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Basolateral K+ channels and their regulation during aldosterone- and thyroxine-stimulated Na+ transport were studied in the lower intestinal epithelium (coprodeum) of embryonic chicken in vitro. Isolated tissues of the coprodeum were mounted in Ussing chambers and investigated under voltage-clamped conditions. Simultaneous stimulation with aldosterone (1 mol·l-1) and thyroxine (1 mol·l-1) raised short-circuit current after a 1- to 2-h latent period. Maximal values were reached after 6–7 h of hormonal treatment, at which time transepithelial Na+ absorption was more than tripled (77±11 A·cm-2) compared to control (24±8 A·cm-2). K+ currents across the basolateral membrane with the pore-forming antibiotic amphotericin B and application of a mucosal-to-serosal K+ gradient. This K+ current could be dose dependently depressed by the K+ channel blocker quinidine. Fluctuation analysis of the short-circuit current revealed a spontaneous and a blocker-induced Lorentzian noise component in the power density spectra. The Lorentzian corner frequencies increased linearly with the applied blocker concentration. This enabled the calculation of single K+ channel current and K+ channel density. Single K+ channel current was not affected by stimulation, whereas the number of quinidine-sensitive K+ channels in the basolateral membrane increased from 11 to 26·106·cm-2 in parallel to the hormonal stimulation transepithelial Na+ transport. This suggests that the basolateral membrane is a physiological target during synergistic aldosterone and thyroxine regulation of transepithelial Na+ transport for maintaining intracellular K+ homeostasis.Abbreviations f frequency - f c Lorentzian corner frequency - g K single K+ channel conductance - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazin-N'-2-ethansulfonic acid - i K single K+ channel current - IAmpho amphotericin B induced K+ current - I sc short-circuit current - I K quinidine blockable K+ current - I max maximally blocked current by quinidine - IC 50 half-maximal blocker concentration - k on, k off on- and off-rate coefficients of reversible single channel block by quinidine - M K number of conducting K+ channels - [Q] quinidine concentration - R t transepithelial resistance - S spectral density - S o Lorentzian plateau - TBM cells toad urinary bladder cell line Present address: University of California at Berkeley, Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology Berkeley, CA 94720, USA  相似文献   

As a solute carrier electrogenic transporter, the sodium/calcium exchanger (NCX1-3/SLC8A1-A3) links the trans-plasmalemmal gradients of sodium and calcium ions (Na+, Ca2+) to the membrane potential of astrocytes. Classically, NCX is considered to serve the export of Ca2+ at the expense of the Na+ gradient, defined as a “forward mode” operation. Forward mode NCX activity contributes to Ca2+ extrusion and thus to the recovery from intracellular Ca2+ signals in astrocytes. The reversal potential of the NCX, owing to its transport stoichiometry of 3 Na+ to 1 Ca2+, is, however, close to the astrocytes’ membrane potential and hence even small elevations in the astrocytic Na+ concentration or minor depolarisations switch it into the “reverse mode” (Ca2+ import/Na+ export). Notably, transient Na+ elevations in the millimolar range are induced by uptake of glutamate or GABA into astrocytes and/or by the opening of Na+-permeable ion channels in response to neuronal activity. Activity-related Na+ transients result in NCX reversal, which mediates Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space, thereby generating astrocyte Ca2+ signalling independent from InsP3-mediated release from intracellular stores. Under pathological conditions, reverse NCX promotes cytosolic Ca2+ overload, while dampening Na+ elevations of astrocytes. This review provides an overview on our current knowledge about this fascinating transporter and its special functional role in astrocytes. We shall delineate that Na+-driven, reverse NCX-mediated astrocyte Ca2+ signals are involved neurone-glia interaction. Na+ transients, translated by the NCX into Ca2+ elevations, thereby emerge as a new signalling pathway in astrocytes.  相似文献   

The superfamily of cation/Ca(2+) exchangers includes both Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchangers (NCXs) and Na(+)/Ca(2+),K(+) exchangers (NCKX) as the families characterized in most detail. These Ca(2+) transporters have prominent physiological roles. For example, NCX and NCKX are important in regulation of cardiac contractility and visual processes, respectively. The superfamily also has a large number of members of the YrbG family expressed in prokaryotes. However, no members of this family have been functionally expressed, and their transport properties are unknown. We have expressed, purified, and characterized a member of the YrbG family, MaX1 from Methanosarcina acetivorans. MaX1 catalyzes Ca(2+) uptake into membrane vesicles. The Ca(2+) uptake requires intravesicular Na(+) and is stimulated by an inside positive membrane potential. Despite very limited sequence similarity, MaX1 is a Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger with kinetic properties similar to those of NCX. The availability of a prokaryotic Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger should facilitate structural and mechanistic investigations.  相似文献   

