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Measurements of 45Ca flux into and out of Urechis eggs indicate that, during the first 10 min after insemination, the eggs take up 0.24 pmole of Ca/egg. Total egg Ca measured by atomic absorption (AA) spectroscopy increased by 0.23 pmole of Ca/egg (0.56, 0.79, and 0.76 pmole of Ca/egg for unfertilized, 10-min fertilized, and 60-min fertilized eggs, respectively). Thus, the total change in egg Ca is accounted for by the influx even though the rate of efflux, measured as a release of 45Ca from preloaded eggs, increases to twice the unfertilized rate by 15 min. The fertilization influx follows saturation kinetics (Ka = 1.3 mM). It is competitively inhibited by procaine, but is not inhibited by dinitrophenol, mersalyl acid, or ruthenium red. Ten percent of the total Ca influx has occurred by 10 sec, and it is, therefore, the most rapid response to fertilization yet known in these eggs. The influx is also observed in eggs partially activated by insemination in pH 7 seawater (SW); the other fertilization responses, except sperm penetration, do not occur in pH 7 SW. Although Ca influx alone is insufficient to activate the eggs, it may be a prerequisite for cytoplasmic activation and development, inducing other secondary responses which are prevented by low external pH.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Chara algae, which has been divided into 10 phases (sp I-X), is similar to spermiogenesis in animals. The most important process during spermiogenesis in animals is remodeling of chromatin leading to "sleeping genome", being the result the exchange of histone proteins into protamine-like proteins. Cytochemical studies showed in both Chara species (C. vulgaris, C. tomentosa) that at spI-IV phases only histones were present, at spV-VIII phases--the amount of nuclear protamine-type proteins progressively increased and that of histones decreased while at spIX-X only pro-tamine-type proteins were present. This was also confirmed with capillar electrophoresis. In order to localize more precisely both histones and protamines the immunocytochemical studies with the use of anti-protamine antibodies (protamine-type proteins were obtained from C. tomentosa antheridia) and anti-histone H3 antibodies, have been carried out. More specific immunocytochemical studies confirmed cytochemical results including the exchange of histones into protamine-type during spermiogenesis (spV-VIII) in both Chara species. At phase V spermiogenesis these strong strand-like anti-protamine signals were observed in cytoplasm which might suggest that protamine synthesis took place in ER.  相似文献   

Rna and protein synthesis in the unfertilized eggs of Urechis caupo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The release of a fertilization acid, monitored by measuring the pH of egg suspensions, begins within 10 sec of insemination of Urechis caupo eggs. This is 4 min before the vitelline layer begins to elevate and is apparently unrelated to that process. The eggs of two molluscs, Mytilus californianus and Acmaea incessa, do not form a fertilization acid. The acid of Urechis eggs is not accompanied by release of “fertilization” carbohydrate, sulfate, or a nonvolatile weak acid into the seawater. The light-scattering properties of Urechis eggs change during the first 10 min after insemination. A decrease in light scattering begins by 10 sec and is complete by 1 min (Phase I). This is followed by a further decrease (3–6 min, Phase II) and an increase (6–10 min, Phase III). In striking contrast to an overtly similar situation in sea urchin eggs (fertilization acid and coincident light-scattering decrease), the release of acid and the initial light-scattering change are not the result of cortical granule discharge, and the acid, at least, is not related to the changes in shape or surface area which the eggs undergo. The processes underlying these rapid events are not yet known.  相似文献   

