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The lysis of protoplasts of Micrococcus luteus has been tested with various derivatives of three peptidolipidic antibiotics: iturin A, mycosubtilin and bacillomycin L. The lytic activity is dependent to the nature of the substituting group and to the position of the substituted aminoacid residue. The acetylation of OH groups leads to a decrease of the lytic activity of the natural antibiotics. The methylation of aspartyl residues of bacillomycin L gives a strong lytic activity while natural bacillomycin L has no lytic activity. The methylation of the tyrosyl residue enhances the lytic activities of iturin A and of bacillomycin L-dimethyl ester and reduces that of mycosubtilin. Correlations between the structures of derivatives and their lytic action on M. luteus protoplasts are discussed.  相似文献   

报道了一株藤黄微球菌 (Micrococcusluteus)具有产酶能力 ,可以淀粉糊精为底物合成海藻糖 ,从还原糖含量变化、纸层析和高效阴离子交换 脉冲安培法检测几方面对酶反应予以证实。  相似文献   

藤黄微球菌海藻糖生物合成基因的克隆与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次从一株能利用淀粉产生海藻糖的藤黄微球菌中克隆了海藻糖生物合成基因。采用PCR方法结合非随机鸟枪法得到藤黄微球菌中低聚麦芽糖苷基海藻糖合成酶(MTSase)基因(MtreY)的全序列及低聚麦芽糖苷基海藻糖水解酶(MTHase)基因(MtreZ)的部分序列,其中MtreY共有2,370个碱基,编码789个氨基酸,表达产物分子量为86·7kD。同源性分析表明,与已报道的MTSase和α-淀粉酶家族成员具有相同的保守模体。将MtreY基因在大肠杆菌JM83中表达,证明表达产物具有预期的酶活性。  相似文献   

【背景】复苏促进因子(Resuscitation promoting factor,RPF)是由某些放线菌分泌的一类活性蛋白质,最初在Micrococcusluteus中被发现。它不但能够复苏休眠细菌恢复生长,而且对正常的细菌也有促生长效果。然而关于RPF对于环境样品中除原始宿主以外细菌的复苏促进作用研究还鲜有报道。【目的】以寻找新的菌种资源、开发环境功能菌角度研究了RPF对环境样品中潜在休眠菌群的复苏促进作用。【方法】首先对来源于Micrococcus luteus IAM 14879的RPF(Ml RPF)蛋白序列进行生物信息学分析和同源模建;随后克隆了Ml RPF编码基因并在大肠杆菌中异源表达;最后利用重组Ml RPF对活性污泥样品中潜在的休眠细菌开展了复苏促生长研究。【结果】Ml RPF在进化树上处于单独分支,远离其它RPF家族成员;模建结构分析表明Ml RPF具有与C型溶菌酶相似的催化结构域,这有助于解释RPF家族蛋白具有溶解酶活性;重组Ml RPF在大肠杆菌中获得了可溶性表达,它能够促进休眠态M. luteus IAM 14879生长,保留了其生理活性;利用重组Ml RPF从某污水厂活性污泥样品中分离获得了Dietzia、Paracoccus、Rhodococcus和Brevundimonas菌株。【结论】为环境样品中微生物多样性研究及特殊微生物资源的发掘提供新的方法,也为基于Ml RPF的废水生物强化处理技术研发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is widely promoted as a cost-effective technology for treating heavy metal and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) co-contaminated soil. This study investigated the concurrent removal of TPHs and Pb in co-contaminated soil (27,000 mg kg?1 TPHs, 780 mg kg?1 Pb) by growing Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) in a pot experiment for 90 days. There were four treatments: co-contaminated soil; co-contaminated soil with C. odorata only; co-contaminated soil with C. odorata and Micrococcus luteus inoculum; and co-contaminated soil with M. luteus only. C. odorata survived and grew well in the co-contaminated soil. C. odorata with M. luteus showed the highest Pb accumulation (513.7 mg kg?1) and uptake (7.7 mg plant?1), and the highest reduction percentage of TPHs (52.2%). The higher TPH degradation in vegetated soils indicated the interaction between the rhizosphere microorganisms and plants. The results suggested that C. odorata together with M. luteus and other rhizosphere microorganisms is a promising candidate for the removal of Pb and TPHs in co-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Abstract Micrococcus luteus starved for 2–7 months in spent medium following growth to stationary phase in batch culture exhibited a culturability (as estimated by direct plating on nutrient agar plates) of < 0.001%. However, following a lag, some 70% of the cells could be lysed upon inoculation into and cultivation in fresh lactate minimal medium containing penicillin, showing the capability of a significant portion of the cells at least to enlarge (and thus potentially to resuscitate). When the viable cell count was estimated using the most probable number method, by incubation of high dilutions of starved cells in liquid growth media, the number of culturable or resuscitable cells was very low, and little different from the viable cell count as assessed by plating on solid media. However, the apparent viability of these populations evidenced with the most probable number method was 1000–100 000-fold greater when samples were diluted into liquid media containing supernatants taken from the stationary phase of batch cultures of the organism, suggesting that viable cells can produce a factor which stimulates the resuscitation of dormant cells. Both approaches show, under conditions in which the growth of a limited number of viable cells during resuscitation is excluded, that a significant portion of the apparently non-viable cell population in an extended stationary phase is dormant, and not dead.  相似文献   

