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Patterns of clinal genetic variation in Drosophila are often characterized after rearing at constant temperatures. However, clinal patterns might change after acclimation if populations differ in their plastic response to fluctuating environments. We studied longevity, starvation and heat knock‐down resistance after development at either constant or fluctuating temperatures in nine Drosophila buzzatii populations collected along an altitudinal gradient in Tenerife, Spain. Flies that developed at fluctuating temperatures had higher stress resistance despite experiencing a slightly lower average temperature than those at constant temperatures. Genetic variation along the gradient was found in both stress‐resistance traits. Because QST values greatly exceeded FST values, genetic drift could not explain this diversification. In general, differences among populations were larger after rearing at fluctuating temperatures, especially in heat knock‐down, for which clinal patterns disappeared when flies were reared at constant temperatures. This result emphasizes the importance of determining whether populations originating from different environments differ in their plastic responses to stress.  相似文献   

We addressed the question if local adaptation to a thermal gradient is possible in spite of a high gene flow among closely spaced populations of two species of Drosophila from the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands). Variation in multiple traits related to stress resistance in different life stages was measured in both species in flies collected from five localities at different altitudes and thereby with different climatic conditions. Based on microsatellite loci, the populations were not genetically differentiated. However, 18 of the 24 independent traits measured showed significant differentiation among populations of Drosophila buzzatii, but only nine of 25 for Drosophila simulans. This difference in the number of traits might reflect higher habitat specificity and thus higher potential for local adaptation of D. buzzatii than D. simulans. We found clinal variation, as some traits showed significant linear regressions on altitude, but more on altitude cubed.  相似文献   

The long‐term survival of species and populations depends on their ability to adjust phenotypic values to environmental conditions. In particular, the capability of dealing with environmental stress to buffer detrimental effects on fitness is considered to be of pivotal importance. Resistance traits are readily modulated by a wide range of environmental factors. In the present study, Drosophila melanogaster Meigen is used to investigate plastic responses to temperature and photoperiod in stress resistance traits. The results reveal that stress resistance traits (cold, heat, starvation and desiccation resistance) are affected by the factors temperature and sex predominantly. Cooler temperatures compared with warmer temperatures increase cold tolerance, desiccation and starvation resistance, whereas they reduce heat tolerance. Except for heat resistance, females are more stress‐resistant than males. Stress resistance traits are also affected by photoperiod. Shorter photoperiods decrease cold tolerance, whereas longer photoperiods enhance desiccation resistance. Overall, thermal effects are pervasive throughout all measured resistance traits, whereas photoperiodic effects are of limited importance in the directly developing (i.e. nondiapausing) flies used here, suggesting that pronounced photoperiodic effects on stress resistance traits may be largely limited to, and triggered by, diapause‐inducing effects.  相似文献   

Survival after heat stress was examined in adult Drosophila buzzatii from seven localities. Males and females were conditioned by a non-lethal high temperature before exposure to a severe thermal stress. Variable times elapsed between conditioning, either as adults or pupae, and exposure to the stress were used, and experimental times to the stress ranged from 2 to 96 hours. Survival after stress varied among populations, and differences generally were consistent across conditioning treatments and across experiments. Resistance to thermal stress was much higher following one conditioning bout 2–4 hours before exposure to a severe stress than when the time elapsed between conditioning and exposure was increased to 24 or more hours. Significantly more adults survived the stress if conditioned 4 days before exposure to the thermal stress, either as adults or as pupae, than if not conditioned. The rank order of resistance roughly followed that predicted from the climatic conditions of the localities of origin.  相似文献   

Variation in climate, particularly temperature, is known to affect the genetic composition of populations. Although there have been many studies of latitudinal variation, comparisons of populations across altitudes or seasons, particularly for animal species, are less common. Here, we study genetic variation (microsatellite markers) in populations of Drosophila buzzatii collected along altitudinal gradients and in different seasons. We found no differences in genetic variation between 2 years or between seasons within years. However, there were numerous cases of significant associations between allele frequencies or expected heterozygosities and altitude, with more than half showing nonlinear relationships. While these associations indicate possible selection and local altitudinal adaptation, direct tests gave strong evidence for selection affecting two loci and weaker evidence for five other loci. Two loci that are located within an inversion (including the one with strongest evidence for selection) show a linear increase in genetic diversity with altitude, likely due to thermal selection. Parallel associations with altitude here and with latitude in Australian populations indicate that selection is operating on chromosomal regions marked by some of the loci.  相似文献   

