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β-Poly-L-malate (PMA) is synthesized by plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum during growth and secreted into the culture medium. There it is degraded to L-malate after growth has ceased. Its concentration is highest in cell nuclei, where it probably performs a plasmodium-specific function.  相似文献   

The ADAMs belong to a disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase-containing protein family that are zinc-dependent metalloproteinases. These proteins share all or some of the following domain structure: a signal peptide, a propeptide, a metalloproteinase, a disintegrin, a cysteine-rich, and an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains, a transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic tail. ADAMs are widely distributed in many organs, tissues, and cells, such as brain, testis, epididymis, ovary, breast, placenta, liver, heart, lung, bone, and muscle. These proteins are capable of four potential functions: proteolysis, adhesion, fusion, and intracellular signaling. Because the number of ADAM genes has grown rapidly and the biological functions of most members are unclear, this review analyzes the protein structures and functions, their activation and processing, their known and potential activities, and their evolutionary relationships. A sequence alignment of human ADAMs is compiled and their homology and physical data are calculated. The conceivable functions of ADAMs in reproduction, development, and diseases are also discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the skull and the anti-shock characteristics of woodpecker's head were investigated by ex- periment and numerical simulation. We measured the micro-Young's modulus of the skull by nano-indentation method and calculated the macro-equivalent Young's modulus of the skull at different positions using homogenization theory. Based on the Computerized Tomography (CT) images of woodpecker head, we then built complete and symmetric finite element models of woodpecker's skull and its internal structure and performed modal analysis and stress spectrum analysis. The numerical results show that the application of pre-tension force to the hyoid bone can increase the natural frequency of woodpecker's head. The first natural frequency under the pre-tension force of 25 N reaches 57 Hz, which is increased by 21.3% from the non-pre-tension state and is more than twice the working frequency of woodpecker (20 Hz 25 Hz). On the application of impact force to the tip of beak for 0.6 ms, high magnitudes of stress component occur at around 100 Hz and 8,000 Hz, far away from both the working frequencies and the natural frequencies of woodpecker head. The large gaps among the natural, working and stress response frequencies enable the woodpecker to effectively protect its brain from the resonance injury.  相似文献   

An enzyme able to cleave the 3,5-phosphate ring of 2-methoxyethyl cyclic nucleotides (3,5-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, EC from Serratia marcescens DSM 30121 was used to deprotect the cyclic phosphate nucleotides after chemical alkylation. The process yielded 2-O-alkylated nucleosides used as building blocks of antisense oligonucleotides for subsequent potential applications in therapeutics (antisense oligonucleotide synthesis) and diagnostics. The phosphodiesterase from the Gram-negative enteric bacterium S. marcescens was selected on account of the broad substrate range and high activity of the enzyme. The protein was purified by heat-treatment of the crude cell-free extract, followed by column chromatography (gel filtration). It was characterised and showed optimal activity at a broad pH range (pH 6.8–9.4, with a peak at ca. pH 8.5) and at a temperature of 60–65°C. No metal ions were required for activity, although Ba2+ was an activator. Conversion of 2-O-methoxyethyl cAMP into the corresponding nucleoside derivative on a multi-gram scale was successfully performed in two steps, using the S. marcescens enzyme in conjunction with a commercially available alkaline phosphatase from Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The subsite structure of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris α-amylase was estimated from its action mode and rate parameters of hydrolysis on maltooligosaccharides. These results led to the conclusion that this α-amylase has six subsites with the catalytic site located between the third and fourth subsites from the non-reducing end side. Subsite affinities were calculated to be 0.38, 5.46, 2.72 and 0.23 kcal/mol for subsites 1, 2, 5 and 6, respectively, and the sum of the affinities of subsite 3 and 4 to be ?3.41 kcal/mol. The unique action mode of this α-amylase on various substrates was interpreted in terms of the subsite structure.  相似文献   

