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Six non-native invasive fish species from the Slovak part of the Tisa River basin, namely Carassius gibelio, Pseudorasbora parva, Ameiurus melas, A. nebulosus, Lepomis gibbosus, Perccottus glenii, and three gobiid species from the Danube River, namely Neogobius melanostomus, N. fluviatilis and N. kessleri, were investigated for endohelminth parasites. The expanding Asian cestode Nippotaenia mogurndae (syn. Amurotaenia perccotti) (Nippotaeniidea) has been introduced to Europe with its invasive host P. glenii. Pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, is a new definitive host of Proteocephalus percae and it is reported as the second intermediate host of the bothriocephalidean cestode Triaenophorus nodulosus in Slovakia.  相似文献   

Three new genera of trypanorhynch cestodes from Australian elasmobranch fishes collected in the Arafura Sea, off the Northern Territory, are described. Fossobothrium perplexum n. g., n. sp. (Otobothriidae), from the spiral valves of Anoxypristis cuspidata (Latham) and Pristis zijsron Bleeker, is similar to the otobothriid genera Pseudotobothrium Dollfus, 1942 and Poecilancistrium Dollfus, 1929 in possessing bothrial pits and a band of hooks on the tentacle, but differs from all known otobothriid genera in having the pits joined by a prominent velum. Iobothrium elegans n. g., n. sp. (Otobothriidae), from the spiral valve of Himantura jenkinsi (Annandale), is placed in the Otobothriidae because it possesses bothrial pits, but differs from Otobothrium Linton, 1890 and other genera in lacking intercalary hooks between the principal rows and in possessing a chainette on the external surface of the tentacle in the metabasal region. Oncomegoides celatus n. g., n. sp. (Eutetrarhynchidae), from the spiral valve of Dasyatis microps (Annandale) and Himantura jenkinsi, resembles Oncomegas Dollfus, 1929 in possessing two bothria and a megahook on the bothrial surface of the basal armature, but differs in possessing an extra row consisting of four intercalary hooks formed by the overlapping of two intercalary hooks on the external tentacular surface between each of the opposing principal rows and is therefore an atypical heteroacanth.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new species and two new records of the Axinidae collected from fishes of the South China Sea. Loxuroides fungilliformis n. sp. was obtained from the gills of Hemirhamphus guoyi collected at Zhapo (21°34N, 111°49E). The new species is similar to L. sasikala (Unnithan,1957) Price, 1962 in the structure of the cirrus and genital atrium, but differs from the latter in the shape and number of the spines of its genital atrium and cirrus. Both L. sasikala and Axine tripathii Price, 1962 are recorded for the first time off China.  相似文献   

Data on intestinal parasite infections for South American Indians in prehistoric times as revealed by coprolite analysis are being used to support transoceanic migration routes from the Old World to the New World. These same findings on modern semi-isolated aborigines, considered persisting prehistoric patterns, are also of great importance as indicators of pre-Columbian peopling of South America. This is the case for the Lengua Indians from Paraguay, studied in the 1920s, and the Yanomami and the Salum? from Brazil, studied in the 1980s. The intestinal parasitic profile of these groups can be empirically associated with culture change, but no clear correlations with the population biology of their hosts can be made at present because of scarcity of data.  相似文献   

Examination of teleost and elasmobranch fishes for cestodes from the Pacific Ocean off the Hawaiian Islands resulted in the recovery of 7 species of trypanorhynchs, 4 of which are new. The new species are Pseudogrillotia basipunctata, Pterobothrium hawaiiensis, Prochristianella micracantha, and Nybelinia basimegacantha. Tentacularia coryphaena Bosc 1797, Dasyrhynchus giganteus (Diesing 1859), and Parachristianella monomegacantha Kruse 1959 represent new host and distribution records. The family Pseudogrillotidae Dollfus 1969 is emended.  相似文献   

Jianying  Zhang  Lin  Liu  Xuejuan  Ding 《Systematic parasitology》1997,38(3):197-201
This paper reports a new species and two new records of the Tetraonchoididae collected from fishes of the South China and East China Seas. Pseudotetraonchoides halichoeres n. sp. was obtained from the gills of Halichoeres poecilopterus collected at Dongshan (23°42' N, 117°24' E). The new species is similar to P. bleekeriae Bychowsky, Gussev & Nagibina, 1965 in the structure of the haptor, but differs in the sizes of the hamuli, the transverse bar and the supplementary plate, and also in details of the supplementary plate. Both Heteropavlovskioides synodontis Machida, 1978 from Trachinocephalus myops and Tetraonchoides japonicus Bychowsky, 1951 from Uranoscopus japonicus are recorded for the first time off China.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the Hatschekiidae, Laminohatschekia synaphobranchi, is described from an eel caught off New Caledonia. It is characterised by its long ribbon-like trunk and by the possession of three pairs of biramous legs. The pennellid Sarcotretes scopeli is redescribed from a macrourid also taken off New Caledonia. Sarcotretes lobatus is recognised as a synonym of S. scopeli. Phrixocephalus carcellesi is described in detail for the first time, from the stomach contents of a King Shag caught in the Falkland Islands. A wide range of individual variability in holdfast structure was noted in P. carcellesi. A new species, Peniculisa bellwoodi, is described from Pomacentrus amboiensis collected at Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef. The sphyriid Lophoura cornuta is redescribed from a synaphobranchid eel caught off New Caledonia and both sexes of a lernanthropid, Aethon morelandi, are redescribed from Nemadactylus macropterus in southern Australia.  相似文献   

