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Evidence for cell surface protein kinases as possible regulatory factors of cell interaction in Dictyostelium discoideum was examined by incubating intact cells with gamma 32P-ATP in the presence and absence of histone. No significant incorporation of 32P was detected in the absence of histone. In its presence strong phosphorylation not only of the histone but also of endogenous proteins was obtained. This was due to the fact that histone made the cell membranes permeable for substrates and proteinkinases. Histone also preserved protein kinase activities which were otherwise lost during homogenization. The total protein kinase activity in histone treated cells was 5 fold higher than in sonicated cells.  相似文献   

Harvest of Brazil nuts from the large, iconic tree Bertholletia excelsa generates substantial income for smallholders, providing a strong incentive to conserve the mature forests where it grows. Although much previous work has focused on the impact of nut harvest on new seedling recruits into B. excelsa populations, the connection between harvest rates and long‐term population stability is still unclear. Moreover, there is additional uncertainty for Brazil nut management in terms of population response to climate change and other anthropogenic influences. We drew on 14 years of research in two sites in Acre, Brazil with different B. excelsa nut harvest intensities (39% and 81%), to produce stochastic and deterministic matrix population models which incorporated parameter uncertainty in vital rates. Adult abundance was projected to remain close to the current observed abundance or higher through the next 50 years. Elasticity analyses revealed that the asymptotic population growth rate (λ) was most sensitive to stasis vital rates in sapling, juvenile, and adult stages. Deterministic transition matrices calculated using diameter growth rates dependent on rainfall yielded average λ values around 1.0 under extreme high, extreme low, and average annual rainfall. While sustained high rates of Brazil nut harvest and climate change could potentially negatively impact B. excelsa populations, changes in human use of the forested landscape are more immediate concern. To reduce the risk of population decline, smallholders and managers of B. excelsa rich forests should focus on conservation of pre‐mature and mature individuals.  相似文献   

Antagonistic/synergistic interactions among predators foraging on the same prey have been assumed to play a major role in shaping community structure. Studies in systems with multiple predator species have shown that the strength of these interactions may not be predictable and is largely dependent on individual behavioural traits, species density and habitat complexity. Although the association of prey consumption and satiation of a foraging predator has long been recognized, there has been relatively little research on how prey availability affects multiple predators’ effects. In this work, we present a framework to investigate the variation in two coexisting/competing predators’ effects on prey risk as affected by the prey availability rate. Functional responses by each predator species were first studied in single-predator treatments. Then, the intra- and inter-specific competition was investigated by employing additive and substitutative experimental designs to highlight the nature of multiple effects. Intra- and interspecific interactions were found to be similar and there was risk reduction, and risk enhancement for the prey at intermediate and high levels, respectively, according to the multiplicative risk model (MRM). The results indicated that when similar predators are concerned, the outcomes of MRM may vary according to the functional response curve of these predators. Thus, studies involving a wide range of prey densities are required to explore the nature of interactions. Moreover, this kind of experimental data can contribute to unravelling complexities in theoretical approaches by earlier studies and ultimately promote understanding the effect of multiple predators on prey population regulation.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken within a sub-tidal Zostera marina seagrass bed (Devon, U.K.), with the aim of elucidating the relationship between seagrass structural complexity and the size and composition of the associated macroinvertebrate community. Samples of macroinvertebrates were recovered from three designated areas of shoot density. Various physical characteristics were measured for individual plants, and an a priori complexity index was determined relevant to the associated target organisms. Resulting data were analysed using linear regression and multivariate techniques. Significant relationships were found between shoot density and number of leaves/shoot, leaf length, stem length and algal epiphyte biomass. Neither the number of species nor abundance of macroinvertebrates was significantly related with the derived complexity index. Multivariate analysis indicated that macroinvertebrate communities from the three areas of shoot density were significantly different, the pattern of macroinvertebrate community composition being best explained by sea-grass biomass. Linear regression of seagrass biomass with macroinvertebrate number of species and abundance revealed significant positive relationships. Regression also indicated that there was no significant increase in complexity with increasing seagrass biomass. The results suggest that within a seagrass bed the size and composition of the associated macroinvertebrate community is not determined by the structural complexity of the plants, but by the amount of plant available. This finding indicates a simple species-area relationship, and arguably one brought about as a result of a sampling artefact. Thus, the current paradigm that structural complexity of seagrass is responsible for increased species diversity, can only be justifiably applied to comparisons between seagrass and other habitats, and not within a seagrass bed itself.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural study of membrane organization in gram-positive bacteria related to the OsO4 fixation conditions revealed that large, complex mesosomes are observed only when the bacteria are subjected to an initial fixation with 0.1% OsO4 in the culture broth, as in the prefixation step of the Ryter-Kellenberger procedure. Evidence was obtained suggesting that the large mesosomes are produced by this prefixation. The kinetic study of the membrane morphological alterations occurring during the prefixation of Bacillus cereus with 0.1% OsO4 in the culture broth showed that the amount of mesosome material increases linearly from zero to a maximum observed at 1.7 min of prefixation and that at about this time a maximum is reached for the number of mesosomes per unity of cell area and for the average individual mesosome area. The large mesosomes observed in gram-positives fixed by the complete Ryter-Kellenberger procedure would be the result of the membrane-damaging action of 0.1% OsO4. Such damaging action was deduced from the observation that 0.1% OsO4 quickly lyses protoplasts and induces a quick and extensive leakage of intracellular K+ from B. cereus and Streptococcus faeculis. In support of that interpretation is the observation that in bacteria subjected to several membrane-damaging treatments, mesosome-like structures are seen after three different fixation procedures. In bacteria initially fixed with 1% OsO4, 4% OsO4 or 2.5% glutaraldehyde, no large, complex mesosomes are observed, small and simple invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane being present. The size of these minute mesosomes is inversely proportional that causes of fixation. Uranyl acetate was found among the studied fixatives the one to the rate the least damage to bacterial membranes. This fixative satisfactorily preserves protoplasts. In bacteria initially fixed with uranyl acetate no mesosomes were found. The results of the present work throw serious doubts on the existence of mesosomes, both large and small, as real structures of bacterial cells. It is proposed that a continuous cytoplasmic membrane without infoldings (mesosomes) would be the real pattern of membrane organization in gram-positives.  相似文献   

