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Summary PGE2 and LTC4 syntheses in Ehrlich ascites cells were measured by radioimmunoassay. Hypotonic swelling results in stimulation of the leukotriene synthesis and a concomitant reduction in the prostaglandin synthesis. If the cells have access to sufficient arachidonic acid there is a parallel increase in the synthesis of both leukotrienes and prostaglandins following hypotonic exposure. PGE2 significantly inhibits regulatory volume decrease (RVD) following hypotonic swelling in Na-containing medium but not in Na-free media, supporting the hypothesis that the effect of PGE2 is on the Na permeability. PGE2 also had no effect on RVD in Na-free media in the presence of the cation ionophore gramicidin. Since the Cl permeability becomes rate limiting for RVD in the presence of gramicidin, whereas the K permeability is rate limiting in its absence, it is concluded that PGE2 neither affects Cl nor K permeability. Addition of LTD4 accelerates RVD and since the K permeability is rate limiting for RVD this shows that LTD4 stimulates the K permeability. Inhibition of the leukotriene synthesis by nordihydroguaiaretic acid inhibits RVD even when a high K conductance has been ensured by the presence of gramicidin. It is, therefore, proposed that an increase in leukotriene synthesis after hypotonic swelling is involved also in the activation of the Cl transport pathway.  相似文献   

The taurine efflux from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells is stimulated by hypotonic cell swelling. The swelling-activated taurine efflux is unaffected by substitution of gluconate for extracellular Cl but inhibited by addition of MK196 (anion channel blocker) and 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS; anion channel and anion exchange blocker) and by depolarization of the cell membrane. This is taken to indicate that taurine does not leave the osmotically swollen Ehrlich cells in exchange for extracellular Cl, i.e., via the anion exchanger but via a MK196- and DIDS-sensitive channel that is potential dependent. An additional stimulation of the swelling-activated taurine efflux is seen after addition of arachidonic acid and oleic acid. Cell swelling also activates a Mini Cl channel. The Cl efflux via this Cl channel, in contrast to the swelling-activated taurine efflux, is unaffected by DIDS and inhibited by arachidonic acid and oleic acid. It is suggested that the swelling-activated Mini Cl channel and the swelling-activated taurine channel in the Ehrlich cell represent two distinct types of channels.This work was supported by the Danish Natural Research Council and by the NOVO foundation. Dr. Birte Kramhøft is acknowledged for critical reading of this paper.  相似文献   

