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The fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans can grow as a biofilm on a range of synthetic and prosthetic materials. Cryptococcal biofilm formation can complicate the placement of shunts used to relieve increased intracranial pressure in cryptococcal meningitis and can serve as a nidus for chronic infection. Biofilms are generally advantageous to pathogens in vivo, as they can confer resistance to antimicrobial compounds, including fluconazole and voriconazole in the case of C. neoformans. EDTA can inhibit biofilm formation by several microbes and enhances the susceptibility of biofilms to antifungal drugs. In this study, we evaluated the effect of sublethal concentrations of EDTA on the growth of cryptococcal biofilms. EDTA inhibited biofilm growth by C. neoformans, and the inhibition could be reversed by the addition of magnesium or calcium, implying that the inhibitory effect was by divalent cation starvation. EDTA also reduced the amount of the capsular polysaccharide glucuronoxylomannan shed into the biofilm matrix and decreased vesicular secretion from the cell, thus providing a potential mechanism for the inhibitory effect of this cation-chelating compound. Our data imply that the growth of C. neoformans biofilms requires the presence of divalent metals in the growth medium and suggest that cations are required for the export of materials needed for biofilm formation, possibly including extracellular vesicles.  相似文献   

The localization of the LapA protein to the cell surface is a key step required by Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 to irreversibly attach to a surface and form a biofilm. LapA is a member of a diverse family of predicted bacterial adhesins, and although lacking a high degree of sequence similarity, family members do share common predicted domains. Here, using mutational analysis, we determine the significance of each domain feature of LapA in relation to its export and localization to the cell surface and function in biofilm formation. Our previous work showed that the N terminus of LapA is required for cleavage by the periplasmic cysteine protease LapG and release of the adhesin from the cell surface under conditions unfavorable for biofilm formation. We define an additional critical region of the N terminus of LapA required for LapG proteolysis. Furthermore, our results suggest that the domains within the C terminus of LapA are not absolutely required for biofilm formation, export, or localization to the cell surface, with the exception of the type I secretion signal, which is required for LapA export and cell surface localization. In contrast, deletion of the central repetitive region of LapA, consisting of 37 repeats of 100 amino acids, results in an inability to form a biofilm. We also used single-molecule atomic force microscopy to further characterize the role of these domains in biofilm formation on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. These studies represent the first detailed analysis of the domains of the LapA family of biofilm adhesin proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate growth of heterotrophic biofilm bacteria, a model biofilm reactor was developed to simulate a drinking water distribution system. Controlled addition of three different carbon sources (amino acids, carbohydrates, and humics) at three different concentrations (500, 1,000, and 2,000 ppb carbon) in the presence and absence of chlorine were used in separate experiments. An additional experiment was run with a 1:1:2 mixture of the above carbon sources. Biofilm and effluent total and culturable cells in addition to total and dissolved organic carbon were measured in order to estimate specific growth rates (SGRs), observed yields, population densities, and bacterial carbon production rates. Bacterial carbon production rates (μg C/L day) were extremely high in the control biofilm communities (range = 295–1,738). Both growth rate and yield decreased with increasing carbon concentrations. Therefore, biofilm growth rates were zero-order with respect to the carbon concentrations used in these experiments. There was no correlation between growth rate and carbon concentration, but there was a significant negative correlation between growth rate and biofilm cell density (r=−0.637, p= 0.001 control and r=−0.57, p= 0.021 chlorinated biofilms). Growth efficiency was highest at the lowest carbon concentration (range = 12–4.5%, amino acids and humics respectively). Doubling times ranged from 2.3–15.4 days in the control biofilms and 1–12.3 days in the chlorinated biofilms. Growth rates were significantly higher in the presence of chlorine for the carbohydrates, humics, and mixed carbon sources (p= 0.004, < 0.0005, 0.013, respectively). The concept of r/K selection theory was used to explain the results with respect to specific growth rates and yields. Humic removal by the biofilm bacteria (78% and 56% for the control and chlorinated biofilms, respectively) was higher than previously reported literature values for planktonic bacteria. A number of control experiments indicated that filtration of drinking water was as effective as chlorination in controlling bacterial biofilm growth. Received: 26 March 1999; Accepted: 3 August 1999; Online Publication: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