Are spring staging brent geese evicted by vegetation succession?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The number of spring staging brent geese on the salt marshes of the Dutch island of Schiermonnikoog increased from about 1500 individuals in the late 1960s to > 4000 in the late 1970s. Since then, numbers on Schiermonnikoog have levelled off, while the world population continued to increase. Although the extent of salt-marsh area on the island has dramatically increased over the past 20 yr, the number of brent geese on Schiermonnikoog was rather constant in this period. We hypothesise that the number of geese did not increase because of successional changes in the vegetation.
On the basis of 24 yr of counts, we show that geese had to give up older parts of the marsh. Over time, tall growing species like the shrub Atriplex portulacoides have invaded, making the marsh unsuitable for goose grazing. Newly developed marsh, however, was readily exploited by the geese. The area of older salt marsh lost due to succession was almost exactly compensated for by the development of new feeding grounds. Geese which persistently utilised the older marsh were faced with a high proportion of non-preferred species, although they still managed to assemble a diet largely composed of preferred plant species. In the older marsh, a significant reduction in the time spent foraging was also observed. We conclude that brent geese are largely excluded as vegetation succession progresses. Numbers on the island as a whole, however, are sustained due to the dynamic nature of the island. If development of new salt marshes were to be prevented, geese would be forced to abandon the salt marsh.  相似文献   