The poly(A) content of RNA extracted from four stages of immature oocytes, mature oocytes, and cleavage embryos through the eight-cell stage was determined by hybridization with [3H]-poly(U). During oogenesis the poly(A) content per cell gradually increases from 0.007 pg of poly(A)/cell in the 10- to 39-μm oocytes to 0.20 pg of poly(A)/cell in the 125-μm mature oocytes. After fertilization there is an additional increase to approximately 1.1 pg of poly(A)/embryo at the two-cell stage which is followed by a slight decline between the two- and eight-cell stages. Most of the increase in poly(A) after fertilization occurs in a 45-min interval coincident with the appearance of the polar bodies. The size distribution of the poly(A) in RNA from the different stages of development was determined based on the length of RNase-resistant poly(U) obtained from poly(U)-poly(A) hybrids. The size distribution of the poly(A) sequences is constant through each stage of development which indicates that the increase in the poly(A) content of the cells is the result of polyadenylation of new RNA sequences.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of Urechis eggs revealed no changes in the egg cortex or investing layers until 4 min after insemination at 172C. From 4 min to about 30 min after insemination the surface coat gradually elevates, widening the perivitelline space. During this period, microvilli separate from the tightly woven layer of the surface coat, fibrogranular aggregates resembling surface coat material appear in the perivitelline space, and some cortical granules are extruded from the egg cortex into cytoplasmic processes. There is no statistically significant decrease in the number of cortical granules remaining in the egg surface during the first 95 min after insemination; many cortical granules persist in postgastrulae. Most of the cortical granules remain in fertilized eggs after removal of the surface coat with glucose-EGTA. We found no morphological correlates of the polyspermy block which is established within 1 min of insemination (Paul, 1975).  相似文献   

Seven components of the tetrameric haemoglobin (Hbu) from Urechis caupo were separated by preparative isoelectric focusing and characterized by their absorption spectra and pI values. The helix content and Soret delta epsilon values are reported for several of the components. Temperature-jump O2-binding kinetics of the major components of Hbu show biphasic behaviour, with the majority species having kon = 1.57 x 10(9) mol-1.s-1 and koff = 3.32 x 10(4) s-1. The Fourier-transform i.r. spectrum of pooled Hbu(II)-CO displays a stretching frequency of 1942 cm-1. E.s.r. of Hbu(II)-NO demonstrates evidence of proximal strain similar to that encountered in T-state human haemoglobin. CO-driven reduction of U. caupo methaemoglobin, Hbu(III) and U. caupo metmyoglobin [Mbu(III)] shows much higher rates relative to haemoglobins and myoglobins known to possess a distal histidine residue. Nitrosyl auto-reduction kinetics of Hbu(III)-NO and Mbu(III)-NO are examined. The equilibrium binding constants of several ligands are reported for both Hbu and Mbu, and together with the above kinetic data suggest differences in haem pocket environments between Hbu and Mbu. Reaction of Hbu with 2-chloromercuri-4,6-dinitrophenol demonstrates the presence of one reactive thiol group per globin chain. lambda max. values and the respective molar absorption coefficients for selected ligand-bound states are reported for the major component of Hbu and for Mbu. The majority haem orientation in U. caupo haemoglobin is identical with that of human haemoglobin.  相似文献   

Comparative studies concerning detection of histone-type and protamine-type proteins were carried out on Chara species (C. vulgaris, C. tomentosa). Analysis of antheridia during spermiogenesis (stages I-X) of both Charta species showed very similar staining patterns obtained after reactions revealing the examined proteins. Cytochemical studies showed a replacement of lysine-rich histone proteins by more basic arginine-rich ones during medium spermiogenesis (st. VI-VIII) in two Charta species, while late spermiogenesis (st. IX) and mature spermatozoids (st. X) were characterised by the presence of protamine-like proteins only.  相似文献   

RNA isolated from Urechis caupo mature oocytes and embryos was analyzed for the presence of histone messenger RNAs (mRNAs) by in vitro translation and by filter blot hybridization to determine the contribution of maternal and newly transcribed histone mRNAs to the pattern of histone synthesis during early development. Histone mRNAs were not detected in mature oocyte RNA which suggests that relatively few if any maternal histone mRNAs are sequestered in the mature oocytes. Histone mRNAs were detected in cleavage-stage RNA and increased in amount from midcleavage through late gastrula stages. The in vitro translation analysis also demonstrated that the amount of H1 histone mRNA in late cleavage- and early blastula-stage embryos exceeds that of the individual core histone mRNAs. The disproportionate accumulation of individual histone mRNAs correlates with the noncoordinate synthesis of H1 and core histones which occurs during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Histones were studied in human mature neutrophils and lymphocytes by means of simple and modified cytochemical procedures carried out on smear preparations of the peripheral blood to provide more information on the composition of the condensed chromatin in nuclei of these cells. The results indicated that the condensed chromatin of mature neutrophils contains mainly lysine rich histones and the condensed chromatin of mature lymphocytes is characterized mainly by the presence of arginine rich histones.  相似文献   

