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Summary Removal of the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) in Oreochromis mossambicus leads to hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. The effects on CS size and ultrastructure of different calcium and phosphate concentrations of the ambient water and of the food were investigated. A six-fold increase of the calcium concentration of the water leads to a four-fold increase in CS volume; this is mainly caused by an increase in the size and number of the type-1 cells. The effect of external calcium is most probably mediated by the calcium concentration of the blood plasma. Plasma ionic calcium may be the relevant factor. Changes in the calcium concentration of the food had no effect on the CS. Similarly, hyperphosphatemia or hypophosphatemia induced by high phosphate concentrations of the water or the food, or by a phosphate-deficient diet, had no noticeable effect on the CS. The results support the hypothesis that the type-1 cells produce the hypocalcemic factor of the CS. There is no evidence for the production by the CS of an endocrine factor involved in the control of phosphate metabolism.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) ofHeteropneustes fossilis reveals a homogenous cellular composition characterized by only one cell type, with large secretory granules and abundant ribosomal endoplasmic reticulum. These cells are comparable to the type 1 cell described in the CS of other teleosts; type 2 cells, whose presence is ubiquitous in the CS of freshwater species are absent inH. fossilis. Our data on the CS ofH. fossilis demonstrate that not all freshwater species possess type 2 cells in their CS and these are not essential for life in freshwater.  相似文献   

Summary Osmolality and concentrations of divalent cations calcium, and to a lesser extent magnesium of the water are the main environmental factors that determine development and degree of mucification of the skin epithelium of Sarotherodon mossambicus. Epithelial thickness and number of mucocytes in fish exposed to low (freshwater level) concentrations of calcium and magnesium are directly related to the height of the osmotic gradient between water and blood plasma. No such relationship is found in fish exposed to a high (seawater level) concentration of calcium in the water, irrespective of the height of the osmotic gradient.The results strongly indicate that the effects of osmolality and divalent cations are indirect, and mediated by prolactin, since administration of ovine or fish prolactin stimulates growth and multiplication of the cells of the basal layer of the epidermis, and promotes the differentiation of the mucocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The function of the PAS-positive pars intermedia cells in fish has been connected with control of background adaptation and of plasma calcium levels. Since background reflectivity and illumination influence calcium metabolism in S. mossambicus, we have tested the hypothesis that the effects of background reflectivity on the PAS-positive cells are mediated by changes in plasma calcium. However, total plasma calcium does not correlate with the activity of the PAS-positive cells as estimated by morphometrical criteria. Transfer of S. mossambicus to a white background leads to a drop in plasma calcium, and a marked reduction of the activity of the PAS-positive cells. Adaptation to low-calcium freshwater, on a neutral background, has the same effect on plasma calcium but has no effect on the PAS-positive cells. The characteristic structural features of highly active PAS-positive cells in fish from a black background are not due to the slight hypocalcemia that occurs in these fish, since addition of calcium to the water in concentrations that fully prevent the drop in plasma calcium does not suppress the PAS-positive cells. These findings make it very unlikely that these cells produce a hypercalcemie factor in S. mossambicus.  相似文献   

  The relationships between gonadal maturation and the expression of behavioral and morphological display characters in O. mossambicus was investigated and the possible role of androgens in the coordination of this process was evaluated using genital papilla size as a bioassay for androgen levels. Morphological and behavioral displaying characters were found to be correlated among themselves. The sexually dimorphic characters were correlated with gonad maturation and androgen levels, but not with the gonado-somatic index. Gonad maturation and androgen levels were closely related. Territoriality and other behavioral variables involved in reproduction were also correlated with gonad maturation and androgen levels. These data suggest that in O. mossambicus androgens play a mediating role between gonadal maturation and the expression of display characters, both morphological and behavioral. Received: 23 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 3 May 1999 / Accepted: 10 May 1999  相似文献   

Summary Brush border membranes were isolated from tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) intestine by the use of magnesium precipitation and differential centrifugation. The membrane preparation was enriched 17-fold in alkaline phosphatase. The membranes were 99% right-side-out oriented as indicated by the unmasking of latent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and acetylcholine esterase activity by detergent treatment. The transport of Ca+2 in brush border membrane vesicles was analyzed. A saturable and a nonsaturable component in the uptake of Ca+2 was resolved. The saturable component is characterized by a K m much lower than the Ca+2 concentrations predicted to occur in the intestinal lumen. The nonsaturable component displays a Ca+2 permeability too high to be explained by simple diffusion. We discuss the role of the saturable component as the rate-limiting step in transmembrane Ca+2 movement, and suggest that the nonsaturable component reflects a transport mechanism operating well below its level of saturation.The authors wish to thank Tom Spanings for his superb organization of fish husbandry, and Maarten de Jong (Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nijmegen) for making the automated stopped-flow apparatus available to us.  相似文献   

