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The use of molecular genetic techniques can aidwildlife managers in setting priorities anddevising management strategies for scatteredpopulations of threatened taxa. In this study,six remnant populations of the criticallyendangered brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in Victoria, Australia,were examined using karyotypic, microsatellite(11 loci) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) controlregion sequence analysis. Each remnantpopulation was found to be genetically distinct(unique microsatellite alleles and controlregion haplotypes), but had low geneticdiversity. This distribution of geneticdiversity between, rather than withinpopulations, is most likely a consequence ofrecent severe reductions in population size anddispersal that have occurred since Europeansettlement. The six mtDNA control regionhaplotypes identified in the Victorianpopulations were all closely related (average1.3% sequence divergence), and only 2%divergence separated haplotypes from EastGippsland and the Grampians (550 km to thewest). In contrast there was considerablesequence divergence (7.7%) between theVictorian haplotypes and those found in P.penicillata from elsewhere in the speciesrange. In comparison, 8.8% divergenceseparates P. penicillata from the closelyrelated P. herberti. The Victorianhaplotypes also formed a distinct and wellsupported monophyletic group that excludedhaplotypes from other P. penicillata andP. herberti. In light of these data, werecommend that the remnant Victorianpopulations of P. penicillata be managedseparately from remaining populations in NewSouth Wales and Queensland; and thatindividuals be regularly exchanged amongst theVictorian populations to increase theirdiversity and reduce the likelihood ofinbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Hybrid speciation is thought to be facilitated by escape of early generation hybrids into new habitats, subsequent environmental selection and adaptation. Here, we ask whether two homoploid hybrid plant species (Helianthus anomalus, H. deserticola) diverged sufficiently from their ancestral parent species (H. annuus, H. petiolaris) during hybrid speciation so that they are more fit than the parent species in hybrid species habitats. Hybrid and parental species were reciprocally transplanted into hybrid and parental habitats. Helianthus anomalus was more fit than parental species in the H. anomalus actively moving desert dune habitat. The abilities to tolerate burial and excavation and to obtain nutrients appear to be important for success in the H. anomalus habitat. In contrast, H. deserticola failed to outperform the parental species in the H. deserticola stabilized desert dune habitat, and several possible explanations are discussed. The home site advantage of H. anomalus is consistent with environmental selection having been a mechanism for adaptive divergence and hybrid speciation and supports the use of H. anomalus as a valuable system for further assessment of environmental selection and adaptive traits.  相似文献   

High diversification of woody seeder lineages is characteristic of the south-western cape floristic region (CFR), South Africa, which has been explained as a consequence of its mild Mediterranean climate and reliable winter rainfall. Such climatic regime reduces the risk of post-fire recruitment failure, acting as an ecological filter that favours seeder populations, thus promoting genetic differentiation and diversification in seeder populations, as previously seen in the South African heath Erica coccinea. To explore this hypothesis further, genetic population structure was investigated in two Mediterranean Erica species, one seeder (Erica umbellata) and the other resprouter (Erica australis), using nuclear microsatellites. These two species are endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin and co-occur in heathlands of the Strait of Gibraltar region. Mean annual rainfall in this region is similar to that from the south-western CFR, but summer stress is more marked and winter rainfall is much less reliable. Contrary to what was found in E. coccinea, average genetic diversity levels were considerably lower in seeder populations (E. umbellata), regardless of an apparently higher gene flow among them. No differences in genetic differentiation among populations were found between the two species. The occurrence of less favourable climatic conditions for post-fire recruitment in the western Mediterranean compared to the south-western CFR may affect seeder populations more strongly than resprouter and may thus account for lower levels of within-population genetic diversity in the seeder E. umbellata. In addition, putatively higher migration rates in the seeder E. umbellata, may contribute to reduce its potential for genetic differentiation. This study provides evidence that high divergence of seeder populations is not a general rule in fire-prone, Mediterranean-type ecosystems.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to the maintenance of genetic diversity in many plant populations. Genetic effects of population size have received far more attention than the effects of isolation—or connectivity—but both are key components of the fragmentation process. To analyze the consequences of fragment size and connectivity on the neutral genetic variation and population genetic structure of the dominant gypsophile Lepidium subulatum, we selected 20 fragments along two continuous gradients of size and degree of isolation in a fragmented gypsum landscape of Central Spain. We used eight polymorphic microsatellite markers, and analyzed a total of 344 individuals. Populations were characterized by high levels of genetic diversity and low inbreeding coefficients, which agrees with the mainly outcrossing system of L. subulatum and its high abundance in gypsum landscapes. Bayesian clustering methods, pairwise F ST values and analysis of molecular variance revealed low among-population differentiation, with no significant isolation by distance. However, several genetic diversity indices such as allelic richness, number of effective alleles, expected heterozygosity and number of private alleles were negatively related to population isolation. The higher genetic diversity found on more connected fragments suggests higher rates of gene flow among more connected populations. Overall, our results highlight that fragmentation can have important effects on intra-population genetic processes even for locally abundant, dominant species. This, together with previously documented effects of connectivity on fitness of gypsophile species highlights the importance of including habitat connectivity in management and conservation strategies of this type of semiarid systems.  相似文献   

