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Triatomines (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) are bloodsucking insects involved in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, an important public health problem in Latin America. The triatomine species found in sylvatic habitats generally play a limited epidemiological role compared to domestic species, but they may act as a reinfestation source of dwellings after insecticide spraying and have to be carefully considered in control strategies of Chagas disease transmission. The objectives of this work were to carry out a survey of the sylvatic triatomine species colonizing Furnariidae nests in a typical area of the Chaco region of Argentina during the winter and to study the parasites and natural enemies associated with the collected triatomines. Sixty‐three triatomine specimens were collected from Furnariidae nests (Coryphistera alaudina and Phacellodomus sibilatrix) randomly selected within the study area. Fifty‐four were identified as Psammolestes coreodes, seven as Triatoma platensis, and two as Triatoma infestans. Specimens of T. infestans and T. platensis were found in one nest. The first finding of instar nymphs of T. infestans x T. platensis in a sylvatic habitat is reported. For the first time, sylvatic collected specimens of T. platensis were found infected by T. cruzi. Triatoma virus was found in one Ps. coreodes specimen.  相似文献   

The Reduviid bugs Triatoma garciabesi Carcavallo et al. (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae), previously known as T. sordida Ståhl in the semi‐arid chaco region, and T. guasayana Wygodzinsky & Abalos, vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae), were found to occupy wide but different ranges of ecotopes in the peridomestic environment. At Amamá and nearby rural villages in north‐western Argentina, a combined total of 1233 specimens were collected from 325/2314 (14%) sites surveyed at 6‐monthly intervals from November 1994 to November 1996. Triatoma garciabesi and T. guasayana displayed a significantly different distribution among peridomestic ecotopes. Triatoma garciabesi predominated over T. guasayana in the prevalence of infested sites, the number of colonies and the number of bugs collected. For T. garciabesi, the predominant ecotopes most likely to yield T. garciabesi repeatedly were the rugged bark of Prosopis alba or P. nigra (Fabaceae) trees, where chickens roosted, and chicken coops. For T. guasayana the main ecotopes were goat or sheep corrals, piled materials and orchard fences. Triatoma garciabesi and T. guasayana were collected concurrently from the same site on 9/2314 (0.4%) occasions, and on different dates at the same site on 12 (0.5%) occasions. The observed low frequency of mixed populations (< 1%) was not significantly different from that expected from a hypothesis of independence. Triatoma garciabesi clearly outnumbered T. guasayana in four of the nine mixed populations, none of which persisted as such. Neither T. garciabesi nor T. guasayana colonized human habitations, even in the absence of T. infestans (formerly the predominant domestic vector of T. cruzi in this area), a situation that apparently has not changed in the last 50 years in northern Argentina.  相似文献   

Identifying morphologically similar triatomine species is key to Chagas' disease vector control and surveillance, but remains challenging when only qualitative phenotypic data are available. We investigated whether morphometric and ecological variation can provide additional criteria for species delimitation by combining geometric morphometrics and ecological niche modelling to characterize two near-sibling triatomine species, Triatoma sordida and Triatoma garciabesi (Reduviidae: Triatominae). We analysed size and shape variation in 231 wings and 123 heads from one T. garciabesi and three T. sordida populations. Predicted distribution maps (21 climatic variables, 324 vector occurrence points) were produced using the Maxent method. Multivariate analyses summarized morphological and ecological variation. Wings and heads of T. sordida were significantly larger and more elongated than those of T. garciabesi. Discriminant analyses separated the species, with a partial overlap between Argentinean populations. The predicted distribution of T. garciabesi included northwest Argentina (mainly arid Chaco), whereas that of T. sordida included northeast Argentina (humid Chaco) and the Brazilian Cerrado and Caatinga ecoregions. Clear ecological niche differences were observed, with T. garciabesi occupying colder and drier areas than T. sordida. Our results show how morphometric variation and niche divergence can be used to enhance operational criteria for the delimitation of phenotypically similar triatomine species.  相似文献   

