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Several cellular processes are modified when cells are placed under conditions of weightlessness. As yet, there is no coherent explanation for these observations, nor it is known which biomolecules might act as gravity sensors. Lipoxygenases generate leukotrienes and lipoxins from arachidonic acid, being responsible for many pharmacological and immunological effects, some of which are known to be affected by microgravity. In the course of the 28th parabolic flight campaign of the European Space Agency we measured the activity of pure soybean lipoxygenase-1 on linoleic acid, by a fibre optics spectrometer developed on purpose. It was found that microgravity reduced the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) of the enzymatic reaction to one fourth with respect to the 1 g control, whereas, the catalytic constant (k(cat)) was unaffected. Consequently, the catalytic efficiency of lipoxygenase-1 (k(cat)/Km) was approximately four-fold higher in flight than on ground. This unprecedented finding suggests that lipoxygenase-1 might be a molecular target for gravity.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori populations recovered from the human stomach display extensive recombination and quasispecies development, and this suggests frequent exchange of DNA between different strains in vivo. In vitro, however, most H. pylori strains display restriction to the uptake of non-self DNA, as measured using selectable markers, regardless of their competency for transformation with self DNA. We have examined the effect of different selectable markers on double-crossover recombination efficiencies in three reference strains (1061, 26695 & SS1) and one clinical isolate (CHP1) of H. pylori. All strains were efficiently transformable to kanamycin or chloramphenicol resistance by using self-genomic DNA from isogenic mutants bearing the aphA3 or cat cassettes, respectively. However, strains 26695 and CHP1 showed a 3-5-log reduction in transformation efficiency by non-self recombinant DNA containing aphA3, when compared to cat. Strain 1061 readily accepted either cassette, and strain SS1 was poorly tolerant of any non-self DNA. Genome-wide random mutagenesis of these strains was only achievable with a selectable marker that allowed high transformation efficiency. Digestion of 32P-labelled cassettes by H. pylori lysates mirrored the transformation results and indicated that in some strains these cassettes are the targets of enzymatic restriction.  相似文献   

The enzyme OtsA (trehalose-6-phosphate synthase) is ubiquitous in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, where it plays a critical role in stress resistance and glucose metabolism. Here, we cloned the otsA gene from Arthrobacter sp. Cjts, and expressed and then purified the recombinant proteins. Enzyme activity analysis indicated that the high catalytic efficiency of OtsA from Arthrobacter sp. Cjts resulted from the high affinity of the enzyme for uridine 5′-diphosphoglucose (UDP-Glc) at low temperatures. We also confirmed that the N-loop sequence of OtsA has a large effect on its affinity for UDP-Glc. Sequence analysis indicated that the flexibility of the N-loop may be directly related to the catalytic efficiency of OtsA at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of electroporation temperature, biochemical pretreatment of cells and stage of culture on electroporation efficiency for slow-growing mycobacteria were investigated. The efficiency of transformation into Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium intracellulare increased markedly with temperature. In contrast, the efficiency of transformation into Mycobacterium smegmatis , a fast-growing species, was higher at 0°C and decreased with temperature. While stage of culture had little effect, a further increase in efficiency of 2–4-fold was obtained following glycine or ethionamide pretreatment. Electroporation at 37°C has been chosen as a standard condition for slow-growing species as it usually resulted in a transformation efficiency several orders of magnitude higher than that obtained at 0°C.  相似文献   

Full-thickness excisional wounds were made in the dorsal skin of rat fetuses at day 16 and day 18 of gestation. A small patch of skin surrounding the open wound was cut out, mounted on a plastic ring and incubated in an organ culture system. In the presence of serum, the open wound in the day-16 fetal skin closed within three days of culture. During the wound-closure process, no new structures were formed in the wound space, and no conspicuous changes were noted in the histological architecture of the surrounding skin during culture, indicating that the wound closure may result from a centripetal movement of the surrounding skin only. In contrast, the size of the open wound in the day-18 fetal skin remained almost unchanged for one week, but a thin acellular network spread over the wound space within one day of culture. The predominant component of the network was cross-linked fibrin, as disclosed by scanning electron microscopy and sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting. The network served as a scaffold for the ingrowth of fibroblast-like cells. These stage-dependent differences in fetal wound healing were consistent with an in vivo study showing that the day-16 wound was covered with the surrounding skin itself, whereas the day-18 wound was covered with newly formed epidermis and invaded by inflammatory cells. The present investigation strongly indicates the prenatal occurrence of a fetal-to-adult transition in the wound-healing pattern of rat skin.  相似文献   