Geographical variation in traits related to fitness is often the result of adaptive evolution. Stress resistance traits in Drosophila often show clinal variation, suggesting that selection affects resistance traits either directly or indirectly. Multiple stress resistance traits were investigated in 45 natural populations of Drosophila ananassae collected from all over India. There was significant positive correlation between starvation resistance and lipid content. Significant negative correlations between desiccation and lipid content and between desiccation and heat resistance were also found. Flies from lower latitudes had higher starvation resistance, heat resistance and lipid content but the pattern was reversed for desiccation resistance. These results suggest that flies from different localities varied in their susceptibility to starvation because of difference in their propensity to store body lipid. Multiple regression analysis provided evidence of climatic selection driven by latitudinal variation in the seasonal amplitude of temperature and humidity changes within the Indian. Finally, our results suggest a high degree of variation in stress resistance at the population level in D. ananassae.  相似文献   

Genetic variation for resistance to a high temperature stress under saturated humidity was examined within and among three Drosophila buzzatii populations from Australia. Further, the acclimation of this species to high temperatures was tested by prelreating flies for a shorter, sublethal, time period under conditions that lead to expression of heat shock proteins. Genetic variation for temperature resistance was present among lines for flies either pretreated to high temperature or not. Pro-treating increased survival, with the benefit significantly higher if pretreating was performed 24 h rather than 96 h before exposure to the potentially lethal stress. For (lies pretreated at both times, resistance to heat stress was even greater. The lack of a significant treatment by line interaction term suggested that all lines were similarly plastic for acclimation following previous exposure(s) to a high temperature. Significantly more males survived the heat stress than females, and, within each sex, larger flies were generally more heat resistant than smaller ones. Additionally, the lines from the population that naturally encounters the highest temperatures were generally more resistant to high temperature stress.  相似文献   

Altitudinal changes in traits and genetic markers can complement the studies on latitudinal patterns and provide evidence of natural selection because of climatic factors. In Drosophila melanogaster, latitudinal variation is well known but altitudinal patterns have rarely been investigated. Here, we examine five traits and five genetic markers on chromosome 3R in D. melanogaster collected at high and low altitudes from five latitudes along the eastern coast of Australia. Significant altitudinal differentiation was observed for cold tolerance, development time, ovariole number in unmated females, and the microsatellite marker DMU25686. Differences tended to match latitudinal patterns, in that trait values at high altitudes were also found at high latitudes, suggesting that factors linked to temperature are likely selective agents. Cold tolerance was closely associated with average temperature and other climatic factors, but no significant associations were detected for the other traits. Genes around DMU25686 represent good candidates for climatic adaptation.  相似文献   

Thermal‐stress selection can affect multiple fitness components including mating success. Reproductive success is one of the most inclusive measures of overall fitness, and mating success is a major component of reproduction. However, almost no attention has been spent to test how mating success can be affected by thermal‐stress selection. In this study, we examine the mating success in the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler (Diptera: Drosophilidae) derived from two natural populations that nearly represent the ends of an altitudinal cline for heat knock‐down resistance. Furthermore, we extended the analysis using laboratory lines artificially selected for high and low heat knock‐down resistance. Mating success at high temperature was found to be higher in the lowland than the highland population after a heat pre‐treatment. Moreover, individuals selected for heat knock‐down resistance showed higher mating success at high temperature than did individuals selected for low knock‐down resistance. These results indicate that adaptation to thermal stress can confer an advantage on fitness‐related traits including mating success and highlight the benefits of earlier heat exposure as an adaptive plastic response affecting mating success under stress of higher temperature.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity may be an important initial mechanism to counter environmental change, yet we know relatively little about the evolution of plasticity in nature. Species with widespread distributions are expected to have evolved higher levels of plasticity compared with those with more restricted, tropical distributions. At the intraspecific level, temperate populations are expected to have evolved higher levels of plasticity than their tropical counterparts. However, empirical support for these expectations is limited. In addition, no studies have comprehensively examined the evolution of thermal plasticity across life stages. Using populations of Drosophila simulans collected from a latitudinal cline spanning the entire east coast of Australia, we assessed thermal plasticity, measured as hardening capacity (the difference between basal and hardened thermal tolerance) for multiple measures of heat and cold tolerance across both adult and larval stages of development. This allowed us to explicitly ask whether the evolution of thermal plasticity is favoured in more variable, temperate environments. We found no relationship between thermal plasticity and latitude, providing little support for the hypothesis that temperate populations have evolved higher levels of thermal plasticity than their tropical counterparts. With the exception of adult heat survival, we also found no association between plasticity and ten climatic variables, indicating that the evolution of thermal plasticity is not easily predicted by the type of environment that a particular population occupies. We discuss these results in the context of the role of plasticity in a warming climate.  相似文献   