18 populations of the grassland biennialsGentianella amarella andG. campestris were cultivated to clarify the genetical vs. environmental components of the flowering phenology, and the reproductive isolation caused by seasonal differentiation. The influence of some environmental factors was tested. The seasonal variation persisted in cultivation, and the plants could normally be assigned to distinct aestival or autumnal groups, with no reproductive contact. Flowering phenology was affected by environmental factors, but not to such an extent that the reproductive isolation was broken. The observed phenological variation was not reflected by a corresponding variation in present management practices. Management history and possible non-anthropogenic factors are discussed as alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Strains of insect-pathogenic fungi with high virulence toward certain pest insects have great potential for commercial biological control applications. Identifying such strains has been a central theme in using fungi for biological control. This theme is supported by a persistent paradigm in insect pathology which suggests that the host insect is the predominant influence on the population genetics of insect-pathogenic fungi. In this study, a population genetics analysis of the insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae from forested and agricultural habitats in Ontario, Canada, showed a nonrandom association of alleles between two distinct, reproductively isolated groups (index of multilocus association = 1.2). Analyses of the mitochondrial DNA showed no differences between the groups. The two groups were associated with different habitat types, and associations with insect hosts were not found. The group from forested areas showed an ability for cold-active growth (i.e., 8 degrees C), while the group from the agricultural area showed an ability for growth at high temperatures (i.e., 37 degrees C) and resilience to UV exposure. These results represent a significant paradigm shift; habitat selection, not host insect selection, drives the population structure of these insect-pathogenic deuteromycetous fungi. With each group we observed recombining population structures as well as clonally reproducing lineages. We discuss whether these groups may represent cryptic species. Worldwide, M. anisopliae may be an assembly of cryptic species, each adapted to certain environmental conditions. The association of fungal genotypes with habitat but not with host insects has implications on the criteria for utility of this, and perhaps other, fungal biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Specimens of four sympatric intertidal limpet species (Siphonariadayi, S. tenuicostulata, S. anneae and S. nigerrima) were collectedfrom four localities on the east coast of South Africa and southernMozambique. Their phylogenetic relationships were investigatedusing sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene and the intron-containingnuclear ATPSß gene. Two closely related lineages wererecovered, which grouped specimens on the basis of geographyrather than morphology. One lineage was associated with thesubtropical coastline of South Africa's east coast and the otherwith the tropical coastline of northeastern South Africa andsouthern Mozambique. This genetic discontinuity coincides witha biogeographic boundary located in the vicinity of Cape StLucia. Combined genetic diversity of the four species was lowerthan that of three other southern African congeners, and fellwithin the range determined for single southern African marinemollusc species. We suggest that the four limpet species arein fact different morphotypes of a single species. (Received 6 October 2006; accepted 29 March 2007)  相似文献   