The MYLK gene encodes the multifunctional enzyme, myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), involved in isoform-specific non-muscle and smooth muscle contraction and regulation of vascular permeability during inflammation. Three MYLK SNPs (P21H, S147P, V261A) alter the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the non-muscle isoform of MLCK (nmMLCK) and are highly associated with susceptibility to acute lung injury (ALI) and asthma, especially in individuals of African descent. To understand the functional effects of SNP associations, we examined the N-terminal segments of nmMLCK by 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC) spectroscopy, a 2-D NMR technique, and by in silico molecular modeling. Both NMR analysis and molecular modeling indicated SNP localization to loops that connect the immunoglobulin-like domains of nmMLCK, consistent with minimal structural changes evoked by these SNPs. Molecular modeling analysis identified protein-protein interaction motifs adversely affected by these MYLK SNPs including binding by the scaffold protein 14-3-3, results confirmed by immunoprecipitation and western blot studies. These structure-function studies suggest novel mechanisms for nmMLCK regulation, which may confirm MYLK as a candidate gene in inflammatory lung disease and advance knowledge of the genetic underpinning of lung-related health disparities.  相似文献   

The mechanism whereby sulfonamyl diuretics are effective is through the blockage of the renal tubular reabsorption of chloride. The excretion of sodium, potassium and water is a passive one to maintain ionic equilibrium. Chlorothiazide has been shown to be almost ineffective as a diuretic agent per se. Although it does block a moiety of the renal tubular reabsorption of bicarbonate, the effect is merely a transient one.  相似文献   

Tailed bacteriophages and herpesviruses consist of a structurally well conserved dodecameric portal at a special 5-fold vertex of the capsid. The portal plays critical roles in head assembly, genome packaging, neck/tail attachment, and genome ejection. Although the structures of portals from phages φ29, SPP1, and P22 have been determined, their mechanistic roles have not been well understood. Structural analysis of phage T4 portal (gp20) has been hampered because of its unusual interaction with the Escherichia coli inner membrane. Here, we predict atomic models for the T4 portal monomer and dodecamer, and we fit the dodecamer into the cryo-electron microscopy density of the phage portal vertex. The core structure, like that from other phages, is cone shaped with the wider end containing the “wing” and “crown” domains inside the phage head. A long “stem” encloses a central channel, and a narrow “stalk” protrudes outside the capsid. A biochemical approach was developed to analyze portal function by incorporating plasmid-expressed portal protein into phage heads and determining the effect of mutations on head assembly, DNA translocation, and virion production. We found that the protruding loops of the stalk domain are involved in assembling the DNA packaging motor. A loop that connects the stalk to the channel might be required for communication between the motor and the portal. The “tunnel” loops that project into the channel are essential for sealing the packaged head. These studies established that the portal is required throughout the DNA packaging process, with different domains participating at different stages of genome packaging.  相似文献   

The activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC1.1.1.27) is often changed upon inflammatory responses in animals. Lanthanoid (Ln) was shown to provoke various inflammatory responses both in rats and mice; however, the molecular mechanism by which Ln3+ exert its toxicity has not been completely understood, especially that we know little about the mechanism of the interaction between Ln with 4f electron shell and alternation valence and LDH. In this report, we investigated the mechanisms of LaCl3, CeCl3, and NdCl3 on LDH activity in vivo and in vitro. Our results showed that La3+, Ce3+, and Nd3+ could significantly activate LDH in vivo and in vitro; the order of activation was Ce3+?>?Nd3+?>?La3+?>?control. The affinity of LDH for Ce3+ was higher than Nd3+ and La3+; the saturated binding sites for Ce3+ on the LDH protein were 1.2 and for La3+ and Nd3+ 1.55. Ln3+ caused the reduction of exposure degree of cysteine or tryptophan/tyrosine of LDH, the increase of space resistance, and the enhancement of α-helix in secondary structure of LDH, which was greatest in Ce3+ treatment, medium in Nd3+ treatment, and least in La3+ treatment. It implied that the changes of structure–function on LDH caused by Ln3+ were closely related to the characteristics of 4f electron shell and alternation valence in Ln.  相似文献   