We tested for variation in longevity, senescence rate and early fecundity of Drosophila buzzatii along an elevational transect in Argentina, using laboratory-reared flies in laboratory tests performed to avoid extrinsic mortality. At 25 °C, females from lowland populations lived longer and had a lower demographic rate of senescence than females from highland populations. Minimal instead of maximal temperature at the sites of origin of population best predicted this cline. A very different pattern was found at higher test temperature. At 29.5 °C, longevity of males increased with altitude of origin of population. No clinal trend was apparent for longevity of females at 29.5 °C. There was evidence for a trade-off between early fecundity and longevity at non-stressful temperature (25 °C) along the altitudinal gradient. This trait association is consistent with evolutionary theories of aging. Population-by-temperature and sex-by-temperature interactions indicate that senescence patterns are expressed in environment specific ways.  相似文献   

Resistance to a short term exposure to a high temperature stress was examined in eggs, larvae and pupae of Drosophila buzzfltii from seven localities. Across development, pupae were most resistant, followed by eggs, and then first and third-instar larvae. Variation among populations for resistance to heat stress was significant in all life stages. However, there was much less variation among populations where measured as eggs and pupae than for both first and third instar larvae. Older larvae showed large changes both in viability and developmental time, while exposure of young larvae to heat stress led to a decline in viability without delayed development. Populations that had the shortest developmental time at 25oC were relatively the most resistant to heat stress as larvae. High relative resistance at one preadult life stage was not necessarily associated with relatively high resistance at another, or with previous measurements of resistance for adults from these populations. Comparison of populations that were more similar in their pattern of change in resistance across development suggested a relationship with the climate of origin. The possibility that developmental variation in the expression of heat shock proteins may cause variation in resistance to thermal stress for different life stages is discussed.  相似文献   

The possible associations between longevity, early fecundity, and stress-resistance traits were explored using artificial selection on longevity in a laboratory population of Drosophila buzzatii . Three replicated lines were selected for increased lifespan (L lines) and compared with the respective unselected controls (C lines) after the 14th generation of selection. Mean longevity exhibited a significant response to selection. The baseline mortality tended to decrease in the L lines and a negative correlated response to longevity selection was found for early fecundity. Egg-to-adult developmental time increased in L lines. Longevity selection increased stress resistance for both high and low temperatures, as measured by heat knockdown resistance and chill-coma recovery. Starvation resistance also tended to be higher in L than in C lines. The results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis of trade-offs between longevity and early fecundity, and also suggest a trade-off association between adult longevity and developmental time. Correlated selection responses were generally consistent with correlations among the traits previously inferred from altitudinal clines for longevity and stress-resistance phenotypes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 738–748.  相似文献   

To assess the trade‐offs associated with cold and heat tolerance, selection experiments were conducted on the rate of recovery from chill‐ and heat‐coma using Drosophila melanogaster. Flies were treated with cold and heat to induce coma, and those that showed rapid or slow recovery from coma were selected. The lines selected for rapid (or slow) recovery from chill‐coma also showed rapid (slow) recovery from heat‐coma, although such a correlation was not observed in the lines selected for the rate of recovery from heat‐coma. On the other hand, survival after cold was enhanced in both lines selected for rapid and slow recovery from chill‐coma, and survival after heat was enhanced in both lines selected for rapid and slow recovery from heat‐coma. It was assumed that cold and heat treatments to induce coma caused some damages to flies and those that were tolerant to cold or heat were unintentionally selected in the present coma‐based selection. Only a weak trade‐off was observed between survival‐based cold and heat tolerance. On the other hand, developmental time was prolonged and desiccation resistance, walking speed, and longevity were reduced in the lines selected for rapid and slow recovery from chill‐ and/or heat‐coma, suggesting that these resistance and life‐history traits are under trade‐offs with cold and/or heat tolerance. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 72–80.  相似文献   