The fungus Cryptococcus neoformans possesses a polysaccharide capsule and can form biofilms on medical devices. We describe the characteristics of C. neoformans biofilm development using a microtiter plate model, microscopic examinations, and a colorimetric 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-5-[(phenylamino) carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium-hydroxide (XTT) reduction assay to observe the metabolic activity of cryptococci within a biofilm. A strong correlation between XTT and CFU assays was demonstrated. Chemical analysis of the exopolymeric material revealed sugar composition consisting predominantly of xylose, mannose, and glucose, indicating the presence of other polysaccharides in addition to glucurunoxylomannan. Biofilm formation was affected by surface support differences, conditioning films on the surface, characteristics of the medium, and properties of the microbial cell. A specific antibody to the capsular polysaccharide of this fungus was used to stain the extracellular polysaccharide matrix of the fungal biofilms using light and confocal microscopy. Additionally, the susceptibility of C. neoformans biofilms and planktonic cells to environmental stress was investigated using XTT reduction and CFU assays. Biofilms were less susceptible to heat, cold, and UV light exposition than their planktonic counterparts. Our findings demonstrate that fungal biofilm formation is dependent on support surface characteristics and that growth in the biofilm state makes fungal cells less susceptible to potential environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran heat-tolerant (ht) cell lines have been obtained with sf-9, sf-21 and several Bombyx cells. They have a distinct karyotype, membrane lipid composition, morphology and growth kinetics from the parental cell lines. In this paper, we report the development of ht cell lines from other insect species and examination of their growth characteristics and virus susceptibility. Adaptation of cell lines sf-9, BTI-TN-5B1-4 (High5) and BTI-TN-MG1 (MG1) to 33℃ and 35℃ was carried out by shifting the culture ...  相似文献   

Lepidopteran heat-tolerant(ht)cell lines have been obtained with sf-9,sf-21 and several Bombyx cells.They have a distinct karyotype,membrane lipid composition,morphology and growth kinetics from the parental cell lines.In this paper,we report the development of ht cell lines from other insect species and examination of their growth characteristics and virus susceptibility.Adaptation of cell lines sf-9,BTI-TN-5131-4(High5)and BTI-TN-MG1(MG 1)to 33℃ and 35℃ was carried out by shifting the culture temperature between 28℃ and higher temperatures by a gradual stepwise increase in temperature.The process of adaption to a higher culture temperature was accomplished over a period of 2 months.The cell lines with the temperature adaption were designated as sf9-ht33,sf9-ht35,High5-ht33,High5-ht35,MG1-ht33,MG1-ht35.These cell lines have been subcultured over 70 passages.Adaption to high temperatures was confirmed by a constant population doubling time with individual cell lines.The population doubling time of heat adapted cell lines were 1-4 h less than these of parental cell lines.Cell shapes did not show obvious change,however,the cell size of sf9-ht cells was enlarged and those of High5 and MG1 ht cells were reduced after heat adaption.When the cell lines were infected with Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus(AcMNPV)at 28℃,33℃,35℃ and 37℃,production of budded virus and occlusion bodies in each cell line was optimum at its own adapted temperature.  相似文献   

A significant fraction of internalized transferrin (Tf) concentrates in the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC), which is near the microtubule-organizing center in many cell types. Tf then recycles back to the cell surface. The mechanisms controlling the localization, morphology, and function of the ERC are not fully understood. We examined the relationship of Tf trafficking with microtubules (MTs), specifically the subset of stable, detyrosinated Glu MTs. We found some correlation between the level of stable Glu MTs and the distribution of the ERC; in cells with low levels of Glu MTs concentrated near to the centriole, the ERC was often tightly clustered, whereas in cells with higher levels of Glu MTs throughout the cell, the ERC was more dispersed. The clustered ERC in Chinese hamster ovary cells became dispersed when the level of Glu MTs was increased with taxol treatment. Furthermore, in a temperature-sensitive Chinese hamster ovary cell line (B104-5), the cells had more Glu MTs when the ERC became dispersed at elevated temperature. Microinjecting purified anti-Glu tubulin antibody into B104-5 cells at elevated temperature induced the redistribution of the ERC to a tight cluster. Microinjection of anti-Glu tubulin antibody slowed recycling of Tf to the cell surface without affecting Tf internalization or delivery to the ERC. Similar inhibition of Tf recycling was caused by microinjecting anti-kinesin antibody. These results suggest that stable Glu MTs and kinesin play a role in the organization of the ERC and in facilitating movement of vesicles from the ERC to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a major fungal pathogen whose virulence is associated with its ability to transition from a budding yeast form to invasive hyphal filaments. The kinesin-14 family member CaKar3 is required for transition between these morphological states, as well as for mitotic progression and karyogamy. While kinesin-14 proteins are ubiquitous, CaKar3 homologs in hemiascomycete fungi are unique because they form heterodimers with noncatalytic kinesin-like proteins. Thus, CaKar3-based motors may represent a novel antifungal drug target. We have identified and examined the roles of a kinesin-like regulator of CaKar3. We show that orf19.306 (dubbed CaCIK1) encodes a protein that forms a heterodimer with CaKar3, localizes CaKar3 to spindle pole bodies, and can bind microtubules and influence CaKar3 mechanochemistry despite lacking an ATPase activity of its own. Similar to CaKar3 depletion, loss of CaCik1 results in cell cycle arrest, filamentation defects, and an inability to undergo karyogamy. Furthermore, an examination of the spindle structure in cells lacking either of these proteins shows that a large proportion have a monopolar spindle or two dissociated half-spindles, a phenotype unique to the C. albicans kinesin-14 homolog. These findings provide new insights into mitotic spindle structure and kinesin motor function in C. albicans and identify a potentially vulnerable target for antifungal drug development.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal γ-hemolysin consists of two protein components, F (or HγI) and HγII. To elucidate the mode of action of γ-hemolysin, we studied the binding order of F and HγII to human erythrocytes and the cell-bound state of the two components. The binding of F to human erythrocytes preceded the binding of HγII to the cells, and thereafter hemolysis occurred. Western immunoblot analysis of the cell-bound γ-hemolysin indicated that F and HγII components form high-molecular-mass (150–250 kDa) complexes on the erythrocytes. The toxin complexes were recovered in a Triton X-100-insoluble fraction of the erythrocytes, which contains cytoskeleton proteins. Neither the formation of the toxin complex(es) nor hemolysis occurred when the erythrocytes were treated with proteinase K. Abortion of the complex formation on the proteinase K-treated erythrocytes may be due to the failure of the binding of HγII to the cells, because F bound to the proteinase K-treated erythrocytes to the same extent as to the non-treated erythrocytes.  相似文献   

