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The RH gene family in vertebrates consists of four major genes (RH, RHAG, RHBG, and RHCG). They are thought to have emerged in the common ancestor of vertebrates after two rounds of whole genome duplication (2R-WGD). To analyze the detailed phylogenetic relationships within the RH gene family, we determined three types of cDNA sequence that belong to the RH gene family in lamprey (Lethenteron reissneri) and designated them as RHBG-like, RHCG-like1, and RHCG-like2. Phylogenetic analyses clearly showed that RHCG-like1 and RHCG-like2 genes, which were probably duplicated in the lamprey lineage, are orthologs of gnathostome RHCG. In contrast, the clear phylogenetic position of the RHBG-like gene could not be obtained. Probably some convergent events for cyclostome RHBG-like genes prevented the accurate identification of their phylogenetic positions.  相似文献   

Das S  Nozawa M  Klein J  Nei M 《Immunogenetics》2008,60(1):47-55
Immunoglobulin heavy chains are polypeptides encoded by four genes: variable (IGHV), joining (IGHJ), diversity (IGHD), and constant (IGHC) region genes. The number of IGHV genes varies from species to species. To understand the evolution of the IGHV multigene family, we identified and analyzed the IGHV sequences from 16 vertebrate species. The results show that the numbers of functional and nonfunctional IGHV genes among different species are positively correlated. The number of IGHV genes is relatively stable in teleosts, but the intragenomic sequence variation is generally higher in teleosts than in tetrapods. The IGHV genes in tetrapods can be classified into three phylogenetic clans (I, II, and III). The clan III and/or II genes are relatively abundant, whereas clan I genes exist in small numbers or are absent in most species. The genomic organization of clan I, II, and III IGHV genes varies considerably among species, but the entire IGHV locus seems to be conserved in the subtelomeric or near-centromeric region of chromosome. The presence or absence of specific IGHV clan members and the lineage-specific expansion and contraction of IGHV genes indicate that the IGHV locus continues to evolve in a species-specific manner. Our results suggest that the evolution of IGHV multigene family is more complex than previously thought and that several factors may act synergistically for the development of antibody repertoire. Electronic supplementary materials The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of variation in the human Rh blood group system, determined by variants in the RHD and RHCE genes, has long been an unresolved puzzle in human genetics. Prior to medical treatments and interventions developed in the last century, the D-positive (RhD positive) children of D-negative (RhD negative) women were at risk for hemolytic disease of the newborn, if the mother produced anti-D antibodies following sensitization to the blood of a previous D-positive child. Given the deleterious fitness consequences of this disease, the appreciable frequencies in European populations of the responsible RHD gene deletion variant (for example, 0.43 in our study) seem surprising. In this study, we used new molecular and genomic data generated from four HapMap population samples to test the idea that positive selection for an as-of-yet unknown fitness benefit of the RHD deletion may have offset the otherwise negative fitness effects of hemolytic disease of the newborn. We found no evidence that positive natural selection affected the frequency of the RHD deletion. Thus, the initial rise to intermediate frequency of the RHD deletion in European populations may simply be explained by genetic drift/founder effect, or by an older or more complex sweep that we are insufficiently powered to detect. However, our simulations recapitulate previous findings that selection on the RHD deletion is frequency dependent and weak or absent near 0.5. Therefore, once such a frequency was achieved, it could have been maintained by a relatively small amount of genetic drift. We unexpectedly observed evidence for positive selection on the C allele of RHCE in non-African populations (on chromosomes with intact copies of the RHD gene) in the form of an unusually high F( ST ) value and the high frequency of a single haplotype carrying the C allele. RhCE function is not well understood, but the C/c antigenic variant is clinically relevant and can result in hemolytic disease of the newborn, albeit much less commonly and severely than that related to the D-negative blood type. Therefore, the potential fitness benefits of the RHCE C allele are currently unknown but merit further exploration.  相似文献   

Li G  Shi P  Wang Y 《Genomics》2007,89(3):385-391
ABCA is a subfamily of ATP-binding-cassette (ABC) transporter genes. In this subfamily, it was found that five ABCA genes cluster in a head-to-tail pattern in the human and mouse genomes, but only one was found in fish. To understand better the evolution of this cluster of genes, we screened 11 vertebrate genome sequences and newly identified 28 ABCA cluster genes. Comparative genomic analysis reveals that the ABCA5 gene is relatively evolutionarily conserved. In contrast, the repertoires of the other ABCA genes in this cluster diverge tremendously among species, which is due mainly to postspeciation duplications. In addition, maximum likelihood analysis reveals that positive selection is acting on the paralogous genes ABCA6 and Abca8a, suggesting that these two genes have possibly acquired new functions after duplication. Because most eukaryotic ABC proteins integrate into the cytoplasmic membrane and transport a wide range of substrates across it, we conjecture that newly duplicated ABCA cluster genes are under diversifying selection for the ability to recognize a diverse array of substrates.  相似文献   

