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Little is currently known concerning the mechanisms responsible for the excessive deposition of redox-active iron in the substantia nigra of subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD). In the present study, we demonstrate that dopamine promotes the selective sequestration of non-transferrin-derived iron by the mitochondrial compartment of cultured rat astroglia and that the mechanism underlying this novel dopamine effect is oxidative in nature. We also provide evidence that up-regulation of the stress protein heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is both necessary and sufficient for mitochondrial iron trapping in dopamine-challenged astroglia. Finally, we show that opening of the mitochondrial transition pore (MTP) mediates the influx of non-transferrin-derived iron into mitochondria of dopamine-stimulated and HO-1-transfected astroglia. Our findings provide an explanation for the pathological iron sequestration, mitochondrial insufficiency, and amplification of oxidative injury reported in the brains of PD subjects. Pharmacological blockade of transition metal trapping by "stressed" astroglial mitochondria (e.g., using HO-1 inhibitors or modulators of the MTP) may afford effective neuroprotection in patients with PD and other neurological afflictions.  相似文献   

Reduced expression and/or activity of antioxidant proteins lead to oxidative stress, accelerated aging and neurodegeneration. However, while excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) are toxic, regulated ROS play an important role in cell signaling. Perturbation of redox status, mutations favoring protein misfolding, altered glyc(osyl)ation, overloading of the product of polyunsaturated fatty acid peroxidation (hydroxynonenals, HNE) or cholesterol oxidation, can disrupt redox homeostasis. Collectively or individually these effects may impose stress and lead to accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in brain cells. Alzheimer’s (AD), Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Friedreich’s ataxia are major neurological disorders associated with production of abnormally aggregated proteins and, as such, belong to the so-called “protein conformational diseases”. The pathogenic aggregation of proteins in non-native conformation is generally associated with metabolic derangements and excessive production of ROS. The “unfolded protein response” has evolved to prevent accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins. Recent discoveries of the mechanisms of cellular stress signaling have led to new insights into the diverse processes that are regulated by cellular stress responses. The brain detects and overcomes oxidative stress by a complex network of “longevity assurance processes” integrated to the expression of genes termed vitagenes. Heat-shock proteins are highly conserved and facilitate correct protein folding. Heme oxygenase-1, an inducible and redox-regulated enzyme, has having an important role in cellular antioxidant defense. An emerging concept is neuroprotection afforded by heme oxygenase by its heme degrading activity and tissue-specific antioxidant effects, due to its products carbon monoxide and biliverdin, which is then reduced by biliverdin reductase in bilirubin. There is increasing interest in dietary compounds that can inhibit, retard or reverse the steps leading to neurodegeneration in AD. Specifically any dietary components that inhibit inappropriate inflammation, AβP oligomerization and consequent increased apoptosis are of particular interest, with respect to a chronic inflammatory response, brain injury and β-amyloid associated pathology. Curcumin and ferulic acid, the first from the curry spice turmeric and the second a major constituent of fruit and vegetables, are candidates in this regard. Not only do these compounds serve as antioxidants but, in addition, they are strong inducers of the heat-shock response. Food supplementation with curcumin and ferulic acid are therefore being considered as a novel nutritional approach to reduce oxidative damage and amyloid pathology in AD. We review here some of the emerging concepts of pathways to neurodegeneration and how these may be overcome by a nutritional approach. Special issue dedicated to John P. Blass.  相似文献   

Levels of iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and lead were measured by inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy in parkinsonian and age-matched control brain tissue. There was 31-35% increase in the total iron content of the parkinsonian substantia nigra when compared to control tissue. In contrast, in the globus pallidus total iron levels were decreased by 29% in Parkinson's disease. There was no change in the total iron levels in any other region of the parkinsonian brain. Total copper levels were reduced by 34-45% in the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease; no difference was found in the other brain areas examined. Zinc levels were increased in substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease by 50-54%, and the zinc content of the caudate nucleus and lateral putamen was also raised by 18-35%. Levels of manganese and lead were unchanged in all areas of the parkinsonian brain studied when compared to control brains, except for a small decrease (20%) in manganese content of the medial putamen. Increased levels of total iron in the substantia nigra may cause the excessive formation of toxic oxygen radicals, leading to dopamine cell death.  相似文献   

