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绿色基础设施(GI)供需均衡对维护城市或区域生态系统稳定,提升国土空间治理体系和治理能力现代化水平,推动城市高质量发展具有重要意义。从绿色基础设施供需适配关系的视角出发,运用生态系统服务价值法对GI服务供给进行测度,从社会、经济、生态和环境四方面综合评价GI需求,研究南京市GI供需适配关系的演进情势,揭示其时空配置的差异性。结果表明:(1)2000-2020年,南京市GI供给呈主城低、郊区高的分布格局,总供给、人均供给和单项供给均先减后增。(2)GI总需求逐年减少,形成从中心城区向郊区递减的三个圈层。(3)南京市共划出9个供需适配类型,对应11个辖区划出99个供需适配类型组合区,供需适配较好区与较差区分别占全市国土面积的26%和44%,呈不均衡分布。(4)主城区较适应的匹配类型是低供给-中需求,郊区维持低供给-低需求较符合区域发展实际,并针对不同类型区优化提升提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has been related to mitochondrial dysfunction. In this study, striatal intact mitochondria and submitochondrial membranes were incubated with different dopamine concentrations, and changes on mitochondrial function, hydrogen peroxide, and nitric oxide production were evaluated. A 35% decrease in state 3 oxygen uptake (active respiration state) was found after 1 mM dopamine incubation. In addition, mitochondrial respiratory control significantly decreased, indicating mitochondrial dysfunction. High dopamine concentrations induced mitochondrial depolarization. Also, evaluation of hydrogen peroxide production by intact striatal mitochondria showed a significant increase after 0.5 and 1 mM dopamine incubation. Incubation with 0.5 and 1 mM dopamine increased nitric oxide production in submitochondrial membranes by 28 and 49%, respectively, as compared with control values. This study provides evidence that high dopamine concentrations induce striatal mitochondrial dysfunction through a decrease in mitochondrial respiratory control and loss of membrane potential, probably mediated by free radical production.  相似文献   

We present the framework of generalised supply-demand analysis (SDA) of a kinetic model of a cellular system, which can be applied to networks of arbitrary complexity. By fixing the concentrations of each of the variable species in turn and varying them in a parameter scan, rate characteristics of supply-demand are constructed around each of these species. By inspecting the shapes of the rate characteristic patterns and comparing the flux-response coefficients of the supply and demand blocks with the elasticities of the enzymes that interact directly with the fixed metabolite, regulatory metabolites in the system can be identified and characterised. The analysis provides information on whether and where the system is functionally differentiated and which of its species are homeostatically buffered. The novelty in our proposed method lies in the fact that all metabolites are considered for SDA (hence the term “generalised”), which removes investigator bias. It supplies an entry point for the further analysis and detailed characterisation of large models of cellular systems, in which the choice of metabolite around which to perform a SDA is not always obvious.  相似文献   

Hepatic hollow fiber bioreactors are considered a promising class of bioartificial liver assist device (BLAD). Unfortunately, limited oxygen (O(2)) transport to hepatocytes within this device hinders further development. Hepatocytes in vivo (in the liver sinusoid) experience a wide range of oxygen tensions (pO(2) = 25-70 mmHg), which is important for development of proper differentiated function (zonation). Previously, we observed that bovine red blood cell (bRBC) supplementation of the circulating media stream enhanced oxygenation of cultured C3A hepatoma cells compared to a culture with no O(2) carrier (Gordon, J.; Palmer, A. F. Artif. Cells, BloodSubstitutes, Biotechnol. 2006, 33 (3), 297-306). Despite this success, the cells were not exposed to the desired in vivo O(2) spectrum (Sullivan, J.; Gordon, J.; Palmer, A. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2006, 93 (2) 306-317). We hypothesize that altering the kinetics of O(2) binding/release to/from hemoglobin-based O(2) carriers (HBOCs) could potentially target O(2) delivery to cell cultures. High P(50) (low O(2) affinity) HBOCs preferentially targeted O(2) delivery at high inlet pO(2) values. Conversely, low P(50) (high O(2) affinity) HBOCs targeted O(2) delivery at low inlet pO(2) values. Additionally, inlet pO(2), flow rate, and HBOC concentration were varied to find optimal bioreactor operating conditions. Our results demonstrate that HBOCs can enhance O(2) delivery to cultured hepatocytes, while exposing them to in vivo-like O(2) tensions, which is critical to create a fully functional BLAD.  相似文献   