Ionic signalling is the most ancient form of regulation of cellular functions in response to environmental challenges. Signals, mediated by Na+ fluxes and spatio-temporal fluctuations of Na+ concentration in cellular organelles and cellular compartments contribute to the most fundamental cellular processes such as membrane excitability and energy production. At the very core of ionic signalling lies the Na+-K+ ATP-driven pump (or NKA) which creates trans-plasmalemmal ion gradients that sustain ionic fluxes through ion channels and numerous Na+-dependent transporters that maintain cellular and tissue homeostasis. Here we present a brief account of the history of research into NKA, Na+ -dependent transporters and Na+ signalling.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) is a membrane protein, which catalyzes the counter transport of Na(+) and Ca(2+) ions across the plasma membrane, playing a key role in the maintenance of the intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis in various cell types. NCX consists of a transmembrane part and a large intracellular loop. The activation of the NCX transport function requires the binding of Ca(2+) to two tandem C2 domains, CBD1 and CBD2, which are an integral part of the exchanger's intracellular loop. Although high-resolution structures of individual CBD1 and CBD2 are available, their interdomain structure and dynamics and the atomic level mechanism of allosteric Ca(2+)-regulation remains unknown. Here, we use solution NMR spectroscopy to study the interdomain dynamics of CBD12, a 32 kDa construct that contains both the CBD1 and CBD2 domains connected by a short linker. Analysis of NMR residual dipolar couplings shows that CBD12 assumes on average an elongated shape both in the absence and in the presence of Ca(2+). NMR (15)N relaxation data of the Apo state indicate that the two domains sample a wide range of relative arrangements on the nanosecond time scale. These arrangements comprise significantly non-linear interdomain orientations. Binding of Ca(2+) to CBD1 significantly restricts the interdomain flexibility, stabilizing a more rigid elongated conformation. These findings suggest a molecular mechanism for the role of CBD12 in the function of NCX.  相似文献   

Na+/Ca2+ exchangers (NCX) constitute a major Ca2+ export system that facilitates the re-establishment of cytosolic Ca2+ levels in many tissues. Ca2+ interactions at its Ca2+ binding domains (CBD1 and CBD2) are essential for the allosteric regulation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity. The structure of the Ca2+-bound form of CBD1, the primary Ca2+ sensor from canine NCX1, but not the Ca2+-free form, has been reported, although the molecular mechanism of Ca2+ regulation remains unclear. Here, we report crystal structures for three distinct Ca2+ binding states of CBD1 from CALX, a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger found in Drosophila sensory neurons. The fully Ca2+-bound CALX-CBD1 structure shows that four Ca2+ atoms bind at identical Ca2+ binding sites as those found in NCX1 and that the partial Ca2+ occupancy and apoform structures exhibit progressive conformational transitions, indicating incremental regulation of CALX exchange by successive Ca2+ binding at CBD1. The structures also predict that the primary Ca2+ pair plays the main role in triggering functional conformational changes. Confirming this prediction, mutagenesis of Glu455, which coordinates the primary Ca2+ pair, produces dramatic reductions of the regulatory Ca2+ affinity for exchange current, whereas mutagenesis of Glu520, which coordinates the secondary Ca2+ pair, has much smaller effects. Furthermore, our structures indicate that Ca2+ binding only enhances the stability of the Ca2+ binding site of CBD1 near the hinge region while the overall structure of CBD1 remains largely unaffected, implying that the Ca2+ regulatory function of CBD1, and possibly that for the entire NCX family, is mediated through domain interactions between CBD1 and the adjacent CBD2 at this hinge.  相似文献   