AIMS: To clone and sequence the 16S-23S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal spacer region (ISR) from Micrococcus luteus. METHODS AND RESULTS: The primer pair for 16S-23S rDNA ISR amplified a fragment of about 850 bp in length for two strains, JCM3347 and JCM3348 and a fragment of about 790 bp for a strain, ATCC9341. After sequencing the ISRs were identified by the comparison of the ISRs and the flanking regions of ISR. CONCLUSIONS: Although the sequence difference of the ISR occurred at only one position between the two JCM strains, the highly variable length (440 and 370 bp) and sequence similarity (about 40%) were demonstrated between the ISRs of the two JCM strains and a ATCC strain. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A CCTCCT sequence was first detected at the 3'-end of the 16S rDNA of the three strains. Moreover, highly similar sequence to the 21-bp region containing a putative rRNA processing site was observed in the ISR of the three strains. Interestingly, no intercistronic tRNAs were demonstrated in the ISRs from the three strains.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the modes of interaction between lignin precursors and membranes, we have studied the influence of temperature, lipid composition and buffer composition on the partitioning of monolignol and dilignol model substances into phospholipid bilayers. The partitioning was determined by immobilized liposome chromatography, which is an established method for studies of pharmaceutical drugs but a new approach in studies of lignin synthesis. The temperature dependence of the retention and the effect of a high ammonium sulfate concentration in the mobile phase demonstrated that the interaction involved both hydrophobic effects and polar interactions. There was also a good correlation between the partitioning and the estimated hydrophobicity, in terms of octanol/water partitioning. The partitioning behavior of the model substances suggests that passive diffusion over the cell membrane is a possible transport route for lignin precursors. This conclusion is strengthened by comparison of the present results with the partitioning of pharmaceutical drugs that are known to pass cell membranes by diffusion.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from cortical cells of the elongating zone of maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG 11) roots and submitted to microelectrophoresis. Significant and transient differences in zeta potential between protoplasts from upper and lower root sides were compared with the gravireaction and the differential elongation of these roots. The maximum difference in the zeta potential was obtained between protoplasts from the upper and lower cortical cells after 90 min, exactly the time of gravipresentation for which the maximum rate of gravireaction was observed. In addition, this almost corresponded to the time for which the difference between the elongation rates of upper and lower sides of the extending zone began to increase. Consequently, the changes in the charges of the plasmalemma of the cortical cells from the growing part of roots could be more or less directly related to the root graviresponse.  相似文献   

Abstract Using promoter-probe plasmids, more than 200 promoter-containing fragments from Bacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis were cloned in B. subtilis . Among these, 15 promoter fragments were highly temperature-dependent in activity compared to the promoter sequence (TTGAAA for the −35 region, TATAAT for the −10 region) of the amylase gene, amyT , from B. stearothermophilus . Some fragments exhibited higher promoter activities at elevated temperature (48°C), others showed higher activities at lower temperature (30°C). Active promoter fragments at higher and lower temperatures were obtained mainly from the thermophile ( B. stearothermophilus ) and the mesophile ( B. subtilis ), respectively. A promoter fragment active at high temperature was sequenced, and the feature of the putative promoter region was discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of the proton spin lattice relaxation time of bovine serum albumin, muscle tissue, Micrococcus luteus and yeast has been measured by the aid of the field-cycling technique. In all systems 14N1H-quadrupole dips have been observed. The conclusion is that amide groups are the dominating relaxation centers up to approx. 107Hz. This finding can be understood by the fact that protein backbone fluctuations and, if possible, tumbling of the whole molecule rather than side group motions are the relevant mechanisms in this frequency range. A proton relaxation scheme for cells and tissue is presented.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight compounds were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography from the maggot or haemolymph extracts of Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, three compounds were obtained: p-hydroxybenzoic acid (molecular weight 138 Da), p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (molecular weight 152 Da) and octahydro-dipyrrolo[1,2-a;1',2'-d] pyrazine-5,10-dione (molecular weight 194 Da), also known as the cyclic dimer of proline (or proline diketopiperazine or cyclo[Pro,Pro]). All three molecules revealed antibacterial activity when tested against Micrococcus luteus and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the effect was even more pronounced when these molecules were tested in combination and caused lysis of these bacteria.  相似文献   

