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Synaptosomes isolated from adult or newborn rat cerebrum take up L-lysine by two saturable systems, one with a high affinity low capacity and the other with a low affinity high capacity. Initial rate of uptake for low lysine concentrations is mort tissue. Analysis of kinetic data indicates that synaptosomes of the newborn have a higher Vmax than those of the adult for high affinity system but adult for high affinity system but adult synaptosomes have a higher Vmax than newborn for low affinity system. At a physiological lysine concentration of 0.5 mM, the calculated contributions of two systems indicate that the adult uptake occurs for about 71% by low affinity system but the newborn utilizes both systems to the same extent. The uptake is sodium independent but pH dependent. Lysine uptake is inhibited by other dibasic amino acids, arginine and ornithine but not cystine. Kinetic analysis indicates that arginine specifically inhibits the high affinity, low Km system for lysine uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract: The developmental pattern of glycoprotein-galactosyltransferase activity was determined in the microsomal fractions of three regions of the embryonic rat brain and in parts of the visual system and the cerebellum postnatally. It could be shown that the enzyme activity was highest in the embryonic brain, where regional differences were apparent, and decreased progressively after birth. The enzyme profile in the cerebellum showed no marked postnatal changes.  相似文献   

The intensity of rhodamine 6G fluorescence was found to be a useful scale for measuring the membrane potential in synaptosomes. The fluorescence of rhodamine 6G in synaptosomal suspensions increases with depolarization in the synaptosomes induced by the replacement of cations in the medium or by the addition of agents known to depolarize the membrane potential. Considering the character of the dye, we have derived an equation which gives the relation between the fluorescence intensity of the dye and the membrane potential. The change in membrane potential (diffusion potential) of synaptosomes was calculated using the equation. The calculated membrane potential was proportional to the logarithm of the K+ concentration above 20 mM, and the slope of membrane potential against log[K+] was about 52 mV per decade of concentration. The permeability ratio (PXPK; the ratio of the permeability constants of a given cation, X+, and K+) was estimated from the calculated membrane potential.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure and protein content of the five subfractions of the crude mitochondrial fraction from the brain stem of the 1-day old and adult rat was examined. The morphological composition of the subfractions after fixation in glutaraldehyde and osmiumtetroxide in the adult rat brain stem resembled that previously reported for the whole brain; synaptosomes sedimented in a sucrose gradient in subfractions C and D. In the 1-day old rat, mature synaptosomes were found in subfractions A, B, C and D; E contained mainly free mitochondria. 80–95% of the processes in the adult and 10–30% in the 1-day old rat contained synaptic vesicles which were of four types: (1) small agranular vesicles (2) large dense core vesicles (3) large agranular vesicles (4) coated vesicles. Pre- and postsynaptic membrane thickenings were demonstrated in many nerve-ending particles. In the subfractions of the 1-day old rat the protein content was one half and the distribution resembled that in the adult. Evidently nerve endings develop faster in the brain stem than in cortical areas; a serotoninor adrenergic origin of the early synaptosomes is suggested.This study was supported by a grant from the Paulo Foundation.  相似文献   

The membrane disordering efficiency of four local anesthetics, including lidocaine, tetracaine, dibucaine and heptacaine (piperidinoethyl ester of 2-heptyloxyphenylcarbamic acid) has been studied by spin-labeling methods. The disordering efficiency of the drugs in rat total brain lipid liposomes was quantitated with the initial slope value of the order parameter versus drug concentration curve, the so-called change-in-order parameter value. Using the positional isomers of m-doxyl stearic acids (m = 5, 12 and 16), it has been demonstrated that the tested drugs reveal quite different disordering efficiency. There is a clear tendency of increasing disordering efficiency towards the methyl terminal of the lipid acyl chains. By a comparison of order parameter versus drug concentration and temperature at three depths of rat brain total lipid liposomes and synaptosomes, it is shown that the ‘fluidizing effect’ of local anesthetics does not correspond to fluidization of membrane by temperature and that tetracaine and dibucaine do not have equal disordering efficiency as judged by their solubility in the membrane. The disordering efficiency of these drugs on the hydrocarbone core of a membrane qualitatively corresponds to their anesthetic potency. Similar results were obtained in liposomes and synaptosomes. It is assumed that there is a similar incorporation of the local anesthetics in the liposomes and in the lipid part of synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes were used to investigate the uptake of zinc at early exposure times. Hepatocytes were incubated with 65Zn (1–500 μM) and samples were withdrawn at times ranging from 25 s to 60 min. A biphasic pattern of uptake was observed with a rapid first phase of uptake followed by a slower second phase. The relationship between velocity of uptake and substrate concentration for the first phase was nonlinear, while that of the second phase was linear. The presence of 10 μM cadmium produced a decrease in the velocity of uptake of only the first phase. This suggests that the first phase is at least partly carrier mediated, while there is no indication of involvement of a carrier in the second phase. KCN (1 mM) and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (2 μM), did not cause any change in the uptake of 65Zn (1 μM), which suggests that there is no active component in the uptake of zinc.  相似文献   

