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The ventral arc of the pubis is frequently used for sexing adult human hip bones. This study addresses the issues of the anatomical and developmental bases for the ventral arc. Dissection of seven adult pelves (four females and three males) demonstrates that the sexes are identical in the muscular and ligamentous attachments to this ridge of bone. The tendons of gracilis and adductor brevis, which are fused for a variable extent, arise from the ridge of bone, and the fibers of the ventral pubic ligament attach to its medial border. Lateral placement of the ventral arc is defined in terms of the minimum distance between the ridge of bone and the inferior border of the symphyseal face of the pubis. The hypothesis that lateral placement of the ventral arc is positively correlated with pubic length was tested using two random samples of adult female hip bones (N = 50 for both whites and blacks) from the Hamann-Todd collection. The correlation between these variables is significant. The results support the argument that lateral placement of the ventral arc is related to the amount of postadolescent growth occurring at the symphyseal border of the pubis. Therefore, the ventral arc should not be considered as an independent criterion from pubic length in sexing adult hip bones.  相似文献   

Some innominates of adult human females show areas of bone resorption on the dorsal aspect of the pubic corpus and preauricular area of the ilium. For both sites, many studies have shown a positive association between degree of resorption and parity. The present study tested hypotheses concerning resorption of the pubis and preauricular area. Samples of innominates from three prehistoric Amerindian populations were used. Within each population, only a minority of females, in general, showed resorption more severe than that which characterized males. The severity of resorption of the pubis was not significantly associated with that of the preauricular area. Pitting of the pubis, but not of the preauricular area, was significantly correlated with age-at-death in each sample of Amerindian females. Also, sacral angulation was not significantly associated with resorption of the preauricular area. Observations on resorption of the pubis and preauricular area in samples of Pan troglodytes and Gorilla gorilla are reported. In previous studies on resorption of the pubis and preauricular area in the human innominate, the proposed etiologies involve ligamentous hyperplasia and joint trauma. However, a number of studies on resorption of the pubis in the nonhuman mammalian innominate have been overlooked by anthropologists. These latter studies demonstrate that estrogen alone can induce resorption of the mammalian pubis by stimulating the synthesis of osteoclastic enzymes. Partial resorption of the pubis may be obstetrically advantageous in some mammals, as resorption would delay or inhibit synostosis of the interpubic joint. The relationship between estrogen and the preauricular area is an issue that requires further research.  相似文献   

Preliminary investigation has indicated that the use of the ventral arc, subpubic concavity, and medial aspect of the ischio-pubic ramus as sexing criteria allows one to sex the os pubis with an accuracy in excess of 95%. The method described here is simple and objective enough to allow the beginning researcher to sex hip bones accurately while requiring the presence of only a small fragment of the bone.  相似文献   

To examine morphological interrelationships between canine size and mandibular corpus shape, inter-sex comparisons were made in the hamadryas baboon and the Japanese monkey, known to display extreme and moderate canine dimorphism, respectively. Results of adult comparisons showed that all mandibular dimensions were significantly larger in the males than in the females in both species. In the hamadryas baboon, the males also exhibited a higher ratio of anterior to posterior corpus height than the females. This sex difference in corpus shape was not significant in the Japanese monkey, indicating lack of involvement of canine dimorphism. Analysis of mandibular growth patterns in the hamadryas baboon demonstrated that significant sexual size difference did not occur before incisor eruption, and that the anteriorly high corpus of the adult male mandible was associated with a rapidly increasing symphyseal height after incisor eruption. It was also shown that the female canine started to erupt shortly after incisor eruption, while the forming male canine continued to stay near the mandibular base and developed further in size until eruption. The relative positions of the incisors kept shifting upwards even after eruption in the males, while they hardly changed in the females. It is therefore suggested that the prolonged development and size increase of the male canine is accompanied by further enlargement of the symphysis, resulting in the higher anterior corpus of the adult males compared to the adult females. The results thus indicate the importance of understanding the spatial relationships of the developing teeth in interpreting mandibular morphology.  相似文献   

Review of the structure of the symphysis pubis, based on my extensive study of the pelvic joints ('31) shows changes from age, function, pregnancy hormones and stress of parturition. Primary physiologic shearing clefts and secondary traumatic clefts in cartilage are more frequent in females. Inter-digitations in the young osteocartilaginous border secure the vulnerable growth cartilage against increasing shearing forces. The retropubic eminence, ligamentous or cartilaginous, forms earlier in females, later, due to bony lipping in males, secondary to extrusion of disc cartilage. Ovarian and placental hormones in pregnancy cause remodeling and resorption of the posterior margin of the pubic facette and adjacent cortex, making a (variably) deep bony groove for greatly hypertrophied transverse ligaments. Delivery of a mature infant produces traumatic changes leading to extrusion of torn fibrocartilage in any direction, progressively loosening the symphysis, producing cartilage nodules, cysts and reactive bone formation. Older age degenerative arthritis is more frequent in parous females.  相似文献   