Chill‐coma recovery (CCR) is an important trait for thermal adaptation in insects. Multiple phenotypes could be affected by selection on CCR if the trait is genetically correlated with other adaptive traits. To test for heritable (co‐)variation in CCR, we examined direct and correlated responses to bi‐directional selection on CCR. Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler (Diptera: Drosophilidae) was artificially selected for decreased and increased recovery time following exposure to 0 °C. After 18 selected generations, the selection response in CCR was significant but qualitatively asymmetric, with replicated lines for slow CCR showing the highest response. Knockdown resistance to high temperature was not affected by CCR selection. Starvation resistance in the adult fly showed no clear pattern of correlated responses to CCR selection. Selection on CCR had no impact on developmental time and body size. Chill‐coma recovery shows no apparent genetic trade‐offs with any of the multiple traits included in this study. These results are largely consistent with recent studies on clines in D. buzzatii, which showed that CCR is not across‐population correlated with other clinally varying traits of thermal adaptation. Cold adaptation may evolve toward increased cold resistance independent of upper thermal limits.  相似文献   

In the present study we describe a novel mechanism by which populations, in an interplay between physiology and behaviour, can evolve adaptation to environmental extremes. Comparing Drosophila populations from different climate zones, we found diel shifts in high temperature resistance after maintenance at 25 °C for several generations. Resistance changes that co-occurred with field and laboratory activity of the populations are controlled by the physiological clock and appear to be a consequence of local adaptation to the thermal profiles of the environment of origin.  相似文献   

The ability to buffer detrimental effects of environmental stress on fitness is of great ecological importance because, in nature, pronounced environmental variation may regularly induce stress. Furthermore, several stressors may interact in a synergistic manner. In the present study, plastic responses in cold, heat and starvation resistance are investigated in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana Butler, 1879, using a full factorial design with two acclimation temperatures (20 and 27 °C) and four short‐term stress treatments (control, cold, heat, starvation). Warm‐acclimated butterflies are more heat‐ but less cold‐tolerant as expected. Short‐term cold and starvation exposure reduce cold and heat resistance, and short‐term heat exposure decreases cold but increases heat resistance. Starvation resistance is not affected by any of the short‐term treatments. Thus, the effects of short‐term stress exposure are either neutral or negative, except for a positive effect of heat exposure on heat resistance, indicating the negative effects of pre‐exposure to stress. Interestingly, significant interactions between acclimation temperature and short‐term stress exposure for heat and cold resistance are found, demonstrating that larger temperature differences incur more damage. Therefore, animals may not generally be able to benefit from pre‐exposure to stress (through ‘hardening’), depending on their previously experienced conditions. The complex interactions between environmental variation, stress and resistance are highlighted, warranting further investigations.  相似文献   

Variation in three life‐history traits (developmental time, preadult viability and daily female productivity) and five morphometrical traits (thorax length, wing length, wing width, wing/thorax ratio and wing‐aspect ratio) was studied at three developmental temperatures (20, 25 and 30 °C) in Drosophila buzzatii and Drosophila simulans collected on the island of La Gomera (Canary Archipelago). The flies originated from five closely situated localities, representing different altitudes (from 20 to 886 m above sea level) and a range of climatic conditions. We found statistically significant population effects for all traits in D. buzzatii and for most of the traits in D. simulans. Although no correlations of trait values with altitude were detected, geographical patterns for three life‐history traits and body size in D. buzzatii indicated that short‐range geographical variation in this species could be maintained by local climatic selection. Five of eight traits showed population‐by‐temperature interactions either in D. buzzatii or in D. simulans, but in all cases except wing width in D. buzzatii this could not be interpreted as adaptive responses to thermal conditions in the localities. The range of plastic changes across temperatures for particular traits differed between species, indicating a possibility for different levels of environmental stress experienced by the natural populations. The reaction norm curves and the response of within‐population variability to thermal treatments suggested better adaptations to higher and lower temperatures for D. buzzatii and D. simulans, respectively. The levels of among‐population differentiation depended on developmental temperature, implying environmental effects on the expression of the genetic variance. At 20 and 25 °C, interpopulation variability in D. buzzatii was higher than in D. simulans, while at 30 °C the opposite trend was observed. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 84 , 119–136.  相似文献   

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