The Na+ channel activity (tetrodotoxin sensitive 22Na+ flux induced by veratridine and/or anemone toxin II) was studied in two fractions of brain cell plasma membranes, named A and B, isolated by the method of Gray and Whittaker ((1962) J. Anat. 96, 79–87) from rats 5, 10, 30 and 60 days old. The 22Na+ flux was measured in membrane vesicles formed by the isolated membranes, in the absence of drugs (control), in the presence of veratridine, and in the presence of veratridine plus tetrodotoxin. Fraction A consists primarily of neuronal and glial membranes in rats of 5 and 10 days of age, while in the older rats this fraction becomes enriched in myelin. In Fraction A of 5-day-old and 10-day-old rats, veratridine (25 μM) increases the 22Na+ flux 2.4- and 1.6-fold, respectively, and the increment continues to diminish with age, until it becomes negligible in the 60-day-old rats. Fraction B consists of synaptosomes and membrane vesicles, and at the four ages studied veratridine (25 μM) causes an increment of the 22Na+ flux of about 2.5-fold. Fractions A and B from 10-day-old rats, and Fraction B from 60-day-old rats, which are sensitive to veratridine, also respond to anemone toxin II. When veratridine is used in presence of anemone toxin II (0.5 μM), the K0.5 for veratridine is diminished and the maximum 22Na+ flux is increased. The increments of 22Na+ flux caused by veratridine and/or anemone toxin II in Fractions A and B are blocked by tetrodotoxin (K0.5 approx. 5 nM). Fraction A from 60-day-old rats could be subfractionated by osmotic shock and sucrose gradient centrifugation to obtain three subfractions, two of which are enriched in axolemma and display Na+ chennel activity. The other subfraction is enriched in myelin and shows no Na+ channel actiivty. The plasma membrane preparations from young rats (up to 10 days) are devoid of myelin and are useful for studies of Na+ channel activity.  相似文献   

Mechanism of transferrin iron uptake by rat reticulocytes was studied using 59Fe- and 125I-labelled rat transferrin. Whereas more than 80% of the reticulocyte-bound 59Fe was located in the cytoplasmic fraction, only 25–30% of 125I-labelled transferrin was found inside the cells. As shown by the presence of acetylcholine esterase, 10–15% of the cytoplasmic 125I-labelled transferrin might have been derived from the contamination of this fraction by the plasma membrane fragments. Electron microscopic autoradiography indicated 26% of the cell-bound 125I-labelled transferrin to be inside the reticulocytes. Both the electron microscopic and biochemical studies showed that the rat reticulocytes endocytosed their plasma membrane independently of transferrin. Sepharose-linked transferrin was found to be capable of delivering 59Fe to the reticulocytes. Our results suggest that penetration of the cell membrane by transferrin is not necessary for the delivery of iron and that, although it might make a contribution to the cellular iron uptake, internalization of transferrin reflects endocytotic activity of the reticulocyte cell membrane.  相似文献   

The inhibitory action of the flavonoid quercetin has been examined on the calcium-transport ATPase of synaptosomal vesicles and compared to that of two other flavonoids, morin and rutin. We have found that while quercetin caused a 50% inhibition of calcium transport at a concentration of 15 μM, morin and rutin had similar effects at concentrations of about 200 μM. A similar order of potency was observed also for ATP hydrolysis, though at higher concentrations. Quercetin also strongly inhibited phosphorylation of membrane proteins by ATP in synaptosomal vesicles. Rutin and morin had an almost negligible effect on membrane protein phosphorylation. The order of inhibitory potency of the flavonoids on the Ca2+-transport ATPase from synaptosomal vesicles: quercetin > morin > rutin, could be linked to their possible solubility in the membrane lipid phase since: (1) it paralleled their partitioning between a mixture of oil and water; (2) it paralleled their uptake from the reaction mixture by synaptosomal vesicles and phosphatidylcholine liposomes; (3) they had almost equal potency as inhibitors of the water soluble system of histone phosphorylation by protein kinase.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol synthetic and intermembrane transfer activities were studied in rat in the developing whole brain and isolated cerebellum. Specific activities of CTP: phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase and CDPdiacylglycerol: inositol phosphatidyltransferase were found to have similar developmental patterns. Levels of phosphatidyltransferase seen in fetal animals (whole brain only) and neonatal (whole brain and cerebellum) were maintained through approximately postnatal day 15, peaked at day 28, and then declined to somewhat higher than fetal levels at day 60. Cytidylyltransferase activity varied from the phosphatidylinositol synthesizing enzyme in that specific activity continued to increase up to day 60. Whole brain phosphatidylinositol transfer specific activity showed a sharp peak at postnatal day 9 after which activity was maintained at or above the fetal levels to day 60. Cerebellum phosphatidylinositol transfer specific activity had a similar peak which was delayed 7–10 days compared to the whole brain. Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein was also determined immunologically: whole brain levels increased dramatically from fetal day 16 to 18 and then remained relatively constant, while cerebellum levels (measured from postnatal day 7) displayed a variable profile between days 7 and 28. The developmental pattern of CTP: phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase in rat brain is reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