The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a specialized macromolecular complex dedicated to the delivery of protein effectors into both eukaryotic and bacterial cells. The general mechanism of action of the T6SS is similar to the injection of DNA by contractile bacteriophages. The cytoplasmic portion of the T6SS is evolutionarily, structurally and functionally related to the phage tail complex. It is composed of an inner tube made of stacked Hcp hexameric rings, engulfed within a sheath and built on a baseplate. This sheath undergoes cycles of extension and contraction, and the current model proposes that the sheath contraction propels the inner tube toward the target cell for effector delivery. The sheath comprises two subunits: TssB and TssC that polymerize under an extended conformation. Here, we show that isolated TssB forms trimers, and we report the crystal structure of a C-terminal fragment of TssB. This fragment comprises a long helix followed by a helical hairpin that presents surface-exposed charged residues. Site-directed mutagenesis coupled to functional assay further showed that these charges are required for proper assembly of the sheath. Positioning of these residues in the extended T6SS sheath structure suggests that they may mediate contacts with the baseplate.  相似文献   

In greenhouse experiments, plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) Serratia marcescens NBRI1213 was evaluated for plant growth promotion and biologic control of foot and root rot of betelvine caused by Phytophthora nicotianae. Bacterization of betelvine (Piper betle L.) cuttings with S. marcescens NBRI1213 induced phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, peroxidase, and polyphenoloxidase activities in leaf and root. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of phenolic compounds was done through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in leaf and root of betelvine after treatment with S. marcescens NBRI1213 and infection by P. nicotianae. Major phenolics detected were gallic, protocatechuic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic, and ellagic acids by comparison of their retention time with standards through HPLC. In all of the treated plants, synthesis of phenolic compounds was enhanced compared with control. Maximum accumulation of phenolics was increased in S. marcescens NBRI1213–treated plants infected with P. nicotianae. In a greenhouse test, bacterization using S. marcescens NBRI1213 decreased the number of diseased plants compared with nonbacterized controls. There were significant growth increases in shoot length, shoot dry weight, root length, and root dry weight, averaging 81%, 68%, 152%, and 290%, respectively, greater than untreated controls. This is the first report of PGPR–mediated induction of phenolics for biologic control and their probable role in protecting betelvine against P. nicotianae, an important soil-borne phytopathogenic fungus.  相似文献   

Benzene-1,3-di-N-n-octylcarbamate (1), benzene-1-hydroxyl-3-N-n-octylcarbamate (2), benzene-1,3-di-N-n-ocztylthiocarbamate (3), and benzene-1-hydroxyl-3-N-n-octylthiocarbamate (4) are synthesized from 1,3-benzene-diol and are characterized as the pseudo-substrate inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, cholesterol esterase, lipase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. For these six enzyme inhibitions by 1-4, the pKi values are linearly correlated with their log ki values - Br?nsted plots. Therefore, 1-4 inhibit these enzymes through a common mechanism. Moreover, both pKi and log ki values for the inhibitions by 1,3, and 4 are linearly correlated with both pKi and log ki values for the inhibitions by 2, respectively. Thus, the pKi values for the inhibitions by 2 are defined as the nucleophilicity constants of these enzymes (nenzyme). The log k2 values for the inhibitions by 1-4 are also linearly correlated with the nenzyme values. Therefore, the nucleophilicity for serine hydrolases and proteases toward 1-4 also applies the Swain-Scott correlations.  相似文献   

Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) is a reproducible, rapid and quite simple method for the detection of deletions/insertions/rearrangements in polymerase chain reaction amplified DNA. All the details for the use of PCR–SSCP are presented in the direction of genetic diseases (β-thalassaemia, cystic fibrosis), optimum gel conditions, sensitivity and the latest modifications of the method, which are applied in most laboratories. This non-radioactive PCR–SSCP method can be reliably used to identify mutations in patients (β-globin, CFTR), provided suitable controls are available. Moreover, it is widely used for mutation identification in carriers (β-thalassaemia, cystic fibrosis), making it particularly useful in population screening.  相似文献   