Summary The nature of the leukotriene-D4 (LTD4) induced cell shrinkage in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells has been investigated. LTD4 treatment of Ehrlich cells induces net loss of cellular KCl and cell shrinkage independent of the initial cell volume. LTD4 also produces water loss and reduction in cell volume when all extracellular and all intracellular Cl has been replaced by NO3. On the other hand, LTD4 fails to produce any significant changes in cell volume in the presence of the K-channel blocker quinine, suggesting that LTD4 in Ehrlich cells induces Cl-independent K loss through the Ca2+-dependent K channels. However, the effect of physiological doses of LTD4 on cell volume seems not to be as potent in Cl-free, NO3 cells when compared to Cl-containing cells, indicating that LTD4 in Ehrlich cells also provokes Cl-dependent K loss. LTD4 seems not to produce K loss through an electroneutral K+/H+ exchange system. LTD4 still produces Cl-independent K loss and cell shrinkage in the presence of the anticalmodulin drug pimozide but not in the presence of the LTD4 receptor antagonist L-649,923 or the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor NDGA. Pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin, which inactivates inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G-proteins), leads to partial inhibition of the LTD4-induced shrinkage. It is suggested that the LTD4-induced activation of K and Cl transporting systems in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells is mediated via a G-protein coupled receptor and that LTD4 might exert its effect through another lipoxygenase product. The Ca2+-calmodulin complex is not involved in the LTD4-induced activation of K and Cl transporting systems.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of 5,15-dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5,15-diHETE) in leukocytes involves consecutive oxygenation of arachidonic acid by 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) and 15-LOX in either order. Here, we analyzed the contribution of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 to the biosynthesis of 5,15-diHETE and 5,11-diHETE in isolated human leukocytes activated with lipopolysaccharide and calcium ionophore A23187. Transformation of arachidonic acid was initiated by 5-LOX providing 5S-HETE as a substrate for COX-2 forming 5S,15S-diHETE, 5S,15R-diHETE, and 5S,11R-diHETE as shown by LC/MS and chiral phase HPLC analyses. The levels of 5,15-diHETE were 0.45 ± 0.2 ng/106 cells (mean ± SEM, n = 6), reaching about half the level of LTB4 (1.3 ± 0.5 ng/106 cells, n = 6). The COX-2 specific inhibitor NS-398 reduced the levels of 5,15-diHETE to below 0.02 ng/106 cells in four of six samples. Similar reduction was achieved by MK-886, an inhibitor of 5-LOX activating protein but the above differences were not statistically significant. Aspirin treatment of the activated cells allowed formation of 5,15-diHETE (0.1 ± 0.05 ng/106 cells, n = 6) but, as expected, abolished formation of 5,11-diHETE. The mixture of activated cells also produced 5S,12S-diHETE with the unusual 6E,8Z,10E double bond configuration, implicating biosynthesis by 5-LOX and 12-LOX activity rather than by hydrolysis of the leukotriene A4-epoxide. Exogenous octadeuterated 5S-HETE and 15S-HETE were converted to 5,15-diHETE, implicating that multiple oxygenation pathways of arachidonic acid occur in activated leukocytes. The contribution of COX-2 to the biosynthesis of dihydroxylated derivatives of arachidonic acid provides evidence for functional coupling with 5-LOX in activated human leukocytes.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular mechanisms by which treatment of the human osteoblast-like cell line MG-63 with interleukin 1beta (IL-1) and/or fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF-1) elicited prostaglandin biosynthesis. IL-1 induced a 5-fold increase in PGE(2) production compared to controls. While treatment with FGF-1 alone did not affect PGE(2) biosynthesis, it enhanced the formation of PGE(2) by IL-1 by an additional 3- to 5-fold. IL-1-induced PGE(2) biosynthesis accompanied increases in steady-state levels of mRNAs encoding cPLA(2) (10- to 15-fold) and PGHS-2 (>3-fold) and concomitant increases in cPLA(2) protein (>3-fold) and PGHS-2 protein (>1. 5-fold). FGF-1 treatment did not affect PGHS-2 gene expression, but enhanced the effect of IL-1 on PGHS-2 expression by an additional 2- to 3-fold. FGF-1 alone enhanced cPLA(2) expression (5-fold), and the combined effects of FGF-1 and IL-1 on cPLA(2) expression were additive. There was no measurable effect of either agonist on PGHS-1 expression. We also discovered that induction of PGE(2) biosynthesis in response to IL-1 or IL-1/FGF-1 was affected by the density of MG-63 cells in culture. Subconfluent cultures displayed a 3- to 10-fold greater response to IL-1 or IL-1/FGF-1 than confluent cultures. The decreased PGE(2) induction by IL-1 in confluent cultures was associated with reduced IL-1 receptor expression. We conclude that the signaling pathways resulting in PGE(2) biosynthesis in response to proinflammatory agents like IL-1 are subject to complex regulation by additional soluble mediators as well as cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix interactions.  相似文献   