The neoplastic transformation of C3H mouse 10T1/2 cells was measured induced by fission-spectrum neutrons delivered at a high dose rate in five fractions over 4 days. The transformation frequency was significantly enhanced over that due to single equivalent total doses. These new data, in the low dose region, demonstrate an increased transformation frequency by fractionated versus single exposures of high-dose-rate fission-spectrum neutrons; an increase equal to that observed with low-dose-rate fission-spectrum neutrons (i.e., 0.086 rad/min). Estimates of the dose modifying factor (DMF), based upon the ratio of the initial linear portions of the induction curves for high and for low dose rates, suggest the same DMF (approximately 7.8) for both five daily fractions of high-dose-rate neutrons and for low-dose-rate neutrons. However, when these results are compared to those following high-dose-rate 60Co gamma rays (100 rad/min), the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for low-dose-rate fission-spectrum neutrons based upon slope ratios is 19.6; similarly, the RBE relative to five daily fractions of 60Co gamma rays is 78.8.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein is the major component of the filamentous Lewy bodies and Lewy-related neurites, neuropathological hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease. Although numerous studies on α-synuclein fibrillation have been reported, the molecular mechanisms of aggregation and fibrillation at the initial stage are still unclear. In the present study, structural properties and propensities to form fibrils of α-synuclein at the initial stage were investigated using 2D 1H-15N NMR spectroscopy, electron microscope, and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Observation of the 2D 1H-15N HSQC spectra indicated significant attenuation of many cross peak intensities in the regions of KTKEGV-type repeats and the non-Aβ component of Alzheimer’s disease amyloid (NAC), suggesting that these regions contributed fibril formation. Oligomerization comprising heptamer was successfully monitored at the initial stage using the time-dependent SAXS measurements.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency in soils is a major limiting factor for plant growth worldwide. Plants have developed adaptive strategies in response to P deficiency. The objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for P efficiency using a recombinant inbred (RI) population consisting of 124 lines derived from a cross between Brassica napus P-inefficient cv. B104-2 and P-efficient cv. Eyou Changjia. Six traits (shoot dry weight, root dry weight, root/shoot ratio, P concentration, shoot P uptake and shoot P use efficiency) at vegetative stage were examined under high P (HP, 1 mM) and low P (LP, 5 ??M) conditions during three separate experimental trial periods. Their relative values (i.e., the ratio of a trait value under the LP condition to that under the HP condition) of these six traits were also determined. Eyou Changjia produced more biomass and acquired more P under the LP condition and, thus, had a higher relative dry weight and relative P uptake than B104-2, indicating Eyou Changjia was high P efficiency. A total of 71 QTL were detected on 13 linkage groups, including 28 QTL under the LP condition, 22 QTL under the HP condition and 21 QTL for relative traits. Nineteen and nine QTL were specific for the LP and HP conditions, respectively, suggesting that different mechanisms existed under the two P condition. Twelve of the twenty-one QTL for relative traits co-localized with QTL identified under the two P conditions. In addition, 18 orthologous genes involved in the P metabolic pathway of Arabidopsis were in silico mapped to the QTL confidence intervals identified in B. napus by comparative genomic analysis. These QTL and their corresponding candidate genes should be further investigated to better understand P efficiency in B. napus.  相似文献   

Chitosan fibers showing narrow diameter distribution with a mean of 42 nm were produced by electrospinning and utilized for the sorption of Fe(III), Cu(II), Ag(I), and Cd(II) ions from aqueous solutions. The ion concentrations in the supernatant solutions were determined using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The filtration efficiency of the fibers toward these ions was studied by both batch and microcolumn methods. High efficiency in sorption of the metal ions was obtained in the both methods. The effects of sorbent amount (0.10-0.50 mg), shaking time (15-120 min), initial metal ion concentration (10.0-1000.0 μg·L(-1)), and temperature (25 and 50 °C) on the extent of sorption were examined. The sorbent amount did not significantly alter the efficiency of sorption; however, shaking time, temperature, and metal ion concentration were found to have a strong influence on sorption. By virtue of its mechanical integrity, the applicability of the chitosan mat in solid phase extraction under continuous flow looks promising.  相似文献   

A transformation procedure for phalaenopsis orchid established by using immature protocorms for Agrobacterium infection was aimed at the introduction of target genes into individuals with divergent genetic backgrounds. Protocorms obtained after 21 days of culture on liquid New Dogashima medium were inoculated with Agrobacterium strain EHA101(pIG121Hm) harboring both -glucuronidase (GUS) and hygromycin resistance genes. Subculture of the protocorms on acetosyringone-containing medium 2 days before Agrobacterium inoculation gave the highest transformation efficiencies (1.3–1.9%) based on the frequency of hygromycin-resistant plants produced. Surviving protocorms obtained 2 months after Agrobacterium infection on selection medium containing 20 mg l–1 hygromycin were cut transversely into two pieces before transferring to recovery medium without hygromycin. Protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) proliferated from pieces of protocorms during a 1-month culture on recovery medium followed by transfer to selection medium. Hygromycin-resistant phalaenopsis plants that regenerated after the re-selection culture of PLBs showed histochemical blue staining due to GUS. Transgene integration of the hygromycin-resistant plants was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. A total of 88 transgenic plants, each derived from an independent protocorm, was obtained from ca. 12,500 mature seeds 6 months after infection with Agrobacterium. Due to the convenient protocol for Agrobacterium infection and rapid production of transgenic plants, the present procedure could be utilized to assess expression of transgenes under different genetic backgrounds, and for the molecular breeding of phalaenopsis.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin is a multifunctional glycoprotein of platelet alpha-granules and a variety of growing cells. We demonstrate that thrombospondin is a slow tight-binding inhibitor of plasmin as determined by loss of amidolytic activity, loss of ability to cleave fibrinogen, and decreased lysis zones in fibrin plate assays. Stoichiometric titrations indicate that approximately 1 mol of plasmin interacts with 1 mol of thrombospondin, an unexpected result considering the trimeric nature of thrombospondin. Plasmin in a complex with streptokinase or bound to epsilon-aminocaproic acid is protected from inhibition by thrombospondin, thereby implicating the lysine-binding kringle domains of plasmin in the inhibition process. Thrombospondin also inhibits urokinase plasminogen activator, but more slowly than plasmin, stimulates the amidolytic activity of tissue plasminogen activator, and has no effect on the amidolytic activity of alpha-thrombin or factor Xa. These results, therefore, identify thrombospondin as a new type of serine proteinase inhibitor and potentially important regulator of fibrinolysis.  相似文献   

