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We have isolated chromosomes from Chinese hamster ovary cells arrested in mitosis with vinblastine and examined the interactions of their kinetochores with purified tubulin in vitro. The kinetochores nucleate microtubule (MT) growth with complex kinetics. After an initial lag phase, MTs are continuously nucleated with both plus and minus ends distally localized. This mixed polarity seems inconsistent with the formation of an ordered, homopolar kinetochore fiber in vivo. As isolated from vinblastine-arrested cells, kinetochores contain no bound tubulin. The kinetochores of chromosomes isolated from colcemid-arrested cells or of chromosomes incubated with tubulin in vitro are brightly stained after anti-tubulin immunofluorescence. This bound tubulin is probably not in the form of MTs. It is localized to the corona region by immunoelectron microscopy, where it may play a role in MT nucleation in vitro.  相似文献   

We have used a cytosol-free assay in which efficient translocation and signal peptide cleavage is achieved when the affinity-purified precursor of OmpA (proOmpA) is diluted out of 8 M urea into a suspension of yeast rough microsomes. This aspect of protein targeting and transport occurs in two discernible steps: (a) in the absence of ATP and cytosolic factors, the precursor binds to the membranes but is not translocated; (b) addition of ATP results in the translocation of the bound precursor and its processing to the mature form. The binding to microsomes of radiolabeled proOmpA is saturable and inhibited by the addition of unlabeled proOmpA but not by mature OmpA or other proteins. The binding of radiolabeled prepro-alpha-factor is also effectively competed by other preproteins, but not by mature ones. Scatchard analysis showed the Kd of proOmpA to be 7.5 X 10(-9) M. Binding is most likely protein mediated as treatment of the microsomes with the protease papain was found to be inhibitory. These results represent the first functional characterization of secretory protein precursor binding to membranes. Alkylation of the microsomes with NEM, washing the membranes with urea or using membranes from the (translocation) mutant ptll at the nonpermissive temperature, did not affect binding, but did eliminate the subsequent ATP-dependent translocation. The ability to subdivide translocation into individual reactions provides a more precise means of determining the membrane components involved in this process.  相似文献   

Many differentiated cells including polarised epithelial cells display a non-radial, apico-basal microtubule array. In some cells the centrosome disassembles and new nucleating sites are created at more appropriate locations. In others the centrosome remains, but relatively few microtubules radiate from it's immediate environs. Instead, the majority of the microtubule minus-ends are associated with apical cell surface sites. Centrosomal microtubule release and capture is evidently a mechanism exploited by some polarised epithelial cells as a means of producing non-centrosomal, apico-basal microtubule arrays. This involves microtubule nucleation at the centrosome, release and subsequent translocation and capture at the apical sites. Two functionally distinct centrosomal complexes dedicated to the control of microtubule nucleation and anchorage have been suggested to be essential and universal features of all centrosomes. The centrosomal proteins ninein and R2 are potential microtubule anchoring proteins and their discovery has exciting implications for centrosomal organisation and microtubule positioning in cells.  相似文献   

To understand how microtubules interact in forming the mitotic apparatus and orienting and moving chromosomes, the precise arrangement of microtubules in kinetochore fibers in Chinese hamster ovary cells was examined. Individual microtubules were traced, using high voltage electron microscopy of serial 0.25 m sections, from the kinetochore toward the pole. Microtubule arrangement in kinetochore fibers in untreated mitotic cells and in cells recovering from Colcemid arrest were similar in two respects: the number of microtubules per kinetochore (mean 14 and 12, respectively) and the nearest neighbor intermicrotubule distance (mean90 nm). In Colcemid recovered cells, over 90% of the microtubules in kinetochore fibers were attached to the kinetochore (i.e. kinetochore microtubules) and extended most or all of the distance to the pole. Few free microtubules were present in the kinetochore fibers; most non-kinetochore microtubles terminated in the pole. Since kinetochores in this Colcemid-recovered system have been demonstrated to nucleate microtubules (Witt et al., 1980), it seems likely that most if not all of these kinetochore microtubules originated at the kinetochore. Some of the reconstructed kinetochore fibers were attached to chromosomes with bipolar orientation, suggesting that kinetochore microtubules need not interact with many polar microtubules for orientation to occur. In Colcemid recovered cells lysed to reduce cytoplasmic background, microtubules in kinetochore fibers were preferentially preserved. The parallel and near-hexagonal order typical of microtubules in kinetochore fibers was maintained, as was the number of kinetochore microtubules (mean, 13). The intermicrotubule distance was slightly reduced in lysed cells (mean, 60 nm). Crossbridges about 5 nm wide and 30–40 nm long were visible in kinetochore fibers of lysed cells. Such crossbridges probably contribute to the stabilization and parallel order of microtubules in kinetochore fibers, and may have a functional role as well.  相似文献   