Ogoshi M  Inoue K  Naruse K  Takei Y 《Peptides》2006,27(12):3154-3164
The calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) family is composed of CGRP, amylin and adrenomedullin (AM) in mammals. In teleost fish, AM forms an independent subfamily of five members (AM1–5), which inspired us to trace the evolutionary history of the CGRP family throughout vertebrates by comparative genomic approach. Linkage mapping and synteny analyses of the CGRP family genes in medaka, Oryzias latipes, revealed that AM1/CGRP, AM2/amylin, and AM5 genes were located on respective proto-chromosomes before the divergence of teleost lineage. In teleost fish, additional whole genome duplication generated AM1/4, CGRP1/2, AM2/3, but one of the duplicated amylin and AM5 genes was silenced. In mammals, the amylin or AM2 gene was translocated to different chromosomes, while the CGRP gene was multiplied in tandem to generate CGRP-,β, and recently identified calcitonin receptor-stimulating peptide genes. Based on these data, we identified a novel AM5 gene in several mammalian species as we previously did for AM2.  相似文献   

The genus Listeria contains the two pathogenic species Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii and the four apparently apathogenic species Listeria innocua, Listeria seeligeri, Listeria welshimeri, and Listeria grayi. Pathogenicity of the former two species is enabled by an approximately 9 kb virulence gene cluster which is also present in a modified form in L. seeligeri. For all Listeria species, the sequence of the virulence gene cluster locus and its flanking regions was either determined in this study or assembled from public databases. Furthermore, some virulence-associated internalin loci were compared among the six species. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on a data set containing the sequences of prs, ldh, vclA, and vclB (all directly flanking the virulence gene cluster), as well as the iap gene and the 16S and 23S-rRNA coding genes which are located at different sites in the listerial chromosomes. L. grayi represents the deepest branch within the genus. The remaining five species form two groupings which have a high bootstrap support and which are consistently found by using different treeing methods. One lineage represents L. monocytogenes and L. innocua, while the other contains L. welshimeri, L. ivanovii and L. seeligeri, with L. welshimeri forming the deepest branch. Based on this perception, we tried to reconstruct the evolution of the virulence gene cluster. Since no traces of lateral gene transfer events could be detected the most parsimonious scenario is that the virulence gene cluster was present in the common ancestor of L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, L. ivanovii, L. seeligeri and L. welshimeri and that the pathogenic capability has been lost in two separate events represented by L. innocua and L. welshimeri. This hypothesis is also supported by the location of the putative deletion breakpoints of the virulence gene cluster within L. innocua and L. welshimeri.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease is associated with a very high clinical and epidemiological pleomorphism. This might be better understood through studies on the evolutionary history of the parasite. We explored here the value of antigen genes for the understanding of the evolution within T. cruzi. We selected 11 genes and 12 loci associated with different functions and considered to be involved in host-parasite interaction (cell adhesion, infection, molecular mimicry). The polymorphism of the respective genes in a sample representative of the diversity of T. cruzi was screened by PCR-RFLP and evolutionary relationships were inferred by phenetic analysis. Our results support the classification of T. cruzi in 2 major lineages and 6 discrete typing units (DTUs). The topology of the PCR-RFLP tree was the one that better fitted with the epidemiological features of the different DTUs: (i) lineage I, being encountered in sylvatic as well as domestic transmission cycles, (ii) IIa/c being associated with a sylvatic transmission cycle and (iii) IIb/d/e being associated with a domestic transmission cycle. Our study also supported the hypothesis that the evolutionary history of T. cruzi has been shaped by a series of hybridization events in the framework of a predominant clonal evolution pattern.  相似文献   

Gene duplication plays an important role in the evolution of organisms by allowing functional innovation and the divergence of duplicate genes. Previous studies found two PI-like genes in grass species, suggesting functional divergence between the paralogous copies. Here, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of two PI genes from major lineages of grasses and other monocot species, and demonstrated that two PI genes (PI1 and PI2) arose from a whole genome duplication that occurred in a common ancestor of extant grasses. Molecular evolutionary analyses at the family and tribal levels found strong purifying selection acting on two genes in grasses, consistent with the conserved class B function of the PI genes. Importantly, we detected different patterns of selective relaxation between the duplicated PI genes although no signature of positive selection was found. Likelihood ratio tests revealed that the ω ratio for M domain is significantly higher in PI1 than in PI2 but that for K domain is significantly higher in PI2 than in PI1. These findings imply that complementary selective relaxation occurs in two PI genes after duplication, and provide additional molecular evidence for the subfunctionalization of the duplicated PI genes in grasses.  相似文献   