Summary Ontogenetic changes of brain ganglioside concentration and composition have been followed in the teleost fishSarotherodon mossambicus Cichlidae) from the 1st day post hatching to the adult stage, in order to correlate these with findings in higher vertebrates. During the developmental period from hatching to the transition to free swimming, which comes along with maximum rate of synaptogenesis, a sharp rise in the brain ganglioside content occurs, which is mainly due to the trisialoganglioside GT1b. In the following phase of myelination (characterized in birds and mammals by an increase in GM1, GM1 and GM4) accretion of the novel and so far unidetified fraction (GM2) occurs, which is highly enriched in the brain stem. The results obtained are discussed with respect to gangliosides as useful biochemical markers for brain development and maturation in all vertebrates.  相似文献   

Acid extracts of carefully dissected proadenohypophysis (PA) and metaadenohypophysis (MA) of the teleost Prochilodus platensis were subjected to chromatography in Sephadex G-50 after which several pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides were detected by means of three heterologous RIA systems: alpha-MSH, ACTH and beta-endorphin. Parallelism among extracts displacement curves ranged from 26% to 95% of those of the standard curves for the different systems employed. In PA chromatograms, peaks of ACTH immunoreactivity (IR) were detected at the positions of 30 kilodalton (K), 20K, 9K, a large 4.5K peak and 2K. Only one peak of beta-endorphin IR was detected at 30K. In MA chromatograms, ACTH IR detected similar peaks as in PA runs, but 4.5K peak was much smaller, whereas a large 2K peak roughly coincided with all alpha-MSH detected in the chromatograms. beta-Endorphin IR was detected mainly as a large peak coinciding with synthetic beta-endorphin in MA runs. Bioactivity was detected in both PA and MA 4.5K ACTH peaks, whereas little activity could be demonstrated associated with the 30K, 20K and 9K ACTH IR peaks. Prochilodus PAs and MAs were incubated with tritiated aminoacids and the extracts immunoprecipitated with ACTH, beta-endorphin and N-terminal POMC (N-POMC) antisera. The dissociated complexes were run in SDS polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. The tritiated bands detected confirmed the results obtained with Sephadex chromatography. N-POMC immunoprecipitated peptides were located at 28K, 18K and 9K positions. The first two probably accounted for POMC and the N-POMC/ACTH intermediate respectively; the third corresponded to the mammalian 1-76N-POMC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study assessed the responses of vitamin-D3 intraperitoneally injected to Rohu, Labeo rohita @ of 0 IU/kg bw (only solvent), 100 IU/kg bw and 500 IU/kg bw reared in 20 and 40 ppm of calcium (Ca) enriched water. The cellular changes in Corpuscles of Stannius (CS) gland, serum Ca, and inorganic phosphate (Pi) level were analysed up to the 60th day. Rohu administered with 100 IU/kg bw D3 and exposed to 40 ppm Ca-rich water exhibited notable hyperplasia of CS compared with their control groups. Notable changes with high serum Ca level (13.87 ± 0.3 mg/dl) was detected on the 5th day in fish exposed to 40 ppm Ca-rich water, while related values attained (13.74 ± 0.1 mg/dl) only after 7 days in 20 ppm Ca-rich water of 500 IU/kg bw vitamin D3 injection. Similarly, high serum Pi level (7.66 ± 0.2 mg/dl) in 40 ppm Ca injected with D3 at 500 IU/kg bw. The results demonstrated that the Ca homeostasis of Labeo rohita is influenced by intra-peritoneal vitamin D3. Progressive studies should be conducted by increasing the dose of vitamin D3 to investigate optimum dose/supplement in feed for commercially important aquaculture teleost Labeo rohita for maximum and sustainable absorption of Ca from the variable water Calcium levels to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Summary The pars intermedia of Sarotherodon mossambicus (Tilapia mossambica) contains two cell types which can be differentiated at both the light and electron microscopic level. The predominant cell type is lead haematoxyline positive, and has been shown to be the MSH producing cell type by means of immunocytochemical staining at the ultrastructural level. The changes in cellular and nuclear volume, as well as the results of stereological measurements on the cytoplasmic organelles, show that the activity of MSH cells is high on a black background and low on a white background or in total darkness. In blinded fish under a normal day-night regime the activity of the MSH cell is as high as that in black adapted fish, whereas the activity is low when the blinded fish are kept in total darkness. From the observed differences in activity of the MSH cells between the experimental groups, it is concluded that the MSH cells are not activated by the absence of reflected light, but by a high ratio between direct and reflected light. A second light-sensitive organ, supposedly the pineal gland, is also involved in the background response of the MSH producing cells.  相似文献   