Abstract: Oxidant-mediated damage is suspected to be involved in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative disorders. Iron promotes conversion of hydrogen peroxide to hydroxyl radical and, thus, may contribute to oxidant stress. We measured iron and its transport protein transferrin in caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and frontal cortex of subjects with Alzheimer's disease (n = 14) and Parkinson's disease (n = 14), and in younger adult (n = 8) and elderly (n = 8) normal controls. Although there were no differences between control groups with regard to concentrations of iron and transferrin, iron was significantly increased ( p < 0.05) in Alzheimer's disease globus pallidus and frontal cortex and Parkinson's disease globus pallidus, and transferrin was significantly increased in Alzheimer's disease frontal cortex, compared with elderly controls. The transferrin/iron ratio, a measure of iron mobilization capacity, was decreased in globus pallidus and caudate in both disorders. Regional transferrin and iron concentrations were generally more highly correlated (Pearson's correlation coefficient) in elderly controls than in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The altered relationship between iron and transferrin provides further evidence that a disturbance in iron metabolism may be involved in both disorders.  相似文献   

The hemophore protein HasA from Serratia marcescens cycles between two states as follows: the heme-bound holoprotein, which functions as a carrier of the metal cofactor toward the membrane receptor HasR, and the heme-free apoprotein fishing for new porphyrin to be taken up after the heme has been delivered to HasR. Holo- and apo-forms differ for the conformation of the two loops L1 and L2, which provide the axial ligands of the iron through His(32) and Tyr(75), respectively. In the apo-form, loop L1 protrudes toward the solvent far away from loop L2; in the holoprotein, closing of the loops on the heme occurs upon establishment of the two axial coordination bonds. We have established that the two variants obtained via single point mutations of either axial ligand (namely H32A and Y75A) are both in the closed conformation. The presence of the heme and one out of two axial ligands is sufficient to establish a link between L1 and L2, thanks to the presence of coordinating solvent molecules. The latter are stabilized in the iron coordination environment by H-bond interactions with surrounding protein residues. The presence of such a water molecule in both variants is revealed here through a set of different spectroscopic techniques. Previous studies had shown that heme release and uptake processes occur via intermediate states characterized by a Tyr(75)-iron-bound form with open conformation of loop L1. Here, we demonstrate that these states do not naturally occur in the free protein but can only be driven by the interaction with the partner proteins.  相似文献   

老化通常指生物体生长发育成熟以后,随年龄增加生理机能逐渐减退,内环境稳定性下降,组织器官逐渐发生退行性改变,最终走向衰老、死亡的过程。神经系统老化是神经元退行性病变形成的基础和条件。由于神经生长因子(nerve growth factor,NGF)与中枢神经系统胆碱能神经元的存活和可塑性调节密切相关,所以NGF在神经系统老化和神经退行性变疾病如老年性痴呆(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)的发生发展过程中发挥重要作用。本文综述了NGF在脑老化中的变化及其与AD发病机制的关系。  相似文献   

Frozen sections of formalin-fixed brains containing surgical lesions, were treated with 15% ethanol for 0.5 hr., soaked in 0.5% phosphomolybdic acid for 0.25-1.0 hr., and subsequently treated with 0.05% potassium permanganate for 4-10 min. (The duration of the latter treatment is critical and individually variable). Subsequent procedure is as follows: decolorize in a mixture of equal parts of 1% hydroquinone and 1% oxalic acid; wash thoroughly and soak sections in 1.5% silver nitrate for 20-30 min.; ammoniacal silver nitrate (silver nitrate 0.9 g., distilled water 20 ml., pure ethanol 10 ml., strong ammonia 1.8 ml., 2.5% sodium hydroxide 1.5 ml.) 0.5-1.0 min.; reduce in acidified formalin (distilled water 400 ml., pure ethanol 45 ml., 1% citric acid 13.5 ml., 10% formalin 13.5 ml.) 1 min.; wash, and pass section through 1 % sodium thiosulf ate (0.5-1.0 min.); wash thoroughly and pass sections through graded alcohols and xylene (3 changes); cover in neutral synthetic resin.  相似文献   