Using experimental chicken houses at a site in central Argentina where the bug Triatoma infestans (Klug) is endemic, nine populations of this vector of Chagas disease were monitored during a 34-month period. Bug populations with four chickens as hosts were consistently larger than those with two chickens as hosts. Age structure of the bug population followed a similar pattern irrespective of the initial age structure. Egg to adult mortality was consistently around 98.5% and there was no consistent evidence for density-dependent mortality. There was some evidence for density dependence in fecundity and recruitment rates, but these were heavily constrained by low temperatures during the winter months. Nymphal development rates correlated most strongly with mean minimum temperatures rather than with mean maximum temperatures. We conclude that vector control using insecticides against this species would be most effective at the onset of winter, when recovery of any surviving populations would be inhibited by low temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract Effects of the presence of chickens on population density of the bug Triatoma infestans , principal vector of Chagas disease, were investigated by standardized sampling (indoors and peridomestically) from sixty-eight houses of three rural communities in north-west Argentina, during March 1992.
The domiciliary density of T. infestans increased linearly with the percentage of bugs that fed on chickens, as identified by agar double-diffusion tests. Bug density was significantly higher in houses where hens usually nested indoors than in those where they did not, as determined by concurrent direct observations and interviews of householders. Multiple linear regression analysis of domiciliary bug density on (a) the total number of people, dogs and cats per house; (b) the percentage of domiciliary bugs that fed on chickens, or (c) the indoor-brooding habit of hens, showed the two variables (b, c) related to chickens as significant predictors in each regression model. Inclusion both variables representing chickens increased the fit significantly. Addition of other potentially confounding factors (domestic insecticide use, type of roof and walls of house) did not affect the significant variables retained in the best-fitting regression model.
Peridomestic infestation was positively associated with the household number of fowls. Chickens were the main bloodmeal source of peridomestic T.infestans populations. Human-fed bugs were detected in peridomestic sites of sixteen houses, indicating active dispersal of adults and large nymphal instars from bedroom areas.
Exclusion of hens from domiciliary areas and promotion of chicken sheds, of an appropriate design that would not harbour bug populations, should limit the triatomine population growth rate and reduce the risk of infestation.  相似文献   

Belminus ferroae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) was collected from houses in the localities of San Alberto and Santa Catalina in the municipality of Toledo, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia. Precipitin tests revealed that the main hosts of B. ferroae are insects belonging to the order Blattodea, whose haemolymph serves as food (89.43%). A low rate of haematophagy was indicated on rodents, dogs and humans (7.32%) and no natural infection with Trypanosoma cruzi was found by either microscopic examination or polymerase chain reaction. The finding of B. ferroae inside houses, feeding primarily on Blattodea with only a minor tendency to feed on vertebrate blood, is indicative of both the evolutionary path from predator to blood‐sucker taken by Triatominae and their tendency to adapt from silvatic to domestic habitats.  相似文献   

Goat production is an important economic activity for rural communities in the Gran Chaco of Argentina. Goat corrals are important for the survival of peridomestic populations of Triatoma infestans. This study evaluated the impact of modifying the traditional structure of goat corrals on T. infestans populations and goat productivity in the region of Los Llanos (La Rioja). Thirty-nine experimental corrals were constructed and 57 traditional corrals were used as controls. We evaluated the infestations of the control and experimental corrals for five years following construction of the structures. The results showed that the new structures did not prevent the colonization, although it enhanced the detection of infestation at low densities of T. infestans. No significant difference was found in T. infestans population abundance between control and experimental corrals, probably because of the different detectability in the two types of structures, especially among the small nymphs. Although goat productivity average was higher in experimental than in control corrals, no significant difference was found because of high variability. The new structures can be used as a complement to promote the development of rural communities. Acceptability and adoption of the new corrals by the owners was high, as the enclosures offered better protection for the goats, increased growth of kids and facilitated herd handling.  相似文献   