Mesoamerican biodiversity is increasingly threatened by anthropogenic destruction of natural land cover. Habitat degradation and climate change are primary threats to specialized forest odonate species that are important model organisms for forest health and defining conservation units. The extreme niche specialization of Megaloprepus caerulatus, the world’s largest extant odonate, makes it well suited as an indicator for changing environmental conditions. Megaloprepus, which is considered to be a monospecific genus, is highly dependent on old growth forests whose water filled tree holes are limiting reproductive resources for this species. Here, we focus on the question how historical and recent fragmentation events, strong niche conservatism and ecological conditions have affected population dynamics, viability and the species status in this evolutionarily old genus. Two mitochondrial sequence markers (ND1 and 16S rRNA) and a set of microsatellites were used to analyze population structure and genetic diversity of M. caerulatus in the northern part of its distributional range. Results suggested an absence of gene flow and no shared haplotypes among the study populations. Statistical parsimony indicated high sub-structuring among populations with sequence diversity similar to levels found at the species level compared to other odonates. In sum, the genetic data suggest that Megaloprepus may actually consist of more than one species. The taxonomic status of the group should be revised in light of the three distinct genetic clusters found in different forest regions. The results may also allow insights into the impact of recent and historical habitat fragmentation on a strong Neotropical forest restricted insect species.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to maintain water flow through leaves under water stress-induced tension (assessed as the leaf hydraulic vulnerability; P50 leaf) is intimately linked with survival. We examined the significance of P50 leaf as an adaptive trait in influencing the dry-end distributional limits of cool temperate woody angiosperm species. We also examined differences in within-site variability in P50 leaf between two high-rainfall montane rainforest sites in Tasmania and Peru, respectively. A significant relationship between P50 leaf and the 5th percentile of mean annual rainfall across each species distribution was found in Tasmania, suggesting that P50 leaf influences species climatic limits. Furthermore, a strong correlation between P50 leaf and the minimum rainfall availability was found using five phylogenetically independent species pairs in wet and dry evergreen tree species, suggesting that rainfall is an important selective agent in the evolution of leaf hydraulic vulnerability. Greater within-site variability in P50 leaf was found among dominant montane rainforest species in Tasmania than in Peru and this result is discussed within the context of differences in spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneity and parochial historical ecology.  相似文献   

Petrie M  Cotgreave P  Pike TW 《Genetica》2009,135(1):7-11
Female peafowl (Pavo cristatus) show a strong mating preference for males with elaborate trains. This, however, poses something of a paradox because intense directional selection should erode genetic variation in the males’ trains, so that females will no longer benefit by discriminating among males on the basis of these traits. This situation is known as the ‘lek paradox’, and leads to the theoretical expectation of low heritability in the peacock’s train. We used two independent breeding experiments, involving a total of 42 sires and 86 of their male offspring, to estimate the narrow sense heritabilities of male ornaments and other morphometric traits. Contrary to expectation, we found significant levels of heritability in a trait known to be used by females during mate choice (train length), while no significant heritabilities were evident for other, non-fitness related morphological traits (tarsus length, body weight or spur length). This study adds to the building body of evidence that high levels of additive genetic variance can exist in secondary sexual traits under directional selection, but further emphasizes the main problem of what maintains this variation.  相似文献   

The age, growth, feeding habits and reproductive biology of Leuciscus svallize in artificial lake Kremasta (Greece), are described. There is a considerable similarity in the feeding and reproductive characteristics between L. svallize and L. cephalus and also a similarity in the life span, growth patterns and age of maturation between L. svallize and some southern L. cephalus populations, which may suggest similar responses of closely related taxa to similar conditions.  相似文献   

All known vertebrate clones have originated from hybridization events and some have produced distinct evolutionary lineages via hybrid speciation. Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa) present an excellent study system to investigate how clonal species have adapted to heterogeneous environments because they are the product of a single hybridization event between male sailfin mollies (Poecilia latipinna) and female Atlantic mollies (Poecilia mexicana). Here, we ask whether the hybrid species differs from the combination of its parental species’ genes in its plastic response to different environments. Using a three-way factorial design, we exposed neonates produced by Amazon mollies and reciprocal F1 hybrid crosses to different thermal (24°C and 29°C) and salinity (0/2, 12, and 20 ppt) regimes. We measured various ontogenetic and life history characteristics across the life span of females. Our major results were as follows: (1) Reaction norms of growth and maturation to temperature and salinity are quite similar between the two hybrid crosses; (2) Amazon molly reaction norms were qualitatively different than the P. latipinna male and P. mexicana female (L×M) hybrids for the ontogenetic variables; (3) Amazon molly reaction norms in reproductive traits were also quite different from L×M hybrids; and (4) The reaction norms of net fertility were very different between Amazon mollies and L×M hybrids. We conclude that best locale for Amazon mollies is not the best locale for hybrids, which suggests that Amazon mollies are not just an unmodified mix of parental genes but instead have adapted to the variable environments in which they are found. Hybridization resulting in asexuality may represent an underappreciated mechanism of speciation because the unlikely events required to produce such hybrids rarely occur and is dependent upon the genetic distance between parental species.  相似文献   