Reactive Oxygen Species and the Central Nervous System   总被引:76,自引:0,他引:76  
Radicals are species containing one or more unpaired electrons, such as nitric oxide (NO.). The oxygen radical superoxide (O2.-) and the nonradical hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are produced during normal metabolism and perform several useful functions. Excessive production of O2.- and H2O2 can result in tissue damage, which often involves generation of highly reactive hydroxyl radical (.OH) and other oxidants in the presence of "catalytic" iron or copper ions. An important form of antioxidant defense is the storage and transport of iron and copper ions in forms that will not catalyze formation of reactive radicals. Tissue injury, e.g., by ischemia or trauma, can cause increased metal ion availability and accelerate free radical reactions. This may be especially important in the brain because areas of this organ are rich in iron and CSF cannot bind released iron ions. Oxidative stress on nervous tissue can produce damage by several interacting mechanisms, including increases in intracellular free Ca2+ and, possibly, release of excitatory amino acids. Recent suggestions that free radical reactions are involved in the neurotoxicity of aluminum and in damage to the substantia nigra in patients with Parkinson's disease are reviewed. Finally, the nature of antioxidants is discussed, it being suggested that antioxidant enzymes and chelators of transition metal ions may be more generally useful protective agents than chain-breaking antioxidants. Careful precautions must be used in the design of antioxidants for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

The levels of different elements were studied by x-ray microanalysis in the substantia nigra and the central gray substance of patients with Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, and matched controls. In control brains, only iron, potassium, silicum, sodium, sulfur, and zinc were within the limit of detection of the technique. The abundance of each element was different, but their respective concentrations in the two brain regions were similar, except for sulfur levels which were higher on neuromelanin aggregates in the substantia nigra than in nigral regions lacking neuromelanin, and in the central gray substance. In Parkinson's disease, but not in progressive supranuclear palsy, nigral iron levels increased in regions devoid of neuromelanin and decreased on neuromelanin aggregates, but were unchanged in the central gray substance, when compared to control values. Concentrations of the other elements in the central gray substance and substantia nigra were not different from controls in brains from patients with Parkinson's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy. Analysis of Lewy bodies in the parkinsonian substantia nigra revealed high levels of iron and the presence of aluminum. Metal abundance was not affected in progressive supranuclear palsy, in spite of the nigral cell death. This suggests that the increased iron levels and the detection of aluminum observed in Parkinson's disease are not solely the consequence of the neuronal degeneration.  相似文献   