Ascaridoid nematodes occurring in South American mammals are divided into categories based on their possible origin. The affinities are discussed of five species so far known only from the Neotropical Region. Toxocara alienata (Rudolphi 1819) is reported from Nasua rufa socialis, Procyon cancrivorus, and Tayassus torquatus. The specimens from T. torquatus are described and found most closely to resemble Toxocara mackerrasae from south-east Asian and Austrialian rodents. Anisakis insignis from Inia geoffrensis is transferred back to Peritrachelius Diesing, 1851, on account of the structure of the lips and spicules. P. insignis is shown to exhibit remarkable convergence of lip structure with Lagochilascaris turgida from Didelphis marsupialis. Galeiceps longispiculum (Freitas & Lent, 1941) from Pteronura brasiliensis is confirmed as a species distinct from G. cucullus (Linstow, 1899) and G. spinicollis (Baylis, 1923), but G. simiae (Mosgovoy, 1951) is considered to be a synonym of G. spinicollis. An error in the host record of G. spinicollis is corrected from Cercopithecus leucampyx kandti to Lutra maculicollis kivuana. Ascaris dasypodina Baylis, 1922 from armadillos, including Cabassous unicinctus and Tolypeutes matacos, is redescribed and placed in a new genus Bairdascaris. The question is raised as to whether some species in Lagochilascaris, Galeiceps, and Toxocara may have crossed directly by sea from Africa to South America, rather than entering via North America.  相似文献   

Cestodes were collected from deep-sea sharks caught off New Caledonia, South Pacific. Vittirhynchus squali n. g., n. sp. (Trypanorhyncha: Gilquiniidae) is described from the spiral valve of Squalus melanurus Fourmanoir & Rivaton. The new genus possesses four bothria and a typical heteroacanthous metabasal armature but has a file of three macrohooks forming a short chainette on the internal surface of the basal armature. Sagittirhynchus aculeatus n. g., n. sp., from the spiral valve of Centrophorus sp. (undescribed), also has four bothria and a typical heteroacanthous armature but lacks a distinctive basal swelling and has the final hooks of each principal row prominently enlarged. Gilquinia minor n. sp., from the spiral valve of Centrophorus sp. (undescribed), is distinguished by the presence of only five hooks per principal row compared with eight in congeners. Gilquinia sp. is reported from Squalus melanurus. G. robertsoni Beveridge, 1990 is reported from S. megalops (Macleay).  相似文献   

Ascaridoid nematode species reported from fishes and relegated to genera listed by Sprent (1983) within the Heterocheilinae are reviewed. The following species are considered to belong in this category: Dujardinascaris malapteruri (Baylis, 1923) [= D. graberi] from Malapterurus electricus, and possibly Mormyrops engystoma, in Africa; Brevimulticaecum regoi n. sp. from Potamotrygon motoro in South America; Brevimulticaecum heterotis (Petter, Vassiliadès & Marchand, 1979) from Heterotis niloticus in Africa; Brevimulticaecum scleropagi Khalil, 1984 from Scleropages leichardti and S. jardini in Papua New Guinea and Australia. The view is expressed that these heterocheiline species are secondarily derived from related species in crocodilians. It is proposed that Gedoelstascaris Sprent, 1978 is a synonym of Brevimulticaecum Mosgovoy, in Skrjabin et al., 1952 and two new combinations are proposed: Brevimulticaecum vandenbrandeni (Baylis, 1929) and Brevimulticaecum australiensis (Baylis, 1931).  相似文献   

1. Averaged evoked potentials (AEP) in response to pulses and sine waves of electric current, either as a homogeneous field or a large dipole field around the fish, have been recorded from the brain in 5 genera of elasmobranchs and 10 genera of siluriform fishes. 2. In the elasmobranchs, AEP's and spike-hash bursts are described from medulla, cerebellum, mesencephalon and telencephalon. A complex sequence of early and late waves is found in each level. Two sets of factors influence the latency and amplitude of the component waves. One is stimulus parameters including intensity, stimulus orientation, sign of the change of current, position of dipole, serial number in the first few cycles of a train as well as interval or frequency of a regular series. Separate component peaks of the complex AEP appear to have different dependencies upon these factors. To sinusoidal stimuli the best response by a certain criterion is at 20--30 Hz in a shark (Carcharhinus), 10--15 Hz in a ray (Potamotrygon); these are much higher than the values based on behavior from previous authors. The lowest threshold, with moderate averaging, was 0.015 muV/cm (= 0.8 nA/cm2) in marine species, less than 50 muV/cm (= 0.7 nA/cm2) in the freshwater ray. 3. The other set of factors determining AEP is brain parameters, including the recording locus, the type of electrode and electrode advance and the state of the brain (anesthesia, etc.). There is evidence of topographic segregation of some stimulus parameters, but mapping was not undertaken. Responsive regions are described in the several brain levels. 4. The best loci for electric AEP are distinct from those for acoustic and photic AEPs. No interaction between these was found. 5. All of the siluriforms tested show electroreception by the criterion of high sensitivity AEP. No obvious specialization was noted among the diverse species, but most were represented by a single experiment. Taken together with the previously known species, the sample of nine families of this large order suggests that this is a general characteristic of the order. 6. The best responses were found in the region of the torus semicircularis and in the lateral lobe. The lowest threshold by the criterion used was less than 0.15 mV/cm (= 2 nA/cm2), but some were nearly 2 mV/cm. Compared to much lower values in Ictalurus, this suggests species differences although part of the difference may be due to failure to record from the optimal locus. The AEP may be useful as a method of suveying for other electroreceptive groups. It is also potentially useful to reveal discriminable parameters of importance, such as dipole position, orientation, polarity and frequency.  相似文献   