Experimental supply-demand analysis of yeast fermentative energy metabolism shows that control of the glycolytic flux is shared between supply and demand. In glucose limited chemostat cultures the supply block was modulated in a dilution rate change and demand block via a benzoic acid titration. Under these conditions the supply block had a flux control of 0.90 and the demand block a flux control of 0.10.  相似文献   

Oxygen supply was corrected in rabbits during the hepatic ischemia/reperfusion by means of different breathing mixtures: hypoxic (14.8 % O(2)+85.2 % N(2)), hyperoxic (78 % O(2)+20.2 % N(2)+ 1.8 % CO(2)), or hypercapnic (5 % CO(2) in air). Hepatic ischemia was induced for 30 min by ligation of hepatic artery, reperfusion period lasted 120 min. Indices of blood oxygen transport (p50(act), pCO(2), pH, pO(2), etc.) and prooxidant-antioxidant balance (Schiff bases, conjugated dienes, catalase, retinol, alpha-tocopherol) were measured in the blood and liver. The severity of reperfusion damage was evaluated by the activities of alanine and aspartate aminotransferases (ALT, AST) in the blood. Hepatic ischemia/reperfusion resulted in higher p50(act) in hepatic venous and mixed venous blood in all experimental groups. The changes of p50(act) were most marked in the hypercapnic group and were the weakest in the hypoxic group. The rise in p50(act) was accompanied by higher levels of lipid peroxidation products, ALT and AST in blood and liver homogenates, and by a simultaneous fall of alpha-tocopherol and retinol concentrations, except in the hypoxic group. Catalase activity at the end of reperfusion increased under normoxia, decreased under hyperoxia or hypercapnia and did not change under hypoxia. The moderate hypoxia during reperfusion was accompanied by a better balance between the mechanisms of reactive oxygen species production and inactivation that may be observed by optimal changes in p50act and reduced the hepatic damage in this pathological condition.  相似文献   

耿念姿  李若男  郑华 《生态学报》2023,43(12):4813-4822
水资源是基础性自然资源和战略资源,科学量化水资源供给服务的供需关系、识别供需矛盾的突出区域是进行流域水资源管理的重要前提。以大清河流域为例,利用InVEST模型,建立了水资源供给服务空间流动量化方法,预测了用水效率提升、节水灌溉两种节水政策情景对水资源供给服务供需关系的影响。结果表明:(1)流域水资源供给服务和水资源需求量均呈现出上游低、下游高的空间分布格局,农业用水为流域主要用水类型,2010—2015年,流域水资源供给服务增长0.97%,水资源需求量出现了9.6%的下降;(2)2010—2015年,流域整体水资源供给服务的供需比由0.78提升至0.88,服务的空间流动使得上游盈余的水量缓解了中下游的用水压力,但中下游水资源需求大于供给的问题仍普遍存在;(3)提升用水效率、推行节水灌溉这两种节水政策均能够有效改善大清河流域的水资源供需关系,分别可将流域水资源供需比提升至0.97和0.96,基本达到供需平衡。研究可为北方资源型缺水流域水资源供需匹配度的提高、节水政策潜力的评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(15):R817-R824

Tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) as well as 3,5-di-iodothyronine (T2) stimulated O2 consumption by isolated perfused livers from hypothyroid rats at a concentration as low as 1 pM by about 30% within 90 min. Application of T2 resulted in a faster stimulation than with application of T3 or T4. Inhibition of iodothyronine monodeiodinase by propylthiouracil, thereby blocking the degradation of T4 to T3 and of T3 to T2, demonstrated that only T2 is the active hormone for the rapid stimulation of hepatic O2 consumption: T3 and T4 lost all of their stimulative activity, whereas T2 was as potent as in the absence of propylthiouracil. Perfusion experiments with thyroid-hormone analogues confirmed the specificity of the T2 effect. The nucleus is unlikely to contribute to the rapid T2 effect, as can be deduced from perfusion experiments with cycloheximide and lack of induction of malic enzyme by T2. In conclusion, a new scheme of regulation of mitochondrial activity is proposed: T2 acts rapidly and directly via a mitochondrial pathway, whereas T3 exerts its long-term action indirectly by induction of specific enzymes.  相似文献   

Critical oxygen pressure (P(C)) is used in respiratory physiology to measure the response to hypoxia. P(C) defines the partial pressure of oxygen (Po(2)) at which an oxygen regulator switches to a conformer. However, not all animals show such clear patterns in oxygen consumption rate (Mo2), and there are many methods for determining P(C). This study assesses two methods that determine regulatory ability and four that calculate P(C). A new method, the regulation index (RI), assigns to an animal a relative measure of regulatory ability by calculating the area under the Mo2 versus Po(2) curve that is greater than a linear trend. The six methods are applied to developmental Mo2 data of two amphibians, Pseudophryne bibronii and Crinia georgiana. The four methods used to determine P(C) produced similar results but failed to identify the increase in regulation on hatching in C. georgiana or the greater regulation in larval C. georgiana compared with P. bibronii. Of the two methods that evaluated regulation, only the RI satisfactorily represented the entire range of Po(2). The RI is advantageous because it has clearly defined limits and does not constrain data to fit any single pattern. The RI can be used in concert with P(C), which can be easily calculated during the RI analysis, to provide a clearer definition of the Mo2 response to environmental Po(2).  相似文献   

生态系统服务供需空间分布格局及匹配关系是生态系统服务领域的热点问题。将生态系统服务聚焦于增强城市系统承受自然灾害的能力和恢复力功能上,引入承灾脆弱性表征生态系统服务需求。选择首批经济特区之一的珠海市为案例研究区,土壤保持服务为供需分析的对象,利用承灾脆弱性评价城市系统及居民的服务需求并刻画需求的空间异质性,采用基于"3S技术"的In VEST模型定量评估服务供给潜力,从流域与镇、街道两种尺度分析生态系统服务供需匹配状况,以期为市级土地利用管理、景观格局优化及城市经济建设提供建议。研究结果表明:根据供需空间匹配状况,珠海市包含高供给高需求、低供给高需求、低供给低需求与高供给低需求四种供需匹配类型。珠海市土壤保持服务供需空间错位状况较为严重,人口密集的城镇区域需求极高但供给严重缺乏,部分生态源地的高供给无法惠及周边区域人口;兼顾经济建设与生态保护的高供给高需求地区仅占全域面积的8.7%;以农业导向且经济发展缓慢的低供给低需求地区分布较广。是对生态系统服务供给与需求的空间异质性刻画及供需空间匹配的重要尝试,为城市建设和生态管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Since their initial discovery over a century ago, our knowledge of the functions of myoglobin and the mitochondrion has gradually evolved. The mitochondrion, once thought to be solely responsible for energy production, is now known to be an integral redox and apoptotic signal transducer within the cell. Likewise, myoglobin, traditionally thought of only as an oxygen store, has emerged as a physiological catalyst that can modulate reactive oxygen species levels, facilitate oxygen diffusion and scavenge or generate nitric oxide (NO) depending on oxygen tensions within the cell. By virtue of its unique ability to regulate O(2) and NO levels within the cell, myoglobin can modulate mitochondrial function in energy-demanding tissues such as the beating heart and exercising muscle. In this review, we present the conventional functions of myoglobin and mitochondria, and describe how these roles have been reassessed and advanced, particularly in the context of NO and nitrite signaling. We present the mechanisms by which mitochondria and myoglobin regulate one another within the cell through their interactions with NO and oxygen and discuss the implications of these interactions in terms of health and disease.  相似文献   

Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) induces cell-cycle arrest and p53-independent apoptosis in primary cultured hepatocytes. However, the detailed mechanism, including regulating molecules, is still unclear. In this study, we found that IFN-gamma induced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in primary hepatocytes and that pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (PDTC), an anti-oxidant reagent, completely suppressed IFN-gamma-induced hepatic apoptosis. PDTC blocked apoptosis downstream from IRF-1 and upstream from caspase activation, suggesting that the generation of ROS occurred between these stages. However, IFN-gamma also induced the generation of ROS in IRF-1-deficient hepatocytes, cells insensitive to IFN-gamma-induced apoptosis. Moreover, a general cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, indomethacin (but not the cyclooxygenase 2-specific inhibitor, NS-398) also inhibited the apoptosis without blocking the generation of ROS. Both PDTC and indomethacin also blocked IFN-gamma-induced release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. These results suggest that ROS are not the only or sufficient mediators of IFN-gamma-induced hepatic apoptosis. In contrast, we also found that IFN-gamma induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress proteins, CHOP/GADD153 and caspase 12, in wild-type primary hepatocytes, but induced only caspase 12 and not CHOP/GADD153 protein in IRF-1-deficient hepatocytes. These results suggest that IFN-gamma induces ER stress in primary hepatocytes. Both the ROS and ER stress induced by IFN-gamma may be complementary mediators that induce apoptosis in primary hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine the relationship between NADPH- and ascorbate-initiated chemiluminescence (CL) and lipid peroxidation (LP) in rat hepatic microsomes. NADPH-initiated CL and LP become maximal 15 min after addition of NADPH to the microsomes and ascorbate-initiated CL and LP become maximal 90 to 120 min following addition of ascorbate. There are four lines of evidence to indicate that both NADPH- and ascorbate-initiated chemiluminescence are related to lipid peroxidation. (i) The time courses for the increases in CL and in LP are identical. (ii) There is a linear relationship between total (integral) or maximal CL and LP. (iii) Drug substrates which inhibit LP also inhibit CL in a quantitatively similar manner. (iv) Inhibitors of lipid peroxidation, such as Co2+, Mn2+, Hg2+, para-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid, and EDTA, also inhibit chemiluminescence. The results of these experiments indicate that chemiluminescence initiated in hepatic microsomes by either NADPH or ascorbate is directly proportional to lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The effect of high concentrations of oxygen on cellular proteins was examined in hepatocytes isolated from rats exposed to 100% oxygen for 0, 24, 48, or 54 h. Previous studies have demonstrated that protein oxidation mediated by mixed-function oxidase systems is accompanied by the formation of protein carbonyl derivatives that can be detected by the formation of protein hydrazone derivatives on treatment with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH). In these studies the levels of DNPH-reactive proteins increased steadily during 48 h of continuous oxygen treatment and then decreased to control levels by 54 h. Although the specific activity of two hepatic enzymes, glutamine synthetase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, decreased during oxygen treatment, antibody titration of each enzyme indicated that the levels of immunological cross-reactive protein either remained constant or increased slightly during 48 h of oxygen treatment. After 54 h of oxygen exposure the levels of immunologically cross-reactive material were significantly reduced. These results suggest that exposure of rats to high concentrations of oxygen leads to the oxidative inactivation of enzymes and the accumulation of oxidized proteins that are subsequently degraded.  相似文献   

Use of micropathways to improve oxygen transport in a hepatic system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Establishing suitable oxygen transport pathways within bioartificial liver replacement devices continues to be an important engineering challenge. Oxygen delivery is critical since this is one of the nutrients necessary to maintain hepatocyte viability and function. In the current study, the microporosity of a collagen extracellular matrix has been modified to permit both diffusion and convection mass transport. Using fluorescent visualization, the enhancement technique was found to extend the oxygen transport distance from 170 microns to 360 microns. Furthermore, in hepatocyte culture studies, the enhancement technique was observed to yield a sixfold increase in the amount of viable hepatocytes able to be sustained by a single O2 source. Normalized function studies confirm that hepatocyte function was also improved in the enhanced collagen configurations.  相似文献   

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