The question of arginine uptake by mitochondria is important in that arginine is an allosteric effector of N-acetylglutamate synthetase. Thus, changes in mitochondrial arginine concentration have the potential for acutely modifying levels of N-acetylglutamate, a compound necessary for maximal activity of carbamyl phosphate synthesis. Mitochondria were isolated from chow-fed rats, incubated with [guanido-14C]arginine and were centrifuged through silicon oil into perchloric acid for determination of intramitochondrial metabolites. Arginine was separated from urea by cation-exchange resin. Mitochondrial water space was determined by [14C]urea arising from arginase activity associated with the mitochondrial preparations. Extramatrix space was determined by parallel incubations with [inulin-14C]carboxylic acid or [14C]sucrose There was considerable degradation of arginine by arginase associated with the mitochondrial preparation. This was inhibited by 7 mM ornithine and 7 mM lysine. Arginine was concentrated intramitochondrially to 4-times the extramitochondrial levels. The concentration ratio was decreased in the presence of ornithine and lysine but not with citrulline, NH4Cl, glutamate, glutamate or leucine. No uptake was observed when mitochondria were incubated at 0°C. Mitochondria did not concentrate citrulline.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The effect of lead (in vivo) on the uptake of GABA, dopamine, and histidine as a precursor of histamine in synaptosomes obtained from chronically lead-treated rats was studied.2. Lead decreased the uptake of GABA, increased the uptake of dopamine, and did not change the uptake of histidine. These effects were independent of calcium concentration.3. Lead administration to the rat changed the morphology of the synaptosomes, as manifested in the decreased number of synaptic vesicles and disturbed mitochondrial structure.4. The results suggest the existence of several mechanisms of lead toxicity on uptake, related to individual neurotransmitters, which are not necessarily connected with a Pb2+/Ca2+ interaction.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and synaptosomes from adult rat forebrain can easily be separated by counter-current distribution in an aqueous two phase system composed of Dextran T500 and poly(ethylene glycol) 4000. Both particles may also be separated by a batch procedure in which the same phase system is used. Electron micrographs and enzymatic activities show a high purity of the mitochondria obtained from the dextran-rich lower phase. Electron micrographs and enzymatic activities also show that intact synaptosomes can be obtained from the poly (ethylene glycol)-rich upper phase.The mitochondria purified by this method show good ADP/O ratios, respiratory control ratios, and state 3 rates. Synaptosomes showed a state 2-state 3 transition with no recuperation to state 4.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the cellular uptake of iron-transferrin complex was studied in L1210 murine leukemia cells and rat reticulocytes using 125I-transferrin. Saturation of transferrin with iron was necessary for optimal uptake. Following the incubation of cells with the radiolabeled complex a biphasic pattern of uptake was observed. The initial phase was rapid and relatively temperature-independent and was not altered by ethylamine, an inhibitor of transglutaminase activity which is necessary for receptor-mediated endocytosis. This phase was considered to result from receptor-ligand interaction which could be reversed to a great degree by replacement with unlabeled transferrin. A plateau was then reached, indicating a saturation of receptors. After 30 min a second phase of uptake was indicated by the second rise in the curve. This phase was slow, relatively temperature-dependent and could be abolished by ethylamine. It was interpreted as evidence of internalization of the ligand. Analysis of the data from competition studies with unlabeled transferrin indicated that the first phase might itself comprise a reversible and an irreversible step with a ratio of 5 to 1.4 for bound transferrin. Thus, the cellular uptake of iron-transferrin complex may consist of a reversible ligand-receptor interaction. Conformational changes may render this interaction irreversible and the internalization of the ligand may then follow.  相似文献   

The influence of external sodium concentration on potassium (depolarizing agent)-stimulated calcium uptake and Ca+-dependent acetylcholine release by rat cerebral cortex synaptosomes has been studied. It was found that increased sodium concentration decreases both the Ca2+ uptake and the acetylcholine release, whereas a low external sodium concentration is stimulatory.  相似文献   