The SLC11A1/Nramp1 and SLC11A2/Nramp2 genes belong to the SLC11/Nramp family of transmembrane divalent metal transporters, with SLC11A1 being associated with resistance to pathogens and SLC11A2 involved in intestinal iron uptake and transferrin-bound iron transport. Both members of the SLC11 gene family have been clearly identified in tetrapods; however SLC11A1 has never been documented in teleost fish and is believed to have been lost in this lineage during early vertebrate evolution. In the present work we characterized the SLC11 genes in teleosts and evaluated if the roles attributed to mammalian SLC11 genes are assured by other fish specific SLC11 gene members.  相似文献   



Venom-expressed sphingomyelinase D/phospholipase D (SMase D/PLD) enzymes evolved from the ubiquitous glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterases (GDPD). Expression of GDPD-like SMaseD/PLD toxins in both arachnids and bacteria has inspired consideration of the relative contributions of lateral gene transfer and convergent recruitment in the evolutionary history of this lineage. Previous work recognized two distinct lineages, a SicTox-like (ST-like) clade including the arachnid toxins, and an Actinobacterial-toxin like (AT-like) clade including the bacterial toxins and numerous fungal homologs.


Here we expand taxon sampling by homology detection to discover new GDPD-like SMase D/PLD homologs. The ST-like clade now includes homologs in a wider variety of arthropods along with a sister group in Cnidaria; the AT-like clade now includes additional fungal phyla and proteobacterial homologs; and we report a third clade expressed in diverse aquatic metazoan taxa, a few single-celled eukaryotes, and a few aquatic proteobacteria. GDPD-like SMaseD/PLDs have an ancient presence in chelicerates within the ST-like family and ctenophores within the Aquatic family. A rooted phylogenetic tree shows that the three clades derived from a basal paraphyletic group of proteobacterial GDPD-like SMase D/PLDs, some of which are on mobile genetic elements. GDPD-like SMase D/PLDs share a signature C-terminal motif and a shortened βα1 loop, features that distinguish them from GDPDs. The three major clades also have active site loop signatures that distinguish them from GDPDs and from each other. Analysis of molecular phylogenies with respect to organismal relationships reveals a dynamic evolutionary history including both lateral gene transfer and gene duplication/loss.


The GDPD-like SMaseD/PLD enzymes derive from a single ancient ancestor, likely proteobacterial, and radiated into diverse organismal lineages at least in part through lateral gene transfer.

Evolutionary history of the Coccolithoviridae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We recently determined the genome sequence of the Coccolithoviridae strain Emiliania huxleyi virus 86 (EhV-86), a giant double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) algal virus from the family Phycodnaviridae that infects the marine coccolithophorid E. huxleyi. Here, we determine the phylogenetic relationship between EhV-86 and other large dsDNA viruses. Twenty-five core genes common to nuclear-cytoplasmic large dsDNA virus genomes were identified in the EhV-86 genome; sequence from eight of these genes were used to create a phylogenetic tree in which EhV-86 was placed firmly with the two other members of the Phycodnaviridae. We have also identified a 100-kb region of the EhV-86 genome which appears to have transferred into this genome from an unknown source. Furthermore, the presence of six RNA polymerase subunits (unique among the Phycodnaviridae) suggests both a unique evolutionary history and a unique lifestyle for this intriguing virus.  相似文献   

Evolutionary history of the grasses   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Kellogg EA 《Plant physiology》2001,125(3):1198-1205

Sex in many organisms is a dichotomous phenotype--individuals are either male or female. The molecular pathways underlying sex determination are governed by the genetic contribution of parents to the zygote, the environment in which the zygote develops or interaction of the two, depending on the species. Systems in which multiple interacting influences or a continuously varying influence (such as temperature) determines a dichotomous outcome have at least one threshold. We show that when sex is viewed as a threshold trait, evolution in that threshold can permit novel transitions between genotypic and temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) and remarkably, between male (XX/XY) and female (ZZ/ZW) heterogamety. Transitions are possible without substantive genotypic innovation of novel sex-determining mutations or transpositions, so that the master sex gene and sex chromosome pair can be retained in ZW-XY transitions. We also show that evolution in the threshold can explain all observed patterns in vertebrate TSD, when coupled with evolution in embryonic survivorship limits.  相似文献   

Homology of 18 amino acid sequences of lens gamma-crystallins of several vertebrates: frog, mouse, rat, calf and human being--has been considered. Pair sequence homology varies in the range from 57 to 100%, the mean value is equal to 74%. The spatial structures have been determined only for two calf gamma-crystallins. The protein molecule consists of four-fold repeated "motifs" (patterns) which are joint in two domains. After comparison of 18 gamma-crystallin sequences it was found that "motifs" domains and whole protein molecules have about 10, 30 and 58% conservative residues, respectively, that seem to be related to the evolution of these structural units. Structure analysis shows that almost all the conservative residues have an important structural meaning and play a basic role in the domain and molecular structure organization. This result allows us to make a conclusion about the homology of spatial structures of all considered gamma-crystallins of vertebrates.  相似文献   

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