In order to establish a reliable and highly efficient method for genetic transformation of pepper, a monitoring system featuring GFP (green fluorescent protein) as a report marker was applied to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. A callus-induced transformation (CIT) system was used to transform the GFP gene. GFP expression was observed in all tissues of T0, T1 and T2 peppers, constituting the first instance in which the whole pepper plant has exhibited GFP fluorescence. A total of 38 T0 peppers were obtained from 4,200 explants. The transformation rate ranged from 0.47 to 1.83% depending on the genotype, which was higher than that obtained by CIT without the GFP monitoring system. This technique could enhance selection power by monitoring GFP expression at the early stage of callus in vitro. The detection of GFP expression in the callus led to successful identification of the shoot that contained the transgene. Thus, this technique saved lots of time and money for conducting the genetic transformation process of pepper. In addition, a co-transformation technique was applied to the target transgene, CaCS (encoding capsaicinoid synthetase of Capsicum) along with GFP. Paprika varieties were transformed by the CaCS::GFP construct, and GFP expression in callus tissues of paprika was monitored to select the right transformant.  相似文献   

施用缓/控释尿素对玉米苗期土壤生物学活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,模拟田间生态环境,研究了施用不同种缓/控释氮素底肥对玉米苗期土壤硝酸还原酶、脲酶活性及微生物量碳、氮的影响.结果表明,施用硝化抑制剂(双氰胺)和脲酶抑制剂(n-丁基硫代磷酰三胺)涂层大颗粒尿素肥料的土壤硝酸还原酶活性最高;施用大颗粒尿素,脲酶活性最强,微生物量碳、氮最高.施用醋酸酯淀粉包膜大颗粒尿素、包膜双氰胺涂层大颗粒尿素、丙烯酸树脂包膜双氰胺涂层大颗粒尿素与不施氮肥土壤脲酶活性较高;每种处理微生物量碳与氮变化完全一致.施用醋酸酯淀粉包膜硝化和脲酶抑制剂涂层大颗粒尿素肥料,土壤微生物量碳、氮最低.同种膜材料包膜抑制剂涂层大颗粒尿素制成的缓/控释氮肥,对土壤生物学活性的影响效果好于直接包膜大颗粒尿素;丙烯酸树脂包膜大颗粒尿素制成的缓/控释氮肥,对氮素的控释效果明显好于醋酸酯淀粉包膜.  相似文献   

Bombyx mori lysozyme (BmLZ), from the silkworm, is an insect lysozyme. BmLZ has considerable activity at low temperatures and low activation energies compared with those of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWLZ), according to measurements of the temperature dependencies of relative activity (lytic and glycol chitin) and the estimation of activation energies using the Arrhenius equation. Being so active at low temperatures and low activation energies is characteristic of psychrophilic (cold-adapted) enzymes. The three-dimensional structure of BmLZ has been determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.5 A resolution. The core structure of BmLZ is similar to that of c-type lysozymes. However, BmLZ shows some distinct differences in the two exposed loops and the C-terminal region. A detailed comparison of BmLZ and HEWLZ suggests structural rationalizations for the differences in the catalytic efficiency, stability, and mode of activity between these two lysozymes.  相似文献   

S-Methylthioacetimidate is a novel amidation reagent which can be used even as low as pH 5 without any side of reaction or crosslinking of the protein. At pH 6, a complete modification of all accessible lysines of bovine serum albumin, pig heart lactate dehydrogenase and glucose dehydrogenase from Bacillus megaterium could be achieved by a single addition of reagent. The protection of the essential lysine of glucose dehydrogenase (B. megaterium) was significantly improved when using thioacetimidate at pH 6.0 instead of the O-acetimidate at pH 8.5. The residual activity was 70% with the thiomidate in contrast to 10% with the normally used )-acetimidate.  相似文献   

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