Calcium is a ubiquitous intracellular second messenger, playing central roles in the regulation of several biological processes. Alterations in Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling are an important feature of tumor cells to acquire proliferative and survival advantages, which include structural and functional changes in storage capacity, channels, and pumps. Here, we investigated the differences in Ca2+ homeostasis in vemurafenib-responsive and non-responsive melanoma cells. Also, the expression of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and the impact of its inhibition were studied. For this, it was used B-RAFV600E and NRASQ61R-mutated human melanoma cells. The intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA-AM decreased the viability of SK-MEL-147 but not of SK-MEL-19 and EGTA sensitized NRASQ61R-mutated cells to vemurafenib. These cells also presented a smaller response to thapsargin and ionomycin regarding the cytosolic Ca2+ levels in relation to SK-MEL-19, which was associated to an increased expression of NCX1, NO basal levels, and sensitivity to NCX inhibitors. These data highlight the differences between B-RAFV600E and NRASQ61R-mutated melanoma cells in response to Ca2+ stimuli and point to the potential combination of clinically used chemotherapeutic drugs, including vemurafenib, with NCX inhibitors as a new therapeutic strategy to the treatment of melanoma.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is potentially fatal pharmacogenetic disorder of skeletal muscle caused by intracellular Ca2+ dysregulation. NCX is a bidirectional transporter that effluxes (forward mode) or influxes (reverse mode) Ca2+ depending on cellular activity. Resting intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]r) and sodium ([Na+]r) concentrations are elevated in MH susceptible (MHS) swine and murine muscles compared with their normal (MHN) counterparts, although the contribution of NCX is unclear. Lowering [Na+]e elevates [Ca2+]r in both MHN and MHS swine muscle fibers and it is prevented by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or reduced by t-tubule disruption, in both genotypes. KB-R7943, a nonselective NCX3 blocker, reduced [Ca2+]r in both swine and murine MHN and MHS muscle fibers at rest and decreased the magnitude of the elevation of [Ca2+]r observed in MHS fibers after exposure to halothane. YM-244769, a high affinity reverse mode NCX3 blocker, reduces [Ca2+]r in MHS muscle fibers and decreases the amplitude of [Ca2+]r rise triggered by halothane, but had no effect on [Ca2+]r in MHN muscle. In addition, YM-244769 reduced the peak and area under the curve of the Ca2+ transient elicited by high [K+]e and increased its rate of decay in MHS muscle fibers. siRNA knockdown of NCX3 in MHS myotubes reduced [Ca2+]r and the Ca2+ transient area induced by high [K+]e. These results demonstrate a functional NCX3 in skeletal muscle whose activity is enhanced in MHS. Moreover reverse mode NCX3 contributes to the Ca2+ transients associated with K+-induced depolarization and the halothane-triggered MH episode in MHS muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Neuronal dendrites are vulnerable to injury under diverse pathological conditions. However, the underlying mechanisms for dendritic Na+ overload and the selective dendritic injury remain poorly understood. Our current study demonstrates that activation of NHE-1 (Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1) in dendrites presents a major pathway for Na+ overload. Neuronal dendrites exhibited higher pHi regulation rates than soma as a result of a larger surface area/volume ratio. Following a 2-h oxygen glucose deprivation and a 1-h reoxygenation, NHE-1 activity was increased by ∼70–200% in dendrites. This elevation depended on activation of p90 ribosomal S6 kinase. Moreover, stimulation of NHE-1 caused dendritic Na+i accumulation, swelling, and a concurrent loss of Ca2+i homeostasis. The Ca2+i overload in dendrites preceded the changes in soma. Inhibition of NHE-1 or the reverse mode of Na+/Ca2+ exchange prevented these changes. Mitochondrial membrane potential in dendrites depolarized 40 min earlier than soma following oxygen glucose deprivation/reoxygenation. Blocking NHE-1 activity not only attenuated loss of dendritic mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis but also preserved dendritic membrane integrity. Taken together, our study demonstrates that NHE-1-mediated Na+ entry and subsequent Na+/Ca2+ exchange activation contribute to the selective dendritic vulnerability to in vitro ischemia.  相似文献   

The cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) is the major Ca2+ efflux pathway on the sarcolemma, counterbalancing Ca2+ influx via L-type Ca2+ current during excitation-contraction coupling. Altered NCX activity modulates the sarcoplastic reticulum Ca2+ load and can contribute to abnormal Ca2+ handling and arrhythmias. NADH/NAD+ is the main redox couple controlling mitochondrial energy production, glycolysis, and other redox reactions. Here, we tested whether cytosolic NADH/NAD+ redox potential regulates NCX activity in adult cardiomyocytes. NCX current (INCX), measured with whole cell patch clamp, was inhibited in response to cytosolic NADH loaded directly via pipette or increased by extracellular lactate perfusion, whereas an increase of mitochondrial NADH had no effect. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation was enhanced by increasing cytosolic NADH, and NADH-induced INCX inhibition was abolished by the H2O2 scavenger catalase. NADH-induced ROS accumulation was independent of mitochondrial respiration (rotenone-insensitive) but was inhibited by the flavoenzyme blocker diphenylene iodonium. NADPH oxidase was ruled out as the effector because INCX was insensitive to cytosolic NADPH, and NADH-induced ROS and INCX inhibition were not abrogated by the specific NADPH oxidase inhibitor gp91ds-tat. This study reveals a novel mechanism of NCX regulation by cytosolic NADH/NAD+ redox potential through a ROS-generating NADH-driven flavoprotein oxidase. The mechanism is likely to play a key role in Ca2+ homeostasis and the response to alterations in the cytosolic pyridine nucleotide redox state during ischemia-reperfusion or other cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

The involvement of extracellular Ca2+ and Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane in parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion was investigated in vitro using a new preparation of bovine parathyroid cells. Incubation of these cells in the presence of 25 microM or 2.5 microM free ambient Ca2+ induced a maximal rate of PTH secretion. Low free Ca2+ secretion is not associated with changes in membrane permeability, requires metabolic energy, and is reversible. The Ca2+ channel blocker D600 had no effect on either 45Ca-influx or PTH secretion in these cells. These results, showing that extracellular Ca2+ and Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane are not required for PTH secretion by parathyroid cells, emphasize the differences in the cellular mechanisms underlying the secretion of PTH vs that of other secretory cells.  相似文献   

Summary The countertransport of Ca2+ and Na+ across the membranes of the unicellular fresh-water algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii CW-15 and twoDunaliella species differing in salt tolerance was studied. All algae used are devoid of cell walls. The calcium uptake by twoDunaliella species depended markedly on the intracellular sodium concentration. This calcium uptake was accompanied by Na+ release. For 15 and 30 s after artificial gradient formation (Naint + greater than Naext +) the ratio of released Na+ to absorbed Ca2+ was 31 and 41, respectively. For the extremely halotolerantD. salina, the apparent Michaelis constant of the Ca2+ uptake was 33 M, and for the marine halotolerant algaD. maritima, it was equal to 400 M, presuming more efficient Na+-for-Ca2+ exchange inD. salina cells. Ouabain, an inhibitor of Na+/K+-ATPase, suppressed Na+ transfer by 25%, whereas the agents blocking Ca2+-channels did not affect the transport of Ca2+ and Na+. The oppositely directed transmembrane Ca2+ and Na+ transfer was shown to depend on the external concentrations of Na+ and H+. In the fresh-water algaC. reinhardtii CW-15 (Naext + greater than Naint +), the direction of Ca2+ and Na+ fluxes across the plasma membrane was opposite to those described for Dunaliella cells. The results obtained point to the ability of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger function in plasma membranes of algal cells.  相似文献   

The correlation between morphology of the mitochondria-rich cells (MR cells) in chicken lower intestine, coprodeum, and dietary sodium levels, has been investigated, using hens with differing dietary intake of NaCl and plasma aldosterone levels. Additionally, the function of the MR cells was evaluated in relation to proton secretion/exchange. Epithelium from the coprodeum was examined by optical, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and Na(+)-transport across the coprodeal epithelium was measured electrophysiologically in Ussing-chambers. To investigate the function of MR cells, lectin-, enzyme- and immunohistochemistry methods were used. The MR cells were generally located in the epithelium on the upper parts of the sides of mucosal folds. Long microvilli, high but variable toluidine blue affinity/electrondensity and numerous mitochondria were the main features distinguishing them from the surrounding epithelial cells. Two main MR cell types were observed, differing in microvillous morphology, diameter and toluidine blue affinity/electrondensity. This probably reflected differences in maturity and activity. The MR cells expressed a positive carbonic anhydrase reaction and a proton exchange similar to the absorptive intestinal epithelial cells, but exhibited no specific demonstrable proton secretion. A close correlation between the ultrastructure of the MR-cells, dietary sodium levels, plasma aldosterone and transepithelial Na-transport was observed.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is a genus of apicomplexan parasites that inhabit the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts of vertebrates. Research of these parasites is limited by a lack of model hosts. This study aimed to determine the extent to which infection at the embryo stage can enhance the propagation of Cryptosporidium oocysts in chickens. Nine-day-old chicken embryos and one-day-old chickens were experimentally infected with different doses of Cryptosporidium baileyi and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Post hatching, all chickens had demonstrable infections, and the infection dose had no effect on the course of infection. Chickens infected as embryos shed oocysts immediately after hatching and shed significantly more oocysts over the course of the infection than chickens infected as one-day-olds. In chickens infected as embryos, C. baileyi was found in all organs except the brain whereas, C. parvum was only found in the gastrointestinal tract and trachea. In chickens infected as one-day-olds, C. baileyi was only found in the gastrointestinal tract and trachea. Chickens infected as embryos with C. baileyi died within 16 days of hatching. All other chickens cleared the infection. Infection of chickens as embryos could be used as an effective and simple model for the propagation of C. baileyi and C. parvum.  相似文献   