We have studied the capture of microtubules by isolated metaphase chromosomes, using microtubules stabilized with taxol and marked with biotin tubulin to distinguish their plus and minus ends. The capture reaction is reversible at both the plus and minus ends. The on rate of capture is the same for both polarities but the dissociation rate from the kinetochore is seven times slower with microtubules captured at their plus ends than those captured at their minus ends. At steady state this disparity in off rates leads to the gradual replacement of microtubules captured at their minus ends with those captured at their plus ends. These results suggest that the kinetochore makes a lateral attachment near the end of the microtubule in the initial capture reaction and shows a structural specificity that may be important in proper bipolar attachment of the chromosome to the spindle.  相似文献   

Fourteen prometaphase kinetochore microtubule bundles have been examined in electron micrographs of serial sections. The majority (54%) of the microtubules extended from the polar region towards the kinetochore but do not end in the kinetochore proper. Rather, they stop short of the kinetochore (21%), graze the kinetochore (19%), or pass through the kinetochore (9%), displaying a free end distal to the pole. Other microtubules that make up the kinetochore bundle include: kinetochore-to-pole microtubules (24%), chromosome-to-pole microtubules (5%), pieces with two free ends (14%), and those microtubules with one end in the kinetochore and a free end distal to the kinetochore (9%). We conclude that the majority of the microtubules in the kinetochore bundle are most likely of polar origin rather than having been nucleated at the kinetochore. Prometaphase-I kinetochores can display any one of four patterns of microtubule connections with the poles, but the pattern of microtubule connections is not always correlated with kinetochore position. For instance, a kinetochore directly facing one pole may have microtubule connections with both poles while a kinetochore positioned 90 degrees to the spindle axis may have microtubules running towards one pole only.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases regulate microtubule capture near the cell cortex to polarize cells. What is surprising is the repertoire of interactions between proteins at the ends of microtubules and their cortical targets. The microtubule tip protein CLIP-170 has now been found to interact with the Cdc42/Rac effector IQGAP and mediate transient capture of microtubules.  相似文献   

We have previously presented a model for the assembly and disassembly of mitotic spindle microtubules (MTs) (Pickett-Heaps et al., 1986). In this paper, we describe the thermodynamics of such spindle MT assembly and present equations to describe the polymerization kinetics of different classes of spindle MTs. These equations are used to predict, in terms of kinetics parameters, the magnitude of forces extant on spindle MTs and to define the critical force needed to halt MT assembly. We calculate several of these forces for a hypothetical model cell; our predicted value for the force generated along kinetochore fibers is in close agreement with measured values taken from living cells. The model and its implications are discussed with reference to other recent models of spindle and MT dynamics.  相似文献   

Many cells coordinate their activities by transmitting rises in intracellular calcium from cell to cell. In nonexcitable cells, there are currently two models for intercellular calcium wave propagation, both of which involve release of inositol trisphosphate (IP3)- sensitive intracellular calcium stores. In one model, IP3 traverses gap junctions and initiates the release of intracellular calcium stores in neighboring cells. Alternatively, calcium waves may be mediated not by gap junctional communication, but rather by autocrine activity of secreted ATP on P2 purinergic receptors. We studied mechanically induced calcium waves in two rat osteosarcoma cell lines that differ in the gap junction proteins they express, in their ability to pass microinjected dye from cell to cell, and in their expression of P2Y2 (P2U) purinergic receptors. ROS 17/2.8 cells, which express the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43), are well dye coupled, and lack P2U receptors, transmitted slow gap junction-dependent calcium waves that did not require release of intracellular calcium stores. UMR 106-01 cells predominantly express the gap junction protein connexin 45 (Cx45), are poorly dye coupled, and express P2U receptors; they propagated fast calcium waves that required release of intracellular calcium stores and activation of P2U purinergic receptors, but not gap junctional communication. ROS/P2U transfectants and UMR/Cx43 transfectants expressed both types of calcium waves. Gap junction–independent, ATP-dependent intercellular calcium waves were also seen in hamster tracheal epithelia cells. These studies demonstrate that activation of P2U purinergic receptors can propagate intercellular calcium, and describe a novel Cx43-dependent mechanism for calcium wave propagation that does not require release of intracellular calcium stores by IP3. These studies suggest that gap junction communication mediated by either Cx43 or Cx45 does not allow passage of IP3 well enough to elicit release of intracellular calcium stores in neighboring cells.  相似文献   