Test of Phenice's technique for determining sex from the os pubis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pubic bone morphology was examined to test the accuracy of Phenice's visual method for determining sex from the os pubis. Twelve participants scored 50 pubic bones from individuals of known sex aged 52-92 years. The sample is of modern males and females, all presumed whites. An accuracy of approximately 83% in determining sex was recorded, compared to 95% reported by Phenice. This accuracy difference may reflect different age distributions of the two samples. Through replication of test results on two series of 25 specimens, the technique was found to be reliable. Previous experiences in human osteological analysis was shown to have no effect on accuracy in this test, confirming Phenice's assertion that the technique does not require extensive experience to yield accurate results. Results suggest that there is a moderate negative correlation between accuracy in determining the sex of an individual and that individual's age.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in anatomical traits has been widely studied in animals. Although pelvis dimorphism was mostly studied in humans, it occurs also in many other mammalian species. Here, we investigated sexual dimorphism in the pelvis of the bank vole Myodes glareolus using individuals with known sex and reproductive status of females (parous vs nulliparous). The analyses revealed that the size and shape of pelvis differed significantly between sexes, as well as between nulliparous and parous females. In comparison with males, females had a significantly longer pelvis and pubis bones and a longer obturator foramen length, but a smaller pubis width. Interestingly, the difference between parous and nulliparous females resembles that between females and males: parous females had bigger pelvis, which probably resulted from changes during pregnancy and after birth. Left bones were on average larger than right ones, but the magnitude of directional asymmetry was not different between sex and reproduction group. Moreover, we noticed that fluctuating asymmetry of pelvis and pubis length was higher in females than in males and higher in parous than in nulliparous females, what is presumably associated with locomotor performance. A discriminant function analysis performed for the four bone size traits showed that the traits can be effectively used for a nearly perfect recognition of sexes and also a quite reliable recognition of the reproductive status of females.  相似文献   

Innominate bones from 362 California Indians were sexed with Phenice's three non-metrical features of the os pubis. The frequencies of marked, intermediate, and absent cases of these three morphological features were tabulated in males and females to see if unambiguous and reliable distinctions were consistently available. The results suggest that Phenice's technique offered extremely reliable sex evaluations in this material.  相似文献   

An os trigonum is a small, round bone situated just behind the ankle joint. Clinical research shows that the os trigonum is present in about 5-15 % of normal feet. It occurs when one part of the bone does not fuse with the rest of the talus during growth. The present study is made on the skeletons, which were found in the Karagündiiz, Dilkaya and Van Kalesi-Eski Van Sehri settlements, Van province, Anatolia, dated in the Middle Ages. In this study 228 skeletons were examined, 120 males and 108 females. 376 tall were studied: 227 from Karagiindtiz, 93 from Dilkaya, and 56 from Van Kalesi-Eski Van Sehri. The percentage of the os trigonum syndrome was recorded as 6.6 %.  相似文献   

TheM. biceps brachii ofMacaca fascicularis was examined, noting the total number of muscle fibers, the number of muscle fibers per square millimeter, the cross sectional area of Venter musculi and the thickness of individual fibers in the cross sectional area of the right brachial biceps specimens of 10 adult crab-eating macaques, five males and five females. The results of this investigation are compared with a previous study of a similar type made on the brachial biceps of the adult human. Comparative analysis shows that the mean ventral cross sectional area of the macaque biceps muscle is 1/7 to 1/3 that of the cross sectional area in the human muscle. Macaque brachial biceps muscle shows approximately one half the total number of muscle fibers of the human specimens, though the number of fibers per square millimeter is one to two times greater than in human specimens. The macaque muscle fibers were 1/2 to 5/6 as thick as those in the human specimens. The relations between the ventral cross sectional area and thickness of individual muscle fibers is discussed. Comparisons are made between the macaque and human specimens. It is suggested that such factors as age, sex, and the nutritional history of the specimen donors may have influenced the myofibrous organization in both human and macaque specimens. It is suggested also, that differences in myofibrous organization may be related to more continuous or sustained muscular activity in the macaque and more forceful muscular contraction in humans.  相似文献   

