selective when low concentrations (12 m) of the drug propranolol are added. The amphiphilic drugs amiodarone (4 m), propranolol (70 m) and quinine (0.6mm) blocked almost all of the current. The pH-dependent current was also inhibited by tributyltin. These results are consistent with the presence of two pathways in the inner mitochondrial membrane. One is cation selective and generally open and the other is anion selective and induced by alkaline pH. The alkaline pH-activated channel likely corresponds to the inner membrane anion channel postulated by others from suspension studies.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ion channels as therapeutic targets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pablo M. Peixoto 《FEBS letters》2010,584(10):2142-2152
The study of mitochondrial ion channels changed our perception of these double-wrapped organelles from being just the power house of a cell to the guardian of a cell’s fate. Mitochondria communicate with the cell through these special channels. Most of the time, the message is encoded by ion flow across the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. Potassium, sodium, calcium, protons, nucleotides, and proteins traverse the mitochondrial membranes in an exquisitely regulated manner to control a myriad of processes, from respiration and mitochondrial morphology to cell proliferation and cell death. This review is an update on both well established and putative mitochondrial channels regarding their composition, function, regulation, and therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Patch-clamping studies with native outer mitochondrial membranes show a complex behavior. In the range of potentials in which the polarity of the pipette is positive, the behavior resembles that of VDAC incorporated into bilayers. Accordingly, there is a decrease in conductance with voltage. An involvement of VDAC is also supported by responses of the patches to the presence of polyanion or treatment with succinic anhydride, both of which affect VDAC. In contrast, in the negative range of potential, the conductance of the patches generally increases with the magnitude of the voltage. The increase in conductance shows a biphasic time course which is consistent with a model in which channels are first activated (first phase) and then assembled into larger high-conductance channels (second phase). A variety of experiments support the notion that an assembly takes place. The time course of the conductance increase is consistent with formation of the second-phase channels from 6±1 subunits.  相似文献   

A functional kinetic model is developed to describe the activation gating process of the Shaker potassium channel. The modeling in this paper is constrained by measurements described in the preceding two papers, including macroscopic ionic and gating currents and single channel ionic currents. These data were obtained from the normally activating wild-type channel as well as a mutant channel V2, in which the leucine at position 382 has been mutated to a valine. Different classes of models that incorporate Shaker''s symmetrical tetrameric structure are systematically examined. Many simple gating models are clearly inadequate, but a model that can account for all of the qualitative features of the data has the channel open after its four subunits undergo three transitions in sequence, and two final transitions that reflect the concerted action of the four subunits. In this model, which we call Scheme 3+2′, the channel can also close to several states that are not part of the activation path. Channel opening involves a large total charge movement (10.8 e0), which is distributed among a large number of small steps each with rather small charge movements (between 0.6 and 1.05 e0). The final two transitions are different from earlier steps by having slow backward rates. These steps confer a cooperative mechanism of channel opening at Shaker''s activation voltages. In the context of Scheme 3+2′, significant effects of the V2 mutation are limited to the backward rates of the final two transitions, implying that L382 plays an important role in the conformational stability of the final two states.  相似文献   

A soluble protein isolated from mitochondria has been found to modulate the voltage-dependent properties of the mitochondrial outer membrane channel, VDAC. This protein, called the VDAC modulator, was first found inNeurospora crassa and then discovered in species from other eukaryotic kingdoms. The modulator-containing fraction (at a crude protein concentration of 20 µg/ml) increases the voltage dependence of VDAC channels over 2–3-fold. At higher protein concentrations (50–100 µg/ml), some channels seem to remain in a closed state or be blocked while others display the higher voltage dependence and are able to close at low membrane potentials. By increasing the steepness of the voltage-dependent properties of VDAC channels, this modulator may serve as an amplifierin vivo to increase the sensitivity of the channels in response to changes in the cell's microenvironment, and consequently, regulate the metabolic flux across the outer mitochondrial membrane by controlling the gating of VDAC channels.  相似文献   

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