Summary The Ehrlich tumor cell possesses and anion-cation cotransport system which operates as a bidirectional exchanger during the physiological steady state. This cotransport system, like that associated with the volume regulatory mechanism (i.e. coupled net uptake of Cl+Na+ and/or K+) is Cl-selective and furosemide-sensitive, suggesting the same mechanism operating in two different modes. Since Na+ has an important function in the volume regulatory response, its role in steady-state cotransport was investigated. In the absence of Na+, ouabain-insensitive K+ and DIDS-insensitive Cl transport (KCl cotransport) are low and equivalent to that found in 150mm Na+ medium containing furosemide. Increasing the [Na+] results in parallel increases in K+ and Cl transport. The maximum rate of each (18 to 20 meq/(kg dry wt)·min) is reached at about 20mm Na+ and is maintained up to 55mm. Thus, over the range 1 to 55mm Na+ the stoichiometry of KCl cotransport is 11. In contrast to K+ and Cl, furosemide-sensitive Na+ transport is undetectable until the [Na+] exceeds 50mm. From 50 to 150mm Na+, it progressively rises to 7 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, while K+ and Cl transport decrease to 9 and 16 meq/(kg dry wt)·min, respectively. Thus, at 150mm Na+ the stoichiometric relationship between Cl, Na+ and K+ is 211. These results are consistent with the proposal that the Cl-dependent cation cotransport system when operating during the steady state mediates the exchange of KCl for KCl or NaCl for NaCl; the relative proportion of each determined by the extracellular [Na+].  相似文献   

Summary.  In daunorubicin resistant Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (DNR), the initial taurine uptake was reduced by 56% as compared to the parental, drug sensitive Ehrlich cells. Kinetic experiments indicated that taurine uptake in Ehrlich cells occurs via both high- and low-affinity transporters. The maximal rate constant for the initial taurine uptake was reduced by 45% (high-affinity system) and 49% (low affinity system) in the resistant subline whereas the affinity of the transporters to taurine was unchanged. By immunoblotting we identified 3 TauT protein bands in the 50–70 kDa region. A visible reduction in the intensity of the band with the lowest molecular weight was observed in resistant cells. Quantitative RT-PCR indicated a significant reduction in the amount of taurine transporter mRNA in the resistant cells. Drug resistance in DNR Ehrlich cells is associated with overexpression of the mdr1 gene product P-glycoprotein (P-gp). Using 5 progressively DNR resistant Ehrlich cell sublines with different P-gp expression pattern no correlation between taurine uptake and P-gp expression was found. Taurine uptake in MDR1 transfected NIH/3T3 mouse fibroblasts was in contrast to the findings in Ehrlich cells increased compared to the parental fibroblasts. It is concluded that the reduced taurine uptake in resistant Ehrlich cells reflects a down regulation of the taurine transporter at the mRNA and protein level and it is most probably not related to P-gp overexpression. Received October 22, 2001 Accepted November 26, 2001  相似文献   

pH i recovery in acid-loaded Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and pH i maintenance at steady-state were studied using the fluorescent probe BCECF.Both in nominally HCO 3 -free media and at 25 mm HCO 3 , the measured pH i (7.26 and 7.82, respectively) was significantly more alkaline than the pH i . value calculated assuming the transmembrane HCO 3 gradient to be equal to the Cl gradient. Thus, pH i in these cells is not determined by the Cl gradient and by Cl/HCO 3 exchange.pH i recovery following acid loading by propionate exposure, NH 4 + withdrawal, or CO2 exposure is mediated by amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange in HCO3 free media, and in the presence of HCO 3 (25 mm) by DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange. A significant residual pH i recovery in the presence of both amiloride and DIDS suggests an additional role for a primary active H+ pump in pH i regulation. pH i maintenance at steady-state involves both Na+/H+ exchange and Na+-dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange.Acute removal of external Cl induces a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-dependent alkalinization, taken to represent HCO 3 influx in exchange for cellular Cl. Measurements of 36Cl efflux into Cl-free gluconate media with and without Na+ and/or HCO 3 (10 mm) directly demonstrate a DIDS-sensitive, Na+ dependent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at slightly acidic pH i (pHo 6.8), and a DIDS-sensitive, Na+-independent Cl/HCO 3 exchange operating at alkaline pH i (pH o 8.2).The excellent technical assistance of Marianne Schiødt and Birgit B. Jørgensen is gratefully acknowledged. The work was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (B.K.) and by a grant from the Danish Natural Science Foundation (E.K.H. and L.O.S.).  相似文献   