Organophosphonates such as isopropyl metylphosphonofluoridate (sarin) are extremely toxic as they phosphonylate the catalytic serine residue of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), an enzyme essential to humans and other species. Design of effective AChE reactivators as antidotes to various organophosphonates requires information on how the reactivators interact with the phosphonylated AChEs. However, such information has not been available hitherto because of three main challenges. First, reactivators are generally flexible in order to change from the ground state to the transition state for reactivation; this flexibility discourages determination of crystal structures of AChE in complex with effective reactivators that are intrinsically disordered. Second, reactivation occurs upon binding of a reactivator to the phosphonylated AChE. Third, the phosphorous conjugate can develop resistance to reactivation. We have identified crystallographic conditions that led to the determination of a crystal structure of the sarinnonaged-conjugated mouse AChE in complex with [(E)-[1-[(4-carbamoylpyridin-1-ium-1-yl)methoxymethyl]pyridin-2-ylidene]methyl]-oxoazanium dichloride (HI-6) at a resolution of 2.2 Å. In this structure, the carboxyamino-pyridinium ring of HI-6 is sandwiched by Tyr124 and Trp286, however, the oxime-pyridinium ring is disordered. By combining crystallography with microsecond molecular dynamics simulation, we determined the oxime-pyridinium ring structure, which shows that the oxime group of HI-6 can form a hydrogen-bond network to the sarin isopropyl ether oxygen, and a water molecule is able to form a hydrogen bond to the catalytic histidine residue and subsequently deprotonates the oxime for reactivation. These results offer insights into the reactivation mechanism of HI-6 and design of better reactivators.  相似文献   


We propose that the angular unfolding of atomic density distributions exposes some main features of liquid structure. Examples are the mass and the angular location of major maxima. Such structural features constitute a useful starting point for the analysis of liquid structure. To demonstrate this we have analyzed a molecular dynamics trajectory of an equimolar water-acetonitrile mixture. A new method to characterize the extrema of density distributions is used for the analysis. Using this method we draw some conclusions about different types of hydrogen bonds, their lifetimes, and their associated transition probabilities. We also draw some conclusions about recurrent molecular pair configurations.  相似文献   

3-Methylitaconate-Δ-isomerase (Mii) participates in the nicotinate fermentation pathway of the anaerobic soil bacterium Eubacterium barkeri (order Clostridiales) by catalyzing the reversible conversion of (R)-3-methylitaconate (2-methylene-3-methylsuccinate) to 2,3-dimethylmaleate. The enzyme is also able to catalyze the isomerization of itaconate (methylenesuccinate) to citraconate (methylmaleate) with ca 10-fold higher Km but > 1000-fold lower kcat. The gene mii from E. barkeri was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The protein produced with a C-terminal Strep-tag exhibited the same specific activity as the wild-type enzyme. The crystal structure of Mii from E. barkeri has been solved at a resolution of 2.70 Å. The asymmetric unit of the P212121 unit cell with parameters a = 53.1 Å, b = 142.3 Å, and c = 228.4 Å contains four molecules of Mii. The enzyme belongs to a group of isomerases with a common structural feature, the so-called diaminopimelate epimerase fold. The monomer of 380 amino acid residues has two topologically similar domains exhibiting an α/β-fold. The active site is situated in a cleft between these domains. The four Mii molecules are arranged as a tetramer with 222 symmetry for the N-terminal domains. The C-terminal domains have different relative positions with respect to the N-terminal domains resulting in a closed conformation for molecule A and two distinct open conformations for molecules B and D. The C-terminal domain of molecule C is disordered. The Mii active site contains the putative catalytic residues Lys62 and Cys96, for which mechanistic roles are proposed based on a docking experiment of the Mii substrate complex. The active sites of Mii and the closely related PrpF, most likely a methylaconitate Δ-isomerase, have been compared. The overall architecture including the active-site Lys62, Cys96, His300, and Ser17 (Mii numbering) is similar. This positioning of (R)-3-methylitaconate allows Cys96 (as thiolate) to deprotonate C-3 and (as thiol) to donate a proton to the methylene carbon atom of the resulting allylic carbanion. Interestingly, the active site of isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase type I also contains a cysteine that cooperates with glutamate rather than lysine. It has been proposed that the initial step in this enzyme is a protonation generating a tertiary carbocation intermediate.  相似文献   

We find that both Brevundimonas diminuta and Serratia marcescens can grow through sterilizing grade filter membranes of different membrane polymer compositions. Although this passage does not occur on a consistent basis, generation of “grow-through positive” results indicate that grow-through can occur stochastically at basal levels. This observation argues that the following risk mitigation strategies during pharmaceutical aseptic processing are warranted: minimization of processing times, and monitoring, minimizing and characterizing pre–filter bioburden.  相似文献   

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