Chemokines are small secreted proteins that are essential for the recruitment and activation of specific leukocyte subsets at sites of inflammation and for the development and homeostasis of lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues. During the past decade, chemokines and their receptors have also emerged as key signaling molecules in neuroinflammatory processes and in the development and functioning of the central nervous system. Neurons and glial cells, including astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia, have been identified as cellular sources and/or targets of chemokines produced in the central nervous system in physiological and pathological conditions. In this article, we provide an update of chemokines and chemokine receptors expressed by glial cells focusing on their biological functions and implications in neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Iron, a transition metal possibly involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease, was tested for its toxic effects toward cultures of dissociated rat mesencephalic cells. When cultures were switched for 24 h to serum-free conditions, the effective concentrations of ferrous iron (Fe2+) producing a loss of 50% of dopaminergic neurons, as quantified by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunocytochemistry, TH mRNA in situ hybridization, and measurement of TH activity, were on the order of 200 microM. High-affinity dopamine (DA) uptake, which reflects integrity and function of dopaminergic nerve terminals, was impaired at significantly lower concentrations (EC50 = 67 microM). Toxic effects were not restricted to dopaminergic neurons inasmuch as trypan blue dye exclusion index and gamma-aminobutyric acid uptake, two parameters used to assess survival of other types of cells present in these cultures, were also affected. Protection against iron cytotoxicity was afforded by desferrioxamine and apotransferrin, two ferric iron-chelating agents. Normal supplementation of the culture medium by serum proteins during treatment was also effective, presumably via nonspecific sequestration. Potential interactions with DA were also investigated. Fe2+ at subtoxic concentrations and desferrioxamine in the absence of exogenous iron added to the cultures failed to potentiate or reduce DA cytotoxicity for mesencephalic cells, respectively. Transferrin, the glycoprotein responsible for intracellular delivery of iron, was ineffective in initiating selective cytotoxic effects toward dopaminergic neurons preloaded with DA. Altogether, these results suggest (a) that ferrous iron is a potent neurotoxin for dopaminergic neurons as well as for other cell types in dissociated mesencephalic cultures, acting likely via autoxidation into its ferric form, and (b) that the presence of intra- and extracellular DA is not required for the observed toxic effects.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of succinylacetone (4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid) on hemoglobin synthesis and iron metabolism in reticulocytes. Succinylacetone, 0.1 and 1 mM, inhibited [2-14C]glycine incorporation into heme by 91.2 and 96.4%, respectively, and into globin by 85 and 90.2%, respectively. 60 μM hemin completely prevented the inhibition of globin synthesis by succinylacetone, indicating that succinylacetone inhibits specifically the synthesis of heme. Added porphobilinogen, but not δ-aminolevulinic acid, partly overcame the inhibition of 59Fe incorporation into heme caused by succinylacetone suggesting that the drug inhibits δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase in reticulocytes. Succinylacetone, 10 μM, 0.1 and 1 mM, inhibited 59Fe incorporation into heme by 50, 90 and 93%, respectively, but stimulated reticulocyte 59Fe uptake by about 25–30%. In succinylacetone-treated cells 59Fe accumulates in a fraction containing plasma membranes and mitochondria as well as cytosol ferritin and an unidentified low molecular weight fraction obtained by Sephacryl S-200 chromatography. Reincubation of washed succinylacetone- and 59Fe-transferrin-pretreated reticulocytes results in the transfer of 59Fe from the particulate fraction (plasma membrane plus mitochondria) into hemoglobin and this process is considerably stimulated by added protoporphyrin. Although the nature of the iron accumulated in the membrane-mitochondria fraction in succinylacetone-treated cells is unknown some of it is utilizable for hemoglobin synthesis, while cytosolic ferritin iron would appear to be mostly unavailable for incorporation into heme.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of newborn rat brain, which are composed predominantly of astroglia, were used to examine the relationship between the sterol biosynthetic pathway and DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation. Reduction of the fetal calf serum content of the culture medium from 10 to 0.1% (vol/vol) for an interval of 48 h between days 4 and 6 in culture resulted in a quiescent state characterized by inhibition of DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation. When 10% fetal calf serum was returned to the medium for these quiescent cells, within 24 h DNA synthesis increased markedly. Preceding the rise in DNA synthesis was an increase in sterol synthesis, which occurred within 12 h of the return of the quiescent cells to the 10% fetal calf serum. Exposure of the quiescent cells to mevinolin, a specific inhibitor of sterol synthesis at the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase step, completely inhibited the increase in DNA synthesis that followed serum repletion. The increase in total protein synthesis that followed serum repletion was not similarly inhibited by mevinolin. When mevinolin was removed after causing the 24-h inhibition of DNA synthesis, the cultured cells underwent active DNA synthesis and proliferation. Thus, inhibition of the sterol biosynthetic pathway resulted in a specific and reversible inhibition of DNA synthesis and glial proliferation in developing glial cells. These findings establish a valuable system for the examination of glial proliferation, i.e., primary glial cultures subjected to serum depletion and subsequent repletion. Moreover, the data establish an obligatory relationship between the sterol biosynthetic pathway and DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation in developing glia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Radiochemical neutron activation analysis has been used to determine the concentration of 36 elements in neuromelanin, 22 elements in substantia nigra, and 32 elements in putamen of healthy subjects without signs of neurological disorders. Substantia nigra and putamen tissues were carefully dissected from the brain using special surgical instruments and tools as well as an adequate sampling procedure to avoid the risk of metal contamination during sampling. Neuromelanin was isolated from putamen by a multiple-step procedure (extraction with phosphate buffer, lipid and protein elimination by methanol extraction, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-proteinase). The isolated pigment as well as substantia nigra and putamen underwent neutron activation analysis involving irradiation in a high-neutron-flux reactor, radiochemical separations, and counting of the induced radionuclides by computer-based γ-ray spectrometry. Iron was the element present in the highest concentration in all analyzed samples. The amount of iron was similar in substantia nigra and putamen (3,000 and 3,830 ng/mg wet weight, respectively) and 10 times higher in neuromelanin (30,800 ng/mg dry weight). Zinc was also present at high levels in three samples, ranging from 16.8 (substantia nigra) to 1,500 ng/mg (neuromelanin). Elements such as Zn, Cr, Se, Sr, Co, Sb, Ni, Hg, Ce, Au, Ag, Ta, and Sc were present in neuromelanin at much higher concentrations than in substantia nigra and putamen. These findings indicate that substantia nigra and putamen contain metals at higher concentrations than observed in blood and that neuromelanin has a particular affinity for metals.  相似文献   

帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)的特异标志物Alpha-突触核蛋白的异常聚集往往伴有铁的沉积,说明铁与Alpha-突触核蛋白聚集之间存在一定联系。铁可以通过增加Alpha-突触核蛋白的产生及抑制其降解从而促进Alpha-突触核蛋白聚集。Alpha-突触核蛋白作为一种高铁还原酶也可以影响细胞铁的代谢。本文就铁与Alpha-突触核蛋白参与PD的发病以及两者之间相互作用的机制进行综述。  相似文献   

Histochemical and biochemical determinations of total iron, iron (II), and iron (III) contents in brain regions from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases have demonstrated a selective increase of total iron content in parkinsonian substantia nigra zona compacta but not in the zona reticulata. The increase of iron content is mainly in iron (III). The ratio of iron (II):iron (III) in zona compacta changes from almost 2:1 to 1:2. This change is thought to be relevant and may contribute to the selective elevation of basal lipid peroxidation in substantia nigra reported previously. Iron may be available in a free state and thus can participate in autooxidation of dopamine with the resultant generation of H2O2 and oxygen free radicals.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that iron depletion protects against cardiovascular disease. There is increasing evidence that one mechanism for this protection may involve a reduction in iron levels within atherosclerotic plaque. Large increases in iron concentration are seen in human atherosclerotic lesions in comparison to levels in healthy arterial tissue. In animal models, depletion of lesion iron levels in vivo by phlebotomy, systemic iron chelation treatment or dietary iron restriction reduces lesion size and/or increases plaque stability. A number of factors associated with increased arterial disease or increased cardiovascular events is also associated with increased plaque iron. In rats, infusion of angiotensin II increases ferritin levels and arterial thickness which are reversed by treatment with the iron chelator deferoxamine. In humans, a polymorphism for haptoglobin associated with increased cardiovascular disease is also characterized by increased lesional iron. Heme oxygenase 1 (HO1) is an important component of the system for mobilization of iron from macrophages. Human HO1 promoter polymorphisms causing weaker upregulation of the enzyme are associated with increased cardiovascular disease and increased serum ferritin. Increased cardiovascular disease associated with inflammation may be in part caused by elevated hepcidin levels that promote retention of iron within plaque macrophages. Defective retention of iron within arterial macrophages in genetic hemochromatosis may explain why there is little evidence of increased atherosclerosis in this disorder despite systemic iron overload. The reviewed findings support the concept that arterial plaque iron is a modifiable risk factor for atherogenesis.  相似文献   