Differential growth of the craniofacial complex implies variation in ontogenetic patterns of development. This investigation quantifies the relative maturity—as defined by percent adult status—of nine cephalometric dimensions and stature. Analysis is based on 663 lateral cephalograms from a mixed longitudinal sample of 26 males and 25 females between 4 and 16 years of age. Graphic comparison of maturity status across the age range shows that variation is intergraded between the neural and somatic growth maturity patterns, as described by head height and stature, respectively. The maturity gradient moves from head height through anterior cranial base, posterior cranial base and maxillary length, upper facial height, corpus length, and ramus height to stature. After 9 years of age ramus height is less mature than stature. Anterior maxillary and mandibular heights diminish during transitional dentition and thereafter exhibit maturity patterns that compare to corpus length. Although females are consistently more mature than males, the gradient of variation between dimensions is sex independent.  相似文献   

A method for aging the female Os pubis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An attempt was made to identify the human hookworm involved in failed-treatment cases using abnormal hosts and scanning electron microscopy. Thirty-seven, 2 to 6 month old Chinese hamsters (Cricetulus griseus) from a closed, outbred, conventional colony, were each given between 20 and 120 filariform larvae per os. The larvae were cultured from faeces from mebendazole (Vermox) 500 mg single-dose, failed-treatment cases living in the lowveld farming area of the Transvaal Province, South Africa. About 60 to 78 days after inoculation, the animals were killed and adult worms were removed from their small intestines. Eleven (30%) of the 37 hamsters harboured a total of 31 adult worms (19 males and 12 females), while 26 hamsters were refractory to infection. The greatest number of worms recovered from a single animal was six. A total of 27 worms (17 males and 10 females) were subjected to examination by scanning electron microscopy. Micrographs showed male and female worms to be morphologically all of the Necator americanus species, as identified by a pair of ventral and dorsal cutting plates, a dorsal tooth and the fused terminus of spicules in the male bursa. The transverse cuticular striations were distinct and smooth. Several points of interest arose from the results of this study and are discussed.  相似文献   

Some adult human females show bone resorption (pitting) at the dorsal aspect of the pubis and preauricular area of the ilium. The etiology of pelvic bone resorption is attributed alternatively to reproduction and to pelvic anatomy. While most researchers infer that pelvic pitting is related to reproduction, only a few studies are based on women of known parity. Degree of pubic resorption is directly associated with both parity (Suchey et al.: Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 51:517-539, 1979; Bergfelder and Hermann: J. Hum. Evol. 9:611-613, 1980) and age (Suchey et al.: Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 51:517-539, 1979). The relationship between parity and degree of resorption of the preauricular area is equivocal, found to be significant by Dunlap (A Study of the Preauricular Sulcus in a Cadaver Population, Ph.D. dissertation, East Lansing, Michigan State University, 1981) but not by Spring et al. (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 79:247-252, 1989); both studies report that age is not associated with resorption of the preauricular area. Other mammals evidence public resorption, but the morphology of the preauricular area is less well known. This study addresses the issue on the etiology of pelvic bone resorption using a sample of Macaca mulatta (the free-ranging population from Cayo Santiago) for which parity and age at death are known for all specimens. The following results are reported. Resorption of the pubis is common among females but infrequent among males. Contrary to Rawlins (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 42:477-488, 1975), the degree of pubic resorption in female macaques is significantly related to both parity and age at death.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bones are frequently the only cetacean samples available in the wild and may be useful for determination of sex, physical maturity, body length, and body mass. We analyzed the postnatal morphological development and morphometric characteristics of the cleaned and dried, paired hip bone (os coxae) from 131 bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, (61 females, 70 males; total body length 117–322 cm) ranging in age from neonates to 28 yr, salvaged from Croatian waters of the eastern Adriatic Sea. Adult dolphins exhibited sexual dimorphism in their hip bone morphology and morphometrics: fully‐formed hip bones from males were significantly longer, heavier, and more robust than those from females. Moreover, the fully formed hip bone from males featured a prominent bony tuberosity protruding dorsolaterally from the caudal half that was significantly wider and higher than in females. Morphometric measurements were used to generate classification functions for reliable sex determination (97%). In addition, hip bone length in both sexes correlated tightly with total body length, allowing one measurement to be calculated from the other. Only a single ossification developed in all hip bones although soft tissue attachments and comparative review suggests homological equivalence with the tripartite terrestrial mammal hip bone.  相似文献   