The role of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) as the main pathway for Ca2+ extrusion from ventricular myocytes is well established. However, both the role of the Ca2+ entry mode of NCX in regulating local Ca2+ dynamics and the role of the Ca2+ exit mode during the majority of the physiological action potential (AP) are subjects of controversy. The functional significance of NCXs location in T-tubules and potential co-localization with ryanodine receptors was examined using a local Ca2+ control model of low computational cost. Our simulations demonstrate that under physiological conditions local Ca2+ and Na+ gradients are critical in calculating the driving force for NCX and hence in predicting the effect of NCX on AP. Under physiological conditions when 60% of NCXs are located on T-tubules, NCX may be transiently inward within the first 100 ms of an AP and then transiently outward during the AP plateau phase. Thus, during an AP NCX current (INCX) has three reversal points rather than just one. This provides a resolution to experimental observations where Ca2+ entry via NCX during an AP is inconsistent with the time at which INCX is thought to become inward. A more complex than previously believed dynamic regulation of INCX during AP under physiological conditions allows us to interpret apparently contradictory experimental data in a consistent conceptual framework. Our modelling results support the claim that NCX regulates the local control of Ca2+ and provide a powerful tool for future investigations of the control of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Blastocyst formation is associated with a marked increase in ATP production, much of which is thought to be associated with the active transport of ions across the trophectoderm mediated by the sodium pump (Na+, K+, ATPase) resulting in the vectorial transport of water into the blastocoel. In this study, the biochemical activity of the sodium pump was measured directly in single human and bovine embryo extracts by monitoring the conversion of ATP to ADP in the presence and absence of ouabain. ATP and ADP were assayed by HPLC. In both species, there was a transient, significant increase in sodium pump activity while the blastocyst was actively expanding. The oxygen consumption of single human blastocysts was measured in order to estimate the proportion of total ATP used by the Na+, K+, ATPase. The results suggest that approximately 60 and 36% of the ATP produced is used by the sodium pump during blastocoel expansion in the human and bovine blastocyst, respectively.  相似文献   

The influence of extracellular Ca2+ on hormone-mediated increases of cytosolic free Ca2+ [( Ca2+]i) and phosphorylase activity was studied in isolated hepatocytes. In the presence of 1.3 mM extracellular Ca2+, the stimulation of phosphorylase activity produced by vasopressin or phenylephrine was maintained for 20-30 min. In contrast, the change in [Ca2+]i under these conditions was more transient and declined within 3-4 min to steady state values only 70 +/- 8 nM above the resting [Ca2+]i. Removal of the hormone from its receptor with specific antagonists caused a decline in [Ca2+]i back to the original resting values. Subsequent addition of a second hormone elicited a further Ca2+ transient. If the antagonist was omitted, the second hormone addition did not increase [Ca2+]i indicating that the labile intracellular Ca2+ pool remains depleted during receptor occupation. When extracellular Ca2+ was omitted, both the changes of [Ca2+]i and phosphorylase a caused by vasopressin were transient and returned exactly to resting values within 3-4 min. The subsequent readdition of Ca2+ to these cells produced a further increase of [Ca2+]i and phosphorylase activity which was larger than the changes observed upon Ca2+ addition to untreated cells. This reactivation of phosphorylase showed saturation kinetics with respect to extracellular [Ca2+], was maximally stimulated within 1 min of vasopressin addition and was inhibited by high concentration of diltiazem. We conclude that entry of extracellular Ca2+ into the cell is required in order to obtain a sustained hormonal stimulation of phosphorylase activity and is responsible for the maintenance of a small steady state elevation of [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

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