1. Accumulating evidence indicates that damaged brain functions can be ameliorated in a variety of animal models by the grafting of fetal neuronal cell or tissue into damaged brain. Clinical trials are under way to determine whether human fetal mesencephalic tissue can ameliorate motor functions in patients with Parkinson's disease.2. Autopsy findings of parkinsonian patient implanted with human fetal mesencephalic tissue clearly revealed that the fetal neuronal graft can survive for an extended period of time in the human brain and densely reinnervate the surrounding host striatal tissue.3. It is, however, still important to obtain more practical, effective, and ethically justifiable donor material for the future clinical application of the procedures. Desirable properties for the donor cells include long-term survival in the brain, neuronal cell type for the reconstruction of damaged neural circuits, and susceptibility to genetic manipulation for the practical use.4. With the development of molecular biology techniques, genetic modification and transplantation of the donor neuronal cells might be a feasible way to cure many kinds of central nervous system diseases toward a graft-gene therapy.  相似文献   

Transport of Iron in the Blood-Brain-Cerebrospinal Fluid System   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
Abstract: Iron is an important constituent in brain and, in certain regions, e.g., the basal nuclei, reaches concentrations equivalent to those in liver. It has a role in electron transfer and is a cofactor for certain enzymes, including those involved in catecholamine and myelin synthesis. Iron in CSF is likely to be representative of that in interstitial fluid of brain. Transferrin in CSF is fully saturated, and the excess iron may be loosely bound as Fe(II). Brain iron is regulated in iron depletion, suggesting a role for the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Iron crosses the luminal membrane of the capillary endothelium by receptor-mediated endocytosis of ferric transferrin. This results in an initial linear uptake of radioactive iron into brain at an average rate relative to serum of about 3.3 × 10?3 ml·g of brain?1·h?1 in the adult rat. This corresponds to about 80 nmol·kg?1·h?1. Much higher rates occur in the postnatal rat. These increase during the first 15 days of life and decline thereafter. Within the endothelium, most of the iron is separated from transferrin, presumably by the general mechanism of acidification within the endosome. Iron appears to be absorbed from the vesicular system into cytoplasm and transported across the abluminal plasma membrane into interstitial fluid as one or more species of low molecular weight. There is some evidence that ionic Fe(II) is involved. Certainly Fe(II) ions presented on the luminal side rapidly cross the complete BBB, i.e., luminal and abluminal membranes. Within interstitial fluid, transported iron will bind with any unsaturated transferrin synthesized or transported into the brain-CSF system. Oligodendrocytes are one site of synthesis. From interstitial fluid, ferric transferrin is taken up by neurones and glial cells by the usual receptor-mediated endocytosis. Calculations of the amount of iron leaving the system with the bulk flow of CSF indicate that most iron entering brain across the capillary endothelium finally leaves the system with the bulk outflow of CSF through arachnoid villi and other channels. A system in which influx of iron into brain is by regulated receptor-mediated transport and in which efflux is by bulk flow is ideal for homeostasis of brain iron.  相似文献   

Information on the molecular distribution and ageing trend of brain iron in post‐mortem material from normal subjects is scarce. Because it is known that neuromelanin and ferritin form stable complexes with iron(III), in this study we measured the concentration of iron, ferritin and neuromelanin in substantia nigra from normal subjects, aged between 1 and 90 years, dissected post mortem. Iron levels in substantia nigra were 20 ng/mg in the first year of life, had increased to 200 ng/mg by the fourth decade and remained stable until 90 years of age. The H‐ferritin concentration was also very low (29 ng/mg) during the first year of life but increased rapidly to values of ≈ 200 ng/mg at 20 years of age, which then remained constant until the eighth decade of life. L ‐Ferritin also showed an increasing trend during life although the concentrations were ≈ 50% less than that of H‐ferritin at each age point. Neuromelanin was not detectable during the first year, increased to ≈ 1000 ng/mg in the second decade and then increased continuously to 3500 ng/mg in the 80th year. A Mössbauer study revealed that the high‐spin trivalent iron is probably arranged in a ferritin‐like iron?oxyhydroxide cluster form in the substantia nigra. Based on this data and on the low H‐ and L‐ferritin content in neurones it is concluded that neuromelanin is the major iron storage in substantia nigra neurones in normal individuals.  相似文献   

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