As a candidate mechanism of neural representation, large numbers of synfire chains can efficiently be embedded in a balanced recurrent cortical network model. Here we study a model in which multiple synfire chains of variable strength are randomly coupled together to form a recurrent system. The system can be implemented both as a large-scale network of integrate-and-fire neurons and as a reduced model. The latter has binary-state pools as basic units but is otherwise isomorphic to the large-scale model, and provides an efficient tool for studying its behavior. Both the large-scale system and its reduced counterpart are able to sustain ongoing endogenous activity in the form of synfire waves, the proliferation of which is regulated by negative feedback caused by collateral noise. Within this equilibrium, diverse repertoires of ongoing activity are observed, including meta-stability and multiple steady states. These states arise in concert with an effective connectivity structure (ECS). The ECS admits a family of effective connectivity graphs (ECGs), parametrized by the mean global activity level. Of these graphs, the strongly connected components and their associated out-components account to a large extent for the observed steady states of the system. These results imply a notion of dynamic effective connectivity as governing neural computation with synfire chains, and related forms of cortical circuitry with complex topologies.  相似文献   

We examined habitat associations of the endemic long-tailed wood-partridge (Dendrortyx macroura) at the macrohabitat and microhabitat levels in a Mexican temperate forest managed for timber production. To determine what vegetation associations were used more frequently than expected, we used a map depicting the spatial distribution of eight associations and estimated relative abundances of the wood-partridge. We also measured vegetation and microhabitat variables within each association to evaluate the relationship between the wood-partridge relative abundance and these variables. The average number of long-tailed wood-partridges detected was 0.31±0.03 individuals per point count. The wood-partridge was detected in the eight sampled vegetation associations, with average relative abundance estimates ranging from 0.29±0.18 to 3.38±1.07 individuals. The highest relative abundance was found in the Pinus pseudostrobus–Ternstroemia pringlei association, which was also the association most used than expected by the wood-partridge relative to its availability. A habitat use gradient (HUG) was identified by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), showing that altitude, canopy tree cover, litter cover, and relief correlate significantly with the distribution of six plant associations and the wood-partridge. The long-tailed wood-partridge reaches high abundances when values of those microhabitat variables are intermediate, and appears as a generalist in response to the distribution of the plant associations along the HUG. Our results suggest that in terms of relative abundance, not habitat quality, the P. pseudostrobus–T. pringlei association represents the most favorable habitat for the long-tailed wood-partridge in the study area. These results help describe the wood-partridge habitat associations for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Baird’s tapir (Tapirus bairdii) is the largest native mammal that inhabits the Neotropics, and it is enlisted as Endangered by the IUCN Red List. The historic distribution of this species included the area from southern Mexico to northern Colombia. However, its distribution and populations have been reduced drastically during the past 30 years. The main threats for Baird’s tapir are the direct persecution for subsistence hunting, habitat destruction, and habitat fragmentation. In this study, we used camera traps and occupancy models to identify the landscape characteristics that were associated with the occurrence of tapirs in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, which is one of the most important populations of the species in Mexico, with the aim to identify areas with habitat suitability for the species. We used our best occupancy model to generate a resistance matrix to develop a model of habitat connectivity using Circuit Theory. According to the best occupancy model, the most suitable areas for this species were the forested areas located at the highest elevations of the mountain ranges that provided rugged terrain. We identified three critical corridors to allow for the connectivity of tapir populations in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, and one of these corridors provides connectivity between this population and the population in the Ocote Biosphere Reserve. With this approach, we propose a conservation strategy for the species that incorporates a more realistic and detailed scheme of Baird’s tapir occurrence in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas region. Priority actions to conserve tapirs in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas over the long term include ensuring the complete protection of prime habitat for the species, improved connectivity by protecting forest cover, implementation mitigation measures in areas where paved roads interrupt connectivity of populations, and eradicating poaching of the species in the region completely.  相似文献   

A new coccidian species of the genus Caryospora Léger, 1904 (Protozoa, Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae) is reported from the colubrid snake host Philodryas olfersii Lichtenstein at a coastal area in the State of Rio de Janeiro, south-eastern Brazil. Oöcysts of Caryospora olfersii n. sp. are spherical to sub-spherical, 33.1 × 31.2 μm, with smooth, colourless, three-layered wall, c.1.4; middle layer lightly striated. Micropyle, oöcyst residuum and polar granule are all absent. Sporocysts are ovoid, 22.9 × 17.4 μm on average, with one extremity in the shape of a short neck. Stieda body present, 3.2 × 1.3 μm, sub-Stieda body present, homogeneous, larger than Stieda body, 4.5 × 1.7 μm. Sporozoites are inserted in a bulky sporocyst residuum.  相似文献   