The effect of bradykinin on prostaglandin E2 formation in cells from human trabecular bone has been studied. The cells responded to parathyroid hormone with enhanced cyclic AMP formation and were growing as cuboidal-shaped, osteoblast-like cells. In these isolated human osteoblast-like cells, bradykinin (1 mol/l) caused a rapid (5 min) stimulation of prostaglandin E2 formation. This finding indicates that human osteoblasts are equipped with receptors for bradykinin linked to an increase in prostaglandin formation.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that the oxysterol potentiation of arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin biosynthesis induced by foetal calf serum activation of normal rat kidney (NRK) cells (fibroblastic clone 49F) was not related to a direct effect of oxysterols on cell free Ca2+ level. Since both Ca2+ variations and protein C are involved in arachidonic acid release in some models, we looked for a possible modulation by protein C in the oxysterol effect on arachidonic acid release. We show that when the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13acetate (TPA), a protein kinase C activator, was added to the culture medium, the oxyterol effect on arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin synthesis clearly increased. Moreover, the effect of TPA was dose-dependent and TPA EC50 (4 × 10−9 M) was unchanged in the presence of the oxysterol. Preincubation of cells with TPA for 24 h prevented the arachidonic acid release induced by TPA alone, whereas the oxysterol effect was decreased but not abolished. In the absence of serum, TPA and ionomycin added together induced the same noticeable (arachidonic acid) release and PGE2 synthesis as serum alone. Nevertheless, the potentiating effect of cholest-5-ene-3β,25-diol was much higher when serum itself was used to activate NRK cells than it was in the present serum-mimicking experimental conditions. Thus, the presence of growth factors is probably required to obtain a full oxysterol effect. We conclude that the oxysterol effect was synergistic with, but not fully dependent on, protein kinase C and Ca2+ ion fluxes, therefore oxysterols could affed earlier events triggered by serum growth factor binding to their cell membrane receptors.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that mediated Cl- transport which occurs by at least two processes (Cl- -dependent cation cotransport and Cl- self-exchange) becomes progressively inhibited when extracellular Cl- exceeds about 60 mM (Hoffmann et al., 1979). To account for this type of kinetic behavior, that is, self-inhibition, an anion transport system possessing two sites, a high affinity transport site and a lower affinity modifier site is suggested (Dalmark, 1976). In the present experiments we have attempted to determine which of the mediated transport pathways is susceptible to self-inhibition by studying the dependence of the steady state Cl- flux on the extracellular Cl- concentration and how DIDS, an inhibitor of Cl- self-exchange, and H + affect this relationship. Addition of DIDS to Ehrlich cells results in inhibition of Cl- transport at every Cl- concentration tested (40-150 mM). Moreover, the Cl- flux/Cl- concentration relationship no longer exhibits self-inhibition, suggesting that this phenomenon is a characteristic of the Cl- self-exchanger rather than of the Cl- -dependent cation cotransport system. Lowering the extracellular pH (pHo) from 7.35 to 5.30 stimulates Cl- transport by a process that saturates with respect to [H +]. Half-maximal stimulation occurs at pHo 6.34. A comparison of the kinetic parameters, Ks and Jmax, calculated from the ascending limb of the Cl- flux/Cl- concentration curve at pHo 7.30 to those at pHo 5.50 show that the values for Ks are almost identical (23.6 mM and 21.3 mM, respectively), while the values for Jmax [22.2 mEq/Kg dry wt) X min] differ by only 15%. This finding along with the observation that DIDS completely blocks H + stimulation of Cl- transport is compatible with the suggestion that H + interact at the modifer site of the Cl- self-exchanger and thereby prevents self-inhibition.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase activities from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, partially purified by DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose chromatography were inhibited by quercetin. The cyclic AMP in the tumor ascites cells and the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity from this tumor and from bovine and mouse tissues were unaffected by this drug. Since we reported that quercetin elevates cyclic AMP level in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, this bioflavonoid may have a dual effect on the protein kinae activities in these cells, thus, increasing the cyclic AMP-dependent and decreasing the cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase activities.  相似文献   