The pelvis is a sexually dimorphic structure and although the causes of that dimorphism have long been studied, relatively little is known regarding the effects of partuitive events on the magnitude of that dimorphism. Here, we use a sample of Mus musculus domesticus to contrast dimorphism in body length and os coxae size and shape between males and parous and nulliparous females. We also test for correlations between relative litter size (L/M) and relative offspring size (O/M) with body length and os coxae size and shape in parous females. Males had greater body length than nulliparous females but were not different from parous females. Females as a whole had the largest os coxae, with parous females having the largest and males the smallest. Os coxae shape was also significantly different between groups and was most divergent between parous females and males than between nulliparous females and males. Os coxae shape differences between females are associated with differences in body length between females and O/M is correlated with os coxae shape in parous females such that females with the largest offspring have the most divergent shapes along the relative warp one axis. Pelvic shape differences between males and females were consistent with previous findings in other taxa which identify the pubo‐ischial complex as the primary region of dimorphism. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sex differences have been reported in both overall corpus callosum area and its regional subdivisions in humans. Some have suggested this reflects a unique adaptation in humans, as similar sex differences in corpus callosum morphology have not been reported in any other species of primate examined to date. Furthermore, an association between various measurements of corpus callosum morphology and handedness has been found in humans and chimpanzees. In the current study, we report measurements of corpus callosum cross-sectional area from midsagittal MR images collected in vivo from 14 adult capuchin monkeys, 9 of which were also characterized for hand preference on a coordinated bimanual task. Adult females were found to have a significantly larger corpus callosum: brain volume ratio, rostral body, posterior midbody, isthmus, and splenium than adult males. Left-handed individuals had a larger relative overall corpus callosum area than did right-handed individuals. Additionally, a significant sex and handedness interaction was found for anterior midbody, with right-handed males having a significantly smaller area than right-handed females. These results suggest that sex and handedness influences on corpus callosum morphology are not restricted to Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

The skeletons of Gombe chimpanzees provide an opportunity for analysis of bony tissue with reference to known sex and parity in combination with observations on other life history variables and behavior. Measurements of the pelvic bones show a mosaic of sex differences. Well-defined resorption areas on the dorsomedial aspect of the pubis and the preauricular area of the ilium have been associated with sex and parity in humans and other species. However, these are not present in either females or males in this chimpanzee skeletal series.  相似文献   

This research presents male-female differences in stress response evidenced in human remains from the Medieval site of Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia. This analysis is unique in that a direct comparison of subadult males and females is rarely possible using archaeological remains. Rather, such analyses invariably rely on evidence of subadult differences retained in adult (sexable) skeletons. In the case of Kulubnarti, natural mummification has made it possible to measure sex-specific differences among subadults as well as adults following five avenues of investigation: 1) mortality, 2) growth and development, 3) enamel hypoplasia, 4) cribra orbitalia, and 5) cortical bone maintenance. A comparison of mean life expectancy (eox) values for males and females aged 10–55+ years revealed a consistent pattern of greater female survivorship, particularly in childhood (age 10 category) where female life expectancy exceeds that of males by 19%. Measures of growth and development, enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, and cortical bone loss were subsequently used to test a hypothesis of greater female resiliency based on the mortality data. Male-female differences in skeletal maturation are pronounced with male skeletal ages averaging a significant 2.9 years below their dental age. Females show no significant differences with an average skeletal age 0.75 years ahead of dental age. Males begin hypoplasia formation one year earlier than females and, prior to age four, average 18% more hypoplasias (p<0.05). Also, by age 8, males have on average more than twice the frequency of cribra orbitalia (p<0.05). In contrast to their consistent pattern of reduced childhood stress, adult females lose significantly more cortical bone than their male counterparts and have less cortical bone across the adult age range. Nevertheless, females outnumber males of all ages with a sex-ratio below but parallel to that observed in modern populations. The rapid age-related reduction in males relative to females, even in old age, suggests a continuing female resiliency in spite of their greater rate of osteopenia and may reflect a reproductive advantage to the population through heightened female survival and adaptability.  相似文献   

Differences in jaw morphology among adult carnivorans are well established, but the ontogenetic mechanisms by which these differences arise are largely unexplored. Mandibular ontogeny in Crocuta crocuta and Puma concolor is analysed biomechanically using principles of beam theory. In each species, the development of cross-sectional properties of the mandibular corpus associated with rigidity under loading follows a biphasic pattern of growth. In early postnatal growth, deposition of cortical bone appears to be constrained by the overall weaker tissue with which juvenile skeletons are constructed and by the need to volumelrically accommodate the developing teeth within their bony crypts. Thus, this stage of growth is characterized by a net periosteal deposition of bone and a swelling of the medullary cavity. In late postnatal growth, the constraints on endosteal deposition of bone are relieved as the permanent teeth erupt; thus, cortical thicknesses increase sharply by periosteal expansion as well as medullary contraction. Finally, it is noted that basic differences in jaw construction between Crocuta and Puma appear to develop prenatally as they are largely in place at birth. Hence, postnatal development enhances, but does not soley contribute to, the biomechanical differences in the jaws of these species.  相似文献   

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