Peri-urban infestations with triatomine bugs, their sources and their dynamics have rarely been investigated. Here, we corroborated the reported occurrence of Triatoma infestans in a peri-urban area and in neighbouring rural houses in Pampa del Indio, in the Argentine Chaco, and identified its putative sources using spatial analysis and demographic questionnaires. Peri-urban householders reported that 10% of their premises had triatomines, whereas T. infestans was collected by timed manual searches or community-based surveillance in only nine (3%) houses. Trypanosoma cruzi-infected T. infestans and Triatoma sordida were collected indoors only in peri-urban houses and were infected with TcV and TcI, respectively. The triatomines fed on chickens, cats and humans. Peri-urban infestations were most frequent in a squatter settlement and particularly within the recently built mud houses of rural immigrants, with large-sized households, more dogs and cats and more crowding. Several of the observed infestations were most likely associated with passive bug transport from other sources and with active bug dispersal from neighbouring foci. Thus, the households in the squatter settlement were at a greater risk of bug invasion and colonisation. In sum, the incipient process of domestic colonisation and transmission, along with persistent rural-to-urban migratory flows and unplanned urbanisation, indicate the need for active vector surveillance and control actions at the peri-urban interface of the Gran Chaco.  相似文献   

海南岛是中国兰科植物物种丰富度较高的地区, 了解环境因子对海南岛野生兰科植物物种组成和分布格局的影响, 对于该地区野生兰科植物的保护管理和相关研究具有重要指导意义。基于海南岛野生兰科植物调查分布样方的植被类型、海拔、坡向、坡度、年平均气温、年降水量的数据, 采用典范相关分析探索了环境因子对物种组成的影响, 并计算各个环境因子对物种组成的总效应与净效应, 同时分析了6个环境因子对野生兰科植物分布格局的影响。结果表明, 所选的6个环境因子共解释了海南岛野生兰科植物组成变异的3.7%; 植被类型、海拔、年平均气温、年降水量、坡向、坡度这6个环境因子的总效应与净效应均达显著水平, 但其解释率依次减小。所选的6个环境因子对海南岛野生兰科植物的分布均有影响, 野生兰科植物在海南岛主要分布在中海拔段、5°-35°的坡度范围、阴坡与半阴坡、年平均气温较低且年降水量较高的环境, 并且于原生植被中分布最多。  相似文献   

The Bolivian Chaco is part of the endemic region of Chagas disease and an area where pyrethroid resistant Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) populations has been reported. The World Health Organization identified these resistant populations as an important focus for research. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual effect of a micro-encapsulated formulation containing organophosphate active ingredients and a juvenile hormone analogue (Inesfly 5A IGR) on the mortality of T. infestans. Studies took place in rural houses of the Bolivian Chaco that were treated up to 34 months before and evaluated the susceptibility to pyrethroids of the offspring of field collected insects. Thirty houses were randomly selected within three communities to carry out wall bio-assays with T. infestans nymphs. Mortality was recorded 24, 48 and 72 h after wall contact. Eggs laid by females collected in the area were used to obtain first-instar nymphs and carry out pyrethroid susceptibility tests. The wall bio-assays showed that the micro-encapsulated insecticide eliminates T. infestans populations and produces detectable mortality of insects exposed to walls treated 34 months prior to the tests. The discriminant dose of deltamethrin (0.01 mg/mL) showed 65% nymph survival, whereas at the highest tested dose (1.0 mg/mL) 14% of the nymphs survived. These results show that Inesfly 5A IGR is an appropriate tool for the elimination of intradomestic and peridomestic populations of T. infestans resistant to pyrethroids.  相似文献   

Paleorhodococcus dominicanus n. gen., n sp. (Actinobacteria) is described from a faecal droplet of Triatoma dominicana (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) in Dominican amber. The fossil can be distinguished from the species of the closely related extant genus Rhodococcus Zopf 1891 by its spherical–ellipsoidal cocci forming substrate filaments with elementary branching, the clustering of coccoidal elements, the short filaments bearing reduced side branches and its occurrence in a faecal droplet of the extinct triatomine bug, P. dominicanus. This is the first fossil record of an Actinobacter, which shows that these organisms formed symbiotic associations with insects by the mid-Tertiary.  相似文献   

