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Because transgenic sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is being developed for Africa, we investigated the potential for transgenes to spread to conspecific wild/weedy sorghum populations in Ethiopia, which is considered the centre of origin of cultivated sorghum. In the current study, the extent of outcrossing, and uniparental and biparental inbreeding were investigated in seven wild/weedy sorghum populations collected at elevations ranging from 631 to 1709 m. Based on allele frequency data of 1120 progenies and 140 maternal plants from five polymorphic microsatellite markers, outcrossing rates were estimated using standard procedures. The average multilocus outcrossing rate was 0.51, with a range of 0.31–0.65 among populations, and the family outcrossing rate was in the extreme range of 0 to 100%. The highest outcrossing (t m?=?0.65) was recorded in a weedy population that was intermixed with an improved crop variety in Abuare (Wello region). It was also observed that the inbreeding coefficient of the progenies (F p) tend to be more than the inbreeding coefficient of both their maternal parents (F m) and the level of inbreeding expected at equilibrium (F eq), which is a characteristic of predominantly outbreeding species. Biparental inbreeding was evident in all populations and averaged 0.24 (range = 0.10–0.33). The high outcrossing rates of wild/weedy sorghum populations in Ethiopia indicate a high potential for crop genes (including transgenes) to spread within the wild pool. Therefore, effective risk management strategies may be needed if the introgression of transgenes or other crop genes from improved cultivars into wild or weedy populations is deemed to be undesirable.  相似文献   

Using AFLP technology and a recombinant inbred line population derived from the sorghum cross of BTx623 × IS3620C, a high-density genetic map of the sorghum genome was constructed. The 1713 cM map encompassed 2926 loci distributed on ten linkage groups; 2454 of those loci are AFLP products generated from either the EcoRI/MseI or PstI/MseI enzyme combinations. Among the non-AFLP markers, 136 are SSRs previously mapped in sorghum, and 203 are cDNA and genomic clones from rice, barley, oat, and maize. This latter group of markers has been mapped in various grass species and, as such, can serve as reference markers in comparative mapping. Of the nearly 3000 markers mapped, 692 comprised a LOD 3.0 framework map on which the remaining markers were placed with lower resolution (LOD <3.0). By comparing the map positions of the common grass markers in all sorghum maps reported to date, it was determined that these reference markers were essentially collinear in all published maps. Some clustering of the EcoRI/MseI AFLP markers was observed, possibly in centromeric regions. In general, however, the AFLP markers filled most of the gaps left by the RFLP/SSR markers demonstrating that AFLP technology is effective in providing excellent genome coverage. A web site, http://SorghumGenome.tamu.edu, has been created to provide all the necessary information to facilitate the use of this map and the 2590 PCR-based markers. Finally, we discuss how the information contained in this map is being integrated into a sorghum physical map for map-based gene isolation, comparative genome analysis, and as a source of sequence-ready clones for genome sequencing projects.  相似文献   

Gene flow between domesticated plants and their wild relatives is one of the major evolutionary processes acting to shape their structure of genetic diversity. Earlier literature, in the 1970s, reported on the interfertility and the sympatry of wild, weedy and cultivated sorghum belonging to the species Sorghum bicolor in most regions of sub-Saharan Africa. However, only a few recent surveys have addressed the geographical and ecological distribution of sorghum wild relatives and their genetic structure. These features are poorly documented, especially in western Africa, a centre of diversity for this crop. We report here on an exhaustive in situ collection of wild, weedy and cultivated sorghum assembled in Mali and in Guinea. The extent and pattern of genetic diversity were assessed with 15 SSRs within the cultivated pool (455 accessions), the wild pool (91 wild and weedy forms) and between them. F (ST) and R (ST) statistics, distance-based trees, Bayesian clustering methods, as well as isolation by distance models, were used to infer evolutionary relationships within the wild-weedy-crop complex. Firstly, our analyses highlighted a strong racial structure of genetic diversity within cultivated sorghum (F (ST) = 0.40). Secondly, clustering analyses highlighted the introgressed nature of most of the wild and weedy sorghum and grouped them into two eco-geographical groups. Such closeness between wild and crop sorghum could be the result of both sorghum's domestication history and preferential post-domestication crop-to-wild gene flow enhanced by farmers' practices. Finally, isolation by distance analyses showed strong spatial genetic structure within each pool, due to spatially limited dispersal, and suggested consequent gene flow between the wild and the crop pools, also supported by R (ST) analyses. Our findings thus revealed important features for the collection, conservation and biosafety of domesticated and wild sorghum in their centre of diversity.  相似文献   