Whether polarized treadmilling is an intrinsic property of microtubules assembled from pure tubulin has been controversial. We have tested this possibility by imaging the polymerization dynamics of individual microtubules in samples assembled to steady-state in vitro from porcine brain tubulin, using a 2% glycerol buffer to reduce dynamic instability. Fluorescence speckled microtubules were bound to the cover-glass surface by kinesin motors, and the assembly dynamics of plus and minus ends were recorded with a spinning-disk confocal fluorescence microscopy system. At steady-state assembly, 19% of the observed microtubules (n = 89) achieved treadmilling in a plus-to-minus direction, 34% in a minus-to-plus direction, 37% grew at both ends, and 10% just shortened. For the population of measured microtubules, the distribution of lengths remained unchanged while a 20% loss of original and 27% gain of new polymer occurred over the 20-min period of observation. The lack of polarity in the observed treadmilling indicates that stochastic differences in dynamic instability between plus and minus ends are responsible for polymer turnover at steady-state assembly, not unidirectional treadmilling. A Monte Carlo simulation of plus and minus end dynamics using measured dynamic instability parameters reproduces our experimental results and the amount of steady-state polymer turnover reported by previous biochemical assays.  相似文献   

Endocytic vesicles undergo fission to sort ligand from receptor. Using quantitative immunofluorescence and video imaging, we provide the first in vitro reconstitution of receptor-ligand sorting in early endocytic vesicles derived from rat liver. We show that to undergo fission, presegregation vesicles must bind to microtubules (MTs) and move upon addition of ATP. Over 13% of motile vesicles elongate and are capable of fission. After fission, one vesicle continues to move, whereas the other remains stationary, resulting in their separation. On average, almost 90% receptor is found in one daughter vesicle, whereas ligand is enriched by approximately 300% with respect to receptor in the other daughter vesicle. Although studies performed on polarity marked MTs showed approximately equal plus and minus end-directed motility, immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that kinesins, but not dynein, were associated with these vesicles. Motility and fission were prevented by addition of 1 mM 5'-adenylylimido-diphosphate (AMP-PNP, an inhibitor of kinesins) or incubation with kinesin antibodies, but were unaffected by addition of 5 microM vanadate (a dynein inhibitor) or dynein antibodies. These studies indicate an essential role of kinesin-based MT motility in endocytic vesicle sorting, providing a system in which factors required for endocytic vesicle processing can be identified and characterized.  相似文献   

Prometaphase PtK1 cells are treated with low concentrations of sucrose in order to analyze its effects on kinetochore structure, microtubule (MT) associations with the developing kinetochore and chromosome congression. Prometaphase cells treated with 0.15M sucrose slows chromosome congression, yet chromosomes form a metaphase configuration. However, 0.2M sucrose treatment prevents chromosome congression and affects some of the kinetochore MT linkages with the kinetochore, resulting in loss of chromosome congression. We use time lapse video microscopy and ultrastructural analysis to correlate changes in the linkages in the kinetochore MTs and the kinetochore to explain these findings. It appears hyperosmotic shock treatment can produce non-functional linkages between kinetochore MTs and kinetochores such that chromosome congression is affected. When non-functional linkages are formed, the presence of both a corona and matrix-like material is also present, proximal to the kinetochore. The role of this material and its organization at the klnetochore is discussed in its relation to generating mitotic forces.  相似文献   

Bovine brain microtubule protein, containing both tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins, undergoes ADP-ribosylation in the presence of [14C]NAD+ and a turkey erythrocyte mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase in vitro. The modification reaction could be demonstrated in crude brain tissue extracts where selective ADP-ribosylation of both the alpha and beta chains of tubulin and of the high molecular weight microtubule-associated protein MAP-2 occurred. In experiments with purified microtubule protein, tubulin dimer, the high molecular weight microtubule-associated protein MAP-2, and another high molecular weight mirotubule-associated protein which may be a MAP-1 species were heavily labeled. Tubulin and MAP-2 incorporated [14C]ADP-ribose to an average extent of approximately 2.4 and 30 mol of ADP-ribose/mol of protein, respectively. Assembly of microtubule protein into microtubules in vitro was inhibited by ADP-ribosylation, and incubation of assembled steady-state microtubules with ADP-ribosyltransferase and NAD+ resulted in rapid depolymerization of the microtubules. Thus, the eukaryotic enzyme can ADP-ribosylate tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins to much greater extents than previously observed with cholera and pertussis toxins, and the modification can significantly modulate microtubule assembly and disassembly.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena cilia contain a three-headed 22S (outer arm) dynein and a single-headed 14S dynein. In this study, we have employed an in vitro assay of microtubule translocation along dynein-coated glass surfaces to characterize the motile properties of 14S dynein, 22S dynein, and proteolytic fragments of 22S dynein. Microtubule translocation produced by intact 22S dynein and 14S dynein differ in a number of respects including (a) the maximal velocities of movement; (b) the ability of 22S dynein but not 14S dynein to utilize ATP gamma S to induce movement; (c) the optimal pH and ionic conditions for movement; and (d) the effects of Triton X-100 on the velocity of movement. These results indicate that 22S and 14S dyneins have distinct microtubule translocating properties and suggest that these dyneins may have specialized roles in ciliary beating. We have also explored the function of the multiple ATPase heads of 22S dynein by preparing one- and two-headed proteolytic fragments of this three-headed molecule and examining their motile activity in vitro. Unlike the single-headed 14S dynein, the single-headed fragment of 22S dynein did not induce movement, even though it was capable of binding to microtubules. The two-headed fragment, on the other hand, translocated microtubules at velocities similar to those measured for intact 22S dynein (10 microns/sec). This finding indicates that the intact three-headed structure of 22S dynein is not essential for generating microtubule movement, which raises the possibility that multiple heads may serve some regulatory function or may be required for maximal force production in the beating cilium.  相似文献   