Triatoma carcavalloi is considered a rare Chagas disease vector often collected inside domiciles in Rio Grande do Sul State. In this Brazilian state, T. carcavalloi has been collected in the same ecotope (rock piles) with two other species (T. rubrovaria and T. circummaculata), with which it also shares morphological characteristics. Previous morphological studies placed T. carcavalloi in the same species complex (“infestans complex”) and subcomplex (“rubrovaria subcomplex”) as T. rubrovaria, whereas T. circummaculata was placed in the “circummaculata complex.” The phylogeny of a group composed of 16 species of triatomines was revaluated with the inclusion of T. carcavalloi by Bayesian analysis using mtDNA sequences of subunits 12S and 16S of the ribosomal RNA, and the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) genes. The phenotypic relationship among T. carcavalloi and related triatomines was also inferred from morphometrics. Phylogenetic results indicate that T. carcavalloi is a sister species of T. rubrovaria, and both were recovered as closely related to T. circummaculata. Morphometric studies confirmed the closeness among T. carcavalloi, T. rubrovaria, and T. circummaculata, prompting the placement of the latter species in the “infestans complex” and “rubrovaria subcomplex.”  相似文献   

The Chorote Indians are hunter-gatherers and fishermen from north-west Argentina and south-west Paraguay who belong to the Mataco-Maká linguistic family. Their edible plants are identified by botanical and vernacular names, the parts employed and modes of preparation and consumption. The Chorote people use 57 plant species as a source of food, which they consume in 118 different ways. Five new edible species, that yield seven plant foods, are reported here for the first time for Chaquenian ethnic groups. However, only a few wild plant foods are in frequent use today, with most being used occasionally, infrequently or not at all. A cross-cultural comparison with four neighbouring ethnic groups reveals that one third of their plant foods are exclusive to the Chorote people, despite the fact that they share most of their edible plants with the other groups. This article is the first contribution to an understanding of the Chorote's ethnobotany and to a comparison of interethnic relationships concerning their edible plant resources.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 73–85.  相似文献   

Among peridomestic structures, chicken coops are sites of major importance for the domestic ecology of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). The aim of this study was to evaluate in an experimental context the effects of a cypermethrin pour‐on formulation applied to chickens on blood intake, moulting and mortality in T. infestans, under the natural climatic conditions of a region endemic for Chagas' disease. Experimental chicken huts were made of bricks and covered with plastic mosquito nets. Ninety fourth‐instar nymphs were maintained in each hut. The study used a completely random design in which chickens in the experimental group were treated with a cypermethrin pour‐on formulation. Five replicates (= huts) of the experimental and control groups were conducted. The number of live T. infestans, blood intake and moults to fifth‐instar stage were recorded at 1, 5, 20, 35 and 45 days after the application of cypermethrin. Cumulative mortality was higher in nymphs exposed to treated chickens (> 71%) than in control nymphs (< 50%) (P < 0.01). Blood intake and moulting rate were lower in nymphs fed on treated chickens than in control nymphs (P < 0.05). Pour‐on cypermethrin was able to cause significant mortality, although it did not eliminate the experimental population of T. infestans.  相似文献   

Defensins are cysteine-rich peptides involved in the innate immunity of insects and many other organisms. In the present study, two novel defensin-encoding cDNAs and the respective genomic DNAs (def3 and def4) of Triatoma brasiliensis were identified and their tissue-specific and temporal expression was characterized. Both of the deduced mature peptides consisted of 43 amino acid residues and were highly similar to previously identified triatomine defensins (81.4-100%). Semi-quantitative RT-PCR data showed that def3 was constitutively expressed in the fat body and was induced in salivary glands and the small intestine at 5 and 3 days after feeding (daf), respectively. The def4 mRNA level was highly up-regulated in the stomach and fat-body tissues at 5 and 3 daf, respectively. The three-dimensional structures of these defensins were predicted using a homology modeling approach with Def-AAA, the defensin from Anopheles gambiae, as template (62-74% identity). A map of the electrostatic potential of these models revealed that, despite their similar folding patterns, mature Def2 and Def4 have a more cationic structure than is the case for Def1 and Def3. Such differences may orient the antimicrobial profile of these defensins against distinct targets in different organs of the insect.  相似文献   