Summary Although exposure to acid water (pH 3.5) induces severe and prolonged reduction in plasma osmolarity and total plasma calcium concentration in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and goldfish (Carassius auratus), the responses of the hypophyseal cells are clearly different. In tilapia, the size of the rostral pars distalis of the pituitary gland is enlarged as a result of the increase in size and number of prolactin cells. The pars intermedia PAS-positive (PIPAS) cells are not noticeably changed. Conversely, in goldfish, prolactin cells are unaffected, whereas the number of enlarged PIPAS cells increases markedly. Stimulation of prolactin secretion may be responsible for the partial restoration of plasma osmolarity and calcium levels observed in tilapia after two weeks exposure to acid water. Prolactin cells apparently play a role in the adaptation to acid stress by counteracting osmoregulatory disturbances. Goldfish show no restoration of plasma osmolarity during the course of the experiment. Plasma calcium levels tend to increase. Although prolactin may have an osmoregulatory function in goldfish under steady state conditions, goldfish prolactin cells do not seem to participate in the physiological adaptation to environmental changes that disturb water and ion homeostasis. The function of PIPAS cells in tilapia remains unclear and is apparently unconnected with ion regulation. The observations on these cells in goldfish are consistent with the hypercalcemic activity suggested for them.  相似文献   

Summary In order to identify the cell-type responsible for the production of hypocalcin (the recently isolated hypocalcemic hormone of teleost fish), the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) of trout, flounder and goldfish, were immunocytochemically stained with antisera raised against trout hypocalcin. The secretory granules of the type-1 cells of the CS, considered to be the hypocalcin-producing cells, showed intense immunoreactivity in all species examined. However, in trout and flounder, the secretory granules produced by the type-2 cells, which have been suggested to represent a functionally different cell-type, also showed an intense immunoreactivity. In goldfish, no type-2 cells were observed. We tentatively conclude that type-1 and type-2 cells represent structurally different forms of the same functional cell-type.  相似文献   

Cortisol is the principal glucocorticoid released due to various forms of environmental as well as aquacultural stressors in fish. The aim of the present investigation was to determine cortisol‐induced alterations along the luteinizing hormone (LH)‐secreting cells–ovary axis in the tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus. Administration of cortisol to stripped O. mossambicus for a period of 22 days during the ovarian cycle caused significantly higher number of follicles with chromatin nucleoli (stage I) compared to those of initial controls and controls. Whereas the number of follicles at perinucleolar (stage II) and vitellogenic (stage IV) stages did not differ significantly between controls and cortisol‐treated fish, the number of follicles at cortical alveolar stage (stage III) was significantly lower in cortisol‐treated fish than in controls. While the stage V follicles (maturation stage) were absent in initial controls, their presence in controls was concomitant with intensely labelled LH‐secreting cells in the proximal pars distalis (PPD) region of the pituitary gland during prespawning phase. However, cortisol‐treatment resulted in complete absence of stage V follicles associated with weakly immunoreactive LH‐content in the PPD region of the pituitary gland during prespawning phase. These results suggest that chronic cortisol‐ treatment causes suppression of LH‐secreting cells activity and blocks progression of vitellogenic follicular development process in O. mossambicus.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA was analyzed qualitatively as well as quantitatively from ovaries of the fresh water teleostHeteropneustes fossilis for twelve months. The tRNA samples were found to be pure and devoid of any high molecular weight RNA or DNA contaminations. The quantity of tRNA as well as its biological activity, assayed byin vitro aminoacylation using homologous aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, were found to be higher during resting and preparatory (pre-vitellogenic) phases, i.e. from November to March, as compared to vitellogenic and spawning phases of the fish, i.e. from April to October. The highest tRNA pool and its activity was found in the month of February, which coincides with the early preparatory phase. The results indicate that the accumulation of active tRNA starts in the resting phase. Such an accumulation of tRNA may be a part of the enrichment of mature eggs with complete translational machinery before ovulation in order to cope with the high rate of protein synthesis after fertilization.Abbreviations aaRS aminoacyl tRNA synthetase - [14C] APH [14C]-algal protein hydrolysate - ATP adenosine triphosphate - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid - GSI gonado somatic index - TCA trichloroacetic acid - tRNA transfer RNA  相似文献   