The iron chelators desferrioxamine (DFO), pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone (PIH), 2,2-bipyridine, diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid (DTPA) and 1,2 dimethyl-3-hydroxy pyrid-4-one (CP20) were analysed for their ability to change59Fe uptake and release from the brain of 15- and 63-day rats either during or after intravenous injection of59Fe-125I-transferrin. DTPA was the only chelator unable to significantly reduce iron uptake into the brain of 15-day rats. This indicates that iron is not released from transferrin at the luminal surface of brain capillary endothelial cells. CP20 was able to reduce iron uptake in the brain by 85% compared to 28% with DFO. Only CP20 was able to significantly reduce brain iron uptake in 63 day rats. Once59Fe had entered the brain no chelator used was able to mediate its release. All of the chelators except CP20 had similar effects on femur iron uptake as they did on brain uptake, suggesting similar iron uptake mechanisms. It is concluded that during the passage of transferrin-bound iron into the brain the iron is released from transferrin within endothelial cells after endocytosis of transferrin.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the uptake of glutamate, GABA and glycine into synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain has been investigated. The vesicular uptake of the three amino acids increased with developmental age in parallel with synaptogenesis, indicating a functional role of uptake of the amino acids by synaptic vesicles in the nerve terminals. Uptake of the amino acids by plasma membrane particles (synaptosomes) in brain homogenate showed a somewhat different developmental profile. The uptake of glutamate increased markedly with developmental time, while the uptake of GABA showed only a slight increase. Uptake of glycine by plasma membrane particles was very low and therefore not registered. The observed developmental increase in uptake of glycine by synaptic vesicles isolated from brain, supports previous reports indicating that glycine can be taken up by vesicles from non-glycine terminals.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Morris H. Aprison.  相似文献   

Kainate-induced uptake of calcium by synaptosomes from rat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kainic acid induces a rapid increase in 45Ca2+ uptake by crude synaptosomal fractions isolated from rat brain. This enhanced Ca2+ permeability occurs with a half-time of approx. 1 s, similar to the fast phase of depolarization-induced calcium uptake. The depolarization-induced uptake of calcium is inhibited 85% by 3 mM CoCl2, 80% by 100 microM quinacrine and 50% by 15 microM trifluoperazine while these agents had little effect on the kainate-induced uptake. It is proposed that kainate induces receptor-mediated opening of a class of calcium channels with properties different from those of the voltage-dependent channels.  相似文献   

Hexokinase (ATP: D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC has been synthesized in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate system directed by poly(A)+ mRNA isolated from rat brain. Identification of the in vitro synthesis product as hexokinase was based on its immunoprecipatation with anti-hexokinase serum as well as the generation of identical peptide maps after partial cleavage of the in vitro product and authentic hexokinase with Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase or chymotrypsin. The in vitro product and authentic hexokinase were indistinguishable in molecular weight (SDS-gel electrophoresis); thus, despite the fact that, in situ, much of the hexokinase in brain is found in association with mitochondria, it is not synthesized in the form of a higher molecular weight precursor as is characteristic of other mitochondrial proteins. This is in accord with the view that hexokinase is best considered as a classical ‘soluble’ enzyme which is capable of exhibiting reversible association with mitochondria. The in vitro product cochromatographs (during anion-exchange HPLC) with authentic hexokinase previously shown to have a blocked (presumably acetylated) N-terminus; this procedure is capable of resolving the N-terminally blocked form of the enzyme from a partially proteolyzed form having a free N-terminal amino group. Thus the in vitro product is apparently N-acetylated by an enzyme system previously shown to be present in reticulocyte lysates. A significant fraction of the in vitro synthesized hexokinase attained a conformation characteristic of the native enzyme as judged by the observations that (1) it could be immunoprecipitated by monoclonal antibodies recognizing the native enzyme but not by antibodies recognizing denatured hexokinase, and (2) limited tryptic cleavage of the in vitro product gave fragments identical to those seen with the native enzyme and thought to reflect the organization of structural domains in that enzyme. However, based on these same criteria, the majority of the hexokinase synthesized in vitro appears to exist in a folding state that is not identical to that of either the fully denatured or native enzyme.  相似文献   

Charybdotoxin (ChTX), a 4.3 kDa polypeptide toxin from the venom of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus, blocks both a Ca-activated K channel (IC50 ≈ 15 nM) and a Ca-independent voltage-gated K channel (IC50 ≈ 40 nM) in rat brain synaptosomes. These results indicate that in this preparation ChTX is not specific for the Ca-activated K channel and suggest that there may be structural homology among the toxin-binding sites on various types of K channels.  相似文献   

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