Triatoma dimidiata is the vector of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Yucatan Peninsula (YP). Earlier studies have shown that domestic and peri‐domestic populations of the vector originated from the sylvan stock and that effectiveness of insecticide‐spraying was affected by re‐infestations of houses from the sylvan T. dimidiata population. In addition, in the YP most previously published reports have focused on domestic and peri‐domestic populations and very little is known about the nocturnal behavior of the sylvan populations. The main aim of our study was to determine the nightly activity patterns of adult T. dimidiata in a selected location in the YP. Secondly, we sought to document the reproductive status and infection rate of active females. During eight sampling nights spaced from late March to late July, 2007, we collected 544 adult T. dimidiata. We found that square‐cloth illuminated white traps were effective to attract the sylvan individuals and that T. dimidiata adults exhibited a unimodal activity pattern throughout the night. The accumulated mean of captured bugs also showed a non‐linear distribution for females and males. Furthermore, we found that male and female catches were significantly correlated with the means of temperature and humidity recorded during the sampling period. Out of 46 dissected females, we observed that 43.5% of females had fully‐formed eggs in their abdomens, and only two females (4.4%) had sperm within the spermatheca. The infection rate of T. dimidiata harboring T. cruzi was found to be 3.7%. The implications of the light attraction to bugs and potential dispersal capabilities are discussed in the paper in the context of infestation/re‐infestation of rural houses by sylvan T. dimidiata flying adults.  相似文献   

This study estimates the factors of artificial environments (houses and peridomestic areas) associated with Triatoma sordida occurrence. Manual searches for triatomines were performed in 136 domiciliary units (DUs) in two rural localities of Central-West Brazil. For each DU, 32 structural, 23 biotic and 28 management variables were obtained. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed in order to identify statistically significant variables associated with occurrence of T. sordida in the study areas. A total of 1,057 specimens (99% in peridomiciles, mainly chicken coops) of T. sordida were collected from 63 DUs (infestation: 47%; density: ~8 specimens/DU; crowding: ~17 specimens/infested DU; colonisation: 81%). Only six (0.6%) out of 945 specimens examined were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The final adjusted logistic regression model indicated that the probability of T. sordida occurrence was higher in DU with wooden chicken coops, presence of > 30 animals in wooden corrals, presence of wood piles and presence of food storeroom. The results show the persistence of T. sordida in peridomestic habitats in rural localities of Central-West Brazil. However, the observed low intradomestic colonisation and minimal triatomine infection rates indicate that T. sordida has low potential to sustain high rates of T. cruzi transmission to residents of these localities.  相似文献   

The increasing rate of biological invasions resulting from human transport or human‐mediated changes to the environment has had devastating ecological and public health consequences. The kissing bug, Triatoma infestans, has dispersed through the Peruvian city of Arequipa. The biological invasion of this insect has resulted in a public health crisis, putting thousands of residents of this city at risk of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi and subsequent development of Chagas disease. Here, we show that populations of Tria. infestans in geographically distinct districts within and around this urban centre share a common recent evolutionary history although current gene flow is restricted even between proximal sites. The population structure among the Tria. infestans in different districts is not correlated with the geographical distance between districts. These data suggest that migration among the districts is mediated by factors beyond the short‐range migratory capabilities of Tria. infestans and that human movement has played a significant role in the structuring of the Tria. infestans population in the region. Rapid urbanization across southern South America will continue to create suitable environments for Tria. infestans, and knowledge of its urban dispersal patterns may play a fundamental role in mitigating human disease risk.  相似文献   

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