Regional extirpations of pikas (Ochatona princeps) within the last few decades have been attributed to global warming. Other recent global alterations such as increased nitrogen (N) deposition and associated selenium (Se) deficiency may further stress pika populations. In 2003 and 2004, we live-trapped pikas from three populations in Wyoming and measured Se values in their hair. We also sampled hair and liver from museum specimens collected throughout the Northern Rocky Mountains in 1987 and 1988. Our results suggest that liver and hair values were related, and that pika hair reflected the Se concentrations of the geologic parent materials. We determined that animals residing in several remote areas in the Rocky Mountain region could be Se deficient and that increase in N deposition correlated with an increase rather than a decrease in Se values in pika hair. In addition, we found no relation between Se contents in hair and body condition index, suggesting that low Se levels may not have negative effects on individual pikas. Whether Se levels influence reproductive success of pikas is unknown and should be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates cell proliferation dynamics in small tumor cell aggregates using an individual-based model (IBM). The simulation model is designed to study the morphology of the cell population and of the cell lineages as well as the impact of the orientation of the division plane on this morphology. Our IBM model is based on the hypothesis that cells are incompressible objects that grow in size and divide once a threshold size is reached, and that newly born cell adhere to the existing cell cluster. We performed comparisons between the simulation model and experimental data by using several statistical indicators. The results suggest that the emergence of particular morphologies can be explained by simple mechanical interactions.  相似文献   

The success and the evolutionary fate of hybridogenetic lineages are explained by both a generalistic heterosis hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, the habitat segregation hypothesis. Because such hypotheses have rarely been tested at the level of whole habitats, our aim was to compare performances of two taxa within a hybridogenetic complex across diverse natural habitats. We took advantage of the waterfrog hybridogenetic complex (Rana esculenta and R. lessonae) by rearing tadpoles in natural contrasted habitats by means of enclosure experiments. We also monitored the frequency of each taxon in the waterfrog assemblages that naturally breed in the studied ponds. The hybridogenenetic taxon showed no evidence of broader tolerance as growth, development and physiology strongly varied in response to environmental heterogeneity. Our study reveals a differential success of the hybridogenetic taxon and its sexual host among environments. Moreover, hybridogenetic taxa rarely dominated the sexual species in natural assemblages. Consequently, our results show that the generalistic model does not explain the success of hybridogenetic lineages, but rather support the habitat segregation, among other alternative concepts.  相似文献   

A retrospective survey was carried out of women admitted in labour to an isolated maternity unit run by general practitioners in Penrith. In the five years 1980-4, 1267 women began labour in Penrith, of whom 1153 (91%) never required help from a consultant unit. Ninety required transfer during labour. Ten mothers and four neonates required transfer during the early puerperium, all to one receiving unit in Carlisle. There were six perinatal deaths during the five years; five occurred in babies delivered after transfer. The perinatal mortality was 4.7/1000. The low mortality, the low level of intervention, and the preference of women all support the retention of isolated units.  相似文献   

1. The authors define a function with value 1 for the positive examples and 0 for the negative ones. They fit a continuous function but do not deal at all with the error margin of the fit, which is almost as large as the function values they compute. 2. The term "quality" for the value of the fitted function gives the impression that some biological significance is associated with values of the fitted function strictly between 0 and 1, but there is no justification for this kind of interpretation and finding the point where the fit achieves its maximum does not make sense. 3. By neglecting the error margin the authors try to optimize the fitted function using differences in the second, third, fourth, and even fifth decimal place which have no statistical significance. 4. Even if such a fit could profit from more data points, the authors should first prove that the region of interest has some kind of smoothness, that is, that a continuous fit makes any sense at all. 5. "Simulated molecular evolution" is a misnomer. We are dealing here with random search. Since the margin of error is so large, the fitted function does not provide statistically significant information about the points in search space where strings with cleavage sites could be found. This implies that the method is a highly unreliable stochastic search in the space of strings, even if the neural network is capable of learning some simple correlations. 6. Classical statistical methods are for these kind of problems with so few data points clearly superior to the neural networks used as a "black box" by the authors, which in the way they are structured provide a model with an error margin as large as the numbers being computed.7. And finally, even if someone would provide us with a function which separates strings with cleavage sites from strings without them perfectly, so-called simulated molecular evolution would not be better than random selection.Since a perfect fit would only produce exactly ones or zeros,starting a search in a region of space where all strings in the neighborhood get the value zero would not provide any kind of directional information for new iterations. We would just skip from one point to the other in a typical random walk manner.  相似文献   

What are the species boundaries of face processing? Using a face-feature morphing algorithm, image series intermediate between human, monkey (macaque), and bovine faces were constructed. Forced-choice judgement of these images showed sharply bounded categories for upright face images of each species. These predicted the perceptual discrimination boundaries for upright monkey-cow and cow-human images, but not human-monkey images. Species categories were also well-judged for inverted face images, but these did not give sharpened discrimination (categorical perception) at the category boundaries. While categorical species judgements are made reliably, only the distinction between primate faces and cow faces appears to be categorically perceived, and only in upright faces. One inference is that humans may judge monkey faces in terms of human characteristics, albeit distinctive ones.  相似文献   