Native vesicles isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells accumulate glutamine by means of Na+-dependent transport systems; thiocyanate seems to be the more effective anion. The apparent affinity constant for the process was 0.38 mM. The Arrhenius plot gave an apparent activation energy of 12.3 kJ/mol. The structural analogs of glutamine, acivicin (2.5 mM) and azaserine (2.5 mM), inhibited the net uptake by 67 and 70%, respectively. The sulfhydryl reagents mersalyl, PCMBS, NEM, and DTNB also inhibited net uptake, suggesting that sulfhydryl groups may be involved in the activity of the carrier protein. A strong inhibition was detected when the vesicles were incubated in the presence of alanine, cysteine, or serine; in addition, histidine, but not glutamate or leucine, had a negative effect on glutamine transport.  相似文献   

The steady state transport and distribution of chloride between the intracellular and extracellular phases was investigated when the extracellular chloride concentration was varied by isosmotic replacement with nitrate, bromide and acetate. The results of these experiments show that chloride transport, measured by uptake of 36Cl, is sensitive to the replacement anion. In the presence of nitrate, chloride transport is a linear function of the extracellular chloride concentration. The relationship between chloride transport and extracellular chloride in the presence of bromide is concave upward which suggests that this anion inhibits chloride movement. However, when acetate replaces chloride, the relationship between chloride transport and extracellular chloride is concave downward. The chloride distribution ratio of cells incubated in 145-155mM chloride medium is 0.386 and is not effected by the replacement of chloride with nitrate, bromide or acetate. These findings are consistent with the assertion that chloride transport is composed of two parallel pathways, a diffusional plus a saturating, mediated component. Of the total chloride flux (9.1 mmoles Cl-/kg dry weight per minute) measured in chloride medium (145-155 mM Cl-), the mediated component represents 40% and the diffusional component 60%.  相似文献   

Sequence homologues of the bacterium Streptomyces violaceoruber and sea anemone Nematostella vectensis PLA2 pfam09056 members were identified in several bacteria, fungi and metazoans illustrating the evolution of this PLA2 sub-family. Comparison of their molecular structures revealed that bacteria and fungi members are part of the GXIV of PLA2s while metazoan representatives are similar with GIX PLA2 of the marine snail Conus magus. Members of GXIV and GIX PLA2s show modest overall sequence similarity (21–35%) but considerable motif conservation within the putative Ca2+-binding, catalytic sites and cysteine residue positions which are essential for enzyme function. GXIV PLA2s of bacteria and fungi typically contain four cysteine residues composing two intramolecular disulphide bonds. GIX PLA2 homologues were identified in cnidarians and molluscs and in a single tunicate but appear to be absent from other metazoan genomes. The mature GIX PLA2 deduced peptides contain up to ten cysteine residues capable of forming five putative disulphide bonds. Three disulphide bonds were identified in GIX PLA2s, two of which correspond to those localized in GXIV PLA2s. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that metazoan GIX PLA2s cluster separate from the bacterial and fungal GXIV PLA2s and both pfam09056 members form a group separate from the prokaryote and eukaryote GXIIA PLA2 pfam06951. Duplicate PLA2 pfam09056 genes were identified in the genomes of sea anemone N. vectensis and oyster Crassostrea gigas suggest that members of this family evolved via species-specific duplication events. These observations indicate that the newly identified metazoan pfam09056 members may be classified as GIX PLA2s and support the idea of the common evolutionary origin of GXIV and GIX PLA2 pfam09056 members, which emerged early in bacteria and were maintained in the genomes of fungi and selected extant metazoan taxa.  相似文献   

Summary Furosemide-binding proteins were isolated from cholate-solubilized membranes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by affinity chromatography, using furosemide as ligand. Solubilized proteins retarded by the affinity material were eluted by furosemide. In reducing and denaturing gels, the major proteins eluted by furosemide were 100 and 45 kDa. In nonreducing, nondenaturing gels, homodimers of both polypeptides were found, whereas no oligomeric proteins containing both polypeptides were seen. It is concluded that the furosemide gel binds two distinct dimeric proteins. The isolated proteins were reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and the K+ transport activity of these vesicles was assayed by measurement of86Rb+ uptake against a large opposing K+ gradient. The reconstituted system was found to contain a K+ transporting protein, which is sensitive to Ba2+ like the K+ channel previously demonstrated to be activated in intact cells after cell swelling.  相似文献   