The vasa gene is a reliable germline marker to study the origin and development of germ cells and gonads, although the gene product (mRNA or protein) varies between different species. However, there has been little study on vasa genes in holothuroids to date. Here we determined the expression characteristics of the Apostichopus japonicus vasa gene (Aj-vasa) during gametogenesis in the ovary and testis using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. During oogenesis, the expression pattern of Aj-vasa coincided at the mRNA and protein levels. Intensive signals in oogonia decreased gradually with the development of oocytes. Interestingly, the pattern was different during spermatogenesis. The Aj-vasa mRNA level was the highest in spermatogonia, reduced in spermatocytes, low in spermatids and absent in spermatozoa, but the Aj-VASA protein was restricted to spermatogonia and early spermatocytes. These expression characteristics of Aj-vasa persisted in both male and female gonads throughout the reproductive cycle. Our findings show that Aj-vasa mRNA is a good marker for studying the origin and migration of germline cells; moreover, Aj-VASA is a useful tool to identify spermatogonia in A. japonicus. Our findings indicate that Aj-vasa is vital in the development and differentiation of germ cells.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the breeding behaviour of Oreochromis mossambicus under captive conditions. Males tended to synchronize their occupation of territories and breeding activities. Different male mating tactics were observed, namely establishing a breeding territory, acting as a floater, or behaving as a sneaker. The majority of spawnings observed involved dominant males and were subjected to interference from other males. Males were found to court other males that frequently responded to these attempts by adopting a female-like behaviour. Results are discussed in terms of a probable time constraint in territoriality, which promotes male-male competition and a low level of sex discrimination by territorial fish.  相似文献   

Summary An immunocytochemical technique was used to follow the embryological origin and development of the corpuscles of Stannius (CS) in the chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. Stanniocalcin immunoreactive (ir-) cells can be observed as early as 13 days before hatching. The ir-CS cells appear in clusters of variable size in close association with nephric ducts. In addition, individual ir-cells also occur at this stage amoung epithelial cells of the nephric ducts. these individual cells may give rise to clusters which subsequently increase in size, the largest reaching 100 m in diameter by the time of hatching. During this period, dispersed CS cells become evident and develop into secondary clusters in the vicinity of the primary clusters. These clusters appear to fuse to form larger clusters with a lobular structure. Transfer of the larvae (20 days after hatching) from fresh water to 50% seawater, accelerates the development of the CS tissue, suggesting an important role of the CS in seawater adaptation.  相似文献   

Summary The contractile properties of swimming muscles have been investigated in marine teleosts from Antarctic (Trematomus lepidorhinus, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus), temperate (Pollachius virens, Limanda limanda, Agonis cataphractus, Callionymus lyra), and tropical (Abudefduf abdominalis, Thalassoma duperreyi) latitudes. Small bundles of fast twitch fibres were isolated from anterior myotomes and/or the pectoral fin adductor profundis muscle (m. add. p). Live fibre preparations were viable for several days at in vivo temperatures, but became progressively inexcitable at higher or lower temperatures. The stimulation frequency required to produce fused isometric tetani increased from 50 Hz in Antarctic species at 0°C to around 400 Hz in tropical species at 25°C. Maximum isometric tension (Po) was produced at the normal body temperature (NBT) of each species (Antarctic, 0–2°C; North Sea and Atlantic, 8–10°C; Indo-West Pacific, 23–25°C). P0 values at physiological temperatures (200–300 kN·m–2) were similar for Antarctic, temperate, and tropical species. A temperature induced tension hysteresis was observed in muscle fibres from some species. Exposure to <0°C in Antarctic and <2°C in temperate fish resulted in the temporary depression of tension over the whole experimental range, an effect reversed by incubation at higher temperatures. At normal body temperatures the half-times for activation and relaxation of twitch and tetanic tension increased in the order Antarctic>temperate>tropical species. Relaxation was generally much slower at temperatures <10°C in fibres from tropical than temperate fish. Q10 values for these parameters at NBTs were 1.3 2.1 for tropical species, 1.7–2.6 for temperate species, and 1.6–3.5 for Antarctic species. The forcevelocity (P-V) relationship was studied in selected species using iso-velocity releases and the data below 0.8 P0 iteratively fitted to Hill's equation. The P-V relation at NBT was found to be significantly less curved in Antarctic than temperate species. The unloaded contraction velocity (Vmax) of fibres was positively correlated with NBT increasing from about 1 muscle fibre length·s–;1 in an Antarctic fish (Trematomus lepidorhinus) at 1°C to around 16 muscle fibre lengths·s–1 in a tropical species (Thalassoma duperreyi) at 24°C. It is concluded that although muscle contraction in Antarctic fish shows adaptations for low temperature function, the degree of compensation achieved in shortening speed and twitch kinetics is relatively modest.Abbreviations ET environmental temperature - m. add. p major adductor profundis - m. add. s. major adductor superficialis - NBT normal body temperature - P 0 maximum isometric tension - P-V force velocity - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - T 1/2 a half activation time - T 1/2 r half relaxation time - V max unloaded contraction  相似文献   

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