A checklist of the parasitic nematodes of Chinese marine fishes is presented. This fauna comprises 90 species, representing 31 genera, 13 families, nine superfamilies, three orders and two subclasses. Additional details for each species include the hosts, localities and references which represent the source of these data.  相似文献   

To provide information on parasites of Bufo bufo (toad), eyes, skin, lungs, gut and urinary bladder of individuals collected near lakes Endine and Segrino (Northern Italy) from March to April 1999 were recorded in laboratory. A total of five nematode species were classified: Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Oxysomatium brevicaudatum, Cosmocerca ornata, Neyraplectana schneideri were found in the intestine and rectum and Rhabdias sphaerocephala in the lungs. Of these species, the last three are new geographical records for Italy.  相似文献   

Studies of type material from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay together with observations of achenes using scanning electron microscopy permit us to synonymizeBulbostylis aphylla withB. brevifolia, B. closii andB. scabra fm.evolutior withB. major, andB. spectabilis withB. amambayensis. For the first time,B. major is recorded for Bolivia andB. brevifolia for Uruguay. The known distributions ofB. amambayensis, B. brevifolia, andB. major are expanded.
Resumen  El análisis morfológico de ejemplares tipo, abundante material de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay, así como observaciones de los frutos con microscopio electrónico de barrido, nos permitió sinonimizarBulbostylis aphylla conB. brevifolia, B. closii yB. scabra f.evolutior conB. major yB. spectabilis conB. amambayensis. Por otra parte se cita por primera vez aB. major para la flora de Bolivia y aB. brevifolia para Uruguay. Se amplia el área de distribución deB. amambayensis, B. brevifolia yB. major.

Five species of philometrid nematodes (subfamily Philometrinae) are redescribed on the basis of newly collected materials from marine fishes from Japan. The species Philometra sciaenae Yamaguti, 1941, considered by Rasheed (1963) a synonym of P. lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), is re-established as a valid species and the male of this nematode, collected from the ovary of the type-host, Argyrosomus argentatus, is described for the first time; the latter is characterised mainly by the length of equally long spicules (0.108–0.126 mm) and the length ratio of the gubernaculum and spicules (1:2.25). Other species redescribed on females include Philometra inimici Yamaguti, 1941 and P. sebastisci Yamaguti, 1941 from the ovary of their type-hosts, Inimicus japonicus and Sebastiscus marmoratus, respectively, and also Philometroides seriolae (Ishii, 1931) from the musculature of Seriola quinqueradiata (type-host), and Clavinema mariae (Layman, 1930) from the subcutaneous tissue of Pleuronectes schrenki and Acanthogobius flavimanus (a new host record). For the first time, cephalic ends of some of these species were studied under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the character of their cephalic papillae was described. The importance of a knowledge of male morphology for the taxonomy of philometrids is stressed.  相似文献   

We describe the first records of spirochetes in the gut of fourteen species of continental gastropods from a range of habitats and representing six families (Amnicolidae, Baicaliidae, Bithyniidae, Pyrgulidae, Lithoglyphidae and Benedictiidae). The bacteria were mainly found in the crystalline style sac, as has been reported in marine bivalves. The surveyed habitats include water bodies in North America and Eurasia, including deep water hydrothermal vent and gas hydrate zones in Lake Baikal. Spirochetes were present both in mature and young snails, but were not detected in embryos before hatching, indicating lateral transfer. The surveyed gastropods range in trophic strategy, including phyto-, detrito- and bacteriophagous grazers and filter feeders. Our results indicate that spirochetes are commensal in the surveyed gastropods with potential limited benefit and no detriment to the host animal. We suggest that the specialized internal habitat of the crystalline style sac in molluscs is likely to reveal unrecognized spirochete diversity that will shed new light on gastropod trophic ecology and spirochete diversity.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Cichlid fishes use their vision for recognition of other fishes, feeding, and in habitat selection. Neotropical cichlids can be found in a range of different habitats differing in...  相似文献   

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