Microtubule depolymerization promotes particle and chromosome movement in vitro   总被引:28,自引:18,他引:10  
We have developed a system for studying the motions of cellular objects attached to depolymerizing microtubules in vitro. Radial arrays of microtubules were grown from lysed and extracted Tetrahymena cells attached to a glass coverslip that formed the top of a light microscope perfusion chamber. A preparation of chromosomes, which also contained vesicles, was then perfused into the chamber and allowed to bind to the microtubule array. The concentration of tubulin was then reduced by perfusing buffer that lacked both tubulin and nucleotide triphosphates, and the resulting microtubule depolymerization was observed by light microscopy. A fraction of the bound objects detached in the flow and washed away, while others stabilized the microtubules to which they were bound. Some of the particles and chromosomes, however, moved in toward the Tetrahymena ghost as their associated microtubules shortened. The mean speeds for particles and chromosomes were 26 +/- 20 and 15 +/- 12 microns/min, respectively. These motions occurred when nucleotide triphosphate levels were very low, as a result of either dilution or by the action of apyrase. Furthermore, the motions were unaffected by 100 microM sodium orthovanadate, suggesting that these forces are not the result of ATP hydrolysis by a minus end-directed mechanoenzyme. We conclude that microtubule depolymerization provided the free energy for the motions observed. All the objects that we studied in detail moved against a stream of buffer flowing at approximately 100 microns/s, so that the force being developed was at least 10(-7) dynes. This force is large enough to contribute to some forms of motility in living cells.  相似文献   

BubR1 is a critical component of the mitotic checkpoint but has also been shown to play an essential role in establishing kinetochore:microtubule attachments. BubR1 is hyperphosphorylated in mitosis and recent studies in human and Xenopus have identified 9 phosphorylation sites. Plk1-dependent phosphorylations (T792, T1008 and S676) were reported to stimulate BubR1 kinase activity, promote kinetochore microtubule attachments, monitor kinetochore tension, as well as the recruitment of Mad2 checkpoint protein to kinetochores. Plk1-independent sites (S435, S543, S670 and S1043) were also identified and some of these were found to be sensitive to the loss of microtubule attachment but not tension. Functional studies showed that phosphorylation of S670 is critical for correcting aberrant attachments. Once end-on attachments are established, dephosphorylation of S670 appeared to be important for generating tension to signal anaphase onset. The collective data when combined with early EM studies that showed BubR1 is present at both the inner and outer kinetochore plates suggest that BubR1 maybe an effector of multiple kinases that specifies its roles in microtubule attachments and checkpoint functions.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a main trigger substance for the development of septic shock and multiple organ failure. We showed by turbidity measurements that LPS inhibits microtubule formation in a pH-dependent manner. Inhibition was found to be not only due to sequestration of MAP2 by LPS, but also of MAP1 and tau MAPs, indicating that LPS is able to react with a broad variety of MAPs. LPS-induced inhibition of microtubule formation could be compensated by additional tau or by addition of taxol. Dot blots revealed that LPS binds directly to tau, but seems not to bind to tubulin. As tau is expressed in various tissue types involved in multiorgan failure, it might be regarded as a further target for LPS action. In contrast, kinesin-dependent microtubule gliding was not affected by LPS. The toxin neither blocked the cargo (vesicle) nor the microtubule binding site of kinesin, suggesting a certain specificity of LPS-MAP interaction.  相似文献   

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