Signaling of semaphorin ligands via their plexin–neuropilin receptors is involved in tissue patterning in the developing embryo. These proteins play roles in cell migration and adhesion but are also important in disease etiology, including in cancer angiogenesis and metastasis. While some structures of the soluble domains of these receptors have been determined, the conformations of the full-length receptor complexes are just beginning to be elucidated, especially within the context of the plasma membrane. Pulsed-interleaved excitation fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy allows direct insight into the formation of protein–protein interactions in the membranes of live cells. Here, we investigated the homodimerization of neuropilin-1 (Nrp1), plexin A2, plexin A4, and plexin D1 using pulsed-interleaved excitation fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. Consistent with previous studies, we found that Nrp1, plexin A2, and plexin A4 are present as dimers in the absence of exogenous ligand. Plexin D1, on the other hand, was monomeric under similar conditions, which had not been previously reported. We also found that plexin A2 and A4 assemble into a heteromeric complex. Stimulation with semaphorin 3A or semaphorin 3C neither disrupts nor enhances the dimerization of the receptors when expressed alone, suggesting that activation involves a conformational change rather than a shift in the monomer–dimer equilibrium. However, upon stimulation with semaphorin 3C, plexin D1 and Nrp1 form a heteromeric complex. This analysis of interactions provides a complementary approach to the existing structural and biochemical data that will aid in the development of new therapeutic strategies to target these receptors in cancer.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase activity was detected in suspensions of purified spores prepared from lysozyme-treated sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis AJ 1307. The enzyme was easily solubilized from the spores upon incubation at pH 10.5 at 37°C. The transglutaminase activity was separated into two fractions upon purification by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (TG1 and TG2). Each enzyme was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity (about 1,000-fold). Both enzymes had the same molecular weight of 29,000 as estimated by SDS-PAGE, had the same N-terminal 30 amino acid sequence, and also showed the same optimal temperature (60°C) and pH (8.2). The purified enzyme catalyzed formation of cross-linked ε-(γ-glutamyl)lysine isopeptides, resulting in the gel-formation of protein solutions such as αs-casein and BSA.  相似文献   

The interaction of anticancer agents, analogues of adriamycin and of photo-chemotherapeutic compounds of the psoralen structural type with DNA was investigated using spectroscopic, hydrodynamic and chiroptical techniques. The nucleic acid may undergo conformational changes from the B form to more compact structures as a result of the binding process to charged compounds. Different complex geometries adopted byvarious drugs were observed and discussed in terms of intercalation into the polynucleotide double helix and orientation of the ligand in the base-pair pocket. The binding of chemotherapeutic agents to functionally organized DNA was also studied. Lower binding affinities and modified spectral responsesareindicativeofdifferent drug-DNA complexation patternsinthiscase. The results of these studies allow a better understanding of drug-nucleic acid interactions at a molecular level.  相似文献   

Detoxification of Cr(VI) under alkaline pH requires attention due to the alkaline nature of many effluents. An alkaliphilic gram-positive Bacillus subtilis isolated from tannery effluent contaminated soil was found to grow and reduce Cr(VI) up to 100% at an alkaline pH 9. Decrease in pH to acidic range with growth of the bacterium signified the role played by metabolites (organic acids) in chromium resistance and reduction mechanism. The XPS and FT-IR spectra confirmed the reduction of Cr(VI) by bacteria into +3 oxidation state. Chromate reductase assay indicated that the reduction was mediated by constitutive membrane bound enzymes. The kinetics of Cr(VI) reduction activity derived using the monod equation proved (Ks = 0.00032) high affinity of the organism to the metal. This study thus helped to localize the reduction activity at subcellular level in a chromium resistant alkaliphilic Bacillus sp.  相似文献   

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