1. Normoxia-anoxia transitions and use of glycolytic inhibitors and substrates have made possible a distinction between NAD(P)H redox changes in the mitochondrial and cytosolic compartments of ELD (Ehrlich-Lettré hyperdiploid) ascites tumour cells.  相似文献   

Two phospholipases A2 (PLA2) fromNaja naja atra andNaja nigricollis snake venoms were subjected to tyrosine modification withp-nitrobenzenesulfonyl fluoride (NBSF) atpH 8.0. Three major NBS derivatives from each PLA2 were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results of amino acid analysis showed that only two Tyr residues out of nine were modified, and the modified residues were identified to be Tyr-3 and Tyr-63 (or Tyr-62) in the sequence. Spectrophotometric titration indicated that the phenolic group of Tyr-3 and Tyr-63 (or Tyr-62) had apK of 10.1 and 11.0, respectively. The reactivity of Tyr-3 toward NBSF was not affected in the presence or absence of Ca 2+; however, the reactivity of Tyr-63 (or Tyr-62) toward NBSF was greatly enhanced by Ca2+. Modification of Tyr-63 (or Tyr-62) resulted in a marked decrease in both lethality and enzymatic activity. Conversely, modification of Tyr-3 inN. naja atra PLA2 could cause more than a sixfold increase in lethal potency, in sharp contrast to the loss of enzymatic activity.Tyrosine-63-modifiedN. naja atra PLA2 exhibited the same Ca2+-induced difference spectra as that of native PLA2, indicating that the Ca2+-binding ability of Tyr-63-modifiedN. naja atra PLA2 was not impaired. However, Tyr-3-modified PLA2 and all Tyr-modifiedN. nigricollis CMS-9 were not perturbed by Ca2+, revealing that the Ca2+-binding ability have been lost after tyrosine modification. These results suggest that Tyr-62 inN. nigricollis CMS-9 and Tyr-3 in both enzymes are involved in Ca2+ binding. AtpH 8.0, both native PLA2 enzymes enhance the emission intensity of 8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) dramatically, while all of the Tyr-modified derivatives did not enhance the emission intensity at all either in the presence or absence of Ca2+, suggesting that the hydrophobic pocket that interacts with ANS might be the substrate binding site, in which Tyr-3 and Tyr-63 (or Tyr-62) are involved.  相似文献   

Lipoic acid (LA) is a naturally occurring compound with beneficial effects on obesity. The aim of this study was to evaluate its effects on lipolysis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and the mechanisms involved. Our results revealed that LA induced a dose- and time-dependent lipolytic action, which was reversed by pretreatment with the c-Jun N-terminal kinase inhibitor SP600125, the PKA inhibitor H89, and the AMP-activated protein kinase activator AICAR. In contrast, the PI3K/Akt inhibitor LY294002 and the PDE3B antagonist cilostamide enhanced LA-induced lipolysis. LA treatment for 1 h did not modify total protein content of hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) but significantly increased the phosphorylation of HSL at Ser563 and at Ser660, which was reversed by H89. LA treatment also induced a marked increase in PKA-mediated perilipin phosphorylation. LA did not significantly modify the protein levels of adipose triglyceride lipase or its activator comparative gene identification 58 (CGI-58) and inhibitor G(0)/G(1) switch gene 2 (G0S2). Furthermore, LA caused a significant inhibition of adipose-specific phospholipase A2 (AdPLA) protein and mRNA levels in parallel with a decrease in the amount of prostaglandin E2 released and an increase in cAMP content. Together, these data suggest that the lipolytic actions of LA are mainly mediated by phosphorylation of HSL through cAMP-mediated activation of protein kinase A probably through the inhibition of AdPLA and prostaglandin E2.  相似文献   

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