UV irradiation of purified mengovirus resulted in a very rapid inactivation of the infectivity of the virions (D(37) [37% survival dose] = 700 ergs/mm(2)) which correlated in time with the formation of uracil dimers in the viral RNA. During the first 2 min of irradiation, an average of 1.7 uracil dimers were formed per PFU of virus inactivated. Hemagglutination activity of the virions began to decrease only after a lag period of about 5 min and at a much lower rate (D(37) = 84,000 ergs/mm(2)). This decrease coincided in time with the appearance of altered proteins in the capsid and a structural change in the capsid. Although 10- to 20-min irradiated virions appeared intact in the electron microscope and sedimented at 150S in sucrose density gradients, the RNA of the virions became accessible to RNase and extractable by low concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulfate, and the virions broke down upon equilibrium centrifugation in CsCl gradients. During longer periods of irradiation (30 to 60 min), a progressively greater proportion of the virions were converted to 14S protein particles and 80S ribonucleoprotein particles composed of intact viral RNA and about 30% of the capsid proteins, alpha, beta, and gamma. Empty capsids were not detectable at any time during 60 min of irradiation, by which time disruption of the virions was complete. Irradiation of complete virions also resulted in an increased sedimentation rate of the viral RNA and in the covalent linkage to the viral RNA of about 1% of the total capsid protein in the form of heterogeneous low-molecular-weight polypeptides. The two observations seem to be causally related, since irradiation of isolated viral RNA did not result in an increase in sedimentation rate of the RNA, even though uracil dimer formation in viral RNA occurred at about the same rate and to the same extent whether intact virions or viral RNA were irradiated.  相似文献   

Assays of photosynthesis were conducted with a biofilm population of a cyanobacterium, a Synechococcus sp., growing at ~70°C in a Yellowstone National Park hot spring to test whether cells growing near the upper temperature limit of photosynthetic life are optimally adapted to their mean environmental temperature. Cell suspensions were assayed at 70, 65, and 55°C while being simultaneously exposed to modified solar environments, including reduction of total irradiance and exclusion of UV radiation. Carbon fixation was greatest at 65°C, while 70 and 55°C were always supraoptimal and suboptimal for photosynthesis, respectively. The degree of temperature stress was dependent upon light intensity, and this light-dependent temperature effect may involve both reduced quantum efficiency at subsaturating irradiances and a lower saturating irradiance at both supraoptimal and suboptimal temperatures. The Synechococcus sp. was also more susceptible to UV inhibition of photosynthesis at nonoptimal temperatures. These results suggest that this population is persisting at a nearly lethal temperature and is consequently subject to greater damage by both visible and UV radiation, but it is speculated that these cells may be avoiding competition with other photoautotrophs under these nonoptimal conditions. In separate experiments monitoring diurnal patterns of photosynthesis, cells exhibited peak productivity during the morning, followed by an afternoon decline. No recovery of photosynthesis was observed during the remaining daytime, and carbon fixation was always UV inhibited under conditions of photosynthetically saturating light.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Wang H  Sun X  Yang H  Wang Y  Song W 《Current microbiology》2011,62(4):1113-1122
Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) refer to the bacteria beneficial to plants, and they may affect the growth and development of plants directly or indirectly. This article studied the activities of nitrogen fixation and colonization of a strain of PGPB, Klebsiella pneumoniae NG14, which was isolated from the rice root surface. The results showed that NG14 harbouring the nifH gene had nitrogenase activity, 15N2-fixing activity, and was able to colonize on the root surface and within the cavity of root vascular tissues of rice. Using proteomics technology to study the differences and changes of membrane proteins (MP) of NG14 bacterial biofilm in non-biological surface, 28 proteins showing significant differences before and after the formation of bacterial biofilm have been identified, in which the precursors of membrane pore protein OmpC relevant to osmotic stress resistance was up-regulated. This study would have positive significance on further understanding of the direct and indirect promotion effects of PGPB and related mechanisms.  相似文献   