When isolated nuclei from 12-day-old rat brains were incubated with S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-3H]methionine, significant amounts of 3H-methyl were incorporated into lysyl residues in histones H3 and H4. About 0.024% of the total methylation sites on histone H3 and 0.013% of the sites on histone H4 were unmethylated at the time the nuclei were isolated. Methylation of these sites proceeded stepwise, progressing to a stable ratio of 0.93:1.0:0.17 for N epsilon-mono-, N epsilon-di-, and N epsilon-trimethyllysine in histone H3 and 0.19:1.0 for N epsilon-mono- and N epsilon-dimethyllysine in histone H4. The Km values of the enzyme for S-adenosyl-L-methionine were 11.5 +/- 1.1 micron and 12.5 +/- 1.3 micron with histones H3 and H4 as methyl acceptors, respectively. The Vmax values were 11.1 and 5.3 pmol of 3H-methyl incorporated/min/mg of histone H3 and H4, respectively. Since histone H3 contains 2 mol of N epsilon-methyllysine/mol and histone H4 contains 1 mol/mol, no difference in the overall rates of methylation can be deduced from the data. S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine, one of the products of the reaction, was a competitive inhibitor with respect to S-adenosyl-L-methionine. The Ki values for S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine were 5.5 +/- 0.4 micron and 5.9 +/- 0.5 micron with histones H3 and H4 as methyl acceptors, respectively.  相似文献   

The variability of sperm histones in frogs has been studied by cytochemical and amino acid analyses. Cytochemically, Rana sperm proteins fall into Bloch's ('69, '76) type 4 somatic-like histone category, while Xenopus and Bufo have type 3 intermediate sperm histones. Extractability in 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) at different temperatures splits this type 3 category into two groups: type 3B intermediate sperm histones of Bufo are extractable at 85-90 degrees C, while Xenopus intermediate type 3A sperm histones require temperatures of 95-100 degrees C for extraction. Amino acid analysis confirms that Rana sperm histones are of the nucleosomal type, with a testis-specific, very lysine-rich H1 histone. The sperm protein in Bufo is richer in arginine than the proteins in Xenopus. Both of these genera contain lysine and histidine as well as arginine in their sperm proteins. These results confirm earlier electrophoretic data (Kasinsky et al., '78) and indicate that sperm histones in the order Anura can vary markedly between different genera.  相似文献   

Histone proximity in chromatin was studied with the cleavable crosslinking reagent, dithiobissuccinimidyl propionate. Crosslinks between H4 and H2a, H4 and H2b, H4 and H3, H2a and H2b, H2b and H3 were found. H1 is also crosslinked to the nucleosomal histones. In nuclei, unsheared chromatin, and H1 depleted chromatin, the four nucleosomal histones are crosslinked at similar relative rates both in 5 mM salt and 100 mM salt. After micrococcal nuclease treatment to generate nucleosomes, H2a and H2b are crosslinked faster than H4 and H3. C14-NEM titration of thiopropionate residues bound to each histone shows that H2a and H2b are more accessible to this reagent after nuclease treatment but that the increased binding was not sufficient by itself to explain the increase in crosslinking. Bolton Hunter reagent was used to further study the accessibility of the four nucleosomal histones in whole chromatin and nuclease digested chromatin. These studies showed that salt increases the accessibility of all four histones while nuclease treatment decreases H4 accessibility.  相似文献   

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