Trialeurodes vaporariorum (West.) is a pest of greenhouse vegetables and ornamentals and infests crops in Europe and in the American continent. In Brazil, just a few cases are known on economic crops, being all restricted to greenhouse crops. In 2003, in Itatiba and neighboring localities of State of S?o Paulo, Brazil, field infestations of T. vaporariorum were observed, mainly on tomato and green bean. So far, whitefly infestation in this area expanded to squash and kale also. Field studies are needed for determining interactions of T. vaporariorum with plants and natural enemies, injury levels, and methods of control.  相似文献   

Microcuttings of three strains of ‘McIntosh’ apple that varied in their growth habit under field conditions were tested for their tolerance to three cytokinins (BA, kinetin, and 2iP) and one cytokinin-like compound (TDZ) in vitro. The three strains were ‘McIntosh’ (standard), ‘Macspur’ (intermediate) and ‘Wijcik’ (dwarf). For each cytokinin ‘Wijcik’ was more tolerant of high cytokinin levels than either ‘Macspur‘, which showed an intermediate tolerance, or ‘McIntosh’ which did not tolerate (died) high levels of cytokinins. These results show that ‘Wijcik’ exhibits multiple cytokinin tolerance in vitro. The relationship between growth habit and BA tolerance has been reported earlier. The present study demonstrates that cytokinins can be used to differentiate among growth types in apple. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An improved regeneration protocol suitable for transformation of sorghum was developed. The improvements focused on limiting the production of phenolic compounds and the use of suitable culture vessels for each developmental stage in plant regeneration from immature embryo derived calli. The addition of activated charcoal in the callus induction medium reduced the production of black pigments, however it also inhibited the callus formation on immature embryo explants. Cold pre-treatment of the immature seeds from which embryo explants were excised had a positive effect on both explant survival and callus formation. A one-day 4°C treatment of immature seeds significantly improved the callus formation from immature embryos and reduced the need for frequent subculture. Petri dishes with ventilation were suitable for the callus induction phase, but not for plant regeneration. Regeneration of plants could be improved by using disposal plastic boxes (250 ml volume) instead of Petri dishes. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using the improved regeneration protocol and the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene as selectable marker resulted in the recovery of 15 transgenic plants from 300 initial immature embryos (5% efficiency). The transgenic nature of the obtained plants was demonstrated by Southern hybridisation and progeny analysis. The transgenes were inherited in a Mendelian fashion and were integrated at a single locus in the majority of the analysed lines.  相似文献   

The tick Dermacentor everestianus mainly distributed in Tibet, China and Nepal, and can transmit some pathogens causing great damages in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This study investigated the life cycle and development characteristics of D. everestianus under field conditions. The average duration of the whole life cycle of D. everestianus was 124.4 days, with the host available in the field plot. Under natural conditions, the mean feeding, preoviposition and oviposition period of female ticks were 6.1, 17.9 and 21.2 days, respectively. The incubation time of eggs was the longest phase in the life cycle of the ticks (26 days on average). Moreover, the weight of engorged females was highly positively correlated with the number of the eggs that were laid (r?=?0.81, P?<?0.05). The reproductive efficiency index and reproductive fitness index in females were 7.3 and 5.9, respectively. The above findings suggest that the tick D. everestianus have evolved well adaptability to the highland areas.  相似文献   

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