Certain missense mutations in optineurin/OPTN and amplification of TBK1 are associated with normal tension glaucoma. A glaucoma-associated variant of OPTN, M98K, induces autophagic degradation of transferrin receptor (TFRC) and death in retinal cells. Here, we have explored the role of Tbk1 in M98K-OPTN-induced autophagy and cell death, and the effect of Tbk1 overexpression in retinal cells. Cell death induced by M98K-OPTN was dependent on Tbk1 as seen by the effect of Tbk1 knockdown and blocking of Tbk1 activity by a chemical inhibitor. Inhibition of Tbk1 also restores M98K-OPTN-induced transferrin receptor degradation. M98K-OPTN-induced autophagosome formation, autophagy and cell death were dependent on its phosphorylation at S177 by Tbk1. Knockdown of OPTN reduced starvation-induced autophagosome formation. M98K-OPTN expressing cells showed higher levels of Tbk1 activation and enhanced phosphorylation at Ser177 compared to WT-OPTN expressing cells. M98K-OPTN-induced activation of Tbk1 and its ability to be phosphorylated better by Tbk1 was dependent on ubiquitin binding. Phosphorylated M98K-OPTN localized specifically to autophagosomes and endogenous Tbk1 showed increased localization to autophagosomes in M98K-OPTN expressing cells. Overexpression of Tbk1 induced cell death and caspase-3 activation that were dependent on its catalytic activity. Tbk1-induced cell death possibly involves autophagy, as shown by the effect of Atg5 knockdown, and requirement of autophagic function of OPTN. Our results show that phosphorylation of Ser177 plays a crucial role in M98K-OPTN-induced autophagosome formation, autophagy flux and retinal cell death. In addition, we provide evidence for cross talk between two glaucoma associated proteins and their inter-dependence to mediate autophagy-dependent cell death.  相似文献   

Low gadolinium concentrations induce rapid gigaseal formation and cell adhesion to glass and plastic (polystyrene) substrates in the slime mutant of Neurospora crassa. Cellular adhesion is independent of an integrin-mediated mechanism, because pretreatment with the oligopeptide ARG-GLY-ASP-SER (RGDS) did not inhibit it, and there was no spatial correlation between integrin and adhesions. In contrast, concanavalin A and beta-galactosidase both inhibit adhesion, suggesting that adhesion is mediated by sugar moeities at the cell surface. The adhesion sites are motile in the plasma membrane, as shown by the movement of polystyrene microspheres on the cell surface. In addition to an integrin-based adhesive system, which has already been characterized in walled hyphal cells, hyphae have evolved at least two different plasma membrane-based adhesion mechanisms. The relatively non-specific sugar-mediated adhesion caused by gadolinium may be part of the mechanism of gigaseal formation in other cells. In the absence of sugar-mediated adhesion, gadolinium increases the magnitude of the gigaseal in giant unilamellar liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and cholesterol, with or without the negatively charged phosphatidylserine. Thus, gigaseal formation involves at least two different mechanisms. Abbreviations: BTP, bis-tris-propane; MES, morpholinoethanesulfonic acid; RGDS and RGDE, oligopeptides ARG-GLY-ASP-SER and ARG-GLY-GLU-SER, respectively; BS, bath solution; BSA, bovine serum albumin; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; GULs, giant unilamellar liposomes; PC, Palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine; PE, 1-Palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine; PS, 1-Palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-L-serine] (sodium salt); Ch, Cholesterol.  相似文献   

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