Class III β-tubulin (TUBB3) is a prominent mechanism of drug resistance expressed in a variety of solid tumors and particularly in lung and ovarian cancer. In the classical view, TUBB3 expression and drug resistance have been linked, and together they have been associated with a perturbation in microtubule dynamics. In keeping with this observation, TUBB3 was associated with drug resistance only when chemotherapy included a taxane in its chemical composition. In this review, we demonstrate that the classical supposition about TUBB3 is not correct, and that instead TUBB3 expression is linked to drug resistance as a complex survival mechanism activated by microenvironmental conditions such as poor nutrient supply and hypoxia.  相似文献   

Fine scale patterns of genetic structure and dispersal in Triatoma infestans populations from Argentina was analysed. A total of 314 insects from 22 domestic and peridomestic sites from the locality of San Martín (Capayán department, Catamarca province) were typed for 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. The results confirm subdivision of T. infestans populations with restricted dispersal among sampling sites and suggest inbreeding and/or stratification within the different domestic and peridomestic structures. Spatial correlation analysis showed that the scale of structuring is approximately of 400 m, indicating that active dispersal would occur within this distance range. It was detected difference in scale of structuring among sexes, with females dispersing over greater distances than males. This study suggests that insecticide treatment and surveillance should be extended within a radius of 400 m around the infested area, which would help to reduce the probability of reinfestation by covering an area of active dispersal. The inferences made from fine-scale spatial genetic structure analyses of T. infestans populations has demonstrated to be important for community-wide control programs, providing a complementary approach to help improve vector control strategies.  相似文献   

Sex-chromosome differentiation was recently shown to vary among common frog populations in Fennoscandia, suggesting a trend of increased differentiation with latitude. By rearing families from two contrasted populations (respectively, from northern and southern Sweden), we show this disparity to stem from differences in sex-determination mechanisms rather than in XY-recombination patterns. Offspring from the northern population display equal sex ratios at metamorphosis, with phenotypic sexes that correlate strongly with paternal LG2 haplotypes (the sex chromosome); accordingly, Y haplotypes are markedly differentiated, with male-specific alleles and depressed diversity testifying to their smaller effective population size. In the southern population, by contrast, a majority of juveniles present ovaries at metamorphosis; only later in development do sex ratios return to equilibrium. Even at these later stages, phenotypic sexes correlate only mildly with paternal LG2 haplotypes; accordingly, there are no recognizable Y haplotypes. These distinct patterns of gonadal development fit the concept of ‘sex races’ proposed in the 1930s, with our two populations assigned to the ‘differentiated’ and ‘semi-differentiated’ races, respectively. Our results support the suggestion that ‘sex races’ differ in the genetic versus epigenetic components of sex determination. Analysing populations from the ‘undifferentiated race’ with high-density genetic maps should help to further test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Fish species of the Zungaro genus (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) are amongst the largest migratory fish in Latin America and have considerable economic importance for commercial fishing in Brazil. However, natural populations of this large catfish are experiencing a severe decline. There are significant taxonomical inconsistencies for this fish. Two geographically separated species of the fish were initially described, one endemic in the Amazon and another in the Paraná-Paraguay River basins. A taxonomic review had recently proposed that there is only one Zungaro species in Brazil, based on morphological data. We made a molecular study of Zungaro populations in an attempt to solve taxonomical inconsistencies and to analyze genetic diversity in natural populations of this genus. We analyzed two regions of the mitochondrial DNA (the control region and the ATPase 6 gene region) of individuals sampled from the Paraná-Paraguay River and Amazon River basins. Analyses based on p-distances and maximum likelihood phylogenetic models showed a genetic difference between populations corresponding to different species. Genetic differentiation between Zungaro populations was at the same level as that observed between other Siluriformes species, using the same DNA sequences. We conclude that Zungaro species of the Paraná-Paraguay River basin do not belong to the same species found in the Amazon basin. This finding has a significant implication for conservation of this fish, given that populations are disappearing at a high rate in the Paraná-Paraguay River basin, mainly due to impoundments.  相似文献   

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