1. The solubility of oxygen in water increases with decreasing temperature. This has led to a general perception of cold, high mountain streams as more oxygen rich than warmer lowland streams, and that macroinvertebrates inhabiting high altitude streams have had no need to adapt to critical oxygen conditions. However, this fails to take into account that oxygen solubility declines with decreasing atmospheric pressure, which may be of importance at high altitudes. 2. Based on samples of macroinvertebrate benthos and in situ measurements of respiratory oxygen demand of macroinvertebrates in small streams from sea level to 4000 m a.s.l. in Ecuador, we determined predicted oxygen availability, oxygen demand and macroinvertebrate assemblage structure along this wide altitudinal gradient. 3. We show that the predicted oxygen availability at 4000 m a.s.l. is only one fifth of that at sea level, whereas the mean weight‐specific respiratory rate of macroinvertebrates declined by only 50%, from 400 to 3800 m. We suggest that this disproportionately large gap between availability and demand of oxygen at high altitudes may imply a potential oxygen deficiency for the fauna, and we discuss how oxygen deficiency can be expected to affect macroinvertebrates in high altitude streams. 4. Finally, we present preliminary data on the predicted response to oxygen deficiency of macroinvertebrate assemblages in high altitude streams. Compared with lowland streams, assemblages in natural high altitude streams include relatively few groups normally regarded as oxygen‐sensitive. Nevertheless, high altitude assemblages react more strongly to lowering of oxygen saturation, and are thus more sensitive to organic pollution. 5. Oxygen deficiency has been overlooked completely in studies of the altitudinal distribution of species and aquatic communities. We argue that oxygen deficiency may be a potentially important factor, and that more focus on this topic is likely to produce significant new insights in aquatic community ecology.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The mechanism by which iron is transferred from the plasma protein transferrin into erythroid precursors for incorporation in heme is not completely understood.
  • 2.2. To show a direct functional role of lysosomes in the process of iron uptake we tried to isolate lysosomes from reticulocytes, which have been incubated with 125ITf59Fe.
  • 3.3. However, with various cell fractionating techniques described for liver cells no pure lysosomes from reticulocytes could be obtained.
  • 4.4. Fluorescence and electron microscopy showed that reticulocytes hardly contain well-defined lysosomes.
  • 5.5. There are several indications that in reticulocytes acid vacuoles instead of lysosomes are involved in the removal of iron from endocytosed transferrin.
  • 6.6. The presence of apoTf, monoferric TfFe(A), monoferric TfFe(B) in the medium after incubation of reticulocytes with diferric transferrin, together with the fact that both iron binding sites of transferrin release their iron at pH present in acid vacuoles, suggests a second mechanism of iron uptake by reticulocytes, in which acid vacuoles are not involved.

AIMS: To investigate the activity response of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) of the rumen bacterium Streptococcus bovis following exposure to mercury(II) chloride (HgCl(2) in the presence of plant antioxidants. METHODS AND RESULTS: Streptococcus bovis was grown with 0 or 5 microg ml(-1) of HgCl(2) alone or together with antioxidant substances (AOS): seleno-l-methionine (Se), alpha-tocopherol (alpha toc), beta-carotene (beta car), melatonin (mel). The activities of SOD and GHPx were estimated in supernatants of disrupted bacterial cells. A significant decrease in the Strep. bovis SOD activity in the presence of HgCl(2) and tested AOS, except mel, was observed. The GSHPx activity of Strep. bovis was under the same cultivation conditions nonsignificantly changed and a significant decrease in the GSHPx activity was recorded only in the presence of beta car. CONCLUSIONS: The positive effect of Se, alpha toc and beta car on the elimination of environmental stress, evoked by mercury, in ruminal bacterium Strep. bovis in vitro was documented. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The potential role of plant antioxidants in elimination of the environmental stress of ruminal bacteria evoked by heavy metals is discussed.  相似文献   

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